Tag Archives: Giving USA

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Video: ALS After Ice Bucket Challenge

200th Nonprofit Radio


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Nonprofit Radio News

TMNR official logo squareA lot’s happening for Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. It’s all good, I love it and I want to share it!

Live Listener Love & Podcast Pleasantries!
I’m so grateful to our 9,000+ listeners, whether live or archive. I produce the show for you. You are the reason Nonprofit Radio is thriving. Thank you!

Last Week’s Show
Last week was the Faceoff. An exhilarating show–I’m not exaggerating!–where Atlas of Giving and Giving USA dealt face-to-face with their issues about each other’s work. This is what Forbes.com dubbed the “philanthropy food fight” and I played cafeteria cop.

There were a few transgressions, but nothing unmanageable. (I did have to turn off someone’s mic.) A few jibes, but no Jargon Jail. 

To Our Contributors:
You’re amazing! I’m so grateful to each of you: Scott Koegler, Gene Takagi, Maria Semple and Amy Sample Ward.

Each month, you take time to prepare and share valuable info for the benefit of small and mid-size nonprofits. Such devotion! You each exemplify what’s great about working in the nonprofit community: sharing; loyalty; expertise; professionalism; and good fun.

You each are a pleasure to work with!

Farewell, Scott!
This Friday is Scott’s swan song. Editor of Nonprofit Technology News, he’s our longest running contributor, at close to three-and-a-half years! I decided to change topics (see below), and I don’t want to have more than four regulars. They are half the show and I want to keep half open for other brilliant guests.

We’ve had a good long run together. Many thanks, Scott!

Welcome, Cindy!
In April, Cindy Gibson will join as our newest contributor–on grants fundraising. She’s principal of Cynthesis Consulting and has over 25 years helping funders (like the Carnegie Corporation) and grantees (including People for the American Way).

And Now, A Word For Our Sponsors:
Thank you! RallyBound, peer-to-peer fundraising, and TBRC, reducing credit card processing fees. I’m very thankful for your support of Nonprofit Radio.

I love producing Nonprofit Radio and I’m grateful to everyone who has a part in this incredibly valuable resource we create each week for nonprofits.

Thank you!

Invitation To Atlas of Giving & Giving USA

Image courtesy of Cranky Pressman, Creative Commons License
Image courtesy of Cranky Pressman, Creative Commons License


To the officers and boards of Atlas of Giving and Giving USA:

Things have gotten heated between you.

Forbes.com dubs it a philanthropy food fight. (I wish I had thought of that.) I am extending an invitation for you to talk to each other, instead of at each other through the media.

Rather than having journalists and editors reduce your explanations to 10-word quotes, let the community hear you directly.

You each are invited to have a representative appear on Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio for a civil discussion and Q & A about your respective products.

The date is Friday, February 7, 1 to 2pm eastern. You are welcome in the NYC studio on West 72nd Street, or by phone.

You may ask each other questions and we’ll crowdsource questions from listeners also. I’m certain we can do this politely. If not, I’ll keep order, with liberal sentences in Jargon Jail.

You each have had guests on the show before, so you know how I work.

RSVP by Thursday, January 30. You know how to reach me because I’ve worked with each of you. Or, put your reply in the comments and let the public dialogue begin!

Nonprofit Radio for June 22, 2012: Giving In 2011 & Tech Talk With Scott

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Listen live or archive:

Tony’s Guests:

Bob Evans
Rob Mitchell
Bob Evans & Rob Mitchell: Giving In 2011

Giving USA and Atlas of Giving use very different methods to report charitable giving. Giving USA is a survey that looks back. The Atlas is a forward-looking prediction. We’ll contrast the methods and hear what each has to say about last year’s giving numbers.


Scott Koegler
Scott Koegler: Tech Talk With Scott

Scott Koegler, our tech contributor and the editor of Nonprofit Technology News, shares the buzz on video sites–many free–that help you make good-looking videos to tell your stories.

Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Fridays, 1-2PM Eastern

Sign-up for show alerts!

Here is the link to the audio podcast: 097: Giving in 2011 & Video Talk With Scott.
View Full Transcript

Nonprofit Radio for June 17, 2011: Giving USA Data Integrity & Google for Nonprofits

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

You can subscribe on iTunes and listen anytime, anyplace on the device of your choice.

Tony’s Guests:

Features editor for The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Holly talks about her coverage of possible shortcomings in Giving USA’s research methods that led to rosier-than-reality estimates of 2009 giving in last year’s report. She tells us what she and others are looking for in this year’s report on 2010 giving. My interview with her was recorded before the 2010 report was released.

Scott Koegler, editor, Nonprofit Technology News. Scott, our regular tech contributor and the editor of Nonprofit Technology News tells me what Google for Nonprofits offers, how to qualify and why it saves your office money. But, there are caveats.


Here is the link to the podcast: 046: Giving USA Data Integrity & Google for Nonprofits


Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Fridays, 1-2PM Eastern

Sign-up for show alerts!

“Like” the show’s Facebook page.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the show’s podcast on iTunes. Download and listen whenever and wherever you want.

Here is a link to the podcast: 046: Giving USA Data Integrity & Google for Nonprofits
View Full Transcript