Tag Archives: Amy Sample Ward

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Video interview with Beth Kanter, master trainer & speaker, from Fundraising Day 2013: Online Engagement & Measurement

Aria Finger, DoSomething.org‘s COO on Mobile Engagement

Amy Sample Ward, Nonprofit Radio’s social media contributor & CEO of Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN): Get Engaged

Video with Jay Frost, CEO of fundraisinginfo.com, from Fundraising Day 2012: From Engagement to Action Online

Shari Ilsen & Lauren Girardin, from NTC, the Nonprofit Technology Conference on “Engagement: Motivating & Measuring”

Nonprofit Radio for August 15, 2014: Female Technologists & Hiring Geeks

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My Guests:

Dahna Goldstein, Rose de Fremery, Tracy Kronzak: Female Technologists 

Dahna Goldstein, Rose de Fremery, Tracy Kronzak
Dahna Goldstein, Rose de Fremery, Tracy Kronzak

Women are underrepresented in nonprofit technology–and leadership. What can your organization do to support the women who make up 60% of nonprofit employees? How can women help their own careers and each other? Dahna Goldstein is founder and CEO of PhilanTech; Rose de Fremery is founder & CEO of lowercase d Consulting; and Tracy Kronzak is consulting manager at Cloud for Good (Recorded at NTEN’s Nonprofit Technology Conference.)



 Amy Sample Ward: Hiring Geeks

Picture of Amy Sample Ward
Amy Sample Ward

Amy Sample Ward, our social media contributor and CEO of NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network, shares strategies for hiring technologists if you’re not technical: job descriptions; interviewing; testing; and onboarding. 




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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. We have a listener of the week, jeff jody he’s, constantly spreading the word about non-profit radio, especially on twitter, is in athens, georgia, and franklin, tennessee. His businesses, lighthouse counsel. At lighthouse council dot com on twitter he’s at jeff jody j o w d y jeff shout out to you! Thank you so, so much for helping spread the word about non-profit radio. Really, i’m very, very grateful for your support. Congratulations on being our listener of the week. Jeff! Jody! Oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d come down with african trypanosomiasis if i heard that you had missed today’s show female technologists, women are underrepresented in non-profit technology and leadership. What can your organization due to support the women who make up sixty percent of non-profit employees? And how can women help their own careers and each other? Our panel interview is from the non-profit technology conference back in april and hiring geeks, maybe sample ward, our social media contributor and ceo of n ten, the non-profit technology network, which hosts the non-profit technology conference, shares her strategies for hiring technologists. If you’re not technical job descriptions, interviewing, testing and onboarding or what we’ll talk about on tony’s, take two a taste of non-profit radio video we’re sponsored by generosity siri’s they host multi charity five k runs and walk here’s the interview from non-profit technology conference on female technologists, welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of ntc twenty fourteen we’re at the marriott wardman park hotel in washington, d c and i am joined by three women. We are going to talk about female technologists leading ourselves on duh leading helping each other, and those three women are dahna goldstein she’s founder and ceo of philantech rose defremery founder and ceo of lower case d consulting, and tracy kronzak, consulting manager at cloud for good ladies. Welcome. Thank you, thank you. Get to be here, let’s. Start furthest away, tracy. Well, why are women so underrepresented in technology? You know, i think it has a lot to do with a few things, you know? I’ll start with a little factoid, and it really is one because women in the nonprofit sector represent almost sixty percent of non-profit staff and on lee, twenty one percent of senior leadership. And that means that when you layer in something like technology, what happens is that you are not on ly coming to the table with already it’s slanted against you when it comes to accessing senior leadership. But all of the things that we talk about at this conference here, such as getting it to the table in the first problem, is prioritizing strategy at an organization you’re fighting that in addition to that slanted table. And lastly, you’re also fighting the factors that actually just make women’s career success something much more difficult than men’s career success because of all the things that you know, you’ll hear from, like strong women leaders in the for-profit sector, like marissa mayer and shell samberg’s, say about mentor ship role models and the ability to access that sort of informal formality that happens there on career promotion. So, you know, we’re here today because this is a time that it’s come from women in the sector, and we’re here today to talk about an issue whose time is necessary to talk about at this conference, and it sounds like women need to be helping each other considerably more than they are absolutely, i mean, the time has come for both women to not only step up to the plate with our own networks but simultaneously, you know, make sure that we’re looking forward for our own careers and put our hands back for people’s careers behind us, most notably other women okay, roughs anything more? You want to add introductory wise us to that topic? Absolutely, uh, the issue of women and technology in our sector, to my knowledge has never really been a formal topic of conversation at this conference, where in other non-profit forums that have been a part of and speaking as someone who has a long career in non-profit before the career, i have now about ten years as a non-profit director, i personally select role models. There weren’t i was one of the only ones around who i could look to as as the person who was performing that function. Uh, and although there’s plenty of networking for tea here at this conference, women in technology that has not been a dedicated for maura dedicated topic of conversation and there’s so much fertile ground. Um, and i’ve had women over plenty of time coming to me because they saw me in this role wanting to have this conversation. I thought, you know what? We really need to be talking about this in a more formal i structured way, okay? And rose in your own career, going backwards as an it professional. Did you feel sort? Of left out. Or did you did you, in fact have the support that we were encouraging? Well, it’s interesting, because some of that is mixed in with the issue that tracy was talking about just now where it is a function can have difficulty getting a seat at the table man or woman. I see my male peers running into this often as well. That being said, ah, yeah, and i think that some of this was, uh, necessary to build on my own networks and support groups of in mentorship opportunities with other women. Um, i didn’t necessarily feel obviously in concrete. Lee left out often, but then rate later on in my career, i began to realize, wait a minute in order to advance my career to the next level, i really need to be doing more in my own professional dahna and figuring some of that out a good amount of it on your own. Exactly. You know, dahna anything you can add the introductory wise. Yeah, i do think that the time has really come to have this conversation and i think even just walking around the conference if you look at the number of women here versus the number of men, you know, a lot of more tech oriented conferences, you’ll see a lot more men than women. But if you come to the auntie si, there are a lot of women so there’s a lot of women representation here, not everybody, is necessarily in a technology function in their organization, and some of that has to do with just the way that it functions are developing and non-profits and that a lot of people, men and women end up being maura kind of accidental techies and sort of being the people in their organization who are in a marketing your communications function, who are just comfortable with technology and end up sort of taking on the role of technologists. So one of the things that we feel is important to talk about is particularly for women but for men as well. When you end up in that accidental techie rule, as technology is becoming really mohr integrated into the mission work of organizations, how khun that transform your job function and potentially your job title so that technology is a more essential part of the role and more cases part of the job. Description in the job function that it’s actually being being pursued and since you’re talking about jobs, you just ended job description and function what what daniken can organizations do? And we’re going to get to the personal level also women helping themselves and each other, but let’s start at the organization level. What would you like to see done differently? Better? There are a number of things, and one is, you know, i do think that this this conversation about women and technology is really tied into the conversation about technology having a seat in the at the table in general s o bringing technology to the table to senior management, but the the staff that that tracey mentioned early on that despite the fact that women represent sixty percent of the jobs and the nonprofit sector on ly twenty one percent of the leadership, i think it’s really important for organizations to grow there women leaders and to grow women who are performing good functions within the organization into leadership roles, promote them into leadership roles, bring them to the table, we’ll bring them us into senior management s so that we can also then provide role models. For people coming behind us. And do you have advice at the board level? The non-profit board could be contributing to this. I mean, i think the board needs to be involved in the conversation. You know, boards are involved in doing things like setting hiring plants and setting compensation plans. So, you know, sometimes the board construction can also be ah, factor dependent. You know, an all male board is more likely to think about things and all male terms. So depending on the board construction, there may be ways to diversify the boards as well. There have been a number of studies that have come out recently in the for-profit sector that outlined the fact that companies that have women on boards and women and senior management rules outperform companies that don’t. You were making that point. Tracy was violently shaking your head. Yes. You want to tell us about one of those surveys? Well, i mean it. Obviously, the facts and statistics are out there. And frankly, one of my favorite terms lately at this conference has been let me google that for you. Because i think, you know, to dana’s point, you know, we have studied the phenomena of women in technology for years we know where the numbers lie for both companies that make conscious efforts to incorporate women’s leadership into their board and senior management. We know how they perform. We know, you know, on awful lot about women. But all of that study is actually, in my opinion, taking the place of riel action. Well, it’s, the kind of writes the chronic that we hear a lot of times by obstructionists needs to be studied more exactly, better studies. The research is not there, right? Yeah, you know, so it’s, like, you know, when people ask me for facts and statistics, i’m like, let me google that for you right now, i’ll tell you so. But on the other hand, it’s, like, you know, the difference now is the time has come for action. And i think what all of us came to the realization during the course of development of this workshop is that in the absence of seeing concrete, organizational action or consistent organizational action in the nonprofit sector, we would start somewhere. And that was kind of the onus for this workshop to beginning with anything more tracy you’d like to add to what dahna suggested still at the organization level, i think of the organization level, the study that most kind of resonates with my own experience is the one that says, you know, organizations that are mostly predominantly run by men always will default to male modalities and hiring and promotions, and it’s not got anything to do other than with communication styles and presentation of career assertiveness that makes those choices happen and very unconscious ways. So we can on ly break that by being much more conscious about elevating women toe boards until leadership positions in the nonprofit sector roughs anything you want to add on the organization level? Uh, well, i’m goingto definitely agree with my colleagues on what they said so far. Um, i also think that it happens at the personal level that women ourselves as technologists are going to have to kind of stretch forward and backward at the same time we’re going to be advancing ourselves and ours, our careers, um, and seeking a seat at the table if it’s not extended and and like tracy said, i don’t necessarily think it’s always a conscious thing, i think that there are defaults in culture that can kind of facilitate this but it’s not necessarily an obstacle. All you need to do is kind of press forward and ask one of the things that i learned in the research for tomorrow’s presentation was ah, that women a cz muchas this is still, you know, being debated and discussed right are not requesting professional advancement opportunities as much as they could, um, in the mentorship department. So that’s something that we as women can do, um, and it’s there’s nothing to lose, there’s everything to gain, but at the same time, i think we also need to recognize our own talents and experience and consciously look at other women dahna made a point about if you’re a woman and senior leadership at a non-profit to consciously invite other women who are coming up in the organization, too, the table to leadership discussions and conversations and forms, which would be appropriate so they can get experience and exposure. So you’re not necessarily asking for a promotion, but you’re asking for inclusion into some of the is it literally just like some of the meetings that you’re excluded from, even even without that having that? Leadership title? Is it that easy? Or i guess i’m asking what what is it we’re asking for? We should be asking for, well, that’s going to depend on a specific woman in her situation, so they’re they’re they’re playing women who i think probably should and, you know, definitely need to go out there and as for promotions, depending on what they’re doing and you know where they are in their career, but at the organizational level, absolutely, i think that there should be concrete efforts to develop women in terms of professional development, development opportunities, trainings and education and all of that kind of stuff that’s invested in the staff and this this also is an issue for i t staff non-profits in general men and women. Um but ah, in addition to that women and and others and in leadership in organizations should yeah, consciously think about if we have forums where decisions are being made in the organization at that hyre level, how do we get the younger women who have leadership potential explosive that an early stage? Excellent. Okay, i can actually often example from the for-profit world as well. And that is, you know, at this last dream force, which is a very large sales force conference this year, mark many often, and cheryl samberg spoke a great deal about some of the stuff that they’re doing at salesforce dot com with regards to including women in that kind of experience and it’s not so much that it’s the case that we’re saying ok, now you as a junior person should come in and make senior level decisions, but the truth is, is it’s a recognition that the exposure to the process is about how those decisions get made? The types of conversations that need to happen around them are limited for women and in there, the limited in a number of ways up to and including the absence of role models at higher levels. So, you know, if you’re a guy in technology, you know, another guy will take you out for a drink and say, you know, okay, young lion hears how business takes place, whereas, you know, if you’re a young woman in technology, a guy will take you out for a drink and everybody will say, ah, washington d c so, you know, the truth is i don’t get that. Washington. I don’t get it younger woman, older male usually indicates a transactional relationship, so here we are in washington, okay. Oh, i see on a d c residents. I’d take that a little personal thing. So you know, the new yorker, i did, i didn’t get it. I don’t think we think i hope you don’t think like that in new york. I don’t, i don’t think we do, but all right, but we’re in the belt, we are in the beltway now. I i got it now, thank you, didn’t didn’t, didn’t dick dude ing good ending. You’re listening to the talking alternate network, waiting to get you thinking. Dahna. Good this’s. The way we’re hosting a party in my french city, guests come from all over the world, from mali to new caledonia, from paris to keep back. French is a common language. Yes, they all come from different cultures, background or countries, and it comes desires to make new york they’re home. Listen to them. Share this story. Join us, part of my french new york city. Every monday from one to two p, m. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Buy-in you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll dahna you know, they’re making an effort for young women who are identified as potential leaders at salesforce dot com to be included in those types of manager meeting so that they can understand how those meetings take place and then replicate that modality of that decision making in their own careers to enable their own advancement. So, you know, he said, oh, i got an email mark daniel said, i got an email from a woman saying, i don’t feel comfortable going to this meeting because i’m going to this meeting and my manager, who’s a male, is not and he said, no, you absolutely need to be there because your manager, who is a male, has obviously had already the exposure to this type of meeting that you’re not getting so come, you know? And i think it’s those kinds of simple steps that can vary from organization, organization and career to career that can help create new, fresh opportunities for women in the sector in a way that, you know, hasn’t even been fully encompassed in terms of what the possibilities are, okay, dahna are there any resource is that you can point organizations to our sites that you can point argast idealware any any anything that an organization could turn to for increasing diversity and making conscious decisions around elevating the the statue of women? Well, i would say the first thing is anybody who’s, an anti seizure come to our session tomorrow on we will give some practical tips for the incredibly this is not going to air. We’re not. We’re not live and s o but people should have come to our senses that ntcdinosaur don’t worry overviewing sorry e-giving come, t c well, it’s it’s your life, but next year it’ll be a fifteen ntcdinosaur anything else? What about what i would recommend is starting? Teo, look within your organization to see if there is a woman who could take that leadership role and who can start teo, bring other women to the table if there isn’t somebody within the organization who’s in a position to do that looked to other organizations, maybe there are collaborating organizations. Maybe they’re partners, you know, maybe there’s somebody on the on the board who it has been a successful woman in business, you know, to have her come in and help think about howto structure programs and doesn’t need to be that formal, but how to start to create that type of inclusion at the organization. Okay, andi let’s, stay with you down, and we’ve talked some about what women can do for themselves, but let’s think about what women could be doing for other women that we haven’t we haven’t touched on yet. Where can we start there? Dahna yeah, absolutely. So, you know, i think that negroes mentioned this a little bit, but, you know, we’re at a point in the development of women and i t where there aren’t that many women and later the senior leadership roles, those who are and those who were sort of coming up through the ranks, we think have an opportunity and maybe even a responsibility to be good role models. Teo, you know, really bring to the four what they’re bringing to the table and also to mentor women who were coming behind them. You know, i think one of the things that we all experienced more have all experienced to date is that none of us really had any mentorship. We didn’t have any women who were doing the types of things that we thought we wanted to do who we could go to to ask for advice. And now that there are women who are in these types of roles, there’s a real opportunity and a real need, we’ve seen it already, and we have forty women signed up for the session to tomorrow. Younger women who are coming up through the ranks and non-profits doing on t work are really looking for that type of mentorship. They aren’t necessarily asking for it. So it’s zoho those rose would advise. And obviously rose said absolutely, if you would agree way that women should be asking absolutely, but but okay, but from the senior level we should be offering exactly. And if women aren’t asking, then we should be offering that’s exciting eyes, there’s something going on, universities that need maybe even lower in education. That’s discouraging women from thinking about careers in computer science, computer engineering, computer programming. I can speak to that. Okay? Because i took computer science at oberlin college. This was some time ago, but i found myself or berlin. Okay. Yeah, this was a while ago, but unfortunately, it is much the same as it was when i was there. This is circa nineteen, ninety four to nineteen, ninety eight. There are so very few women in computer science. Yeah, i was literally like one of the only women. I think i was the only woman in certain classes in one of two and the others on. But does this mean, is there something institutional in our education process, but even going back to high school, but where you have presumably not in their programming courses and, you know, are we encouraging women into those programming courses? And then how are the women treated by a the teacher and be their fellow students who probably are mostly male once they’re in the course? You know, where they there’s there’s like, belittling and ridiculing of marginalizing or they really, you know, part of the class meaningful e well, uh, that all of those things that you described and certainly happen, i think, there’s constructive steps that institutions can take to facilitate on reach out to young women who want to be interested in this type of work. There’s actually, i should say there’s a wonderful organization right now called girls who code, which is a founded by another overland alumna. Ah, that’s. Trying to address some of these gaps, i think that a lot of interesting entrepreneurial solutions to the problem are are underway. Aah! The institutions that i really care about and want to draw more women into the profession, which i think is absolutely necessary. You’re totally right that, you know, if you have these opportunities early up, as you’re bringing women through their early stages of education, it really sets the stage for future development on a much greater level. S o i along the lines of what tracy had said earlier, there’s so many resources out there. I could name a few that’s one women who code is one yeah, and there’s plenty of others, i think. There’s thie, anita borg institute for women and computer science and general. Slower, sure and need a borg institute for yeah, georgie for women who are interested in in coding in computer science. There’s. Plenty out there that there’s more than i could list in the course of aa program. Okay, if i could jump in for a second, i think they’re a couple things to think and to keep in mind one is that computer science courses in college or university are really only one path to a career in technology, you know, i think most of us who end up being technologists in the nonprofit sector come at it from an interest in non-profits primarily and, you know, whatever the mission is the particular organization and frequently come at it from being, you know, a junior staffer in communications or in marketing or a program or something along those lines. So it’s not necessarily women who went into it thinking i’m going to have a career and technology, maybe women thinking i’m going to have a career in marketing and sort of develop opportunities and see that they have an innate talent, but on the on the coding side of things, in terms of actually developing programmers, the organization rose mentioned is wonderful. Andi think part of what that’s trying to combat, and maybe this is sort of getting out a little bit of your question about the university campuses in the developer world, certainly in the in the start up world there’s a culture of kind of programmers. You don’t know if you’ve heard that term, but it’s, you know, bro bro sam, i haven’t so you know programmers and you know, they’re they’re they’re all guys and, you know, that is in the midst of changing, but breaking into that culture is tough, and organizations like girls who code are really working on that, i think a lot of people there seeing that women are, you know, clearly as active as as men at programming and certainly on the strategic side of things, but we still have a ways to go all right turn, i think, you know, to this goes back also in a way, to the question of mentor ship on the question of, like, who’s ahead of me and what do i see them doing, andi? And because, you know, when we were putting together this workshop, we all realize that all of us have had really strong male role models in our life. I mean, like, we’re like, wow, you know, we can name all these great men who were role models to us and, you know, it kind of there was this moment of, like, a collective like, ah, you know, and, you know, we don’t want that to happen for the next generation of women moving forward on dh, you know? That’s not to take away from the mentor ship that we’ve all received from strong male role models, but it is to say that men and women fundamentally the way that we communicate, even if it’s the same things said in the same way they’re received two different manners, they’re perceived two different ways and the same communication from a guy that’s like, you know, looked out his mavericky and looked at is like a trail blazer and a creative thinker looks at, you know, a woman saying the same stuff is often interpreted as, you know, someone who is unreliable and has fundamentally ill founded principles. So i was thinking pushy or noxious, assertive and aggressive, bossy, even boston leven well, i have another p word let’s just say i mean, she’s a real bitch. Yeah, yeah, and i mean, i will tell you that i have progressed to appoint my own career, where i’m managing people, and to this day i am haunted by that word because i will look at my which work the b word, you know, and i will literally chat over to a coworker him, i’m not coming across too much of, you know? During the course of this conversation because, you know, being conscious of that means understanding that, you know, being a guy, you know, being one of the broads is not gonna work for us, and they still call it the guy for a reason exactly, and, you know, we’re not going to get a head in that way, so you know, this is part of starting a conversation of how are we going to get ahead in a way that’s different and understands the context in which we’re working? Tracy, i want to stay with you just to pursue the the question of what women can do for others, the women who are in leadership roles, aside from offering mentorships and making conscious decisions, is there more than female leaders who who have that empowerment can can convey it down? You know, i can share from my own personal experience that i have had some very powerful women ahead of me in my career at various institutions that i’ve worked with and the trap that i felt they fell into that i have tried very strongly to resist for myself is now that i’m here being completely possessive of my power and authority as that person in that role has been advanced that far, i think any woman ahead of us in our careers, who’s proceeded to the point of things like vice president, director, founder principle it’s really easy because of the context in which we work to say, this is mine and all mine, you know, i have made this this moment in my career and, you know, any woman who’s coming up behind me is a threat to that because she might be doing something different or she might be doing something better. And i think, you know, for women who have advanced to a certain point in their careers, it’s not about saying what i accomplished it’s about saying, what are the women behind me doing that can inform their own achievement that i can highlight using that power using that established role that i’ve achieved to advance their own careers? So in some ways, that’s beyond mentor ship it’s actually calling out the context of saying, yeah, you know, like, i’m i’m confident in my role as you know, vice president or founder or prince civil or president and look at this other woman look at her achievements, look at how she is doing this work this way and, you know, focus that attention on her next because i don’t obviously need to prove myself because i’ve already been here and i think that’s a trap that we fall into a lot is saying i have to continually prove myself, even though i have that title on my door that says vice president or director or principal or founder are present good if i can just for a second, you know, i think in terms of asking what we can do for for others, it’s it’s not only a matter of doing for others within your own organisation, one of the big takeaway is that we want people to have from our our session and from ongoing conversations is the opportunity of network with each other, you know, so it doesn’t necessarily. You may not have somebody in your organization who can be that mentor or who can serve as that type of role model. Work with your peers, talk to your peers, their ways to either structured or unstructured pierre mentor each other. There are a lot of younger women who are sort of coming up through the ranks and there’s a great opportunity that creates a community, create some networking opportunities, help each other, figure out career paths, help each other ask for things, help each other get mentor ship s o i think even without having that that strong or, you know, senior level woman within your organization, there’s still lots of opportunities for us to help each other. And we have to we have to wrap up a rose. Please. I would just also add if you’re currently a woman and technology in a leadership position to be more visible. And if you are also coming up through the ranks, consider actually presenting on this topic. Last night i spoke with a woman at ntc. Very young woman, very smart. Who said, you know, i think i want to present a session next year said absolutely do it. If you want to find ah partner to present with your going tto learn so much in the process and you can keep that dialogue going. Thank you very much, ladies. Really real pleasure and important that it’s an outstanding topic and a rare one too. But but increasingly that’s that’s falling away. And it’s becoming more common dahna goldstein, founder and ceo of philantech rose defremery founder and ceo of lower case d consulting and tracy kronzak consulting manager, recently promoted at cloud for good ladies. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Pleasure. Tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the non-profit technology conference ntc twenty fourteen, thanks so much for being with us. My thanks to everybody at non-profit technology conference and and and ten, you know, generosity siri’s they host multi charity peer-to-peer five k runs and walks multi charity means that you can have an event with a small number of runners because together with a bunch of other charities, turns into many hundreds of runners and walkers. So if you’re using summer to plan for your fall fund-raising or if somehow you think that a five k run walk fits into your fund-raising i hope you will talk to dave lynn he’s, the ceo at generosity siri’s they have events coming up in new jersey, miami, atlanta, new york city, philadelphia and toronto. You’ll find ah, dave lynn at seven one, eight five o six nine triple seven or generosity siri’s dot com but you know, i prefer to pick up the phone and talk? Make sure you tell him that you’re from non-profit radio i pulled a video off youtube and put it on tony martignetti dot com this week. It’s a taste of non-profit radio two minute sampler with seth godin craig newmark, the founder of craigslist, and craigconnects charles best ceo of donors choose dot org’s, mark echo from echo enterprises, and several other people are in that sampler. Of course, the full interviews with each of them are on youtube, and again, the sampler is that tony martignetti dot com that is tony’s take two for friday, fifteenth of august thirty second show of this year. Amy sample ward you know her she’s, the ceo of non-profit technology network and her most recent co authored book is social change anytime everywhere her blog’s, amy sample war dot or ge and she’s at amy rs ward on twitter, pay me sample word hi, how are you? I’m doing terrific ly while how are you? Good, good. I don’t know how it’s august but i’m fine other than the incredibly swift passing of time. Yes, i know thirty second show of the year already. Holy cow and god, yes. And mid august already? I know, but are you enjoying your summer? Yeah, i it feels like a vacation because i haven’t had to travel since the middle of june. So many people travel during summer and it is their vacation. But for me, it’s been a wonderful vacation of staying at home and having plans locally. Excellent way. Enjoy our summers, each of us, the way the way we like that’s. Very good. Portland summer in portland is the place to be so it’s hard it’s. Hard to leave when it’s the most perfect time of year here. Excellent. Excellent. Yeah, i got a visit. You out there sometime. I gotta come to oregon. I’ve never been to oregon. Um, i know, i know, but i want to go. I really do want to go pacific northwest. Absolutely. I want to wash. I’ll believe it when i see it. Okay. All right. What do you think this is what you think of this panel of three ladies from it’s? Great. You know, it’s really interesting. And something that we were reflecting on is a staff after the conference to was, you know, it’s, not a brand new conversation, talking about supporting different groups, different communities either in within the inten community, at larger or in the tech sector in the nonprofit sector. But what we’re reflecting on really is the way those conversations i have taken shape and changed over the years, and this last year really felt like this was the ntc where there were multiple formal sessions opportunities like you presented where you folks could come talk, talk to you and have their their stories and their ideas shared more broadly, but also a lot of kind of ad hoc meeting’s at lunch where they would say, everybody come to the table if you want to have this conversation or let’s meet, you know it at the reception tonight and so many conversations about how do we how do we do more to get more people like us or more people like you or more people that know how to do acts? You know, how do we get more people into this community? And i think that’s really exciting and really interesting that that it’s at a place where it doesn’t have to feel like, oh, this is kind of a controversial topic. You know, we’re gonna have to go over here in secret and have this conversation, but that it’s such an open, you know, we really want to create a space in this community that is inclusive and is welcoming, and part of that is creating a great community, but the other part is saying, we have to go out there and make those invitations, you know, you can’t just say, i want to have the best dinner party and make all the food if you haven’t invited anyone to come over, so so i’m excited that the community is kind of at that space where it’s ready to go out there, think about how we’re creating community in inside this space, but also go out and make introductions and invitations and welcome new people in cool. I’m glad so this feels like a watershed year for you and yeah, it’s exciting, and i think it really inspired a lot of staff to feel like they’re not the only ones, you know, getting to see that there’s opportunity to bring more people in, because, you know, staff when when we know that there’s so many community members out there, but we don’t see them because we’re just in the office. I think the ntc really inspire them and reminded them, you know, there are all of these people out there and we can invite more people in it’s going to be great instead of thinking that it’s kind of just, you know, tucked away in the office that’s outstanding, and i’m glad i was a part of it. You feel like it was water. You’re cool. Maybe you’ll have me back next year. Yeah, well, we’ll see. Yes. All right. I’ll see you when i e i’ll believe it when i see it. I believe that recently. So over there at ntc, you get a lot of enquiries about bringing people literally into your organization. Hiring who are technologists? Yes. Oh, so you have some advice around let’s? Start with the the job description. Yeah, i think you know, this is especially the question we get asked the most. You know, we know that we need someone to do manage all of our attacker to help us with our website. But that’s what? That’s what? All that we know. You know, we just know that we need somebody who knows more. Than we dio. So how do we write a job description or where do we even promote the job on dh? So obviously it kind of depends on what kind of job it is it’s a website versus maybe on it, director, managing all kinds of systems, et cetera, but there’s still some some basic steps that everybody can take, no matter what technical job they’re trying to fail, and first is to remember that you don’t necessarily need to know all of the jargon and the acronyms and the web two point oh, everything. What you do need to know very clearly is what your organization needs and what your goals are, who your audience is. You know, if you kind of try to make up for not knowing by filling, you know, job description with a bunch of technical terms, but you’ve never put in there, you know what? We really need our systems that can talk to each other, someone who doesn’t have that integration expertise is not going to apply, they’re not going to know that’s what you’re looking for. So knowing what your goals are, the kinds of tools that may be necessary to meet your mission knowing that and being very clear about that is going to serve you more than, you know, trying to do an internet search for a bunch of jargon. Ok, so so that that’s the first caveat reminder on dh then also, before you start putting that job description together, there’s a great opportunity to talk to everyone inside the organization pull in from from what they know in their own job, you know, what do they need? What what tools are they using that they think need to be updated or and this is not like, oh, there’s, you know, so and so, who just personally doesn’t like this one tool we use not a preference kind of, uh, list, but here’s something that’s really stopping me in my work, you know, here’s something that isn’t serving me to do my job and create a bit of an internal needs versus wants assessment because when you look at that and you can say, will hear things that may be a bunch staff want, but they’re not the priority items of this, you know, kind of three or four things on our really critical needs list that’ll help you. Decide howto prioritize things both on the job description and when you’re looking at applicants. So if you see someone has, you know, a really great experience but saying their most experienced in isn’t on that needs list, you know, it’s it’s like, wow, that’s, greatest really cool project you did once, but not what we’re looking for. It’ll help you feel like you’re not just getting kind of dazzled by all of the shiny things on their resume, but you know what to look for, at least what? To prioritize a cz faras they’re experience or specific skills. All right, so a lot of the information that you need you already have. You just gotta start a conversation inside. Exactly. Okay? Okay. Ah, what? Anything else for the aa for putting together the job description? Well, another thing that i would suggest and it’s not going to be perfect. Of course you’re still going to want to edit it and make sure it’s, you know, meets your needs is an organization. But i’ve seen very few jobs that i have never been, you know, hired for before there’s very few times where someone has posted a job and i thought, wow, i’ve never seen a job like that, you know, i never in my life. So so knowing that you probably could go to, you know, idealist dot org’s look where there are millions of job postings for nonprofit organizations and look for a job, title or job description similar to what you’re looking for and just see how other organizations have explained that or how they’ve kind of structured some of the, you know, needs and an experience pieces there’s probably many examples out there just to get you started, especially with, you know, that fear of had i don’t wantto say this the wrong way, etcetera. You know, it occurs to me this could all apply if you were hiring ah, consultant as well, yes, i was only thinking of, you know, i was only thinking of the employees, but certainly ah, it all applies on the in that respect to consulting. Yeah. And i would even say, um, it applies when you’re bringing in, uh, like i contract id. You know, someone on an r f way. Wantto, you know, designer to dio this project or we want to bring in, you know, an organization? An agency to kind of help us with this campaign, like even those kind of larger than one individual consultant, but still outsourced project still using a process like this because if you can tell them nothing but what you want to dio teo to meet your goals, then you will have at least serve yourself well, instead of trying to anticipate all the things that they might be thinking, you know, you’re hiring either the staff person or this contractor, this consultant because they know more than you on those topics, so let them no more than you on those topics and really be clear about why you want to do those projects, why you need them to do this work anything else around the job description or i think we should move to starting to interview people. Yeah, let’s, start interviewing people. Let’s go. All right, so we’ve got these resumes, and of course, we’re now scanning them based on what our needs are making sure that we’re not we’re not getting attracted by shiny things on resumes that have no relevance to what we’re trying to do and what we’re trying to achieve. Um, okay, we were bringing people in and they’re a lot smarter than us about, about the things that we’re trying to hire them for, yes, we’re gonna do so i’ve seen a few different, uh, tactics work well for organizations that really depends on your comfort level, i think, but remembering, of course, that most often or organizations are kind of small enough that the person they’re hiring, whether it’s, a web person or a night person, etcetera isn’t reporting to another technical person, you know, they’re still going to report to maybe the executive director so not feeling that that person has to kind of opt out of the interview process because they don’t know the language again, they do know what all this work is going towards on, so they still should be a part of this interview process, especially the the manager, whoever that will be. But i would also encourage people to participate in that interview that art are probably not technical, but will rely on this person, you know, ensuring their systems their great, the development or fund-raising manager is often a great person because they maybe our technical, maybe not, but in many organizations they’re the one’s touching. The database the most and if you’re hiring a technical person who, you know, maintaining that data basically part of their job again, they might not be the most technical person on staff, but they probably have a deep investment in this tool, working well for them so that they can do their job. So bringing those people in that really care that the tools work well will help in the interview process because, again, even if they don’t know the language, they will be able to test out what it’s like to talk to this person they would be working with, and if they feel like, you know, they can talk to each other, even if in different languages and still get their points across it’s much better to figure that out and kind of have a feel for what? Talking and working with each other would be like in the interview process than it would be, you know, on day one when they’ve hired, and they’re just getting to meet and realize they can’t talk to each other right versus the she’s kind of condescending to me or, you know, right doesn’t really get me and yes, because you are going to be talking day to day once the hyre is made. So how does the person translate what they know the brilliance that they have in there in their niche of technology to the rest of us who were going to be using this technology and hoping it’s all going it’s all gonna come together and talk to each other? Exactly. And i like that you use the word translate because i was also going to make a suggestion kind of the other side that i’ve seen folks take in the interviewing process is to find someone that’s kind of a translator or ah, liaison. So reaching out either to a local non-technical group, you know, look, look on meet up, there’s. Probably a ton of groups in your city, whether it’s a non-profit tech related group or just, you know, maybe if it’s ah, web person you’re hiring for and you know that you use droop a ll contacting the local grouper droop a ll user group on dh just saying, hey, we’re hiring someone we would love it if we could spend ten minutes on the phone, you know, i was a volunteer from the group just to help us make sure we have the best questions for this interview, and that way, you kind of bounce the questions that you want to ask, you know, shared the intention of the question and had someone who isn’t. They have no, you, no stake in the game. They’re not applying for the job. They are not part of your organization, that they can say, you know, that’s, probably not the best way to ask it. Or, you know, if i was doing this, i would say it this way so that you feel confident going in your questions, meet your needs, and we’ll speak to this kind of technical component. We gotta go out for a way to go out for a break. And, amy, when we come back, we’ll keep talking about maybe testing and and some onboarding we’ll get that in just a couple of minutes. Stay with us. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. Treyz. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Hi, i’m bill mcginley, president, ceo of the association for healthcare philanthropy. And you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Oppcoll all right, amy, where? Ah, we’re past the interview stage and ah, we want to well, yeah, we’ve we’ve decided that we want to move forward with a couple of candidates and, uh, test their skills. How are we going to do this? Well, there are a few different options i’ve seen organizations who, when they’ve kind of brought on that translator to discuss, you know, what air the best interview questions that we could craft for our specific a job and organization that they’ve also said, are there some tests that could go with some of these questions or, you know, ways that you would suggest we do this and they get it? It really depends on kind of the suite of skills you’re looking for, but i’ve also seen organizations really successfully say cash, we have this board of directors and a couple of them, you know, workin in larger organizations that have an hr department. Could we ask you to tap your hr department and see if they have a standard set of questions or a standard? You know, couples sets of tests that they’ve used in hiring on dh we can modify those and that way. You know, it’s been used towards success before on dh most, you know, most boardmember zehr happy to say, sure. My h r department will share some of that. Are these are these written tests are online tests. Have you seen i’ve? I’ve seen things where it’s online. It would be usually directly following the interview. So we’ve had the interview. You know, we’ve all been at the table talking, and now, you know, way have ah, laptop set up with this page. And can you, you know, walk us through how you would? Okay, as part of you know, okay, it’s, part of an interview. Yeah, okay. And and that so i would say, even if you don’t have a kind of technical components test, you know, tio assess that side of the skills. One of the most i would i would say important test to include in that interview process is to have identified from your staff what staff consider to be, like, emergency all hands on deck with a technical issue. So for many organizations, that means, you know, it’s, our end of year fund-raising campaign. And the donation page is not working, you know? Donate now. Button isn’t working, we just sent out an e mail to ten thousand people and donate now doesn’t work that’s like critical all hands on deck. This is an emergency, and so in the interview, actually sharing, you know, this would be an emergency tow us on dh staff would would be communicating in-kind of a crisis mode style walk us through if you came into the office that morning, you know, you walked in the door and a bunch of staff were right there and said, oh, my gosh, the donation pages down the donate now button isn’t working. You have to get this fixed right away. What would you d’oh? And if you have a candidate for your job, you know, start coming back with very technical language, even in the interview, you can anticipate that’s how they’re going, you know, talk in that moment and if staff immediately feel like, well, i’m not getting information, i need him, i’m still frustrated, i’m still in crisis mode, i don’t know what’s happening, you know, it’s probably a good measure of what it would be like if instead they’re saying, great, this is exactly what we’re going to dio this is how long it’s going to take, you know, this is when we’re going to be able to know if it’s thick and people feel like, okay, i know what’s happening, even if i can’t fix it, someone is fixing it and it’s going to be okay, you know, it’s it’s an easier way to deal in that actual crisis and maybe a better way to talk through kind of a test quote unquote, in an interview without having to set up non-technical, you know, actual demonstration, okay? You said there were a couple of ways of going about this any any others? Is that it? Is that it? Okay, so let’s say those were probably the most frequent that i see they’re, you know, talking through a situation or including something technical, you know, actually showing them some systems and seeing if they i would say looking that the systems is i’ve at least seen it happen more often when organizations have a little bit more of a custom set up, you know, they’ve done a lot, teo modify their database or they’ve got a website kind of cms that custom to them, and they want to see you know, hey, you probably not seen this before because it’s kind of our set up, why don’t you poke around and let’s see how it goes? We just have about a minute and a half left for for onboarding you have some advice about bringing somebody in? Yeah, i think that there’s this sometimes organizations have this feeling that they’ve hired this technical person because they’re totally different than everyone else, and they’re just going to go sit at their desk and be technical and somehow do everything all by themselves. But ultimately what that means is they’ve never been oriented to what everyone does and why they do it and why they need to be maintaining these systems the way they are. So i would say, onboarding needs to really focus on including this new technical hyre in all kinds of team meetings, campaign meetings, anywhere where they can really be exposed to the way folks, we’re talking about the tools they used, and they’re able tto learn oh, that people don’t know that we could really set up, you know, the database to do that report for them. I can i can help here so they feel. Like they’re a contributing part of the team and not just someone kind of keeping everything running in the background, we’re going to leave it there. Amy, thank you very, very much awesome, thanks so much for my pleasure. Amy sample ward dot org’s is her sight. And on twitter at amy r s ward, she’ll be back next month. Don’t worry next week we have two more interviews from ntcdinosaur non-profit technology conference. I have a ton of great guests from there. I’m going to pick two more for next week. If you missed any part of today’s show, find it on tony martignetti dot com small and midsize shops remember generosity siri’s seven one eight five o six, nine, triple seven or generosity siri’s, dot com our creative producers claire meyerhoff, sam liebowitz is the line producer shows social media is by julia campbell of jake campbell social marketing and the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules are music is by scott stein of brooklyn you with me next week for non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent go out and be great. Yeah. They couldn’t do anything, including getting dink dink, dink dink. You’re listening to the talking alternative network waiting to get a drink. Nothing. Cubine are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping huntress people be better business people. Hi, i’m ostomel role, and i’m sloan wainwright, where the host of the new thursday morning show the music power hour. Eleven a m. We’re gonna have fun, shine the light on all aspects of music and its limitless healing possibilities. We’re going invite artists to share their songs and play live will be listening and talking about great music from yesterday to today, so you’re invited to share in our musical conversation. Your ears will be delighted with the sound of music and our voices. Join austin and sloan live thursdays at eleven a. M on talking alternative dot com you’re listening to talking on turn their network at www dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Talking.

Nonprofit Radio for July 18, 2014: 200th Show!

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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Amy Sample Ward
Gene Takagi
Gene Takagi
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Maria Semple
Scott Stein
Scott Stein
Claire Meyerhoff
Claire Meyerhoff











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Oh, hi, hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host and this is our two hundredth show lorts oppcoll oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d be forced to suffer the effects of intra hip attic duct oh, pina, if i learned that you had missed today’s two hundred show, we’re gonna have more live music with scott stein. You just heard that the intro that we’re just getting started with live music. He’s, the composer of our theme song creative producer claire meyerhoff is here with me for the hour in the studio. Hello, claire. Hey, tony, all the regulars are going to be with us. Maria simple jean takagi and amy sample ward. We’re gonna do some time travel. We got prizes for your donorsearch tory’s. Lots of great stories. Lots of cool prizes on tony’s take two, you’ll see many thanks to lynette singleton she’s down in atlanta, georgia she is live tweeting today’s show on twitter as me check the hashtag non-profit radio you can join the conversation. I’m at tony martignetti on twitter. Hello lynette, thank you very much for live tweeting today, thank you so much. We are sponsored by generosity. Siri’s they host multi charity five runs and walks. Generosity siri’s dot com hyre meyerhoff. Welcome to the show. Thanks so much, tony. Thank you for having welcome back is what i should say. Thanks, claire. Of course. Very well known she’s, our creative producer. You hear about that? Every single show from the beginning, she’s been with me. She’s, the principal of the plant e-giving agency, helping non-profits with their plan giving marketing and communication strategies. Claire, you have a background in professional radio. You’ve been on the air with serious examined w t o p in washington d c and i’m really glad you’re with me. Thanks so much. Thanks so much. This is radio heaven, right here. Non-profit radio gal like me. Scott stein is here. He’s, a pianist, songwriter, vocalist, composer, arranger, conductor and instructor. He’s got awards. He performs live. The dude knows music. He hails from akron, ohio, and is based in new york city. He’s, the composer of our theme song cheap red wine he’s at scott stein music dot com. Scotty. Very welcome. Very, very glad that you’re with us. Thank you? Well, thanks for having me, it’s. My pleasure to be here. My pleasure. Thank you. Um, so, claire, we’ve got got quite a bit planned today, and you made a kind of a special trip. Actually, i did. I came from raleigh, north carolina, by way of d c and now i’m here in beautiful new york city on a gorgeous day. It is and thank you very much. And thanks for making that trip from raleigh. I have a home in in pinehurst, north carolina. There very often. I love north carolina. Carolina is a great state. We we all love it here in the tar heel state. Scotty, you’re from akron, ohio. Is that right? Right? Yes. Lebron james. And that lebron james territory? Yes, it is. Yeah. He’s from akron. We’re we’re real happy right now, but i i just i just dug out my my lebron number twenty three jersey for the first time since about four years ago. So, yeah, we’re excited. Okay, claire, i’m actually kind of with you, who’s that but i even i know that that is he’s. A big basketball stars. This? Yes, he’s got the same numbers. Michael jordan. I did not know that. Yeah, well, he switched into six when he played toa went to miami, but we’ll see if he switches it back. Now, these back in cleveland let’s. Give away our first prize. All right, we got tons of prizes today. I asked listeners to submit donorsearch tory’s or how come you love non-profit radio and most of them are donorsearch or ease and that’s very, very fine. But this first one was our with the very first entrant marianne howard commented on youtube, the youtube channel israel. Tony martignetti. I have to read what she said it’s not too long, but it’s very genuine. I heart non-profit radio because you always seem to have relevant guests who are able to provide tips that i can use working for a very small non-profit there’s four of us on staff it’s great to be able to have access to their and your thoughts and ideas. Marianne, thank you very, very much. I think that is worth a bag of cura coffee and here’s. Ah, claire meyerhoff to tell us about your coffin. Marianne, you have won a bag of cura coffee. Cura coffee directly connects coffee lovers. With farmers and families who harvest the finest organic coffee beans with every cup of cura, you join our effort to expand sustainable dental care to remote communities around the world. They’re direct trade coffee company with direct impact delivered directly to you, creating organics miles beyond the cup your coffee dot com or on twitter at your coffee we love cura coffee. Thank you very much. Cure for the for being of one of our prize sponsors. Um, clear your your work is the plant e-giving agency what’s what’s going on there? Well, i’ve been helping a lot of different clients with their plan giving because as you know, people non-profits air leaving money on the table if they are not actively seeking those future dollars by way of requests and beneficiary designation. So i help a lot of clients with their marketing. I also and partnered with a company out of philadelphia called plan giving marketing pgm, and they’re a great group there in plymouth meeting, and we have a lot of clients ranging from large hospitals and universities, colleges, all kinds of charities. I’m working with the national hemophilia foundation and smith college all kinds of very cold groups? Yeah, i know a little bit about planned e-giving. Yes, well, you’re my mentor. You’re my plane getting mentor. We’ve known each other for a long time. Yes, because i didn’t know much about playing giving out. Call up tony and go. Why would someone do ah, what a charitable remainder. Yeah. Details. That’s. All right. That’s. Fascinating. Let’s, let’s do a little bit of live listener love because we have live listeners. New bern, north carolina, new york, new york, new york, new york is multiple love that and bridgewater, new jersey live listener love to you, let’s go abroad for live listener love ukraine. Ah, very much in our thoughts today ukraine. What? You know, you know, i don’t do politics, but you’re in our thoughts. We hope that you are safe as you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio and beyond. We don’t want you to just be safe during the during the hour of this show. Seoul, seoul, south korea seoul is always checking in. Very grateful for listeners in seoul. Multiple anya haserot to korea in japan. Osaka, kyoto, kobe! Asahi! Shizuka i hope i’m saying that right live. Listen, you left everyone. In japan. Konnichiwa, it’s, it’s! It’s. Interesting. Claire. Actually, we get a lot of listeners from asia it’s really very interesting. Usually it is. It is interesting, i think, because you wonder, are there? Are they americans living in asia or they don’t know exactly what they are working for? They practicing their english by listening to us? I don’t know. Do they need help with playing giving marketing cloudgood asia free trip? Sure, i won’t give away another prize going to another prize. This one is for dennis fishman. He shared his story on twitter. A donor gave him a capital pick campaign gift and then nothing for a while didn’t hear from them, then gave them a used copier. Dennis went and picked it up himself, and then this woman left the organization seventy five thousand dollars in her will think you’ve planned gifts, success story the show is the show was produced and, you know, i always say that the best stories and non-profits air our plan getting stories because they’re these surprise bequests and those make a good story. It’s not a story of a rich guy, writes a check for two hundred thousand dollars, but it is a story of a little old lady leaves a charity one hundred thousand box and she went there once. Joe sorry, dennis is dennis fishman is going to get a copy of joe garics book how to raise more money for any non-profit. Thank you very much, joe garret for being one of our many sponsors. Thank you, joe. Thank you, jurors. And congratulations, dennis, and thank you. Yeah. That’s right. Congratulations. Matter-ness flashman fishman fishman baizman fishman now twenty lassen i got another prize. We got tons of prizes. I’m just giving them out at tony martignetti dot com. Stacy shares the story of a woman who wanted to give back and donated a kidney to a stranger. That’s. Amazing is not it a kidney? I think deserves coffee and let’s give away another bag of cura coffee. I don’t think way. Just say thank you very much. Teo. Cure coffee. Thank you for your coffee, karen. Dot com back our coffee on twitter. Excellent, excellent. Thank you very much for sharing. Ah, very touching story. See? So, you know, small and midsize non-profits khun get gifts of any type a used copier and then seven hundred. Seventy five thousand dollars request and may maybe if they had stewarded that person more, maybe they would have gotten bigger. Well, we don’t know. Well, clear. You’ve been a little harsh. I don’t know about that. I don’t know. Oh, that’s. Ah! Congratulations on your wonderful bequest. Yes, thank you. Um and also for the kidney story. Thank you very much. Thank you for the kidney let’s. See where we wake? Got maria a cz maria’s with us maria simple. She is the prospect finder, our prospect research contributor she’s our doi n of dirt cheap and free she’s the prospect finder dot com and she’s at maria simple on twitter maria hey there, how’s everybody doing today i think we’re doing terrific, lee. Well, has everybody got you? Kenichi? Answer for yourself. How are you? He’s? Got you doing, toni, i expect to be invited in for the three hundred show party we’re going to that caters well that’ll be in a year exactly where we know there’ll be two more years. I’ll be two more years, right? That’ll be the that’ll be our sixty year oh my god! I don’t know if we’ll live that long, but well, then we better go with the two. Fifty if we do it. If we do it, your certainly going to be invited. But the two hundred third show she can come in for that duvette big party. Maria, you’re are dyin of they’re cheap and free. You have some ce unconference ideas coming up for people. All i do. I do, tony, i thought, you know well, you know it’s a good opportunity sometimes when it’s sometimes a little slower for non-profits in the summer. Teo, maybe look around the internet for some conference ideas or online learning opportunity ideas. So i was just looking around for some things related to teo prospect research and fund-raising and general capacity building for non-profits and i came up with a few ideas of things people might wantto think about checking out an attending. Okay, so what do you got for us? So the first step is actually a conference starting on monday and i’ll be there. So there you go. I think everybody should try and help onboard this one. It’s, the american marketing association’s non-profit conference and i attended last year for the first time and it was really fantastic. It’s it’s being held in arlington, virginia. Okay, but that’s only for that’s. Really going to only be for our live listeners. So just a lifeless right. Ok, let’s, uh, just just give the girl for that one. And let’s, let’s move to one that may am dot ork and made that og the american marketing association that’s, right? You and your stinking variety of not of conferences, but this one is really specifically focused on the non-profits sector. Okay, what else? Go and apra thie association of professional researchers for advancement. They’ve got their upcoming international conference this summer, it’s, starting on july thirtieth through august second in las vegas. So this is really the one time of year preeminent event if you’re planning to attend anything related to prospect research, uh, this is going to be the biggest gathering of prospect research geeks, if you will. And so there’s always plenty of grated speakers and it’s in las vegas. That website is apra home dot or a pr a home dot borg. Okay, excellent. I’ve spoken that. Ah, a couple of regional apra conferences, but never the never the national or the global, whichever, whichever that when this. That was one of you. Go ahead. It was just gonna say that they do have folks that do come in from a couple of other countries, especially from canada. They have a pretty good representation from there as well. Okay, okay. Mining was not quite as exotic as las vegas. I think it was it was actually somewhere in new jersey. What else you got for us? Um also coming up in the fall is the alliance for non-profit management. Uh, they’re conference has a theme this year. Capacity building for collective action and they’re holding it on september seventeenth through the nineteen was austin, texas. Okay, what’s the alliance all about. So the alliance really deals with a lot of issues around leadership and governance and ah, latto things generally related to capacity building. So they do touch upon anything having to do with really expanding unorganised ation in terms of, you know, thinking about growth and staffing and broadening your board and fund-raising so that might be one to consider attending in this hall unless i was there something you want to check out. Their website is alliance dot or ge. Okay, let me let me bring in claire, because claire, you there was a conference you wanted, teo. You want to share info and i will be going to anaheim, california, in october. I think it’s october fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth. Something like that. And that is the partnership for philanthropic planning. So that’s the big plan give unconference they have every year. So that’s in october in anaheim, california. Partnership for philanthropic planning? Yes, that used to be called something else and it’s for everyone in the plan giving industry. And then i’m going. I’m going to be speaking at a conference in august august fourteenth in durham, north carolina. It’s the north carolina philanthropy conference. So that’s, the association of fund-raising professionals and i will be doing my coffee time plan giving presentation, which is all about if you only had time for a cup of coffee once a week for an hour, what would you do? Plan get wise, that’s what i tell you. Okay, cool. That that sounds great. Is that the triad chapter? No that’s. This is for the whole state. And it’s the it’s. The statewide f p conference in durham in august. So it’s the whole state. Okay, maria. I want to thank you very much for calling and no problem and for being part of the two hundred show and just also, you know, generally very, very grateful for all your contributions to the show for i don’t know how many years, but you’ve been its, you know, like, probably a couple of years or so it’s been a long time we’ve been working with has been yeah, and i’m really grateful for all regulations, tony and everybody there, thank you very much. Thanks, maria bite down. I getto got into the prize. We’re gonna give away prize teo! Jeff! Jody! Because he’s such a big supporter of the show he’s just always retweeting and favorite ing my tweets about the show on i’m just very, very grateful. He’s a big, big fan and i want to give jeff jody a subscription to the non-profit times claire, tell us about the non-profits altum non-profit times is awesome. It’s, the leading business publication for non-profit management the non-profit times dot com visit him on the web. I wish you could see her as you do. It’s it’s wonderful ways we’re doing good next time. Three hundred show, i think. We should do a google plus hang out on air because i want i want people to see the video of this it’s ah, we don’t have a video, but i wish we did. Thank you, claire. Thank you, johnny. Um i’m gonna go. I’m gonna work in tony’s take two right now and it really is just my gratitude too. Thank you thanking you for all your support listening. You know, we wouldn’t have had two hundred shows wouldn’t be at this huge milestone if it wasn’t for all the listeners and supporters. So i just really want to say thank you very much for those of you who get my weekly e mail, the email alerts telling you who the guests are each week i want to thank you very much for welcoming me, letting me into your inbox week after week. Thank you very much for that. Thank you, everyone. Who’s ah listeners supporter fan of the show for getting us to two hundred shows it’s really it’s really amazing and i have to give a shout to generosity siri’s they host multi charity peer-to-peer runs and walks. I am seed. They’re new york city event you’ve heard me talk about them. There were that new york city event. There were, like ten, ten or twelve charities they raised over one hundred thirty thousand dollars collectively. That’s what generosity siri’s does. It puts together a bunch of small and midsize non-profits that can’t generate enough activity for their own run walk. But together, collectively, i love that they can, and they could be very successful at it. They’ve got events coming up in new jersey, miami, atlanta, another one in new york city, philadelphia and toronto. If you think a run walk might make sense for you, talk to dave lynn he’s, the ceo. You can get him at seven one eight five o six, nine, triple seven, or they’re on the web, of course, generosity. Siri’s dot com, very grateful for their sponsorship. Um, we have. What’s happening? I don’t know. Clear. Is it clear? What’s it. What is that? What what’s going on? I feel funny. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve entered a time tunnel. We’re on a journey back in time. A time before tony martin. Any non-profit radio existed. We’ve traveled to cary, north carolina. Where two fund-raising colleagues tony martignetti and clear meyerhoff are having dinner. Clear. The food is really good here, so yeah. It’s awesome. Cool. I invited you out because actually, i have this idea. I want to do a radio show. I want to interview smart people in the nonprofit world and help small and midsize non-profits i want to do it every week. I know you’ve worked in radio. I think you can help me. Doesn’t sound like a cool idea. Are you nuts? Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how much work it is to produce and host a radio show every single week? Why are you being such a bummer? I’m such a downer. I’m just being honest, claire, i want to do this. It means a lot to me. And i know that you can help me raise it. And i will i will hire you. I will pay you. Ok, ok, you can pay me, i’ll help you get started. I want a hundred bucks. You buy dinner tonight and i get a credit at the end of every single show. Who knows? It could be really big one day. Two hundred shows later. Here we are non-profit radio players about that. Non-profit radio players um, yes, it’s been it’s been two hundred shows, it’s unbelievable, and claire has been with me since the beginning, and i’m very grateful, so if i don’t get a chance to say it later, claire, thank you so much for all your help with non-profit radio it’s been a pleasure, i’ve really enjoyed watching the show grow. I was really, like, just surprised and so excited that you could make the show becomes such a wonderful, wonderful show, you’ve helped so many non-profits and you’ve done a great job. You really made the investment i’ve had people come to me and go, well, could you help me do what you did for tony and like, well, really people have really? Oh, yeah, and i say, well, really well, do you want to make, like, this huge investment of of your time and your talent and your money and all this? If you if you want to do all that, then then you could pay me ten thousand dollars and i’ll help you. Oh, man, i got a deal. You’re the best, but no, it was trying to, like, put its laid them it’s a labor of love absolutely love and so thank you very much. Thank you, let’s. Give away a prize. We got more prizes it’s unbelievable. My book, my voice treyz crackling fourteen clay meyers bowman shared his story of an ask in the governor of kansas is mansion, the honorary campaign chair for the burger sands in art gallery in central kansas. Mark parkinson had moved into the governor’s residents just the day before the meeting. He had just gotten sworn in. He hosted this breakfast meeting and they got double the gift that they asked for. They ask for fifty thousand they got hundred thousand awesome. The whole story is that tony martignetti dot com and for that terrific story, clay, i’m going to send you a copy of gale perry’s book fired-up fund-raising turned board passion into action. Gail perry is one of my mentors. I’ve learned so much about fund-raising from gail, for instance, gail’s classic thing is, claire, if you want money, ask for advice. If you want advice, ask for money, that’s what she said so there’s a lot of great lessons in her book, and gail perry has been a guest on this show and also my other podcast what i do for the chronicle of philanthropy fund-raising fundamental. She was a guest there too. Alright, so, clay, you’re going to get a copy of that book? Fired-up fund-raising i love her energy to she’s. Got gail perry very good. And she’s an unbelievable speaker chic. She flies all over the world and speaks to organizations. She mentioned new zealand a few weeks ago. And she’s just she’s, a maven in a guru and oh, fabulous. She should have her own tv show like oprah. Also from north carolina. Right? Also, she should look right down the block for may. Is that right? Okay. Yeah. You know, i walk to her house. I wantto let’s talk to scott a labbate i wantto now’s the time. I want to hear a little about this. The cheap red wine is our theme song mutual friend of ah of scots and mine put us together. Um, cheap red wine scott what’s it about, um well, it’s, about five years old. So that’s that’s not what you’re asking that’s. All right, bad joke. Cheap red wine was a song i wrote. I had moved to new york. This i moved about. Seven years ago, and i’ve lived here on the upper west side where we are where we’re recording. Yes, what? And so yeah, i i moved to this neighborhood and as part of the young jewish singles crowd, which i am no longer your conversation converted to catholicism. No, i converted out of the single dahna on. Got married about a year ago. Thank you. Thank you, lucky lady. I’m a lucky guy. Yeah, so i but i but i moved here to the neighborhood, and i found myself going to a number of, like, dinner party’s friday night, shabbat dinners. And inevitably, it felt like everybody was meeting was either in law or finance. Now, those are two fine feels my sister is a lawyer. Um, but i remember actually, well, several times i had to explain what it was they do because i’m a full time musician. I work free lands and explaining that it was something i kind of had to do a lot. And i remember one time i i sat down at a meal and somebody sat next to me and she said so deal working law finance on. And i said neither she thought. I was a doctor. I should have kept going when i should have kept her going like that. Yeah, so it was just kind of a response to that. I think that, you know, i think this song on it service just seems to be about relationship that’s not working. But i think that in pop music and especially in rock music, which i think there are a lot of, um, sort of the warm look for their their their certain like modes right there, certain models for the way you write a song and writing songs broken about a broken heart or really shit that’s not working is almost like a cliche, but it’s a matter of what you do with it. And so that was this’s the idea of being let’s hear it, we’re going to hear, we’re going to have a full, we’re going here, the full, cheap red wine, and then we’ve got it. We’ve got somebody on the line. I hope that the caller can hold while we listen to the theme of non-profit radio cheap red wine scott stein. Well, baby, you just keep on talking. Sooner or later, i’ll figure out what you mean. You see, in romantic advice from a billet, i’m looking the answer’s upon a tv stream. Wait can agree on nothing way. Get tiller ups from my down. We’re disappointed in each other not to have a baby, and this love that we found. You know, you used to find me charming, but i can’t figure out how and you said you, those handsome. But it doesn’t matter now. So get fallen from a bunch of his long time will allow, because i’m got your empty promises. A bottle of cheap red wine. Newsome goes, is living diamonds, and they won’t talk to the cut of clothing that way. Well, i’m two photo for the good stuff, and you’re too easily distracted to care. Way ain’t got too many options. And so i’m gonna do the best that i can. But, baby, you’ll have some competition. When day, when i’m a wealthy man, you know, you used to find me charming, but i can’t figure out how and you said, you thought i was handsome, but it doesn’t matter now, so keep falling from a bunch of guys long time will allow. So i’ve gotta remmy promises and my lucky bread, wine. And now whoa, yeah, well, maybe literally. Glasses take a dream to today’s. The other family kids are. They don’t like the things you say, and i get to use the heavens. No, i won’t flash no entry signs, because we’re perfect for each other asses. Long as we have nobody else duitz. Nobody is waiting in line with just side jim. Why? What? Duitz hey, you know, you used to find me charming, but i can figure out how. And you said, you thought i was handsome. Never mind. It don’t matter now. You keep falling for my punches is long time will allow, got her empty promises about chief now. Chief. Oh! Neo-sage wait. Bilich e i love that. I just love that song. Did you? Yes, i did. I just love that song. It’s so first. Oh, man. Scott, thank you very much. Very much. Thank you for having me. People confined your music that i know you’re not leaving right this second. I just wanna this’s the right time. Scott stein, music dot com yeah, the song is cheap. Red wine. The album is jukebox. Where can people find working? People buy cheap red wine and juke box. They could get it on itunes. They can get it on cd, baby. All of those air also linked to my main websites. If you just want to go there, everything is there. I have some new music that i just put out in the last couple of months. And those air digital on lee releases you, khun. Stream them for free. You can download him, name your own price on there’s. Going to be some new stuff coming out of another song coming out in a couple weeks. So it’s always got style on scott stein music dot com. Yes, sir. And before you go, we’ll talk about your club date. You got coming? Up. Okay. Let’s. Goto, we got a caller on line. John federico, how are you? Sony. I know all about cheap red one. Though i haven’t dated in over twenty years. John federico is the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio. John, thanks very much for calling in. Tony. I just i couldn’t let this go by. Uh, what can i say? The teacher is i should say the student is now the master over two hundred shows. Congratulations are definitely in order. Thank you very, very much. You’ve got me started xero standing over for tony. Everybody stat up, head up. I can and can’t yeah, everybody’s standing. We just can’t see it. We’re standing gets john because you’ve got me started in podcasting. That’s. Why you say the you know, that’s what you say what you’re saying years ago, i knew i wanted to put this thing on itunes and you helped me do that. And then you acquainted me with all the gear i needed to do remote. And then you became the remote producer. You came and shot video when i would do remote conferences on dh. Here we are, it’s. Really? You know, i owe a lot to you. Thank you. Thank you very, very much. Oh, so happy to do it as they said so. Happy to see how far how much further you taken the show’s incentive, it’s. Wonderful. You could find john federico he’s at gadget boy. Claire likes to call him gadget boy, you were you, the three of you three haserot unconference. We’re in san antonio at the partnership for philanthropic planning conference in san antonio and twenty something. I remember that levin to twenty eleven or twelve. Twenty eleven eleven because it was my fifty first birthday and we went out for you. Took me up, took out and john was with us. All right, john, i know you don’t. You don’t have a lot of time. But one thank you very, very much for calling, man. Thank you. And thanks for everything. You got me this far. Thank you so much. Congratulations. Can we see what you do with the next two hundred? Cool. Thank you, john again. Alright. John federico on twitter he’s at gadget boy, we have ah, jean takagi on the line. Don’t wait. Jean takaaki, how are you, man? I’m doing excellent, tony. Congratulations that i loved scott song. I’m looking for that on itunes right away. Excellent. Yes. He’s it’s. Perfect. Just yeah. It’s great does hear it live fabulous. Jean is our legal contributor with me once a month. Yet it’s the very popular nonplussed non-profit law blogged dot com and his principle of neo the non-profit and exempt organizations law group and on twitter he’s at g tak e t a on dh i know gene, we don’t have a lot of time, but we’re going to want to talk a little bit about collaborations. Yeah, i thought, you know, in the spirit of the two hundred show and your collaborations with many of us on giving us the opportunity to to work with you, giving us a platform to spread our message to non-profit sectors i thought maybe we should start a preview what we might talk about next time and that’s just really about non-profits getting together and collaborating. And i think most people think that that is a good thing don’t you think i do on i think institutional funders think of it is a good thing. I think they like to see collaborations between non-profit duitz but i think that the first step would be like, how would we determine who might be the right organization to collaborate with? Yeah, i mean that’s a really good point, and so now i’m gonna put on my lawyer hat and say, well, it’s, a good thing, but, yeah, you absolutely have to be very careful about who you’re collaborating with and how well do you know them? And do you know, if you’re gonna work well together, then you have all kind of those legal things involved, like, well, you’re you’re going to do that, and i’m going to do this, but what if something else happens or what if you don’t do what you promised to do, do do we want to make this an enforceable contractor? Are we just sort of going tto play it really loose and see what happened? Yeah, because everybody’s got mutual expectations. I mean, we’re doing this collaboration for a reason, and so if one side doesn’t carry through the other side, may or may not want to have something enforceable legally and legally binding and enforceable against them. But if they have that, then they know that the other party they’re collaborating with has the same thing potentially against them. Yeah, i mean, so there’s risk running both ways, and i think we come from, you know, the non-profit culture is one of mutual trust and things like that, but, you know, again, putting on the lawyer had its trust but verify and protect on boards of directors have have have the duty to make sure that their organizations are protected so often times, instead of like this really generic nonbinding m o ur memorandum of understanding liketo see a simple contract put into place where you make certain promises to each other and you let the other party note, you’re not going to let them down. And if you if you do, you’re gonna be held responsible and you take that responsibility and does the agreement say what? What the penalty is for or not carrying you your side of the responsibilities? It usually doesn’t say specific penalties, although there could be specific penalties if you feel like, well, you’re really going to lose out if something something awful happens, but usually it’s just damages for however you’re hurt because the other party just didn’t live up to their obligations. Maybe you put a down payment on something in the other party didn’t put up their share, and you lost your. And then then, of course, you would expect to be reimbursed for the harm that was done to you. But sometimes it’s more specific than that. Okay, we’re going to cover that in a lot more detail, as we always do, jean, when? When you’re on, when you want again, i know it’s coming up in a couple weeks, see if i was prepared to know the exact day. I’m sorry i don’t, but do you by any chance? No, i don’t have that. Okay, that’s. All right, right now, that’s. All right. Very cruel of me to put you on the spot like that. But of course, she’ll be back. He’s always back-up month after month. So it doesn’t really matter which day because you’re listening. Anyone get date? August eighth. Okay, thank you very much for that gene. We’ll talk more about partnerships and the obligations mutually had to enforce those obligations. Maybe some about your board. Responsibility boards, responsibilities and what form this thing takes it. Is it a partnership? Is some other legal entity? And what does all that mean? So you and i will talk about all that on august eighth. Sounds great, and congratulations again, tony, on so two hundred, really honored to be a part of part of the program. Thank you, jean that’s, thanks are sweet, and i am. I am very grateful for all your all your contributions. It’s been it’s been a couple of years, and i’m grateful for the time that you put in and i know are ninety, five hundred. Listeners are grateful as well, so thank you very much. Bye, gene let’s give away prize let’s do a prize teens act on twitter now the name of the organization was teens act, and they hit me on twitter there in utah, empowering at risk students to go to college. They had a guest speaker present at a college prep class of theirs, and after seeing the impact that the organization has on the students, the person donated five hundred dollars to speaker. Yeah, wow! So instead of getting paid, they pay right. So here shane didn’t say whether it’s so here she not only donated time, but then gave five hundred dollars, teo teens act on twitter, they are at teens act, and since they have such enormous impact, i’m gonna help them out with that by sending them a copy of the non-profit outcomes toolbox. That is a book by dr robert penna who was a guest on the show and it’s all about quantifying and demonstrating your impact and your and your outcome. So i will be sending that teo teens act. Congratulations act very cool administration in utah. Scotty, we have a little more time before you have to go. You have you have a gig? Coming up for those who in the new york area ay dio on and that’s going to be on wednesday, july thirtieth, two thousand fourteen and if there’s listening live that’s ah, a week from this wednesday, it’s actually, with a special group called the well groomed orchestra, which is of the well groomed orchestra they generally i mean, you know, and as much as i can control such things, okay, it’s basically his horns and winds and strings and it’s my original music. But i have a background in classical composition. It’s what i got my degree for in and so i wrote a number of like small orchestrations for my songs and to do it live nine instruments and four backing singers that’s going to be at the duplex at sixty one christopher street and saying they’re up, they have a piano piano bar downstairs and then a theater upstairs, and we’re in the upstairs theater that’s a nine thirty show and we have a special musical guest is well, my good friend amy regan is an amazing songwriter. I wrote some orchestrations for a handful of horton her songs i asked, we’ve been lookinto collaborate and i said, hey, why don’t you sit in with the well groomed orchestra and i’ll write you some charts and she said, that sounds good. So first time we’ve ever done this with somebody else’s music as part of the show. So we’re really super excited about this collaboration of the technical talk, right? You’re some charts, right? There were some range mints and some orchestrations. So can you. Can you write us and charts, man tony like some pie charts? Sametz start some sort of ninety graphs. Yeah. Yeah. You know that? Yeah. That’s. What? We were at war mathrani. Actually, you know that that’s that’s, our genre mathos? No, not at all. Well, groom, orchestra, you said nine nine musicians, nine musicians in total. They we have different combinations of instruments throughout the evening, so it might be four guys. It might be nine. It just depends on the on the peace. But i have nine different players, myself included, and then four backing singers and our special gas. Steny regan. Okay, very cool. Good luck. Good luck. Thank you very much. Thanks again for having me. It was my last. I saw you live at the talia falik. Value or thought, i always tell you maybe it’s time for symphony space. It’s the wine bar over there. Yeah. Symphony space. Talia maybe it’s tell you i’m what’s that person who doesn’t appreciate the arts a lot. I got a neophyte not a luddite, but a philistine, because i don’t know whether it’s, dahlia or tell you that’s. Okay, well, i’m joining you and i’m a musician, so you know, they’re goodcompany and you’re awesome musician. I love that song you made me want to write it, write a sitcom. So have you seen my my theme? Hey, if you do it, i will write your whole album like that was better than the friends theme er i think it was yes, let’s do a little more live listener love we get carmel, new york got two more in the usa, but i guess they’re mask sam can’t tell two people are hiding out fearful of the nsa which, frankly, is not such an unreasonable fear to have but so live listener loved to carmel and also teo other folks in the us so that we can identify san francisco. California we got you live listener love to you. As well. And santa pola, spain i do hope i said that. Right? Sent the polish in-kind ola santa pola live. Listen, love to everyone there. Um, amy sample ward is on the phone. What do you know about that? Hello, amy. Hey there. How are you? I’m doing well. I called in early so that i could listen everything. So i got tio hearing music. Got tio hear conversations, george. Feel like i was secretly in the corner of the room or something. Okay, cool. I’m glad you called in early, so we’ll bring you on a little early. Amy, of course. Ceo of n ten the non-profit technology network in ten dot or ge she’s at amy rs ward on twitter and she’s, our regular contributor in social media. Also with me every single month. Hello again. What’s happening time? Yeah. What’s what’s happening at the intend the non-profit technology network. What is happening? Well, in a very specific way, it seems that we have a lot of staff out at conferences today. The office is very quiet. We’ve got three portland staff, a community organizer summit here in portland and have a couple staff traveling for conferences. Back on the east coast so it feels like you know, everyone’s out summertime, but they’re not on a vacation. They’re just conferences, but larger than just today, we’re excited that we have our new brand new conference is just happening for the first time this year. It’ll be international disco in september, the leading change summit. So we’re other than today being out of the office, hard at work, getting that off the ground say a little more about the leading change summit. Is it too late? Well, is it too late for people to register if they’re interested? It is not. We actually got a good number of community members giving us feedback that our early bird registration deadline had been the fifteenth of july and they didn’t have enough time to process because it was the new fiscal year to get their whatever their organizations processes t get permission toe register, so we extended the early bird registration until july thirty first, so folks have more time to register at that lowest rate before rates increase and the conference is a bit of ah experiment, really? We felt like, you know, we have an annual conference, we’ve done for fifteen years, the non-profit technology conference and it’s, you know, quite large has sessions on every different topic, and people from all different kinds of organizations are coming together. So we wanted to do something that was totally different so that we weren’t, you know, competing with ourselves and our other conference, but also figuring out what it was that folks wanted that maybe wasn’t offered in that kind of format. So this conference is intentionally quite small limited number of folks, and there are no sessions there there’s not a like, you know, passing time in the hallway. Instead, you select the track or the topic, you know, thatyou wantto wantto work on while you’re there, and then it’s facilitated experience all the way through your working kind of with a smaller cohort of folks and really and that you can take whatever idea you have or whatever challenge, maybe you’re struggling with your organization or, you know, maybe of a new strategic plan, and you want to figure out what to really do with it, whatever that is or you want to create a new campaign, whatever, you could bring that idea or that challenge or obstacle to the conference and hopefully, over those days, the facilitated process will help you get feedback from other people. There will help you rethink maybe what your plans are now and the conference ends the last days an idea accelerator. So people who really put an idea together that that seems like it’s coming together, i can pitch that idea out. Others can come work with them for the day to just continue refining it, you know, poking hole seen how, how much better they can make it on dh then they can present that at the end of the day to a small panel of judges for some awards and it’s not meant that you have to come with, you know, and make a mobile app, or you have to have some technology project. I anticipate there will be a few folk that have kind of a technology translatable projects they want to pitch, but we’re also hoping that people come with, you know, with challenges like i think that the way we tackle this topic is fundamentally flawed, and we have to change the way we’re working on and try and tackle ideas and not just, uh technical project. Okay, that should be a really interesting, you know, convergence of of ideas and the project. People are working on the campaigns. They’re leading. And so far we’re you know, looking at who’s registered, there are organizations of all sizes. There are, you know, every kind of job title you can imagine from the very traditional to be like non-profit sector made up job title, you know, all the way across the board. So it looks like it will be, you know, a diverse group of people. And i think that’ll mean some really interesting conversations. You know, our love. We don’t all know each other already. I like the idea. Accelerator. It sounds like you have to wear a special suit to enter the idea. Accelerator have to strap in. Yes. So everyone will sign a release form will get their seatbelts on and then we’ll begin. Ok. And take their dramamine too. Yeah, take your dramamine before the idea. Accelerator. Ok, cool. How does that sound? So in-kind interesting. His leadership that leading change. Leading change summit clarence. I like anything fast. So you like the night? I like things that are that moved quickly. And faster and exciting. That that’s me. You should be at the accelerator. Comfort just is there a price just for the accelerator? Can we just show up for that? Um, you can show up just for the accelerator, but only if you’re going to support a team. You can’t. You will show up just for the accelerator and get to have your idea. Okay, workshop, you’re welcome to say no. You could just give me a flat. No, because it was so no way we’re open to that because we also recognize there may be people who don’t, you know, i have that time or, you know, approval from their organization to come during the week. And the last day of the conference is a saturday, so we wanted to open it up so folks that i could only come on that day could still, you know, holes in somebody’s idea and help them make it better. But we didn’t want to have those be the ideas that were central stage because they hadn’t participated all week. Okay? And amy, you’re gonna hang out with us for the rest of the hour, right? Until the end of the show, okay? That’s cool. So we got a little girl spare time. That’s great. Yeah, i question all this time on the show. I heard you drop the f bomb a little a little earlier because i love that song. Yeah. It’s, my show coming. Come on, that’s. Sort of like a, you know, a memorable moment o r or something like that. People like like, like goofs. And like, someone dropped something on the floor or theirs, you know, big problems. So, what are some memorable moments on the show? Like when funny things happened that were kind of bad, but not too bad. Well, actually, i am not the first person. Teo drop the f bomb on the show. Beth cantor since we’re on the subject, beth cancer when i interviewed her at pretty sure it was fund-raising day yes, it was fund-raising day in new york city, and it was either two thousand thirteen or two thousand twelve. And i interviewed her on one of the whatever their her topic was. Obviously something that the social change and it was data measurement and yeah, she said, fuck twice twice. So she’s just like death f bomb cantor was that day she was talking about sharks. It had to do with sharks. Sharks, kapin sharks. Yeah, yeah. I was a sight of sharks. Yes, it was very funny because she’s, not the kind of person you would typically think would do that. Ana, i have it on video. You could goto video videos on the youtube channel. Real tony martignetti it’s there. And i’ve used it on the show. So that was that was kind of memorable moment. Anything else? Anything weird happening? Scary. There was a ah near heart attack. Who had a heart attack? No, near near samuel. Remember our bet because it wasn’t too long ago. Ah, very winded. Guest came in he’s he’s. Not a small he’s. Not a small man. Yeah, on but he’s. Very nice. And i was a guest here in the studio. He’s running very late. He was coming from new jersey and that’s how far it was coming from fort lee geever grantcraft level traffic at the bridge. There was traffic, and he ii be sure he he had his cab. He know he had his car. The closest he could park was like a local garage or something. Cause you. Don’t want to drive around the neighborhood. Yeah, i’m going to find a parking spot and then you gotta put your card in the parking meter. You know, it takes too long. So he parked and pulled into a garage and he ran from the garage on the garage. Well, it’s not across the street. No it’s about forget a good four lock. He ran. Yeah. Yeah. And he came very sweaty, red cheeks, heavy breathing. He didn’t have any time, little doris to relax or you’re right. I don’t know. I i tried to try to give him some time to take a breath, take breaths and there’s the water. You know, we have a very sophisticated studio. We have a water cooler, so he got you got some water, and he was he come down and did not have a heart attack. But i was going through my mind was like, my old boy scout cpr training is thirty compressions and two breaths. I was thinking that if i have to do this yeah, yeah. Anything else? How about favored? Guess who was in your favorite guest? How about, like doug white? Oh, like doug white. Well, so yeah, doug, doug white, professor doug what’s been on the show a couple of times, just wrote a book about the the the robinson family lawsuit against princeton university. I know that which was a very big thing. Robinson family was heirs to the a m p fortune that gave sixty five million dollars years ago back in, like nineteen, sixty five or so roughly, and suffice to say, it didn’t go well. And, yeah, way the suit, it was. A big court case is finally settled for a bunch of money. There’s all that donor intent. What is the donor’s intent? And is already carrying that honoring it, right? Um, yeah, i mean, lots of lots of very, very guests. I love when all the regulars come on. Amy and maria and jean i like, you know, it’s. Just very comfortable. So, amy, let me say if i don’t get it, you know, if i forget later, i want you to know that i’m very, very grateful for the time that you put into the show. You know, social media is such a challenge for so many small and midsize shops. I know that they appreciate it. I hope you know that they appreciate it. And i definitely appreciate the time that you’ve been putting into the show. It’s been two years now because you were first on my show at at the one hundred. Yeah. Thank you. All so that’s. Very generous and kind. And i appreciate that you are making that explicit. Even if i tell myself that everyone loves everything i share on the show. I appreciate you saying that. And i love getting to be on the show. It’s. Always fun. Sometimes it feels like a challenge. Thinking of all the things that have happened since the last time i was on the show. What? Do i talk about you know, um, but it’s it’s really fun. And you make it really easy. Oh, i’m glad i’m glad that you enjoy doing it all with, uh, okay now. It’s. A pleasure on it’s. Been it’s been two years. You were with me in the studio. That was back when you lived in new york. Now, of course, you’re in portland, oregon, which i know is oregon. Yeah, it was really fun. Then i thought, oh, my gosh, i’m on the hundreds showed seems so exciting. And now fast forward two hundred show. Here we are, it’s early in oregon. She’s an organ she’s in portland, oregon. And it’s really out there. It’s only there. Three hours early. Yes, she deals with the time difference. Yeah, and i screwed it up in an email. I screwed it up last night. I i added three hours instead of deducting three hours, i think is something. I messed it up. Now that that that time difference math is hard. I mess it up all the time, and he doesn’t have a problem with it. So again, amy, thank you very, very much. You’re cool on dh. Thanks for hanging out for us with us for the rest of the hour. Let’s, give away a prize. In fact, um, let’s, give away teo, mary cal ing on twitter and, i hope, marry that i’m saying your name, right? She loved a donor that she had never met. The woman sent in three dollars, in cash, time after time after time, even sometimes with a little bible verse. I know right that’s, sweet, but small donors and small donors are the best. This was when mary worked for a riverfront recapture in hartford, connecticut, and i think she’s going to be very happy to get a copy of your book, amy. Social change. Anytime, everywhere. No, it is a good book, isn’t it? I mean isn’t delivered herself. Isn’t there some value to marry for this? I think so. I could be biased, but i believe it is the best book on the market. Social change, anytime, everywhere and you and i spent why don’t we spend one hour? I think we spent two hours over two months talking about the book because there’s a lot to say about social change and the use of the social networks and real engagement. That is time after time after time. That is your go to message on dh. I’ve learned it. Finally i’ve it took a while, but real engagement wait, it’s not what? We talked about it a few times because that the books written tio have separate chapters, whether you’re trying to tackle advocacy fund-raising or community building outside of ah campaign. Well, we’re going to get a copy of that book. Teo. Mary callie, we have another. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you for donating a copy of your book. We got another prize to ah, rick j blount on twitter. He asked a donor why he made a gift and the donor said to show my dad that i can and his dad was no longer living, i think that’s very touching that is very touching and we’re going to give him we’re gonna give rick a copy of a a free fund-raising course from pamela grow pamela grow friendraising pamela grow, a master small shop fund-raising consultant. She has the grow report, the newsletter. She has online courses in a popular blogged she’s a pamela grow dot com pamela grow dotcom. Thank you for being one of our price sponsors. I’m getting a sign from sam. I think we gotta start tio to wrap up. So sad. Sad santo phone. We use giving us another minute. Let’s. See, um, amy drum is here. Amy drum is my wife and me. Pull out my cup. Come on. Jamie drumm lorts sabelo amy hello, amy. Oh, that’s kayman talent is something that does not translate very well to radio. For example, ward is on the line. How do you know i’m not saying hello to her? Oh, smart she’s smart. Not only a wonderful dancer, but she’s smart. And you want to say hello to amy give it. I’m giving an air high. Five to the other end. There you go, right back, hacha. Thank you, remy drum. You’re welcome. We are going to wrap up, so i want to thank everybody. Who’s been with me. Amy sample ward, maria semple, jean takagi, john federico, scott stein, scott have depart and my wife in a drum. Okay, that’s, got it on, uh, care mara, creative producer. Thank you very, very much right show. Congratulations on to country cool, thank you. I don’t know what way that is. Ok, our creative producer is claire meyerhoff. Sam liebowitz is our line producer, but he may not be next week. Shows social media is by julia campbell of jake campbell. Social marketing. She doesn’t have standing job with a lot of work for this show. The remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico. Do you know the music is by scott stein. Amy sample ward, thank you very, very much, and the man himself, tony martignetti. I hope you’ll be with me next week for non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent go out and be great. Grayce you’re listening to the talking alternate network duitz get in. Dahna cubine. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping hunters. People be better business people. Dahna hi, i’m ostomel role, and i’m sloan. Wainwright were the hosts of the new thursday morning show, the music power hour, eleven a m we’re gonna have fun shine the light on all aspects of music and its limitless healing possibilities. We’re going invite artists to share their songs and play live will be listening and talking about great music from yesterday to today, so you’re invited to share in our musical conversation. Your ears will be delighted with the sound of music and our voices. Join austin and sloan live thursdays at eleven a. M on talking alternative dot com you’re listening to talking on their network at www dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. Talking dot com. Hyre

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 Fired Up Fundraising book Pamela Grow

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Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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My Guests:

Don Fornes: Successful Software Selection Strategy

Picture of Don Fornes
Don Fornes

Don Fornes, CEO of Software Advice, leads us through the software selection process for nonprofits.  (originally aired 6/14/13)df




Amy Sample Ward: Storify & Quora

Picture of Amy Sample Ward
Amy Sample Ward

Our social media contributor and the CEO of Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN), has strategies and advice about the value of Storify and Quora for your nonprofit.  (originally aired 6/14/13) 





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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I am not your aptly named host. I’m sam liebowitz non-profit radios line producer tony. Is that fund-raising day today, getting lots of informative interviews for the show. There is no show next week. It’s the fourth of july, enjoy the fireworks. Tony will be back on july eleventh and on july eighteenth, it’s, the two hundredth show of non-profit radio, will have giveaways, live music by scott stein and all of the contributors together. This week’s show is, ah re broadcast from june fourteenth, two thousand thirteen. Enjoy. No. Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. Oh, i hope you were with me last week. I’d stuff. I’d suffer stick a myth eah, if i heard that you had missed maria’s faa cues maria simple, the prospect finder and our monthly prospect research contributor there’s a lot of speaking and training, we talked about what she’s frequently asked, and artists sally west and keith, right? We’re with me from australia to tell us about the love is campaign this week successful software selection strategy don fornes, ceo of software advice, leads us through the software selection process for non-profit fitz, how do you know when yours isn’t working quite right? Also, storify and cora, our social media contributor amy sample ward i got a promotion at the non-profit technology network in ten. After that, we’ll talk about the value of storify and cora to lesser known social networks for your non-profit between the guests on tony’s take to my block this week is a charity did what charities do? Beth israel medical centers fund-raising became public in the new york times is there anything? They should be ashamed of my great pleasure now to welcome don forged to the show. He started software advice in two thousand five after ten year career in the software industry, he held positions at an investment firm and as a corporate development executive at a pioneering c r m software company, he likes to observe the evolution of software markets, including the impact of innovation. Don fornes, pleasure to welcome you to the show. Thanks, tony. Glad to be here. Thank you, don. What are some symptoms that, eh, small and midsize non-profits current system, whether it’s software based or however it’s based aren’t isn’t working very well, and a lot of the non profit organizations that we speak to our on the smaller end of the scale and they’re managing things through excel spreadsheets. Maybe they have a website that was coded by, you know, employer volunteers with a few they’re using microsoft outlook and trying to find emails and information in there. There isn’t a professional infrastructure for managing their operations, and that can lead to what errors in in data, what other kinds of problem altum certainly errors data, but difficulty finding the information that they need, um, inability to could manage an effective workflow and know what’s going on and making sure things are getting done, having insight into you know who are their, what, not just who is donating, but what what segment of constituent is donating and being able to discover things about their their organization if you’re using excel spreadsheets than there might be different versions of that floating around your office? Yeah, that’s, that’s one of the big issues with spreadsheets now next cell is an outstanding tool and that’s why so many organizations use it, but you do have that version control issue, and you have just a lot of opportunity for errors in your formulas and things like that. So you get to a certain scale when spreadsheets won’t cut it anymore. Also in pulling out like donorsearch formacion you alluded to this, you know, you want to be ableto to segment, right? So that you can target people with a specific a specific approach. Sure, you’ve got you’ve got constituents who are big donors, small donors, everything in between, you’ve got constituents or e-giving for different reasons, so you really do it want to develop a marketing? Strategy that that identifies your various segments and and you want to work with them in a each, each segment in a unique way that appeals to you to their motivations and just expect forces, right? Thank you, and just extracting data. I mean, you should be ableto query your your database system in lots of different with lots of different variables. Yeah, there’s so many the exciting things going on in terms of analytics these days that the ability to not just automate the transactions, that is, you know, that the donations or tracking contact information or interactions, but then to be able to go back and do discovery on that information or quickly generated report, that type of analysis is so valuable and it’s getting easier. But it’s not as easy if you don’t have a good infrastructure in place, capturing that data in the first place. Yeah, you can’t really be. You can’t be very sophisticated. Um, what are the different types of software that might be out there that we’re gonna be talking about helping people select? Well, you know what? The court, the nonprofit organization needs to account financially differently than a for-profit organization. So now there is fundez counting, which is a critical infrastructure, but then in terms of really growing out business, getting beyond the administration, too, more strategic, how you’re going to raise money and activate your constituents, you’ve got a range of different applications, and so you’ve got donorsearch which will help you track who are your best donors or who could be your best donors, or maybe a more high volume campaign of how do you get a lot of small donations from a very broad set of targets? And then if it’s a membership based organization, you’ve got member management, not seeming, you’re providing some kind of value to that membership and trying to track who they are and who’s paid their dues and what you could do for them and what their interests are. You have case management where you have tell your client based organization where you have clients, that you’re taking care of our helping, you’ve got volunteermatch management where you’re you’ve got a large force of volunteers and you want to keep them organized, get the most out of that enthusiasm, those are those are four examples of very specific applications, and of course, the structure of the nonprofit organization will determine what they need. In that case, there are larger, broader, more sophisticated systems that integrate these capabilities. But whether or not you go to that level of technology investment, that’s, that’s a really important question an organization needs to ask itself. What about event planning? Sure, event planning is another application i didn’t name, but if you do a lot of events, you need to track registration, you need to track payments for those events and and all the tasks that come along with putting on a great event so that’s, another application that could be part of ah abroad integrated sweet or could be purchased on a standalone basis on dh then, of course, for non-profits that get a lot of their revenue, or even maybe just some of their revenue from from grants, there’s always grant administration and management too. There is on both sides of that relationship for the foundation organization of might be giving that grant as well as the non-profit that’s receiving that grant. So there’s there’s software to automate that as well. I think it’s, you know, moving to another topic, which is, you know what you actually need. Thie organization needs, too, sit down and think about what our real pain points why’re we where we falling short, so not just not just thinking in terms of gee, that technology is very shiny and cool. I’d love to use that, but where are we? Syrian sing. The most pain right now is keeping track of who are donors are who might be a donor. Or is it really organizing our volunteers to get the most out of them? More, you know, is that we have a difficult time organizing and managing the current process. If you have an outstanding grantwriting, and you’re only applying for a few grantspace year, maybe you don’t need to automate that. And as we’re on we, i know you have five different tips that we’re going to talk through. But and your got into one of them. Thank you. As you’re identifying what your real problem is, is it? Is it possible to? I would think it is. But i want to make sure to get a software solution that’s going to solve that problem, but then also have add on sort of modules that would do other things as the organization’s needs change. Sure, so there’s, there are a range of solutions starting from what we refer to his best of breed, so let’s say, an application that just does donorsearch monisha and they do that very well, and they have a lot of features for doner management. They go deep into that functionality, and then they’re on the other end of the scale are integrated systems that do donorsearch management, member management, case management, event management, the whole range of applications we call that an integrated suite and, you know, in theory, maybe there are broader than they are deep, although in some cases they’re both broad and deep and so you you have to figure out where you want to fall on that scale. Obviously the the best of breed solution khun target a specific pain point you’re having it can typically be implemented more quickly. You have fewer people using in europe, people involved in the implementation and you just go and you tackle that problem with that specific, best to breed solution. When you’re talking about integrated system, you’re getting the whole organization mobilized. Teo moved to this new system you’re thinking about how do your various departments work? Together that the folks that are working with donors, the folks that are working with volunteers, folks, they’re working with clients, and they’re all moving to this new system. It can be somewhat of a big bang approach and requires a lot more change management, and there may be benefits down the road to have him, everyone working off one seamless infrastructure sharing data and processes. But getting there is a big investment and the big challenge for the organization. We have to take a break for a couple minutes done, and when we come back, we’ll keep talking a little about the what we’re on now. There’s, different the implementation, and also your tips for identifying what the what the right solution should be. So i hope everybody stays with us, bring anything good ending you’re listening to the talking alternative network to get you thinking. Things. Cubine this’s, the cook, said about bush senior wear hosting part of my french new york city. Guests come from all over the world, from mali to new caledonia, from paris to keep back french is that common language. Yes, they all come from different cultures, background or countries, and it common desires to make new york they’re home. Listen to them. Share this story. Join us. Pardon my french new york city every monday from one to two p, m. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Durney welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent talking to don fornes he’s, ceo of software advice, which you’ll find at software advice. Dot com done so well, i’m talking about this implementation. It is possible than tio by these things in modules just just what you need immediately. And then there are systems where you can add additional modules. Is that true? I would say that that can be true. The modularity of the system really depends on how it was architected buy the software company. So there are some companies that do a very good job of designing their software into modules that can be turned on or off so that you could say, deploy four of ten modules and then turn more on as ugo. But you can’t take for granted that every system is going to be architected in such a way that makes that easy. Some learn some art and that’s something really begin to as you evaluate the software. Okay, all right. So let’s, let’s, get into your five tips. You’ve really started with one. You introduced one the type of problem that you’re trying to solve. And your advice. There really sounds like is to start with the problem, not the cool technology. You know. I like to say, don’t be romanced by the technology, especially now that we’re into this cloud era and there’s a lot of advances being made and user interface, and and how it looks, who feels this software is just really attractive and great stuff. But make sure you’ve got a need for it. Don’t just go buying technology because it looks full, or because one one person in the organization, maybe tech savvy. There may be an early adopter, but then the rest of the team are, you know, luddite, and we’ll find in the same way that person did. You can. You can get yourself in some trouble where you’ve invested in great technology, but you’re not using it. And i think related to that is that you want to get what’s practical for your office. Sure. So there are there are systems that are fairly lightweight and do just the basics. And sometimes that’s all you need sometimes you don’t need toe over altum e and other times you have a larger, more sophisticated organization. Or one particular department is fairly sophisticated. And you really want some advanced technologies. He’s got to think about what is what is right for your organization and your your department. How do you avoid being romanced? Are seduced by the bells and whistles. That really cool? Um oh, this one. You know, this one does that to we could we could use that to and o it has this other thing. We could use that also. How do you keep your feet on the ground? I think it starts with staying. Ok. We’re talking about a technology purchase here, but let’s, put technology aside for a while. Let’s. Sit down and say, what are our biggest challenges? Where are we? At least efficient. Where do we spend the most amount of time creating the least amount of value? Is it that we have? Everyone has their own set of contacts, you know, maybe each pitch person who’s working with. Donors has their own list of of contacts. It’s not shared. And someone leaves in those contacts. Go with, um for example. Okay, now you want to look for some kind of a donor management system that will unify all those contacts to be shared even if they are assigned to different individuals. So do you. You want to think about where your biggest pain points are and prioritize what problems you want to solve in what order? I like to say start small, think big, grow quickly. So, you know, start small. Okay? What? What problems are we going to try himself keeping it in the context of thinking big? Eventually we want to solve almost all of these problems and then moved from there you have success. So i think, really just having a business discussion about the processes and workflows and what’s working and what’s not, and then once you say, ok, this is what we’re going to stall them. This is how we’re going to solve it. Then you go out and you start evaluating the technology and you stay in control of that sales process rather than letting a sales person from the software company. Show off bells and whistles that make them most attractive. You know, you say that’s, great that’s, interesting will take that into consideration, but you always come backto. What are the core problems you’re trying to solve? And how does that technology solve those problems? You talked about fundacao n’t ing software earlier. What air cem? Some basics around around fundez counting. And what sort of problems might an organization have if if they’re not doing their accounting efficiently? Sure, i think with with accounting it’s it’s important to get the right infrastructure and processes and controls in place, i said, you need to be automating a process that is it’s. That accounting process is mission critical and has to have very strict controls. You don’t want to ever get into a situation where funds are being misappropriated are or you’re not sure how much cash flow you have going through the organization, so that is an area where you’ve got to get the right system in place. And yet, at the same time, it can be very constraining, because in accounting system has to be rigid and enforced controls. You need to make sure that this software that you’re buying handles the process is the way you want to handle them, or that you are willing to adapt to how that software handles those processes. S so we may have to adapt to what the software requires us to do. Yeah, so some software is more flexible than others in accounting often it’s a little more rigid compared to, say, a constituent relationship management system. Because, you know, we do have, you know, accounting principles that are standardized. That we have two follow-up so you may have to. You have to do things the way that software is built to do it. I see in ah, a lot of small shops, it seems like very routine things, like maybe checks being received or accounts payable, being ah, being received or sorry, paid always seem to seem, even though their routine, they seem like each time it’s the first time it’s ever been done. I hope that’s, not the case, for, for all organised thames, i think some are more efficient than others. I think it comes down to you know, what is the attitude around payables receivables on dh? How quickly are you going to do it and who’s doing it? So i think that getting the right software in places key there, there are so many great technologies right now, such as a ch payments, you bring a payable ilsen receivables in our own organization. We’re doing more and more a ch, which is essentially a wire transfer, but no more scent paper checks, but actually just sending the money elektronik, lee and the more modern systems are built to be able to do those kind of transactions. And i’m glad i’m glad you explained what a ch is. Because on this show, i have jargon jail. But you kept yourself out. You kept yourself out of george in jail by quickly saying, basically a ch iso wire transfer. I think it stands for automated clearing house. Do you know? Is that right? That sounds good. Okay, so we’ll take that. Okay? Yeah, now. And i just meant that, uh, all right. Guess i was going back to symptomology a little bit. You know, when i said routine things seemed to i get treated as if there is the first time every time, even though it’s it’s done, you know, it doesn’t times a month or something, it always seems. To be a difficult task. So, andi, i see that. Sorry. Go ahead, you’ve got organizations for maybe you have a volunteer bookkeeper, who’s coming in once a week or twice a month or something, and maybe they’re using an application that isn’t designed for fund accounting on dh. Maybe that particular person is, ah fine bookkeeper, but not very tech savvy and so that’s, where you can get into those situations where things were just very slow moving and and no one could really tell whether the check has been cut or not received or not. And i think that is symptomatic of the level of sophistication of the organization or they thought, function in the organization. Let’s, go back to your to your tips for, for finding navigating your way through the right software. What, what what’s. Next on that you recommend. Well, we’ve talked about not being romanced by the technology we’ve talked about some of the different applications, and identifying the problem first and then matching the technology is the solution. I think another interesting thing is its funding technology it’s an interesting area, because there are plenty of people out there who who love technology, who loved sponsoring technology but who love rolling up their sleeves. Of course, there are plenty who don’t, but organizations can identify those constituents who can be very useful as a technology resource. So in technology, there are plenty of people who been very successful financially, so you may find donors who have a background in technology who get excited about funding some kind of technology, purchase and implementation, and at the same time, they can roll up their sleeves and help with advising on selecting that technology, implementing that technology. Then there are folks who fit that description that maybe don’t have the financial resources to contribute, but could contribute their time and skills. So technology is is an area where well, let’s, let’s, go back to that bookkeeper. You know, there may be bookkeepers who could volunteer to do your accounting, but that probably isn’t the same level of passion relative to technology, where there’s. Some people that are very passionate about what technology can accomplish and would really be motivated to come in and help you, either financially or by rolling up their sleeves. So i think you can be really creative as you think about technology. Maybe not. Just another thing that comes out of the operating budget. But could you do a special campaign around raising money to fund a technology project or forgetting time donated by folks that are tech savvy? Okay, excellent, yeah. And and as you touch on this, another, another issue and that’s important, and a tip that you have is around the implementation and the training. Sure, so this is along the same theme i’ve been hitting on throughout this conversation, which is they’re really needs to be a process behind the technology, whether that process is something you seek to automate with the technology or process you switched to because that’s the process that technology automates by default, and so the people that are gonna adopt this technology and use it are really critical to its success and can also lead to its failure. So if you by technology and you don’t use it, we refer to that in the industry as sh elsewhere go that as we do surveys of technology users and buyers almost every time what floats to the top is one of the biggest challenges is adoption. How do you get everyone to start using it if you have your development folks using a donor management system, but they don’t like filling out all the fields, you know, maybe they need the email in the phone number. I just don’t want to take the time to put in that physical address. Ah, that may serve their needs, fine, but it’s not going to help the marketing group when they want to. Do that next direct mail campaign, right? Right. You can get a lot of dirty data, and there you need to get those folks thought in early to get the right data in the system and clean data in the system. If they’ve always been more of a relationship person, they don’t want to use technology, maybe they do their work over our lunches or in events. You can have this whole system you’ve invested in, people are using it. So i’m i make a suggestion that may seem counterintuitive, which is get those people involved in leading the technology selection and implementation effort. Maybe they’re not the lead on the project, but they’re involved from the start so that they have a sense of ownership and buy-in and really get exposure to what the technology can do from the start. Well, they were probably gonna put one of your more tech savvy people in charge of the project. But you need to get those those late adopters, our new tights into the process early so that they really you have an epiphany then come to believe in technology. We also need the leadership. It’s it’s gotta be it’s. Gotta be used properly at the senior levels. And it’s got to be encouraged and sort of enforced from the senior levels. Yes, and that would be a challenge if you’re senior management are the late adopters. Yeah, okay, not need a champion at the most senior levels of the organization. Who could say, hey, this is something we’re going to do the time has come and everybody’s going to get on board and we’re going to get the right amount of funding. We’re not goingto, you know, we’re not going to be too cheap about this. We’re going to get the right stuff in place, and we’re going to make the changes in how we do things around here so that we’re really using this software and and automating are our process is the right way. Don’t we have just about a minute left or so i want to ask you, what is it that you love about the work that you’re doing? You know, i it’s, uh, a little bit nerdy, but i love efficiency. I love getting doing things better and faster and in my own organization, it’s reflected by developing our own technology way rarely even by third party technology. We have a team of developers who build everything from scratch to do exactly what we wanted it’s led to great efficiency and i think, whether your advanced enough to build your own or whether you’re buying software off the shelf there’s a great sense of momentum and pride that comes from getting better at what you do in getting more efficient and that’s what i love. Don fornes, ceo of software advice. You’ll find them at software advice. Dot com don, thank you so much for sharing your expertise. Thanks for having me telling you, it’s been my pleasure right now. We go away for a couple of minutes when we returned tony’s, take two, and then amy sample ward is with me talking about storify and cora. Stay with us, talking alternative radio, twenty four hours a day. Hi, i’m lost in a role, and i’m sloan. Wainwright were the hosts of the new thursday morning show, the music power hour, eleven a m we’re gonna have fun shine the light on all aspects of music and its limitless healing possibilities. We’re going invite artists to share their songs and play live will be listening and talking about great music from yesterday to today, so you’re invited to share in our musical conversation. Your ears will be delighted with the sound of music and our voices. Join austin and sloan live thursdays at eleven a. M on talking alternative dot com. I’m the aptly named host of tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent fund-raising board relations, social media, my guests and i cover everything that small and midsize shops struggle with. If you have big dreams and a small budget, you have a home at tony martignetti non-profit radio friday’s wanto to eastern talking alternative dot com. Hi, this is joanna quotes at the woman’s playbook on talking alternative dot com. Join us every thursday twelve noon to one p m. We’re talking about the rising she economy and about women, entrepreneurs and their growth, their triumphs and the businesses they run, which is different than the way men run businesses every thursday. Twelve to one pm on talking alternative dot com. It will help you start, run and grow your business. Hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com. I’m chuck longfield of blackbaud, and you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. That was chuck longfield, chief researcher research scientist, actually at blackbaud from last year’s bb con conference and i will be there this year in october. Also, thes blackbaud people are very modest, it’s hard to get them to say their titles. Janna eggers, senior vice president i think of marketing in products just, said jenna eggers from black board, i have to get them to be a little more ah more forward about their titles and we have something to say about titles, titles that have changed very shortly, but first i can’t send live listener love this week. I’m sorry i’m not live where pre recorded this week, however konnichi wa ni hao anya haserot you know i send live listener love also, california always checks in texas, north carolina, oregon from time to time north i said oregon, not oregon there’s no e at the end of that, i learned that. Who else checks it? New york. New york has been lately so live. Listen love to all of you and everybody else. Who’s listening live. I will be back in the studio next friday. Tony, stick to my block. This week is a charity. Did what? Charities do the fund-raising at beth israel medical center here in new york city became public because of a will contest, and it’s fund-raising methods were the subject of a new york times story, which is probably something that we would all rather avoid, and i don’t think anybody wants their internal office processes splashed internationally on the new york times, but i saw very little that beth israel should be embarrassed about, um, i think they’re fundraisers, including their ceo, who, of course, we know should be a fundraiser. I did what they were supposed to be doing did what charities do they is the story of a woman who was living in the hospital, literally living in the hospital for twenty years. She was a resident of the hospital for twenty years, and the question is, were there was the hospital’s fund-raising tactics inappropriate? And i don’t think they were. I think they had a great prospect living among them, and they would have been, i think, careless if they hadn’t cultivated and solicited this woman for charitable gift. There were some emails and some notes to the between members are between employees that i think we’re a little carelessly, unprofessionally worded, but there’s nothing unethical, certainly nothing illegal, nothing fraudulent. So i don’t really think beth israel had that much to worry about when they’re fund-raising became public in the new york times, and i say more about that on my block, the post is a charity did what charities do on my block? Is that tony martignetti dot com that is tony’s take two for friday fourteenth of june twenty fourth of the year. Oh, i’m very glad that amy sample ward is with me now. She got a promotion at the non-profit technology network and ten and her most recent co authored book is social change, anytime everywhere about online multi-channel engagement, her blog’s, amy, sample, ward, dot or ge, and on twitter she’s at amy r s ward, i guess i don’t know, i guess i’ll say it because it’s it’s easier for me to say then for amy to say congratulations on being promoted to ceo of inten. Thank you. When was your promotion? Effective. Ah, effective june first. So we are in day eleven. All right? Yes. Today’s tuesday the eleventh. Um how’s it going, it’s going really well, i mean, you know there’s there’s not a lot of time spent trying to figure out who are these people that i work with because i already got to work with them for the last over two years, so it feels like, you know, you could just jump in and we can start moving forward on all kinds of projects are already deep in the weeds of the next ntcdinosaur will be in march in d c, so lots of lots of action, lots of good stuff happening and t c, of course, is the non-profit technology conference? Yep, right, followers of intend may not know that. So what, you’re jargon jail? All right? No, no mass resignations since your appointment as ceo. Well, not yet. Knock on wood. I i don’t think that that’s the case. I think we’re all really excited to dive into work together. I think you know, any organization that’s gone through a transition, you you kind of let yourself feel like, well, maybe, you know, maybe we’ll go in a new direction. Maybe we won’t what’s gonna happen. And so once everything’s kind of decided, well, now we can just move forward on all those great ideas. That we’ve been having and conversations that staff have together it’s, like one day. Maybe we’ll do this. So now we can really start putting some of that into motion on. You were supposed to be in the studio with me today, but you had to be by phone because you have something going on in your apartment, right? Yes. Since we since i’m now the ceo and ten, we will be relocating back to portland, where the antenna main office is. And as such as manhattan real estate, as soon as our landlord know that we were moving out well, he wanted to start fixing it up for the new people. So some repairman is coming. Tio, work on the bathroom. Okay, lets you get a swelled head. As ceo. You still have to being still to be in your apartment to let the let the contractors in. Exactly right on dh. Do you know when you’ll be moving? Sorry. Very sorry to see you’re going. You won’t be live in the studio with me anymore. Or maybe you will one more time when you mean portlanders again in july. July. Okay, we’ll see whether we get you in. The studio one more time or or not, i guess depending on when your move is in july. But very happy for your congratulations on your appointment. Thank you. I appreciate it. This seems like a good time to let listeners know. Remind listeners what what? And ten is about what? What what kind of help can small and midsize non-profits get from non-profit technology network? Sure so and ten is a non-profit ourselves. So we definitely understand what everyone else going through and where. The membership organization for anyone looking to use technology to meet your mission. So there’s no organizational size requirement there’s no budget requirement. There’s no mission specific or caused specific focus that we have it’s really, truly for everyone that’s trying to use technology to be a little bit more effective and more efficient and meeting your mission. So we have the ntc like we mentioned before the non-profit technology conference, which is our annual conference in this coming year in d c we’re expecting over two thousand non-profit staffers, so it’ll be a big, really great conference. But then, outside of that conference, we have about a hundred webinars a year that air on all different topics um, tailored to all different kinds of staff in an organization because, you know, for example, if you’re thinking about online fund-raising well, there’s some pieces of that that your staff are interested in, you know what air the pieces we need to have in place? And then there are pieces of online fund-raising thatyou’re development team want to know, like, how do we make the ask successfully online? Um, so we try and make sure that there’s something for all those different sides of everyone in organization and we have depending on the year between five to eight research reports on those air free to download for and ten members, and then, you know, outside of all of that, really a community so there’s over eleven thousand and ten members sixty thousand, largely in the community that aren’t necessarily paid level but attend webinars or have come to the conference. So there’s the probability of sets that there’s no way that there’s someone who hasn’t gone through what you’re going through at your organization and it’s a great place to come find those piers, ask some questions, see how they’ve navigated that website redesign or that our processor, whatever it may be, and you make the point very well that this is not on ly for technologists duitz who understand technology but it’s for everybody in the organization. Exactly. I mean, it’s twenty thirteen, right? We’re all using technology. It doesn’t mean that we’re all directors, but we all need to use these tools to do our job. And so it’s a place where you can go regardless of what area in the organization you work in to find resource is that help you with your job, whether you’re in communications or you’re on the program team what whatever it may be, you’ll find antenna at and t e e n dot or ge cool. Thank you very much, amy. Think well, hopefully we’ll get you some new members on dh attendees at ntcdinosaur and viewers of your webinars and readers of your research reports, because i think it’s very valuable what in ten does? And it is a it’s, a it’s, a morass in a black box for a lot of people and that it need not be right. Let’s talk about storify and cora let’s do it. Okay, storify, um, what’s. Ah, i see. It described as content curation. What is this? Yeah, but kind. I mean, if you’re going to jargon jail me for ntc jargon jail you for content curation because that sounds wonky. Well, i asked you to. I asked you to explain it e i would know that wouldn’t be the way i actually think storify is really cool tool really cool platform because it is so directly the definition of social media it multidirectional its share a ball, it’s public all of those pieces that we associate with you know what? These social tools online are that storify. So essentially you could go to storify you say i wantto i want to create a story, and i want it to be about, uh non-profit radio looks put in the hashtag non-profit radio that’s what you wanted to do your store storify about today after you listen to the podcast and it will pull in all the media that it finds it’ll pull in the tweets if there are photos of tony’s taking photos in the studio and posting them. If there are videos posted, whatever kind of video that it confined with that hashtag non-profit radio and what’s great! Is that it doesn’t just pull it in and say, here you go, it shows you these air, all the available pieces of content, you know we found and you get to very simply you don’t need to be a technologist to do this, but you can just drag and drop them into your post. You can add your own tax so you could say here’s a great quote from one of our live listeners and then pull that tweet over. Oh, are you know whatever those kind of like annotations would be, and then when you are finished compiling it, you can either embed the whole thing in your website or in your blog’s, or you can just share it out on twitter or facebook wherever you want to share it and have it stay on the storify website. You know where however you want to move it around and it’s? Great, because then people can go back and kind of see that recap of the conversation i think it’s used really well. Bye. Uh, newspapers new york times used storify all the time. Tio pull in. You know what they’ve seen on a breaking news story? Kind of in real time, things like that i see. And on all those examples that you gave by the way of non-profit radio, which is an outstanding example to use. Thank you. They all do exist. Wei have just a minute before a break. Do you have to start your storify with a hashtag or could you just use the phrase? I guess in quotes tony martignetti non-profit radio can you start that way? Yeah, you could try it that way. It’s it’s easier with hashtags only because you know that it’s a dedicated tag that people have been using. Whereas if you were trying to just search for you know any instance of someone saying non-profit technology, for example, there was it would just be too big and nebulous. Tohave a clean, you know, conversation captured. Okay. Non-profit radio is what you meant. Yep. Non-profit technology i understand. Just flows out. No, no, no. I meant non-profit technology. If you did that generally as a phrase versus for example, the hashtag and p tech. I see. Ok, ok. But you can edit out things that are extremely us, right? Yes, for sure. Okay. All right, let’s, take a break and amy will return, and we’ll keep talking about storify and also kwara. Stay with us. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Hi there and welcome back, amy, this sounds like something that could be good for non-profit don’t have a social media team or director at all because you’re pulling in content that’s you’ve already created or that others have already created. Yeah, especially if you’re on organization where you’re having an event or you’re having, you know, you put out new report or you launched a new program or, you know, you’ve done something that’s gotten your community talking online about what you’re doing so so it’s about something specific, it doesn’t just generally, you know, i like and ten well, that’s terrific, and i would love tweets that say i like and ten, you know, it’s, not necessarily something to capture a story, so any time you’re doing something that is a little bit more time bounder or topic lee specific it’s it’s really easy because you now you have all this content and so you, khun, just like you said, even if you don’t have a social media are big communications department, you could just go pull it all together fairly quickly, but be it also means that now all those community members that got highlighted in your store if i get to feel like, oh my gosh, you know my my tweet about the event or the photo that i took of, you know, the ballroom at the event got to be featured in the organization’s recap and that’s really cool for them as a member of the community who maybe hadn’t ever really felt highlighted or, you know, called out by the organization before and now they’re kind of, you know, they get to shine as part of the recap, and that makes it more likely that they will share it with their communities exactly. Now it’s and storify, when you said that it gives you the chance to either in bed or share, i guess or both the people that including the people that it shares with include the people who contributed to everything that got drawn in, right? Yes, exactly. It has a lot of built and sharing features on dh you can you can tell it not to do those things, but it try it wants to encourage you to send out a tweet for example, tow any, uh, any tweet that you included in your storify to send a reply to those people saying, hey, i highlighted you in my store if i and give them a link and then they, you know, it links back to the store if i so you can have, you know, when you have your storify account in your building, these specific stories they’ll stay on the story by account, you have a you know, profile there people can just follow your storify account if they want teo, but you could also embedded on your blogged on your website, maybe you maybe you created a storify for a specific offline event that you held and, you know, lots of people tweeted and shared photos and you create a storify well, that’s really great to go back to the event page and added there so now it’s like an archive you know, event captured page and not just an old registration page, you can keep all that content there, so you’re extending the life of your content. Exactly. I get a tweet like that whenever i participate in a in a twitter chat called fundchat hashtag fund chat and at the end of the chat i got a tweet that says you’re included in my storify for the fir fundchat today here? No. Okay, i think it’s a really great tool for twitter. Chat because it’s, when you are participating in the chat, i think it’s fairly easy to follow along. But if you aren’t participating in that moment in the chat and you want to go back and look at the hash tag later, it just doesn’t make any sense. You know, you need that storify where the organizer can move people’s replies to fit underneath the question, you know, instead of in-kind of the ad hoc free flow that they may have actually come in, so move them out of the time stamped order of when they were sent. But which question is this person answering and that kind of thing, right? Put them into a logical order. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting, though, that they do come with the time stamp too. I like that. It pulls in all the all the original features of the of the piece of content. Okay, let’s, let’s. Give some time to quarrel. Qu qu o r a i won’t try to describe it since i got admonished the with the store. If i so how would you amy sample? Ward defy, describe quarrel for listeners. Sure, so cora is essentially a q and a site, so you or others could submit a question, and then you or others could submit an answer and, unlike certain other question and answer websites that you may have seen or if you have ever, like, done an internet search just for a question, and then you see all of these, like different kinds of forums and q and i websites come up where someone else’s asked that question, cora tries to keep it really limited so that there’s there’s not just like a forever stream of answers, but that there are really, you know, prominent answers to that question on which is, you know, something that kind of plays up a positive feature. So you’re not sifting through and wondering which of these answers is the real answer and it’s a place where bulls organizations and, you know, individuals of all different backgrounds have have really established some of their energy online as a thought leader, a resource to whatever kind of niche field there in so it’s not just about technology about everything under the sun and people are there, you know? Some people ask a question and then answer at themselves because they want teo share information about that topic, but others see questions that others have posted and go in and provide an answer. I’ve answered a question on what’s the best way to get a taxi cab in new york city, huh? So i don’t know that an expert, but i had a couple of suggestions. I see too many people standing on the curb, you’re gonna be out there, you could be in the middle of the street practically gotta want that you got at least twenty five percent of the way into the street. If you’re not, if you’re not in danger of getting run over, then you’re not going. You’re not an effective cab campaign that’s how you’re stopping the taxi is by preventing them from driving further down. All right, so we just have a minute or so left. How could non-profits use quorra? Sounds like credibility is very good. How else? What? Why else? Well, i think there are lots of ways whether you want to talk about your you know, the field in which your organization works and provide answers. Say you work. In public education and you want to go? You know, maybe someone has posted a question that says, what does a charter school mean you if you work in public education, you probably know, and you want to provide a on answer, um, i think the thing keep in mind is that it is a very individual driven platform, and so if you have, you know, your executive director, maybe of a policy director you have, you know, whoever it may be in your organization think about having more than one person with an account and providing those answers as that credible individual that represents the organization, so that you created a little bit of space between that answer and your organization and have also said, well, of course our policy director is answering this question because it’s about public policy and we have an expert on this, you know, and that’s why we’re such a credible organization q u o r a dot com. Maybe we have to leave it there. Amy sample ward, ceo of non-profit technology network. Congratulations on that again. Thank you. She will remain our monthly social media contributor. You’ll find her at amy sample. Ward, dot or ge, always a pleasure safe move. I hope i get to see you before you go. Yes, thank you, bye. Amy buy-in insert sponsor message over nine thousand leaders, fundraisers and board members of small and midsize charities. Listen tomorrow to tony it’s, not just martignetti non-profit radio, tony martignetti non-profit radio each week. If you’d like to talk about sponsoring the show, contact me on my block. Our creative producer was claire meyerhoff. Janice taylor is usually the assistant producer, but she’s, not here today. Sam liebowitz is line producer. Our show’s social media is by regina walton of organic social media and the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules. Oh, i hope you’ll be with me next week, talking alternative broadcasting at talking alternative dot com. I think the dude getting ding, ding, ding ding. You’re listening to the talking alternative network duitz waiting to get into thinking. Nothing. Cubine are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna hi, i’m ostomel role, and i’m sloan wainwright, where the host of the new thursday morning show the music power hour. Eleven a m. We’re gonna have fun, shine the light on all aspects of music and its limitless healing possibilities. We’re going invite artists to share their songs and play live will be listening and talking about great music from yesterday to today, so you’re invited to share in our musical conversation. Your ears will be delighted with the sound of music and our voices. Join austin and sloan live thursdays at eleven a. M on talking alternative dot com, you’re listening to talking alternative network at www dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, help and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you, too? He’ll call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight, three that’s two one two, seven to one eight, one eight, three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. Talking. Come on.