Tag Archives: planned giving

Don’t Be In The Woods On Planned Giving

There’s a lot that small- and mid-size nonprofits can do to start Planned Giving and have a very respectable program going forward. To kick off your campaign, promote and market bequests, then you might include the IRA rollover and life insurance. 

Video Playlists From Nonprofit Radio

Here are three playlists from over 100 interviews that I’ve shot at conferences like Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC), National Conference on Philanthropic Planning (NCPP) & Fundraising Day. The playlists are Planned GivingSocial Media, & Donor Relations.


Fundraising Fundamentals Round-Up

This is the podcast I produce for The Chronicle of Philanthropy. It’s a monthly, 10-minute burst of savvy fundraising tips from expert guests. This first round-up includes strategies on donor cultivation; tricks for #GivingTuesday; Planned Giving; and corporate foundation giving.

You Can’t Let Planned Giving Qs Go Unanswered

You need to answer potential donor questions about Planned Giving. My client Baruch College earned a bequest by will because they did. Other nonprofits ignored a prospect and weren’t as fortunate. 

My Dream Realized