Tag Archives: 15NTC

Nonprofit Radio for September 11, 2015: The 9/11 Giving Effect

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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My Guests:

David Campbell & Cristine Cronin: The 9/11 Giving Effect

David Campbell is associate professor of public administration and department chair at Binghamton University. He has first-hand 9/11 experience from his work as vice president at Community Service Society (NYC) on September 11, 2001.

We talk about his opinion piece from 2011 in The Chronicle of Philanthropy, “The Lessons of 9/11 Philanthropy.”

Then Cristine Cronin, president of NYCharities.org is with me to discuss the first online giving responses to the attacks; what’s changed as a result; lessons learned about responsiveness and collaboration; and the future of the “Donate Now” button.

Both interviews are from Nonprofit Radio on September 9, 2011.


Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

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Nonprofit Radio for September 4, 2015: Video Storytelling & Don’t Tell MY Story

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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Do you want to find more prospects & raise more money? Pursuant is a full-service fundraising agency, leveraging data & technology.

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My Guests:

Yasmin Nguyen & Sheri Chaney Jones: Video Storytelling

In a crowded video internet, how do you tell that compelling story so your message moves others to take action? Sharing their smart strategies are Yasmin Nguyen, CEO of VibranceGlobal, and Sheri Chaney Jones, president of Measurement Resources. We talked at NTC, the Nonprofit Technology Conference, hosted by Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN).



Maria Semple: Don’t Tell MY Story

Maria Semple

The right to be forgotten. Maria Semple explains last year’s EU opinion that Google must remove outdated links from search results. What’s the impact on your prospect research? Also, your donors’ right to privacy. Maria is our prospect research contributor and The Prospect Finder. (Originally aired 6/13/14)



Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

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Nonprofit Radio for July 31, 2015: People Far Away & Files Far Away

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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Do you want to find more prospects & raise more money? Pursuant is a full-service fundraising agency, leveraging data & technology.

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My Guests:

Lisa Jervis & Jeanine ShimatsuPeople Far Away

(l-r) Lisa Jervis & Jeanine Shimatsu at NTC 2015
(l-r) Lisa Jervis & Jeanine Shimatsu at NTC 2015

Distance collaboration—whether a single co-worker telecommutes two days a week or you’ve got offices across multiple time zones—isn’t as easy as vendors would have you think. Let’s talk tools, work habits and organizational practices. Lisa Jervis is principal consultant at Information Ecology and Jeanine Shimatsu is IT specialist for Forward Together. We talked at NTC, the Nonprofit Technology Conference, hosted by Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN).


Tom Moberg: Files Far Away

With Tom Moberg at NTC 2015
With Tom Moberg at NTC 2015

Moving your files to the cloud presents options, obstacles and obligations (don’t make your staff cry!). Tom Moberg, independent strategic technology consultant, talks us through. This is also from NTC.




Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

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Nonprofit Radio for July 17, 2015: Walk to Work & Keep Current After Launch

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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Opportunity Collaboration: This working meeting on poverty reduction is unlike any other event you have attended. No plenary speeches, no panels, no PowerPoints. I was there last year and I’m going this year. It will ruin you for every other conference! October 11-16, Ixtapa, Mexico.

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My Guests:

Beth Kanter & Ritu Sharma: Walk to Work

(l-r) Beth Kanter & Ritu Sharma at NTC 2015

Beth Kanter and Ritu Sharma want you to make walking part of your work day. Not for a break. They share how to work while you walk, including walking meetings, and they swear you’ll be more productive, more creative—and feel better. Beth is a master trainer, author and blogger. Ritu is co-founder and executive director of Social Media for Nonprofits. We talked at NTC, the Nonprofit Technology Conference, hosted by Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN).


Farra Trompeter & Kira MarcheneseKeep Current After Launch

(l-r) Farra Trompeter & Kira Marchenese at NTC 2015

A website redesign is expensive, time-consuming and overwhelming. Starting on day two, how do you keep it current? Farra Trompeter is vice president at Big Duck and Kira Marchenese is senior director, digital strategy + platforms for the Environmental Defense Fund. This is also from NTC.



Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

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Nonprofit Radio for July 10, 2015: Reach The Rural And Marginalized & Discovery Visits

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Our Sponsor:

Opportunity Collaboration: This working meeting on poverty reduction is unlike any other event you have attended. No plenary speeches, no panels, no PowerPoints. I was there last year and I’m going this year. It will ruin you for every other conference! October 11-16, Ixtapa, Mexico.

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My Guests:

Osvaldo GomezReach The Rural And Marginalized

Osvaldo Gomez reveals lessons learned as he used online, mobile & cloud technology to improve health care outcomes in hard to reach communities. He’s technology director at Upleaf. We talked at NTC, the Nonprofit Technology Conference, hosted by Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN).



Maria SempleDiscovery Visits

Maria Semple

These one-on-one meetings are critical to your prospect research. Maria Semple, our prospect research contributor and The Prospect Finder, makes sure you’re getting the most out of them. She also shares her recommendations for summer conferences throughout the U.S. that will help your research.



Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

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