Gene Takagi & Amy Sample Ward: Prudence In Our Political Environment
Following from our December episode, “Is It Paranoia Or Prudence?,” Gene Takagi and Amy Sample Ward return with updates from the grass roots on DEI, USAID and other spending freezes, major media capitulation, and information on a potential reincarnation of last year’s H.R. 9495 bill. Most importantly, they share advice and resources on how to cope—and keep your nonprofit in the safest posture. Gene is our legal contributor from NEO Law Group. Amy is our technology contributor and CEO of NTEN.
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And welcome to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the podfather of your favorite hebdominal podcast. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d suffer the embarrassment of metathiciaophobia if you changed your routine and missed this week’s show. Here’s our associate producer Kate with what’s on the menu. Hey, Tony. I hope our listeners are hungry for prudence in our political environment. Following from our December episode, is it paranoia or prudence? Gene Duagi and Amy Sample Ward return with updates from the grassroots on DEI, USAID, and other spending freezes, major media capitulation, and information on a potential reincarnation of last year’s HR 9495 bill. Most importantly, they share advice and resources on how to cope and keep your nonprofit in the safest posture. Gane is our legal contributor from NO Law Group. Amy is our technology contributor and CEO of N10. On Tony’s Take 2. The activist group I co-host. We’re sponsored by DonorBox. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters’ generosity. Donor Box, fast, flexible, and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit, Here is prudence in our political environment. It’s always a genuine pleasure to welcome back Jean and Amy. Our esteemed contributors at nonprofit Radio, Gene Takagi, our legal contributor and principal of NEO, the nonprofit and exempt organizations law group in San Francisco, he edits that wildly popular nonprofit law and is a part-time lecturer at Columbia University. You’ll find the firm at Neo Law Group and Jean is at GTA GTAK. Amy Sample Ward, our technology contributor and CEO of N10, they were awarded a 2023 Bosch Foundation fellowship. Yeah, but what have you done lately? That was two years ago. And their most recent co-authored book is The Tech That Comes Next about equity and inclusiveness in technology development. They’re on Blue Sky as Amy Sample Ward. Gene and Amy, welcome back. I never don’t laugh when you say podfather. It puts me in such a good mood, you know, we’re about to talk about like so many sad trombones, but we started with Podfather, so at least I got a laugh while on mute. Thank you very much. I’m glad I’m glad you’ve heard it many times and it still makes you laugh. And can I answer your rhetorical question about As if I had not done anything, which I appreciate in like a there’s a very fatherly way of being like, what have you even done, um, but a plug that was not on our agenda to talk about today, so I’ll just say it and then we can move on with the agenda, yes, go ahead. Um, incredible N0 Community Committee gave feedback and Tristan and I, um, and FUA have refined all that feedback and then the newest version of the equity guide is about to be published, the equity guide for nonprofit technology. That’s Tristan Penn, and then like a whole, you know, a couple dozen community members who met previously and gave feedback about. You know, uh, none of the previous equity guide content is like gone, but I think as time continues to change, we always wanted it to be a living resource and and just this latest iteration. Adds a lot more layers about security, privacy, um, ownership, you know, thinking about. The extent that our decisions around technology kind of weave into so many other, either potential challenges we’re gonna face or or ways of how we’re gonna operate, you know. I admire that N10 is leaning into equity and not uh shrinking away from it, leaning in affirmatively with an update to your equity guide. All right. Well, because that’s part of it, we can certainly get into it, but as a word is it’s not tokenism. It is because we truly believe in equitable world is possible. If we didn’t, why are we here? Why are we doing this work if we don’t think. That beautiful world is possible, you know, and it wouldn’t be beautiful if it wasn’t for all of us. Right, and it’s trying to achieve, uh, something that we may never fully achieve, but the, the journey is Meritorious, valuable, important, worthy, all right. We’re gonna, we’re gonna get to, uh, I don’t know, I don’t, I don’t know if it’s a, I don’t know if it’s a prior restraint on speech, uh, uh, using with token words that you are not using as tokens. I understand that, but, uh, but we’re not, we’re not quite there. So I want to uh open with uh just continuing our conversation from December. We were together in December. We promised listeners we would come back together in February. Here we are. Most of our conversation in Feb in December was devoted to House Resolution HR 9495, which died in the 118th Congress. So now if it’s going to come back, uh, it would have to be uh reintroduced under a new title, but because 9495 died with the old Congress. But it’s certainly, that certainly could happen. Uh, Gene, you have some insights into what, uh, what we, what, what, what, and the, the potential for a reincarnation of the 9495 HR. Yeah, and, um, great to be here with both you and Amy. Uh, first of all, um, HR 9495 did die with the last Congress, but that’s because it passed so late in, in, in, in the congressional year. So, um, as we entered into the new Congress at the beginning of January, um, things have to be reintroduced under a different, uh, name and number. Burr and so we’ll, we’re likely to see this come back again because it passed the House, um, and it didn’t make it through the Senate, but it was not rejected by the Senate. They just didn’t have time to deal with it. The Senate was also uh had a majority of Democrats on uh uh in in their roster at that time, but with the change in Congress at the beginning of the year, now the Republicans control both the House and the Senate. And this vote on HR 9495 was, was very strongly on partisan lines. So if it got reintroduced, there’s a very possible chance um that it gets passed. So it’s something just to, to think about. Um, if that possibility still exists, and we can discuss pros, cons, and, and likelihood and all the rest, but I, I’ll let you tell us where to go, Tony. Well, let’s see, in terms of a new bill, let’s see what does develop. It feels likely to me that something will come. Uh, so when it does, I guess that’s pretty defeatist, but uh it’s what I believe. When it does come, you know, we’ll talk about the details of it because it could be changed from what it, what 94, 95 was, uh, there, there may be changes to it. Um, but also important for folks to know, Gene, that there are other methods through which The executive branch in particular can ah. Cause trouble for nonprofits uh based on uh the the funding activities whether you’re funding or even just talking about people who are perhaps under a terrorist supported organization or supported by a terrorist supported organization or once removed from these, there are some mechanisms that are already out there that exist right today. They don’t need to be passed anew. Yeah, so HR 9495 or whatever its progeny should should be if it’s similar, um, is not the most draconian of of laws, even though it created sort of panic within the sector. Um, there are existing laws on the book that give the executive branch a lot of discretion, uh, to really, um, either revoke 501c3 status from organizations that are. Deemed to support terrorist organizations um or even uh act uh against fundamental established public policy whatever that may be and with our executive branch well you know we we talk about kind of all of the things that are harming the nonprofit sector and all the communities that the nonprofit sector benefits, which is everyone, um. Uh, yes, the executive branch has a whole lot of power to do a lot worse even so this deluge of executive orders and memos and the like, you know, we, we, we’ll get into, but there are other laws out there that can even be exercised that are more tough. The danger with 94, 95 or whatever might come out of it is that it looks. Like it’s a little bit kinder with a little bit more due process than some of the really harsh laws. Now I’m free, I’m afraid that that could be a tool of use to, to be able to justify it and scare the sector by targeting a few organizations and then saying, hey, we’re going to do this to anybody that goes against us. Um, and that’s my general fear. And perhaps making it more palatable because it, it did include due process that uh that other existing regulations don’t include. So could you say though, as you were talking about, you know, I’m just, um, pretending that I’m a listener and not having access to the mic right now while you’re talking and You know, the way you were describing the laws that already exist, access to power that is already available, um, to the executive branch, you use the term terrorist organization. Can you, you know, I think a lot of nonprofits would be like, that’s not us, like we’re safe here, but can you talk a little bit about how that definition is, or how that term is defined and and used or misused? So there are probably dozens of laws that define terrorist organizations in different contexts. This is outside of the tax code, right? So this is. No one’s putting on their 990. Yes, I’m a terrorist. Um, but the fear, I think, and, and why 9495. arose in the legislature is, is, I think, because, not because they wanted another tool to stop terrorism or the support of terrorism. I, I think it arose because, um, there are members of Congress that really did not like that some people were supporting Palestinians in in Gaza and Um, the Palestinians were ruled by Hamas, which was designated a terrorist organization. So Hamas is a terrorist organization in, in our books and just a lot of things. Amy, just to your, your whimsical point, you, you, you could have a 990 that mentions support for Palestinians, right? Yeah, and so what is the algorithm that they’re going to use to say, hey, let’s take a closer look at this organization, throw a wrench in their operations, maybe have the right to take away their 501c3 status? What 9495 doesn’t do, which we mentioned in the last show, but I, I think it’s worth reiterating, is it does not stop you from operating. It just takes away your 501c3 status. So again, A less harsh tool than they already have in the books, um, but one that might be used because it looks better. And when we talked about due process, Tony, let’s put that in quotation marks because there are some outs from some of those due process protections as well, so. Save it for another show because again it could get redefined in the new bill. All right, all right, cool. Um, Amy, let’s go off with the guide. Uh, we’ve got, uh, we’ve got a chilling around a chilling hostility toward diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging. Uh, uh, all as, you know, illegal discrimination. I mean, if you get into the, if you get into the text of the, the one order anyway, the one executive order, uh, 14173 talks about ending illegal. Diversity, equity, inclusion, discrimination, uh, but, but that it’s not currently illegal, but I’m not sure that qualification really matters. It’s, it’s, it’s having a chilling effect on Websites, um, I don’t know if it’s going as deep as mission statements. Maybe it is, Amy, maybe you’re hearing some of that, uh, but I mean, I’m reading about websites being prophylactically scrubbed of language that the administration deems, uh, inappropriate and is hostile to. Uh, Amy, why don’t you share what you’re what you’re hearing from folks? Yeah, I think there is. Um, you know, if, if anyone ever watched, uh, Thomas the Tank Engine or read Thomas the Tank Engine, they say all the time, confusion and delay, that is what is happening. So much confusion and delay, right? It’s Ringo Starr, right? Ringo Starr the station manager, it’s it’s Ringo Starr saying that, isn’t it? Yeah. Um. That’s like the nice way to put it, of course, right? Like there’s already. Countless documented actual harms, deaths, delayed or stopped medical interventions. Like all of these things have come. I’m not trying to downplay it with Thomas the Tank Engine, but maybe make it light enough that we can keep having a conversation, um, because otherwise, like, the reality is super, super hard, and I don’t want to deny that. Um, I think we’re hearing from a lot of organizations who And N10 has had this conversation too, of how do we navigate. Keeping our staff and our either service recipients or program participants or, you know, beneficiaries of our mission, what whatever it is safe so that we can continue to do this work. Like we don’t want to stop the work that we do, but, but how do we stay safe enough that we’re employed to do it or that, you know, we are able to offer these programs and. Um, I welcome Jean’s insights, but I think that question is kind of a recurring theme with maybe answers that are different every day for organizations, right? Like they’re coming up with, OK, today, like things are a little different, this is what that’s gonna look like. We’re hearing from, you know, I think a lot of the websites or service providers that I’ve at least seen, not that I have a chronicle of the entire internet, um, despite what you may think, but the folks I’ve seen doing the most proactive scrubbing are folks. Either completely reliant or predominantly funded by the government. And so that is less about the language of of executive orders and much more about the actual felt pause or discontinuation of funding, you know, and, and wanting that piece to not be the barrier. And I think there’s a lot of arguments. That are super valid about not scrubbing that, you know, if you invisibilize community members, you are not serving them in those services, cause they don’t know that it’s safe to still get services from you, and maybe it isn’t safe to still get services from you. And because we are in a world, and we are complex humans, multiple things can be true at the same time. That is true and I want to create space to say that that is also a potential mechanism for keeping staff and patients safe so that they can continue to operate, right? So it’s both troubling and not helpful to invisibilize communities by erasing that language from your website, and also if that allows you to get funding so long as you’re still serving them, and they are safe and protected. You know, it, it is complex, um, but I think that’s the kind of scenario we’re hearing from organizations that they’re trying to balance. Where there isn’t a right answer, and, and also none of the answers maybe feel good, but they’re trying to, you know, what can you do on your website versus what could you do in your services, um. I think another place of real worry, and this goes back to conversations, um, Jean and I have had with you, Tony, about 94, 95, and, and other, uh, powers that many administrations have used to come for organizations, and that is the incredible data that we have been entrusted with as nonprofits, and that that Less of our mission or our services, or even honestly our staff, but just the database we have that says these are all the people who needed X, Y, and Z service, that’s, that’s the thing, um, that’s gonna have even more targeting, and so we’re also hearing from a lot of folks who Well, this is not a new practice for the federal government to come for your list and really want to know who’s accessing certain services or benefiting from certain missions. Because of the level of rhetoric around the White House right now, I think folks who have had the privilege to not be threatened by that in the past are now thinking about it, really, for the first time, right? And thinking, OK, what does it look like to Create our database where all of the demographic information for, say, participants in our programs is animized, and we are just never connecting that to individual records. What does it look like to, you know, what, what can we do? It’s time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money, but also supports you in retaining your donors. A partner that helps you raise funds both online and on location so you can grow your impact faster. That’s Donor Box, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers just like you, a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges. Helping you achieve the growth and sustainability your organization needs. Helping you, help others. Visit to learn more. Now back to Prudence in our political environment. Gene, you’re getting a lot of calls I know as well, folks just with generalized concerns or maybe more specific based on their work, but what, uh, what are you able to tell folks? How, how are you reassuring or, or maybe it’s not reassuring, but what are you sharing with folks? Yeah, I mean what Amy talked about in terms of the complexity and. Um, basically one size doesn’t or one solution doesn’t fit everybody’s, um, sort of needs. Um, I, I think one of the first things I talk about is if you’re going to make decisions on what you’re going to do, whether it be scrub your website or change your programs or change your mission or or whatever, or advocate and fight against, you know, uh, uh, what the government is doing. You wanna do that on an informed basis, so you wanna make sure that you are talking with your communities, your stakeholders, um, your board should definitely be involved um and assessing kind of the risks and the risk tolerances you might have, what you’re threatened with, um, uh, if things go bad, talking about sort of contingency planning. Uh, of, of, or scenario planning about what might happen if you were to go on this course and sort of mapping it all out and saying, OK, what is the best direction for our organization. So I think. Um, from a governance role, from the board role, that would sort of be my first step is get your board involved and make sure you’re hearing from them some pieces of information that you might not have and, and, and vice versa as well. Talk to your employees, talk to your beneficiaries, and we talked about, um, having, uh, uh, town town hall type meetings, um, you know, uh, that may be a good thing to start out with. In terms of being informed, there’s so much misinformation out there and and part of it is intentional coming from the government, right? Again, they want to scare the sector as a whole or the sector writ large into compliance with what their policy aims are, um, and this is extreme now but it it is kind of that’s how governments tend to operate, you know, generally speaking, and now we’re just at a very extreme level of how far they want to get into it. Um, so it is assessing now, um, you know, those executive orders definitely if you’re receiving federal funding that’s discretionary, right? They can fund who they want and so if they put parameters around that about if you say you have a DEI policy we’re not gonna fund you, that places an entirely different risk tolerance on organizations that rely on federal funding. Now for the organization that doesn’t get any federal funding. To to sort of follow what the organizations that get federal funding and scrub all the DEI off their website if DEI is a core value and part of their mission. That may not be the right thing to do there for all the reasons Amy said because you’re trying to fight for your community, including your, you know, your beneficiaries in the future and if you give up on all of this and if everybody gave up on all of this, um, your organization and its mission are gonna really suffer and your beneficiaries are gonna suffer and the ecosystem that you’re in your environments are gonna suffer and communities are gonna suffer so it really is just something to think about and so for those. Looking at the executive orders closely, you’ve said the term properly, Tony, the executive orders are going after illegal DEI and DEI isn’t. A a real thing that you can grab a hold of, right? It’s diversity, equity and inclusion. Well, the words aren’t illegal, so what would be illegal? Something illegal would be saying like we are only going to hire a BOC individual to be our executive director. We won’t look at anybody else. That is illegal. So if you use race to base a decision on employment, that is illegal, um. The the fearless fund issue that I think we have also talked about yeah that has to do with making and enforcing contracts based on race. So that would say be like I will only enter into a contract if you are white or if you are black or if you are an indigenous or Native American person. You can’t do that either, right? So you can’t make or enforce a contract based on race. Where this gets dicey now is if you say we wanna run a program to, you know, address uh historical and systemic discrimination against a particular race or or races. If you structure that as a contract, like if you say you can participate in our program, but in return you must do this. Hm. If you make it as a contract which would fearless fund had too much contractual language in there, which is why they settled, it would have been bad precedent for the sector. Now there are other arguments for why that law shouldn’t be applied in this way when it was originally created in the 1860s, by the way, it was to protect black people who were formerly enslaved, um, from being. You know, taken away from, from, uh, the right to enforce contracts because you weren’t white. Um, that is, you know, it’s even mentioned in the statute, and now it’s being flipped in the, you know, reverse discrimination. But Jean, the other side of that, that I wanted to bring up, I’m glad you brought up Fearless Fun. That was, that was one side. And the other side is, was it last week? Time is an accordion. I don’t, I don’t know, uh, when this happened. But I think it was last week I saw the Missouri AG. With the suit against Starbucks, saying that the the Starbucks workforce, which is probably like a million employees worldwide, but probably just looking at the US is majority. Not men and majority, not white. And so that means it’s like it’s a proof of illegal DEI hiring or something. But as soon as I said that, my first thought, and Jean, tell tell me if I should stand down on my anxiety spirals of everything, um. But my first thought was, OK, well, like, let’s take a quick gander at the nonprofit sectors, demographics. Guess what are also majority, not men, major, you know, like, of course, because they’re is it that’s just the, oh my God, OK, yeah, because diversity is a value and because we’re, we’re basing our decisions that I’m gonna say like 98.5% of them on, on. Uh, the content of your character and your credentials, whether formal or informal for the job and not and not the color of your skin and your race. All right, so let’s, but yeah, Gene, Amy’s Amy’s pleading. Yeah, so the way it read in the media, at least the media I read, it’s a ridiculous lawsuit in Missouri. Um, I don’t know if there’s something deeper into that, that the news media didn’t pick up, but, um, and, and you can see I’m, I’m CYA because I’m a lawyer, um. Uh, but yeah, that seems ridiculous, but it does raise actually a great point of state laws can even be worse than federal laws, um, so, uh, you know, um, depending upon what state you’re in, I’m in California, so our, our laws are pretty. You know, OK, relative to the federal laws in terms of how hostile or friendly they are to nonprofits, but there are other states where that may not be true and Miss Missouri might be an example of where there are, you know, state laws that can be used as a basis for attacking a nonprofit, but this is to say that if I were to go into any nonprofit organization and you left me with a few hours to look at their books, I could probably find some sort of violation there. Um, cleaning up compliance on general things like making sure you’re registered with the state, um, and if you’re in multiple states, like figuring out which ones you need to register in, because that is a really easy way to close you down without there being any fuss. You just didn’t meet the requirements and boom. You have a whole, you have an article on this. We’re gonna let’s let’s talk about it in nonprofit quarterly. Uh, yeah, it’s so it’s right, if they want to, if they want to find something. You’re right, Gene, probably 2 hours, 2 hours with any person’s, uh, tax, tax history would probably incriminate them and, and subject them to, to sanction for, for no for noncompliance. So, I, uh, I wanna preface just with your so folks can find the article, it’s in nonprofit Quarterly. Gene wrote it, so you’re looking for the byline by Gene Takagi, it was January 20th, 2025. Nonprofit legal compliance in an unfriendly political environment you find that in nonprofit quarterly. Gene, let’s tick off some of the things that could easily, uh, be much more, well, I don’t know, much more troublesome, could easily be troublesome irrespective of what your mission is, what your website says, what values you hold deeply, just, uh, fundamental compliance things that And housekeeping that may not have been paid as much attention to as they should be, and now they ought to be. Yeah, so you know some of the fundamental things are just making sure you’re qualified to do business in a particular state. So if you’re incorporated in New York, that doesn’t give you the right to operate in Texas or in California, right? So a lot of people talk about registration, which is sort of in your sort of corner of the world too, Tony, make sure your solicitations are registered in all the states where you’re soliciting. But qualification to do business is not specific to charities. It’s to for-profits, it’s to nonprofits who aren’t charities, um, and it’s a different filing. You have to do both. Like, so if you have boots on the ground or you have programs in another state, um. As long as for lawyers out there you meet minimum contacts, uh, requirements and you have to be qualified to do business there and that may be a filing with the Secretary of State or someone other than the charities regulator. So the charities regulation stuff is above and beyond that you could get shut down for either missing either filing so. To to be aware of that now if it’s not your state of incorporation um they can only shut you down in your activities in that particular state, but as Amy knows with our technology now how do you do that? Like if you have members and donors and. In some state, how do you shut off one and not the other and now when we use charitable fundraising platforms like PayPal and stuff, they say, hey, if you are noncompliant in any state, we’re shutting you all down because we don’t want to get in trouble either. So now that wipes off all of your online fundraising through that platform, um, which can really harm organizations. So that is a big one, so qualifications as well as registrations. Gene, let’s talk about, uh, even more fundamental, uh, adhering to your mission, adhering to your, uh, your originating documents, your articles of incorporation, your bylaws, are you running the organization the way your bylaws say? Uh, all right, so I ticked off a couple, you’re bored. The duties of care and loyalty or as your, so I’m, I’m glossing over because I’m not the practicing attorney that Gene is, so, but. Uh, I’m not qualified to go any deeper. I’m a good, you know, like I’m a good surface scratcher. That, that’s just no, uh, in, in a lot of things that’s true, but, uh, Gene, please help me, get me out of this morass that I just, uh, got myself into. Uh, some of the, the more basic things about your, your work and your originating documents that you need to be adhering to. Yeah, so articles and bylaws really important because a lot of organizations have really old articles and bylaws that they haven’t been looking at. Their mission statements or their practices may have now changed from what the bylaws or the articles originally contemplated. That could be a reason for shutting you down or for removing your board members and having it replaced maybe by a receiver um who sides with whatever the state priorities are so you could find your organization and it’s control who controls that organization changed because you’re not compliant. So again, an easy way to say. We’re gonna shut you down not because of your policies. We don’t have to go there. We’re gonna shut you down for you didn’t follow your articles and bylaws. Your articles say you only operate in, you know, ABC County, but now you’re in EFG County as well, like you’re, you’re operating. Against the law, we’re shutting you down. Um, so be very, very careful. I know, again, some states would not even think of that, like would not think to do that. But other states may not. Well, Jean, I’ve been on boards of other organizations where, because those are quite important documents, there’s this preciousness to the bylaws that they can’t be touched. And You know, the response I got when I said, well, we can just take a vote and change our bylaws was like blasphemy, right? You can amend your you can amend your bylaws, just follow the bylaws in the bylaws, right? Is that right? Right. But I mean, you know, as a nonprofit, for example, Every 2 years, we are making sure, is this document reflective of how we want to be operating, right? And, and really looking through it. So I don’t know, Gene, if you wanna say something that like to Tony’s point comes from you and not from me, uh, but yes, like, go change your bylaws. Don’t just hear the feedback of like, make sure you’re in compliance, but also update them, make them something you want to be in compliance with. I love that Amy um and the regular, you know, schedule that that antenna is looking at. I do, I, I, I am concerned with a lot of nonprofits can’t really afford a lot of legal help, a lot of pro bono help doesn’t understand this area very well. The bylaws can seem a little overwhelming to boards who don’t understand all that legalese in there. Right. Um, so I’m, am a little cognizant of that. There are certain areas though where you should just look and you can tell, are we in compliance or not? How often are we meeting? How many board members do we have? Are we really having elections as they are supposed to happen and not just letting board members stay on because we like them, um, and you don’t need a lawyer if I mean you could. I would advocate that you still have a lawyer look at it, but if the only thing in your bylaws you were changing was our board is Whatever, 7 to 12 members, and now you realize you really want more board members and you’re changing it from 12 to 20. You’re not changing the terms, you’re not changing anything else. Just change those two numbers. Take a vote formally at your next board meeting and like, great, now you have updated. You know, I don’t want folks to feel like You’re not smart enough or you’re not qualified to review those and and want to make changes. Yeah, I hate to be sort of the proponent of something I heard Elon Musk who, who has all of your individual tax records as I was thinking when you mentioned that, Tony. Um, but, um, you don’t want perfect to be sort of the, the enemy of good here. Yeah, so you just have to be very, very careful of that. And, and as a side note, Elon said that about saying we’re spending $50 million of USAID money on condoms for Hamas, um, so. And then he said that quote is not generally attributed to him, like certainly been around, yeah, just like all right let me get out of the morass that the rabbit hole you just entered. um, all right, so now, Amy, you do make a very good point. The, the, the, the point that we’re all making is just be consistent. Your, your documents and your true operations need to be the same. So if the bylaws are out of date, work on amending. You don’t have to change the way you’re operating, just get the bylaws up to date with, you know, now you’re meeting 4 times a year instead of the 3 times a year that your bylaws say. All right. Well, and just can I make a technology point about that consistency too, um, this came up last week when I was presenting at the Alabama State Association um um state nonprofit association summit and talking about data and policies in a place where there’s not that consistency between maybe privacy policy you have and how staff manage the database or, or, you know, data from programs um place whatever the scenario is, and really Uh, inviting listeners to put on the calendar a good hour in tomorrow or in an upcoming day, to look at all the data that you’re collecting and say, do we need to collect all of this? It’s a lot of work to protect your data, and it is less work if you have less data, right? And so, if you’re never, if you’re never gonna Need uh one of those fields, or you know that you’re really only looking at, say, for our conversation here, demographic data. For the whole year, once a year, you can either stop collecting things or collect it differently or store it differently, that already sets you up to make it safer and and more protected. And so thinking about not just do we have a privacy policy, do we have a data retention policy? Like, please make sure you have those types of things and and that you’re practicing them, but also looking at those, just like you. Bylaws and saying, gosh, this privacy policy was written when we were formed in 2005, and like, is irrelevant to us now. We need to update these policies. And with that, we need to update our, our practices, um, and how we actually operate, um, because there is a lot that would be. At stake, um, if, if your data was compromised or subpoenaed or whatever, and so even these kind of practical pieces help that. I, I, I agree 100%. And just as an example, like if you, the lawyer signs off on what I said, I feel like I did it right, you know. Uh, if ICE, you know, comes and visits your nonprofit organization and demands sort of records of individuals who benefited from your organization’s services and you know, you have data going back years that you have no need to keep, and all of a sudden you’re turning all of that over. Um, think what harm that could be doing to your communities. It doesn’t matter whether they actually end up, you know, having anybody that’s relevant to ICE, but they could just terrorize the people that you’re trying to serve. And I think, you know, a common, when I’ve brought up an example like that, or, you know, Maybe you do pro bono legal clinics and you have this whole many years record of who’s come to those clinics. You probably don’t need that, but I, I hear the. The pushback or the question from a lot of different nonprofit staff saying, yeah, but like, how, we don’t want to delete that. We wanna know, OK, in 2010 we had 100 people, but then by 2014, we were serving 500 people. Great. You don’t need to know that it was Jean Takagi at this address in California that was one of those 100. You just need to know that there were 100, right? Or maybe you want to know that. It was client A who lived in California versus client B who lived in Colorado. Great. But, but again, you, you don’t need all of that data probably. And the more that you can get rid of, or not even collect in the first place, helps in the situation Gene’s talking about when someone comes in and says, hand it over, what are you really having to hand over then, you know, OK, well, here’s a list of counties, Godspeed to you, you know. It’s time for Tony’s take 2. Thank you, Kate. I co-host a. Nonprofit activist group. We are the nascent nonprofit activist group. We met once in December, we met again in February. We’re gonna try to keep up a meeting a month. Um, there’s about 40 people or so who joined the meetings, about 65 on our email list. And we’re talking about the issues that Gene and Amy and I are talking about on today’s show. So if you’d like to be be more activist than than just listening and, and dealing with this on your own, uh, we’re, we’re supportive, you know, there’s a lot of cross talk, it’s not, it’s not all 11 directional talk. Uh, we are helping each other and we are gonna be, after these two meetings now, we’ve had sort of informational, we had a guest speaker who I’m probably gonna have on the show in the, in the next few weeks, um. And so if you would like to be part of our supportive activist group, it’s very easy. Just email me, Tony at Tony I, I need your, just, I need your name and email. And uh you can also use uh the contact page at Tony I’m co-hosting this group with Beth Kanter and Jay Frost. They have both been on the show multiple times. You may know them in their own work as well. So the three of us are co-hosting this the the nascent nonprofit activist group. Please join us if uh you think that uh we can help you and if you have something to contribute to the group. That is Tony’s take too. Kate, I don’t have much to add this time other than I think it’s really cool to see these um conversations popping up um with, you know, the new administration and All the change that’s going on and the uncertainty, um, I mean, even in classes, we’re actually sitting down, putting aside the curriculum for a second, but in our education course we’re having these conversations in class, trying not to keep it political, but I think having that conversation is so important. It is, it’s so supportive, so that you know, you know, in your class, you know that you’re not the only one having concerns. I mean, you’re in an education curriculum and the Department of Education is at risk. That, that, uh, that can be very troublesome. The Department of Education sets standards, spends billions of dollars on public education. Etc. So yes, just in terms of support, knowing you’re not the only one with concerns, and then also this activist group is, you know, we’re, we’re activists, so we’re not just gonna support each other as important as that work is, we’re gonna start taking some actions. I don’t know if it’s gonna be calls or letter writing or emails or what we’re gonna do. We don’t know yet, but. It’s, it’s important to not only support each other, but also take action. Well, we’ve got booku but loads more time. Here’s the rest of Prudence in our Political Environment with Gene Diagi and Amy Sample Ward. Let’s go a little more uh focused to our colleagues who do uh foreign aid, uh, foreign development, uh, international development work. Uh, affected by the USAID freeze, um, there’s also an OMB freeze. These are in different states of litigation. There are, there are orders issued by judges against these freezes, but the orders don’t seem to be. Uh, being followed by the administration, or we’re not sure. Gene, what, what are you hearing like specifically from the, the uh Community development, you know, foreign, foreign aid work. What was really harsh, right? And so I think I estimated, um, over 50,000 US jobs lost, uh, over 100,000 worldwide jobs lost because of, uh, of some of the, the freezes and cuts. Um, understandably, there, you know, existing contracts that nonprofits had agreed to in the past, um, for which they’ve delivered services and not gotten paid. Yet, um, but it’s through, through grant programs where the funding has stopped. So, um, you know, it’s really, really a harsh time now where organizations are laying off people, they’re cutting off programs, um, and they’re really scrambling to find out how are they going to keep, you know, advancing. Um, their, their mission where they are largely dependent upon federal funding and federal funding is is perhaps, uh, one of the largest sources of funds for the charitable sector, right? Um, it’s not foundation funding, it’s, it’s much, much larger than foundation funding, so it really is important to understand that philanthropy can do a little bit and they should probably do more, but they, they don’t have the capacity to fill the gap that the federal funding has, so, um. Uh, USAID, you know, especially. I think there’s just a lack of knowledge from people to understand well what USAID is. It’s not just giving money away to foreign countries. Um, there are like national interests, security interests, disease prevention, prevention of wars, there’s a lot that Um, reasons why USAID was formed and why we want to have good foreign relations and we, it’s not just, which I’ve heard a lot of folks feel like USAID is like a health, um it’s, you know, right. So yeah, that’s, I mean, that is sort of the, the big problem now and, and when you have somebody um who’s almost acting as an, as an executive in, in Elon Musk again, just to point him out again, announcing the intention to shut down USAID despite the court orders so. Um, you know, the apart from all of the, the funding cutbacks and, and the job losses, are they gonna really kill USAID? Are they gonna kill the Department of Education? like, are, what happens when we lose these things? How easy will they be to replace, um, and, um, what are we gonna do, um, without this? It’s, there’s gonna be a lot of suffering, so it’s organizations are gonna have to figure out, well, in this environment, what are we going to do. Mhm. You know there’s programs being cut. Uh, you know, people abroad sent home or, or there’s no funds to send them home. You know, we’ve, we’ve seen the stories. I think it’s, yeah, I was just gonna add to Jean’s point, um. And I don’t hear you saying this, you know, without any support, but I think As a nonprofit, you know, representative here, when I hear, OK, nonprofits are gonna have to like Try to figure out what do we do in this climate. It’s not a 1 to 1. Many organizations can’t just say we’re gonna fill this hole that that is presented by USAID being forced to, to stop, because we don’t have, to your earlier point, Jean. Contracts in place that say we then get to be the vaccine recipients, or we get to be the arbiters of grain. Like we those organizations don’t have in place the administrivia that allows us to then step in, which is really, just as we were saying that could be used against us as nonprofits if we don’t, you know, have our stuff in order. The the dismantling or even temporary pauses of components of our government is actually in the whole network of contracts and relationships, and, you know, collaborative agreements, and so, I think Nonprofits do, of course, have to think about what do we do now because of this, but we can’t. Maybe fool ourselves into thinking, oh yeah, we’ll just like step in and be them because we can’t replace all all of those agreements or contracts or or relationships. We’re actually thinking more about what do we do with the fallout because of this, and not how do we become the replacement of this, you know. Just to like maybe make it sound worse, I guess, is my point, but. Hey, when you mentioned grain too, um, Amy, I was thinking about the US farmers that are losing, um. I think 10s, maybe even hundreds of millions of dollars of of um purchases from the US government to feed other countries or to deliver that food out that will hurt our agricultural economy here as well. So, you know, even for the administration, um. You know, it’s supporters who, who were met many from rural areas and farming communities are, you know, getting screwed, maybe not directly but indirectly through these things as well. And, and there just has to be a bigger understanding, uh, which is a domino, right? That means more people in that community needing the support services that other nonprofits were already providing to folks, you know, um. And it’s in, I know it’s so different, but I do keep finding myself coming back to a lot of the hard feelings of 2020 when it’s like, Oh my gosh. Organizations across the sector were already operating at maximum, and like, you know, quote unquote, now more than ever, our missions are needed. And and here we are again at this place where, oh my gosh, it’s How, how do we serve more people? How do we can make sure we still have staff to do that because the need. Continues to have this exponential growth, um, feeling, if not actual, um, you know, number. There’s also a national security dimension to this, that, that we’ve, we’ve promised to deliver whatever type of aid, whether it’s, uh, I mentioned, you know, helping build your democracy in Romania, or whether it’s feeding in the African nations or healthcare, you know, we’ve made these commitments and now we’re just literally just walking away. We can no longer do what we were doing two weeks ago. So you’re on your own, uh, the US has screwed you. So there’s that, there’s just our perception in the world, how we’re perceived in the world, and Uh, who’s gonna fill that void? I think, I think some of our, uh, some of our deepest adversaries like China and, you know, China specifically, particularly because of their wealth and and reach, but there’s also a possibility of some terrorist organizations filling a gap on a, on a small, much smaller scale. Especially when you promised people who were helping you fight terrorism that you would allow them to bring themselves and their families into the country after they, they delivered that help and then now breaching that promise and saying no, you can’t come in here anymore. It’s heinous. It’s, it’s, it’s cruel. Yeah. Alright, we gotta take a, we gotta take a turn, uh, to media. Uh, Amy, you have some thoughts about, uh, you know, when I, when I suggested the topic of major media capitulation, even before the election, the Washington Post refusing to endorse any candidate, uh, the Los Angeles Times, same, USA Today, same. And then since the election, um, CNN settling a very questionable lawsuit for $10 billion. Uh, based on what, uh, what, what words, uh, George Stephanopoulos used, um, and it looking potentially like CBS may settle something also very, very questionable about the way they edited a teaser. Yeah, versus the fuller interview if you watch the show, I mean, you know, commercials are made to be short and and video is edited for commercial for short purposes and but the likelihood that CBS may settle that. Uh, so I, I hear, Major media are already part of the corporate industrial complex and so. Well, I would love for them to do better and be better. Am I surprised? No. What I feel is a really important Um, Happening that we should care about even more so than like those completely disappointing, but maybe anticipated, you know, choices, um. When other journalists have not stood with the AP and the AP has been blocked from briefings, that is the backbone of getting reliable direct information from our federal government out to people, right? Um. And all of that because the AP said the established name of this waterway. Yes, the Gulf of Gulf of America, so they were, they were banned from a White House event. This is why I believe what you’re getting to in the media, in the nonprofit community, we all have to support all of our sectors, all of our missions, all of our work, so that when it’s not a race, right? There’s not one. There’s not one trophy. So, if we do not stand together as nonprofits or as journalists, you know, we all will lose. It, I mean, I think Gan made this point earlier, right? Like nonprofits benefit everyone. Good journalism benefits everyone. We, we need. We need sunlight on that information, and we need it to be, this is directly what was said, right? Which is um what the AP is providing and is especially providing news, information, access to under-resourced communities where they do not have their own journalists, they do not have their own media bodies, and so they are just receiving literally that AP wire and reporting what’s happening. Um, and so if we let that crumble, again, just as, as other nonprofits, if we start saying, OK, well, I don’t know what a good. Example would be here, but like I know in a lot of especially smaller or distributed kind of rural communities, United Ways are often the organizations who are the only ones with the capacity to do kind of data aggregation on any regular schedule, right? and say this is the state of social services in our tri-county area for the, you know, and then so many nonprofits don’t have the capacity to do their own. Field research, and so they write grant applications using the United Way’s data. It’s, it’s very similar to in my mind, I think. And if we Don’t stay standing together, we all will lose. Um, and so I think it’s just really, um, a beacon to me right now of that, OK, well I don’t support that, that can, that is not. Giving me any good signs about the state of Journalism or or reporting and information uh in our system, as nonprofits, we cannot replicate that. If, if, if we are not gonna stay together, like all of the pieces, all of the components um can’t, can’t be successful, you know. We can also be sources of information, reliable data to the extent that we can, even if it’s within our own local community, at least we can, we, we can be reliable, we can footnote, we can provide information about it may and it may just be about our work, but we can be we can be reliable sources and, and of course there are some nonprofit, uh, journalism outlets, but you know, that’s a very small percentage of the. 1.5 million or 1 to 1.8 million depending whether you count foundations or not, nonprofits in the US. So, But each of us can be scrupulous about our own, our own data reporting. Mhm. Yeah, I think it’s so important now as well because we don’t all just collect news from our major, major media sources, right? Um, a lot of us relied on Twitter before, for example, um, a lot of us relied on just television shows, um, like the Daily, um, so it’s, it’s about understanding how things that we thought. We’re gonna be more transparent and put more sun like like Twitter led to the Arab Spring or helped, you know, facilitate the Arab Spring that has rapidly changed, right? Twitter is completely different now, um, and looking for, um, supporting those. News media, social media that are more aligned with how we think in terms of being fair and I, I should just sort of also say that the nonprofit sector is as diverse as the for-profit sector and that the federalist society is the nonprofit sector right part so um whether we just say the nonprofit sector as a whole needs to do something we are divided in our sector as well as to what we believe. Um, is fair and what we believe is true, um, but I do think there’s just more commonalities than partisan big corporation and billionaires tell us, um, what our commonalities are. I think we have much more in common with what we want, um, but the media that’s being controlled by the, the industrial complex is telling us something different. Mhm. Amy, you want to leave us with uh with your final thoughts for a minute or two and then we’ll uh I’ll turn to Gene and uh we’ll close. I think my only final thoughts from our conversation today are 12 things. It is very hard, so, you know, if you haven’t had a good cry yet today, this is your moment, like, I see you. It’s really fucking hard. And you’re not alone, right? Like there, not that you N0 would answer all of your questions, but there are so many intermediary organizations, whether that’s a state nonprofit association, um, you know, organizations like N10 that are on a specific topic like technology, but there’s so many resourcing organizations. That exist. To enable you to not figure all this out by yourself. And don’t fall into the trap that I think is, is very clearly laid for all of us to think we are in it alone because then we’re not resourced, we’re not supported, we don’t have a lot of faith in ourselves, right? And then we don’t maybe grow some power. So don’t fall into that trap. Don’t think that you are alone. Find whatever resourcing organization or, you know, collaborative or coalition or whatever you want. But don’t try to have all the answers yourself because like we’re all broken humans that definitely don’t know what all the answers are. So know that it is super hard, but you’re not alone, and we’ll figure it out. Tony will answer your questions. Um, and Tony is one of those resourcing, um, people or hubs, but that’s that’s, I think, all I can say to wrap it up. All right, well, Gene, before we turn to you, uh, I, I already know what I’m gonna say on Tony’s take two for this show, which is gonna be uh uh an infomercial for the nascent nonprofit activist group that, uh, you are, you are, you both joined us for the first meeting, uh, we’ve only had one other meeting since and uh if folks want to join us there, they will have by now already heard my, uh, My explanation of what we’re doing and how to join us on uh Tony’s Take two. So that, that’s my parting and, and you are not alone and there is, uh, I can recommend a group because I’m co-hosting it that uh will prove to you that we’re in this together. Jane I, I echo everything both of you have said about collaboration. Now is the time to join those who have similar values, um, who value your mission, um, talk to your funders, uh, as well, um, get them aligned with what the stories are, uh, of, of what. Problems you may be going through and what solutions you might have to to suggest um keep your boards engaged, keep your staff and beneficiaries engaged so you you’re acting together and be really informed um as as you go through this. This is a period. Um, and things are constantly changing, so just sort of to to know your adaptability, um, value that and make sure that you are allocating risk as well as your resources. So when you’re, when you have talk about risk tolerances, you’ve got to decide where you’re gonna sort of be more risk tolerant and where you’re going to be more risk averse and on the simple compliance stuff, be risk averse, like make sure you’re compliant. Gene Takagi, you, you want legal assistance, legal advice. A legal resource, uh, in our, in our time. Follow You’ll find Gene at GTech. Amy Sample Ward, you’ll find them on Blue Sky as Amy Sample Ward. Thank you very much, Gene. Thank you very much, Amy. Thanks, Tony. Thank you, Tony. Thank you, Amy. Bye. Bye. Next week, Julia Campbell returns for a social media chat. If you missed any part of this week’s show. I do beseech you. Find it at Tony We’re sponsored by DonorBox. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters’ generosity. DonorBox, fast, flexible, and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit, I love that alliteration. I knew it. I knew you were gonna come. I thought maybe you would say, no, he’s not gonna do it again this week. No, I knew it. Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I’m your associate producer Kate Martignetti. The show’s social media is by Susan Chavez. Mark Silverman is our web guy, and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation, Scotty. Be with us next week for nonprofit Radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. Go out and be great.
Gene Takagi & Amy Sample Ward: Looking To 2025: Is It Paranoia Or Prudence?
Our esteemed contributors share what they’re looking to next year, with the uncertainty of a new president and administration. On the table is HR 9495, which some call the NonprofitKiller; government agencies no longer given deference by the federal courts, with the Supreme Court overruling the long-standing Chevron Doctrine; and, uneasiness around the economy rippling out to preemptive nonprofit budget cuts. Our legal contributor is Gene Takagi at NEO Law Group. Amy Sample Ward, CEO of NTEN, is our technology contributor.
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Every nonprofit struggles with these issues. Big nonprofits hire experts. The other 95% listen to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts and leading thinkers join me each week to tackle the tough issues. If you have big dreams but a small budget, you have a home at Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. View Full Transcript
And welcome to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the pod father of your favorite abdominal podcast. This is our last show of the year. I’ll have more to say about that. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d bear the pain of a para nia if you pointed out to me that you missed this week’s show. Here’s our associate producer, Kate with what’s up this week? Hey, Tony, we have looking to 2025. Is it paranoia or Prudence? Our esteemed contributors share what they’re looking to next year with the uncertainty of a new president and administration on the table is hr 9495, which some call the nonprofit killer government agencies no longer given deference by the federal courts with the Supreme Court overruling of the long-standing Chevron doctrine and uneasiness around the economy rippling out to pre-emptive nonprofit budget cuts. Our legal contributor is Gene Takaki at Neo Law Group, Amy Sample Ward CEO of N 10 is our technology contributor on Tony’s two. Our last show of the year and timely holiday wishes were sponsored by donor box outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box, fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor. here is looking to 2025. Is it paranoia or Prudence? It’s a pleasure to welcome back Gene Takagi and Amy Sample Ward for our final show of 2024. Gene is our legal contributor and principal of Neo, the nonprofit and exempt organization’s Law Group in San Francisco. He edits the wildly popular nonprofit law and is a part time lecturer at Columbia University. The firm is at Neola and he’s at GTC A AMP award, our technology contributor and CEO of N 10. They were awarded a 2023 Bosch Foundation fellowship and their most recent co-authored book is the tech that comes next about equity and inclusiveness in technology development. They’re at Amy Sample and at Amy RS Ward Gene and Amy. Thank you for your contributions through the year and welcome to the final show of 2024. We made it sounds like drudgery. No, I’m just saying like it, you know, here we are, we made it all the way to the end of 2020 four. All right, thanks. OK. She says it, they say it with a smile. So thank you. Thank you. It sounded like uh it might have been a laborious chore, but no, hopefully not. I’m I’m sure not. All right. And one thing maybe Tony that, that will spur talking about what we might foresee in the future is that change in social media handles. As many of us are migrating to blue sky and to other. Exactly. But just thought, I chime in with that quickly, we can, we can talk about the, the, the seasonal migration. I, I am slow to adopt new networks. But uh yes, I, I’ve started being active on uh on blue sky as well. Indeed. All right. Uh We wanna start with something that, uh, both of you have seen me post about and has been getting a lot of attention, uh, for months before I joined, before this, uh, came within my ken if you will, uh, which is ho House Resolution hr 9495. Uh, in the Senate. It is, uh, 4136. It is the stop terror financing and tax penalties on American Hostages Act. Uh, J uh, I don’t know, terror financing and not penalizing people who were held hostage for paying their taxes late. I mean, those, those both sound like very worthwhile endeavors for the government to do. Uh, especially I’m thinking of hostages who may not have filed their 1040 on time. I mean, I think, I think being held hostage is, uh, uh, a legitimate reason for not having paid your taxes and then the penalties that would have ensued on top of that. So, II, I think that’s a fair, uh, but it’s the, uh, it’s the stop terror financing part that is, uh, rankling nonprofit organizations, the nonprofit community generally. Um, what, what is it about this house resolution? It passed the house. It’s now in the Senate, I guess I’ll just set up the, the, the, the, uh, timing of the thing. So, uh, it’s unlikely to be taken up in the current Senate. I mean, it’s possible but it’s not likely, uh, having passed the house. Uh, but we have a new Senate, uh, beginning on, um, January 3rd and, uh, that Senate could very well take up hr 9495 Senate 4136. What’s, uh, what, what’s the, uh, what’s the issue here for the nonprofit community? Gene? So, II, I think when we take a look at the name of the bill, this is the game of politics that some of us get frustrated with. Right. So who could be against stop terror financing? Of course, nobody wants to, it’s worthy and it’s worthy and benign. But what does it actually say about how we stop terror financing? What are the checks and balances? Can anybody just say you are supporting terror and that’s it. You are like, shut down. Do you get executed for doing that? I mean, so we, we need to look into the bill and I think the first time this bill came across was actually, um, late last year, Tony, it was under a different name. Uh, it was hr 64 08 in the house and it passed 382 to 11. So I don’t think a lot of the legislators got past the name of the bill and then they decided, hey, we’re going to pass this because how can our constituents see us oppose a bill against supporting terror? Of course, we are, are for, you know, stopping terror financing and the hostages too. Don’t forget the, the, the late, the late filings for the, for the hostages. And that’s the other part of politics, right? Is we bundle things together so that you’re trapped, right? There’s no kiss to, to, to promoting that bill. But here’s, here’s why it’s, it’s scary for, for the nonprofit sector. The addition in the bill, the, the part that’s not to do with hostages is about the Secretary of the Treasury having the discretion alone to strip the tax exempt status of an organization because they feel like they are supporting a terrorist organization, they are providing material support or resources to a terrorist organization. And if they deem that to be the case, they give 90 days notice to the organization, they should supply some evidence of that support um, or resources unless it’s a national secret or it’s not in the best interests of the government to do so. In which case, it could all be done in secret. It could just be, we’re taking away your 501 C three status because we’ve decided that you are supporting terror a terrorist organization, give us 90 days to prove that you’re not in return any money that, that, you know, you sent out to the terrorist organization that we might not really tell you much about. Um, and what is all of that mean? I mean, so now as we sort of dig into how this might be impacted and how, uh, an executive branch might use this particular bill to attack organizations or even if they don’t use it broadly how it will just chill free speech across the sector. There’s already organizations terrified with this bill and afraid to speak up on things like, um, the Palestinian people in Gaza, which is sort of what prompted the bill in the first place. Right. But, you know, now they’re thinking, oh my gosh, can we speak about reproductive rights? Can we speak about other things? Are we going to be called a terrorist organization or a supporter of a terrorist organization? And what if the organization we were supporting wasn’t branded a terrorist organization at the time, but later was declared by some other entity or some other agency to be a terrorist organization. Now, do they go back and do they ding us on that as well? And I won’t go too far down the line. But humanitarian aid is another huge issue to, to talk about later. But let me, let me stop there. Well, even even on the domestic side, suppose you are supporting the, uh, the civil rights or the legal rights of people who protest openly in the streets, uh, about anything that, that we have a right to seek redress from our, from our federal government around. So you’re, then those protesters are perhaps arrested, um, and charged and you give legal support, you give material legal support to those, to those charged. Are, are those, are those folks deemed domestic terrorists? That’s another thing, the bill does not distinguish between federal or domestic, sorry, between domestic or foreign. Uh, are you now giving material support to domestic terrorists who were exercising their first amendment rights of assembly and speech in the streets? And so now you’re, now you, this legal aid society are a, uh, terrorist supporting organization. So there’s an opportunity. Um, it’s just the, the, the bill is vague on standards. In fact, I think it’s, it’s silent on the standards for being deemed a terrorist supporting organization. It’s, it’s at the Secretary of the Treasury’s uh discretion, what is deemed a terrorist supporting organization? And that vagueness is critical. I don’t want to overstate it, Tony, because I’ve seen on various other podcasts. People are making more into this bill than is actually there. So to be a terrorist supporting organization that could be subject to being stripped of tax exempt status. You have to be accused, uh, or, or charged with, um, the designation that you are supporting a terrorist organization. And the terrorist organization is defined in other sections of the bill, the bill is very hard to read because it starts to refer to other places in the code where you could be described as a terrorist organization. So if you give support, material support or resources to that terrorist organization that’s typically been defined by somebody else, some other branch of the government, um, usually with a little bit more, you know, some people have been mistaken about this saying that the legislature had to define you as a terrorist organization. That’s not quite true. There are other sort of members of the executive branch that could still define you as a terrorist organization. If they have, then the secretary of the Treasury has the ability to say you supported them, but they’ve got to be on some list of a terrorist organization. So protesters on the street, if you’re supporting them in their legal aid, unless they are deemed part of a terrorist group that’s been identified as a terrorist organization, then that won’t apply. It’s time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money but also supports you in retaining your donors, a partner that helps you raise funds both online and on location. So you can grow your impact faster. That’s donor box, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers, just like you a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges, helping you achieve the growth and sustainability. Your organization needs helping you, help others visit donor to learn more. Now, back to looking to 2025 is it paranoia or prudence? Suppose they’re supporting Black Lives Matter in their local city and Black Lives Matter has been deemed a terrorist support, a terrorist organization. I mean, we, we, uh, by some, by some other agency as you’re, as you’re describing, that doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility. The, the claim could be that Black Lives Matter members as if there’s as if there’s like a, a strict membership list or something. But let’s just use the, the worst possible instincts of uh the federal government uh are, are, you know, they, uh they, they uh they create crime in mayhem and they burn buildings. Well, it sounds like a domestic terror organization to us that other agency has determined. And now the, the uh the legal aid society uh is providing uh material support to a terrorist organization. Doesn’t that, isn’t that within the realm of possibility and plausibility? It kind of is Tony, it’s not really kind of projected right now that this is going to be focused on domestic terrorism. It seems like the executive branch doesn’t actually want to identify domestic organizations as terrorist organizations because many of them support the, the, the current administration, uh those who, who were responsible for the insurrection, for example, on January 6th. So the focus here right now is on foreign terrorism. That’s sort of the identified groups, um, that, um, if you support foreign terrorist organizations that seems to be the focus but it doesn’t mean that they couldn’t go down the route that you’re talking about. Terror. Does the, does the bill? I thought the bill was silent on foreign versus domestic terror. It doesn’t define it except through references to other sections of the code which are focused on foreign terrorist organizations. So, you know, it doesn’t mean they can’t expand it. It doesn’t mean that maybe the Secretary of the Treasury couldn’t interpret terrorist supporting to, to give themselves a little bit more power to say, hey, this is a terrorist group as well. But I, I think that would be something that, that would not be, I, there’s, there’s lots of law already where the executive branch can do far worse than under what they have in 9495. So the first thing to know is 9495 takes away tax exempt status. It does not stop you from operating, it just takes away 501 c three status or 5014 C four, whatever. But doesn’t stop you from operating, they have tools that can stop you from operating. They can criminalize you if they say you’re terror supporting same words, terrorist supporting. There are other laws which is why we go, well, why this law, why did this law come up? There’s already other laws that prevent you from supporting terror and the reason in my mind is they’re going to use this not as the hammer but as the chisel to silence dissent. So they’re gonna chisel away at certain organizations scare everybody else at it. And that’s, that’s gonna be the impact. So rather than like take down all these protesters or like a whole movement of civil rights organizers think they’re going, what they’re going to do is they’re going to the target. Why this bill came about was because of what’s happening in Palestine and Gaza and the support that um some of those organizations have given to the Palestinian cause they’re gonna use that and they’re gonna scare everybody else from, from speaking out on it. And I think that is the danger, the real danger of 9495 because there are other laws where they can strip away your 501 C three status for acting against public policy. There are other laws that say, hey, we can criminalize your leaders for supporting terror. There’s a whole bunch of worse things they can do. This is the lighter touch, which is a terrible light touch, but this is the lighter touch that might be more useful to an administration that wants to attack dissent, prior restraint on speech, self censorship, correct. Amy. What, what are you, what are you thinking? Yeah, I think that we’ve seen a lot of organizations feeling concerned about this. Um Actually for Gene’s point, not necessarily for the, you know, your organization is or eradicated and no longer exists. But what does this mean for how organizations position themselves, talk to their community, who they talk to, you know, the, the feeling that this is kind of um chilling the sector on building power and trying to work together. Versus um as jean said, there’s, there’s already options that if, you know, the government wanted to completely remove an organization, there are already ways that they could do that. Um But this feels both the, the timing where it’s come from, you know, how, how it came in response to organizations really trying to make more visible conversations about um Palestine, even not about Palestine, but even just organizations trying to say, you know, our, our government is complicit in so many harms around the world. Um And that, what does that mean for nonprofit organizations who felt like that is maybe not their explicit mission? Like to your example before they’re not a legal aid organization, they’re not a humanitarian aid organization, but they wanted to be um in the conversation with their community and acknowledging that there’s a lot going on in the world and even trying to acknowledge that maybe feels like it’s risky for them or what does it mean to be in a partnership with a lot of other organizations? Again, even on a different topic? But what does that association mean? And, and are we not able to collaborate across the sector because of perceptions, you know, gene, anything more we wanna say about uh 9495. Maybe, actually, instead of the substance, maybe some things that some of the organizations that are speaking out against the Bill Council on foundations, uh independent sector, the National Council on nonprofits. Those three and one other organization have a joint statement against the Bill. The advice that I’ve seen a lot is contact your senators. Thanks Tony. It’s since it’s passed the house, I think that’s sort of where the immediate fight is, is with the Senate. And um even if the the majority of the Senate changes, um uh next year, as you, as you noted, Tony, um there are, you know, possibilities of a filibuster by the democratic senators if they so feel like this is something that they can stand up on again again, the rhetoric and the naming of the bill. Um and how much constituents are paying attention to the actual details. I know a lot of nonprofit folks are, but, you know, the general population may not be looking past the title of the bill. And so if their representative is saying I’m voting against this when the exact same bill was there before with like a 95 or 97% vote for it, trying to, to explain that um might be hard. So while there’s hope for, you know, for some that the Senate uh might have a filibuster and not approve this, um or listen to the public if there’s enough of an uproar um across party lines, um, that, that, that maybe they don’t do it. So the, the immediate thing is yes, advocate against the bill. The second thing is make sure you’re informed about what this bill does and doesn’t, again, really a lot of misinformation out there right now and people are scrambling, they’re like trying to create subsidiaries, they’re trying to create LLC S to throw, you know, assets in just in case they lose their 501 C three status because they’re thinking that this bill will shut them down completely. Uh Again, not just lose 501 C three status and prevent them from operating, freeze their assets. That’s not what this bill does. Again, there’s other tools that, that the federal government or even state government already have that can do that, but they haven’t used it in the past. So it’s hard to say Tony, we, we may be in for New Times and really just egregious uses of these, these laws. Um but it may be premature to make huge decisions unless you’re really well informed about them. So I, I would say for, for people looking at this bill, don’t just listen to all the sort of the talk that’s out there right now, like sit down and really get well informed about this, listen to nonprofit radio because we will thank you because we will continue talking about it. Of course. Yeah. All right. Um, good, thank you. Context, context understanding. Let’s talk about, uh, something else that’s on your mind for, uh, watching in 2025 something that came out many months ago. Uh, Gene, which was the, uh, overruling of what, what’s commonly called the, the Chevron Doctrine where government agencies get a lot of deference in the courts when the issue is interpretation of regulations, uh, rules, uh, that, that doctrine of, of deference to those government experts uh was overruled by the Supreme Court was the middle of this year or so. Can you uh explain why this is concerning? Yeah, so it doesn’t, it’s kind of this sort of lawyer geeky thing that goes on, but it’s, it’s important to take a step back and say, hey, the legislator makes statutory laws, right? But the laws are full of like empty spaces for there to be, there needs to be regulation about how to implement these laws. And so like the different agencies including like the Treasury Department and the IRS um start to make regulations. Um and these regulations interpret the law in ways to enforce the law in a practical way. And it’s a lot of law uh and agencies like the EPA the Environmental Protection Agency will take kind of the meaning of the law and sort of all of the legislative history behind it and try to create regulations. They put out the regulations for notice and public comment and then they draft final regulations after that, taking into account those comments, hopefully taking those into account. The courts feel like these regulatory agencies use scientists like the EPA or, or experts, policy experts in creating these regulations. Um And now when a company like Chevron wants to sue uh and say these regulations are unfair, the court used to have to defer or provided deference under the Chevron deference doctrine that hey, we are going to defer to the expertise of the agencies when they created those regulations. And that’s why that is the deference. You have to prove to us if you’re the company saying, hey, no, this doesn’t really pollute or this doesn’t really affect our public health. Let’s let’s like con continue to produce this stuff um because we need it for other things. Um So now this deference is lost. So the courts can’t give deference and now they have to just weigh everything out in balance. The courts are not scientists, right? They’re not scientific experts, the scientific experts were consulted with in creating the regulations, which is why you defer to them. Now, we’ve lost that. So this is a big thing. Another reason why people were very concerned about the composition of the Supreme Court because there seems to be more or or less deference to kind of what, what public agencies see and more susceptibility to what corporations and people of wealth have, who can actually fight these and go to court all the way to the Supreme Court because they have a huge litigation war chest to work behind. It’s time for Tony’s take two. Thank you, Kate. Here we are. End of December. It’s the last show of 2024. It, it, I don’t know, it doesn’t creep up. It just, it just comes fast. I think end of the year, I hope your end of the year fundraising all important is, uh going well. Hope you have a bang up last couple of weeks of the year. I hope you get where you need to be fundraising wise. And then I hope you can take time off for family friends and yourself, you need rest. Here comes the finger wag. Take care of yourself. You gotta take care of yourself before you can take care of others. So I hope you will do that over the holidays, whatever that looks like for you, do it, take care of yourself so you can come back refreshed in the new Year this time. Uh Unlike Thanksgiving, good holiday wishes, whatever holiday you celebrate Happy New Year, these holiday wishes come on time. Not uh not the week after like uh like we saw with Thanksgiving. Unbelievable. I hope you enjoy your time off. I hope you enjoy your holidays. Happy New Year and we will see you in 2025 K happy holidays. Everyone spend it with family and we’ll see you in 2025. We’ve got VU but loads more time, here’s the rest of looking to 2025. Is it paranoia or prudence with Gene and Amy? The presumption of expertise in the, in our vast federal agency bureaucracy uh is, is no, is no longer. And so that it’s, it’s interesting, the, the standard uh one standard was, is arbitrary and capricious that uh that the interpretation or that the regulation is arbitrary and it’s so arbitrary that it, it, it uh is contrary to what Congress intended. And so that regulation should be ignored. And you know, we the company challenging it shouldn’t be held to its standards. Now. It seems like arbitrariness is, is welcome because any interpretation uh has potential validity in the courts, if you can persuade a judge and maybe in some cases, a jury, I think a lot of these would be bench trials with Ju ju with judge judges. But whatever, if you can, if you can persuade the finder of fact that uh that your interpretation, however arbitrary it might be is more appropriate than you could prevail. So it’s bringing arbitrariness and capriciousness into it’s welcoming arbitrariness and, and uh fringe theories as having potential merit. Now, they may not prevail but they’ll, they’ll, they’ll at least get a hearing. Now. Think about this too, Tony. The company that wants to bring the lawsuit to challenge the validity of the regulation might get to choose the court in which to file the complaint right. So they often go to Texas, um and they get a court that is favorable to, to maybe to, to corporate powers and, and uh not believers of climate change and, and you know, so they can choose the forum and forum shopping can be really problematic and, you know, with, with the end of Chevron deference, more arbitrariness, you can, you can file your case in any of the federal districts throughout the country that you think would be most favorable. That’s absolutely correct. Amy’s head, their head is bobbing with disbelief and I mean, I can only hit it against the desk so many times per day, you know, without a crude, the bumps aren’t showing a hat on, you know. Well, you have your hat protection but it’s also, it’s early in the pacific time, still several hours left in the day. Like the Grinch right now, Tony. No, there, there’s, there’s cause for concern. Um, the, the, the, uh, the composition of the court, the Supreme Court has enormous sway over, uh, over our, our laws, our culture just, you know, our, our lives. So these are a couple of instances we’re gonna turn to Amy. I’m probably not going to make anything sound better than g, well, it’s not a competition. I know I just, all arbitrary. I thought you were like wanting to pick up the tone, you know, but all arbitrary and capricious opinions are welcome. Your, your opinions are not neither arbitrary nor capricious. Um but uh you are hearing from folks about their concern about the, the, the potential of a, of a, a changed economy, uh marketplace and uh potential fundraising impacts. What, what are you, what are you hearing from folks? You, you have your ear to the ground? Yeah, I mean, you know, I think everyone, at least in the US, I’m sure you have listeners elsewhere thanks to the internet but have spent, I don’t know how much of our lives over the last election cycle. Constantly hearing about the economy, constantly hearing about tariffs, constant, all of these things about the market. And it doesn’t matter if any of them are real or not or have already happened or maybe one day gonna happen, it doesn’t matter. It means there’s now a real air of uncertainty about what’s gonna happen to the economy. And unfortunately, in the nonprofit sector, we know that the winds of the economy shifting also shift philanthropy and how they may have a more conservative view over their own um corpus and, and what they want to spend. And of course, that means then for the nonprofits, you know, are we competing even harder for fewer funds? Are funders kind of back to the first piece of this conversation in 9495 are funders not wanting to be seen resourcing organizations who talk about certain political situations. Um, you know, it just has created a lot of uncertainty and what, you know, we’re hearing from organizations is, um, of course, when there was a lot of uncertainty in 2020 the pandemic was shifting, everything, organizations didn’t, you know, know how to adjust organizations were laying staff off or sh you know, all of those big shifts meant the things that were really quick to go was no professional development spending, no technology spending, no training. And those were also the resources that would have allowed organizations to adjust and to be nimble and to know how to continue moving through these really um confusing or, or unpredictable times. And so I think because folks who already experienced that once they’re starting to feel like, oh my gosh, if funding is uncertain, if how we’re operating is uncertain, we can’t let go of some of our tools and training and resources that allow us to think and adjust and, you know, make really, really maybe quick but strategic choices instead of reactionary choices that maybe we experienced before, you know, and had to learn the hard way that, oh, we don’t just do everything on zoom or whatever it might be, you know. Um And I think coupled with that, with some of these uh talked about threats to a lot of different communities. Organizations are also feeling like, you know, are our system secure. Do we know what data we have and which communities, it might compromise if it was either demanded of us from the government. Or hacked and stolen from us? You know, what, what duties do we have as an organization that serves communities who are in the process of, you know, getting documentation or a path to citizenship? What if we have data on these folks because they’re in our services and in our programs, are we vulnerable as an organization? And also are we maybe making them vulnerable by having their data? And how do we think about that? You know, how do we prepare our systems to be um ready to navigate maybe threats or challenges that come up? So I think it’s a lot, it’s also December and everybody is tired and wants to put up that out of office on their email and just like take a break, which absolutely you should do, you are entitled to, to take that break. But I think folks are feeling really worried about what’s ahead and not totally prepared, you know, to know how to, how to navigate it yet. Yeah, uncertainty. We, we don’t, we don’t, we don’t do well in uncertain environments whether they’re financial, physical, whether, you know, we don’t uh it doesn’t matter. We, we um uncertainty is unsettling. Um I will say some of what you described. I, I don’t, I don’t want to uh promote paranoia, but some of that introspect, introspection and self evaluation, you know, it has value too, 0 100% and data security resilience, right? And those are not new things you know, any day of the year, any year it is. If you came to N 10, we would say, hey, do you know what data you have on your community? And do you know where it’s stored? And do you know if it’s secure, you know, these aren’t new things for us to talk about. But I think they are very new things for some organizations to think about in their systems and actually like put into place, you know, even if they’ve maybe had a more theoretical conversation about, oh, you know, do we wanna answer community questions through Facebook D MS? You know, that’s probably not safe, let’s not do that but didn’t then have the rest of the conversation of OK, well, what data do we have on those folks? What, which systems is it in? Do we know how we’re maintained? You know, and the uncertainty of what’s the common kind of threats to so many different communities that, you know, are maybe part of a lot of different missions is forcing I think folks to think about the whole rest of the equation instead of just that first part that that’s maybe where they focused in the past. I thought a lesson that came from the the pandemic was that we, we not make financial decisions that are short sighted, like, you know, cutting professional development and technology, but rather that we go to our supporters with our needs and how the, how the uh the, the missions may have grown, the, the program work may have expanded because of, in that case, the pandemic. Uh and you know, our need is so much greater rather than making the, the short sighted, you know, cuts. I think that we could say there are a lot of lessons from 2020 that we should still have and that we can point to people on learning investments in racial equity investments in equitable practices, investments in staff. Yes, absolutely. I heard many promises in 2020 about all of these things. I heard many folks say they learned those lessons and here we are folks, you know, one of, one of the biggest job areas that has turned over is any equity related title, right? People have eliminated those positions or eliminated the people in those positions. Like there are lots of lessons that I wish were deeply learned and you’re talking about one of them. But I think what we’re hearing is that organizations haven’t deeply learned that and folks are already feeling the crunch of ok. Well, we probably can’t come to the conference. We probably can’t do that course we pro because we know that’s gonna be what gets eliminated from the budget. What are you, what are you thinking? I would just add kind of on the funding issue. You know, we’ve got um um Lan and Vivek who are supposed to like get rid of $2 trillion of the federal budget, they want to eliminate head, smart head start. Um And uh just so many other programs they want to cut down on Social Security and Medicare. So, you know, there’s a lot of people who um justifiably are scared right now and um and know that their missions will, that are already operating in more demand than they can meet, it will only accelerate. Yeah, and not a lot of answers yet. So, um I, I offer everybody my own. Not that it means anything but a little bit of grace at this period because it’s, it’s, it’s tough times right now and a lot of, lot of fear and I think I don’t have a solution necessarily. I don’t think that Gene or you Tony are trying to say there’s a solution or one right path through all the uncertainty just to acknowledge like if you’re maintaining a lot of plates of anxiety, we see you, we also are spinning those plates and like it’s really difficult that actually the only thing is to wait and see what we need to do with them. You know, there, there isn’t some magic ball that tells us. Oh, actually, this is gonna be the one thing that happens. We just don’t know and that’s not comforting or helpful when we’re trying to be thoughtful in our organizations and anticipate what all of those options might be, you know, OK. Uh uh somber but uh but justified, you know. Um there there is a lot of uncertainty and on the legal side, on the uh economy and fundraising side, uh I mean, you said it, I mean, you know, we, we don’t know but it’s the uncertainty that is uh unsettling. Yeah, we know as a sector we can do hard things. We have faced hard situations, we know that we can do it. The, the real, I think tension in the air for the sector now is that we don’t know what the hard thing is we’re gonna have to do, you know. And so we’re like, you, you’re packing for a trip where you don’t know where you’re gonna go and you’re like, well, do I need a swimsuit? Do I need a hat? Like, I don’t know, I don’t know what resource to put in here because I don’t totally know what’s ahead and I think that’s what makes it really difficult, not that we’re not gonna be able to do it, you know. Yeah, I mean, look at what we have overcome uh September 11th, uh a pandemic. Uh well, before the pandemic was the great recession. And then the next milestone that I can think of is the pandemic. Um And I, I know that we are stronger as a community. If we are United, if we stand up for each other and for the community at large, we, we can overcome whatever uncertainties and challenges are ahead of us when, when we remain united, steadfast you know, all, all for 11, for all that’s uh it, it comes from the three musketeers, but it uh it applies in lots of uh lots of situations and, and this is certainly one of them. Um We’re strong, we’re strong when we’re united. I think community power building is kind of what the my optimistic hope is. Um as we face tough times, um nonprofit leaders and their supporters, um they band together, they, they work through the problems as you mentioned to, we worked through many before. Some of them have been super challenging when we look back generations before us um going through wars and other crises and nonprofits. We’re really like the, the strength and the humanity of the country when they look to the people they served. And hopefully we’re, we’re getting to that again. We’re not making decisions without the community. We’re, we’re making it with the community now. All right. Any other closing thoughts? The last thing I wanted to say because, you know, me, I’m always compelled to have recommendations um for things that people can do. And I too am a human that likes a to do list. Um And I will offer that to others. But yeah, I know we’ve talked about this so many times, Tony, you and I over the years about community committees and you know, ways of building transparency around your technology projects or, you know, having a tech committee that helps you prioritize But to Gene’s point, if you don’t already as an organization have a mechanism, whatever that might be to hear feedback from your community, not like an evaluation for somebody that was in a program or something like that. But I mean, a community committee, a committee of community members that you talk to once a quarter or a town hall event or whatever type of process you might wanna have, this is the time to have it because I think when things are really difficult, we can as staff feel like every single thing that is in the news or every single thing that could be on our community members, minds are on their minds and that they are like judging us for it. But if you have a way to, to really be in conversation with your community directly, you’ll be able to say, ok, the only thing our community wants to know from us is this and we can answer it and we can tell them or hey, our community is really worried about this thing that has nothing to do with us, but they’re really worried about it. So maybe that’s an opportunity for us to partner with an organization that does work on that and show that we’re listening and that we’re part of helping them have access to the resources they care about or whatever it might be, right? Um Because it’s a lot harder to call on a community that doesn’t exist when you’re in need than it is to be in community with people all the time. Um So, you know, if, if there’s anything to put on your January to do list while so much is still uncertain, it’s really to make sure you have some space to be in conversation directly with your community in me. Simple word. They’re at Amy Sample and at Amy Rs Ward and Jan Takagi, the firm is at Neo Law and he’s at GT and we will convene again. Uh maybe not January, mid February, mid to late February, I think. Uh Well, let’s see what, let’s see what happens in the month of January, but certainly uh latest, you know, February, we will convene and uh and be in community again. Thanks Tony for always making this space. Big hugs Jean. Thank you, Tony right back at you, Amy. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Happy Holidays. Next week, there’s no show and there’s no show the week after. We’ll be back fresh on January 6th, 2025. Happy New Year. If you missed any part of this week’s show, I beseech you find it at Tony Happy New Year were sponsored by donor box, outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box, fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor. Happy New Year. Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I’m your associate producer, Kate Martignetti. The show social media is by Susan Chavez Mark Silverman is our web guy and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation, Scotty. You with us next week. No, you won’t be with us next week. You’re with us in January 2025 for nonprofit radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95% go out and be great. Happy New Year.
Artificial Intelligence is ubiquitous, so here’s another conversation about its impacts on the nonprofit and human levels. Amy Sample Ward, the big picture thinker, the adult in the room, contrasts with our host’s diatribe about AI sucking the humanity out of nonprofit professionals and all unwary users. Amy is our technology contributor and the CEO of NTEN. They have free AI resources.
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Every nonprofit struggles with these issues. Big nonprofits hire experts. The other 95% listen to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts and leading thinkers join me each week to tackle the tough issues. If you have big dreams but a small budget, you have a home at Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. View Full Transcript
And welcome to Tony Martignetti nonprofit radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the pod father of your favorite abdominal podcast. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d suffer with a pseudoaneurysm if you made a hole in my heart with the idea that you missed this week’s show. Here’s our associate producer, Kate to introduce it. Hey, Tony, this week A I organizational and personal artificial intelligence is ubiquitous. So here’s another conversation about its impacts on the nonprofit and human levels. Amy Sample Ward, the big picture thinker, the adult in the room contrasts with our hosts, Diatribe about A I sucking the humanity out of nonprofit professionals and all unwary users. Amy is our technology contributor and the CEO of N 10 on Tony’s take two tales from the gym. The sign says clean, the equipment were sponsored by donor box, outdated donation forms, blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box, fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor here is A I organizational and personal is Amy sample ward. They need no introduction but they deserve an introduction. Nonetheless, they’re our technology contributor and CEO of N 10. They were awarded a 2023 Bosch Foundation fellowship and their most recent co-authored book is the tech that comes next about equity and inclusiveness in technology development. You’ll find them at Amy Sample and at Amy RS Ward. It’s good to see you, Amy Ward. I do love the Pod Father. I know it makes me laugh every time because it just feels like, I don’t know, like I’m gonna turn on the TV and there’s gonna be like a new, new, new season of the Pod Father where we secretly, you know, follow Tony Martignetti around or something. We are in season 14. Right? Yeah. Um Yes, I appreciate that. You love that. It’s, you know, you like that fun. So uh before we talk about um the part of your role, which is the, the technology contributor to N 10, uh the technology, the nonprofit radio and we’re gonna talk about artificial intelligence again. Let’s talk about the part of your life that is the CEO of N 10 because you have uh have you submitted this major groundbreaking transformative funding federal grant application? Yes, we submitted it last night three hours before the deadline, which was notable because I, I know there were people down to the, the minute press and submit. No, we got it in three hours early to what agency um to NTI A they had, this is kind of all the work that rippled from the digital Equity Act that was passed in Congress a couple of years ago. And, you know, now, you know, better than to be in Jargon jail. What is NTI A, it sounds like an obscure agency of our, of our federal government. It’s not, well, maybe to some listeners it’s obscure but it is, um, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. And you, I think that’s obscure to about 98.5% of the population, you know, I think I, I think I’m obscure to, you know, uh being obscure is fine. Um Yes, the National Information Administration and um prior to this uh grant um from the federal level where folks from all over were applying, every state was also creating state equity plan, digital equity plans. Um What funds might be available through the state funding mechanism to support digital equity goals. But a lot of those at the state level are focused on infrastructure, like actually building internet networks to reach communities that don’t have broadband yet, you know, things like this and so very worthwhile funding endeavor. I mean, we need, we need to have 100% of the population needs but even with those state plans and the work that will come from them and the funding it will not, we are not about to have every person in the country have broadband available to where they live, right? Ee even with all of this investment, it, it’s not gonna reach everyone and that means that the amount of funding within state plans for the surrounding digital literacy work, digital inclusion work, you know, making sure people know how to use the internet, why they would use it have devices. All those other components is gonna be really minimal through the state funding because even if they used all of it on infrastructure, they wouldn’t be done with that, right. So um the federal government, yeah. So, so the kind of next layer in all of that is this federal pool where they’re anticipating grant making about 100 and 50 grants somewhere averaging between five and, and 12 million each. There’s gonna be exceptions, of course, there’s ma there’s big cities, there’s big states, you know. Um but though all those grants will be operational from 2025 through 2028. So four kind of concerted years of, of national Programmatic investment. Um And these are projects kind of on the flip side, those state projects where this isn’t necessarily about infrastructure and, and building networks or even devices very much, right? It’s mostly the infrastructure programming and you’re asking for a lot of money. So tell, you know, share the, share the numbers, what you’re looking for, how much money. Yeah, we’re our project in the end I think came out at about $8.2 million project and we’re hopeful, of course. Um and I’m, I’m truly curious, um listeners who are always tuning into nonprofit radio from like fundraising strategy perspective. I’d love to learn from you or, you know, email me at Amy at N 10 anytime I’d love to hear your thoughts when you listen to this. But you know, N 10 is a capacity building organization is we, we don’t apply for grants often because quote unquote, capacity building is not considered a, a programmatic investment to most funders, right? And so it’s just not something that um they will entertain an application from us on. And but with this, we have already run for 10 years of digital inclusion fellowship program that is focused on building up the capacity of staff who already work in nonprofits who are already trusted and accessed by communities most impacted by digital divides to integrate digital literacy programming within their mission. Are they a housing organization? Are they workforce development? Are they adult literacy, you know, refugee services, whatever it is, if you’re already serving these communities who are impacted by digital divides and you’re trusted to deliver programs, well, you don’t need to go have a mission that’s now digital equity. No, you digital equity can be integrated into your programs and services to, to reach those folks. Um And so we’ve successfully run this program for 10 years and had um you know, over 100 fellows from 22 different locations around the US and have seen how transformative it’s been. These programs have been sustained for all these years by these organizations, they now see themselves as like the leaders of the digital equity coalitions in their communities. They, you know, fellows have gone on to work in digital equity offices or, you know, organizations et cetera. So it feels great, you have tons of outcomes from a smaller scale program and the grant is to scale up, scale this thing up. Yeah. Yeah. So instead of, you know, between 20 to 25 fellows per year with this grant, we would have over 100 a year. Um And that also means that instead of, you know, if there’s only 20 fellows and maybe we can only cover 20 locations while with over 100 we can cover or at least give opportunities to organizations in every state and territory to, to be part of this kind of capacity building opportunity. All right, it sounds, it’s, it’s huge. It’s, it’s, it’s really a lot of money for N 10. Um uh It, it falls within the range, I guess a little, no, it’s like right within the middle of the range, you cited like 5 million to 12 million, you said? So, yeah, exactly. So our, our application is kind of in the middle there. Yeah, slightly to the low side of middle. But, you know, we just call it middle, between friends. Um Yes and I mean, we’re hopeful, knock on wood, we’re really hopeful that this is an easy application to approve because we’re not creating something new we’re not spending half of the grant in planning. We know how to run this program. We’ve refined it for 10 years. We know it’s very cost efficient, you know, and in the end of four years, 400 plus organizations now running programs that can be sustained is accelerating towards, you know, addressing digital divides um versus, you know, a small project that just end 10 runs. All right, listeners, contact your NTI A representative, the elected person at the National Telecommunications and Infra Information Information Agency. Yes, speak to your uh Yeah. Yeah, let’s get this. Let this go. All right. When do you find out when? Well, you know, there was very clear information about down to the minute when applications were due, but there’s not a ton of clarity on when we will find out. So, you know, they are, they are meant to programs that are funded are, are meant to get started in January. So I anticipate we’ll hear, you know, in a couple of months, of course, and I will let you know, we’ll do an update. I’ll let you know you have my personal good wishes and I know nonprofit radio listeners wish and then good luck. Thank you. I appreciate all the good vibes would reverberate through the universe would be a transformative grant in terms of dollar amount and expansion of the program. Transformative. Yeah, 100% and staff are just so excited and hopeful about what it could mean for just helping that many more organizations, you know, do this good work. So we’re really excited and I admire intend for reaching for the sky because you have like a 2 to $2.5 million budget, annual annual budget somewhere in there. Um And you’re reaching for the sky and great ambitions uh only come to fruition through hard work and uh and thinking big. So thank you, even if you’re not, I don’t even want to say the words if you know, they should blunder if NTI A should blunder badly. Uh I still admire the, the ambition. Thank you. And no matter what, it’s a program that we know is transformative for communities and we wouldn’t stop it even if you know, they make a blunder and don’t, yeah, don’t tell. All right. Listen, don’t tell your NTI A representative. You said, don’t share that part of the conversation. All right. Thank you for sharing all that. And thanks for your support. It’s time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money but also supports you in retaining your donors, a partner that helps you raise funds, both online and on location, so you can grow your impact faster. That’s donor box, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers just like you a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges, helping you achieve the growth and sustainability, your organization needs, helping you help others visit donor to learn more. Now, back to A I organizational and personal. Let’s talk about artificial intelligence because this is not anybody’s mind. I can’t get away from it. I cannot. Uh I’m not myself of the concerns that I have. Uh They’re deepening my good friend George Weiner, uh you know, has a lot of posts, uh the CEO at the whale who I know you are, you are friendly with George as well. Talks about it a lot on linkedin uh reminds me how concerned I am uh about, you know, just the evolution. Uh I mean, it’s inevitable. This, this thing is just incrementally. This thing. This technology is uh is incrementally moving, not slowly but incrementally. I I and I, I cannot overcome my, my concerns and I know you have some concerns but you also balance that with the potential of the technology, transformative techno, the the transformative potential there. I’ll throw you. I was just gonna say, I totally agree. This is unavoidable. I can’t, you know, I cannot go a day without community organizations reaching out or asking questions or whatever and a place of reflection or, or a conversation that I’ve been having and I, I wanted to offer here, maybe we could talk about it for a minute. So, so listeners benefit by kind of being in, in one of these sides with us in the conversation is to think about the privilege of certain organizations to opt in or opt out of A I in the same way that we had for many years, you know, talked about the privilege of organizations in or, or not with social media generally. Like we think about Facebook and we go back, you know, 10 years, there were a lot of organizations who felt like they didn’t have the budget and like, practically speaking and they didn’t have the staff, well, certainly not the staff time but also not the staff confidence. Um I don’t even wanna say skills, but like even just the confidence to say, I’m gonna go build us a great website. They had a website, like they had a domain and content loaded when you went to it, right? But it wasn’t engaging and flashy and interesting and probably updated once, you know, and then Facebook was like, hey, you could have a page and oh, you can have a donate button and, oh, you can have this and oh, and you can post videos and you can, you know, it was like, well, why wouldn’t we do this? Right? And a bunch of our community members spend time on Facebook or maybe don’t even look for information on the broader web, but look for things within Facebook, you know, and, and have it on their phone and are using an app instead of doing an internet search, right? Like they’re, they’re going into Facebook and searching things. So they didn’t, those organizations didn’t feel like they had the privilege to opt out of that space, they had to use it because it came with some robust tools that did benefit them at the cost of their community data, all of their organizational content and data, right? Like it, it had a material cost that they maybe didn’t even understand. Right? And, and didn’t fully negotiate as like terms of this agreement. We’re just like, well, we have a donate button on Facebook and we don’t have one on our website, right? Not, not only, not only didn’t understand the terms, didn’t, didn’t know what the terms were right? Early days of Facebook, we didn’t know how and how many times how pervasive the data, data collection was, how it was going to be, how it was gonna be monetized, how we as the individuals were gonna become the product. And how many times did we talk? You know, I’m saying we like N 10 or, or folks who are providing kind of technical capacity building resources say you don’t know what could happen tomorrow, you could log in tomorrow and your page could look totally different, your page could work different, your features could be turned off. Facebook could just say pages don’t have donate buttons. And you know, I think folks felt like that was very, you know, oh, you’re being so sensational and then of course they would wake up one day and there wasn’t a button or the button really did work different, right? Like you people realize we’re not in control of even our own content, our own data. That’s right. The rules change and there’s no accountability to saying, hey, we need, do you want these rules to change? No, no, no, no, no. Like they set the rules and that was always of course a challenge. But we’re in a similar place with A I where folks aren’t understanding that the there’s, there’s no negotiation of terms happening right now. Folks are just like, oh, but I, I don’t have the time and if I use this tool, it lets me go faster. Because what do I have a, a burden of of time, I have so much work to try and do and maybe these tools will help me. And I’m not gonna say maybe they won’t help you. But I’m saying there’s a incredible amount of harm just like when folks didn’t realize, oh, we’re a, you know, we provide pro bono legal services and we’re based on the Texas border. Now, every person who follows our page, every person who’s RSVP do a Facebook event. Like all these people have a data trail we created that said they may be people that need legal services at a border, right? The there’s this level of harm that folks that are hoping to use these tools to help with their day to day work may not understand. I do not understand. Right. That’s coming in in silent negotiation of, of using these products. Right. And I think that’s, well, I can’t just in 30 seconds say, and here’s the harm like it’s, it’s exponential and broad because it could also the, the product could change tomorrow. Right. It’s this, it’s this vulnerability that isn’t going to be resolved necessarily. You, you said the word exponential and I was thinking of the word existential. Yeah. Both because I think I’m, I have my concerns around the human. Yes. Trade off is a polite way of saying it. Uh Surrender is probably more, is more in line with what I’m what I feel. Surrender of our humanity, our, our, our creativity, our thinking. Now our conversations with each other. One of the, one of the things that George posted about was a I that creates conversations between two people based on the, the, the large language that, you know, the, the, the data that you give it. It’ll have a conversation with itself. But purportedly, it’s two different people purportedly. Uh and I’m using the word people in quotes, you know, it’s a, a, a conversa. So the things that make us human. Yeah, music, music, composition, conversation, thought, staring and, and our listeners have heard me use this example before, but I’m sticking with it because it’s, it, it still rings real staring at a blank screen and composing, thinking first and then composing. Starting to type or if you’re old fashioned, you might start to pick up a pen, but you’re outlining either explicitly or in your mind, you’re thinking about big points and maybe some sub points and then you begin either typing or writing that creative process. We’re surrendering to the technology, music composition. I don’t compose music. So I don’t know the, but it’s not that much similar in terms of creative thought and, and synapses firing the brain working together, building neural nodes as you exercise the brain, music composition is that that probably not that much different than written composition. Yeah, brain physiologists may disagree with me but I think at our level, we you understand where I’m coming from and I’m kind of dumping a bunch of stuff but you know, but that’s OK. II I am here as a vessel for your A I complaints. I will, I will witness them. We can talk about them artificial intelligence. Also from George, a post on linkedin that reflects on its own capacity that justifies you. You ask the um the tool to reflect on its own last response. How did it perform? You’re asking the tool to justify itself to an audience to which it wants to be justifiable in, right? The tool is not going to dissuade you from using it by being honest about it, how it evaluates its last response. Well, yeah, I mean, I think, I don’t know, generative A I tools, these major tools that folks you know, maybe have played with, maybe use whatever you know, are programmed, are inherently designed to appease the user. They are not programmed, to be honest, they are. That, that’s an important thing to understand my point. We have asked the tool, what’s two plus two? Oh, it’s four. We’ve responded. Oh, really? Because I’ve heard experts agree that it’s five. Oh, yes, I was wrong. You’re right. It is 50, really? You know, I read once that it’s 40, yes, you are right. It really is four. OK. Well, like we, no experts agree that two plus two is five. So I think we’ve already demonstrated it’s going to value appeasing the user over, you know, facts. Um And that’s again, just like part of the unknown for most, at least casual users of generative A I tools is why it’s giving them the answers, it’s giving them. And what’s really important to say is that even the folks who built these tools and not tell you they do not know how some of this works. Some of it is just the the yet unknown of what happened within those algorithms that created this content. So if even the creators cannot responsibly and thoroughly say this is how these things came to be. How are you as an organization going to take accountability for using a tool that included biased data included, not real sources and then provided that to your community? Right? I think that string of, well, we just don’t know is not going to be something that you can build any sort of communications to your community on. Right. That, that is such a, a thin thread of, well, even the makers don’t know. Ok. Well, we have already seen court cases where if your chat bot told a community member this is your policy and it entirely made it up because that’s what, that’s what generative A I does is make things up. You as the organization are still liable for what it told the community. OK. If I, I agree with that, actually, I think that you should have to be liable and accountable to whatever you’ve you’ve set up. But if you as a small nonprofit are not prepared to take accountability and to rectify whatever harm comes of it, then you can’t say we’re ready to use these tools. You can only use these tools if you’re also ready to be accountable for what comes of using them, right? And I hope that gives folks pause, you know, it’s not just, well, you know, I talked about this with some organizations that, well, we would never, you know, take something that generative A I tools gave us and then just use it. We would of course edit that. Sure. But are you checking all the sources that it used in order to create that content that you’re, then maybe changing some words within? Are you monitoring every piece of content? Are you making sure that generative A I content is never in direct conversation with a community member or program, you know, service delivery uh recipient. How are you really building practical safeguards? Um You know, and I’ve talked to organizations who have said, well, we didn’t even know our staff were using these tools because we just thought it was obvious that they shouldn’t use it. But our clinical staff are using free generative A I tools putting in their case notes and saying, can you format this for my case file? OK. Well, there’s a few things we should talk about that. Where the hell did that note go? Right. It went back into the system. But it’s because the staff person thought, well, they can’t see that the data went anywhere because it’s just on their screen and they’re just copy pasting it over again. The harm is likely invisible at the point of, you know, technical interaction with the tool. The harm is from leaking all of that into the system, right? Um What happens to those community member? Oh my gosh, it’s just like opening, not just a door to a room but a door to like a whole giant convention center of, of challenges and harm, you know. All right. So we, we’ve identified two main strains of potential harm, the, the, the data usage leakage, the, the impact on our people in the uh getting our, getting our services um and even impact on people who are supporting us, trusting us to to be ethical and even moral stewards of data. So there’s everything at the organization level and I also identified the human level. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that human piece is important and, and not maybe on the direction that I’ve seen covered in, you know, blog posts and things. I, I, I’m honestly not worried in a massive way as like the predominant worry related to A I not to say this isn’t something that people could, should think about. But I don’t think the the most important worry about A I is that none of us will have jobs. I, I do think that there’s, there’s a challenge happening on what the value of our job is and what, what we spend our time doing. Because if folks really think that these A I tools are sufficient to come up with all of your organization’s communications content and then you are, then you still have a communication staff person, but you’re expecting them to do 10 times the amount of work because you think that the, you know A I tools are going to do all of the content, but they have to go in there and deeply edit all of that. They have to make sure to use real photos and not photos that have been, you know, created by A I based on what it thinks, certain people of certain whatever identities are like it, they don’t now have capacity to do 10 times the work, they’re still doing the same amount of work just in different ways if, if they’re expected to do all this through A I, right, just as, as one example. And I think organizations that can stay in this moment of like hyper focus on, on A I adoption really clear on what the value of their staff are, what their human values are that, you know, maybe you could say you’re serving more people because some of the program participants were, you know, chatting with a bot instead of chatting with a counselor. But when you look at the data of what came of them chatting with that bot and they are not meeting the outcomes that come from meeting with a human counselor. Are, are you doing more to meet your mission? I don’t know that you are, right? So I’ll give you that that’s data sensitive. It could be, I mean, there, there are, there are potential efficiencies. Sure. And, but, you know, are we, are we as an organization achieving them, right? And staying focused on not just, well, this number of people were met here, but were they served there? Were they meeting the the needs and goals of why you even have that program, you know, versus just the number of like this many people interacted with the chatbot? Great. But, but that’s a, yeah, but I’m gonna, I’m gonna assume that um you know, even a half a sophisticated an organization that’s half sophisticated before a, I existed had more than just vanity metrics. How many people, how many people chatted with us in the last seven days? I mean, that’s near worthless. I mean, you, you, I mean, it might be, I don’t know, Tony, I don’t know how much time you spend looking at the grant reports of, lots of times I don’t spend, I don’t spend any time. All right. Well, no, maybe it’s, maybe it’s the worst, worst situation than I think. But I, I mean, ok, so I’m, I’m, I’m assuming that there’s, but my point is the appropriate the valuable, the value of people. So, I mean, we should be applying the same measures and accountability to artificial intelligence as we did to human intelligence as we still are. We’re not, we’re not cutting any slack like it’s a learning curve or. So, you know that IIII I want our, our folks to be treated just as well in equal outcomes by the, by the intelligence that’s artificial as I do by the, by the human processes, right? And it’s, you know, I don’t want to go through this and say, have folks think like you and I are here to say everything is horrible. You could never use A I tools which like everything is horrible. Look around at this world. We got, we had some work to do. You know, there are spaces to use A I tools. That’s not what we’re saying. But the place where a lot, I mean, I’ve been talking to just hundreds and hundreds of organizations over the last 18 months and so many organizations like, oh, yeah, we’re just gonna, like, use this because it’s free or? Oh, we’re just gonna use this because it was automatically enabled inside of our database. Ok. Yeah, if it was so free and convenient and already available that should give you pause to say, why is this here? What is actually the product and the price? Uh if I give this back to the face, the Facebook analy. Right. Exactly. Exactly. And you can use A I tools when you know what is the product and the price. What are the safeguards? What is this company gonna be responsible for if something happens? What can I be responsible for? Yes, there are ways to use these tools. Is it to like copy, paste your paste file notes? Like probably never may that should just like, maybe we just don’t do that, you know. Um But sure, maybe there are places I had this really great example. I don’t know if I told this to you, but um an organization was youth service organization creating the Star Wars event and they were trying to like write the, like the evi language in like a Yoda voice. And they’re like three staff people are sitting there trying to come up with like, well, what’s the way a Yoda sentence works? You know, and they’re like they just put in the three sentences of like join us at the after school, blah, blah, blah, right? And said make this in Yoda’s voice and they copied, they were able to then use them. Right? Great. That was three people’s half an hour eliminated. They all they have the invite, right? The youth participants data was not included in order to create this content. You know, like there are ways to use these tools to really help. And I think we’ve talked about this briefly in the past, I really truly feel the place that has the most value for organizations is gonna be building tools internally where you don’t need to rely on. However, you know, these major companies scraped all of the internet to build some tool, right? You’re building it on. Well, here’s our 10 years of data and from that 10 years, you know, we’re going to start building a model that says, oh yeah, when somebody’s participant history looks like this, they don’t finish the program or when somebody’s participant history looks like this. Oh, they’re a great candidate for this other program, right? And you can start to build a tool or tools that help your staff be human and spend their human time being the most human impacts for the organizations, right? Um but oh very few organizations honestly are in a position to start building tools because they don’t have good data, they could build anything off of, right. Um they maybe don’t have budget staff systems that are ready to do that type of work. But I do think that is a place where we will see more organizations starting to grow towards because there is there’s huge potential value there for organizations to, to better deliver programs, better services, better meet needs by using the data you already have by learning by partnering with other organizations that maybe serve the same community or geography or whatever, you know, and say, yeah, how can we can like really accelerate our missions versus these maybe more shiny generative A I public tools that you know, the vast majority of the internet is flaming garbage. So a tool that’s been trained off of the flaming garbage, you know, it’s not going to take a long time for it to also create flaming. So be cautious if you’re thinking about using artificial intelligence to create your internal A I tool. Right. Right. So there, there, there’s a perfect example of the, the a good use case but also uh a um a concern, a a limitation, a qualification. That’s the word I was looking for 61. These words, sometimes the words are more elusive than I would like a AAA qualification. Um Its time for Tony’s take two. Thank you, Kate. In the gym. There are five places where there’s squirt bottles of uh sanitizer and paper towel dispensers and each location has a sign that says please clean the equipment after each use. And one of these stations uh is right next to the elliptical that, you know, I do. It’s actually the first thing I do. I walk in the room, take off my hoodie and just walk right to the elliptical twice. Now, I’ve seen the same guy uh not only violate the spirit of the signs but the explicit wording of the signs because this guy takes himself a couple of uh, downward swipes on the paper towel dispenser. So he grabs off a couple of towel lengths and he squirts it with the sanitizer that’s intended for the equipment and he puts his hand up his shirt and he cleans his, his pecks and, and his belly and it’s a sickening thing. I’ve seen it, it’s not a shower, it’s a, it’s a, it’s an equipment cleaning station. And, uh, so I, I, I’m imploring this guy. Yeah. Yeah. I, I guess I’m urging you to, uh, I’m just sharing because I don’t think anybody else does this. Uh, is there anybody else out there who does this? Probably not and not with these like surface sanitizers? It’s, it’s not a, it’s not a, like a, a hand sanitizer. It’s, it’s for equipment. So, you know, in the squirt bottle. So it’s not even appropriate for your skin. It is, it’s to clean hard plastic and, and metal and this guy uses it on his skin. So I’m, I’m waiting for the moment when he puts his hands down his pants so far, he’s just lifting his shirt. I, I’m waiting for when he puts his hands down his pants. Then I’m, then I’m calling him out. That’s, that, that’s beyond the pale. He, that requires revocation of your membership card. So, sir, the sign says, please clean the equipment after use. It’s not your equipment. That is Tonys take two. Kate. Does your gym offer like a shower room or a locker room? Yeah, there’s a shower. Yes, that’s a good question. Yeah, there’s a shower in the men’s room. Yeah. And he’s cleaning up there. It’s very strange. It’s gross. It’s gross. He sticks his hand up his sweaty t-shirt. Well, let’s hope he doesn’t go lower than that. Exactly. We’ve got bountiful book who bought loads more time. Here is the rest of A I organizational and personal with any sample ward. Yes. And we have, I, I would make sure that you have the link to include in like the show notes description. But, um, totally for free. And 10 doesn’t get any money. You don’t have to pay for anything. And 10 has free resources for creating, for example, uh, uh A I use policy for your organization that says, what are the instances in which you would use it or what are the instances in, in which you wouldn’t or, um, what types of content will you, you know, can staff copy paste versus what content or data can can they not um there’s templates for how to talk to your board about A I um how, how to build. Like we’ve actually looked at the tools and these ones we’ve approved for you to use. These ones are not approved, you know, all these different resources totally free and available on the end 10 website and none of them have decisions already made. We don’t say you can use this tool or you can’t use this tool or we recommend this use or not this use. Because ultimately, we, we are not going to make technology decisions for other organizations, but we want you to feel like whatever decision you made, you made it by thinking of going through the right steps, asking the right questions so that you can also trust your own decision, what whatever decision you come to, right? And that you have some templates to fill in um that were all created by humans designed by humans published by humans um to help you in that work. Um I think especially, you know, the, the the how to talk to your board and the um like key considerations, documents really just ask a lot of questions and say, you know, how different is it, if you’re say a animal foster organization and you’re thinking, OK, is a I appropriate for us to use versus uh that youth social service organization? OK? Very different considerations, right? And just helping people talk that through and, and see that the considerations are different for different organizations, I think is really valuable. As again, you consider ta facilitating conversation with your board. They’re also coming from very different sectors, maybe job types, backgrounds, experiences with A I. And so just like in your staff, there needs to be some level setting in how you talk about A I, because not everyone knows what A model is. Not everyone knows what a large language model. You know, these are words that have to be explained and kind of put out of the way and then to say, hey, it’s not all one answer. Not everybody needs to use every tool. And, and how do you talk about that, that with your teams going back to the Facebook analogy, you want to avoid the board member who comes to you and says, you know, artificial intelligence, we can be saving money, we can be doing so much more work. We can, we don’t even need a website. We have a Facebook page website. We’re not even sure we need all the staff that we have because we’re gonna be able to, we’re gonna have so much efficiency. So, you know, we need to OK. OK. Board member. All right. Yeah. So we’ve been here before. I mean, it’s, you know, probably I’m just gonna go out a limb and say it’s probably the same board member who had every board meeting says, does anybody know Mackenzie Scott? How do we get one of those checks. Right. Why don’t we get the Mackenzie? Yeah. Right. Right. Right. All right. Um, what else? Well, I was gonna also offer some of the questions that we’ve been getting, as, you know, we’ve been engaged with, um, a number of different organizations through some of our cohort programs and, you know, trainings for, for over a year now. And so maybe last year we were talking to them about, OK, let’s make sure you have a data policy, like just as an organization, do you have a data privacy policy? Do you know, so that anything you then go build, that’s a I specific whether that’s building a policy, building practices, building a tool, you, you have policies to, to kind of foundation off of, they’ve done that work, you know, now they’re looking at different products, they’re trying to create these uh you know, lists of like here’s approved tools for staff, here’s approved ways staff can use them. And just like we see with our Cr MS with our, you know, you know, email marketing systems, then they come back and they’re like, well, we, we reviewed it, we did everything and now it’s different now it’s a different version. Now they rolled out this other thing. Yes, like that is the beauty and the pain of technology, right is that it’s always changing and that we don’t necessarily get to authorize that change that it just happens. And so the rules change. Yeah. And so folks have been asking us, well, you know, how, how do we write policies with that in mind? And I think, um you know, if you are thinking about creating like that approved product list and, and you know, tools that aren’t approved or whatever, being really clear that these products have version numbers just like anything else. And so instead of just writing Gemini Chat G BT, you know, be specific about when did you review this and, and maybe approve it for use? Which addition was it that you were looking at? Is this a paid level? So staff could say, oh, it doesn’t look like I mine doesn’t say pro or you know, whatever it might be, right? Oh, I must be in the free one. OK? I need to get into our organization’s account or something. So the more clarity you can provide folks because right now of course, they could just do an internet search and be like, oh, there’s that product name, I’m gonna go start using it. It’s on the approved list. Um You know, folks, again, there may be new terms, maybe new product names that we’re not used to saying. And so folks aren’t as accustomed to looking at, oh, this is a different version of Chat GP T than this one was, you know. Um So just putting that out there for folks to keep in mind that these tools are, are really operating just like others that you are used to and there’s less of course documentation. But I’ve the questions we’re getting from folks is like, you know, the point I made at the beginning we can’t see anywhere in the documentation that explains why this is happening, right? They do, how could they document when the answer is, we also don’t know why that happens, you know, and so when you are talking to staff, especially if you’re saying, hey, these are approved tools and we have these licenses or here’s how to access them, training your staff on how to be the most human users of A I tools is to your kind of connecting to your human point going to be really important because we don’t want folks to feel that because they don’t necessarily understand how the mechanics of how it works. They’re just going to trust it without questioning the content or questioning, you know, for a lot of organizations who have built internal tools just as an example. It takes dozens of tries just to get the the model. Right. Right. So these other tools, of course, they’re not gonna be perfect isn’t real and perfect is absolutely not real with technology. So training staff, I’m like, how would I, how, how do I have some skepticism? How do I question what I’m seeing? How do I, how do I say even if it was internally built? This data doesn’t look, right. That doesn’t match my experience of running this program so that we don’t let it slip. Where? Oh, gosh. Oh, it was working that way for a long time. That’s also, um, I think, uh, a space where we as humans can be our most human, uh, you know, have some value add as humans. But again, staff need to be trained that they are meant to question these tools. Um, because that’s not, you know, I don’t know, a lot of organizations were like question the database. No, they’re like on the database, put everything in the database, right? And now we need to say no question, that report. It does that match your experience, you know, there was a long ramble but oh, absolutely valuable. The human, yeah, I the human contribution and of course, my concerns are even at, at the outset, you know, the, the early stage the seeding, the create seeding or surrendering the create creative process. Uh And now le let’s chat a little about this, the, the um the conversations. Yeah, I listened to the, I know the, the example that you mentioned earlier that George posted it was for podcasting. It, it was a podcast conversation around this and he gave them some, you know, some whole, some whole whale content and the two, the two were going back and forth and having a, a conversation. Yeah. Yeah, I listened to it and one thing I was curious if, if you caught as the pod father yourself um you know, it came across, you know, I’ve been had opportunities to see um a number of different generative A I tools and, and things closer to the, to the front edge of what things can do that are specifically like, you know, taking just a few seconds of you and then creating you. Um So hearing just like these, these could be any voices, these could be any people is like, yeah, OK. This is, this is what a I can do. It’s, it’s spooky. But when you listen to it, you can hear either you have a very bad producer and editor, you know, or this is a I because there’s certain um phrases that got reused multiple times, not just literally the audio clip of this whole sentence, you know, and the, and the intonation, the whole sentence clip was reused multiple times. Um So one of them, I think one of them was along the lines of that’s a really interesting point. Yeah. Yeah. And well, and there was one that was like describing the product. So it must have come from the page, you know, whatever source content um was provided. But, you know, it’s, I think that some of that is there and we as individuals, we as a society will decide if we give it value or not, if it’s, if it’s worth it to people to make podcasts through A I because we give it attention or we don’t like, I just I think naturally that will be there. Can I, can I just go on record or at this, at this stage and say that, that, that idea disgusts me. Oh, totally. But I do. And I, I realized that’s what Georgia’s Post was about. That. It’s now well, within conceivable, well, well, possible to create an hour long podcast of an artificial conversation based on an essay that somebody wrote some time. Oh, totally. Totally. I don’t. But I’m saying the reason, yeah, I agree with you. But I’m saying the way we, you know that toothpaste doesn’t go back in the tube by us, like we can’t turn it off generative A I tools can already make that. So we as, as individual consumers of content and as a society need to either say we’re gonna allow that and value it or we’re not, right? And, and not make, not provide incentive for organizations or companies to, to make that and, and distribute it. But I also think that the place in that kind of um video, audio kind of multimedia content that, that A I tools have capacity and will continue having more capacity to build is much more important than you. And I talked about this a number of months ago around Miss and disinformation is it’s one thing to say, made up voices, making some podcast about content like that’s garbage, right? But we can’t just like throw away the idea that that’s technically possible because organizations need to know A I tools are already capable of creating a video of your CEO firing your staff. You need to be prepared to say that was a spoof this is, this is how we’re gonna deal with this, right? Um Because while the like maybe further separated from our work, the idea of like content could just be created that way you and I can say we don’t value that whatever, but these tools are capable of, of spoofing us as, as people, as leaders, as organizations. You know, what, what would it look like if there was a video from your program director saying that everybody in the community gets a grant and you’re a foundation, right? Like these, these are real issues and I don’t want folks to confuse how easy it may feel for us to have an opinion that some of this A I generated uh content isn’t a value with the idea that it, it there isn’t something there to have to come up with strategy and plan for because, you know, we can say that’s garbage. But those same tools that made the garbage could make your spoof, you know, also labeling. Yeah, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t trust every A I generated podcast team. I’m not, I’m not gonna call them hosts because there is no host um to, to label the content. I don’t trust, I don’t trust that that’s gonna happen because it was artificially generated. It’s not a real conversation. Yeah. Hello. For everyone that’s listening. Human Amy is here talking with human and Tony who I can see on the screen with me. Boycott your local A I podcast. I, I don’t know. There’s not, there’s not a solution. You’re right. We can’t, we can’t go back. I’m just voicing that we can say that it’s not something we value, we can say that this is why we don’t value it, right? The art of conversation, listening, assimilating, responding, listening again, respond, assimilating and responding. That that is an art uniquely. Well, maybe it’s not uniquely human. I don’t know if deer have conversations or, or what and we know whales do. So I take that back. It’s not, it’s not uniquely human, but at at our level, it, you know, it’s not just about we, we don’t converse merely to survive, merely to warn each other of threats. I’m suspecting that in the animal in mammal kingdom that wait are animals, mammals are mammals, animals? No, and I think it’s I think it’s a Venn diagram. Oh, so they’re separate. Ok. So there’s a two king kingdom phylum class order family genus species. I got that. I got that out of high school biology. I can, I can say it in my sleep kingdom phy class order family genus species. All right. In the animal kingdom. My suspicion is that more of the communication is about maybe like basic, like there’s a good food source. There’s a threat, uh, teaching young, don’t do that things like that. Survival more base, I doubt. You know, it’s about the aesthetic of the forest that the deer are in. But even if the birds are talking about the way the sunlight comes through the leaves, they are still alive. And I think what you’re trying to draw a distinction between is the value and even beauty of us having a conversation and the value of what comes of that conversation in our own minds and our own learning. But in this case, it’s recorded so other folks could hear it and, and I guess listen to it or be impacted by it versus it being a technical mechanism where we say, OK, here’s a long paper. Go make it sound like two people are discussing this, right? That’s not that that doesn’t fit the criteria of what we want or need to value in a world, that’s the world we want, right? Yes, the art of conversation, think something you look forward to, not something that you do out of necessity, right? And you know, there’s, I think a place where especially at end 10 conversations around A I have come back to is opportunities that A I tools may present for um different ways of learning different ways of accessing information. But again, those aren’t necessarily uh come up with two podcast host voices and then have them have a conversation about this, this research report you know, a lot of those tools could be made better but already exist, you know, different forms of screen readers apps that can help someone um maybe navigate the internet or, or, you know, summarize um documents to help them because they don’t want to read a 50 page document or they can’t read it for, you know, visually on the screen. So I think there’s space there. But again, it’s because you’re trying to preserve what is most human. And that is that user who maybe needs um accommodations of, of something that technology can provide. It’s not OK, let’s use technology to co create something separately over here and just hope people consume it, right? And to be clear, George didn’t post that thinking. Oh, great. Now everyone will want to consume this. No, it was, it was a demonstration. Um But I, but I, again, I’m just using that as a place to say, yes, there’s even conversations to say great, what accessibility could this create an agenda for, for our users? Right? But what’s most human is those users and their actual needs and not, you know, look what A I could do. Let’s just make different types of content, right? The last one I wanna raise is uh the one that caused me to use the word dystopian as I was commenting on uh commenting on Georgia’s Post, which was um the A I self reflection using uh having A I justify itself to the users that it is trying to attract and, and then relying on that, that as a, as an insightful analysis, as a thoughtful reflection, as, as contemplative of its own work that, that, that it’s doing those unique, those I think are uniquely, uniquely human actions, introspection, introspection, contemplation, pondering. How did I do? How did I perform? How can I do better? These might be uniquely human. I would argue there are a number of humans, I can see that don’t um Well, but I didn’t say I didn’t. That’s a different population. Now, you’re taking the whole, the whole human population. I’m talking about the contemplative ones. Yes. And there are, there are uh humans who are not at all introspective and questioning whether they could have done better and learning from their, from their contemplations. But I think those are all uniquely human activities. And we’re at, we’re now asking A I to purportedly duplicate those processes and analyze and contemplate its own work. Yeah. And as you said earlier, II, I and I, I certainly don’t trust it to be genuine and truthful. If, if A I is capable of truth, we’ll put that, we’ll put that existential question aside uh in its, in its analysis of its own work because as you, as you pointed out, the tools are built to, to be used by humans and the tools are not going to condemn or even just criticize their own work. Yeah, but we’re Yeah. And I think you heard of the challenge but there, I’m sorry, but, but there are humans who are deceiving themselves into thinking that, that the analysis and contemplation is accurate and uh genuine. Yeah. And I think part of the challenge I was gonna name is just that, that, that we as users, I’m not saying you and I uh individually but we as the human users of these tools are also setting ourselves up to be just, you know, dishonest in our use because we are bringing inappropriate or misaligned expectations to the product. We cannot, we, we cannot expect a tool that’s designed to appease us and to lie at the cost of giving an answer, you know, like uh we just wanna be able to do this to thoughtfully and honestly reflect on that or to say no, there is no answer, right? Um However, we had was the tools are designed to appeal to us. Right. Right. And when we are talking about that to be clear, you know, we’re really talking about generative A I tools, tools that are designed to generate some new content, new sentences, new answers, whatever we’re asking of it back to us A I itself is just such a massively blanket term that I don’t want folks to think nothing that could be considered an A I tool could be trusted to generate an answer because we’re, we’re specifically talking about generative A I there. But, you know, say you had like a machine learning uh model that was looking at, you know, 30 years of your program participant data. Well, that’s probably already a tool that isn’t set up to generate content. Uh You know, it’s not coming up with new participant data. It’s looking at the patterns, it’s flagging when a pattern meets the criteria, you’ve presented it to, you know, it’s maybe matching that data to something else. But again, you’ve said here are the things you could match it to et cetera. So this is not to say, Tony and Amy say never trust technology. They say bring expectations that are aligned to the tool differently to every tool that, that you’re coming to that hypothetical tool that you just described is being set on uh asked to evaluate your data, not its own data. It’s to evaluate your performance, your data set. It’s not being asked to comment and on and criticize or, or complement its own data. That’s the, that’s, that’s the critical difference. Yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah. No, nobody here is saying, well, not, I’m not saying that you’re saying we are, but you’re, you’re wise to remind listeners we’re not condemning all uses of generative uh A I large language models, but just to be thoughtful about them and, and understand what the costs are. And there are, there are costs on the organizational level and there are costs on the individual human level and, and the you, you comment on the organizational level because you think more at that level. But on the human level, another level layer to my concern is that the cost is quite incremental. Mm It’s it, it our creativity, our art of conversation, our our synapses firing. It’s just happening slowly with each usage, we become less thoughtful composers, less critical thinkers and it just so incremental that the change isn’t noticed until until in my critical mind, it’s too late and we look back and wonder how come I can’t write a letter to my dad anymore? Why am I having such a hard time writing a love letter to my wife, husband, partner? Yeah. What there are, I know someone who uh is a new grandmother and she has a little kit where you write, you write letters to your grandchild and they open them when they’re whatever, 15 or 20 years old, like a time capsule. Why am I having trouble composing a uh a short note to my grandchild? Right. Well, and I think, you know, just honestly, as a person in this conversation, not, not speaking, you know, um from an organizational strategy perspective, I think as a person that is your friend, Tony, you know, I would say, I don’t personally have a pro, I can write a letter and I’m, I, and I think a strong communicator, I, you know, it’s hard to make me stop talking. So, you know, I, I could write a letter. I know, for other folks, even without a, I, they might say, well, what goes in the le like, I just, what, what do I put in there? What are the main things I should cover whatever? And I’m, I actually have less, maybe of a strong reaction to the idea that somebody would use generative A I to come up with. OK, what are the three things I should cover in my letter? And then I’ll go write the sentences and more that what I hear underneath what you’re saying is actually the same, I think important value I have and, and wrote about in the book with a fua et cetera, which is in the world I want in this, in this beautiful equitable world where everyone had their needs met in the ways that best meet their own needs. Technology is there in service to our lives and not that we are bending our lives in order to make technology work, right? And maybe in that beautiful equitable world, there are people who, who have a technology. Is it an app? Is it called A I anymore? You know, whatever it is that says, hey, Tony, don’t forget today is the day you write the letter to your dad. It’s, it’s Friday, you always write it on a Friday or whatever, right? And, and make sure that you do it because you know, it makes you feel happy to write that letter. Maybe that’s true. Maybe in that world. There are some people who have a tool that help them remember to do that. But, but what’s important to me and what I think I hear and what you’re saying is important to you is that technology is there because we need it and want it and that it is working in the ways we need and want it to work and not that our lives are, are influenced and shaped in order to adjust to the technology. Yes, I am saying that I just, I am concerned that the, that our, our changing is beyond our recognition. We don’t see ourselves becoming less creative and I’m not even only concerned about myself. I, I can write a letter and I think uh 90 I’ll still be able to write a letter. But there are folks uh who are infants now, those yet to be born for whom artificial intelligence is going to be so much more robust, so much more pervasive in, in ways that we, we can’t today imagine, I don’t think. Yeah. And what are those humans gonna look like? I don’t know, maybe they’ll be better humans, maybe they will. I’m open to that but I like the kind of humans that we are or, you know. Uh so, but, but I I’m open to the possibility that there’ll be better humans. But what will their human interactions be? Will they have, will they have thoughtful conversations? Will they have human moments together that are not artificially outlined first and maybe even worse, you know, constructed for them. I don’t know. Uh but some of the, some of my concern, although, although some of my concern is about those of us who aren’t currently living and have been born and across the generations less for older folks because their interactions with artificial intelligence are fewer if you’re no longer in the w if you’re no longer uh working your, your interactions with artificial intelligence may, may be non existent. Um And I think, I think it’s natural as you’re older, you’re less likely to be engaging with the tools than if you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties or fifties. Well, my very human reflection on today’s conversation is that uh it is usually the case that we start talking about any type of technology topic and you constantly interject that I need to be practical. I need to give recommendations. I need to explain how to do things and I appreciate and welcome you joining me over here in theoretical land about the impact of technology broadly across our work, across our missions, across our communities, across our future. Um Welcome, welcome to my land, Tommy. Uh I have appreciated this, this one time opportunity to let go of the practical tactical advice and to, you know, have what I hope listeners, um you know, had some thoughts, had some reactions, uh truly email me any time. But, you know, I, I hope that if nothing else, it was an opportunity for folks to witness or kind of listen in as and maybe you were talking to yourself in your own head, you know, of, of a conversation about what these technologies can be, what, what we need to think about with them. Because in any technology conversation, I think it’s most important to talk about people. Uh That’s the only reason we’re using these tools, right? People made them people are trying to do good work with them. So, so talking about people is, is always most important and, and I hope folks take that away from this whole long hour of A I. Thank you for a thoughtful human conversation. Yes, Amy Sample Ward. They’re our technology contributor and the CEO of N 10. And folks can email me Tony at Tony with your human reactions to our human conversation. Thanks so much, Tony. It was so fun. My pleasure as well. Thank you. Next week, a tale from the archive. If you missed any part of this week’s show, I beseech you find it at Tony were sponsored by donor box, outdated donation forms, blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I’m your associate producer, Kate Marinetti. The show, social media is by Susan Chavez la Silverman is our web guy and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation. Scotty you’re with us next week for nonprofit radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95% go out and be great.
Claire Meyerhoff, Scott Stein, Kate Martignetti, Gene Takagi & Amy Sample Ward: 700th Show!
It’s Nonprofit Radio’s 700th show and 14th Anniversary. To celebrate, co-host Claire Meyerhoff brings “Claire’s Quiz.” We have our associate producer, Kate Martignetti, live music from Scott Stein, and our contributors Gene Takagi (law), and Amy Sample Ward (technology), are also on board. Also, our sponsors Donorbox and Virtuous check in. It’s fun and music and celebration! And gratitude.
Virtuous: Virtuous gives you the nonprofit CRM, fundraising, volunteer, and marketing tools you need to create more responsive donor experiences and grow giving.
Donorbox: Powerful fundraising features made refreshingly easy.
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Board relations. Fundraising. Volunteer management. Prospect research. Legal compliance. Accounting. Finance. Investments. Donor relations. Public relations. Marketing. Technology. Social media.
Every nonprofit struggles with these issues. Big nonprofits hire experts. The other 95% listen to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts and leading thinkers join me each week to tackle the tough issues. If you have big dreams but a small budget, you have a home at Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. View Full Transcript
Welcome to Tony Martignetti nonprofit Radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the pod father of your favorite abdominal podcast. It’s July, it’s nonprofit radio. You’ve got the live music and that can only be, it’s our 7/100 show and 14th anniversary jubilee. All right. Amazing. Here’s our associate producer, Kate with what’s coming for show number 700. Hey, Tony, your co-host is Claire Meyerhoff and she’s got Claire’s quiz. Tony’s take to trivia time. We’ve got much more live music from Scott Stein. Our contributors, Gene Taghi and Amy Sample Ward are here and our two sponsors will join in Eric Tamales from Virtuous and Jenna Lynch from Donor box. It’s fun and music and celebration and gratitude. We’re sponsored by virtuous, virtuous gives you the nonprofit CRM fundraising volunteer and marketing tools. You need to create more responsive donor experiences and grow, giving, and by donor box, outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box. Fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor Thank you very much Kate Cla Meyerhoff. Welcome Tony Martignetti. It is so nice to see you again and I cannot believe that this is the seventh show and the 14th jubilee, even the queen didn’t have 14 jubilee. Thank you. Thank you. Let me give you a proper introduction. Of course, our creative producer at nonprofit Radio uh and president of the Planned Giving Agency. Uh You’ve got decades of media experience including WTO P in Wash DC and Sirius. And uh of course, your company is the PG Agency, the Planned Giving Agency at EG So good to see you, Claire, something like that. Yeah, it’s great to see. Great to see you too. Can I tell you a little bit about the exciting things I’ve been doing? You can tell us about absolutely what’s going on in life. Well, for many years, I attended this wonderful Plan Giving conference, one of my favorites in the whole country, the Carolina’s Plan Giving conference at Kuga, which is just a cool conference because it’s held at this camp and it’s really casual and the best people attend. And this year I was elevated to the committee. So I helped plan programming. I did a lot of marketing and I was really involved with the Carolina Planned Giving Conference and I’m doing so again next year and it is just the best. If you want to learn more about it. It’s Carolina’s Land Giving I live in, I live in North Carolina that’s included in the Carolinas. Right. Absolutely. Yes, you need to come. Ok. Is it I don’t know where Cayuga, it’s, it’s in the mountains of North Carolina, near Hendersonville, North Carolina, which is near Asheville. North as it’s beautiful. It’s just the most beautiful setting. So relaxing and just a great place. If you love planned getting, then you should come to Canoga Tony. Ok. Cool. Uh, right here. Right. Well, I wouldn’t say my backyard about a five hour drive, but, uh, close enough. Thank you for sharing. And, um, I wanted to, uh, just remind folks and, and may probably you too or maybe not. Maybe you remember that. Uh, your first time on nonprofit radio was show number two really single digit show. Show number two, which was on July 23rd, 2010. And you and I talked, you and I talked about storytelling and jargon and, and you gave me the fabulous idea for Jargon jail. Jargon jail. I love jargon jail, which has survived these whoa, these 14 years jargon jail. Still putting, still putting, uh, scofflaw guests into Jargon jail when, when it’s required when it’s required. Yes, GG is holding up his hands, wrist to wrist rit cuff. And I think the first, uh, the first, first person to be confined first, uh, term to be confined to Jargon jail was probably capacity building that may have done it, may very well, that may very well have done it. Absolutely. Um, let’s bring in, uh, let’s bring our friend, uh, Scott Stein in Scott from Brooklyn New York, welcome. Hello, Tony. Thanks for having me. Absolutely. Always a pleasure to have you for the anniversary shows, Scott. Thank you. Uh, Scott Stein, pianist, songwriter, thank goodness, songwriter. Otherwise we wouldn’t have any theme music. So grateful for that. Uh, and music director, you’ll find him at Scott Stein and on Facebook, Twitter X Instagram and youtube. He’s Scott Stein music. Yes. You’ve got some gigs coming up, uh, a couple of gigs coming up in August. I see. Um, at Scott Stein Yeah, I’ll be doing, um, I’ll be performing as part of a community concert series here in Brooklyn called Operation Gig, which, uh, began during the pandemic. It began summer of 2000. Um, it was a series of outdoor concerts to employ the many musicians who live in that neighborhood and around Neigh neighborhood and it was so popular that it’s continued. Uh, so I’m excited because I’m gonna be teaming up with my old songwriter part or, excuse me, my old songwriting partner, Mia Byrne who is, uh, just moved back to New York after years on the west coast. Uh, we were in a band called The Ramblers for many years and co-wrote a lot of their songs. So that’s gonna be real cool. Uh, she had a great record that just came out last year. Um, and so probably to play some tunes off of there. And, um, yeah, and then I, I mean, I, I work with a bunch of different artists as a side man. So, I’ve, I’ve got a few here and there and um I’m gonna be up at the uh on the other end of uh what I do professionally. I’ll be at the North American Jewish Choral Festival as a clinician this year because I’m also a choral conductor because why do just one thing? And uh so it’s gonna be a busy summer. Um And uh just had a premiere of a work that I wrote about two weeks ago. So, uh more in the formal composition world. So, uh yeah, just lots of, lots of, lots of different stuff going on right now. What does a coral clinician do? Ah, so for this particular festival, uh, one of the things that they do is they group all of the attendees into what they call instant ensembles. So they create choirs, new choirs from all the people who are there. And so I’m gonna be conducting one of those four ensembles this year. And, uh, and then there’s a big concert at the end of the festival and, uh, it’s up in Tarry Town. So just outside the city. Yes, Westchester Tarry Town. All right, cool. Yeah, I’m glad you’re with us, Scott. Thank you. And, uh, Scott, uh, you’ll be doing three songs for us today, including, of course, the theme music. Cheap Red Wine, of course. And sample Ward. How are you? I’m good. I can when you were saying, you know, Claire, uh even remembering or maybe you had this written down and you checked your notes, but I’ll give you the credit of saying you remember because you remember everything, remembering. Um Episode two, Claire’s first time I was like, I, I believe the first time I was on was episode 100 right? And I don’t remember anything about what I said. So, ok, I don’t know what you said. I don’t know what we talked about. It was probably at that time, you were the social media contributor and then you kind of morph to social media and technology and now it’s technology which is, which is fine. It’s like uh John Cougar, John Cougar Mellencamp, John Mellencamp. Exactly. So you’re following and I’ll take, I’ll take this brilliant musician, well, and I, you know, maybe we could pontificate here that that’s a reflection of, of the sector and people over time feeling less hyper focused and, and distracted only by social media and thinking more generally about their technology and, and digital communications, you know, together. Um because you and I have brought them strategic advice for so long that they are listening to us and they are taking it all in. This is why you’re an author of multiple books because you see the bigger you see the bigger picture I just sent you show and, and explain how your, your contribution morphed but you see the bigger, you know. Yeah, absolutely. Right. Uh because at the time 2010, this was your first show was absolutely right. Show number 100 it was uh July 13th of 2012. And yeah, I mean, social media, Facebook, we were still, we were still pursuing Facebook likes like us on Facebook, like us and they donate to us on Facebook. Donation was new. So, uh and all the sparkly shiny new objects that came along through over many years. And then I think we uh we let them tarnish on the shelf and put them in their place. People got smart and realized that the newest thing is not where they need to be every single time because there’s gonna be too many new things for us to pursue. And uh and now it’s artificial intelligence, largely not, not completely, not entirely of course, but artificial intelligence dominating the news. So makes sense that you would be uh devoted to technology for us. Yeah. Yeah. And I, you know, it’s, it’s funny the way things come, come back around uh the same or come back around differently like a game of telephone. You know, like I think about those early so much of the time, especially in the context of, of nonprofit radio and thinking about fundraising and revenue supports for organizations and kind of strategy around sustainability, you know, trying to kind of get the idea out there that whatever you’re investing in these other platforms isn’t investing in yourself, you’re you’re giving Facebook, the content to make Facebook, you know, and now, and now with a, now we know what the, what the hell they do with it too. Everything, everything you’ve given over, uh, they sell it. They, yeah, you, you are there. We, we’ve talked about this, you are their product, you are their product. Your data is their commodity and now they can sell you their fancy A I tools back to you that they held off of all of your free content. And hopefully you keep putting content into that A I tool and keep, keep feeding that machine. You know, um I’m sure you have the comments about this, but I feel like that’s so much now of, of conversations that I’m in are places where I’m invited to. You know, people are saying, oh gosh, we have a lot of A I questions. Could you come? And I feel like all that I do is, you know, slap it out of your hands and play a sad trombone. Like this is not the party you think it is? Let’s be really, we have to be really thoughtful. It’s not that you can’t use A I or shouldn’t be having these conversations, but it’s just like those early days where, oh, we could have a Facebook page. I guess we should have 10, we could have a page on every social media platform there is, I guess we should do it. I guess we should do it shouldn’t be your tech strategy. You know, I like that. Let, let’s bring Scott in. I’m sorry, let’s bring Gene in Gene Takagi. Our legal contributor, Principal of Neo, the nonprofit and exempt organization’s law group. He edits that wildly popular nonprofit law and is a part time lecturer at Columbia University. Welcome back, Gene. So good to see you. Awesome to be here and celebrate with you and, and with all the gang. Yes. And I’m glad we got you while you’re on the road. Yeah, in Boston today. For, for, for some work stuff going to DC tomorrow. Um, and, uh, eventually back to San Francisco. But, uh, yeah, nice to be on the east coast. It’s warm though. Your east coast run. Yes, it is. Yes. You’ve, uh, you’ve come to the east coast in a, in a warm time. Um, if your, if your work ever brings you to North Carolina, of course, you need to let me know. I’ve never been, so I’d love to go someday. Oh, my gosh. You gotta come to the beach. Well, maybe for next year’s jubilee, you could host all of us, Tony. We were thinking about, I was thinking about a studio gig for the 750th show. Uh, a beach, a beach show we could do. I’m sure Claire would come up with a beach theme for us. We totally do that. All right. All right. We may be together for the 7/50 we’ll see, we’ll see about that gene. What’s been going on? What, what’s, uh, what’s the stuff that, uh, folks are talking to you about? Um, so I got a few things happening this summer that, that should be fun. I’m talking, um, to the State Bar of Texas, uh, uh, on, it’s called the state of the economy, um, and how that affects nonprofits, but I kind of have a view on the economy being a lot of different things all at once. Um So it’s strong, it’s in transition, it’s uh uncertain, it’s uneven and it’s beyond what anybody’s uh prepared for. So, um I have a lot to say about that. Um And that should be fine. I’ve never been to Austin before. So that will be my first time in Austin uh this uh August and then in September, I’m doing something for the Stanford Social Innovation Reviews Nonprofit Management Institute. I get to speak on one of my favorite subjects and that’s kind of on climate change and why that should be something every nonprofit should be thinking about Stanford Social Innovation Review. I have a little funny story about that. Uh The, the editor there is named Eric uh Eric Nee nee and I saw uh now this is a Stanford Social Innovation Review. S si r very prominent online and I don’t know if they’re still print but very prominent uh outlet uh for, for uh smart thinkers like Gene Takagi. Um And I saw Eric Nee, the editor of this prominent uh channel uh in his uh uh in his bathrobe outside his house. I was, it was unbelievable. I was on a, I, I had visited my uncle who lives in Half Moon Bay, California outside San Francisco. And uh I was on a shuttle, one of the shared shuttle rides to the airport sfo and so we make different stuff scheduled, uh people scheduled stops. So the stops are all in neighborhoods at people’s homes, pick them, you know, like a like in a shared that kind of shared ride, not at, at malls and one of the homes we stopped at was right across the street from Eric Knee. Now, I don’t know this and I was sitting by the window. So I look out and there and there’s the guy coming out, he’s picking up his, it was a weekend picking up probably his Sunday paper. It was probably, let’s say it was a Sunday and he’s in a bathrobe and I’m thinking that’s Eric Nee from the to he’s in his, he’s in his bathrobe and his slipper, he’s picking up his uh what’s the, what’s the, what’s the San Francisco Chronicle, let’s say right? Isn’t that the San Francisco paper gene? Is that a, it is OK. He’s picking up his chronicle. It’s laying out there, you know, not the side because the paper boy throws it at the, it’s a little community throws it at the end of his sidewalk and, and he, and sure enough. So I email him but like within three minutes because I’m so excited. Uh, and sometime, sometime along that he got back to me and said, yeah, that was me, that was me because I knew, I knew the address where I knew the street we were at. And he said, yeah, that’s my house. I, yeah, you were across the street from my house. So I have the inside, uh, he has bony knees. I would have to say or, and, and not because his name is, last name is Knee. But, uh, he does have bony, uh, knees. Oh, it wouldn’t be nonprofit radio without Tony telling a story where everyone doesn’t know you didn’t have any idea. The story was coming. Doesn’t know what to do with the story. Once it’s been offered, this is proper. It’s not profit radio, timely. Topical. I hear you. Gene. Thank you. I’m glad you’re Gene. I’m glad, I’m so glad you’re with us. Glad to go. I’m still stunned by all of this, but all right. Hey, Kate Martignetti, our associate producer. She’s a graduate of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy and now attending Rowan University in, uh, Glassboro, New Jersey. Her first show was number, 00, we’ll get to Jeans. Her first show was number 645. So she’s, uh, she’s our newest, newest addition to the family, which was on, uh, June 19th of, uh, last year. Good to see you Kate. Every week. Good to see you too. So, it may actually not the newest addition to the family already in the family. Predating nonprofit radio, the nonprofit radio, family of a non specific, but the Martignetti family, she’s been in the, she’s been in, in the Martinetti family for 21 years. 21. So. All right. All right. But, uh, any, any case, good to, good to see you, Kate. We, we see each other every, every Thursday night, Kate and I, uh, put to put together the show for uh Monday release. It’s all fun. Uh Gina, I gave you a little bit of short shrift. I, I wanna go back to you and, uh, just let folks know that you were also in, uh, your first show was also a single digit. You were, you were on your first show was show number seven. I remember it well, on August on August 27th of 2010. And we also had on that show, the, um, the New York Times reporter, Stephanie Strom back when, back when big time newspapers had nonprofit beats, which no longer haven’t existed for a long, long time. But Stephanie was on and, uh, um, and that was your first show number seven. It was awesome. He came down to San Francisco to, to visit with me too. I did after not long after, uh, that was a different visit to San Francisco. Not the one where I saw, uh, Eric Knee’s Knees but a different visit is when, uh, you and I, uh, you and I got together with, uh, your, your associate, the woman who was the associate in your firm at the time. Emily Chan, Emily, Emily Chan. That’s right. You used to do the show. Uh, you would do the contributions together. Well, I’m grateful to each of you for, for, uh, of course, being here for the 7/100 anniversary jubilee celebration. Uh But also for the contributions you make uh routinely the nonprofit radio. I really am. I really am grateful. Um Thank you. Thanks for putting up with us for all these years, Tony. I love it. I love it. It’s, it’s an absolute labor of joy, Claire. You’ve got some, uh you’ve got, uh we’ve got Claire’s quiz this week. I, I have a quiz. I have worked up uh a number of questions that I think uh everybody can enjoy the questions and answers to. I have one rule. Uh When I ask the question, anyone can raise their hand and I will call on the person I want to call on because this is not a democracy. It is my question. Just so our very first question uh Harkens back to something. The lovely Amy Semple Ward said earlier on the October 18th 2013 show, Amys Ward discussed something that had plummeted. What was it? And Amy, you can, you’re eligible to answer this question. Could you say the date again, please? It wasn’t her first show. It was, uh, 2013, October 18th, 2013. Any simple word discussed something that had plummeted. What was it? What did they offer up? Something that plummeted? Mm. We just feel like the word plummeted is important to the answer, but it’s giving me nothing. I have no memory of this show. Ok. It was Facebook Reach had plummeted. Ah, so see, back then they changed the algorithm, right? And, and Facebook reach plummeted which really affected nonprofits. They were all like, oh yes, we had such great reach and no, we don’t. That’s when they introduced the, the promoted posts and the pay to get your reach back up. Oh, all right. 2013. Wow. OK. Second question. Everyone can answer the first one, the first one for one. So our second question everyone can answer except Scott Stein. According to Scott Stein, he gets comparisons to this artist most often Bruce Springsteen, Elton John, Billy Joel or Tiny Tim Bruce Springsteen, Elton John. Billy Joel. Tiny Tim. Who wants to answer Gene? I’m gonna go with Billy Joel. Oh, you would be wrong. Oh, next, that was my guess. Next Bruce Springsteen, Elton John are tiny. Tim is tiny, Tim, an artist. Oh, believe you me. Like I need to hip toe through the tulips. I would say that if it’s not if it’s not Billy Joel, uh I would say Elton John. Yes, that would be the correct answer. That Scott Steiner, that’s the comparison he gets most often out of those. I would say Billy Joel is a pretty darn close second though because there’s new piano players. Most people know. I think Elton John’s not a New Yorker. Technically neither am I, I just don’t, oh, don’t tell anybody. You, you’re from, you’re from Ohio, right? Scott. I am. But I’ve been here 17 years. So, you know, kind of a New Yorker. Yeah, New York is not, uh, New York is not, uh, clubby. That way you have to be there 20 years to, to be considered, uh, from the place. It depends on who you ask. Brooklyn though. Brooklyn. You, you’re either born in here or, or you’re not a Brooklynite. Yeah. There you got, we got time for one more. Claire. Yeah, we got one more. This is a cute one. Ok. This five time guest has initials which are funny to a kindergartener. Five time guest. A kindergartner would think this is funny. His initials. These are good Claire. Can you tell us the topic that they might be a guest on? Well, he has written books, uh, he has written a book about media and nonprofits with, um, a lovely woman. I know from North Carolina co-wrote the book with him. He’s been on the guest. He’s not been on the show five times and his initials. It’s the same one each it’s the, it’s, it’s, it’s the same initial Peter P Panopo. Oh, Peter Pan Pan PP PPP. I was trying to come up with somebody that name with but, or something, you know, I think you gonna love that. I’m, I’m not in, I’m not in kindergarten but I think that’s hilarious. That’s a good 10, those are excellent. Claire. All right. All right. I got one. We got, we got, we got, well, we won for three. You one for three. Yeah, because we, we didn’t initially get the Scott Stein one. All right. One for three. All right, Scott Stein. Speaking of which, uh, Elton John, Billy Joel, eat your heart out. You’re not part of nonprofit radio. Uh, nor will either of you ever be. I, I’m not, I’m not speaking to either of those two artists. Uh, I don’t take calls from either Billy Joel or Elton John. Uh, but I always take calls from Scott Stein. Thank you. What are you gonna do for us? This first one, Scott. Um, I’d like to do a new song actually. Um, and it’s called, uh, it’s called Out of Order and, um, it’s just about how sometimes life happens the way you plan it, but usually it doesn’t and you learn to kinda take things as they come. This is my, this is my fatherly wisdom now that now that I got two kids, this public feels a little smaller than at sea, no matter how I try, I just cannot keep it clear. The clutters piling up on the kitchen. Oh, I just smile and laugh it off as best as I’m able. 20 years ago. I was a, I knew I had the answer. I knew I had a plan. The alarm is set where the kids are, um, little voices. A little and car funny happened. You trade your house of dreams for bricks and more. The herein long his ice cream days will come back around again. You’re the d I friend of call. And I always thought I’d had it all. Guess in what’s going down now, he’s moving to an apartment across town and I trade your house and here in long and they had this ice cream days come back around. Always used to say right, what you know, but I get the feeling that that should a long, long time ago and if horizon very often let it off, sometimes things are in and out of order. Some dreams lie over an imaginary. Yeah. But every day you turn, then you turn a little till your broken heart is bigger than any girl was before. Tree house. Tree here is and side screen treasure house here in the what? You know him? The come back around again. 00, wow, so nice. Thank you, Scott. Thank you. Love it. Scott. Will you join every conference call I have and just play musical interludes. It would, it would make long days on Zoom. So much more pleasant when you know, every 20 ish minutes take a brief moment and let Scott play a song for us. I thought you were gonna say like, have me be like the uh like the hold music, you know, or something. I mean, I’ll take what I can get, but I really did mean just like be on Zoom and you know, when there’s a lull, you just play a song. I think that’s an offering. I’ll write up a description for you. Cool. All right. That sounds good. That’s a, that’s a niche. I am willing to own. Hey, you got something for us. Yeah. So on each anniversary show, our sponsors get a few minutes to tell us about their company’s products. Here is Eric Tamales from Virtuous, pre-recorded with Tony. It’s a pleasure to have with us, Eric Tamales from virtuous uh a nonprofit radio sponsor which we are very, very grateful for Eric is Chief Evangelist and Director of Business Development for virtuous Eric. Welcome to the show. Thank you so much for the virtuous sponsorship. So glad to have you on the on board. Thank you so much for having me, Tony and having us allow us to support the work you’ve been doing. We’re so excited for you on your 7th 100 show. And what, how long have you been doing it for 14 years? Thank you credible. So good. So good. Yeah, 2010, we started off, uh, when podcasting was small, it was small. Um Tell us, you know, listeners hear us week after week talking about uh, responsive fundraising that, that virtuous is, is, is, that’s a core to the, to the business, flush it out for us. What’s responsive fundraising? You know, it, it’s interesting. It’s, uh, responsive fundraising to, to us is our methodology that drives all of our technology and all the work that we do. Um And as you know, Tony, I’m a, I I joke about this a lot is a, I’m a recovering fundraiser. I’ve been spending the last 20 some years on the front lines working with nonprofit organizations inside the organization. And one thing that I always, it drove me insane about was having all these desolate systems that never once talked to one another. So like we would have run an event or a gala or whatever it might be and our database team would download that report and then upload it into our CRM and we have to hope and we wish that it actually talks to one another and that it has good data and clean data and can break the right name and number and whatever it might be. And what responsive is, is kind of the modern approach to all things that we’re used to that right now. And I think through in my own household, think of it like a Netflix model, right? Like inside one household, my wife and I, we have one Netflix account and I have my own persona underneath my Netflix and she has her own persona. And so when I finish stranger things, which I often do because I actually like that show. It’s my, I’m on my fourth time watching it. Netflix listens to what I previously watched and will suggest another series based on those preferences and my wife’s not seeing hers, right, seeing mine, she’s seeing her own. And so our donors want that same experience. And when we start merging it, melding our technology together to be able to be one, we have the ability to say, hey, someone just attended an event, let’s take them down that donor journey or someone who just donated for the first time online. Now they have a first time new donor welcome series or if they just volunteered, the system can actually grow with it. So the main idea, responsive is having all of our technology talk to one and but going through four basic premises of we want to listen, we want to connect, we want to suggest and we want to learn and that methodology informs all of the work that we do inside our technology. So the CRM, the online giving the email, marketing, the technology volunteer management, all of that talks to one another to help grow generosity for our nonprofit organizations. So let’s flush that out a little bit because listeners also hear us talk about uh the CRM fundraising, volunteer management, the marketing tools, resources. Um ho how does responsive fundraising work its way into, in, into each of the, or let’s start with the CRM? Because I think that’s, that seems to be the uh your lead. Well, and I, I think the CRM is, would be our home base, right? And so all the different pieces around it would be the marketing and the automation and the signals and all the different technologies that inherently go to the CRM and have a conversation there. So uh like I said, like this new donor welcome series, you know, someone makes a contribution online $25 right. Right. So it automatically goes through the online giving portal, it tags onto the record. But now the CRM and actually talk to the marketing side of saying, hey, maybe we should take someone down and like, well screen them, maybe we should well screen them and be thanked appropriately by the right person inside our office rather than our annual gift officer who’s always gonna say thank you to the $25 donors. Maybe this individual has huge income producing assets, maybe it’s an ultra high net worth individual that should be communicated to by our CEO. So now we’re having a personal connection at a pro an approach to be able to drive that generosity and the right person is talking to the right individual. How about on the volunteer management side? What what does that look like, so the volunteer management side, there’s a couple of different areas that we, we have, we operate because holistically, you know, this, I, I come from the boy scouts, I think, you know, volunteerism is the beginning of generosity, right? Like it leads into our donor and constituents and individuals. And so now our system has the ability to track the number of hours that folks are, you know, are, are volunteering for our organization. But we also have this mobilization do application where we can actually register on our phones and we can actually go and volunteer. And so now you’re utilizing automation to say if Tony volunteer, if any individual volunteers over 50 hours, it will notify our gift officer team. Or if they say, hey, maybe they volunteered five times, maybe they need to get a phone call from our volunteer manager to be able to say thank you, right? Like all those different things to be able to all talk to one another. I, I appreciate your uh background in boy scouts. I’m, I’m a proud eagle scout. All right. All right. You always say, I always say I am an eagle scout, not I was Eagle for life. All right. Thank you, Eric. Thank you so much for the virtuous sponsorship, Eric Tamales hailing from uh Pittsburgh P A. Thank you so much, Eric. Thanks for being with us. Thank you, Tony. We appreciate it. I am so grateful for that uh for the virtuous sponsorship and they do have a very comprehensive suite of products that are all inter uh interrelated working together as uh as Eric described Claire. Let’s play some more Claire’s quiz. Oh, I’m so glad you like my quiz. All right, here we go. I have a few questions that concerned one of my favorite guests on your show who is a personal friend of mine, who I consider a mentor and just an all around fabulous guy and his name is Doug White. So Doug White has been on the show more than once. Tony, how many times has Doug White been on Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio? Anyone can answer but why would they know? But Tony should know, I guess dad Tony really wants to get this right. I can tell by his look of concentration to who, who’s Doug White? No, I know exactly who Doug White is. Former Columbia University. Is it 55 five? Ok. So we’re staying on the Doug White theme. Doug White’s book, Abusing Donor intent. One family’s epic battle against which university Tony? I, I know Columbia. No, Doug Whites. Doug worked in Colombia. He was the professor. And on your show, one family’s epic battle against which university it’s against Princeton University. That’s Princeton. OK. Which was the family that went back to Princeton University said give us back your money. Our money was the family, the Daniels family, the Robertson family, the Blackwell family or the Partridge family. I could have got that without the multiple choice. It was Robertson. Very good, very good. Princeton. That’s right. It was Princeton. He worked at Columbia. So here is one more question and I’ll let everybody have a stab at answer. Somebody else answered when this family, which was a, um, a MP Eric family heir of the A MP fortune, the supermarket fortune. And they went, again, they went up against Princeton University to get this, this massive gift that they had given a long time ago. Get that back. Both sides racked up legal bills. What were the total legal bills do you think? And Gene, maybe you have a thought on this. What was the total legal bills for both sides for this epic epic battle? Gene? What do you think? Maybe were the total legal fees in cumulative for both sides? Gene? What do you think it might be? I’m gonna say 18 million who you wouldn’t even be close? Gene? It was over $80 million spent on just legal fees. I’ve got charge more in San Francisco, the arguably the most expensive city, the world country, country, at least 8, 80 80 million million in legal fees because Princeton, they lost the case and they had to pay the legal fees for the Robertson family and they paid them $40 million in legal fees and they had spent more than that. Princeton. Gosh, isn’t that something? So, anyhow, all right, I have a couple more questions and the only one who can answer. Well, actually this is just for Tony. Tony who introduced you to Scott Stein. Do you remember? Uh, of course, the, uh, his former roommate from college, the lawyer, uh, his initials are JB JB. Right. JB JB J, Scott. I don’t know. I forgot his name. I’ll let you do the honor. It was Josh Becker. Josh Becker. So, you’re real close. He, actually, he was my roommate when I moved to New York. He wasn’t my college roommate, but I wasn’t too far out of college. So that’s that we’ll give you that one. All right. Well, thank you. All right, Josh Beckett. Right? Because I, he had done some legal work for me around intellectual property. I was just trying to trade or not trademark. I was trying to copyright. I think the blog at the time when blogging was, was uh more popular. Um, and so I asked him that guy was looking for some good music because I was stealing music from, um, um, fried. Was it called Fried Green Onion? The Booker T and the MGS fried green onions, fried green onions or just green green onions by Booker T and the MGS Green Onions by Booker T. That was gonna be my next question to you, Tony. And I was, had a multiple choice. So I looked up other 1962 hits like the song Green Onions and we had roses are Red by Bobby Vinton. The Locomotion by Little Eva. If I had a Hammer by Peter Paul and Mary 1962. Wow. She’s Got You by Patsy Cline and Twisting The Night Away by Sam Cooke were all songs that were, that were very popular in 1962. The same, the same year as the inspiration song for Cheap Red one. Well, yeah, it right. It was our very first. That was, yes, I was stealing. I was stealing the song. Uh and then we initially, we were stealing it, but then I did try to, so I confess initially we were stealing it, but then I did try to find who owns the, the copyright to the song and it was very convoluted. There was an agency and then they said, no, they don’t have, it’s not theirs and I was trying to license the song from somebody, but it was, it was a big mess. Well, I could never, I never found anybody. Um And maybe Josh Becker was even trying to help me. He might have even been trying to help me find the the right because I felt bad about being a thief of intellectual property. It’s not, it’s not a great thing to do. Um But it was the early days of podcasting, we can excuse it. It was what, what do, what do, what do we call them youthful indiscretions? It was a youthful indiscretion. I, I was only 37. Um So I made that, I, I don’t know for sure where it was 2020 2010, 2011, somewhere around there. Um, so I think Josh may have been helping me Scott to find the right agency to pay and we couldn’t do it. Uh, and then he introduced me to you and right, he, he wrote to me and he said, do you have anything that sounds like this? And I said, well, I don’t know if I got anything that quite sounds, if you know the tune, it, it, it isn’t quite that I was like, but I got this thing. It’s kind of got the same beat, same tempo. Let’s you know what, what the heck. Here, here you go. You see if you like it. And uh the rest as they say is history. Do you remember the fried green onions uh tune? Are you able to? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh Give us a few. It’s uh it’s uh right. It’s in a million movies. I really, really famous instrument from the early sixties. So Claire, we guessed one of your, oh, we get credit for guessing one of your next question. Next question. You did really? Well, give you some more questions. Do we have time for a few more? Um We do. Yes. OK. Uh This one’s about me. So uh Tony, when this, this is just for Tony, when the show was in the development stage, Claire talked Tony out of including a certain feature. What was it at the beginning? This was before we look, when we were, when we were developing the, um, you know, the clock and the, and the whole thing, this is when it was the Tony Martignetti show, which, which lasted only one week. And you talked to me out of that. Uh, yes, I believe I wanted to do live, uh, news, weekly news. Roundup. Cody wanted a news, wanted a news feature in each show, but I said, Tony, no, you can’t do news because you need each show to be more evergreen. And if you have that’s not evergreen, it’s gonna sound really old later on. Whereas most of your shows, if you listen to them years later, unless you’re talking about the pandemic or something like that, they’re not dated, they’re, they’re good shows. Ok. So what was, why is, why is Counsel from, from Claire Meyerhoff? I’m, I’m a professional. Save me, save me from myself. Yes, that’s why, why you brought me on board. So, ok, after this episode on August 2nd 2013, Claire talked Tony out of doing a new regular feature that he’d been doing. What was the topic that soured Claire, Tony? Uh uh wine, wine, it wasn’t wine, but you’re kind of close the fermentation that it wasn’t. Tony decided that he wanted to, to change up the show and said, I, I want to start bringing in people have nothing to do with nonprofits, talk about different things. And so we had a few people on and I was in studio for one of the bigger, you know, one of the anniversary shows we were in Sam’s studio, the one on the west side. And you had this fermentation guest and I sat there going and then I was like, hey, Tony, you know, I don’t know if the listeners want to hear about. I think you should stick with the awesome stuff that people are coming to you for that. You’re an expert on which is discussing nonprofit issues and topics. So once again, fermentation, save me from myself. Yeah, I thought, well, we’d bring in other topics because nonprofit professionals are multifaceted people and they have lives. And so I’ll just try to anticipate what they would be interested in. And the first guest was fermentation. And then, uh and then I, I had this, I feel bad about this. I had Santa Claus lined up. Exactly Claire. I had, I had a Santa Claus like a Macy’s Santa Claus. Santa Claus. This guy was more authentic than even Macy’s. I, I saw him on I 95 because I used to drive between North Carolina and New Jersey and he had like a sleigh on his van was made up like a sleigh. It was painted like a sleigh and I looked at the driver and it was Santa Claus and it was just as good as um Ed Gwynn who plays him on uh Miracle on 34th Street, the, the, the, the original, the classic one and Gwen Gwen, he looked just like the beer and everything. So I got the guy’s number off the side of his Slay Slay band and II I booked him on nonprofit radio. And after Claire helped me save myself, save me from myself with the fermentation guy whose name was Sandor Sandor. His, his name was Sandor Katz, but he used to call himself Sandor Kraut because sauerkraut is a f we heard it. I didn’t know. But so, so you, you called us, did you call Santa Claus and unbook him? I had to, of course, I’m not gonna just blow off Santa Claus. Santa Claus had like a nonprofit angle like that. Then you could have had him on the show because you should, you know, if, if Mr Mr Fermentation had had like a nonprofit angle, then I think that kind of thing would work. But this was somebody that just painted their van. I had a, I had a fundamental misunderstanding of podcasting, which was everybody will subscribe to the niche podcast that interests them. If they’re interested in fermentation, they’ll find a fermentation podcast. If they’re interested in crocheting or Needlepoint, you’ll find the Needlepoint podcast, uh et cetera. So I had a fundamental misunderstanding Claire saved me. Thank you again. That was a good one. That’s a fermentation show. I love that one. Sandor Kraut. OK. We have to move on. We, we had um Pony Pony Martin. Any fermentation radio with cheap. That’s awesome. I was waiting for that reference. I didn’t want to be the one to say it. I have to say real quick that Tony um your story about how you met somebody on the side of the road off an I 95. That’s not usually how that story ends as he comes on a podcast just putting that out there. So, consider yourself lucky. That’s great. Scott. Santa Claus could have been packing. I would have been in trouble. All right, Scott. Yes. Uh, very good gene. That’s very good. Um, Scott got another song for us. Sure. Uh, I did a record a couple of years ago which, uh, you very kindly gave me a chance to talk about when it came out an album called Uphill. And so I’m gonna do a song that was, uh, intended to be the second single, uh, off the record and then, well, we had a newborn at home and so that sort of took over, but this would have been the second single had I had enough brain cells to actually, uh, to promote it properly. Uh This is called a little longer outside of the trees. The grass where I played as a little side of the yard, the bushes, 1000 baseballs outside is the child that I was that I wish a little more than he did and stay here a little longer with you. Outside, there is progress. It’s made of steel. Outside, there is change upon change and things are changing too fast. And outside those who aren’t old enough to know for seeking this to shell and stay here a little longer with you outside. But outside those roads and those highways. Oh, wow. Because outside are the noise and the pros, the complications of life outside there is darkness but for those moments shining. Possibly. No, sir. Tell you about how you were always ready. Stay here a little longer with outside are the signs and the reminders of all things you used to love outside stars and the heavy skies, the day and outside of the dreams and all ever had and stay here a little longer with you. Thank you, Scott. Thank you. You played a song uh last year from Uphill you played. Um It’s, it’s a good life. I did. Yeah, I was that one. I remember I was trying to come up with one that I hadn’t done on the show yet from, from the, from that record. So there you go. Thank you. Thanks Scott Kate. You got something for us. It’s time for Jenna Lynch from our sponsor Donor Box to share how their products can help our listeners. Fundraising. Here’s her pre-recorded convo with Tony Jenna Lynch is the education and community engagement manager at donor box. Jenna. Welcome to the 7/100 show. And thank you so much for Donor Box’s sponsorship. Hey, Tony, congratulations. First of all, on the 7th 100 show. That’s amazing. And 14 years of nonprofit radio, we are so honored and proud to be able to sponsor the nonprofit radio and thanks for having me. Oh, it’s a pleasure. Um We talk week after week about how uh Donor Box is a partner that helps you raise funds both online and on location. Why don’t you flush that out for listeners? Sure. Yeah. So at Donor Box, we help fundraisers who lack sufficient time, resources and technology to really achieve that growth and sustainability for greater impact, which is so many fundraisers, right? There are so many fundraisers out there that are wearing so many different hats and just don’t have the resources. So uh that’s what we aim to do. So like generic fundraising platforms. Donor Box is really a comprehensive suite of tools and services and resources, right? So it’s not just the tech, it’s services and its educational resources that really empower fundraisers with a custom solution to help acquire and retain because that’s the important part, retain the donors that they have while raising funds online. And as you said on site. So uh so far, we’ve helped more than 80,000 organizations from all around the world raise over $2 billion in donations. Yeah, that 80,000 number. That’s incredible. But congratulations to you for 80,000. It’s remarkable. Um Let’s talk about the services a little bit flush that out because the tech is the I I’m not saying the tech is the same. Of course not. There are features that are specific to donor box and special, but say a little more about the service that that’s not so common. Sure. Yeah. So I’d say what truly and I’m biased, right? Because I’m the education and community engagement manager. But I think what really truly sets donor box apart is our commitment to supporting the growth of our nonprofit users. So yes, you have this amazing tech and an amazing suite of tools that you can use through donor box. But you’ve got to have a sustainable plan and those best practices set behind that tech, right? So we really believe in the human touch. And so that’s why we provide a range of resources to assist you. So, first of all, I have to give a shout out to our customer success team. They are amazing and they are so dedicated to our nonprofit success and you should see us behind the scenes when we see an organization raising $10,000 at the Gala, we are actually truly celebrating in our team chat, like, whoa, look at them, go, right. Um So they’re available 24 5 and even on the weekends and their response time is like 15 minutes. It’s amazing, right? So that’s one thing is you always have a, a group of people who are there to support you. But then we also offer fundraising coaching through our premium package. So we have a few different packages through donor box. We have our standard free plan and we have pro plans for those organizations who are looking to scale their impact. A little bit more with a more comprehensive suite of add ons and analytics and all that good stuff. And then we have our premium package which includes all those goodies, but also one on one fundraising coaching with our amazing fundraising coach Britain. Um So you get those one on one consulting sessions which isn’t usually cheap through individual uh consultants, right? Um So you get someone who walks alongside you in your fundraising journey and helps you as you’re aiming to grow. But we also host monthly free webinars. We post weekly articles in our nonprofit blog and we produce weekly episodes of the nonprofit podcast and our ethos here is we always give you a practical action to walk away with. We can talk about big concepts and things that feel important in the sector. But then we’re gonna pause and say here are three things you can do right now to implement this in your organization. So again, we’re here to walk alongside you in your fundraising journey and of course, help you learn how the tech works behind it as well. You mentioned Britain Britain Stocker was just on the show well, within the past month or so. Yes, Absolutely. So, all right, Jenna. Thank you. Thanks so much for uh elucidating. Go into a little more detail on uh on Donor Box. And again, thank you for the for the donor box sponsorship. Again. Congratulations and thanks for having me. Thank you, Jenna Jenna Lynch Education and community Engagement manager at Donor Box. I am grateful to uh Donor Box as well for their sponsorship. Claire. Let’s do our final round of Claire’s quiz. Tony take two trivia time. Ok. Well, I have, I have two final questions and um the first one is going to be a uh where it’s just for you, Tony and you’re gonna get one point for each one and if you get 10, you win a prize. So it has to do with Amy Sample Ward because I love, I love them. So Tony name it list at least six cities where you, you and Amy Sample Ward have recorded Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio at N 10 06 cities. It doesn’t have to just be, it’s just you and I have recorded, it’s been lots of places just, well, 22 are Portland. So I get Portland and Portland. Yeah. Yeah, but they count as one, but I’m acknowledging you two. Um, the one outside Washington DC. What would we call that? Is that Baltimore? The, the uh, the inner harbor. Uh No, no, not Baltimore. The um the big place outside Washington DC. Uh What, what’s that? Um, the gaylord. Gaylord. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the gay Lord George is Maryland. So that’s two. Number three actually. Uh, uh, was it, uh, San Antonio? No, it was Austin, Austin, Austin, Texas. Austin, because I think south by Southwest was coming right after us or before us before NTC. Mhm. Um, now I’m in trouble, uh, other places where NTC has you and Amy have recorded doesn’t have to be just, even if it wasn’t at the NT C. Oh, well. Oh, it was NTC. Of course, New York City, multiple, multiple shows with, uh, Sam in the studio in New York City. And, um, where was I last summer? I had to tune in from very far away. So we had to be together. You were in, uh, you were in Hamburg, close, correct country, Frankfurt, Berlin, almost Berlin, Berlin. Ok. So we’ll count cities where Amy has been. Ok. Ok. There’s, you missed DC proper DC. You missed San Jose. You miss New Orleans, you miss Denver, Tony Martin that I loved all those. That’s right. New Orleans DC. Oh, that’s right DC. Proper. The DC. Was that the DC Hilton, Hilton? Yeah. Yeah. Where they have the, uh, where they have the national correspondents dinner every night. You had staff, you had n 10 staff at, like every street corner. So that when we walked out of the hotel, they’d say, ok, walk out of the block and then that next person would shepherd us and now turn left. Ok. Now then, and then the next person would shepherd us one more block straight. You had somebody at every block. So to get us from the hotel to wherever, because we had, we had more, I think. Or, or something. Yes. And then I got New Orleans, of course. Uh, I love that. I stayed an extra couple of days and then Denver. Denver was just Denver just uh, two last year. Right? 2020. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Already forgotten. We have time for one more question. Don’t be harsh. Tony, do you want one or two more questions? Um Where are we? We got? All right. Do one more. Do one more. OK. And then Scott’s on. All right, in 2020 this man started a podcast called The Virtual Campfire. What is his name? I know it. What is it? Tony Martignetti? Yes. There’s another Tony Martignetti out there. Thankfully with a podcast, he’s been a guest. He was a guest on the show. Yeah, he was on uh two, I’d say a year and a half, two years ago or so. Thankfully, I’ve had savvy social media managers through the years. So I’ve got all the, I’ve got Tony Martignetti. You’ve got the seo on your name. All the good properties. I’m Tony Martignetti on Twitter X. I’m Tony Martignetti on Facebook. I’ve got all the good Gmail. I’ve got Tony Tony Martignetti, uh or Tony Martignetti at Gmail. Um I so thankfully I’m grateful to all my social media managers through the years who claimed uh properties. So this guy is locked out. He’s like, like Tony Martinet, I think he’s making a mistake on Twitter. He’s like, Tony Martinet won out the eye. Like, what’s, what’s the virtual campfire about? Oh, he’s a business coach. He’s a business kind of a business and, and personal coach, I think intertwined, intertwined, no fermentation highlights or anything. No, he, he’s not, he’s, he’s not that Savvy. He’s not that or if he goes in that direction, he doesn’t have Claire Meyerhoff to help to save him from himself. I still, because he doesn’t have Claire Meyerhoff working with his podcast. I’ll save any Tony Martignetti podcast out there. Oh, you can’t. No, you have to be loyal to this one. All right. Um So on Twitter, he’s like Tony Ma rt Igne tt one, Tony, who’s gonna, who’s gonna notice that difference beat Tony Martin at three or something that people are gonna notice that don’t, don’t hide the difference. You gotta flaunt it otherwise. And I do get a lot of his tweets and a lot of his, I, I stopped, I stopped forwarding them. OK, Scott. Everybody knows what you’re gonna do from your, from your 2009 album. A jukebox. You have to do Cheap Red Wine for us. A song about fermentation. The joke’s already been done, but it’s called a Callback. Let’s call back next year. What a fermentation song. This one’s for I 95 Santa Claus. The baby is just gave my target. Sooner or later I’ll figure out as to what you need. You’re singing romantic advice from a billboard. I’m looking for hands them on the TV screen and we nothing tailor up from down. We other baby at this use if I’m a charming, but I can’t figure out how and you said you thought I was handsome but it doesn’t matter now. So as long as you can, I got ready promises of the now you know, some girls that just live in diamonds and they won’t talk of the kind of clothing that I wear belong to B for the good stuff and go to, we try to do it the opposite. Do the best that I can. You have some competition and I’m a wealthier man you use if I’m a charming, but I can’t figure out how now the then from a your time promises now is a days the other be can kiss our ass have last of three signs because we’re perfect for each other. As long as we nobody else in my use if I’m a charming, but I can’t figure out how never mind it don’t matter. Now you keep falling from A P. It’s on your time. The promise. Oh. Mhm. Fantastic Scott. Thank you. Thank you and thank you Josh Becker for bringing Scott and Me together. You’ll find him at Scott. Stein Scott. Thanks so much. My pleasure. It’s time for me to say thank you to everybody and farewell. I’m grateful I am. I get Misty here. I’m grateful for each of your contributions to the show. 700 shows strong. 1414 years podcasting. We’ve been around a while and uh we’re not going anywhere. So a week, 14 years, thank you. Thanks to each of you for what you’ve uh contributed to the show, which is helping nonprofits small and small and mid size shops, the other 95% right? We’re all helping that part of the, the nonprofit community. So I thank you on their behalf and, and for myself. Thanks to each of you. Thanks so much. Thanks Tony. Thanks for being such a champion for the sector. It’s always a pleasure. Thank you. Thanks everybody, Kate. Why don’t you take us out if you missed any part of this week’s show? I beseech you find it at Tony We’re sponsored by virtuous, virtuous, gives you the nonprofit CRM fundraising volunteer and marketing tools. You need to create more responsive donor experiences and go giving, and by donor box, outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box, fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor. Our creative producer is Claire Martin. I’m an associate producer, Kate Marinetti. The show so is in Chavez Marksman, our web guide. This is Glorious live music by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation. Scotty be with us next week for nonprofit radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the 95% go and be great.
Carlos Morales: Improve Your Communications With AI
Carlos Morales, from Viva Technology, shares how to use specific ChatGPT prompts to accelerate your written drafts; optimize your messaging for clarity and audience; and, personalize your outreach as you maintain a consistent voice, tone and brand. All through artificial intelligence. (This was recorded at the 2024 Nonprofit Technology Conference, hosted by NTEN.)
Virtuous: Virtuous gives you the nonprofit CRM, fundraising, volunteer, and marketing tools you need to create more responsive donor experiences and grow giving.
Donorbox: Powerful fundraising features made refreshingly easy.
We’re the #1 Podcast for Nonprofits, With 13,000+ Weekly Listeners
Board relations. Fundraising. Volunteer management. Prospect research. Legal compliance. Accounting. Finance. Investments. Donor relations. Public relations. Marketing. Technology. Social media.
Every nonprofit struggles with these issues. Big nonprofits hire experts. The other 95% listen to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts and leading thinkers join me each week to tackle the tough issues. If you have big dreams but a small budget, you have a home at Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. View Full Transcript
Welcome to Tony Martignetti nonprofit radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the pod father of your favorite abdominal podcast. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d be stricken with dysphasia. Not last week’s dysphagia, dysphasia. If I had to speak the words you missed this week’s show. Our associate producer, Kate is away this week. It’s all me. We’ll get through it. Hey tone. Oh, sorry. Continuing our 2024 nonprofit technology conference coverage this week. It’s improve your communications with A I. Carlos Morales from Viva technology shares. How to use specific chat GP T prompts to accelerate your written drafts. Optimize your messaging for clarity and audience and personalize your outreach as you maintain a consistent voice tone and brand all through artificial intelligence. I’m Tony Steak too. Giving usa why do we have to wait six months? We’re sponsored by Virtuous, virtuous, gives you the nonprofit CRM fundraising volunteer and marketing tools. You need to create more responsive donor experiences and grow, giving and by donor box, outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box. I’m channeling Kate fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor This isn’t so hard here is improve your communications with A I. Welcome back to Tony Martignetti nonprofit radio coverage of 24 NTC. You know that that’s the 2024 nonprofit technology conference. And we are in Portland, Oregon at the Oregon Convention Center. We’re sponsored here by Heller Consulting, technology strategy and implementation for non profits. With me now is Carlos Morales, digital marketing strategist at Viva Technology. Carlos. Welcome to nonprofit radio. Thank you so much. I’m glad to be here. Pleasure. Thank you. How’s the conference going? Are you enjoying? Oh, I’m loving it. This is very good. Is this your uh this is actually, this is my second one in like in the last 14 years. And so it has been a while. It’s been a while since you came, you miss them. I mean, NTC is a very good conference. It is. It is, I mean, great, great information, great sessions and great networking opportunity, meeting awesome people learning from a lot of people as well. Yeah. Have you done your session? I did, I did yesterday. People learned from you and now you’re learning from others as well. This is the community, the N 10 community. It is. It is. And uh your session that you did yesterday is accelerating nonprofit communications draft, refine and personalize with A I, correct. All right, personalization. It’s possible. It is, it is. Well, give us the overview first. Why, why did you feel we needed this session? Sure. Uh Well, as you know, A I is sort of actually now the uh the talk of the town, right. And so a lot of organizations are using A I or want to learn how to use A I to actually communicate better, to market better and to reach their audiences better. And so it’s a great tool. It allows to save, uh save us a lot of time. It can give us great ideas and how to do our job better. We can be more efficient. And so the whole purpose of decision is actually to give practical tip hands on uh tips and how to use chat G BT in this case, uh effectively for nonprofit organizations uh create some efficient and effective communication strategies. So, yeah. Alright. So uh you say, you know, draft, refined and personalized. So why don’t we take those in order, drafting comes first before we’re writing? So what’s, what’s your advice around the use of A I drafting? Sure. So when we’re talking about drafting, communication is basically let’s, let’s uh let’s talk about CG BT as being the tool that he actually we talked about yesterday. It’s going into chat GP T uh and prompting or giving instructions to cha G BT on a specific task. For example, help me write an email about fund raising for my donors. Um And you know, I want this email to be very uh to have a grateful tone. Um And I want you to cover, you know, mention all the goals that we were able to achieve based on our fundraising strategies. It’s just, it’s just a simple prompt. This is a simple instruction. Now, Judge GP T is gonna come up with, OK, here’s the email based on the instruction that you gave me as you actually read the first draft of the email, right? What you’re getting is basically, that’s the first thing that’s the draft based on one instruction, the email comes up and then you’re gonna actually now refine it. But the whole idea right now is just to start getting some ideas, brainstorming and what would be the best email I can send out to my donors? That’s it. So I’m just giving you one instruction, you create the task and then from there we’ll go and improve it. So that’s the draft piece and, and we’re gonna, we’re gonna, we’re gonna improve it with future with additional instructions exactly in a prompt. And so that’s when the refining piece comes along because then as after I looked the draft, I can say, well, this is great, but I want you to be more specific. And so, and I want you to address the donors that actually donated between five and $10,000 for example. Um and I want, and I wanna make sure that uh you know, as you were thinking them, I wanna make sure that we actually put a link where they actually can go and click on it so they know how their money is being used. So now we’re actually adding more instructions to be able to actually refine that email. Now, maybe the first draft was not what you wanted. Maybe the first draft was too vague, too general. Well, the refining piece is giving more context, more detail to cha GP T. So you can actually get better results and you go from there. So this is obviously an iterative process, you know, using A I in G BT or any other language model is not a one time thing. It’s not like giving instruction once you’re gonna come up with, you know, with the best idea, the best email, the best marketing communication is not gonna happen. So you have to continue talking at it providing the context or the additional information for that, you know, for cha GP T to give you the best result possible. OK. Yeah. So you know, we’re talking about prompt engineering, which is a fancy way of saying, you know, learn how to talk to A I by giving actually the right prompts the right instructions. That’s what that is. And we had a session yesterday, a conversation about prompt engineering with uh with two other guys. Um All right. So is that enough? I mean draft refine and then personalize right, the personalized piece though, after you are refining after you’re enhancing your communication that email. Now, we wanna make sure that we are personalizing, right? Remember that I said donors that actually donated between five and $10,000 that piece of it. There you are segmenting you are, you are sort of actually personalizing your message to a specific specific segment of your audience, right? Because the language that you’re using is gonna be different for someone who probably donated about $1000 right? Because that money might go to a different cost. And so that’s the personalizing piece. The other thing too is that you can actually train cha GP T to adopt the tone, the brand voice of your organization. For example, you can actually give them documents, you know, past emails or a specific flyers in which you say I want you to look at the way that we have written this communication pieces to donors and I want you to actually adapt or a adopt that specific tone into the email. So that’s where the personalization and keeping your brand voice comes in. So that’s, that’s the piece about personalizing it. But you’re gonna, when we talk about personalizing it, it’s pretty much talking, you know, we’re talking about let’s let’s communicate with a specific type of audience. No, in this case, we’re talking about donors, it could be parents, it could be youth, depends who, who, who your target audience is. Yeah. OK. And right. And the personalization also comes from you giving it text to train itself to you, to train it to adopt my tone. Use this ii I don’t know, use some of the maybe use the language of the second paragraph, you know, or things like that. It’s time for a break. Virtuous is a software company committed to helping nonprofits grow generosity. Virtuous believes that generosity has the power to create profound change in the world and in the heart of the giver, it’s their mission to move the needle on global generosity by helping nonprofits better connect with and inspire their givers. Responsive fundraising puts the donor at the center of fundraising and grows giving through personalized donor journeys that respond to the needs of each individual. Virtuous is the only responsive nonprofit CRM designed to help you build deeper relationships with every donor at scale. Virtuous. Gives you the nonprofit CRM fundraising, volunteer marketing and automation tools. You need to create responsive experiences that build trust and grow impact This is uh it gets a little tiring now back to improve your communications with A I I think we’re doing OK though. Uh you mentioned a link. Now, how would we a link? So donors can see how their gift was used. How’s that gonna work? So basically, you can actually do that. You can actually say well and I want in the email to for them to go to my website, give them, give it the URL, give it to your RL and then that will be included in the email that Chad G BT generates. Alright, I mean uh there must be more to talk about because you had a session we just did draft or fine and personalized. Um What what what, what more, what more do we need to talk about? Sure. Well, I think we look what we’re talking about actually communicating with JG BT. The whole thing is about prompting is actually about, you know, making sure that you know, exactly or you learn how to actually talk to it, give the right instructions. So one of the things that we talked about is OK, we actually came up with a basic structure, right? In other words, first thing that you wanna do is actually just state what your uh goal and the communication type is. So in other words, if you’re asking to write an email, that’s a communication type, the goal is to actually raise awareness about a specific, about a specific cause. You wanna also give context, tell cha GP T why this is important. You wanna also highlight the audience who is the audience going to be. So in other words, if the email is going to donors, that is my audience, you know, donors that actually donated between five and $10,000 for example, right. And what’s the call to action when I want them to actually go to a specific website for them to actually see how their money, how their funds are being used So that’s the structure, right? Basic structure that a prompt should have. When you actually have that structure, then you actually come up with a very good draft. In fact, we actually put it in practice yesterday. And when people actually saw that email, the first draft, they say, well, that’s a pretty good one. So when, when you actually come back into an editing mode, you’re refining it. Obviously, you spend a lot less time. Why? Because you were specific in the first try. If the promise to beg you’re gonna come, you know, you’re gonna have an output, you’re gonna have an answer more, more generic. So you’re gonna end up editing a lot more. So that’s the whole, that’s the whole, uh you know, kind of the whole idea is to actually learn how to talk to it. Now, I’m just mentioning, you know, email, but you’re gonna use it for marketing, how to create effective social media post. You can fact give it a, you know, if there’s a social media post, for example, either from your organization or another organization that actually has created a lot of engagement, you can grab that post, give it to chat GP T and say this post generating, you know, 25 shares had about 1000 views, whatever, whatever the metrics that actually you get from that post, you feed it to chat GP T and say I want to create something similar. But my audience is Xy and Z right, please adopt the best practices that you found from this post to generate one that is actually gonna work for me. Do you need to say please, you know, GP T just do it right. So it’s interesting because we, we, we were talking about it and one of the decisions like, well, you know, che GP T appreciates when you are polite and say please and thank you because you know, there’s been some research where this actually shows that when you are polite, you know, it’s end up producing better results for you. There’s research. Yes. However, however, the nice thing about this, you can actually read all this research in the world, but you can actually test it yourself. Is there been instances on my, on my end where I haven’t said please and then the results versus versus an instruction when I say please doesn’t change much. OK? So in my experience, you know, this is, this is one of the things that I’ve done. I get frustrated with cha GP T and you know what I’ve done is like you did not do what I asked you, you are making stuff up, you’re hallucinating because that’s the term that we use. So you’re making stuff up, please. OK. Revise the instructions and pay attention to details. All right. So I use the, please, then I draft the same prompt, same instruction without the plea and I pretty much get the same result right. There’s some instances when the results varies. A little, a little bit, right? But with a GP T, I’m gonna be honest with you, you can use the same prompt right now. Uh And then 10 minutes later you get a different, a different, um a different result. I’m gonna give you an example. So yesterday, someone asked at my session, OK, what happened if you actually say to chat G BT, write this email based on the target audience, you give it an audience and, and, and, and, and all the criteria. But then for the second prom, you say write an original email. What’s the difference between those two? Actually, there’s none because when you’re asking chai to write something, it’s going to be original. He’s actually creating the text for you. All right, you can edit it, you can change it, you can go back and forth, right? So, so we tested it out. So we tested it out. And so basically, we’re asking the same thing and one prompt, you know, uh we didn’t say original, the other one, we did. Obviously we had two different answers, right? Because because just one word that we changed now, what happened when you actually use the same instruction? The same one, no changes whatsoever, identical prompts, we also get different answers, but they were close but different answers. Here’s what happens when you can grab both, both of those answers. And you can say, oh my God those are good. What I can actually take from each of them to make one that is actually better and what you can do, you can give both answers to Cha J BT. And I said, I like both of them mention what you like about it. And now I want you to create one final email based on the instruction based on this criteria to make sure that is the best of the both versions that you gave me. So see all the things that we can do with it. And I’m just talking about text based, but we can do a lot of stuff, we can ask it to help us create prompt, to create images um to analyze data. Um You know, for nonprofits, for example, yesterday, we talked about let’s talk about different roles that you have in the nonprofits, right? You have a grant writer. How can you use a GP T to actually write a grant that’s very useful, you can actually fit in the whole information of the grant application, right? And then you can actually give a specific instructions and to tell you, you know how to actually answer those sections from the grant application with the tone of your organization. Make sure that actually highlights or give more importance to some of the sections of the grant of the grant application that it needs to be given importance to. But making sure that it maintains the whole brand’s voice, right? Obviously, it’s gonna come up with an answer. It’s not gonna be a perfect one. That’s where you actually go and start refining it and going back and forth. That’s, that’s just one, you know, one practical way of doing it. It’s time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money but also supports you in retaining your donors, a partner that helps you raise funds both online and on location so you can grow your impact faster. That’s Donor box, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers. Just like you a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges, helping you achieve the growth and sustainability, your organization needs, helping you help others visit donor to learn more. It’s time for Tony’s take two giving USA. Why do we have to wait six months for a report about fundraising the previous year giving USA comes out each June 6 months after the end of the year, we used to have a far far superior product. It was the Atlas of giving longtime listeners to the show. May recall that the Atlas of giving Ceo Rob Mitchell was on the show several times, usually maybe always in January because the Atlas had and he was announcing the report on fundraising from the previous year in January. And on top of that, very importantly, he came with the forecast, the quantitative forecast of fundraising for the coming year and he had this report from the previous year and the forecast by sector, meaning nonprofit mission sector. He used to say, sector source, the source of the giving and state state, he could break down giving by state. He could tell you that last year, what the dollar amount was of arts fundraising in the state of Wisconsin. And in the forecast, he could tell you what the religious fundraising is going to be for the coming year in the state of Maine. That’s how robust and detailed and sophisticated the Atlas of giving was giving USA doesn’t even come close to this and we have to wait six months for it. And the forecast you get from giving USA is qualitative like uh the election and inflation and donors perceptions will impact fundraising this year. Oh What, what brilliant insight. So, so, so deep, the analysis and, and so actionable for us, it’s worthless. Uh OK, so what happened to the Atlas of giving? Uh it, it, it fell away, you know, so if, if I here I am saying it was far superior, why didn’t it survive? Well, the best products don’t always survive. Um In this case, it may have been underfunded. So the marketing and promotion was not adequate giving USA has its relationship with the University of Indiana and the Lily School of philanthropy which lends it uh undeserved uh credibility. And so, you know, puts those institutions imprimatur on the, on the giving USA product uh I believe it’s misplaced, but anyway, it’s there. So, but I, I really don’t have a complete answer as to why the Atlas of giving didn’t survive. I think the last report was 2017. So I think the last time Rob Mitchell was on was January of 2018 with the report from 2017, again, such deep analysis by sector source and state. And also, of course, then he had the forecast for 2018. I guess I’m voicing frustration and lament that we don’t have a better product. And uh I lament the loss of the Atlas of giving. That is Tony’s take two, Kate. No, of course, Kate’s not here. We’ve got just about a butt load more time this week. Here’s the rest of improve your communications with A I. Again, when you say use, use our tone, our voice, you can train it with your own text. You can even give it URL si mean, maybe a blog post or you can copy and paste or whatever. Well, and Tony, here’s the thing about it that you said give it a blog post. Somebody actually asked yesterday can actually, can I give cha G BT a link to my page? So he knows a little bit about me about my organization and ask him based on that information to actually write an email, making sure that he’s skipping that brand’s voice, that has a little bit of background of who the organization is. And use that when it’s actually drafting that email, right? And so, um, and you can certainly do that. You can certainly do that. And so, um, so it’s powerful, there’s so many things that we can do with it. You know, I’m gonna share with you a, a concern that I have that I shared with the, the, the two, um, the two technologists who were talking about the prompt engineering yesterday. And I’ve shared this with other folks too. I, I’m interested in your reaction. Um My, my concern about the use of chat GP T or any of the, the generative A I tools is that we’re, we’re seeing away our most creative time, which is the blank page, the creation of the draft. We’re staring at the blank screen. How do I get started? Um You know, where should I start with my ending or should I start with my call to action in the middle or, you know, but where that to me is the most creative that we can, we can be and then less creative than that is refining editing, you know, copy editing, uh proofreading naturally, you know. Um So, so to summarize it, like my concern is that we’re, we’re gonna become less creative, we’re giving away our most creative moment. That blank screen moment. What’s your reaction to that? You know, I don’t know what kind of answers you get in regards to that, but I have found myself to be more creative by using Chat G BT. And the reason why is because now I’ve learned how to be more effective at communicating and given a specific instructions. Not only that though, but as I’m actually seeing the answers, I start thinking of ideas that I actually can use to enhance the final product that I want from cha GP T. So in other words, to me, for example, if I’m looking, I’m gonna give you example, I did, I did my workshop yesterday. Did I use C GP T to create an outline for my workshop? What do you think the answer to that is, of course, I did have I done workshops before on marketing and social media and uh and technology. Yes, I have prior to chat GP T. What did I do to create an outline for a workshop that I was about to present? What do people do? You go to Google? Right? You do a little bit of research, you can come up with an outlet yourself, but then you go to Google and you start actually looking at case studies, you start looking at concepts you start looking at and then you start putting all the information together. What Cha GP T does is basically grab all the information that he knows that exist and actually put it in a package for you in front of your screen based on the instruction that you give it. That’s what it does, right? So, so to a certain point is like if I want to write an email, for example, I would say to cha GP T I need to write an email, right? Um Ask me clarifying questions to get more context before proceeding. That’s it. Then cha G BT will say, all right, you, I I understand you need to write an email. Now tell me who the audience is. What’s the type of tone that you wanna use in the email? What are the key messages that you want to convey? These are things that well, we, we already know that we need to write on an email. But what chat G BT is helping me is kind of actually be more organized if there are things that I’m seeing there that I hadn’t thought about. And then once I see it is, oh my God, I forgot this. Now, now chat G BT is prompting you exactly is prompting me instead of actually thinking and being a little bit more creative and how I can enhance that process. And so that’s the way that actually I see it. Um So I don’t think the creative process is gonna go away. What is actually happened with shifting and how to be creative in a different way by using technology. And so, and that’s, and that’s the way that I, that I see it. That’s actually I see it with the people that I work with and how we have applied A, I thank you. Creativity in a different way. Yes, definitely. Um What else do you want to talk about? We, uh we could still spend some more time. What, what haven’t we gone deep enough on or? Well, yeah, I think, uh you know, for nonprofits, for example, but this is the audience of your, of your podcast. It’s like the question is, how do we actually use a tool like cha GP T to be more efficient? Well, you know, I gave you prior examples and how it can help you save lots of hours. You know, one of the things that we talked about yesterday was like, you know, if you want to write a blog post and you want to write a blog post about um mental health issues for teens uh in your, in your local area, for example, and the purpose of the blog post is to educate parents and provide resources well, prior to cha GP T, you probably would think and you will look at the blank screen going back to your, to your concern and you probably spend about eight hours trying to write, to write a very good blog post. Right? Well, with J GP T, we can certainly actually spend between 2 to 2 and four hours and actually write a very good blog post. Now, what happened with the other four hours, the other four hours that I’m not spending now and writing a blog post can be used in the marketing piece of the blog post. Now that I have written it, what can I do to actually promote it better and making sure that parents actually get to see it and get to apply what I have I have written for them to do or the tips that are provided for them in terms of mental health and, and, and, and, and how to deal with that with, with their, with their Children, for example, with their kids. And so notice how technology now is being used more efficient and we become more, I mean, uh more efficient on time, but more effective in the way that actually we produce results. So those are some of the things that I think is important for if you are a for nonprofits, if you ask the question, OK, what are the number one thing that you want cha GP T to help you with a lot of people are gonna raise their hands, they’re gonna say content creation, how to create more engaging content on social media. For example, my goodness, you have these tools, it’s gonna help you do that, right? And so when we’re talking about, you know, uh you know, using a GP T more for the nonprofit organizations, you know, one of the things that I would say is like get good at prompting. But on the other hand, just yesterday, I was reading an article where prompting in a few months is not gonna be something that it’s gonna be needed because what’s happening is as this technology advances, um the la language model is actually by just giving an instruction, the language model is gonna be able to actually predict what exactly is it that you want. So, and so basically, it’s not gonna be, you know, you’re not gonna need to be more detail than necessary sometimes. And so, so it’s a dancing rapidly, right? You actually go and go to websites and grab uh you know, uh prompts library for any type of role that you want. And then what you do is just copy and paste it and edit it based on your own needs. Prompt library. Oh yes, yes. So you want you, you know, you copyright it. Yeah. If you actually are a graphic designer, uh data analyst, there are actually prompt libraries in which you actually for anything pretty much that you want, you can copy it and paste it, edit it as you see fit and it will allow you to get more results faster, right? And so, so, you know, for nonprofit organizations, one of the things that I say is like, let’s get good at the basics first. If you get good at the basics, you’re gonna, you’re gonna see right away. Very good results. You’re, you’re gonna actually produce some tangible results, great results for your organization and then you’re gonna be able to now promote, better, communicate better. Um you know, if you are using uh cha GP T to create content on social media, you’re gonna be able to actually see the results of that by the content being more personalized, remember, personalizing and refining. And so those are the things that I think will be beneficial for fund raising. My goodness. If you’re, you’re fund raising and you have a database of donors, you feed that to cha GP T and you start segmenting your donors based on the amount of money that they actually have given you. Not only that, then you personalize that email, like I told you at the beginning based on that, not only that those that are actually have not engaged with you or for some reason, they haven’t donated with you in a while. How do we re engage them? How do we make sure that we remind them of the cause that at some point they actually, you know, believed or they engage with us at the first, but they haven’t done in a while. How do we re engagement? How do we actually make sure that actually they, you know, they donate, they come back. So look at all the great benefits that you can actually as a nonprofit can reap from this technology. It’s just knowing how to use it, right? It’s key. But you know, but as you, as you’re learning how to use it, the creative, the creative actually thought comes to you and say, oh my God this is just one tip of the iceberg. Now we can do this, this and that. So that’s what I say is technology for me had to allow me to actually be more creative in the way that I do things. All right. Yeah. All right, Carlos, we’re gonna leave it there. All right. Thank you so much. My pleasure. Thank you, Carlos Morales, digital marketing strategist at Viva Technology. Thank you very much again for sharing, Carlos. My pleasure. Thank you and thank you for being with Tony Martignetti nonprofit radio coverage of 24 NTC where we’re sponsored by Heller consulting, technology strategy and implementation for nonprofits next week, exploiting conflict and intuition makes better products. If you missed any part of this week’s show, I beseech you find it at Tony We’re sponsored by Virtuous. Virtuous. Like I’m 14. My voice breaks, virtuous gives you the nonprofit CRM fundraising volunteer and marketing tools. You need to create more responsive donor experiences and grow, giving, and by donor box. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box, fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor Love that alliteration. This does get a little tiring doing my per one person. II, I must be out of practice doing it by myself. It’s been over a year. Our creative producer is Clare Meyerhoff. I’m your No, no. The show’s social media is by Susan Chavez Mark Silverman is our web guy and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation. Scotty be with us next week for nonprofit radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95% go out and be great.