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Nonprofit Radio, January 18, 2013: Giving: Looking Back And Ahead

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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Tony’s Guest:

Rob Mitchell

Rob Mitchell: Giving: Looking Back And Ahead

Rob Mitchell, CEO of Atlas of Giving, tells us how giving did by sector, source and state in 2012, and how it will do in 2013. What sector increased most? How did you fare compared to the larger picture? What’s ahead? We’ll give away a few $349 Atlas of Giving subscriptions that allow you to get instant personalized forecasts for a year. You can win by listening to the show and by taking the survey below.

Please take a moment to answer three quick questions. If you want to be entered in the contest to win, fill in question 4 with your email address. You’ll find it below. Thank you! If you could also share it with other nonprofit professionals, I would appreciate it.

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Here is a link to the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FG78NBB

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Here is the link to the audio: 125: Giving: Looking Back & Ahead. You can also subscribe on iTunes to get the podcast automatically.
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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent you know me, i’m your aptly named host. I hope very much that you were with me last week don’t let me hear that you missed social media data to find advocates, leaders and hidden vips. Casey golden, ceo of small act, and mark davis, director of product marketing for blackbaud shared ways to leverage social media metrix to find hidden gems among your constituents, and that was pre recorded at the bb con conference that i was at last october and get engaged for amy sample ward, our social media scientists and regular contributor she’s, the membership director for in ten non-profit technology network, and she continued our siri’s on serious engagement through the social networks, looking at staffing, who should staff your social engagement? How much time are they going to spend and what policies do you need? This week e-giving looking back and ahead. Rob mitchell, ceo of atlas giving atlas of giving, tells us how giving did by sector source and state in two thousand twelve and how it will do in two thousand thirteen what sector increased most how did you fare? Compared to the larger picture and what’s ahead? We’re going to give away a few three hundred forty nine dollars atlas of giving subscriptions that will allow you to get instant personalized forecasts for a year, and i’m very pleased that rob is with me for the hour, about midway through tony’s take two my block this week. Is the charitable ira rollover revived? I blogged that last week also, but there’s still, the january ketchup provision that’s available for your donors to make gifts from their iras, and i’ll talk about that. It is now my pleasure to welcome to the studio and back to the show. Rob mitchell he’s, the ceo of atlas of giving, which is at atlas of giving dot com yes, thirty years working in and around non-profits as a fundraiser, executive and consultant, the atlas of giving measures analyzes and forecasts charitable giving monthly by sector source and state, and i’m glad to welcome back to the show in the studio for the first time. Rob mitchell, how are you? I’m doing fantastic, tony, how are you? I’m well to guide you. You’re visiting from texas, right? I am it’s. A we don’t get this kind of weather in texas to off yeah, we’re in the thirties way have been for a few days dahna let’s talk about the methodology let’s re acquaint listeners who may not remember from last january what’s the methodology of the atlas of giving. Ok, well, it goes back tio my experiences, a practitioner, most recently at the american cancer society running the fund-raising programs for the society and i was always frustrated that there was no benchmark that i could use to measure are giving on a contemporary basis the only measurement that was available at that time was giving yusa, which comes out in june mid june, following the giving year and our fiscal year there started in september, the giving us a numbers weren’t particularly useful to me anyway. Bottom line i had a hypothesis and a hypothesis was that charitable giving was directly tied to certain factors in the economy and demographics, and if we could identify what those factors were, we could build a measurement device for measuring charitable giving as it occurs and perhaps a forecast, and i’m happy to say, we’ve been able to do both very successfully. So what we were able to do on what we started with was we we looked at over seventy five different demographic and financial variables econometric down. Is that true? It’s condom actress it’s an album that work, this is a very highly educated all right, great it’s an algorithm, and so what happened was we gave a team of twenty five phd researchers seventy five more than seventy five variables to look at, they came back to us on a national basis. We also gave them forty two years of published e-giving data to look at, they came back to us, they said, ok, these air, the factors that affect charitable giving, and we’ve built an algorithm that when matched against forty two years of published giving data matches with a correlation of coefficient of ninety five and a half percent, which almost never occurs. Okay? And so since then, we’ve been able that was for national giving the toll picture. Since then, we’ve been able to develop specific algorithms for each of nine sectors and for each source of giving individuals, foundations, corporations and bequest and four fifty states in d c okay, excellent, and you can do this looking back and also forecasting for the future. Yes, one of the great things about the factors that we now know affect charitable giving that charitable giving is directly tied to is that we know that many of those factors have already very successful multi year forecast. So we’re able to incorporate those forecast into our our algorithms to measure cheered will giving to produce a very reliable, very accurate forecast, in fact are variants for the last two years on our twelve month forecast, which is the has the most variability it’s kind of like weather. The further out you go, the less accurate it becomes. But our variants this year, for example, was about one and a half percent okay. Ah, how many data points are we talking about? Well, there are literally dozens, it depends on which algorithm you’re talking about. Some of the algorithms are in terms of input variables our it’s on ly a handful and others are more complex, and they range everything from i think most people are aware that charitable giving is tied in some way too gross domestic product, okay? And so many of the variables include gross domestic product. But they include everything from home sales and consumer confidence to even auto parts sales. Believe it or not, really okay, i had a guest on lately who made an analogy between e-giving fund-raising and selling cars. He had an interesting infographic, sort of whimsical, but was making making the point. So now there is an automotive off relationship, okay, unemployment, mazarene heimans huge unemployment well, it’s, it’s huge in some sectors and some sources, obviously individual for individual giving. And you know, tony, one of the things we’ve learned through the process of creating the atlas now on running it for a few years is that the charitable giving machine is very intricate. And so how an organization raises money is oftentimes mohr important related to the economy than what sector that they’re in? And one example i would give you over the last two years as unemployment’s bin as, you know, very high and by historical standards so unemployment’s been high that has a huge impact negative impact on those organizations, which primarily rely on small lots of small individual gifts. I’m by the same token, the organizations that have relied on on major gifts, colleges and universities. Is an example. Thie education sectors done very well the last couple of years, but the stock market has done exceptionally well the last couple of years, and the unemployment rate for college graduates their alumni is less than half of what the overall unemployment rate is for the u s this is all very interesting level these moving parts now you have close to a million data points. Is that right? Are is that right? Or, you know, one of the one of the things is a very high number nine hundred ninety thousand something you’ve got nine hundred ninety thousand data points and so that’s that’s about fifty years of giving history and all the variables that are involved. And so we’ve used that now to create what will be an instant custom forecast for organizations to be able to use, and the reliability is still at the ninety five point, five percent or little hyre it’s, the reliability on that particular product is going to be very high it’s going to be in excess of ninety five percent. We also have what we call atlas premiere, where we actually taken organizations multiyear, giving history and build their own algorithm. We can determine what economic and demographic factors dr giving that for that with them individually for them. Yes, ok, very interesting. We have just a minute before a break. Why don’t you, uh, thi’s two thousand twelve will just give us a broad overview of two thousand twelve, and after the break, we’ll go into the details. Two thousand twelve was a solid giving year, but i’ll parenthetically say, not for everybody, okay, but it was a very good year, right? What it was a very good year. Giving was up six point, seven percent overall in the nation right in two thousand twelve. Okay, we’re going to come back and talk in greater detail about two thousand twelve and also the forecast for two thousand thirteen. After this break, stay with us talking alternative radio, twenty four hours a day. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam lebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping huntress people be better business people. Are you concerned about the future of your business for career? Would you like it all to just be better? Well, the way to do that is to better communication, and the best way to do that is training from the team at improving communications. This is larry sharp, host of the ivory tower radio program and director at improving communications. Does your office need better leadership, customer service sales, or maybe better writing, are speaking skills? Could they be better at dealing with confrontation conflicts, touchy subjects all are covered here at improving communications. If you’re in the new york city area, stop by one of our public classics, or get your human resource is in touch with us. The website is improving communications, dot com, that’s, improving communications, dot com, improve your professional environment, be more effective, be happier, and make more money improving communications. That’s, the hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com dafs welcome back. We’re with rob mitchell’s, ceo of atlas, of giving. We’re talking about all kinds of giving last year and this year. All right, so let’s go into detail, rob about twenty twelve let’s start with the sectors who did what? What sector did the best in twenty twelve? Well, we had several sectors that were extraordinarily good. The environmental sector, though it’s, the smallest sector that we measure, had a very good year in two thousand twelve. What what’s the what’s, the proportion of giving that goes to environmental? I think environmental is about five percent of all giving. Ok? And how well did they do? They actually did very well. The environmental sector was up ten point nine percent in two thousand twelve. Okay, let’s, look it at other sectors. I’m sure you have education. Education had a good year. Education e-giving was up eight point eight percent in two thousand twelve. Okay. And disaster relief was was comparable, right? Disaster relief was comparable in large measure because of hurricane sandy or i guess superstorm storm sandy eight point eight percent also a point. Okay, religion. You had said last year that religion was a declining percentage. Of total giving it isthe continues to being continues to be so what is the proportion that goes to religion now? The proportion that goes to religion now is thirty five percent of all gifts go to religion. And was that was a thirty six last year. Was it a percent hyre or it was a percent hyre last year. Okay on dh s o education is now is declining. And how? How much religion is the client? I’m sorry. Religion is declining as a percentage of total giving as a percentage of total. How did it do? Last year in religion? One thousand religion e-giving to churches and religion was still up in two thousand twelve. But it was up less than the national average and up less when compared with all the other sector. So was up four point two percent. Okay. And you had said earlier the national average is six point seven percent. E-giving that is correct. Okay? And how much is that? How much is how much is our total e-giving from all sources? Three how much was in two thousand twelve? Three hundred little over three hundred and sixty nine billion dollars was given. To charities of all kinds in two thousand twelve. Okay, let’s, let’s. Keep it let’s. Keep looking at the sectors. What other ones have you? Have you got there? We did disaster environment, religion, education. Health was up five point eight percent. The arts were up eight percent. Human needs in society was up seven point eight percent international was up seven point three percent. And what the what we call the analogue k did sector, which includes things like donorsearch vise funds was up nine percent. Okay, now this is a world premiere of these numbers, right? These have not yet been released. They have not been released. In fact, our official press release is not scheduled to go out until tuesday. Okay, outstanding. We have a way. Have some prizes to give away. You’re giving away some subscriptions to atlas of giving for a year. Why don’t you just tell people what it is? They’re they can win. Well. Starting next week, in the middle of next week, we’re going to introduce what’s called atlas custom. And so the winners of these will be able to go on our web site with a code that that you give. Them and they’ll be able by answering six questions about giving at their organization things like what was their total giving last year? What percentage of their gifts came from foundations, corporations, individuals in bequest, those kinds of questions? They answer six easy questions, and they get a twelve month forecast that has for their organization, and we’re going to be charging three hundred forty nine dollars. And by the way, our forecast is updated each month because just like with a weather forecast, we can’t predict today what the weather is going to be a year from now in new york city, whether is a bad example, i think you should find a different analogy to make them whether well, actually trust the weather are twelve month forecast is a whole lot better than the weather. Okay, we hope so. All right, so so users so winners can go in as many times as they’d like throughout the year that they’ll get the free subscription. Sure, but the numbers are only updated once a month. The numbers are updated once. Okay, excellent. And we already have a winner. The winner came from our survey results on that is her. E mail is cheryl at ascending? Non-profits so we’re going to be sending cheryl at ascending non-profits, eh? The code. We’ll give the email teo robin, he’ll give you the code. Is that how it was going to work? That’s bad is how cheryl congratulations and one of the questions that we asked on that survey that cheryl won. And by the way, did you know we have a survey often on shows? If you didn’t know that, then you should be subscribing to our weekly email alerts. They come out every thursday. Tells you the guests are going to be that week and also has a link to the survey. You can also find the survey on my blaga tony martignetti dot com one the questions we asked is, do you benchmark your charities giving against others in your sector? And about two thirds said yes on one third said no, very interested into that. All right, two thirds. And this is atlas e-giving is perfect for benchmarking it is you want to see how you did compared tto your sector, your others in your state and in different from different sources. Well, and one thing i would say is you know, we’ve talked about this new product that’s being debuted next week that we’re giving away today, but we have a free product and the free product comes out once a month and it’s the atlas of giving report and it shows e-giving by month for the last twelve months and so you’re able tto benchmark your results by sector source and state every month, and it doesn’t cost you a dime. All you have to do is go to atl e-giving dot com okay, but what we’re giving away is the custom and custom custom forecast custom forecast. Okay, we have a way for live listeners to win that custom forecast. We’re going to give away two on twitter and two on facebook going to see how this goes. I i’m asked the first to people who tweets or put on the show’s facebook page this phrase, i’m listening live too hashtag non-profit radio and we all know the hashtag is the pound sign i’m listening live to hashtag non-profit radio tweet that right now, live listeners tweet that right now if you’re one of the if you’re the first or second person to tweet it, then you’ll win, and if you’re the first or second person to post that phrase on the show’s facebook page, you also will win. I’m listening live to hashtag non-profit radio. Go to twitter, go to facebook, do it right now and this is a good time to send some live listener love we got live listeners san antonio, texas, yonkers, new york and south field michigan is that field? Sam, i can’t read your terrible writing. Southfield, michigan, yonkers, new york and san antonio, texas live listener love going out to you and yes, we have listener’s foreign as well. Valencia, valencia, spain welcome hola. Okay, rob mitchell let’s get back to some of the numbers on san will be monitoring the hashtag in the studio, but we’re also going toe check it with the show social media manager for final results will come from regina walton. Um to what do you attribute this very strong two thousand twelve giving here? Well, there, there are several things one, as i would say, the stock market had a huge impact. The dow grew at more than ten percent in two thousand twelve, the broader market, the s and p measurement of the market cruise. Sixteen percent in two thousand twelve. That was huge. Gdpr gross domestic product, really gross domestic product, was up and accelerating in the last in the last part of the year, the last half of the year. That was that’s, always good news, forgiving. Home sales home sales are r the the best they’ve been in the last five years. Home prices we have seen the worst. It’s over home prices are on the rebound. There were there were some there’s, some great things. You know, when people think about the economy typically they think about this amorphous economy. And if you listen to too much news from the media, you get a distorted vision of what the economy is really doing because there are certain factors in the economy. I bet that most of our listeners today were unaware that start the broad stock market was up sixteen percent last i agree, i think most people aren’t aware of that. And so now the one thing that is that the year could have been a lot better, because if you consider the fact that individual giving accounts for seventy five percent of all gifts in the united states, unemployment is still a major drag. We started the year with unemployment at eight and a half percent, and now unemployment is at seven point, eight percent. So a slight improvement, but based on historical levels of unemployment still tough and here’s the thing about unemployment to when it relates to giving, if you’re out of a job or you fear becoming out of a job, you discontinue your charitable giving on for the most part, drastically reduced, and then once you become reemployed, what? What our studies show is that you are you’re giving will not continue for another couple of years after you become reemployed because you’re you and your family are making up for it, but you’ve got to catch up it’s deferred expenses, replenishing your savings, the vacations that you didn’t take, those sorts of things so charitable giving there’s a delayed effect and high unemployment and it’s huge in in in the charitable giving pie for the u s because individual giving is such a large part of that seventy five percent. One other thing i’d say on the positive side about individual giving, this was a fantastic year for what i’d call the uber gift. Warren buffett gave a three billion dollar gift this year. Mark zuckerberg, the founder of facebook, gave a gift that was a billion million dollars shy of five hundred million dollars. In fact, there were there were five gifts that accounted for almost two. Point five percent of the entire charitable giving economy, and this is a typical compared to two thousand less this is that this is the year where i would say is the the rebound of the nine figure gift and s o we haven’t had gifts this size in the last couple of years, and this has been good, okay? We have a couple of people who have tweeted the phrase durney i i’m listening live to hashtag non-profit radio looks like michael baker and jim gillette, but we’re going to confirm that the final arbiter of the prizes is the show’s social media manager, s o preliminarily it’s, michael baker and jim gillette on twitter. But we can’t say for sure on facebook. I don’t know we’re not looking at facebook in the studio, but facebook put that same phrase on the show’s facebook page. I’m listening live to hashtag non-profit radio and if your first or second you will win one of these subscriptions you rob, we’re talking about individual giving, so why don’t we talk about some of the sources of given and how those did compared to two thousand eleven let’s start with individual what happened? Individually, individual gifts were very close to the national average and gain percentagewise. Individual gifts were up six and a half percent in two thousand twelve, and we would expect that because that’s such a big proportion such a big proportion of the economy. Okay, well, your foundation’s foundations were up nine e-giving was up nine point three percent and that’s private foundations, right? You distinguish them private foundation. Okay? And and how about corporate foundation and corporate direct corporate foundation and corporate direct was up four point seven percent in two thousand twelve. Ok, and the one near and dear to my heart as a request bequest, we’re up five point nine percent below the national average, though below the national average. Unfortunately, alright, i’s, that all the sources that you, the fact we tracked four sources individuals, corporations, foundations and bequests. Okay with me is rob mitchell he’s, the ceo of atlas of giving, which you’ll find at atlas of giving dot com on. We’re talking about giving last year and later on we’ll get teo this coming year. Let’s, talk about some states. Yeah, you have. Ah, what? What’s? The most generous state in your measures. Well it depends on whether you’re talking about giving growth or total giving because total giving is directly related to population, as you might imagine, california, california, california and new york or big about texas, texas, texas is big and texas had a great year. I don’t know if this is widely known. Texas is the second most populous state, yes, rowing, because california, texas, new york yeah, you’re you’re aware thatyou gets out of that. Of course they have sex, and i’m always proud of things that are bigger and better. Text is texas living up to its number two population size in terms of overall giving it iss in fact, e-giving in texas was up over eight percent this year, and i would tell you this tony about st giving about regional giving if you look at the states that did well last year, no surprise those air, the states that that had the most robust look economies for those states and so texas’s experience as texas is an example is experiencing a huge swell and uptick in the oil business, and it has a very compared to the national average has a low unemployment rate and so other states that have done well the past year, florida, pennsylvania, illinois and so those states have done very well compared to the other states most of the other states were, you know, they’re pretty close to the national average just above or just under okay, well, what? Which state had the largest growth in e-giving from two thousand eleven to two thousand twelve? That distinction falls to let me look at my notes here for a second, okay, that distinction falls, tio see? Well, rob is looking that up. I’ll remind you if you tweet, if you post the phrase i’m listening live to hashtag non-profit radio on the facebook page shows facebook page if you’re the first or second person to do that, we will give you one of these three hundred forty nine dollars subscriptions to atlas of giving for the whole year, you’ll be able to personally predict how your fund-raising will do. Bye bye source do we have? We have that we do highest increase what? I’m really disappointed, tony, because texas didn’t make it to number one, but illinois was first with seven points. Well, excuse me. Florida was first was eight point four percent. Growth eight point four percent in florida. Ok, eight point for illinois. Second was seven point seven. Texas was in third place with eight and a half percent. Okay. All right, top three. Interesting. We have just about two minutes before before our break. Do you consider donorsearch vise funds? How do they think they work into your that’s? A very big source of its e-giving. And then ultimately, hopefully sometime there’s a delay of gifts to charity had well, the way that it’s working now is very interesting because those gifts are factored in. And if you look at our largest donor advised funds the fidelity gift fund, they they’ve renamed it, but they had a they had a record year for the second year consecutively and grants made out of the fund and on new gifts into the fun really grants out. Yes. Very interesting. Yes, but we like to say and so but they’re they’re they’re gifts in group. Believe it or not. Year over year eighty nine percent from two thousand eleven to two thousand twelve. Holy cow! Are you sure? Yes, pasha it’s. Not a mistake. Positive. You can go to their website. Check me. Out eighty nine percent growth you’re over from eleven to twelve. Yes, my goodness. Okay, we’re going to continue this discussion after the break. Tony’s, take two, and then, of course, robyn, i will keep talking. Do we have there? Have anybody who facebooked thea, nobody you could still win on facebook, are still giving away to atlas of giving subscriptions on facebook. Post the phrase on the radio show on the show page. I’m listening live to hashtag non-profit radio. I hope you’re going to stay with us e-giving thinking, tooting, getting ding, ding, ding, ding! You’re listening to the talking alternative network, itching to get in. E-giving cubine hi, i’m donna and i’m done were certified mediators, and i am a family and couples licensed therapists and author of please don’t buy me ice cream are show new beginnings is about helping you and your family recover financially and emotionally and start the beginning of your life will answer your questions on divorce, family court, co, parenting, personal development, new relationships, blending families and more. Dahna and i will bring you to a place of empowerment and belief that even though marriages may end, families are forever join us every monday, starting september tenth at ten a m on talking alternative dot com are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications? Then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. I’m leslie goldman with the us fund for unicef, and i’m casey rodder with us fun for unison. You’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent time now for tony’s, take two at roughly thirty two minutes into the hour. My block this week is the i r a charitable rollover revived. I mentioned it last week, but i want to spend another a few minutes talking about it because you still have this. Your donors to still have this january catch up provisions a reminder that the ira e-giving was revived in the american taxpayer relief act that was passed on january first. It’s not really a roll over, roll over is the ah popular phrase it’s ah it’s actually a distribution and it’s called a qualified charitable distribution so that’s what i’m going to call it, i use roll over on the block just because that’s, what people are going to search for your donors have to be over seven, seventy and a half or over on the date they make their gift. They do this from a traditional or a roth ira. They have ah, maximum qualified charitable distribution of one hundred thousand dollars per ira owner and that’s across all the across all the qualified charitable distributions they might make. The different charities per year, so one hundred thousand dollars maximum per ira owner per year, and the distribution has to go directly from their ira, too. Your charity this january catch up provisioned that i mentioned is that if if they make a qualified charitable distribution to your charity in january, got to do this before february first, then they can count it toward two thousand twelve, and that will do two things for them in two thousand twelve. It will be eliminated from their taxable income, so it’s not reported as income, and it will count toward there rmd or required minimum distribution. So two thousand twelve most people have probably already met their required minimum distribution because we didn’t know we were gonna have these this catch up provisions. So by december thirty first, people probably already took what they what they needed to otherwise they would have been penalized, but this has the advantage of being nontaxable and still counting toward that required minimum distribution. There’s a lot more about this on my blogged at tony martignetti dot com, including a one page downloadable briefing that i wrote for you that you can use to brief your board use it in the newsletter or email blast. Ah, that is also part of that post on my block, continuing now with rob mitchell, ceo of atlas, of giving and rob, why don’t we talk a little about you’re twenty thirteen forecast? Well, thanks, i love talking about the forecast, although i i’m afraid i don’t have great news for two thousand thirteen so the atlas, by the way, is the only forecast for charitable giving in the us and it’s been very reliable on dh, as i mentioned before, month to month it’s it’s nearly one hundred percent reliable actually for the quarter. It’s a little less reliable than it is for the six month period but for twelve months ahead. It’s very reliable with the variants of about one and a half percent. Okay, so it’s it’s a very reliable forecasts are forecast for two thousand thirteen. We should have a drum roll because it’s the world premiere that’s the world premiere of this forecast it’s a world premiere the forecast for total giving for the united states two thousand thirteen will be three hundred seventy five billion, which is only a one point six sadly only a one point six percent increase over two thousand twelve. Oh, my goodness, compared to six point seven from from last year. Yes. Okay, um, you have something special about the last quarter of this year? Well, actually, the last four months of this year. Indeed, for the first time since we’ve looked at things the it’s actually more than the last quarter it’s out called the last trimester, it starts in september and so what we’re what the atlas is showing for september, october, november and december is that giving will actually be less than it was for those months in two thousand twelve. So if you’re relying on a big year end, this isn’t the year for it. And why do you predict that those four months are going to be so much worse than the corresponding months in two thousand twelve? I think a major factor is the stock market, and we’re not expecting the stock market to have the same kind of year in two thousand thirteen that it’s had the last two years, so stock market growth is certainly a part of it there’s some other factors involved, you know, we talk about individual giving, making up such a large part of the charitable pie and there’s some things that have hit americans starting in two thousand thirteen that are going to have an impact on individual giving for those of us who work and have social security deducted from our paychecks, we just had a tax hike, and so it means less disposable income consumer confidence, though, is it? It rose a bit in two thousand twelve, consumer confidence for two thousand thirteen is not looking so good, so so those are some of the factors that are that are going to drive e-giving to a lower growth point and in terms of of this last the year end for two thousand twelve, you know, we had a we had a great stock market when people are thinking about we also there’s some, there are some concerns and some of the things that drove giving in the last quarter of this year, including things like the the buffet in the zuckerberg gift who are the you know, it’s expected that taxes are going to go up in the charitable deduction is in question may be a loss of the charitable deduction it may. Be a reduction in the charitable deduction, so a lot of people were motivated to give it the end of two thousand twelve gifts of appreciated assets or set up planned gifts at the end of two thousand twelve, and that is not going to be the same case in your end this year. Okay, okay. Just in that little little niche of planned giving them. But you’re you’re measuring realized bequest? Yes, we are ok at people’s deaths. Okay. I want to take a moment to send out some more live listener love. And also we have a contest for podcast listeners. Podcast listeners the nine thousand you listen on from itunes you are not for gotten by any means. We have a contest for you also. But let’s send live listener love teo, nanjing, china ni hao taipei, taiwan. I don’t know how to say hello in oh, no, taiwan is chinese. So anyhow, i do know, of course, and i know that china chinese has spoken in taiwan. It’s, common knowledge. Inchon, inchon, korea on you go and seoul, korea also neuro haserot lots of live listener love going abroad now for podcast listeners. You, if you want to win one of the subscriptions to atlas of giving? I want you to put on the show’s facebook page, i’m i i listen to the podcast and use hashtag non-profit radio i listen to the podcast hashtag non-profit radio and i know when the podcast comes out so live listeners don’t think you can get away with this because i know very few people know when the podcast goes live so that’s on what did you say on facebook? That’s on facebook podcast listeners only i’m going to give away three to podcast listeners three atlas of giving subscriptions i listen to the podcast hashtag non-profit radio on the show’s facebook page. Okay, rob let’s, talk about how the different sectors are going to fare in twenty thirteen who who looks the best? The best is again well, not again, but the best sector forecast for two thousand thirteen is the environmental sec geever up five point nine percent now that helped that’s helpful and good, but again, the environmental sector is the smallest sector of the nine we measure so there’s. You know, i could speculate as to why the environmental sector is doing well, i think. It has a lot to do with the fact that many of us are more in tune with environmental issues than we’ve ever been before. What is that? What is the largest sector? Well, of course, the largest sector is religion, religion, e-giving your churches and religion okay, predicted to continue its declined one percent at a time. Yeah, well, actually, religion is actually going to gives to churches and religion is forecast to experience a really decrease from two thousand twelve to two, two thousand thirteen, so not only in well, is it going to decrease in percentage of overall giving that it represents also yes, another percent down to thirty probably will be another person for i think we’ll be down to thirty for ok. And how much do you predict that the overall giving to religion will decline? A little less than one percent point eight percent so nearly flat. But it is what we’re showing today is that by this time next year, gifts to churches and religion will have shown a decline. Okay, now all of these predictions get refined every month after month, right? So atlas of giving subscribers and the lucky people who win the wind the subscription khun see month after month how the different sectors are predicted to do for the for the next twelve months or in the next twelve months, right? Not just to the end of the counter here, but for the next twelve for the next twelve months. And this is important as a practitioner, because if you’re setting a budget and let’s say your fiscal year doesn’t start with january one when i was at the american cancer society, our fiscal year started september one, so you want to be able to have a forecast so that you can do your budgeting based on what you’re this whole year is? And one of the other things i’d say that’s important about the update monthly in the forecast is i was at the american cancer society in two thousand won and we were having, ah, good year and most organizations in america, we’re having a good giving year in two thousand one, and then we had september eleventh and the world change and giving came to a near stand still for six months, and so just, you know, there are events that unfold oppcoll month to month not every month and and not every day, but events effect giving. And so a dramatic event like that obviously has a big impact. But their events all over all over the u s all over the world that an impact giving and that’s the reason for checking in regularly with the atlas to see what the forecast has become. Let’s, let’s spend a little more time on the different sectors. Sector predictions for two thousand twelve why don’t you just go through a sari for two thousand thirteen just in the two minutes or so we have a break one before we have a brake lines just run down what the sectors look like for this year. Health is going to be just a bubble above flat at point three percent growth education will be two point, six percent growth, human services, and this also includes disaster services, up four point nine percent. So compared to the field, that sector is expected to do well. The arts up two point seven percent i’ve already talked about the environmental sector up five point nine percent international, up two percent. And then our unallocated sector, which includes things like donorsearch advised funds and those don’t then those charities that don’t fit well in another category up three point seven percent. Okay. And so that analogy hated would consider would include all the social service, human service agencies, grassroots agencies. No, no, no. Those those would be in our human services and disaster. Yeah, we do have human services and disaster. Yeah, i said okay, just a minute or so before the break. Why don’t we just run down? What the different sectors are in terms of which is largely no religion is the largest on that. Gets predicted to get about thirty four percent of giving. Yeah, religion. None of the other fact. How do the other sectors? Fair. Religion is the largest. Currently thirty five percent. Education is next with sixteen percent. Human services disaster services. Twelve percent of the entire giving pie. Um, the unallocated sectors ten percent society benefit eight percent international, five percent. The arts for percent. And the environmental sector is at two percent of the pie. All right. When we come back, we’ll talk about different sources. Oh, and predictions for two thousand thirteen. Stay with us. Snusz you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Duitz lorts cerini are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the roof because of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s, monte m o nt y that monty taylor. Dot com. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Even more live listener. Love going out tio, gwangju, korea, on yo haserot and fu zhou, china now also tonawanda, new york and philadelphia, pennsylvania. How you doing? Another survey question that i want to share with listeners was, do you benchmark your charities giving against others in your state? The previous question was by sector by state, it’s actually reversed on ly one third said yes to that by state, and two thirds said, no, they don’t, and in a couple minutes i’ll have the answers for different types of giving that charity’s listeners are our benchmarking. Rob let’s, let’s. Look at some of the sources of giving in two thousand thirteen, individual, we’ve said a couple times is the biggest. How is individual going to fare in twenty thirteen? Well, consider the context of total giving for the u. S is projected to go up one point, six percent individual gifts. We’ll be up one point, two percent. Foundation gifts. And this is an area that practitioners might want to focus on next year. Foundation gifts are our forecast to be up four point nine percent. Okay. How did foundation do in two thousand twelve, they were up nine point three percent. Yes. Okay. All right. So so foundations is kind of the highlight by source. The low light. Well, before i get to the little light, i’ll give you the other kind of sad news. Tony, given your background is the request giving. No, we’ll only be a point. Seven percent. Now these air realized request. This is not this is not pipeline sort of stuff and plan giving. This is actually realized bequest. This is interesting. So that means that the people who created gift by will years ago are going to die at a slower rate or their gifts or smaller in their wills. What could you possibly know this? Well, there’s. Some demographic factors involved. And so yeah, i mean, the death rate, the population, the age of the population, those sorts of things matter. But more importantly, and more specifically, the value of our persons of state is what matters the most. And so, as you well know, many people leave a percentage of their estate to chair to a number of charities. And so when the value of their estate, because of the value of the stocks that are in this state or the value of the real estate that’s in the estate is is lower than the bequest, the actual realized request number becomes lower. Okay, mix mix. Good sense. I see how you could know that. Ok, why did you continue? Go ahead. S o the sources. So one left and it’s it unfortunately is going to be the low light forecast for two thousand thirteen. Corporate giving will actually decline slightly. Just it’s basically flat but it’s forecast to be down point three percent. Okay. And what would i thought? We’d said religion was going to be down. Well, you were talking about that’s, a sector and i’m talking about me that i’m screwed up. Okay. Sorry. This is sources. Yes. Alright. So business foundations the low light down. Three tenths of a percent. Okay, now this is interesting. Individual giving is going to be up just one point two, um and overall giving will be up one point. Six. Yes. What’s ah, what’s. Boosting the overall foundation giving. Okay, it’s okay. And what’s the percentage that foundation giving represents to the to the total foundation e-giving represents rob on the spot you got me on. Ah, got its thirteen percent of all giving excellent. You have these numbers. He makes you think he’s sifting through papers, but he just he is modest. He has these numbers off the top of his head. I’ll share another survey result. The question was, what types of giving do you benchmark? If if you do benchmark what types of giving total giving? About eighty six percent of people benchmark total e-giving e-giving at specific dollar levels about forty three percent. About twenty seven percent benchmark private foundation giving and about fifty seven percent said that they benchmark corporate foundation giving and nobody benches their planned e-giving i’m dismayed by that it’s interesting there’s no competition in in the death business, which is my business. That’s why i say that my business’s plan e-giving, um, we have just a couple minutes left, rob mitchell and i want to ask you take a love moment. What is it that you love about doing the atlas of giving what is it? What? What drives you about this? It’s it’s learning essentially because all those all those decades is a practitioner. I didn’t have access to this kind of information, and if i were a practitioner today, this would definitely drive how i allocated my fund-raising resource is through the year how i did my budgeting, it’s it’s an amazing thing how how i distributed my fund-raising budget as an example diversification of the way you raise money makes a huge difference and understanding who how you raise money and who you raise it from makes a huge difference to and can increase the levels of your giving. And so we’re learning things because we have access to this information that we’ve never been able to know before, and that is what keeps me going. I really do love digging into these numbers. Rob mitchell, ceo of atlas, of giving it’s at atlas of giving dot com rob, thanks very much for coming to studio from texas being a guests pleasure loved it. Happy trails glad to have you back next week author yana jane hoexter will be in the studio for the hour talking about her book, grantwriting, revealed twenty five experts share their art, science and secrets. We have nine thousand listeners, a little over nine thousand listeners non-profit radio and fewer than twenty itunes readings. Let’s, go get the number of itunes ratings to reflect the nine thousand people who are out there listening to the podcast. Why? Why does why does tony think that’s important? Because that gives us prominence in itunes and helped expose the show to more non-profits therefore, helping the entire charity community so help raise the stature of the show, and that will help other charities. You can help. You could do that by let’s by getting the number of ratings up, and my goal that i’m setting is one hundred. We’re at a little under twenty right now, so that’s a fivefold increase there’s a goal of one hundred, i’m asking youto go to itunes and give the show a one through five star rating live listeners as soon as the show’s over go to non-profit radio dot net and then from there you can get the itunes non-profit radio dot net is the list of the shows in the archive. From there you can view the show in itunes and give us a rating one through five podcast listeners. Please do that let’s, get to one hundred ratings and help share the show with mohr charities, and i thank you very much for your help with that, our foreign language. Good luck, the way performers say it feature is over. I’m declaring it over, it has had enough. We were everywhere from serbia. Yeah, serbian, croatian, teo french, and we’ve we’ve had enough. I’m saying sayonara, chow mary-jo to that feature, our creative producer is claire meyerhoff. Sam liebowitz is our line producer. The show’s social media is by regina walton of organic social media, on the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules. I hope you’ll be with me next friday, one to two p, m eastern at talking alternative dot com, which is talking alternative broadcasting. Hyre think that shooting the good ending. You’re listening to the talking alternative network, waiting to get in. Nothing. Cubine hi, i’m donna and i’m done were certified mediators, and i am a family and couples licensed therapists and author of please don’t buy me ice cream are show new beginnings is about helping you and your family recover financially and emotionally and start the beginning of your life will answer your questions on divorce, family court, co, parenting, personal development, new relationships, blending families and more dahna and i will bring you to a place of empowerment and belief that even though marriages may end, families are forever join us every monday, starting september tenth at ten a m on talking alternative dot com are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications? Then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way look forward to serving you. You’re listening to talking alternative network at www dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. This is tony martignetti aptly named host of tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent technology fund-raising compliance, social media, small and medium non-profits have needs in all these areas. My guests are expert in all these areas and mohr. Tony martignetti non-profit radio fridays, one to two eastern on talking alternative broadcasting are you fed up with talking points? Rhetoric everywhere you turn left or right spin ideology no reality, in fact, its ideology over in tow. No more it’s time. Join me. Larry shot a neo-sage tuesday nights nine to eleven easter for the ivory tower radio in the ivory tower will discuss what’s important to you society, politics, business and family. It’s provocative talk for the realist and the skeptic who want to go what’s really going on? What does it mean? What can be done about it? So gain special access to the ivory tower. Listen to me. Very sharp. Your neo-sage tuesday nights nine to eleven new york time go to ivory tower radio dot com for details. That’s ivory tower radio dot com e every time i was a great place to visit for both entertainment and education. Listening. Tuesday nights nine to eleven. It will make you smarter. Talking dot com.

Charitable IRA Rollover Revived

Happy New Year!

Courtesy of Philanthropy.com
Courtesy of Philanthropy.com
Passed on January 1, 2013, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 renewed charitable giving from individual retirement accounts (IRAs) for those 70-and-a-half or older.

If you were practicing Planned Giving a few years ago, this is deja vu. All the requirements are the same as in 2010, and there are two add-ons.

This is an IRA distribution, not a rollover. A rollover is a transfer from one retirement account to another retirement account.

What we have here is a distribution to charity. I use the vernacular in my title because that’s what people search for.

From here on I’m calling this a qualified charitable distribution, the exact designation in the Act.

Please recognize that my analysis is based on my reading of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, without the benefit of IRS rulings, tax court decisions or other official guidance that has yet to come. I am not providing tax, accounting or legal advice. Donors must consult their own advisors to determine whether, and how, to make a charitable gift.

Here are the requirements for a qualified charitable distribution:

  1. Your donor is at least 70 1/2 years old on the date of gift and yours is a 501(c)(3) charity (supporting organizations are not included; nor are donor advised funds)
  2. The IRA is a traditional or Roth
  3. Maximum $100,000 per donor per year in qualified charitable distributions
  4. The distribution is direct from IRA to charity
  5. The full value of the gift would be eligible for an income tax charitable deduction if it were not a qualified charitable distribution
  6. The amount distributed would be included in gross income if it were not a qualified charitable distribution

Numbers 1-4 are straightforward and what I recommend using in promotional materials. Also drop in these two points if you have space:

First, the amount of the gift counts toward an IRA required minimum distribution, or RMD. Lots of people (though not as many as in 2007 and years before) are required to take more from IRAs than they need. This provision helps them reduce that dilemma.

Second, the amount of the distribution to charity is not included in federal gross income, so it’s exempt from federal income tax.

Important Fine Print
Numbers 5 and 6 have nuances that are more appropriate to an article than a blog. They are the primary reasons your materials include a disclaimer that you’re not providing tax or legal advice and donors must consult their own advisors. The first four are secondary reasons for your disclaimer, because there are ins-and-outs in those, too.

I will make an important point on #5. It precludes using this to buy a ticket to your dinner or an auction item; buy anything from your charity; or fund a charitable gift annuity or charitable trust. None of these are 100% deductible for federal income tax purposes. Raffle tickets are precluded because no part of the amount paid is a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. (They may be deductible losses if the person has gambling winnings, but we’re not going there.)

New From 2010
The two additions from the 2010 version are (subject to 1-6 above):
— Your donors can can make qualified charitable distributions before February 1 and count them toward 2012
— If donors took IRA distributions in December, they can count any portion of them as 2012 qualified charitable distributions. Their gifts need to get to you before February 1 to grab this opportunity. (You may disregard #4 for this.)

A Download For You
Here’s an easy one-pager I put together for you to share with your board; use in promo materials; excerpt for an email blast; carve up for a newsletter sidebar; and generally use for your charity as you like.

Getting Donors Started

It’s easy. They tell their IRA custodian they want to make a qualified charitable distribution to your charity. Share your tax ID number. Donors will need it to fill out a form.

Take advantage of this immediate-cash planned gift. It’s a valuable way to start the year and gives you a timely, newsy reason to talk to prospects.

Nonprofit Radio, January 4, 2013: The Future Of Planned Giving Marketing, & Free Radio & TV To Boost Online Ticket Sales

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Listen live or archive:

Tony’s Guests:

Gregory Warner
Gregory Warner
Gregory Warner: The Future Of Planned Giving Marketing

Greg Warner, the founder of MarketSmart, shares his insights on multi-channel awareness building; generating and cultivating leads; and tracking what works.




Amy Spencer & Kevin Russell
With Kevin Russell & Amy Spencer
Amy Spencer & Kevin Russell: Free Radio & TV To Boost Online Ticket Sales

Amy Spencer, Market Manager for Blackbaud, and Kevin Russell, Professioinal Services Manager for Blackbaud, want you to recognize that you do have leverage with the media, and that sending press releases is no longer the way to get radio and TV exposure for your event.


Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Fridays, 1-2PM Eastern

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Here is a link to the recording: 123: The Future Of Planned Giving Marketing & Free Radio And TV To Boost Online Ticket Sales. You can also subscribe on iTunes to get the podcast automatically.

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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. Welcome to the new year it’s january fourth of the new year. I hope you had lots of time for family and friends and good times over the holiday and time off from work. Oh, how i hope that you were with me long ago on december twenty first because i’d feel terrible if i had heard that you missed candidates for causes. Robert egger is the president of sea forward working to rally candidates around non-profit platforms, he and i talked about how to assess those in your local races, getting the non-profit agenda before them and how to support the candidates who step up. Also, it was computers crash. Scott koegler, the editor of non-profit technology news and our tech contributor, reminded us that technology can let us down imagine that your computer hardware will only last so long, and you should have a plan for replacing it to avoid a crisis. I talked to this former chief information officer about the hardware, life cycle, budgeting and planning this week the future of planned giving marketing greg warner, the founder of marketsmart, shares his insights on multi-channel awareness building, generating and cultivating leads and tracking what works and free radio and tv to boost online ticket sales. Amy spencer, market manager for blackbaud, and kevin russell, professional services manager for blackbaud i want you to recognize that you do have leverage with the media and that sending press releases is no longer the way to get radio and tv exposure for your event. This was pre recorded at the bb khan twenty twelve conference last october between the guests on tony’s take to my block is challenge the status quo, i heard you don’t be afraid to ask why i will talk about that. And after the bb con interview toward the end of the show, i’ll talk a bit about the just revived ira charitable rollover that’s getting a lot of talk in plant e-giving circles right now, it’s my very pleasure to ah, welcome greg warner. He is an experienced multi-channel marketing executive, he’s made tens of thousands of cold calls and closed thousands of deals, which give him a unique perspective into howto partner sales strategies with targeted marketing initiatives, his company marketsmart has helped lots of non-profits, including the american diabetes association, life matters, home health care, the association of the u s army and city of hope cancerous search center on twitter he’s at greg marketsmart he runs the linked in group smart planned giving marketers greg warner, welcome to the show. Hi, tony. Thank you. Happy new year. Thank you very much. Yeah. It’s. A good one. It’s going to be a good one. All right, we got it. We got the future of plan giving marketing to look forward to this is something to live for. Um, you want teo? See non-profits do broader prospecting around planned e-giving what? Your ideas around finding new prospects? Well, the first concept is a bit non donors and people that you may not find on your radar through predictive analytics or data modelling, uh, often will leave you gifts. And some of our clients tell us it’s more than fifty percent of their plan gift not all but that’s. A sizeable number. And you want to leave that on the table? Okay, so you need to broaden your approach, okay? And, uh, let’s talk about some of the waste to get doing. That ok? Well, it all depends on how much money you have, of course, and most folks don’t have a lot of money. So you want to look at the, uh, tools and channels that are available to you, uh, in order, teo, you broaden your reach, one of them, and i know a lot of people probably cringing the sound of the word facebook, but, you know, it’s a very simple thing when you think about the fact that people who engage with your organization on facebook they like you. Yeah, you know, we don’t cringe on this show. We don’t cringe around facebook way have any sample ward social media contributor she’s on every month talking about lots of social media networks, but facebook certainly among them. So we don’t. We don’t cringe when you talk about staying playing e-giving circles sometimes ah, cringe at that because it’s hard for folks in plan giving, understand how to connect the dots. Okay, well, let’s, let’s connect them for them. Why? Why should plan e-giving professionals be paying attention to facebook? Beyond the fact that a billion people are on facebook, but they’re concerned typically is age right playing, giving? You want to talk to people in their sixties, seventies eighties? The concern is that they’re not on facebook, but what? Where’s? The disconnect. Okay, so first you need to dispel the myth. So my mother in law come on. By the way, i got into all this because my wife’s a diabetic and i wanted to find a way to generate lots of money for the american diabetes association. Okay, my mother in law, of course, her mom is seventy two years old. I don’t think there’s too many people who are on facebook more than my mother in law. And again, she’s seventy two years old. Now what? God, god bless your mother in law. Of course i love all mothers in law, but even the ones that aren’t my own love them all but that’s, you know, people going well, that’s an anecdote. Okay, there’s one seventy two year old what do we know in aggregate? About sixty, seventy, eighty year olds prevalence on facebook. Well, i don’t have statistics on that, so i don’t know if i wantto start shooting off on that. But i will say that they have mor e i think it’s easy. To say that they probably have more time on their hands, right? Well, what what’s been the experience with your clients around facebook and planned e-giving well, here, here’s, just a basic example is that if those folks are there and let’s let’s, remember that younger donors forties and fifties air really when people are making their first will anyway, and if you want to get in there, will you should be planting the seeds of legacy gift because everyone at some point is going to contemplate their immortality, and they’re what ruffle james calls a symbolic immortality. So how can they live on after their lifetime? Okay, and if you start planting seeds just with basic awareness efforts, meaning if you get a gift, why not talk about it on facebook? How you say it, you have teo talk to your social media folks, make sure that you’re not overselling our overstating but it’s news, it’s information it’s something that’ll plant seeds in people’s minds. Okay, excellent there’s there’s an idea what else? What else should we be doing on facebook around planned e-giving well, if you have a comprehensive marketing plan and you have a lot of people who like your, um your page, then? It’s really important to realize that you can advertise on facebook so you can advertise to your like the people who like you? Yes, with, um, uh, little ads driving them to a landing page. The best offer is something like an offer free estate planning information or how to make a will. Okay, so this is buying facebook ads buying a facebook ad related to plan giving. Yeah, and you only pay for every time someone clicks on it. Or you can pay for impressions. But it’s very inexpensive. Really. Okay, what does that mean? Watch now, i haven’t had anybody in jargon jail for weeks and weeks, but you’re skating very close on since it’s been so long, i have a very itchy trigger finger to throw somebody in there. So what does that mean? Facebook, you can pay by the impression every time that your ad appears is considered an impression to a user versus paying by the click. Right? Okay, all right. We have just about two minutes before a break. Do you like to see greg non-profits have a devoted planned e-giving facebook page or you’re talking about the organizations overall presence in there on their own face and their facebook page. Without a doubt, i think it just should be something that implemented integrated into their overall presence and just it’s news it’s just sharing information with their friends. Okay, so so not necessarily a devoted planned e-giving facebook page for the charity. Okay, nobody well, i don’t think anyone will go to that, okay, what’s again, just about a minute before a break. What’s another, um, channel that you like to see exploited in planned e-giving that that people aren’t doing enough? Well, i think email has the most power when it comes to plan giving marketing, and we’ll have tto dig into that a little bit more when we come back. But it’s so inexpensive, but it can also be used the wrong way. It’s a hammer like you could break stuff with it, or you could build stuff with it. Okay, we want to build, right? Yep. Okay. As greg suggested, we will talk more about email and other channels and the future of e-giving marketing right now, i’ve got to send some live listener love. Oakland, california. Atlanta, georgia. Shanghai, china taipei, taiwan. Welcome. Live listener love to those four cities when we come back more with greg warner in the future of plan giving marketing. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping huntress people be better business people. Are you concerned about the future of your business for career? Would you like it all to just be better? Well, the way to do that is to better communication, and the best way to do that is training from the team at improving communications. This is larry sharp, host of the ivory tower radio program and director at improving communications. Does your office need better leadership, customer service sales, or maybe better writing, are speaking skills? Could they be better at dealing with confrontation conflicts, touchy subjects all are covered here at improving communications. If you’re in the new york city area, stop by one of our public classes, or get your human resource is in touch with us. The website is improving communications, dot com, that’s, improving communications, dot com, improve your professional environment, be more effective, be happier, and make more money improving communications. That’s. The answer. Hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent more live listener love. Seoul, korea fukuoka, japan. You’re with us regularly. Soul and food, coco, thank you very much. New bern, north carolina, bethlehem, pennsylvania. Live listener, love all around the world, it’s. Incredible. All right, greg, whatever charity’s not doing with email, or why, what do you see them using it as a hammer? How are we misusing it? Well, a lot of times, especially for plan giving marketing. Email is used to sort of shout out at their prospective donors that you know, for instance, here’s a whole bunch of information about ways that you can make a plan gift here’s tax avoidance strategies. You know, um, shouting in the for-profit world, the private sector just like in the nonprofit world, it’s never a good idea to just blast and spray messages, but rather to generate leads and find people who want to hear from you and then cultivate those leads with highly relevant messages over a long period of time. Okay, let’s, break this down a little bit. How do we how do we get started in being more sophisticated with our email? Okay, well, again, first is starting with a good list and that’s what we’ll call a opt in list, and that begins with offering something in your awareness campaigns or your acquisition campaigns usually plan giving. Or i would say, a state planning information to get people to request that offer. You always need a good offer. Is that them? When they do, they go into the culture cultivation pool. Is that the opt in the acceptance of the offer? Is that what you mean, by opt in where you’re treading close again, you want teo, let them know that you’ll be sending them or information when you send them the first piece of information and okay. So after you send them what they’ve asked for a tte the same time, you send them that they would ask for your telling them that they will be getting mohr and you give them a chance to opt out of getting more exactly. Okay, all right, you better watch yourself in drug in jail. Your little your little risk taker? Uh, yeah. I want to be in jargon. No, i’m kidding. I don’t. I don’t get the first person i said don’t smack me around later. All right, well, don’t tease me. Um, let’s. See what? We have a good list. We haven’t opted in list. What’s next in being more sophisticated with email. Okay, if you’ve done your opt in, right and let me take one quick step backwards is that you’ll ask people what are their interest? What? You know, are they looking for ways teo get income for life that would kind of put them into the pool of possibly wanting message is that refer to charitable gift annuities. Okay, now, how do you how do you ask these questions? You know, in a poll by email or how you eliciting this information? Generally, before you give them the information that they want. Like if it’s a state planning information, you’ll want to ask them what topics are interesting to them. Ok, how do you ask that in an email with a pole or a link to a paul? How do you do that? Okay, good. It’s going generally part of the landing page. Okay. So where they request information that’s on a page that they lend to request that information, then the questions pop up. Okay. Do you want this information? Do you want this brochure or that one? Uh, you know what topics are you interested in? You can even ask a tw. What stage are you in? In the consideration process? Have you ever considered leaving a gift in your will? The number of questions that you could ask you should be. Keep it short, but you should try a new one. Okay, so you’re trying to get people to identify themselves as having interest in plant e-giving topics and specifically which one’s, right. Which dump and most important, why not throw in the question? Have you already left a gift? Yes. Okay, right. Critical physical because you’ll fight. Go find a lot of people. The next step is sending relevant information over time. If they’ve already left a gift, will first, of course, you’re going to want to thank them, hopefully personally, but at the very least, you’re going to want to put them on a cultivation or i’m sorry a stewardship track. You want to welcome them to your recognition society for planned e-giving or however it is, you do it to say thank you over the long term. Yes. Okay, okay. That was a little digression, but an important one. Very important. You don’t want to lose that gift. Remember, you can always lose a gift. Just is often just as much as you get one. If you’re not. If you’re not saying thank you enough and properly and for sure, after the person reveals that they’ve included you. Yes, absolutely so let’s. Go back now you have ah, you have your you’ve qualified your list and it’s it’s opted not only opt in, but, you know the topics that people are interested in each person’s interested in how do you continue to become more sophisticated with your email? Okay, now i’m going to try my best to stay out of jargon jail. You said you wanted to be there with your flapper somebody’s into flip flopping. He’s a flip flopper page. Okay, cookie can be placed on their computer. Yes, not only are they opting in for your messages, but if they didn’t fill out the form because they just decided not to. Because of that cookie, they could get ongoing banner ads for quite a while. As long as you decide throughout wherever they navigate on the internet, really and that’s called retargeting, so if they got interrupted, if they just decided not to fill it out, then you could have these ads driving them back to that page or a different page, maybe just sending them to maur, symbolic immortality messages or videos or something different that’s about legacy e-giving interesting. Now, i know this goes on because after i fill out our something or i go to a site somewhere, then you know from time to time i’ll see banner ads or pop. Up ads on a completely different sites related to the topic that that i was exploring a week earlier. So i know this nefarious stuff goes on. It’s a highly effective kind of marketing. It works, and again, you can pay for it per click or by impressions. Okay, thousands. Okay. And tell me, what is this marketing called again? That retargeting retargeting? Okay, because you’re re targeting the person’s advertising. Is that why it’s called that? Yeah. They already got halfway to making a decision to commit to something with you, but they didn’t go over the edge. So you want to read the this is most famous for shopping cart marketing? Like if you were on amazon dot com. But you didn’t buy that that that book? Yes. They’ll you ads for similar book, right? They know the amazon, of course. Very sophisticated. Okay, but no reason. Charity shouldn’t be equally sophisticated. Course. Okay. Is there more? What else can we say about email? This is very interesting. Okay, so once you get them to opt in and fill out their information so that you you know what they’re interested in and you’ve got that cookie, then you can start tracking them schnoll not only should they go on track that we call marketing automation tracks to get emails that are relevant to their interests, but you need to track where they click every time you send those e mails. And again because of this sophisticated tracking that i’m talking about in these cookies and, uh, i p address capturing i p address, by the way, is just the address of where their computer’s located. Thank you. Okay, by using those tracking tools, you can begin to capture who’s coming back specifically which individual person their name is coming back and visiting other pages that you are pushing them, too, with your ongoing marketing email. Okay, as they come back and as they engage more, the more they more they engage. They can then get lead scores, so if they stay online for a certain period of time, if they click on a certain number of pages, if they keep coming back three, four times, you can determine what kind of scores you want to give each individual person and program it, then based on where they go, how often they come back all those different things you can program different messages. You can slow down the number of messages that go out or increase the number of messages that go out each individual and again they need they should be relevant based on their interests. And this should break apart, sort of into into gosh, like a a flow chart, so that if they change their mind from the c g eight track for charitable gift annuities, then perhaps they moved to the bequest track because of where they’ve been clicking. Then they get different messages. I see. Let me remind listeners greg warner is the founder of marketsmart, which you’ll find at i marketsmart dot com either letter i so this email sophistication that you’re talking about can all be automated. You mentioned? Yeah, the the idea is to try and plan it all out as best as you can in the beginning. Okay, right. Okay. So you have your laying out these different tracks, but then you’re also tweaking as you get results back from all this tracking. Right, exactly. Takes time. And no, no everybody’s campaign is different. You have to make it. Look at all that. All the tracking and all the data. You’re collecting, review it and then tweak the messages. But all this tracking is valuable because you’re seeing people are not going to certain pages or you’re seeing an abundance of people clicking on different options so you can see the way people are moving through your through your whole system. Exactly. And i want to throw in the traditional marketing combined with this is very important because email is powerful and and you can do all this, but you can also signal to then send certain types of letters and brochures or whatever to these folks based on their interests. Okay? And that gives it an even bigger hit. Because, again, a cz you mentioned, a lot of these folks are older, and this is what i call an enterprise decision in the private sector. This is not donating. Five dollars or twenty five dollars, is creating a legacy for yourself and it’s. Usually a sizable gift. Okay. Okay. So we’re not cultivating these people for for small annual gifts or something like that? No, no. And and the idea is that for enterprise decisions, people usually want, uh, some kind of printed material. They want personalization they want. A hand signed letter. You know, i always, uh i look att helling plan gives similar toe selling cars. I mean, generally, the gift size is about what a car costs and, uh, it’s a long cultivation process on dh some people by mini coopers and some people buy bentleys, right? So there’s, plenty of room in plan giving space for all the people on that entire spectrum. Give me we have just a couple minutes, and i want to get into your some of your artist work also and how that relates to this. But you mentioned that email could be a hammer what’s one way that aside from to frequent that’s that’s an easy one we know to frequent emails could be bad. What’s another way that email could be abused and turn off your prospects well, if you’re shouting ill irrelevant information at them on dh often, uh, this can relate to tax avoidance strategies. There is a certain segment of the population and plan giving donor base that is very motivated by that. And i don’t wanna offend all the folks or my potential clients. But in plain giving there’s too much of a focus on taxes or i should say, death and taxes. Yeah, that’s really not. What motivates people? It’s no it’s love of the institution. So but with the with the targeted information that you have the specific information that you have prospect by prospect you can avoid sending tax avoidance information to someone who only wants to talk about a charitable request. And the reason that they’re interested in plan giving is that they love your institution. Exactly. Okay, i’m gonna i’m gonna neo-sage go into a different direction. You’re you’re very much an artist, oil painter, musician, singer and songwriter what’s the what’s, the relationship between the arts and marketing and sales. Wow, boy, i didn’t realize you did that kind of research on me. Thank you. Put it in your bottoms and research at all. I mean, i might have to think about that a little bit off the top of your head. What’s. The relationship was voted class artist when i was a kid in high school. But that’s not so i that’s not your credential. That’s not why it’s in your bio is because in high school you were voted class artist. Now you know it’s, just something. Women on morals if that’s the case he’s been awhile there, right brained people on their left brain people. And i think in business, in marketing, in anything you do, you’ve got to be creative and and open your mind to new ideas at any moment. You really have to just kind of keep, keep trying new things and be experimental and dahna whether you’re painting or writing a song or singing a song it’s all, uh, about experiments and changing things up, tio get that harmony to be better to get that color, to be better to get something to move people in an emotional way. Bilich outstanding and that’s and that’s what we just finish talking about in in plan giving marketing. Um, what is it you love about this work, greg? Wow. It’s interesting. I was talking to our account coordinator today. Uh, we were working on a new campaign for the navy marine corps relief society, which were just so excited about this and that hole at the end of it, we spent an hour and a half in front of a huge white board we have in our office and we go through everything. Everything. Everything, and then i looked at her at the end and i said, you know, what’s so great about this is that at the end of this, we’re gonna run. We’re going to raise so much money for sailors, marines and their families isn’t that awesome? And i just got this warm feeling inside. I’m like, isn’t this great? I mean, i get paid to do this and it’s just i’m gushing because that’s it’s so fantastic. Outstanding. Greg warner is the founder of market smart, which you’ll find it. I’m marketsmart dot com on twitter he’s at greg marketsmart and you can find him in the linked in group smart plan e-giving marketers lots of smart lots of smart going on. Greg warner, thank you very much for being a guest’s. Been a real pleasure. Thanks, tony. My pleasure. Right now we’re going to take a break. You know about that. And when we come back, uh, what the heck we’ll do, tony steak too, of course is tony’s take do and then we have free radio and tv to boost online ticket sales. So stay with me e-giving didn’t think dick tooting good ending things you’re listening to the talking alternate network. E-giving cubine hi, i’m donna and i’m done were certified mediators, and i am a family and couples licensed therapists and author of please don’t buy me ice cream are show new beginnings is about helping you and your family recover financially and emotionally and start the beginning of your life. We’ll answer your questions on divorce, family court, co parenting, personal development, new relationships, blending families and more dahna and i will bring you to a place of empowerment and belief that even though marriages may end, families are forever join us every monday, starting september tenth at ten a m on talking alternative dot com are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications? Then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Hi, i’m kate piela, executive director of dance, new amsterdam. And you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Welcome back time for tony’s take two at roughly thirty two minutes into the hour. My block this week is challenge the status quo from questioning the way you track prospect visits in your office. Teo revamping a newsletter concept maybe, or adding a theme too on annual dinner or lunch that seems to be kind of in a doldrum year after year. My urging is that you start to question, how come we do it this way? Why? Why did we do it this way and not not just accept tradition? Which, as as a ah boy scout leader told me when i was in my teens, is often a mistake made more than once? That was his definition of tradition, so i’m just charging you don’t be afraid to challenge why do we do things this way? Especially if you’re the one who’s in the trenches doing the work day after day, year after year? You have an outstanding perspective on which things aren’t working and how they might work better, and my suggestion is that you start asking questions. The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Oh, and in my block post there’s an apple video, which is a commercial around that exact that exact thought and the blah ge is called challenge the status quo, you’ll find it at tony martignetti dot com and that is tony’s take two for friday, january fourth, the first show of the year. I want to send some more live listener love kitakyushu, japan i hope i’m pronouncing it right we had a dispute in the in the in the studio here i went with tata kyushu, japan i hope that’s correct live listener love here’s one i know i can get laurel, maryland i hope i pronounced that right laurel marilyn live listener love and new york new york where are you? Where in new york, new york? I wish? Tweet us, use the hashtag non-profit radio and tell us where in new york, new york you are. We’re on west seventy second street right now, and i have now a pre recorded panel discussion to people from bb khan twenty twelve conference and they’re talking about how to use tv and radio for free. Teo, increase your online ticket sales amy spencer, amy spencer and kevin russell and here is that interview. Welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of bb khan twenty twelve we’re outside washington, d c at the gaylord convention center with me now are amy spencer and kevin russell. Amy is market manager for arts and cultural at blackbaud and kevin russell is professional service. Is that’s a plural professional services manager at blackbaud he delivers multiple services professionally, maybe. Kevin welcome. Thank you for having it. It’s a pleasure to have you. Thanks for taking time on a very busy day. Problem you’re your seminar topic is pretty curious. Make your online ticket sales soar with television and radio for free. Amy, why don’t you acquaint us generally with what the possibilities are? I was sure. Well, i think the thing that people need to understand is that i have well have twelve years in background in tv, so i was the general sales manager of the tv station, so what i did was i actually set the pricing, and i’d look at thehe veils and i and i sold the inventory things like that and what people most often thought that they could come into the building and say, well, i know by law, you have to give me free advertising and you don’t they’re by n a be the national association of broadcasters, we do not have to sell to any certain group which covers non-profit so i think one of things that people need to understand is that they don’t owe you anything, however, a lot of times they would come in very entitled at times and say, here’s, what i need you to do and here’s my p s a and i want it on the air and i’d preferred in the news and if not primes, ok, well, that would get them nowhere. So the thing that i would always say is, first and foremost, you have to figure out what to leverage on the non-profit side that you could take to the tv stations, and there are a lot of different ways to do it, and i still have a few tips and tricks, but one of the things is to figure out who in the tv station you can get to know and one of them is your general manager, and one of them is your general sales manager, and you have to explain to them that you have brand equity, that they can leverage and also make money from so not unlike fund-raising this is we’re actually going build some relationships in theory. Yes. Ok. So for those organizations who picked up the phone and called me a sudden appointment, it was amazing how many of those actually got on the air and that was maybe before they even needed something from you or wanted something from her act. Oh, this relationship it is. It is one o one. So so a couple things is they need to figure out i think there are three different ways non-profits khun get on tv and or radio for free? Um one they need to look at their board. They need to figure out who was on the board and what cos those board members own and or are highly influential within. Okay, we’ll have time to go into detail. Why you took him off the other two now and then we’ll come back and teach sure three ways you can either have the board jump in and and pay for that tv time. Ok, not on your dime. The other one is to have the tv. Underwrite you and i’ll get more into the detail later, and then the other one is to work jointly with each other and bring in a sponsor on your own. Okay, kevin, you wantto you wantto say a little more about the first one working work-life king to you’re looking to your board, working with your board shorts. So as you mentioned, this is relationship building and we all know people who know people, i’m in the local market. It is likely that one of your board members does have a relationship with the television station, maybe economic relationship. Maybe they know someone who’s there, and if they’re already engaged in advertising, buys this more amy’s forte than mine, then you could piggyback on that relationship and they might make sabat in the station and you might leverage that and say what? We’re going to make this a five thousand dollar buy. But the non-profit is going to get advertising on top of that so it can maybe not a condition. But if i do this, then please help this organisation. Does everything we’re talking about today include radio also its all this and or either one cracked. Okay, okay. And if i could jump off of what kevin was saying, i, for example, if somebody on the board had a huge car dealership that the tv station was already gaining thirty, forty thousand dollars a month from, well, guess what i need to make that boardmember exceptionally happy, so when that boardmember calls me says, oh, by the way, i’m involved with his children’s charity. What i want you to do is help underwrite that in the tune of five thousand dollars. You better believe most times more often than not, that tv and radio station will figure out a way how to make that happen. Okay, therefore, that non-profit gets all the advertising for free, as you would also mentioned having the board pay for for for baez. Look at me. I’m already i feel like you guys are the guys you got, like my dad follow-up certified. Yeah. So the other thing what what you could do is you can have them leverage it. And with their media buy, for example, go back to the car dealer. I own a car dealership. I’m coming in. I’m spending thirty thousand dollars. Well, if i go ahead and guarantee you that i’m going to do that for let’s say five months, and i get a high percentage that share, then i will also say well, and in return for just handing you one hundred fifty thousand dollars, you’re going toe hand my non-profit of choice additional five thousand dollars on top of that at no charge, so you can lever to you have on your board and what they own and or have influence around. This is not unlike what we might do if we’re we’re doing our research for grantmaking we’re leveraging the board’s relationship exactly. We’re looking at the board members who are on the foundations that we’ve identified that are that air funding, the type of work we’re trying to fund, and we share that we share a list of board members of those foundations with our own board. Exactly. We’re just leveraging, okay? Um, amy, you had said something earlier about what? What the charity brings to the to the to the to the outlet, sure, beyond our relationship with boardmember in trying to create this relationship that we want to have on our own charity to out, too, to a media outlet, why don’t you say a little more about what, what we should be presenting, okay, so for example, there’s a tremendous amount of brand equity within each non-profit and you better believe that that tv and or radio station wants to partner with those non-profits for example, a stage company, they want access to their patrons, they want access to that brand equity they have in the market, and they also want access to those sponsoring that organization. So in a way that you can leverage or for example, eh? Well, let’s, let’s keep going with that stage company, for example, so so they can leverage that stage cos organization on and worked together on promotions, they also want to get their news anchors out in the market, so what they can do is they can say, okay, well, we’ll come in with a partnership with you, but our anchors are also going to open up every show they’re going to welcome the audience, see, they’re they’re looking for different ways to get out on the market as well and on that market, and so if you give them the ability to leverage their raid equity, they’re on top of okay, kevin. It sounds like the supplies in all sides, media markets, it certainly would and maybe even eat more easily in smaller markets where the community is more tight essentially and we have amy, i work primarily with cultural organization, so they have these physical places they’ve got space is their community centers where people congregate, so when the talent goes out, there might be the opening of a brand new show and it’s a big event in this small community. So the on air talent is a part that community, and they want to show their face and be there so it does scale pretty well, the larger markets, he’ll have large organizations, okay, but another point certainly related is we’re not going to the to the outlets humbly, right, men, we’re going confidently. Amy said, we have we have equity that we can leverage that’s for your benefit, right? I mean, we’re not asking hat in hand now and that’s the one thing that i found that if and when they did, some organizations actually pick up the phone, explain to me what their mission is, what they want to accomplish. It was almost in a it was not. In the way, probably, it should have been almost apologetic. It iss its goal is and i know you don’t have time and and you know why it doesn’t work so well, it doesn’t work that way don’t approach donors that way. I’m sorry to have to ask you, it probably doesn’t merit your time, but could you talk to me? You know, we don’t know what you’re in my spot at three o’clock in the morning. Please be grateful for that, but we don’t talk to funders that way. Way should be confident that we’ve got the equity as you described it. Okay? Tv underwriting. Kevin, can you can you say something about the actually metoo probably speak better than that. I can that’s that’s her background, not mine. Okay, i think you’re referencing probably the third point, which is sort of a a joint relationship between the non-profit and if you don’t have somebody on the board and organization that can help underwrite from the non-profit stand than what you can do is that if somebody came into my office is a general sales manager and said, hey, listen, ah, i don’t have five thousand dollars, i don’t have this, however, what i want to do is i have this kind of equity, teo give you and let’s use that together and go and find that sponsor and or donor together, so it is going to be the non-profit it’s going to be the tv station and then they go out, the tv station now has the ability to engage their anchors and the non-profit and you better believe that those tv and a radio stations want to look like a hero and want to have their involvement in that. So you you’ve provided that, and then the tv station also has a brand new advertisers, right? So if you go out and work together to teo, come up with us, it is no money out the non-profits dahna i mean, you know, budget whatsoever it’s out of the sponsors, and now you’ve created a throwing three pronged relationship that typically will go for years and sort of a side note for what we did at the tv station. They almost got a four to one return on investment. You hand me five thousand dollars, i’m going to give you back close to twenty just tell us what. Tv station you’re referring to, like it’s in the charleston, south carolina market. Let’s. Just put it that way. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping hunters. People be better business people. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s, monte, m o nt y monty taylor. Dot com. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. So i’m sorry i interrupted you anything more you want to say about that? This sort of working together, they will join you a sort of a little joint venture. Well, all i will say is that every single day we all sort of do the same. We’re trying to come up with revenue, we’re trying to meet our budgets, whether you’re non-profit or for-profit and if somebody walked in my door and said, hey, you know what i want to do? I want to help you make money and and and work with you in order to get new advertisers and sponsors, i’m gonna listen to you, and then because i control the inventory, i’m also going toe, then play with you in terms of getting you additional avails additional spots and things and some news coverage. Okay, so what now? I fear my notes from the top where are insufficient? I blended two things together, so there’s one more point, kevin wasn’t there there three things that that amy outlining the beginning and only two that we’ve talked about there through the amy outlined on the getting these basically ads for free, but part of it’s also what? We gonna do with it right? Being very strategic with how you use it was the other part of our session, which is what i’m going to do with his time. Um, in the cultural world, we’re suggesting that people should use this time that we get through any strategies to really promote ticket sales over other items and primarily pro those online. Why do you? Why do you select ticket sales over anything else that a charity might might convey? Cerini on television, we believe are really the ultimate one. Too many channel. When you’re on the internet, you can develop a relationship, you know, people sort of know who you are. You’re signing into things direct mail if you’re already in a not-for-profits database, they know who you are. But when where? On tv or radio it’s essentially an acquisition strategy or branding strategy. So these organizations, these local culture organizations, they may use these buys for branding it’s not going to do that? They’re an acquisition mode, and we want directing to buy tickets for our org’s the ticket really, is that entry into the organization we wouldn’t expect someone to hear and ad and go make a donation to a museum necessarily dahna relationship. They haven’t experienced that museum, but buying that first ticket getting through the door is what starts that process with the sorts of organizations so driving that ticket leverages the free items in acquisition, which generally has sort of with most trouble getting people for the door. Okay, maybe this is also the lowest cost entry point for for acquiring new that’s, right new donors noo noo, your supporters absolutely absolute that that single ticket might not be the ultimate lowest cost. Often, organizations have memberships that, over time would represent a better value, but in the moment it tends to be the lower cost, and some of these places are free and they’re just trying to encourage attendant so it could be a free entrance. We just need to know you’re out there. I know you want to come. Maybe you’re doing a lot of nodding. Did you want to act? No, i’m i’m for once agreeing everything what kevin is saying, okay. Dahna furtive, you work lee, charlotte area. Kevin says everything right, except the things i don’t want. We have a few more minutes left. What have i not ask you about regarding your topic that you want to share with arts and culture organization? So i don’t know there’s something even asked about. But we we just wanna let people know that there are ways to get your message out there on dh. We want our organizations to really think about what they want their customers to dio we get focused on fund-raising gonna focus on membership. We often forget that we need to recharge our donor base. Our member based with new people. We could do that for free and take advantage of it’s fantastic technology that everybody’s engaged in. We want people not to be afraid to go do it when they go to do it. Do it the right way. Use amy strategies. And it sounds like that’s sort of what motivates you around all this work? Absolutely. I explicitly asked, you know what? What do you love about the work that you’re doing? So i get to work with museums, culture organizations, people have fantastic art or, you know, help children learn every single day and my job is to bring software into these organizations so that they can use it to increase all that. So bringing in that first ticket by that first time ticket buyer is the end result of everything that i do, all of that on dh leveraging technology is, well, it’s fantastic to help the children’s touch museum that’s, right? Maybe. How about you share what you love about this work? Well, believe it or not, everything that kevin said, but what i want a message is, is there is an opportunity there, and i think automatically the non-profits think i don’t have the budget i can’t afford to be, i can’t afford a radio. Now, if you’re in the top five ten market, that may be the case. This is probably a mid market toe lower market strategy. However, there is opportunity there, and i have seen it. I’ve worked for twelve plus years with non-profits when i was at the tv station to help them do this, and i think i would just say, be bold, pick up the phone, get a relationship, explain your mission and work together, and you will absolutely reaped the rewards on this and it’s there to happen session that become is make your online ticket sales soar with television and radio for free? I think they’ve shared some outstanding ways of doing that really very simple, common sense, but things that people are not doing, certainly not doing and because they’re not aware. Amy spencer on dh kevin russell, thank you very much for being guest. Thank you, it’s. Been a real pleasure. Thanks. This is tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of bb khan. Twenty twelve. Thanks very much for being with me and my thanks also to the people at blackbaud who helped me be there and do podcasting at their bb con conference. More live listener. Love it’s. Unbelievable. Mexico, sorocaba, brazil, beijing, china. Riverhead, new york. Right at the fork where the with the north and south fork split. Riverhead, new york. Hyattsville, maryland. La jolla, california. Live listener love tto all those cities. I want to spend a couple of minutes talking about the ira charitable roll over. This was just revived in the american taxpayer relief act of twenty twelve, which was passed by congress on january first of twenty thirteen. I love how they can play magic with the dates i actually read the act and on the title page it says legislative day, december thirty first, two thousand twelve so they just make up, you know, they were there on january first, but it was really december thirty first. I love how they could just do that. I wish i could time shift like that. This charitable rollover is really not a rollover. This is the last time i’m going to call it a roll over, right then that was the last time it’s actually a qualified charitable distribution that other word is a misnomer. So i’m not using that anymore and we shouldn’t be using it. But it’s popular it’s the vernacular and what it takes for your donors to do it is you have to be at least seventy and a half years old on the day they make their gift. The ira has to be a traditional aura roth. They have a one hundred thousand dollars per year maximum per person, not per ira that they might own, but per person and the distribution this qualified charitable distribution has to go directly from their ira to your charity. And i’m going to say a lot more about this on my block next week, which means that they’ll be more about it on tony’s take to next week and included in the block post next week eyes going to be a one pager that you can adapt for your own marketing and promotion of this of the qualified charitable distribution say, i’m avoiding saying that word, and so you’ll be able to download that and use that as well. So more about that next week. But just teo remind you, let you know that that ah specific distribution was was revived this week. All right, the rollover was revived next week. I’ll have another bb con interview leveraging your social media data to find advocates, team leaders and hidden vips with casey golden he’s, the ceo of small act, and mark davis, who worked a blackbaud also coming back with me will be our social media scientist, amy sample ward. I’m asking you again, please, pretty please, could you rate and review the showing itunes? I know, i know you don’t have to go back there. Nine thousand podcast listeners i know you don’t have to ever again if you don’t want to, but i’m asking you, please, i’m almost pleading. I am pleading, actually, i would say i’m pleading, would you make the special trip? Would you give me a one through five star rating and and maybe write a short review? But if you don’t want to write the review, just give us a rating so we can reflect the fact that there’s over nine thousand people listening, thank you very much for doing that, wishing you good luck the way performers do around the world. We have left poland were in poland for weeks now we’re in serbia, bosnia, bosnia herzegovina, montenegro and mathos because in serbian, the language of those countries break a leg is slow may nobu so for the week, i’m wittering wishing you slow me. Nobu break a leg in serbian our creative producer she’s embarrassed by it but it’s still clear meyerhoff sam liebowitz is our line producer, and this shows social media is by regina walton of organic social media, the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules, and i very much hope that you’ll be with me next friday one to two p m eastern on talking alternative broadcasting at talking alternative dot com i didn’t think they’d do you. Good ending to do. You’re listening to the talking alternate network. E-giving nothing. Cubine hi, i’m donna and i’m done were certified mediators, and i am a family and couples licensed therapists and author of please don’t buy me ice cream are show new beginnings is about helping you and your family recover financially and emotionally and start the beginning of your life will answer your questions on divorce, family court, co parenting, personal development, new relationships, blending families and more dahna and i will bring you to a place of empowerment and belief that even though marriages may end, families are forever join us every monday, starting september tenth at ten a m on talking alternative dot com are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications? Then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you, too? He’ll call us now at to one to seven to one eight one eight three that’s two one two seven to one eight, one eight, three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way look forward to serving you! Duitz you’re listening to talking on turn their network at www. Dot talking alternative dot com now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. This is tony martignetti aptly named host of tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent technology fund-raising compliance, social media, small and medium non-profits have needs in all these areas. My guests are expert in all these areas and mohr. Tony martignetti non-profit radio friday’s one to two eastern on talking alternative broadcasting are you fed up with talking points? Rhetoric everywhere you turn left or right spin ideology no reality, in fact, its ideology over in tow. No more it’s, time for the truth. Join me, larry shot a neo-sage tuesday nights nine to eleven easter for the ivory tower radio in the ivory tower will discuss what’s important to you society, politics, business and family. It’s provocative talk for the realist and the skeptic who want to know what’s. Really going on? What does it mean? What can be done about it? So gain special access to the ivory tower. Listen to me. Very sharp. Your neo-sage. Tuesday nights nine to eleven new york time go to ivory tower radio dot com for details. That’s, ivory tower radio dot com e every time i was a great place to visit for both. Entertainment and education. Listening tuesday nights nine to eleven. It will make you smarter. Talking dot com.

Nonprofit Radio, December 21, 2012: Candidates For Causes & Computers Crash

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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Tony’s Guests:

Roger Egger
Robert Egger
Robert Egger: Candidates For Causes

Robert Egger is president of cForward, working to rally candidates around nonprofit platforms. We’ll discuss how to assess those in your local races; getting the nonprofit agenda before them; and how to support the candidates who step up.



Scott Koegler
Scott Koegler: Computers Crash

Scott Koegler, the editor of Nonprofit Technology News and our tech contributor, reminds us that technology can let us down. Your computer hardware will only last so long, so you should have a plan for replacing it to avoid a crisis. I’ll talk to this former CIO about the hardware life cycle; budgeting; training; and planning.


Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Fridays, 1-2PM Eastern

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Here is the link to the audio: 122: Candidates For Causes & Computers Crash. You can also subscribe on iTunes to get the podcast automatically.
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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host on december twenty first. Oh, i very much hope that you were with me last week. It would cause me pain if i learned that you missed get engaged. Three amy sample ward is our social media scientist. She continued her siri’s on online engagement with gold setting. How do you know if your engagement strategies are successful? We’ll talk about identifying goal areas directly related to your mission and assigning metrics. That is what we talked about. I need an intern here, so edit this copy. Amy is a membership director for the non-profit technology network and ten, and she contributes to stanford social innovation review. Also, we had dutiful documentation. Jean takagi and emily chan are legal contributors, explained the rules from my rs on what should be in all those acknowledgement letters that you send for two thousand twelve gif ts this week, candidates for causes robert eggers, president of sea forward working to rally candidates around non-profit platforms he and i will discuss how to assess those candidates in your local races and getting the non-profit agenda before them and how to support the candidates who step up also computers crash scott koegler, the editor of non-profit technology news and our monthly tech contributor, reminds us that technology can let us down. Your computer hardware will only last so long, so you should have a plan for replacing it. To avoid a crisis, i’ll talk to this former chief ah what’s the eye for, um information officer seo about the hardware lifecycle budgeting, training and planning damegreene eden intern also between the guests on tony’s take to my block this week is i am grateful and i’ll tell you what i’m grateful for. If you’re on twitter, you khun, join us, the hashtag there is non-profit radio use that hashtag wildly and it’s my pleasure now to welcome robert egger. He is the founder and president of sea forward on advocacy organization that rallies employees of non-profits to educate candidates about the economic role that non-profits play in every community and to support candidates who have detailed plans to strengthen the economy that includes non-profits and you’ll find they’re site at sea. The letter c forward dot org’s robert is also president of d c central kitchen, where food donated by hospitality businesses and farms, is used to fuel a culinary arts job training program. The kitchen is a ten million dollars a year self sustaining social enterprise. Since nineteen eighty nine, it has produced over twenty six million meals and helped a thousand men and women gain full time employment. In twenty thirteen, robert will open l a kitchen on the same model it’s. My pleasure to welcome robert egger. Robert. Welcome. Thanks, tony. Happy holidays. Thank you. Happy holidays to you, it’s. A pleasure to have you on pleasure to be here. What is the non-profit role in the economy? Why should why should candidates be paying attention? Well, it’s a bold statement that i believe that there is no profit without non-profits theirs. If you think about what community can attract a business or new new visits or young couples stay and maybe have a have a family, if they don’t have arts and culture, they don’t have communities of faith, education, healthcare, clean environment. You know, those are the things that the non profit sector produces. So you know what we’re saying is, look, there’s, a new civic mathematics that must come and play if the economic recovery is truly going to work. And that’s saying, in effect, that both non-profits and four profits are equally essential toe every city’s, every communities, every state’s, every country’s vibrancy. So what we need to do is elect people who understand that so we can move beyond the kind of old notion that dot com businesses drive the economy will dot or charities just do a good deed, very good, no profit without non-profit now the non-profit sector is about ten percent of our gross domestic product is that do you agree with that? Yeah, it is an effect, but, you know, if you really drill down a bit, which you’re looking at is in most cities non-profits are one of the top three employers, and so for example, in cities like new york, they’re the number one employer in the city now beyond that and again, i really want to emphasize a lot of people will say, well, that’s, not good, because the non-profits don’t create value, they don’t create revenue there and see what we’ve done is we kind of confused the word non-profit with not creating anything of value, but let’s, let’s, cool down just on the taxes i’ve seen this a lot recently where people say, non-profits don’t pay tax xero and i tell you what, brother, try and run and city without the payroll taxes non-profits pay every year and more importantly, trying to run a city where the city’s tax dollars have to go to make up for what non-profits do often times with money that’s brought in from outside the city. You know, we’re one of the major sources of outside investment in every single community. So a smart mayor we’ll understand there’s a tremendous potential to, for example, double the amount of money coming into the city or the state via the non-profit sector. By helping us, you know, say, in effect, what do you need? Can i help you develop partnerships? Can i help you? Uh get grants? What can i do to help you? Being the kind of resource is into this city or state that will help it grow and employ more people. How big is the non-profit sector where you are in washington d c we’re twenty six percent of the employment base in washington d c so when we look at the mayor’s race, for example, in two thousand fourteen were heavily democratic city. So the spring democratic primaries pretty much how we choose the mayor. So the goal is to say to the non profit sector, look, you know, it’s important, and i mean, many of you have historically kind of rallied around your individual cause, you know, housing the arts, aids, whatever and that’s important. But there are strategic moments when you need to let go of your immediate issue and stand together for the all boats must rise questions that i think are essential to be asking candidate. But again, what we’re trying to say to any candidate and and all the competitors, particularly when you look at a place like new york city next year where there’s a mayor’s race and his mayor bloomberg steps down there’s gonna be a lot of competition. We want to say to all the candidates, you know, whether you understand it or not, this is probably one of the biggest special interest groups in america that has yet to be courted and that there is a there is a potential political strategy here and an opportunity for candidate to who again can understand this new civic mathematics and again reach out to the sector and say, look, i’m moving beyond the kind of, you know, flowery rhetoric of i heart. Non-profits yeah, and i’ve got a detailed plan for if you will like me how i will partner with you from day one, you want to do social enterprise, you wanted micro credit to create jobs, man, i am your best friend, you know, you want to use volunteers, particularly our elders, who is very essential that they stay now have been engaged, you want to use those elders and meaningful voluntary activity, bring it on, you know, i’m one of those people who’s who i respect and understand the process, but i’m there’s the fierce urgency of now and frankly, after twenty five years in this business, i’m kind of bored of educating candidate yeah, i sense of a sense of frustration. Well, yeah, i mean, i feed poor people. I work in the basement of the biggest shelter in american i know what charity can do, but i know what we can do and the notion that somehow we’re supposed to keep moving on where we’re has to. Do mohr form or with less and be quiet about it now again, please understand, when i talk about frustration and not being quiet, i’m not talking about being belligerent are throwing bombs or being confrontational. I’m proposing, you know, an economic logic that says, in effect, just stop and listen, you know non-profits aren’t they actually create tremendous value? They are essential to any economic recovery, right? I want to talk about the recovery. Yes, right. And you’d be smart to really embrace us as partners. Okay? I love that. I like that a lot. No, no profit without non-profit and particularly in light of states trying to recover from several years of bad budgets. Do you have a sense of the role of non-profits in california? Bunny chance. I’m sort of putting on the spot. Do you know tremendously? I mean, look at san francisco and l a will both have mayor’s races next year, right? And no matter where you go, but do you have a sense of the role of the non-profits play in the state generally or in any cities in california? Oh, i mean again, you can’t go to any city in which there. Is not the non-profit sector isn’t one of the predominant employers. Okay, so that’s true in the central valley? Look, att cities like fresno, stockton, baker’s field, all of them killing bankruptcy. Yeah, this is the perfect opportunity when you, when you start to think about who’s going to come in and be the mayor and pull a city out of bankruptcy, this is an ideal time for candidates to kind of almost break free of the old kind of cemented notion of how you build the economy, which is let’s, attract a big factory or a stadium or, you know, municipal bonds. What we’re suggesting is that non-profits particularly those like the d c central kitchen. You know, we have multiple businesses that employ graduates of our program that might be going back to prison. We pay a living wage we and reinvest all our profit back in the community. Frankly, we’re the best friend any mayor has. You know, business is like the kitchen, and they should be aggressively trying to court and help mohr kind of transition from the traditional kind of service model into the empowerment model on. So i think that my my thing is you’ve got to elect people who understand that and again on day one, say, let’s work hand in hand. Business government non-profits altogether to rebuild the city in the state, even before day one. We want to get candidates adding the non-profit agenda to their platforms. And right now we’re going to take a break, robert. But we’re gonna have a chance, plenty time to talk about how to get their attention. What to do once you’ve gotten their attention and then using platform like, see forward how to endorse them. So i hope everybody’s going to stay with us and robert eckert certainly will, too. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam lebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna are you concerned about the future of your business for career? Would you like it all to just be better? Well, the way to do that is to better communication, and the best way to do that is training from the team at improving communications. This is larry sharp, host of the ivory tower radio program and director at improving communications. Does your office need better leadership, customer service sales or maybe better writing are speaking skills? Could they be better at dealing with confrontation conflicts, touchy subjects all are covered here at improving communications. If you’re in the new york city area, stopped by one of our public classes or get your human resource is in touch with us. The website is improving communications, dot com, that’s, improving communications, dot com, improve your professional environment, be more effective, be happier and make more money improving communications. That’s the answer buy-in hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business, why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m sorry, i can’t send out live listener love today because this show is pre recorded. It’s ah it’s tuesday before the friday that you’re going to be listening on the twenty first, so grateful for all the live listeners, but i can’t send you love city by city the way i like to do robert eggers, egger is with me and we’re talking about candidates for causes. Robert, how can we start to get the politicians attention? We’re talking about candidates now candidates, how can we get a candidate’s attention? Well, you know what what’s great is one of the vehicles we have, and this is the strategy were employing is saying, look, it’s it’s very it’s, almost impossible for organizations to be political themselves again. That’s part of our five a one c three charter ratification can’t before against any candidate but the private citizens who work at those non-profits can and that’s our strategy and see forward saying there’s ten point four million non-profit employees now what’s exciting is you look at that thing’s like twitter and facebook there isn’t a candidate out there who doesn’t have a facebook page or twitter account, and there isn’t a candidate out there who doesn’t have a staff person monitoring those accounts every single day. So in effect, what you have is the press conference that never ends. You know what used to be that moment where they could say no more questions, no more questions, and they were gone? Or if you might have had that opportunity at a press conference or a session to say mr cain and mrs kennedy, what do you think of the non profit sector? How would you partner? They could say, oh, i love the non-profit sector, the backbone of the community, thank you very much and split. Now we have the potential tohave literally if you think about it in cities like new york, l a, minneapolis, seattle ten thousand people every single day, relentlessly asking through facebook and twitter, what is your plan? We are one tenth of the economy, you know, one tenth of the workforce we channel the energy of millions of volunteers were major sources about sent investment what’s your plan and i think that that’s, the potential we have that we’ve never had before and that’s the seat forward strategy what we do, we’re almost like kiva in that we identify candidates all throughout the country. Last year we identified fifty three on sixty different candidates from, you know, races from mayor’s races down to city council. We’re going, we’re gonna have time to talk that way identified people who come from the nonprofit sector, okay, people, just like you and me, people who sweat out payroll there dedicated to make their community betters and now they’re standing up and running for office. And if they’re elected, they’re the kind of people who might stand up a city council member member meeting state legislature and eventually even you know, the house in the senate and really say, wait, wait, wait. I know this piece of legislation you think is important and will work. I work in the nonprofit sector. I come from the sector. I let me explain to you how it really works. Okay? This is essential. Not just for us is a sector, but for our country. Brother, you know what we’re saying is, look, will identify all these people and then you can come to our website and then you is private. Citizens khun go through our site to their website and give them directly. Okay, robert were saying little your you live in miami, you have you have a vested interest in helping somebody get elected in minneapolis, right? Robert? We’re gonna have a chance to talk about see forward and the success you’ve seen so far. Um, the only caveat that i want to add it just sorta amplify what you suggested that on. We’ve had a show about this with jean takagi and emily chan are legal contributors. When people are doing this sort of lobbying for the for the sector, they have to be careful what account they’re using. They shouldn’t be using their their company account, maybe they shouldn’t even be doing it on, you know, on the charities time. So just a just a caveat that politicking is important, but you have to be cautious about when you’re when you’re doing it on whose account you’re using and on what time that’s all and really, i’m really glad you brought that up, tony, because, you know, this is something you have to be wildly aware, like, for example, i’m at home, i’m using my private line. Right now, i can’t you know, i don’t do company time when i do stuff it’s, my private email or private twitter accounts that i do this work on or my c forward account. But that is it very important. Caveat you bring up well, yeah, you’re right, private citizens. But it has to be on your old time with your own account. Okay, alright, enough said. And we have and listeners could go back teo, show about politicking with gene and emily and listen to that for a lot more detail on what’s permitted and what’s not, um all right, so you want a you want a grassroots campaign to get the candidate’s attention? What kinds of? Well, i guess you’ve already you sort of laid out all the talking points. You just you wantto be able to specify what the impact of and the value for of charities is in your your local community in your state, you want to be ableto throw some stats in them at them and get their attention that way. But, you know, we also have an ask, you know, we’re making a point again. No profits without non-profits, but even if we elect a very smart candidate, you know, he or she on day one is going to be pulled fifty different directions. So what we’re proposing is, if you really understand its and particularly the role we play in attracting outside investment through grants or contracts, then why don’t you appoint a dedicated point person? For example, connecticut’s governor, governor malloy has a dedicated non-profit liaise on, and mayors in denver and los angeles have a dedicated staff person. And, for example, in denver, a very small office there, the office of strategic partnership has brought in almost fifty a million dollars in four years into the city from outside the city. New money? Uh, so again, that idea of a dedicated point person we think, is very strategic. And, you know, what we’re looking for is the kind of unifying principle for the sector that, again, we’re a very diverse group of people. We have a million different missions and sometimes their counter, but again, my bag is, you know, what we need to do is at the strategic moment and if i can a little, you know, illustrate a second, i always say, for example, tony, you and i have to have dry cleaners were right across the street, and we hate each other, you know we’d love to see each other’s business fail, but if somebody comes into town and wants to regulate its small business in a way that might impact our businesses, we might not drive down together, but we’d end up in the chamber or the board of trade, and we’d be we put aside our differences for a moment because we have a shared interest and that’s the thing that non-profit sector is never embraced, that idea of strategic moment in which we have shared interests well, there are in that election time. Yeah, that while there are coalitions like independent sector that try to bring the try to bring the sector together, especially now, i see that, you know, they’re very active around the deficit reduction and fiscal cliff discussions. So but those air, those air national coalitions and, you know, i think the broader you get, the more i guess, the more general and vague your talking points are in your and your calls for action are i would like to see it on the local level. Mohr yeah, i agree, and that’s why we’re focusing on the local level, you know, eventually we think that, you know, eventually we want to see presidential candidates openly discussed this i’ll be honest with you. I was really shocked that neither governor romney nor president obama and, by the way, the first president who got his first job in a non-profit neither mentioned philanthropy, neither mentioned the non-profits and again, the third biggest employer in america and each talked vigorously about manufacturing, for example, yet we are only percentage points away from employing the same number of people in america is manufacturing. Okay, so let me let’s talk more about some of the the actor calls to action, so so we’d be asking for a dedicated point person for the charity for the community forward is after now, okay, one example and i’m not trying to say by our product as much as we are one breakthrough, i believe idea, but we are hopefully the beginning of many different strategies to get candidates on par with us. Ok, but what other calls to action now? We would be be asking candidates teo to embrace well, i’m a big believer in social enterprise and micro. Credit and you know the idea, for example, it’s one thing to have a really great domestic violence shelter in your town fully funded, well, run, but ultimately those women gotta leave and ultimately, you know, but tragically, many women who come in or have no credit history and oftentimes very difficult time getting a job. So imagine, you know, a flip from the service model and saying, in effect, okay, how can we scream, help them create their own businesses and again think about we’ve raised an entire generation doing service, so i’d like to see a mayor who looks at all the universities in the town and sees, you know, school system bursting with a generation raised doing service who are now in the business school, who might come down and help a domestic violence shelter, develop business plans and demerol might say, i love this idea. So if you develop a a, um micro credit program, the city will match it dollar for dollar and i’m going to let three other partners with us so that every buck of private citizens put in will match in three, two, one let’s get people working again, i think that’s. What’s missing is seeing the non-profit sector is a potential job creator. Okay, do you have another example of ah call to action that we be insisting our candidates do before we’re going to endorse them because they’re they’re pro charity community? Yeah, i’m a big believer a we need great new metrics. I mean, for heaven’s sakes, you know, most cities have know idea you can’t ask a mayor how many non-profits today do you have in your community how much payroll taxes do they pay? How much money do they bring is so in depth analysis is essential, but another thing i’m really interested in is the contract process. I mean, we need mayors and city council members that they in fact, we want to get more of these non-profits of potential do contracts with the city because, again, they they’re motivated to pay a good wage, and they re invest their money back in the community versus making individual profit. But to do that, we have to lower the bar a little bit to help more people in, and we also very much need to expedite the reimbursement process between city and their contractors. So that non-profit organizations don’t go broke waiting to get get paid for services rendered, okay? So there’s a place where the corporate interests and the charity interests are overlapped you bet every everybody has list in that i was i was really impressed. Governor schwarzenegger appointed one of the first governors to appoint a volunteer coordinator on his cabinet, saying, in effect, look, we’ve got, you know, millions of older people but millions of younger people for whom service it’s part of their lifestyle now, and we’ve got a state that very well might have, you know, a natural disaster somewhere in the future. I don’t wanna wait until after the fact to try and get things coordinated let’s have a plan now, and i think that was a very, very intelligent way to look at the human capital that the charity, the charitable sector sector kind of channels volunteerism as a dynamic part of the city’s future of the state future. Now that we’ve identified candidates who have a pro non-profit agenda on there as part of their platform, how can we start to show our support? Well, i think is to get a private citizens you can, you can contribute. You know, i’m a big believer that even though we heard a lot about, you know, the billions a million spent in these campaigns that, you know, down the road, you know, those those the campaign will be more more driven by new media, which is free and pervasive. So i think that, you know, spreading the word about candidates contributing but also getting out there working for him, but what i’m interested again, it is not only backing people who come from the nonprofit sector but actually helping people who are in the sector now realize, you know, maybe you should run, you know, maybe the city, the state needs you, you’ve been a tremendous, tremendous supporter of this community step up and take another another step up on the chain, but again, what i’m trying to say to the non-profit sectors we gotta win, we have to support those men and women, our peers who step out and say, i’m willing to step up and take, you know, take a, you know, a bigger bucket of water on my shoulder for the larger you no benefit of the sector in our community, we need to get behind them. Okay, really, you know, support them in every way we can understood. And there there’s the role of sea forward. So let’s, take a couple minutes, talk about, see forward you you identified, i counted sixty one, endorsed sixty one candidates who had a non-profit friendly platform. Eight of them see forward specifically endorsed. And there were thirty five winners out of those sixty one. Yeah. And in fact, what makes it interesting is we have people throughout the sector nominate people. Look, you know, we’re trying our best here, but, you know, there’s not a whole lot of money in this. I’ll tell you, tony, i mean, it’s not like that, you know, the czechs air flowing in. We’re not competing with any super pac. You’re nowhere. We want teo what we’re saying to the non-profit sectors throughout the country, if you know somebody who’s running, nominate him, put him up on our page, and what we’ll do is we’ll look for those candidates that we think really have a tremendous opportunity, but well, even if we don’t endorse them, we’re at least giving them exposure beyond the small town where they might be running for city council mayor. And we’re saying all the ten point, million, ten point, four million non-profit employees check out this site and do a little shopping, you know, look around and see if you see a candidate, did you think? Wow, you know, that person is again four states away and a little tiny town, but wow, that’s a tremendous opportunity. What a vision i’m going to give him twenty bucks. What the hat? You know, when you’re running for a city council race in a small town, you know, fifty bucks a hundred bucks that that could go a long way, so never underestimate what ten million one dollar bills khun due in the political process in america, to get people who think again understand the role we play, it will be champions, not just for us again don’t don’t don’t mistake what we’re doing is somehow, you know, just trying to preserve the cut of the pie for the nonprofit sector. What we want is intelligent people elected who understand the new civic mathematics of how community thrive and grow. Robert, you had mostly of most of candidates were local from the twenty twelve election cycle, but you did have three. At the national level and and also the governor of washington state among those thirty five winners. Yeah, again, we’re really looking actually the person who was hunting who was nominated, i don’t think our candidate for washington state won the governor’s race, but a way had a pretty good track record of candidates who eventually want some with our support and don’t get me wrong that we just endorse. We just said, xero candidates that we think a really strategic and smart, so it was like it, sam saying, for example, who was the first indian american elected to the state legislature in michigan? You know, he ran the state association, he was the mayor of east lansing prior, and he would also he has also done amazing work promoting social enterprise in the city of detroit. So these are the kind of people we think when that, you know, sam will be out the statehouse really advocating for, you know, again, the economic role that we play in helping a state like michigan, which is behind the eight ball. You know what? A lot of states are really struggling with big deficits, so what we don’t want is people who think, you know, wow, these non-profits air getting off, you know, with a field day they’re you know, they don’t pay taxes and there just, you know, sucking money out of the economy to do good deeds. We want people to understand no, no, no, no, make no mistake, there is no profit without non-profit robert, i’m gonna switch the focus to you personally. What is it that you love about this kind of advocacy and endorsement work? Well, you know, i’m a big believer in no waste, you know, i started the kitchen because i hated seen food being thrown away, and i volunteered one night to serve the poor and saw men and women standing outside in the rain, and i had worked in a business that needed employees, so my bag has always been i hate seeing things that are still have value but aren’t being used to their potential, and i believe the non-profit sector and our vote, our classic examples of a tremendous american asset that are not being utilized, you know, i just came along to the food we throw away and the people we value have tremendous potential, and i think we proved that here at the d c central kitchen, so i’m just following the logic model of don’t throw anything away, don’t waste anything, don’t undervalue anything just because of the traditional way we used it in the past, no profit without non-profit. Robert egger is founder and president of sea forward. You’ll find that at sea, the letter c forward, dot or ge robert, thank you so much for being a passionate, enthusiastic guests, thanks so much pleasure, tony. Man, i wish you well, my brother. Thank you, robert. Now we’ll take a break, and when we retired, it’s tony’s, take two, and i’m going to explain what i’m grateful for. Stay with me. You didn’t think that shooting getting ding, ding, ding, ding, you’re listening to the talking alternate network, get in. Nothing. Cubine hi, i’m donna and i’m done were certified mediators, and i am a family and couples licensed therapists and author of please don’t buy me ice cream are show new beginnings is about helping you and your family recover financially and emotionally and start the beginning of your life. We’ll answer your questions on divorce, family court, co parenting, personal development, new relationships, blending families and more dahna and i will bring you to a place of empowerment and belief that even though marriages may end, families are forever join us every monday, starting september tenth at ten a m on talking alternative dot com are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications? Then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way look forward to serving you! You’re listening to the talking alternative network. If you have big ideas and an average budget to tony martin, any non-profit radio we dio. I’m jonah helper, nari team in co founders of next-gen charity hi there, time for tony’s take to my block post this week is very simple. I am grateful there are a lot of people that i’m grateful to, and i list them in that post on the block, but among them is you because you are listening to the show. I hope you’re listening often. Some listeners are very new, just within the past few weeks or months, and there are about a hundred or so that have been around for the two years that i’ve been doing this more than two years, and i’m grateful to each of you. I’m grateful to you for listening to the show. For those of you who get my show alerts by email every every week each thursday, i’m grateful to you. Thank you for letting me into your inbox once a week. I’m grateful for your support for your support of the show for your listening to the show, however it is that you propagate the show if you tell other people about it, if your forwarding those weekly email lorts that you get, however you’re supporting the show, i’m grateful and i want to thank you very much and you’ll find. A little longer list of people who i have gratitude for on my block at tony martignetti dot com that is tony’s take two for friday, december twenty first, the fifty second show of the year and the last of the year. My pleasure to bring on scott koegler scott is the editor of non-profit technology news. You can follow him on twitter he’s at scott koegler. Scotty koegler welcome back. Hey, tony, good to talk with my pleasure. We’re talking about computers crash. So you mean hardware is not gonna last forever? Yeah. You know, i have to say that when i was a cia, we’ve spent a lot of time and lots and lots of money on replacements and lifecycle transitions and all that kind of thing that, um, just, you know, you have to do with computer systems. I kind of changed my opinion over time, but it really depends on the on the situation that you’re in. So, um, i guess that’s what we can kind of talk about. Yeah. Okay. Um, well, how has your how is your opinion? Evolved? The used to be that the computers that you used, uh, ran an operating system. And that really hasn’t changed a bit. Still operating systems all the windows variations, there’s, mac stuff and there’s all kinds of one expiry ations. And it used to be that the applications that ran on those operating systems and turn ran on those computers dependent very heavily on the technology itself. In other words, the processor you know how strong how fast, how many bits is the processor, thie amount of memory, the size and speed of the hard drive. All those things were really critical because as a cz we migrated from the nineties into the two thousands of now intothe ten pluses, uh, at application software has always become the larger files more complex required more more horsepower essentially to run them and some of that’s still true. If you’re heavily involved in graphics, video production or audio production, you still have to have all that. But what’s really changed the game is cloud computing. So why has that changed? You might ask. Oh, okay, well, you and i have talked about it, but go ahead. Why has changed? The reason is that you’re really not depending so much on the hardware or the operating system for that matter, you are dependent on the connection. Um, so, um, so if you have a good connection, if you have your applications and your data in the cloud, then really, you can you can use almost anything that will support a browser. So so that that’s that’s where my opinion has changed, however, there are still reasons to change your hardware. And so now that i’ve kind of cleared the air on that talk about okay, well, we still need to change it. Listeners well, and i i appreciate your honesty. Your opinion has evolved. That’s. Very interesting. So there are. So so you think it’s okay now to push the hardware beyond what used to be, i guess, a strict like three or four year replacement timetable again. It depends on your situation. If you are running your your applications in house, if you have a ah constituent management system that that keeps track of your all of your donors and your constituents, your activities and that’s running on a network inside your facility. Okay, then you absolutely do need to pay attention to the age of your equipment. Because again, the applications get more complex that require more horsepower. And not only that systems break hard drives breakdown and computers breakdown. So, you know, there is a kind of to get ahead of the curve of the breakdowns you want to pay a lot of attention to. How old is each piece of equipment? What is? What kind of applications is it running and, you know, what’s the best deal this week of this month that i could get on a replacement unit. Okay, but if you’re if you’re more more of your work is in the cloud, then it may be okay. Toe hold on to hardware longer because, as you said, all you really need is a hardware that will support ah, browser. Exactly. Right. Exactly. Right. Okay. There are a couple things that kind of still go against that. And that is the operating systems themselves. Uh, there’s there’s a surprising number of companies and organizations. They’re still running windows? Yes. On one that’s. A little dangerous, right? That think microsoft dropping dropping support for that. Yeah, even even is uninformed is i’m about technology. I remember seeing videos six or eight months ago that my panels of microsoft engineers explaining two customers. Why? They wouldn’t be supporting x p and why they should move to the next operating system. So why don’t you just give a little explanation is i think there are still a lot of officers running windows expert why is that risky? Um, you know, the departed that it runs and experience has been historically one of the most stable versions of of windows that’s been around, um, and, you know, people argue that back and forth, but the fact is that if you don’t have updates, it’s more vulnerable to being attacked by viruses and hackers, all those nasty things that happened to computer systems, and eventually khun lied to either just the computer system crashing your dying completely, becoming unusable four for the villains stealing your data and interrupt your important work that gets done on that computer and that’s what it means, if microsoft is no longer supporting the xb operating system, then they’re no longer issuing security updates and bug fixes, right? Absolutely right, exactly. Okay, um, if we’re going to be extending the lifetime of hardware, and that probably happens in a lot of officers even where there is locally run applications because because of budget reasons. What are some things we can do to reduce our risk of working with these older machines? The kind of going along with what i just talked about? What windows x p one of the things that can be done is upgrading the operating system to a supported operating system and in some cases, hyre. For instance, moving from expert to windows vista may not be a good thing because it took it, took more hardware, took more horsepower, increased cps, more memory, that kind of thing. And by the time you add your closer cpu and increase the memory in your in your aging computer, you may as well have brought a new computers now faces. You could buy a desktop computer for three, four hundred dollars now. And, uh so replacing parts in an agent computer could cost. You have tio two thirds of that amount. So is it really, really valid too? Spend that kind of money on something that marginal up too up today. One you could actually just get something brand new, and i kind of skipped the whole the whole update. Okay, you know, okay, but if we have to hold on. To equipment longer, back-up is one strategy right for minimizing our risk? Well, yes, certainly back-up is strategy that needs to be managed and done all the time, regardless of the age of the computer, even even on a brand new computer. Of course, you need to have back-up of your data, you need to have contingency plans for disaster and think about all the problems just happened up in the northeast with storms, a lot of those computers and the electricity they ran them and the infrastructure that supported all that just, uh, disappeared in some cases, aaron, certain certain cases became unusable for some period of time. So what? What’s the contingency? What would you do if that happened? Maybe maybe better. In-kind in line with the question is, what did people do when that happened just a few weeks ago? So back-up yes, absolutely. Back it up back your software up back. Your application’s up. But more important, we have a plan for what to do when something that happened and and so these back-up should be automatic, right? We’re past the days when there’s a there’s a manual process involved in backing up. That depends. Certainly. Back-up should be automatic, especially in smaller organizations. We’re where there’s a smaller amounts of data it’s relatively inexpensive, too, to set up on offline back-up for online back-up i guess that connects through the internet to some remote, uh, location where your data is stored and the software that runs those should run automatically on either the server that you’re running your software on or on the individual no computers that are running that because, you know, data could be candy and usually is everywhere could be on the local disc drive can be on a server somewhere, so but yes to your point back-up absolutely needs to be automatic, and even if it is automatic should be tested because, you know, a large percentage of backup systems fail, and we only find that out at the time we try to actually use back-up right? So you should be testing that you can recover data that you know how to do it and that it is recoverable a cz you mentioned, you know, non-profits that were affected by sandy, there were offices that were closed for weeks, i guess a lot of people then saw the value of being in the cloud, if if they weren’t or saudi, certainly, if they were, because then all they needed was ah, web browser, and they could grab that from there could have that from their laptop that was with them or from some, some other some of their source, but then all they needed to do was able to reach the clouds. Exactly, and i’ve talked with folks that essentially used their cell phones, smartphones as a cz computer systems. They’re pretty much very small computers, right? So if you have, uh, a connection through a cell tower, which is a lot of cases during the storm was pretty much the only thing if even that was available, and so you’re able to connect out two applications running on your smartphone, maybe not being conveniently operated as you would your desktop with your laptop, but you could get there, and you could do the least very important things you need to get done. Okay, so reducing risk back-up and testing the backups, the disaster recovery plan, virus protection, malware protection. And you also mentioned some having the right policies in your article, you mentioned having the right policies on on employees. Use of the of the technology right employees are, you know, the best thing that can happen to an organization that can also be some of the most difficult sources of disasters. I mean, people make mistakes, and some some other people, um, do bad things. So, uh, you want to be sure that you have ways to get around or have contingencies, just in case either mistakes or somebody just decide they want to be not so nice and actually damage, er, we’re steal our lead or get rid of data, some other ways. We’re going to take a break. We’re going to take a break, scott koegler stays with us, we’ll keep talking about a computer crash and had a avoid that. We’ll talk a little about timeline, planning and budgeting training to stay with us. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Buy-in have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. All right, scott, for those who do want to put together ah timetable in a plan for their technology changes updates. Well, i obviously well, you start with timing, right? I mean, how do you how do you figure out when your stuff is goingto need to be replaced? Looking forward. Ah, good point. Tony. The first thing to do obviously is to know what you have. So you need to take an inventory of your systems. And when i say an inventory, i mean very specific. You know, what is the what is the product that you have is that the desktop is of the laptop what’s the cpu and what’s the speed of it what’s. The age of when was it purchased? What’s the operating system. All those very specific. Now, the attributes that go to make up a computer and there are there are several pieces of software that will actually go across the network and scan your network and deliver you a, uh, an inventory. Okay? Because that would include that includes all your peripheral, still your printers, right? And exactly servers. Certainly. Uh, do you happen to know any of the names of products that will do that for listeners. I don’t recall them. I actually wasn’t prepared to talk about that, right? That’s something that you want to go through, we can certainly schedule. Well, what do they mean? It’s an important playing it’s? Uh, for one way or another, you need to have a new inventory of what it is they have, and then go ahead and make an evaluation of what parts of that are at risk unnecessarily in terms of breaking but at risk in buy-in affecting your organization or some organizations if they’re running their applications in house, that risk is going to be c p u speed, hard drive viability that amount of memory in the operating system for organizations that are running cloudgood based applications it’s really going to be? What is the one of the operating systems and browsers now? It’s going to be far less critical? Obviously. And once you have that inventory and you’ve got the evaluation of what parts of your inventory are critical, then you need to evaluate basically, you take a guess. What do i think is going to change or or effect the things that we’re doing in our organization? Over? The next one year, two years, three years and from that then you can make a projected estimate of what should be replaced. So it’s kind of a multi step process, not necessarily easy and certainly not an infallible i guess because, you know, you really don’t know what’s going to break and you don’t know what kind of technology is going to come on in the future. Okay, but you’re looking at the oldest stuff first, right? Sure. That’s. The easy part. Last last in first out. Buy new stuff to replace it. Okay. Let’s help listeners out if they wanted to search for these the kind of software they were talking about that will scan your network. Like what? What keywords would you search for in google? I would try network inventory. Okay, good enough for budgeting now. How do you look forward into what the technology is going to cost? Two, three years from now, the the good laws of computer development are that the prices will go down. Capacities will go up. So if you look at what you what your expenses take the piece of equipment that you want to replace today and get a price for that? Just go to the market, you know, go online and find something that is an equivalent to today and start with that number. Because you know that one year from now, two years from now, three years from now, you’ll still be able to spend that amount of money in terms of you know, is there a product available that you could purchase for that amount of money? Okay, cesar, that amount of money in a year’s time, we’ll buy you more capacity. So for one thing, that gives you the ability to take a number and make a budget. Secondly, it kind of future proofs of purchases, so that in a year from now a cz as your requirements for capacity changed, the availability of the equipment will change as well. So i kind of go along the same path, so pick today’s numbers and use them in your budget. Okay. Interesting. I realize i said something incorrect a few minutes ago. I said when you were figuring out what what’s goingto be replaced to use a last in first out. But it should be that’s. That’s wrong. Should be first in first out. Essentially three. Oldest first, so first in first out, right? Oldest first. Okay, we have just a minute left. Scott, what other thoughts you want to leave people with about creating this thiss a short to medium term plan, medium term plan, i would say just get started on it, you know, one of those just like back-up if you keep thinking about it and kind of guessing on how it’s going to work, eventually it will be too late and you’ll never get there. All of a sudden it will be tomorrow, and the disaster is here and you’re not ready. So i would say the same thing with the, uh, with the replacement plan going on planet, even if it’s in perfect and by the way, it will be in perfect. Go ahead and figure out what it should be. Get something scratched on paper or put into the spreadsheet, and you can always add to it and refine it. But the most important thing is to get it in process, get it in place. Get your organization to understand what that what that processes and, uh, you know, get a few minds working on it because chances are that more people thinking about it better than one person thinking about scott koegler is the editor of non-profit technology news, which you’ll find it n p tech news dot com and on twitter he’s at scott koegler scott thank you very much. Happy holiday. Thanks, tony had theology. Thank you very much. Also, of course, my thanks, tio. Robert egger. Next week, there’s no show because of christmas. And if you celebrating christmas, you have my wishes for a joyous one. And hope you get spent a lot of time with family and friends. I’ll be back on friday, january fourth wave greg warner he’s, the president of marketsmart and he’s. Not going to talk about the future of planned gift marketing. I have a plea. Can you please rate and review the show in itunes? I know that you don’t have to go there to listen anymore. You go once you subscribe and then you never have to go backto itunes again. I realize that i’m asking you to make a special trip. Teo rate and review the show if you get value from it, if you like it, please do. Thank you very much. Wishing you good luck. The way performers do around the world, we are still in poland. I need another week, teo durney. I need two more weeks. January fourth will definitely be out of poland, but as the polish say, i wish you breaking of legs poem ania nuke poem, une anouk for the next two weeks, and i do promise, we’ll be out of poland. I think we’ll be in serbia on january fourth. Our creative producer is claire meyerhoff. Sam liebowitz is our line producer on this show. Social media is by regina walton of organic social media, the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules. I wish you a wonderful holidays, very happy, new year, and i hope you’ll be with me on friday, january fourth, one to two p, m eastern, or on the podcast a couple days thereafter. If you’re listening live, we’re always at talking alternative dot com. Hyre i didn’t think the shooting. Good ending. You’re listening to the talking, alternate network, get anything. Take it cubine hi, i’m donna and i’m done were certified mediators, and i am a family and couples licensed therapists and author of please don’t buy me ice cream. Our show new beginnings is about helping you and your family recover financially and emotionally and start the beginning of your life. We’ll answer your questions on divorce, family court, co parenting, personal development, new relationships, blending families and more dahna and i will bring you to a place of empowerment and belief that even though marriages may end, families are forever join us every monday, starting september tenth at ten a m on talking alternative dot com are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications? Then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com we look forward to serving you. You’re listening to talking alt-right network at www. Dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Oh, this is tony martignetti aptly named host of tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent technology fund-raising compliance, social media, small and medium non-profits have needs in all these areas. My guests are expert in all these areas and mohr. Tony martignetti non-profit radio friday’s one to two eastern on talking alternative broadcasting are you fed up with talking points? Rhetoric everywhere you turn left or right? Spin ideology no reality, in fact, its ideology over intellect. No more it’s time. Join me, larry shop a neo-sage tuesday nights nine to eleven easter for the ivory tower radio in the ivory tower will discuss what’s important to you society, politics, business and family. It’s provocative talk for the realist and the skeptic who want to know what’s. Really going on? What does it mean? What can be done about it? So gain special access to the ivory tower. Listen to me, larry sharp, your neo-sage tuesday nights nine to eleven new york time go to ivory tower radio dot com for details. That’s ivory tower radio dot com everytime was a great place to visit for both entertainment and education listening tuesday nights nine to eleven. It will make you smarter. Talking. Hyre