Tag Archives: Instagram

Nonprofit Radio for March 3, 2025: Julia Campbell On Social Media

Julia CampbellJulia Campbell On Social Media

The social media maven returns to share her thinking and advice on short form video; ads; working within algorithms; content moderation; and, privacy policies. Let’s talk about X; Facebook; LinkedIn; Bluesky; Instagram; YouTube; and, TikTok. Julia is a nonprofit social marketing consultant.


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Welcome to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the podfather of your favorite hebdominal podcast. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d be stricken with acute glomerulonephritis if I had to drink in the idea that you missed this week’s show. Here’s our associate producer Kate with what’s going on. Hey Tony, we’ve got. Julia Campbell on social media. The social media maven returns to share her thinking and advice on short form video ads, working within algorithms, content moderation, and privacy policies. Let’s talk about X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blue Sky, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Julia is a nonprofit social marketing consultant. On Tony’s take 2. You’re listening to a top 10 podcast. Barely We’re sponsored by DonorBox. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters’ generosity. Donor box, fast, flexible, and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit, DonorBox.org. Here is Julia Campbell on social media. What a joy to welcome someone back who has been here several times. It’s always a pleasure. Named as a top thought leader and one to follow by Forbes and LinkedIn for nonprofits and one of the 30 nonprofit IT influencers to follow in 2025. Julia Campbell is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to designing social media and storytelling strategies that help nonprofits share their mission across the digital landscape. You’ll find Julia on LinkedIn. You’ll find her practice at JComarketing.com. JC, welcome back to nonprofit Radio. Thank you, TM. It’s so great to be back. The pod. I love it. Oh, thank you. Yeah, people get a kick out of that. I do too. I, I could get a shirt maybe give out the NTC this year. All right. It’s good to see you. We’re in a, uh, an interesting, um, sort of digital landscape time. Uh, the, the new administration sucks a lot of oxygen out of the world. Uh, just right before we came on, I got another New York Times headline. Uh, the, the first word was Trump. I got a headline that Zuckerberg is eliminating all of his charitable foundation DEI initiatives right before we got on, so. Just lovely headlines all around. Yeah, it’s fantastic uh headed in a dastardly uh in an awful direction. What are you hearing from folks? What are you advising folks, uh, you know, you’re the, the, uh, social media maven. What are you talking about? I mean, social media has really been challenging in terms of strategy for several years now just because of the way the algorithms have shifted and the way that organic reach has completely plummeted, and you do need, you know, you need to invest in ads. Ads, but the problem right now that we’re seeing, at least for a lot of the organizations I work with and the students I have and my clients, is the struggle between, are these companies ethical, which we know that they’re not. And how can we balance our need to be seen and create community and get our word out there and educate people and talk about these causes and build movements? How can we balance that that with the fact that Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, and, you know, a lot of these companies that own these social media platforms are bowing down to the administration and then are also actually really, you know, being very shoddy in terms of content moderation and data privacy. So that’s the bigger picture that I’m seeing, and it even goes beyond just how do we get more engagement, because that’s just the Scratching the surface. So, what I’ve been advising people, I really am saying, you know, you really need to take stock. I don’t think that leaving everything and closing up shop and washing our hands of social media is really the answer, because then we kind of leave it to Um, the void to be filled with misinformation and, um, you know, we really need to still be creating our movements and showcasing our causes there. But we do need to have some serious reflection on how we’re using these platforms. Do we want to pay for ads? Do we want to continually be giving money to these billionaires. I mean, it’s really a fraught landscape right now along with everything going on just in the political sphere and the fundraising landscape and philanthropy. But the marketing, digital marketing sphere is constantly shifting and it’s just like tidal waves of bad information coming at us. It’s pretty overwhelming. Let’s try to break down some of the overwhelm, so, so people don’t feel that bad about it. Maybe just, maybe just a burdened but not overwhelmed. If we can if we can reduce from overwhelmed to to slight burden, that would be. And we tend to be very thoughtful about where we put our time. Nonprofits are very thoughtful and intentional. I mean, you know, Target’s not going to get off Facebook. They don’t care, right? They just don’t care. But the American Red Cross really might. be considering, should we get off Twitter because or X because of all of these factors. So, I think it’s a unique position that social change organizations are in. Well, you’ve, you’ve left X. You, you left X when Elon Musk bought it, uh, but you’re, you’re on LinkedIn. So, right. So how do we, you know, so how do we in the small and mid-size shops think through where, where to be and where to just, you know, place that pin that says we’re no longer here, find us on Blue Sky or, you know, whatever. How, how do we think through that? We have to really evaluate where our audiences and what we’re trying to achieve, but then also figure out where is the line that will not be crossed. So, It’s very personal, and it has to, there’s not a one size fits all that’s gonna work for every organization. If your organization relies on fast-paced news, getting things out in a timely manner, connecting with journalists, then X is probably the place for you. You know, I would never recommend if you’re getting great traction and you are accomplishing your mission. And you’re getting the word out and building a community. I would never recommend leaving a platform altogether, but we really need to evaluate is our audience still there? Are the people that we wanna talk to still here? And are we able to reach them? Maybe they’ve migrated over to different platforms and what are our strengths and weaknesses? So. You know, people ask me all the time, should we be on TikTok? Should we be using Instagram reels, and should we be doing short form video? And the short answer, of course, is yes, because that’s the most powerful kind of content right now on across social media. But if you don’t have video content, then potentially building a thought leadership blog on LinkedIn could work. Maybe going to substack, maybe going to Blue sky, maybe creating infographics and putting them on Pinterest. I mean, there’s all sorts of ways that we can be using these different platforms. And also for me, you know, I, I can’t be Amish as much as I would love to. You know, I have an iPhone. I don’t like Apple. I have Google accounts. I don’t like Google. It’s just, it’s sort of like I, I would love to live in a cabin in the woods and Not have the internet. I, I actually wouldn’t, but we have to understand that we can only do what we can do, and I think our messages are so important to get out to the public, to the community, especially with so much mis and disinformation and confusion going on, that if we’re going to leave a platform where our audience is going to miss us and be craving this information, I think that that’s That’s just a bad, that’s a bad thing to do. So if, if you have a Facebook page, a Facebook group, if you have an Instagram account, and you know you’re really reaching people there and you’re helping people, and you’re helping people understand the cause and the issue, we have to think and reflect on what will be lost if you leave. You said short form video is now the most popular kind of Instagram and TikTok. Wait, you’re valuable things, but I’m, I was, I was trying to wrap up. So again, where the best places are. YouTube shorts. And Instagram reels, um, and TikTok. And TikTok is not going to get banned under this administration, I don’t think so. If you have a TikTok account, don’t, don’t worry about it. I think you’ll be fine. OK, so let’s let’s drill down a little on short form video. What’s your, what’s your advice there? Like length, caption or not? I, I guess that’s yes, but what’s your advice around short form video? My advice, if you’ve never done short form video, go follow candid.org on every platform. Uh, they are an organization. They do not have kittens or dogs or kids or landscapes or anything that would be like a sexy kind of cause. They are just putting videos out that are helpful information, but they’re doing it in a catchy way, like a catchy, entertaining way. So it’s very important for first of all, to have a purpose for the video. Like why would I watch it, but also to have that hook that’s gonna hook me within the 1st 3 or 4 seconds. So what’s the question you’re asking? Maybe there’s a statistic that you’re sharing. Maybe it’s an anecdote of something that happened. Maybe it’s something surprising that you found. Maybe it’s like, oh, this happened in the news, but guess what? You don’t know the real story. Like, what is the hook around this video? And there has to, it has to be a very singular specific focus for the video. Also, authenticity reigns supreme. Nonprofit professionals often do not like to get at their phone. And take video of themselves. We want to sit in our office, we want to do our work, put our heads down. We don’t want to be the face of the organization, but people like to see faces. They like to hear from people. So as much as you can be authentic and be conversing around relevant real-time topics that are timely, that’s really going to accelerate your connection with your audience. It’s going to build trust and that’s gonna create more engagement for you. Awesome. All right, all valuable advice. And so candid.org doing short films they’re fantastic. Malala Fund, Malala Fund, I follow, they’re a little bit more polished. And I think that’s fine as well. That’s just their brand. Candid.org is a little, they’re, they do great videos, but they’re not as polished. It’s much more just a staff member answering a question about like where do I find grant proposals or how do I talk to a board member about a touchy subject. It’s really helpful information for nonprofits. I also recommend really following like the New York Public Library. I mean, there’s all sorts of Nonprofits, organizations doing fantastic work with short form video. Invisible people. Mark Korvath um runs Invisible people. They do a lot of YouTube shorts. They are, they just film people talking and their stories. They do storytelling and that’s their purpose, and that’s what they. That’s what they share. So, sort of find your, your purpose. Like, why are you sharing videos? What are the topics that your audience would be interested in? And then I recommend just watching a lot of reels and TikTok videos. So you kind of get the feel for how they should be structured and the feel for what works, um, before you really jump off on your own. But, you know, done is better than perfect. I always think that. Oh, very good. Uh, a lot of people say don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, but is that’s, that’s well put. Done is better than done is better than perfect. All right, excellent. I knew you, yes, well, there’s no question you’re the right person to help us through this. I hope so. I I struggle as well. Oh, you do? Yeah. Yes, of course. What do you struggle with? I, I struggle with creating short form video. It’s challenging because I’m so used to recording webinars or recording podcasts or doing long form videos, putting it on YouTube, um, you know, putting it on my website, putting it on my blog, but this constant, you know, this constant need to feed the beast of social media. It it can get challenging. Um, and then, of course, I know I work with my clients and the features are constantly changing, and what’s working is constantly changing. So, for me, I really, I Um, grapple with shiny object syndrome just as much as the next person, and thinking like, oh maybe I should be doing more on Blue Sky, or maybe I should be on Mastodon, or maybe I should be on whatever the next new social media platform is. But for me, what helps me is just knowing where my audience is, knowing where my strengths are, knowing what I like to do. And, you know, if I don’t put out a video every day, every week, just really trying hard not to beat myself up about it and doing what I can do, and quality over quantity has always been my mantra on social media, because you can, you can’t beat the internet on clutter. You can’t beat the internet on like AI sludge that’s just generated from an app, but you can beat the internet on authenticity and storytelling, which I think nonprofits, that’s our big strength. That’s like our superpower. Quality not quantity, but done is better than perfect. Exactly. Do not, if you’re spending all day doing 1 62nd Instagram reel, no, that’s too much. That’s way too much. Uh, that’s way too much time to spend. And really just getting it out there and it’s gonna give you that data that you need. So the more you do it, the more data you get, the more you see what people like, what people comment on, what people are sharing, what they’re watching. You can see how long they’ve watched it. You can see, oh, this question works better than this one, or I’m outside, and that tends to work better than inside. So the more you do it, it’s like the more data points you have for what’s working. I’m gonna give a shout out to the woman who does my video reels, uh, which, which, which we use on, uh, we post on Instagram and uh and YouTube. Her name, her name is Judith George. Amazing. Uh, she’s the video, I think she calls herself the video whisperer or the video content whisperer. Judith. She’s excellent, excellent. So I always believe in outsourcing to people. Like I don’t edit my own podcast because it’s not my zone of genius. That’s not where my Talents lie. So I would never, and that is the enemy of getting things done, I think, is because we think we have to do every single thing ourselves. But outsourcing to a video editor, I mean, these people are incredibly talented and they know exactly what they’re doing. So I, I love that idea and I wish more nonprofits would get more into, more comfortable with outsourcing some things so they’re not spending all day editing a video. You and I have talked about this before that it it’s just worthwhile to pay experts to do something that you’re not expert in that is gonna take you a long time to learn and get good at. You may as well just bring in someone from the outside who’s already got the expertise they hit the ground running and, and you’re unburdened having to learn a new skill. Yeah, and you can focus on your superpower, your zone of genius, which is storytelling, which is program management, which is fundraising, which is creating fabulous marketing campaigns and messages, talking to donors. I mean, I just think spending, I, because I’m running my social media for social good academy right now is the time of this recording, and everyone struggles with time management because they have 10,000 other things on their plate. And I think There’s no way for a development director to be able to master 10 social media platforms and create 10 videos every week. That’s just, I don’t see how that’s possible, as well as doing grant writing and donor management and cultivation and stewardship and things like that. So, I, I agree we need to start thinking, we need to take social media more seriously and stop tacking it on. To other people’s job descriptions and really think like, no, it’s time. It takes a lot of time, creativity, effort. You also have to measure what you’re doing. You have to be on top of the trends. You have to have your finger on the pulse of what’s going on in the cause and the industry and the organization. You have to think like a journalist. There’s all sorts of skills that you need to have. And I really think digital marketing, I mean, it’s 2025. Like, let’s let’s treat it seriously. It’s time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money, but also supports you in retaining your donors. A partner that helps you raise funds both online and on location so you can grow your impact faster. That’s DonorBox, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers just like you a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges, helping you achieve the growth and sustainability your organization needs, helping you, help others. Visit donorbox.org to learn more. Now back to Julia Campbell on social media. Let’s talk about ads. Uh, you mentioned, you know, is it worth spending money on ads, or, you know, uh, is the platform one that you want to even pay because you might have basic objections to, to their management or their policies or their algorithms, but you still want to be there. What, what do we think through about whether ads are worthwhile? I do think that putting some money towards social media advertising and Google ads. That’s definitely worth it depending on your goals. So a lot of organizations say, we’re the best kept secret. No one’s heard of us, no one knows who we are, no one can find our website. OK, well that would maybe require either applying for the Google ad grants, which um I’m certainly not an expert in, but I can, I can touch on it. I mean, there are so many experts out there on the Google ad grant, but it’s basically money that Google will give you. You have to manage it well. But to um promote it’s up to 10,000 dollars a month. Yes, you do have to, you have to manage it. I mean, you have to hit certain benchmarks to continue getting the $10,000 a month. You do have to get people to click on your ads. You have to get people to actually take action. Google has to see that your ads are worthwhile, they’re not clickbait. Um, those kinds of things. But you can also just pay for Google Ads. I mean, there’s nothing stopping you from just once in a while if you have a gala or if you have a really important marketing campaign for Domestic Violence Awareness Month or Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and you have some resources on your website you want people to find. Paying for search engine ads can definitely be a great way to do that. I always recommend, when you are considering paying for ads, really understand what the return on investment is worth to you. So, a very simple example, I worked with an organization, a local organization here. They were having a golf tournament. They spent $50 on a Facebook ad. And the return on investment for them in terms of golf tournament signups was $5000. So that’s a pretty good return on investment, right? So, then they can say, OK, well, we’re definitely going to run this ad again, um, this is part of now of our budget. That’s a very simplified way to do it. A lot of ads I see, you can’t necessarily track it like that. It might be awareness, it might be video views, maybe you’re driving people to your website, but as much as you can say, OK, we spent $500 on this ad, and this is what we got in return, and we can quantify it and we can say, OK, this was a really good investment. Uh, that’s what I think we lose when we boost a post or we just sort of throw money at an ad and then we never look to see what happened, and we never look to see, oh, did anyone take action? Did anyone sign up? Did anyone make a donation? We just sort of throw money at the problem and make Mark Zuckerberg richer, which he doesn’t need to be richer. And then we never figure out if it actually moved the needle at the end of the day. So we should be measuring as well. Absolutely, absolutely. This is the thing that that I think is so interesting about nonprofits and digital marketing. When we send out an annual appeal letter, you better believe we know exactly how much we paid for printing, for postage to send it out, and we know exactly how much we got back. But when we write a blog post or post on LinkedIn, we don’t track. Did anyone read it? Did anyone comment? Did anyone share it? Did we get emails? Did we get phone calls? Like what actually happened when we put this other piece of content out in the world? And the irony is that it’s so much easier to track on digital. You can instantly see, and I know Tony, you do reels, you can see within the 1st 30 seconds of posting a reel if it’s gonna work or not. And same on TikTok. There’s instant data that you can get to see, oh this is gonna work, I should do more of this. Uh, this is, you know, kind of falling flat, and then maybe why is this falling flat, time of day, maybe the sound is bad, like the topic isn’t interesting. But we get all of these points of data from digital marketing, and we, we tend to just not look at them. So we’re just constantly throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, and wasting time and spinning our wheels. So, measurement, analysis, improvement, that should be a huge piece of any social media or any digital marketing plan. You mentioned earlier on, uh, content moderation policies. Oh yeah, what are we, what’s your, what’s your beef there? This is really screwing over nonprofits. It’s really painful for a lot of organizations, especially if they use certain keywords. Now I’m kind of concerned. Well, there’s two ways to think about it. Content moderation in terms of X. There’s no content moderation. You can say anything, do anything, post anything, and it’s the wild west, cause there’s zero content moderation there. But then there’s also overly moderating on Facebook and Instagram, specifically, political and social issues. And if you’re posting certain words, especially actually if you’re using paid ads, you will be blocked if you are a social justice organization. We’re seeing this a lot, and they don’t have to answer to anybody. They can just say your ad is blocked. We’re not running your ad. I’ve seen this for um a local food bank that got their ad blocked for no reason. It’s not wasn’t a political ad. It wasn’t, it didn’t have anything to do with a political issue, but everything’s political, I guess now. But Their ad was blocked for no reason. So that’s something really important to understand you don’t need to say it violates our. They don’t need to tell you anything. They’re completely in control, and that’s the other problem. So sometimes they’ll say, oh this this falls into Like, you have to read the fine print of what’s allowed in ads really carefully. So, look up all of the specific terms, look up, um, you know, what they say they allow and what they say they don’t allow. But of course, really at the end of the day, it is the platforms, it’s the platform’s prerogative to allow you to run an ad. The other thing is, Instagram has specifically come out and said that they are going to They’re going to, um, I don’t know what it’s called, like demote political and sensitive issue content because they want their feed to be much more focused on like influencers and celebrities and fashion and happy things. And for a lot of us, I mean, I follow the HRC, I follow the ACLU, I follow so many organizations that are overtly political, and I want to know this news, and I want to hear what they have to say. Um, I’m seeing them in my feeds, but I know that a lot of people. They are saying that they’re seeing less of that kind of content because the, you know, the algorithm overlords are determining what we see and what we don’t see. It’s really true. This is why people love TikTok. TikTok is actually ironically much more of a democracy in terms of the feed, and it’s a lot easier to discover new things, and it’s a lot easier to see things that you actually like, just because TikTok has the business model where they want to show you things that you want to see. So, they’re not trying to overly police what you see. So, it’s just interesting. Each platform is so, so different in that way. What are you seeing on LinkedIn? LinkedIn, I, I really have been enjoying LinkedIn. So, LinkedIn for me though, I’m not seeing a lot of new people post. I’m seeing a lot of Um, my friends, my colleagues, you know, other consultants, people that work in nonprofits, because the LinkedIn algorithm, of course, if I comment on something or like something, if I’m connected to somebody, then they’re more likely to show me that post. I feel like LinkedIn for me, I, I don’t know how to get out of it. I might need to just expand into following some brand new people, but it’s a little bit of an echo chamber for me right now. I love it though. I am learning a lot of new things and I actually finding out a lot of news on LinkedIn, and a lot of articles and statistics and things about fundraising and philanthropy that I, I didn’t know. I follow the National Council for nonprofits for all my news around the federal funding freeze and what people can do to combat those kind of executive orders. So, but I am finding it’s harder to discover new people on LinkedIn, but that’s probably just the way that I’ve been using it. In my own little kind of bubble, um, for safety, really like for mental health reasons. Um, but I love, I think LinkedIn is a very vibrant place for nonprofits to showcase thought leadership, to build relationships with donors and board members, um, and other, you know, fundraising professionals. Yeah, I’ve been consciously following new folks a week. Yeah, so my strategy is, uh, I look at folks who make smart comments on It’s usually other people’s posts, uh, I, because I guess I’m not sure other people are doing what I’m suggesting because most of the people who comment on my posts tend to be the same, you know, there are certainly exceptions, but that’s not, that’s not where I’m finding new people to follow. I’m looking at comments on other people’s posts and saying, oh, that’s a savvy comment, you know, so click, you click the, the little, the person’s little head. And it goes to their profile and you can decide if you want, you wanna send an invitation to uh to connect. I guess I said. I love that. So yeah, you could be, it’s it’s just a proactive. I do a week. And so that it’s strategic and it’s proactive, and I want everyone listening to really embrace those two words because that is How you succeed on social media by being strategic and proactive. We can’t continue to just be reactive. We can’t continue to just post on LinkedIn or post on Facebook and then throw our hands up and say, oh well, nobody commented. We need, and Tony, you do this really a lot. Commenting on other people’s posts, thoughtful comments, interaction. That is what drives engagement and that’s how you get seen. We are not, you know, Taylor Swift, like Taylor Swift. Has 250 million followers on Instagram and doesn’t follow anybody. OK, we, we can’t do that. We have to actually go out there and find relevant people to follow and build our network proactively. So I love that you said that because I think that’s so important. Proactive and strategic. Mhm. Yes, I would love that. Well, quantity is better than perfect. Yes, that’s valuable. It’s time for Tony’s Take two. Thank you, Kate. You are listening, as you listen to nonprofit radio to a top 10. Best fundraising podcast. That is thanks to an organization called Million Podcasts. They put out their list of 100 best fundraising podcasts and squeaking in. At right at number 10. Is Tony Martignetti nonprofit Radio. Thank goodness we’re not number 11 because what, what would I say? We’re a top 11. What is that? Ah, that’s like sad tromboneswamp wap, top 11, you so. Top 10, no, we’re not top 11 or anything below. We are top 10, barely squeaked in. So I’m very grateful to a million podcasts for their, their list, and it is, it is a valuable list of 100 podcasts, different types of fundraising. Uh, there, I saw event fundraising, I saw a crowd fundraising podcasts, and some other ones you may know, Julia Campbell, uh, We Are For Good, you might know Joan Gary, people like that, but working in there at number 10. Is your is your favorite, your favorite hebdominal podcast. With you since July of 2010, each and every week for pert near 15 years. Nonprofit radio. This is all because we have this outstanding associate producer. Kate, and that is Tony’s. Well, congratulations, pod father. I mean. The work, you can see it, all the hard work that goes into the show for 15 years. Oh, you deserve it. 15 years. 15 years. We’ve got boou but loads more time. Here’s the rest of Julia Campbell on social media. To validate what you’re explaining and sharing, LinkedIn for me has become my most popular platform. I’ve got the most connections there, right? That’s a vanity. I understand that, but I’ve also got most engagement on LinkedIn and other platforms where I’m less. Strategic and proactive. I’ve just, I’ve prioritized LinkedIn, so I picked one as a priority, and I would say my next is probably blue sky where I need to be more, more proactive, but that it’s newer, but I need to spend more time there. But you know, like, yeah, no, it’s true. I mean, you know, the things we measure are the things that get changed, right? So I’ve, my social manager and I put emphasis on LinkedIn. And it has made a difference over, over more than a year. I’ve just seen a steady, steady trend in the right direction in terms of engagement. And I I do recommend for the nonprofits listening, really look at your website and see where the traffic is being driven. If, if you, building up your website and a specific, specific pages of your website or specific resources on your website is a goal. For you, you might be surprised that LinkedIn is actually driving a lot of traffic or Pinterest, or another platform that you might not have thought of. We are so conditioned to just think Facebook is the king of social media, when actually the engagement and the reach on Facebook are the lowest. It’s the lowest of all of my channels that I’m on. And it’s the lowest of all of my clients’ channels. It’s not growing. It’s growing internationally, it’s not growing in America anymore. And it’s, I find that it’s just becoming incredibly stagnant over over on Facebook. It’s actually becoming very toxic from what I’ve been seeing. But I, we just are so conditioned to think, oh, that was the very first place we joined. We got a Facebook page. We’ve had it for 25 years now. And so, What are we going, you know, what we’re not, we have blinders on almost, I think, around that. And there’s so many other exciting platforms coming up and so many cool things going on. And LinkedIn also, I will say, is really doubling down on resources for nonprofits. If you go to LinkedIn for nonprofits, they have newsletters, they have a creator studio. They do a lot with Giving Tuesday. They just, I think they’re really trying to establish themselves in the third sector, um, and I think they’re doing a great job. So definitely something to think about if you’re getting kind of sick of the lack of engagement on Facebook. That’s good advice. Take a look at. Uh, you know, all your advice earlier still applies. You know, if you’ve got a good community and it’s active there, then naturally stay, but if not, if you’re seeing the declining engagement that so many of us have seen, my, my practice included, um, you know, either leave or DM or just deemphasize, deemphasize, you know, instead of, instead of a post a day, maybe it’s one a week, maintain a presence, but. You know, if it’s not, if it’s not paying off for you, then don’t spend your time on it. Just like, just like any program that you’re doing, you know, you evaluate your programs, right? Be like you’re saying, Julia, be strategic about thoughtful about your social strategies. Absolutely. And really looking at like YouTube, I’m so shocked about nonprofits, not posting video content on YouTube when it’s the #2 search engine owned by the #1 search engine. So if you have video content and all of us do, I would hope, repurposing it, putting it on YouTube where discoverability is key. It’s not your same donors that are following you, that are gonna follow you on YouTube. It’s brand new people that are hopefully going to discover you because they’re searching. They’re using YouTube as a search engine, people use Instagram as a search engine, TikTok. I think of younger people, especially like my daughter who’s 15, she would never Google something. She would look it up on TikTok. You know, she just wouldn’t, it’s like that’s where that’s her search engine. So that’s, we need to be thinking of these tools, not in terms of like broadcasting our message to our followers, but building new followers and being discovered and hopefully reaching brand new people. So your 15 year old daughter wouldn’t wouldn’t go to YouTube to search for something. She might go to YouTube, YouTube, but probably TikTok or Insta TikTok. Uh, uh, we’re gonna take a little digression, uh, around your background. You used to have, uh, I remember you had Ruth Bader Ginsburg up for a long time. Oh yeah, I have a Ruth Bader Ginsburg, um, but yeah, I changed it. I always have the nasty woman. Well, you’ve got my painted um right after Trump got elected in 2016. That’s been up for years and you’ve got a book with a biceps. Yeah, you’ve got a framed framed framed piece that says well behaved women don’t make history. Wonder Woman and then the one the etching behind me is my mom. Threw that, um, and you can’t see it. It’s so detailed. I know it’s like a good place for it because you can’t pencil? Yes, it’s an etching. So yeah, it’s really beautiful and I was, I actually put it there so it wouldn’t get broken. I need to put it in. I need to hang it up. And on the on the end, is that Wonder Woman’s Wonder Woman. Yes. So what is it about who do you consider strong women? Who do you clearly you you have a You you have an affinity for strong women. Uh, who do you think of? Oh wow. Well, do you know who my favorite right now is um Elona Mar. She’s the rugby player and she was on Dancing with the Stars and she’s 6 ft tall. She’s a Award winning, um, she’s just an incredible athlete, but she’s also just her social media is absolutely incredible about, she’s a different body type, you know, she’s got really broad shoulders. A lot of people think she’s a trans man, you know, write horrible comments on all of her stuff. Um, but she’s just such a light and so inspiring to women and to young girls who, you know, and I’m 6 ft tall, so I love, I love seeing not like little petite girly girls, you know, in my feet all the time. So, yeah, she’s someone I really love. And of course, I am still a huge fan of Hillary Clinton, still forever. I do you know that I went as Hillary Clinton for Halloween in 1992? I have loved her forever. So, I still follow her. I love her pithy comments on what’s going on um on Instagram. But, you know, I just am seeing so many. I mean, I watched all of the SNL 50. Uh, all of that coverage, so like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler are obviously amazing. I watched all of the Grammys, so like Dochi and just all of these incredible female performers. Chapel Rone is amazing. Lady Gaga, obviously. Just it’s the, you know, I think it’s the year of the woman. I’ve been seeing just everything I’ve been seeing in pop culture, um, a lot of women coming up into politics, getting really interested in politics now. Um, hopefully a lot more women will be leading nonprofits. I know that. I don’t know the percentage, but it’s incredibly small, especially women of color leading nonprofits. So I’ve, I’ve been seeing some positive signs despite all of the noise that is trying to keep marginalized groups down. I’ve been just seeing a lot of positive signs of resistance. And I’m very excited for the Handmaid’s Tale to come back in April. About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Yes, so I do like her. I, I follow her videos. She was one of the ones that first started using reels actually. No stories. So she was one of the very first politicians that was using stories. And do you remember she would do Instagram Live where she would just be cooking in her kitchen. I would watch those all the time. It was when she was very first coming onto the scene. She would just do these Instagram lives cooking ramen in her kitchen and like talking about politics of the day. And I thought that was before anyone was doing that. And I thought that was really cool and made her very accessible, and just really interesting. Um, so she’s totally social media savvy, but yeah, she’s a powerful force. And Ayanna Presley, um, senator from Massachusetts, um, she is, she’s one of my absolute favorites. I follow her on social. I love her. So how do all these women influence your own practice? Well, I think being authentic to who you are and shunning the non-believers, you know, Seth Godin always says, shun the non-believers, and not getting so hung up on the people that don’t like you. And now, I am a Canarian. I was, I’m July 9, so I have the strong predilection to have people like me, and I’m a people pleaser. I’m also the oldest daughter. So I have all of these personality traits where I want people to like me. But then when I see what these other women are doing, and they’re standing up and they’re talking and they’re saying their truth, like Ayanna Presley actually has alopecia, and she shaved her head and she’s bald and beautiful and famously just, I mean, she’s stunning, but she’s bald and she just talks about it, and she shares her truth and helps other people. And that’s what I, you know, that’s, that just really inspires me. So, putting your personality into your work, I think is part of the reason why I have been so successful, um, but certainly, of course, not everyone agrees with me or likes me. I’ve gotten some nasty email responses, I’m sure you have too. From time to time, or like a nasty direct message about something. But to me, if people are not responding, it means they’re not paying attention. So, I try to remind myself to be provocative, to be authentic, to be myself, and never, never back down from things that I stand for. So that’s that’s really how they inspire me. Thanks for sharing all that. Sure. What else would you like to talk about? Well, it’s important. I, I like to, you know, too. And I know it’s memorable like I said, I know. I change it up once in a while, but These, the, the things behind me, they really ground me and just really helped me remember who I am and what I stand for, and also the fact that if you’re on a Zoom call with me and you don’t like my background, we’re probably not going to be able to work together, so. All right. What else would you like to talk about? We still have time. Well, you’re gonna go to NTC, right? I’m not able to go this year. OK, yes, I am going. Oh, it’s not. It’s not far from you as well. It’s not. It’s not far. I could probably stop by. I didn’t have any, I didn’t apply to speak, um, but I know you always do a great. Showcase in the exhibit hall, they’re actually it’s it’s nonprofit will be there. I’ll capture 15 or 20s. Yeah, yeah, make sure you let me know if you drop in for a day or something. I know I’m thinking of AFP Icon, which is in Seattle. I don’t know why I thought the nonprofit technology conference was in Seattle, but no, because it’s usually out there, right? Because that’s where they’re. Yeah. OK. Any other conferences you’re excited about this year? Um, yeah, I know, me too. I mean. Yeah, I, I, AFP I, yeah, I applied a bunch of years, you know, I have my theory about why I was never selected, so I don’t, I don’t go to AFP, even though it’s I know it’s huge, but they don’t, you know, being strategic. Yeah, I’ve heard that from a few people that I’m always shocked because like you, they’re really thought leaders in the field and I just don’t, I don’t understand how they pick, but. I, yeah, I’ve been on the NTC committee that’s chosen. Chosen proposals. I did that for a few years, but um, yeah, I don’t know. Icon is is such a. Such a hard nut to crack. You know what I’ve, I think it really does, it parallels what you’re saying about the social networks, and I’ve, I’ve embraced this in my own practice too. Um, I, I, I go where I’m wanted. And, and if, you know, if you’ve turned me down a couple of times. You don’t want me. That’s OK. I’m gonna focus on this is parallel to what you’re saying about the network. I’m gonna focus where people embrace me. They see the value and 10 and their nonprofit technology conference. They routinely welcome me on the what used to be the exhibit floor, like I said, now this year they’re calling it the hub. They routinely, you know, we work out a deal. I amplify their speakers with over 13,000 listens because nobody’s. You know, nobody’s getting 13,000 people coming to their 90 minute session. So I amplify their speakers and they, and they cut me a break and, and I’m, I’m, I’m wanted and, and I feel loved there. So, so routinely year after year I go back to the NTC wherever last year it was in Portland. It’s probably about as far as it could be from me in North Carolina, but I still was happy to go. It was a pleasure to go this year happens to be a little closer. I can drive from North Carolina to Baltimore, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll go year after year. Same thing with clients, same thing with the social networks. Like go where, go where folks embrace you and wanna work with you. That is, I love that. That’s perfect. I completely agree. Um, people always ask me, there’s several conferences, you know, like a nonprofit storytelling conference, but I’ve just never been asked to speak. I’ve never been accepted to speak, and that, and I am fine with it, and it’s just like you said, I don’t lose sleep over places that don’t want me, you know, I focus on where where people want me. It’s almost like really unsubscribes to my email list or people unfollowing me on social media. If I It’s just a, it’s just a signal that’s like, I’m not for you right now, or there’s something going on, or my message is not connecting with you, and that’s completely OK. And I think we do need to get More comfortable in our own skin. We also need a little thicker skin, but we need to say, this is what I stand for, this is who I am, this is my message, and that’s how you’re going to attract the right people to your cause. That’s how you’re going to attract people that want to participate, that want to become part of the movement, rather than we we just focus on numbers and not real quality of connection, a lot of the time. But I completely agree with that. I would only want to be somewhere that would really want me. Let me interject something you said earlier, quality over quantity, right? Real engagement on a couple of networks versus being in 12 different networks and nothing is you’re not gaining traction. No, I, I really do agree and just really, you know, understanding. That your audience wants to hear from you. I think that nonprofits tend to think they are bothering their audience. They don’t send, they send a quarterly email, you know, like 4 emails a year to your donors? No, that’s insane, cause what if they delete one and they don’t hear from you for half a year. So, we always think we’re inundating our donors, our message is boring, or we’re annoying people, but the reality is that, you know, your cause matters and what the work that you do matters, and people want to know about it, especially if they’re giving you money. If they’re not giving you money, they want to hear about it if they’re on your email list, but if they are giving you money, they want to hear what’s going on and they want to hear from you. So we have this imposter syndrome. That is very hard for a lot of people to shake. And I would just encourage any nonprofits listening, you know, communicate more and communicate more authentically, and communicate more strongly than you might be comfortable with. You know, I’ve I’ve received, I’m thinking about Everything going on in the news, like you, you don’t have to, you shouldn’t say something maybe specifically about Trump. I’m not saying you have to do that, but to not comment on the federal funding freeze if it’s affecting your organization, I want to know that as a donor. I wanna know, oh, like, did the USAID shut down? How did that affect Amnesty International, or how did that affect these international organizations? I really want to understand that more. But having, you know, just being so afraid to talk about anything going on in the headlines, that’s not serving your donors. It’s not serving your community and it’s not serving your mission. I have a client that does international relief work and I’m sorry. I said that right to their donors, including their planned donors, and the messages of support that they’re getting back, they’re heartening and heartbreaking at the same time. I mean, you, you, you hear the people’s frustration. And some of them respond with gifts with increased gifts, including, you know, these are folks who have already included the, the, the organization in their long term plan in their will or something else, and now they’re making a cash gift. Uh, I saw one, you know, um, I wanna do an uh a qualified charitable distribution which is an, an IRA transfer for folks who are 70.5 and over, but it’s, it’s immediate cash. It’s not at the person’s death. It, it comes. Immediately now and there and there are others, you know, so yeah, to your point, people do want to hear. They, they love your work, your, your messages are not junk mail and spam to them, and in a lot of cases they will, they will respond even though in with, with gifts, even though you’re not asking for gifts. You’re just informing, but they love your work that much. They hate to see. It hurts them to see that your work is, is, is being impinged on, impinged on, that’s putting it mildly. Your work is being devastated, you know, in, in other parts of the world. They don’t like to see that. And I saw, I saw a great Instagram post, uh, rescue.org. They did a whole series about how to talk to your friends and family about the importance of humanitarian aid. So it was a series of. where they addressed some of the miss and misconceptions. So an example would be, you know, if your dad says to you, well, all foreign aid is just a waste, or, you know, just um, corruption. How do you address that? Or if it says, well, why don’t we just focus on America? How do you address that? So, it was really interesting because I shared it and my stories, I took um photos of it, because it was so helpful. Because obviously people that follow Rescue.org care about humanitarian aid. Um, and so it was a helpful way for us to say, OK, here, we don’t really know how to participate in this conversation. It’s so emotional, it’s so fraught, but here are some talking points that you can use. So that helps your community. It helps your mission, um, but it helps your community advocate for you. And I’ve been seeing a lot of that lately and I love that trend. Julie Campbell, what else do you want to talk about? We still got some time. What else? Um, how much time do we have? 10 minutes or so. Oh, I have a call at 3. Oh, you do. Oh, OK. All right, then let me ask you. I you and I chatted at the top of the hour. Oh, I know we took some time. Um, let me ask you then sky. What do you see? What’s your opinion? Blue sky right now, which I love. It tends to trend toward more social justice, social activism, and left leaning causes right now. Because people are leaving Twitter, but I see it growing and expanding. Content moderation and data privacy are big priorities for that company. I don’t see ads, I don’t see a lot of crap in my, you know, feed. Um, it’s very curated and it’s, uh, I think it’s a much more positive experience right now for me. So I really encourage you, you’re a nonprofit. I think at least to, um, At least to set up your account there. So, save your name, at least bookmark your name, and then, you know, and then like I’d say with everything else, spend time on the platform, see what other people are doing, follow other organizations that make sense, follow consultants you like and writers and influencers, creators that you like, and see what they’re posting. And I, I think it’s, it’s gonna actually grow. I mean, I’m hoping that, I’m hoping that it will grow. I just, it’s not like no other social platform out there in terms of management and what I’m seeing in the feed right now. It’s very like curated and I really like it. Julie Campbell, social media maven. Hey, thank you. My pleasure. You’ll find Julia on LinkedIn. You’ll find her practice at JCsocialmarketing.com. I hope I see you at NTC. Let me know if you’re there. OK, I will let you know. Thank you very much. Thanks for sharing, Julia, savvy advice. Thank you very, very much. Thanks, Tony. Thanks for everything that you do and everything you do for the sector. Thanks. Next week, nonprofit activism in our political environment. If you missed any part of this week’s show, I beseech you. Find it at Tony Martignetti.com. We’re sponsored by Donor Box. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters’ generosity. Donor Box, fast, flexible, and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit, DonorBox.org. I love that alliteration. You didn’t think I was gonna do it this week, did you? Uh, I knew it. That’s why I did it. Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I’m your associate producer Kate Martignetti. The show’s social media is by Susan Chavez. Mark Silverman is our web guy, and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation, Scotty. Be with us next week for nonprofit Radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. Go out and be great.

Nonprofit Radio for January 3, 2022: Social Media Outlook For 2022

My Guest:

Charrosé King-Mathews: Social Media Outlook For 2022

Charrosé King-Mathews reveals what to look for in the New Year around platform evolution and content trends in the social networks. She’s an instructor in communications at Howard University.


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[00:00:03.04] spk_3:
Hello and welcome to tony-martignetti non profit radio

[00:00:13.14] spk_1:
big nonprofit

[00:00:14.26] spk_3:
ideas for the

[00:01:42.34] spk_1:
Other 95%. I’m your aptly named host of your favorite abdominal podcast Happy new Year. I’m glad you’re with me. I’d be stricken with Lauren Jill papilloma ketosis if I had to say that you missed this week’s show Social Media Outlook for 2022 Sharos King Mathews reveals what to look for in the new year around platform evolution and content trends in the social networks. She’s an instructor in communications at Howard University. tony steak too. Lots of Good 2022 Wishes. We’re sponsored by turn to communications pr and content for nonprofits. Your story is their mission turn hyphen two dot C. O. Here is social media outlook for 2022. It’s my pleasure to welcome for her first time Sharos King Matthews, she is a strategic communications instructor at Howard University where she’s also pursuing her PhD in communication culture and media studies. She researches and writes about rest and creativity as methods of resistance and healing. Share Jose just left the faculty of N 10 after five years. She’s at Sharos CK Sure Jose. Welcome to nonprofit radio

[00:01:48.94] spk_0:
Hi, it’s great to be here.

[00:02:02.94] spk_1:
Pleasure. I’m glad you are. I’m glad you are. But tell me tell us a little more about your your research and your writing on rest and creativity as methods of resistance and healing. What what what what does that work look like? What is that?

[00:02:05.89] spk_0:
So I am you know, starting out so I’m going to be discovering what that work looks like. But I’ve I’ve always been um very interesting.

[00:02:16.94] spk_1:
I’m sorry, what do you think it’s gonna look like? What do you hope

[00:02:35.04] spk_0:
it’s gonna look well where where I’m starting from is like um I’ve always been interested in in creativity and art and being able to express oneself through artistic mediums and helping other people to do that as well. Um and I think creativity is like a a huge social driver for for change. If we look at like music and art and fashion in the way that people are drawn into movements by the ways that we can use creativity in order to, you know, engage people and get them to think about different things. Um but also on the other side of that that you know, rest is so important to creativity. And looking at the ways that, you know, systems of oppression have stifled communities, abilities to produce creative work by with you know, low wages that require them to work, you know, constantly just to be able to afford a living and you know, um well in my case as a black woman having ancestors who are brought here specifically to work and how that has, you know, our relationships with work and and you know, as opposed to living in more creative and and pleasurable life and how we can, you know, move towards everyone being able to have those more um creative opportunities and how that can change our world for the better for everyone.

[00:04:14.14] spk_1:
Cool, All right. They’re they’re interesting tensions because you’re writing about rest and creativity. To me those are in opposite. I mean, you’re you’re you’re not you’re not at your most creative when you’re resting, creativity is, you know, is activity, stimulation and then and then rest. But then as methods of healing and resistance to me, those are in opposite to, you know, you I don’t they’re they’re, you know, they’re both they’re both critical, but I don’t see them as consistent. Like you when you’re healing yourself, you’re not in a resistance, you’re not in a resistance state state. Resistance to me is, you know, agitation

[00:04:23.78] spk_0:

[00:04:30.44] spk_1:
and and advocacy, you know, But that’s not that’s that’s in opposite to healing, right?

[00:04:31.15] spk_0:
Yeah. So it’s like I’m thinking like the balance of the two and how you you you know, need one to have the other and and that kind of thing and seeing how they are synchronous and you know, um I just I want people to everyone to have, you know, be able to live healthier, more fulfilling lives and, you know, all of that stuff

[00:05:12.24] spk_1:
healthy but also productive and resistant when needed. Absolutely, yeah. It’s interesting. Yeah. Like there’s it’s two different spectrums to me rest and creativity, healing and resistance interesting. Alright. This Yeah, I’ll be, look, I’ll look forward to your dissertation in how many years? How many years does this program take you, do you think?

[00:05:17.44] spk_0:
So. Typically about four. I will be finishing up my classes this year and then I’ll be focusing just on my um dissertation proposal and then my dissertation.

[00:05:44.34] spk_1:
Yeah. And research. All right, very good. Welcome. Alright. It’s glad to have you. So you’ve got some savvy ideas coming, coming out, coming off the n 10 faculty as well. So howard faculty and 10 faculty. Uh I’m not sure which is more prestigious. Well, you know, Well one is, one is prestigious in lots of respects and the other has its niche in nonprofit tech. So they’re both,

[00:05:50.89] spk_0:
they’re both prestigious. They’re both quite prestigious in

[00:06:08.04] spk_1:
their own. Yes, that’s right. That’s right. Um Not zero sum by any means. They can both be highly prestigious. So you’ve got some ideas around social media trends. What you see coming for 2022. What do you see happening with our social media platforms?

[00:06:11.84] spk_0:
Some things that I’m seeing are more audio only features um like on twitter on facebook, which would be great for people who listen to podcasts. Maybe that’s that fits in well. Um and even like um

[00:06:35.54] spk_1:
facebook is facebook is coming to audio only a little slow. I mean I’ve been I’ve been podcasting since 2000 10 where they’ve been, where they’ve been, where has facebook been

[00:06:40.13] spk_0:
has been around for a very long time has been around. Yeah.

[00:06:43.52] spk_1:
But where, where they they they’re coming late to the format.

[00:07:09.34] spk_0:
Yeah. And I think so. I think that happens like with technology sometimes we, we like jump ahead and it’s like sometimes we might lose things that were good before and we have to kind of rediscover them and they, they show up in a different way in in some ways, like we see here on, on like twitter and, and facebook also, Tiktok will be um, is working on streaming. Well, it’s released in, in some countries internationally, but it’s another example of, of a platform focusing more on audio only content. Um,

[00:07:24.84] spk_1:
wait, so, so Tiktok moving away from video,

[00:07:26.74] spk_0:
Not away by audio only also

[00:07:51.74] spk_1:
in addition. Okay, okay, Alright. So, alright, so let’s talk about this. This audio only trend. Then you’re saying facebook twitter, Tiktok uh, promoting audio only formats. What do you see? Non profits are able to do? I mean, how do you see leveraging that?

[00:07:53.64] spk_0:

[00:07:54.79] spk_1:
Like are they all short form like this, Tiktok, you know, like Tiktok audio format limited to 15 seconds.

[00:09:58.14] spk_0:
So on. I know, so each of them is, is a little different. Um, I know on, on twitter for example, you can have like, um, instead of like a live video that’s going on, you can have an audio room where people are chatting, anyone can listen in, but you know, only certain people can chat. So you might, that might be good for like, um, if you’re having a panel discussion or something like that and, and maybe video is not as important to it. Um and you can, you can do it that way, especially if you are uh you know, working, working virtually in people in different locations. Um video is not as important. That can be helpful and um also like when now they have a lot of different ways that they will appear on these different platforms. Um but I think as always, and I want to say this for for like all the transfer that we’ll talk about, you know, you want to think about how it works for your organization in particular because there’s they’re popping up with different features all the time. So you have to think about how, how do we best communicate with our audience. Um so I think, you know, in short form places you might, you might share like specific snippets of your podcast. If you have, if your, if your organization has a podcast, maybe you would share specific snippets or maybe particular quotes or updates that you could share like with the photo and then um like a message that goes along with that photo, which is also, I think the benefit of that is it’s a bit of a lower um you don’t need as much equipment or export technical, know how like you would need to do in order to create a video, you know, with the video, you need to to, you might need to do some editing or you might need to create some graphics, but if you have photos, you can use those in lots of different places and incorporate audio with them, you know, um, on certain posts to enhance the, the content.

[00:10:18.54] spk_1:
Okay, okay, very interesting. Audio, audio only. Do you, Do you envision that, that, that Tiktok audio only feature will still be limited to the, to the 15 seconds.

[00:11:16.34] spk_0:
Um I’m not, I didn’t, I don’t remember reading how long it would be um but okay, so, so Tiktok is also moving into like, because they use a lot of music and stuff on their platform. They’re also looking into Tiktok streaming, like having a streaming service that is a competitor to Spotify. Um and then you also have Spotify incorporating more social media into. There’s so you see a lot of, a lot of um, hybrid things happening um between between some of these like audio and social media in particular right now and I would say we did see this a lot with with video. I mean we had vine was huge and, and you know youtube, of course we still have Youtube. Um but a lot of these things are the things that we, we already used to communicate and they pop up in different ways depending on, you know, what features are available on how the different audiences communicate with one another. Um, on those different platforms.

[00:11:40.04] spk_1:
That’s interesting, you bring up vine, how come vine went away but tick tock. It is, it is, it’s flourishing.

[00:12:39.04] spk_0:
How come, what is that? Yeah, I know, I’m fine, it was right, so vine went away and instagram at that time started having short videos too. So it was like instagram kind of picked up that short video format and then vine, you know, wasn’t needed as much because you have, you have your photos and your video on instagram then, so then we lose vine, but we have olive vines, features on a different platform. Um and I think that’s something that we really want to think critically about when we’re looking at these trends and the different platforms that come up because there are a lot of politics behind it, you know, it’s something it’s, you know, which ones have the most money, like instagram is owned by facebook, so they have a lot more money and resources and facebook is everywhere all over the globe um you know, in, in nearly every country, whereas you know something um for as a, as a um you know, contrast, we have Tiktok which what has been threatened to be, you know, shut down in the US unless they, unless they, you know, sold part of their company to an american owner. So we have things like that that are going on in the background that, you know, we have to make um certain apps, you know, have more ability to reach more people. So it’s also, it’s about how we use them and whether they are service serving people’s needs and you know, that it’s fun to use and all of that, but also we need to think about, it’s not always just, um, the audience that determine which one is a successful platform.

[00:14:29.84] spk_1:
It’s time for a break. Turn to communications, Your Communications Plan for 2022. Does it include social posts, blog posts, newsletters, your annual report, website updates, board reports, fundraising appeals. Acknowledgment messages, staff, communications, process documentation, training, documents onboarding or maybe those last couple don’t fit into your communications plan. They still have to be written. Do you need help with your writing in 2022 Turn to communications, your story is their mission turn hyphen two dot c o Now back to social media outlook for 2022, does that mean that we should not be pioneers or even maybe early adopters when a, when a platform emerges, you know, that, that we not invest time in it when it may not, It may not survive? I mean like should we wait 18 months before we jump into a new platform?

[00:15:02.24] spk_0:
I that’s a really good question because I mean that’s what we’re talking about here, trends. We wanna know trend because we want to know how do we react to these new things. Um, and two that I, I would say like for if you’re a smaller nonprofit and I’ve worked at many, you know, you don’t have a lot of resources you want to, I would like to think of think of the social media, um, managing that as a, um, capsule wardrobe. So I don’t know if anyone familiar with the capsule wardrobe defined that we have, we have

[00:15:09.48] spk_1:
on non profit capsule wardrobe will definitely land you in jargon jail.

[00:17:48.74] spk_0:
So, right. So, and so a capsule wardrobe if you think of, so you can think, I think a great example is Fran fine on the nanny. She has a very, you know, dramatic wardrobe. However, if you pay attention, she’s pretty much always wearing a black turtleneck, black tights and black shoes and then she’ll put like a fun jacket or a fun skirt on top of those things. And, and so that’s um, you know, a way to extend a wardrobe on fewer, there are fewer pieces and just choosing like a statement piece. So the way I look at that is like, um, in with your social media, you want to have good bones, good structure. You wanna have, you wanna have some image templates that you can use. And then when there’s a, you know, I just talked about images before and putting audio with them. So if you already have great images that you’ve worked on and put a lot of care into curating, you can then add these other things on top of them as these trends change. Um, I would also say as far as new platforms coming up, I think it’s always worth your time to at least create an account so that if that platform becomes more popular in the future, you’ve already claimed your organization’s name on there. Um, so that it’s easy to find you and you, and it’ll be, you know, more cohesive part of your brand. So I think that’s always worth it because that doesn’t take a lot of time. Exactly. Right. Right. Right. Exactly. And that’s fine too. That’s fine too. Because you’re, you’re putting your time where, you know that your audience is and, and you know, what’s going to pay off because, you know, without a lot of time and resources, we have to be very smart about, um, where we’re putting our focus and social media because it’s so vast when you send stuff out, it can just go out into the ether and no one, you know, it might not get traction. So you need to be very smart about how you’re using your time. So I would say like, yeah, you’re right. So you have your, your core images and the kinds of messages that you know, that you can use. Um, also this might be referred to as evergreen content content that you can use all the time. Um, you know, no matter the time of year, but it’s always relevant to, to your organization. Um, I think that’s a very important thing to have in, in kind of your capsule wardrobe, um, of, of social media fashion, you know, your,

[00:18:30.84] spk_1:
your, your capsule wardrobe, your capsule wardrobe. Yes, I scolded your core capsule. Okay. Sorry. Yeah. Um, well, I’m a guy, I want to be, you know, I want to be up. I want to be, I want to be timely. My, my time has long passed. Um, so, alright, Yes, absolutely, of course, evergreen content repurposing, you know, you want to be smart. You know, if something goes on your blog, maybe you can maybe you can pull a 12th, clip, an audio and quoted somewhere, you know, on twitter

[00:18:31.17] spk_0:
or facebook or, or,

[00:18:50.34] spk_1:
or, or Tiktok when, when the audio only features are, are, are available. Um, and then, you know, and then it could be part of, maybe it could be part of an email. Uh, maybe maybe it lives somewhere else on your website. You know, maybe it could be a social media post in print instead of audio. Um, right, so you want to be smart about

[00:19:01.84] spk_0:
right? And one um, uh, an acronym that I use for that, that I’ve heard is cope create once, publish everywhere. Okay, so like your blog post, you created it once. But then you’re using all those pieces of the blog posts in different places on your social media or your website and your blog and your emails and all of that.

[00:19:58.74] spk_1:
I love it create once, publish everywhere. So we got our capsule wardrobe. We have our, we have our cope. Okay, what? Um, all right, So this is interesting. This audio form. I mean obviously as a podcaster and I’ve been a longtime listener of radio and I think radio is just such a intimate format. It feels close. I mean, I got my inspiration for this show from radio shows. Um really interesting, you know, in one respect, it’s a, it’s a step back from, from the video because now you’re only getting really getting half the, not half the content really, but half the half the stimulation. I mean there’s the but but I don’t consider a step backwards, but but

[00:20:01.72] spk_0:
somebody, somebody could

[00:20:02.69] spk_1:
say, well, no picture anymore, what you know, but the video is the trending, but now, now now audio is trending.

[00:20:09.94] spk_0:
That’s why

[00:20:11.54] spk_1:
that’s why we need you on to make sense of this for

[00:20:14.27] spk_0:
us. For

[00:20:15.89] spk_1:
me, I’m not gonna maybe other people maybe more sad, but make sense of it for me please.

[00:21:19.44] spk_0:
So as you were talking, I was thinking, you know how you said like, radio can feel much more intimate than watching the video. And I it kind of reminds me of like reading a book versus watching a movie, the way you described it kind of like, and sometimes, you know, using our own imagination. And and with with the content that were there were there were reading or listening, using our own imagination. I think also helps us build a bond in some way. Whereas when you have a video, it’s like you don’t have to use your imagination, you can see what this person looks like and where they’re sitting and how they’re speaking and all of that kind of thing which I think takes away some of I think that’s part of like our creativity that makes us, you know, interested in having, you know, not knowing everything right away, you know? And and I um especially think like with audio, you know, you’re you’re very you’re not thinking about how you look, you’re just you’re just you’re just really um participating with the content,

[00:22:13.44] spk_1:
interesting. That reminds me of of a host I used to listen to on National Public Radio terry Gross. She she never wanted to be in the same studio as her guests, they always remote and and there was no camera feed. It would she she didn’t want the visual stimulation, she wanted to focus on the conversation and that’s it. She didn’t want the person in the room, she didn’t want to see them wherever they were, whatever studio they were in, she didn’t want to see them from there. It was just the conversation. Mhm interesting. Alright, of course I’m blowing, I’m blowing it here because I I can see you right now and we may put this on Youtube. Uh

[00:22:15.11] spk_0:
well you’re stuck with the lack of choice that people have the choice so to watch or or just listen,

[00:22:21.02] spk_1:
that’s true, you can turn your screen, you can turn off your screen absolutely, you could, you could go for the go for the creativity and, uh, and just listen,

[00:22:29.84] spk_0:
I guess it’s

[00:22:42.94] spk_1:
not so good to just watch though. That’s not gonna be good. Like don’t turn the sound down and try to read the lips that you’re, you’re missing, you’re missing too much content there, that I wouldn’t suggest doing it that way. All right. Um you think Tiktok is growing too, you have a, you have a prediction about Tiktok and instagram.

[00:24:08.44] spk_0:
Um, yeah, so I was reading this and I think, um, hoot suite that Tiktok is growing will surpass instagram um, in the number of active users. Um, and you know, that’s, I mean, we do see a lot of, a lot of the, you know, younger audiences on their like gen Z and stuff like that. Um, and, and I, and I was also reading about, um, okay, well, let me say so, I always want to be like, it’s great when companies can grow and it shows how popular they are. But I do also want to go back to, you know, what we just said about why certain platforms grow faster than others or might succeed where others don’t even though they have the same the same features, But, um, and so, and I start with Tiktok, um, and instagram and, you know, which one is popular is important for our organism, which one’s most popular is important. But we also want to look at where are our audience is in particular. So if you know that your audience is, you know, um this demographic, which is, you know, it’s um boomers who live in Arizona or, or whatever demographic it is, and it doesn’t, it’s not, you don’t see your audience on Tiktok, then it it doesn’t make um too much sense to go on there. But as we said, go and claim your account, make your space. So if you if it ever as the demographics change because that’s important to remember to demographics change over time. Um if we just look at facebook, for example, facebook was only open to university students. Um, so that was a very small demographic, but then it grew and grew. So, so we can see like these are where, where the numbers are for a moment. But that changes. And we can use that information to try to help make our decisions. But we should always remember that none of these are hard and fast rules. And we have to think about ourselves as the expert of our audiences and think about how social media is a tool to help us reach those people that that we know best

[00:25:17.84] spk_1:
and you’re good point, you know, knowing where they are and and knowing that that may shift as well, grandparents were not on facebook 15 years ago, but now it’s common. Well even before the pandemic for grandparents to stay in touch with grandkids through facebook. So,

[00:25:23.17] spk_0:
right. And, and a lot of my students do not use facebook anymore.

[00:25:28.01] spk_1:
Right, well their their grandparents around

[00:25:29.76] spk_0:
it, they don’t want exactly that’s going to look at pictures of your family and stuff, but not talk to your friends.

[00:25:36.74] spk_1:
Facebook is a perfect study in shifting demographics.

[00:25:39.69] spk_0:
That’s an excellent. Yeah, very interesting.

[00:26:26.34] spk_1:
The pioneers were driven off by the by, I think by their grandparents, they were alright, so if Tiktok Tiktok surpasses instagram, alright, so that it’s just, it’s just something I like to be aware of that Tiktok is growing in in audience size that way. And so it might be, might be a place for you to look. Um but maybe not, and we’re gonna get to the maybe not, you know, every right, every platform is not for everybody. Um but again, I love your advice about, you know, claim your claim your spot, get an account in your name, so nobody, nobody beats you to it and then you have to be creative or You know, be Tony-Martignetti two or something, you know,

[00:26:29.19] spk_0:

[00:26:38.74] spk_1:
they were the real tony-martignetti you know, All right, so let’s talk about creating, creating content this emerging short form audio

[00:30:11.64] spk_0:
with creating content and especially with short form, I think that’s definitely, you know, a challenge for a lot of social media accounts for a lot of our organizations, especially those that do very complex, you know, work and we want to communicate about it, but you know, this very brief, um, these very brief formats make it very difficult and I always try to emphasize with my colleagues and and reminding myself that social media is a place to direct people to more information. So like, yes, those clips are very short. But you want to make sure you’re using that to direct people where they can get more information. Words, you know, whether it’s, you know, signing up volunteers or donations or or what do you want them to do after? Well, and always have some kind of idea of what you of um, what each of your posts are doing for you. So you don’t wanna, you know, just put any kind of content out there. You have 15 seconds or, or however short the clip is and you want to make sure that you’re, you’re, you know, getting the most out of your time. So, um, when you are like, again, we will go back to the capsule wardrobe, making sure you have those solid foundations, creating some, some graphics that you can reuse. Um, but also, you know, look at what your, your peers um, uh, similar organizations are doing also what your audience is sharing, even if it’s not, you know, specific to your organization, you can see what your audience is interested in and how they are spending their time. Um, I often, you know, in my, in the course that I was doing with the intent, I would often talk about thinking about walking through the day in your audience in any of your audience members shoes and thinking about how are they spending their morning? You know, is that a good time to reach them and, you know, what kind, what are they doing in the morning and how might, you know, your work relate to that in some way. Like if somebody, you know, spends their morning, you know, watering their garden and you are, um, you know, an environmental organization and how you can um kind of show that you have common interests there and relating to what they’re interested in. So looking at looking at what what they are already interested in, but also looking at what some of your competitors and, and similar organizations to yours are doing, and, you know, identifying not just looking at what they’re doing and copying them, but looking at what they’re doing, identifying what works and what doesn’t, and also how you can put a spin on things for, for your brand, um, you know, there’s, there’s a quote, like good artists copy great artists steal that. So, so we want to, so it’s, it’s, it’s, you know, perfectly legitimate to look at what other companies are doing and and try them um, in your own way. Another thing is there’s nothing new under the sun, So all of these ideas are we’re regenerating and, and recreating and which is creativity, you know, thinking of these things from all these different places and they come together to make new things. Um, so when you’re thinking about about your content and how to make it, you know, engaging. You want to go back to the things, think less about the technology and think more about, you know, the very essence of good storytelling and, and you know what makes a good photo making sure that they’re good quality and all of those things can will take you a lot farther than thinking about um friends and and styles because they change so quickly.

[00:31:48.34] spk_1:
It’s time for Tony’s take two. Yes. You have my good wishes for 2022 for the new year. I’m I’m always optimistic at the beginning of the new year. Even when all evidence maybe to the contrary. I still, I don’t know. Uh Pollyanna naivete, blissful ignorance. I I don’t know. But every year I’m optimistic. So I’m optimistic about the new year. And you have my good wishes For your 2022 for you, your family, your work, your nonprofit, all those, all those things that are important. I hope 2022 is very good to you for all of those things in all those different ways. That’s it. My good wishes for the new year. That is Tony’s take two. We’ve got boo koo. But loads more time for social media outlook for 2022. Alright, that was a lot of excellent. So let’s start with calls to action. You want, you want, you want every piece of content to have some call to action, learn, learn more volunteer, donate, sign the petition.

[00:31:53.34] spk_0:
Even if it’s not a direct call to action, like, you know, sign up. Even if it’s, but even if you know the purpose like, okay, we are interacting with this audience member in order to, you know, build a better um relationship with our audience. Always make sure that that you know why you’re posting and you’re not just spending time sending things out because that’s that’s where you start to, you know, sink all your time into something that might not be paying off

[00:32:51.44] spk_1:
and in in short form audio. I mean if you want folks to go somewhere, maybe two learn more or you know, if there is an explicit call to action, learn more at a landing page, maybe you’re testing the, the, the outcomes so you have a landing page or whatever it is. Short form audio that you have to devote part of your 15 seconds to reading a web address.

[00:33:47.34] spk_0:
So with the, the short form audio, it’s always going to be um in a place they’re gonna have to be looking at something to click on it or have some kind of text with it in order to like it’ll come up in their feet or something like that. So whatever description um or you know, sometimes you, I mean in most places you can comment even beneath yourself. So wherever you see any opportunity to put in that information um is important um to do that. But as far as you know with audio as well, I think it’s also sometimes I see um and that’s actually not, this is audio and text but sometimes I’ll see like very long you RL’s um and I think it’s important to remember to use a U. R. L shorter I think um definitely. And when you’re doing audio, whether you know short for more or a little longer and you want to include a U. R. L. Make sure that you use like um Bentley dot com or something where you can customize it to be something easy to remember and you don’t have to say http excuse, you know, all of

[00:35:08.84] spk_1:
that. Uh I like to go even further. I have, I bought the the vanity domain, you know, tony dot M. A. So I could do tony through M. A. I think is Morocco. I’m pretty sure I bought that. I think I’m every two years I paid the country of Morocco I think I’m pretty sure that’s M. A. Um it’s not Mauritania, I think it’s more, I’m pretty sure it’s Morocco. So yeah, so tony-dot-M.A.-slash-Pursuant I can say, you know, non profit radio uh email sign up, you know whatever whatever. Alright so that may be worth investing in a little vanity vanity shorter too but but bitterly of course we like. Yeah, I like free resources. Absolutely. Um and then you mentioned peers, you know, evaluating what your peers are doing, what others see what other nonprofits are doing. So you mean literally looking at there at their feeds and and, and different platforms and see what they’re talking about and how they, how

[00:35:35.64] spk_0:
they talk, yep. And so you should definitely be following your pure organizations. Um, there are also a great resource for creating content. Not just, you know, if you, um, work together sometimes on on a shared project, um, you can help boost each other’s visibility on social media. But you do want to be following following your peer organizations also, you know, as a social media manager. Um, you tend to befriend the other social media managers because you know, you said, you know what other each other are going through. And so that’s actually a great community and um, following each other because then you can reach out to each other. Help. Help because you’re you’re in it for the, for the same cause. So it’s like you’re boosting the same content and and you know, helping achieve your mission overall that both of you want to achieve.

[00:36:27.33] spk_1:
That could even lead to some deeper collaboration. Maybe, you know, I’ve, I’ve had guests talk about the possibility of uh, like doing giving Tuesday, you know, combined campaigns. Mm hmm I don’t remember other examples, but but you know, just shared promotion. Pre shared projects, your promotion

[00:36:38.43] spk_0:
and one of the ones that I’ve had the most success with as far as partnership and shared promotion is um well I don’t see them as much anymore, but for a time there were twitter chats were pretty popular. Um I don’t see them as much as I used to, but whenever I’ve done them, I we would always get like tons more engagement um with our content. That was one of our I will put that on twitter chats and and tweeting at conventions. That is when we would get the most followers, the most retweets the most engagements generally. Um and now I’m thinking, you know, with the twitter um audio rooms and stuff like that. That could be instead of having a twitter chat where you’re typing it out, maybe you have people come in and listen to your panel discussion of experts talking about whatever the theme is and um introducing people to, to your brand that way.

[00:37:32.13] spk_1:
Cool. Excellent ideas. All right. You recommended paying attention to what your audience shares. Mm hmm. So you know what you want to you want to do more of what’s popular and less of what people think? Sucks. Right.

[00:38:48.32] spk_0:
So, um yeah, so, well, before I was a lecturer at Howard, I worked in the office of the Vice President for student Affairs and I was managing the social media there. Um and the school environment especially important to watch what your audience is saying because we didn’t need to watch for any problems that are coming up and stuff like that. Um but that’s the kind of thing I think you you want to look for generally and not just you know, problems um not doesn’t have to be something dire, but you know, what is, what is your audience concerned about that your organization can help answer and um you know, what are the problems that they encounter or the ways that see that they that they feel the issue that you cover, how that impacts their lives. So sometimes it might be looking at, you know exactly what they’re posting, exactly what they’re saying and sometimes it means more about like you know looking at overall and kind of observing, you know what you um you might even notice like challenges and things that come up that that your audience does not. Um but you can perhaps you know show how your work can help with these things that they may not even notice our issues um relating to your organization.

[00:39:06.62] spk_1:
What about the use of analytics to uh to evaluate what what your what your folks are sharing is that can that be valuable there?

[00:41:00.61] spk_0:
Absolutely. You should definitely be um keeping track of your analytics if you so if you don’t have a dedicated person who can look at the analytics every month, you at least want to be downloading them. So you have them um whenever I have started a new position as a social media manager. one of the first things that I do is to go to, um, all of those social media accounts and download as much of their um, analytical history as I possibly can. So if you’re already keeping and, and the thing is some platforms that you can’t go back any farther than a couple of years or a couple of months. So it’s very important to get that right away. Um, even if you can’t look at it consistently, because one day if you, if you do have someone who’s able to dedicate time to that, they have tons of content to go on where they can look at, you know, oh, we had a huge jump in in subscribers um, at this time and then they can go and look at, well, you know, what was going on at that time, What did we post? What was drawing in so much engagement? And so that’s why you really, um that’s why your your analytics are so important and it’s thus about like looking through them every day. Or I’m sorry, every month or so, um, because you know, if you don’t have a dedicated person for that, that takes a lot of time. But being familiar with, you know, around how many followers you have or being able to see the trend of, you know, what is normal engagement for us. So that then you can see when you do have a huge spike, you’ll be easily able to identify like oh here’s where that came from and here’s how we can duplicate that success also because that’s another thing you want to think about. How can we do this again? Um how can we use it for a different campaign or or in what other ways can we can we benefit from you know this content that we that did so well

[00:41:05.01] spk_1:
which are the platforms that you think have the better analytics.

[00:42:49.90] spk_0:
I definitely have opinions about that. Twitter, Twitter has great analytics um you will find so in um in a lot of communications scholarship like peer review journals and stuff when they’re when they’re talking about social media they will often use twitter twitter analytics because they’re the easiest to access. So twitter makes it very easy to to download all of your analytics from your account and put it in an Excel spreadsheet and then from there you can do whatever you want to do with it. Um there are on the on the other end I would say like for example instagram you cannot you have to go to like each individual post and see how many how many had right? So you have to type them in and yeah so and and that that allows um face meta now meta to have you know um more control over that content. Um The facebook analytics I are pretty good but again they are there, you kind of have to keep them within facebook Um So it’s harder to you know take them out and analyze them in different ways. So any platform that’s going to allow you to download them in an Excel spreadsheet is ideal. Um But you know sometimes I have had to go through and I’m writing typing them in individually from instagram. So and and that could that could also you know be a factor in deciding which platforms that you spend most of your time on because you know if you if you are focusing on if you make if you want to focus a lot on your analytics you wanna and and you want to have a platform where you can easily download them and it doesn’t take a lot of extra work. Um So you know these are all things to think about when you’re when you’re deciding you know what works best for for how you present on social media.

[00:43:15.50] spk_1:
What’s another one that’s good besides twitter Analytics one judging the analytics.

[00:43:20.00] spk_0:
I mean I do I like facebook uh the analytics that they that the way that they’re analytics

[00:43:27.47] spk_1:
are in the

[00:44:20.59] spk_0:
classroom right? You can’t export them. So um I’m thinking I mean for the most they tried there so you can I would also recommend. So I don’t know of twitter is the best ones, I don’t know of any other other ones don’t really compare to that but yeah but twitter is also starting to lock down um some of that like it’s not quite as much um data as you could get it before so um but there’s also you know platforms where like Hoot suite for example where you can have multiple social media platforms and see your analytics aggregated there. I do caution though that when you use um you use one of those platforms um the numbers might be a little bit different like there might be like some lag time between you know twitter and twitter on Hoot suite you know so um and also like the labels and the way that data is is labeled so you know on one platform a certain action might be called interactions whereas on another platform they’re called engagements and how they measure each of those things and what they’re called could could be different. So it’s just you know making sure we’re watching for those.

[00:44:52.69] spk_1:
Why would like a twitter start restricting the the robustness of the of the analytics the way you just said they’re they’re they’re tightening that up. Why would they why would they offer less?

[00:45:01.29] spk_0:
You want to charge for it? You want to start

[00:45:03.45] spk_1:
charging a fee to get it or

[00:45:29.19] spk_0:
you know what that’s and you know we we don’t know until they until it’s public. So that is 11 thing that could, I’m I haven’t um I’m not sure why it’s more difficult to get information but you know it’s beneficial to companies you know that information is money to them. So it is beneficial to them when they, you know, have proprietary um keeping content that that is valuable to them. I would um but twitter,

[00:45:43.49] spk_1:
they could have it too and share it with us too. I mean they’re they’re only sharing it with users. Users can only get there there little bit. The company is welcome to aggregate the hundreds of millions of users. They can do whatever you want with your proprietary data. But let me have my little share what are you taking in the era of transparency? What are you taking my little share away for?

[00:45:57.29] spk_0:
You would think, But I don’t know. All

[00:46:36.38] spk_1:
Right. You don’t have all the answers. Nobody does know these black boxes that we’ve all signed onto 2020 years. Sometimes they’re more annoyance than than than than additive but sometimes not not, I’m not, not saying I’m I’m opposed to social media obviously, but they can be very annoying, very annoying. We don’t even, we could spend a whole hour talking about facebook or a day about the annoyances behind facebook and in the shift from organic to paid, it’s just to me it’s just corporate green. All right.

[00:46:39.48] spk_0:
But I think a lot of that is, you know power from the users and putting it back in the hands of the company because users do have so much power and we have a lot of their ideas come from the users that are using the platforms. So I think it’s, you know, wanting to control how, how people use that platform and the information that you can get from it.

[00:46:59.28] spk_1:
Yeah, I mean,

[00:47:03.77] spk_0:

[00:47:28.88] spk_1:
exploitation. I mean, I’ll use, I’ll use facebook the most egregious example as, as the example, but you think goaded us all in, you know, they have 2.5 billion users now, a third of the planet is they, they brought us in and then they, and then they shepherd uh, you know, much less organic reach now. You want the same organic, you want the same reach, add pay for it, pay for it, pay us pay Goldman Sachs and uh, and you can have that, we have your reach back that we gave you originally and you know, it’s, it’s egregious. It’s uh, just exploitation.

[00:47:43.38] spk_0:
And I, I feel like social media has so much power for bringing people together and, and so that’s why I caution about like with trends and stuff we do need to be critical about, you know, is this trend, was this trend created because it’s something users wanted or because the company needs to innovate and grow. You know, so that’s another reason why you can wait and give yourself some time to see which trends are taking on and what makes sense for you because you don’t want to just be throwing your your time into this machine that is just there to make money for them. You want to make sure that you’re getting the best value out of that,

[00:48:37.77] spk_1:
what a beautiful segue to, to a closing section, let’s talk about, you know, every every platform is not for every non profit you know, you’ve you’ve made the point already, you know, you can uh squat on your account, you create your account and just and just squat it, hold it, but but every, you know, even the bigger platforms, we don’t have to be everywhere.

[00:48:42.07] spk_0:
Exactly, so,

[00:48:43.29] spk_1:
you know,

[00:50:17.66] spk_0:
you definitely right, so there are like you and this is something I say in my class to like in learning about social media and there’s constantly new stuff, you do not have to know everything about it, you do not have to be on every platform, your audience is not on every platform, no single person can manage all of the social media accounts that their social media platforms that there are. So I think the most important thing, you know, is to get back to that good structure and knowing who your audience is and um how to communicate with them and then, you know, using the different quirks of those social media accounts and different features to, to tweak that, but um as far as, you know, you might also want to think of as we’re talking about, you know, these big companies and what data they’re keeping and control and stuff like that, that might also be an a factor in deciding which platforms you’re on like um, back to N 10. Um, and 10 is no longer on Facebook because you know, the, some of the business practices that Facebook has used do um, do not, you know, does not work well with end transmission and the ways that they operate and you know, those are things you have to weigh that. Um, you know, if a lot of your, your audiences on facebook and that’s the only way to reach them, then maybe, you know, you do stay, but you know, you have this understanding of like um, that there are issues and were working around them and trying to make the best of these environments, but you know, they are businesses and so we need to be smart about where we’re spending our time.

[00:51:22.46] spk_1:
Excellent advice, very savvy. Thank you. All right. Sharos King Matthews, you’ll find her at narrows A C K. I’m gonna spell her name so you can find her C H A R R O S C King, Thank you very much. Great, great advice. Thank you my pleasure Next week, the log for j software vulnerability with Joshua pesky, eh, if you missed any part of this week’s show, I beseech you find it at tony-martignetti dot com. We’re sponsored by turn to communications pr and content for nonprofits. Your story is their mission turn hyphen two dot C o. It may be a new year, but some things never change. Our creative producer is

[00:51:23.54] spk_3:
claire Meyerhoff shows. Social media is by Susan Chavez. Marc Silverman is

[00:51:28.24] spk_1:
our web guy

[00:51:41.66] spk_3:
and this music is by scott Stein. Thank you for that. Affirmation scotty. You’re with me next week for nonprofit radio big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. Go out

[00:51:43.14] spk_1:
and be

[00:51:53.36] spk_3:

Nonprofit Radio for June 12, 2015: Visual Social Media & NTEN and NTC

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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Opportunity Collaboration: This working meeting on poverty reduction is unlike any other event you have attended. No plenary speeches, no panels, no PowerPoints. I was there last year and I’m going this year. It will ruin you for every other conference! October 11-16, Ixtapa, Mexico.

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My Guests:

Jessica Williams, Emma Chadband, & Jenna CerrutiVisual Social Media

With (l to r), Jessica Williams, Emma Chadband & Jenna Cerruti, at NTC 2015.

Be strategic with your visual content on Twitter, Vine, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit and Snapchat. Jessica Williams and Jenna Cerruti are account managers at Prichard Communications. Emma Chadband is online outreach associate at PAI. We talked at NTC, the Nonprofit Technology Conference hosted by NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network.


Amy Sample WardNTEN and NTC

Picture of Amy Sample WardAmy Sample Ward is our social media contributor and CEO of NTEN. At NTC I asked her to explain NTEN’s many programs, including their valuable annual conference. This really is an organization that will help you use technology smarter, from the social networks to CRM.



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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. Oh, it’s really good to be back live after two weeks away. Oh, welcome km! Jozy seldman keizer, oregon our newest affiliate. Well, i was on the west coast. I met the program director dave hammock and the board chair pam. Hello, david. Pam welcome km you z one hundred point seven eighty eight point five fm non-profit radios newest affiliate. Oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d suffer glass so far in jail neuralgia if i had to speak the words you missed today’s show visual social media be strategic with your visual content on twitter, vine, instagram, pinterest tumbler, reddit and snapchat no, jessica williams is a consultant. Jenna cerruti is account manager at pritchard communications and emma chadband is online outreach associate. At p i we talked at ntcdinosaur non-profit technology conference, hosted by n ten, the non-profit technology network, also in ten and and tc amy sample ward is our social media contributor and ceo of inten at ntcdinosaur asked her to explain and tends many programs, including their valuable annual conference, this really is an organization that will help you use technology smarter from the social networks to c r m on tony’s, take two non-profit radio on the road, responsive by opportunity collaboration, that working meeting that unconference on poverty reduction that will ruin you for every other conference. Here is visual social media from and t c welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the non-profit technology conference twenty fifteen were hosted by n ten the non-profit technology network. We’re in austin, texas, at the convention center topic now is visual media for a social world. What you need to know about the future of social media my guests are jessica williams, she’s account director for pritchard communications. Emma chadband, online outreach associate for p i and jenna sorority, the account manager for pritchard communications. Ladies, welcome. Thank you. Don’t you have all of you? We’re talking about social and visual. Jessica, what are non-profits not quite getting one hundred percent? Oh, i wouldn’t say they’re not getting anything. I think they’re very well aware of what needs to happen. Okay often times, it’s just a matter of having the resource is the budget and the time available to do. What needs to be done on the right channels? How should they be? How should they be allocating resources or maybe prioritizing let’s talk about that? Well, that really depends on the goals and objectives for that particular non-profit and the target audience is they’re trying to reach so thinking about those three things in regards to the message is you’re trying to spread so who can i target? Where are they and why is this important to them and what channels are gonna help me reach that audience? All right, uh, you want to add anything to our to our overview? Yeah, i would just say that it all comes as just closing it all comes back to strategy and goals on and that’s how you should choose what networks were going to be on and what, how you’re engaging on on all of them and so generous. We want to be avoiding shiny object syndrome on right? Just because something is new doesn’t mean we ought to be there exactly were all about, you know, paying attention to strategy and the reason we’re here at intent today, eh, is because we find that a lot on non-profits are really intimidated by these visual media tools? Yeah, yeah, i mean, there’s a lot out there and there’s always other one sprouting up s o we’re kind of here today to home that in on dh share kind of the important important facets of each of those and share how non-profits shouldn’t be intimidated by those on drily, you know, feel free to explore them and play around with them. Okay? Let’s, let’s not start with the most popular facebook, etcetera something that’s pretty popular growing vihn don’t we start with vine diesel? Six second videos, let’s start let’s keep with you, jenna, what are you thoughts there? Well, so, you know vine was acquired by twitter in two thousand twelve eso we’ve seen in the past three years that it’s really making optimization sze that make the channel really appealing toe organization the non-profits they’re letting users upload videos directly from their camera roll, they’re adding different editing features that make it really user friendly. S o we’re seeing that non-profits air really seen success on vine, and i think emma can’t talk even more about how her organization has seen success with driving traffic to its block, okay? Good, emma what’s piela are doing well? We’ve had a lot of success in vine on the thing i always tell people about that platform is the value is not necessarily on the channel it’s with the content that you can create making videos really expensive and time consuming. But if you use vine it’s cheap and quick, so it’s much easier to make a six second video and vine than it is to make a six minute video for youtube on dh. So we have made these great little videos on buy-in and then we’ll embed them in our block, and any time we’ve done that, we get, like, double the traffic and tons of positive comments and a ton of engagement. But what if we have no idea what to do with with six seconds of video? You go ahead, let’s just stick with you. I just don’t know what i can do in six seconds. Well, i think it comes down to your non-profits mission and what you’re trying to tell people like i spoke to someone after our session from another reproductive health non-profit who’s saying we just constantly work in data, we don’t have any. Like people that film or anything like that. But if you have something like data, you can do a great visual ization and vine people, even news organizations have used buy-in like cnn to do like cool graphs and stop motion videos. You can really do anything in that platform. It’s really great for creativity, okay, jessica, if we’re thinking about vine, where do we where do we start our thinking to decide whether we should spend time there? Well, it again goes back. Tio, what are you trying to accomplish? Some most non-profits, you know, one of their big, overarching goals is fund-raising so are they trying to retain a donor base or they trying to attract new donorsearch in that example, find might be a great platform to reach a younger audience, particularly is emma mentions the content itself can be the platform allows for a lot of creativity, and so obviously younger generations enjoy kind of that creative spent on content, so it might be a great place to attract new donors to engage new audiences. So but to your point of being strategic, if you’re trying to engage younger audiences, correct that’s not an objective of yours than maybe vine isn’t appropriate, correct? Or maybe i mean in emma’s example that she uses in our presentation is ah, great example of birth contraception, and it appeals to me and i’m thirty four years old, so and it’s a vine video, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be a younger audience. It was just again goes back to your goals and objectives for your organization. Okay, so our first place to be thinking when we’re considering something is how does it fit? What? What? What do we feel we can do with it? How do you know those? But when you’re asking oh, i mean, yeah, sure. I mean, we could do six second videos on we have people let’s say, you know, look, make the sort of the simplest case and take wuebben let’s, take let’s, take a shelter for for domestic violence victims and survivors. We have that. And if we could do it anonymously and brovey but how do we know whether we can? We can use it successfully for the work we’re trying to achieve. Well, i think you have to look a tte your budget like, do you have the staff time? Available. Do you have the the amount of time it takes? I mean, emma, the video she shares in our presentation actually took her three hours to create. So, do you have three hours to make a great video it’s up to you and your organization? So it’s really hard for me to advise or any of us to advise any particular, like general set of ideas without knowing a particular situation are looking at your strategy in your goals may be just what questions should we be asking? Well, regarding target audiences, what are their behaviours? So are they online? You know, maybe if you’re reaching policy makers or partners, those audiences air very different. So thinking about, um what kind of online content do they consume? What? You know what topic or issue area are you focused on? Can you know, is that appropriate for a video like you talked about a shelter for domestic violence? Is that violence? Is that something you know? How can we capture that on video? In a positive light? How can we instill a call to action in that video to mobilize our audience to to action. So, it’s really? I think. You know, we keep going back to strategy and messaging, and what are you trying to mobilize your audience to do and is video and is mine and effective tool to reach that? And, you know, of course do we have the resources to do it? Okay, almost sounds like you want to you want to look like you want to add something about vine? No, i just think it really does come down to what? What is your awful angle and that’s with any platform it could be? We’re actually looking into launching our instagram and we’ve just re branded and we have a new logo, and as part of that process, we found out a lot of people don’t understand what we do and how we work. So we’re launching instagram not because we think it will give us a lot of traffic or because we’ll get a ton of followers, but because that’s another platform to people so people can see photos of where we work, who were working with how we’re doing it. So it really is like a storytelling tool and that khun go for any platform, you have to have an offline goal before. You can figure out what you want to do online, okay, excellent. So we can drill down to these things we can weaken, at least give advice on what you need to be thinking about what questions you should be asking. Ok, you’re tuned to non-profit radio. Tony martignetti also hosts a podcast for the chronicle of philanthropy. Fund-raising fundamentals is a quick ten minute burst of fund-raising insights, published once a month. Tony’s guests are expert in crowdfunding, mobile giving event fund-raising direct mail and donor cultivation. Really, all the fund-raising issues that make you wonder, am i doing this right? Is there a better way there is? Find the fund-raising fundamentals archive it. Tony martignetti dot com that’s marketmesuite n e t t i remember there’s, a g before the end, thousands of listeners have subscribed on itunes. You can also learn maura, the chronicle website, philanthropy dot com fund-raising fundamentals the better way. Right, so we seem to transition to instagram very conveniently. Thank you. Um, let’s make clear instagram versus pinterest, jessica, go ahead. So instagram is actually a publishing tool so you can take the photo right in the app on your phone and then from there, share it with your network’s, whereas, pinch, this is more of a storage and sharing tools, so you’re actually curating images from, say, a website or a block, and then pending that toe boards on pinterest for other followers to see the images. Once they click on that link, then they’ll go to their website. So unlike something like instagram, where you’re sharing to multiple social media channels, pinterest is more of a hub to manage the visual content that you have on something like, well, your website, your block or instagram we know you are are most of the users of pinterest still women? Is that still they are? Yes, they’re predominantly women about thirteen percent of men, so we did see some growth and there’s like eighty seven percent of users who are women and creating percentage meant yes, okay, they’re pretty affluent as well, that’s, the other kind of defining demographic. For pinterest so okay, um, you want toe share advice around what you might be able to achieve with interest in the general sense? Yeah, pinterest is a great brand building platform, so brands really rely on visual cues to build their communities, and pinchers is a great platform for visual representation of your work, so you could use it to showcase some data points and infographic some inspiration quotes over a beautiful photo or some photos of your organisation in action that you know your followers might be interested in. So those were some great ways to kind of share community. Another really cool thing is an interest will drive traffic back to your block or your website, so if the user clicks twice on an image, they’ll go back to your website and buzzfeed sites pinterest as its second largest driver of traffic to its web site, so it has the potential to drive tons of traffic, and this is because pens live a lot longer than other social media posts. So a pen on pinterest has a life span of about two months. Where’s a tweet has a life, has a life span of about three hours. So i don’t even think it was that long for a tweet, but okay, um, general, i kind of feel like i gave short shrift to instagram and i didn’t mean to do that. What more can we say about you? Serve instagram? Well, we found that again, like vine instagram is making a lot of optimization sze to the platform that makes it appealing to organization, so it just added video capability in two thousand thirteen it’s also added just added verified badges, which is that little blue checkmark that you often see on twitter to help users reach the authentic accounts that they’re seeking. Um, and what we like about instagram is that’s it’s, a really strong storytelling platform, so not only can you upload a photo or video, but it equips non-profit communicators to really be a visual mediapro instagram gives you the enhancements and filters you need to really make the image or video pop, and then you can add these other features like hashtags teo, jump into existing conversations online, you can tag others to engage with partners or policy makers, so by created by adding all these features, you’re really allowing the user to click on different aspects of the photo on drily explore the story more deeply than if they were just scrolling through in viewing a photo me either if you want to add anything about that instagram no, we’re good on instagram. Okay, uh, what about storify? We talked about story five who wants to explain what storify is for those who listeners who may not know emma, you you haven’t even heard from you? Basically, it allows people to follow a story through social media, so basically our organization will use it a lot. When we host tweet chats, we’ll we’ll we’ll go through and storify all the tweets so that if you miss the tweet chat, you can still view the whole thing in store if i’m right. That means this zoo aggregating based on your, uh, your criteria brings a bunch of media together and you’re using it for twitter chats, right? I guess everybody who use the hashtag or something yeah, all the tweets we can keep them all in one place and it’s easy to follow along. Okay, you can also curate from facebook from various social networks. It’s really kind of built out now, so you can carry it from all sorts of places, okay, they can post on your block. So that’s a great way, tio, if someone wasn’t at this event, you could say he was the conversation as it happened on social media and here’s what you missed in a block post. So that’s, another great way to do so. Excellent recap, all right. And i see a lot of news outlets using storify also bring in other other channels, other outlets, coverage, things like that. Okay, um, no other before we get to the big players, twitter, facebook and he’s smaller don’t be necessary, lesser known, but any smaller channels we ought to talk about. Well, in our presentation, we also touched on tumbler, which is a micro blogging platform that realized really heavily on visuals, specifically short form visuals. So we like tumbler because it really accommodates different types of content. So unlike facebook, where you only are able to post four types of posts a link, a photo of video or a text posts tumbler accommodates beyond that so it’s it works really well with gifts as well as audiocasting ups our kind of short snapshots of quotes or excerpts so it’s a really great tool or platform for non-profits who are looking to publish a diverse mix of content now, jenna, you mentioned gifts on non-profit radio we have george in jail, which which i didn’t just make up, but i do love a liberation, but we do have jargon jail, but probation comes pretty easy, so you better explain everybody may not know what a jiffy yeah, thanks for reminding me they’re animated images. So you know this kid often times you’ll see a clip for, like maybe three second clip from parks and rec episode with a quote overlaying on the jif so it’s really just an an animated image on oftentimes they’re used as a reaction. So you know if if you’re having a sad day or something it’s not uncommon, tio go on tumbler and see that there’s jeff’s kind of evoking this emotion so good hyre kayman jessica, anything you want to add about tumbler, i think non-profits are just beginning to really experiment with tumbler and it’s been fun to see what people are coming up with. One of the big differences is that people don’t comment that often on tumblr it’s kind of part of the community there, so if you’re going to comment, i think the best practices generally the community likes humor there, not goingto you’re not going to see really serious templar comments and then also the tags on tumbler different than any other network and that they use spaces between the words and they’re also they’ll have a ton of tags on any given post, which is different than like instagram will usually have, like three and probably no more. So it’s definitely a little different than anything else we’ve worked with, okay? And you have to be conscious of tagging and the way the community what the community is expecting, yeah, and that can go for help. We’re going to find your content, right? And that can go for any platform. Every platform is a little bit different and has a little bit different community norms and voices, and so you want to be familiar with that before you engage. Okay? Jessica, you’re shot anything tumbler somewhere is a great place to bleach younger demographic, so if you’re if you’re non-profits looking, tio reach a younger audience, maybe to grow that millennial or even the generation. After donorsearch tumblers a great place to do that and we’re seeing organizations use tumbler really effective ways. One of our favorites is on being, which is ah, public radio conversation project. They used tumbler as one of the extensions of their kant arika which is their website, and they do a fantastic job if anybody’s looking for an example of how to use tumbler. Okay, actually, that’s a great good. Thank you for examples. Um, any any other examples of good good tumbler blog’s and then wants to shout out? I think we included a smithsonian in our presentation. They just have really compelling images. The reason we like on being is because they have a really nice balance between texts and visuals. So it’s more, i think, accessible to non-profits who maybe don’t have a ton of resource is too turnout images or video on a daily basis, you know, texas fine. Just short bites of content. Okay, okay. Let me, uh, anything you want to know. Uh, let’s, let’s. Stick with smaller platforms before we get to the huge ones and the others that i’m not thinking of or i don’t know there, please, category way we had a question on our presentation about read it and that’s something about r e d d i t right? Yeah, and a lot of people are curious about it read it is, i think of it is like the wild west of the internet because there’s like not a lot of too many of those left. Yeah, there’s not a lot of best practices or guidelines for non-profits and in fact, i think the community doesn’t really like organizational users, so let’s explain what it is. Oh, read it is like aggregation site primarily for news or other current things, and it’s basically just a big list of links and it’s divided into thousands of tinier communities called subreddit it’s, which are like mitch interests and they’re part of the bigger side is a hole, okay? And please continue. You were talking about what the community expects her doesn’t yeah, i like there’s. The reddick community doesn’t really like organizational users, so they’re they’re sort of motto is that you, khun b, a reddit user who happens to work for an organisation, but they don’t like when an organization has has its own reddit user name s o the best way to engage on reddit is from a personal account, usually because you want to be engaging in other communities that aren’t just from your non-profit okay, excellent, obviously important to know you’ll be scorned before you even get started. Yeah, you khun get band! They wanted to quickly get bad, but it is a great place for i mean, we’ve seen huge amounts of traffic from reddit like other platforms, we can get it a couple hundred a couple thousand visits, but read it once we got ten thousand visits from read it in the night from one piece of contacts that because these subreddit sir so narrowly and closely defined that’s part of it it’s also just one of the biggest drivers of traffic on the internet. Now it is a huge site it’s been around, i believe, for about five years, i think, and there’s just so many people on there, and if you find the right subreddit that that corresponds with your mission and your non-profit they’re going to be really excited to see your content, okay, anything you want to add about read it well, i was just going to add that i thought. Emma was going to cover this. Someone in our presentation asked about snapchat and that’s, not just jenna. Did you have anything you want to head about? Ready? No. Okay, you go. Okay, please just go. Snapchat is keep a little order. You’re doing great. You’re not a kiss. Wait a little while, so you’ve got to rein it in. So snapchat is ah, very new platform and it’s used by much younger generations, but emma mentioned during our presentation that do something dot or gets doing a great job with snapchat. I don’t know if you want to talk about that more, but they’ve had they i remember reading encased anywhere they had, like a snapchat scavenger hunt on and there’s i believe the guy who’s running it is called the snap, stur he’s like really the pioneer of non-profits on snapchat but he was basically like snapping pictures of himself. It was around valentine’s day snapping pictures of himself around the city with different signs corresponding to what they were doing. And it was a really successful campaign. But yeah, i would love for you guys should look it up. Let’s do something that organ i’ve already had. A mole? Are you finger on? Artie’s been on twice? I’m talking about do something and also talking about t m i they’re consulting arm. Yeah, you know, we didn’t do snapchat. We didn’t. We didn’t explain what it is. Jenna, we haven’t heard from your recent you want to explain what snapchat is? Let me see if i can do this in a concise way. It is a photo sharing app that lets users share temporary photos meaning and i believe you can do video now on it tio lets users take a photo and basically you khun send it to your friend for three seconds for ten seconds and then after that it disappears. That’s snap and that’s what we think exactly, young people like it because it’s ephemeral, it’s like a conversation, right? I’ve seen it used a lot among young people. They share their reactions, so if someone sends a text will respond with the snapchat of their face making an emotion reaction. Teo now, right now i have a choice of if i want to share of the action i gotta choose between read it and he snapchat this is by then my reaction is dead? I’m overreacted already. I think you’re really working it and rises again that especially among millennials and even younger generations that, you know, just getting communications, just getting more visual so people want to see faces they want to engage with people s o text messaging isn’t even, you know, that’s might go away, people really want to communicate face-to-face andre uses nap jet as a vehicle to do so. Okay, excellent, i love that way just have, like two minutes left and we haven’t even talked about facebook or twitter yet. Ah, but i’m goingto since i like twitter a lot, i have a lot of fun with twitter, just like a minute and a half or so who wants to? I want to talk about zoho strategy for twitter? Go ahead, jessica. So twitter is a social networking platform that allows you just in tweets, which are one hundred forty characters long and no more hashtags are extremely popular on twitter it’s fact it’s critical where they originated, may allow you to engage in conversation outside of your immediate conversation that you’re having so you know, it’s common to see multiple hashtags and one tweet tagging users. Is really important if you want to be a part of the community and engage, you can geo tags so you can tie the location from what you’re tweeting, you can now video dirt. They just rolled out a video recording capability on twitter last week, so that’s really important to know. And then, just recently, it was announced that google is going to start searching twitter in their algorithm. So when you search something online, really that’s lee’s tweets, they’re gonna teach will be search results, tweets will be searchers. Oh my gosh, when does that start? Well, it says it’s in the process, last i heard so, but that was like two weeks ago, so it was probably an updated but twitters here to stay, and its growth has kind of slowed, but they’re rolling out these new capability. So, you know, it’s it’s going to be around it’s a great way for organizations just to be a part of a conversation, especially when tools like facebook are slowly becoming less effective for non-profits and other organizations. All right, excellent. We’re gonna leave it there, ladies. Thank you very much. Thanks. Durney on dh. My guests have been jessica williams, account director pritchard communications kayman chadband online outreach associate at p a i and jenna cerruti, account manager. Richard communications ladies. Thank you again very much. Thank you, tony. My pleasure. This is tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the non-profit technology conference. Thanks so much for being with us. Jessica williams is now independent. Consultant twenty six, two and ten and tc. Coming up. First opportunity collaboration. It is the single most productive week i have spent all year. And quote that’s. Gretchen wallace, founder and president. Global glass. Grass roots global grassroots. Dar for haiti, rwanda, uganda and yusa. Opportunity collaboration. It’s this weeklong unconference in x top of mexico for everyone who works in poverty alleviation. Ah, there are non-profits from around the world and you connect with people who can help you do your work wherever you are working there’s lots of free, unstructured time to meet people. Make friends figure out how you can help each other. You meet in the pool in the ocean, at the bar. Whatever you want to meet it’s in october i was there last year and i’m going again this year. Any sample ward coming up in? The second segment will be there this year. There are no plenary speakers. There’s, no power points. Every session is in a circle. Three hundred fifty people from around the world collaborating. If you work in poverty alleviation, you need to check it out. Opportunity collaboration, dot net non-profit radio was on the road for two and a half weeks. Oh, my gosh. I was in colorado springs, denver, phoenix, l a half moon bay, san francisco and portland. I met folks when i was in portland. I met the folks at km jozy in in salem, oregon. Of course our newest affiliate, the the program director there. Ah, dave, dave hammock. And then we went and went and met the centre for non-profit innovation. They’re going to be sharing this show. Also lots of very good things happening in the salem keizer, oregon area and then a new california affiliates i’m going to be coming on after they renovate their their sight on dh there in stanford. That is all i am permitted to say at this time i met a second new affiliate coming on in california and that is all i am permitted to say at this. Time in portland met up with amy sample ward also jim white, executive director of the non-profit association of oregon. They’re going to be carrying the show lots of fun in portland, as i mentioned on overall on outstanding two and a half week trip. Loved it. Lots of non-profit radio outreach there’s a video from portland at tony martignetti dot com. And that is tony’s take two for friday, twelfth of june twenty fourth show of the year. Here is amy sample ward from the non-profit technology conference. Provoc radio coverage of ntc fifteen the non-profit technology conference. We’re in austin, texas, at the convention center on day two. My guest now is amy sample ward. She is the ceo of and ten the non-profit technology network and the regular social media contributor. Two non-profit radio kayman sample ward. Welcome. Hi, it’s. Good to have in person. Yeah. It’s fun. I miss being in person. Thank you. Since you left new york city. Yeah, we are. We are each day. By the way, that noise was not non-profit radio sound system. That was the i’ll leave out my adjective. That was the sound system for intend so well that convention center, you know, it was definitely not intend on the convention center is setting something up. Okay on dh non-profit radio has high quality sound. The second day we are highlighting a swag item each each each interview, and we have appropriately hoesch stock and p tech socks for this for this interview with any sample ward ceo. So they’re the socks, and for those listening to the podcast, they’re green or mostly all green with little brighter green heel and toe and orange hashtag and pete hoexter love and and and ten on the other side. Oh, and intends on the other side, there’s intend on the second side. Let’s, get a picture of that also great socks. I’m gonna enjoy wearing these thank you. And we’re headed into the swag pile on day two. Welcome. Thank you. Thanks for thanks for coming on over to the show and i’m very glad it worked out. Well, you know, i’m doing like we did fourteen yesterday, my literally. And how many we have a today mersa eleven. We’re gonna leave twenty five interviews. That’s. Incredible. Yeah. That’s. Twelve and a half shows of. Yeah. And were they? And many of them were with multiple folks from the pictures. Oh, yeah, yeah. We have a panel of four today. They were like, yeah, well, so indian just in just three days of the conference. We have about three hundred speakers outstanding. So all right, you have a you have a great ten percent sample bilich more than i have to have more than ten percent of the yeah, that’s awesome. Um share some anti seat went fifteen stats. How many people are here? How many hotel don’t have? Okay, well, we sold out all of our blocks in six hotels like, two months ago. S o i’m sure we’re in lots of hotels and registrations. I’ll get the latest numbers tomorrow morning for the plenary. But where we’re pretty close to two thousand and cem stats i shared this morning at the plenary we’ve got forty seven states, sixteen countries cool. We have twenty four people here. Who? This is their tenth or mohr ntc. Oh, this has been going longer than i realized. Yeah. Somebody said two thousand seven was the first that’s wrong. Oh, no, the conference. It wasn’t called the ntc, but it was happening and that was the reason and ten was formed was to be the organization to maintain the convenience for this country was a community built around the events. Yes. Oh, excellent. We were just talking. I just had a panel of four. Even though we only have three mikes we started panel for on community built. That was exactly again. Your membership director? Yeah. Was part of it. Yes. So anton was formed in two thousand, so we normally use that as the kind of formalization of the conference. Because it, you know, after intend was formed, there was a riel process and, you know, support for an actual conference verses just smaller community convenience. And before that before that the community was still they were called round ups. They were still coming together, mostly regionally, people that worked in in non-profits or four non-profits you know, from the outside as technologists trying to say, please tell me i’m not the only person who does this, you know, and meeting up. And it was that community who said it’s not sustainable by ourselves to try and keep meeting up, you know, we need support and there needs to be something that’s organizing all of us and that’s when microsoft and certain in a well gave the initial funding and formed and ten and ten outstanding, the community was yes, the community that so and so so encouraging community building. Exactly built itself around exactly around an event, and it knew it needed mohr. Right? Exactly. Be sustainable. Yeah. Love it. Love it. Okay. Um, let’s, talk a little about in ten. Ok? If your opportunity to shout out it’s a very, very welcoming organization, you have tons of re sources and events and things for nonmembers. Let’s start with non members. Yeah, yeah, well, i think that we take being a c three fairly seriously. And we recognize that even though we have membership as a way of making sure we’re better able to know who’s in the community, what resource is they need have channels to communicate with them? You know, membership just gives us direct kind of entry toe all all of that data and knowing what to do programmatically. But like i said, we take being a c three. Seriously, we want everyone to access what we’re doing resource is we’re creating research that we’re doing and our mission isn’t just to serve members remember, our mission is that every non-profit will be able to use technology strategically, so that requires everything be as accessible as it can be. And it is not an organization on ly for technologists no let’s, dispel that myth. Go ahead, exactly. I mean, i think, you know, when we were formed it it probably felt much more technical because the community members that that were in the community, right and back in the nineties, ah lot of folks didn’t really think about technology and all of all of the departments of the organization, you know, we’re not everyone in the organization even had a computer necessarily. So now you know, many years later, everyone an organization is using email the web, you know, many of our our tools or software is actually up in the cloud. We have documents that were sharing so everyone needs to be using technology, whether that’s deep in the database or over here in html or whatever it is. So we want to make sure that everyone across an organization has access to knowledge and resource is but also to other people like them, people that have the same job is them in another organization, his most non-profits, you know, were small enough that there’s only one person that does that thing so it can feel really isolated. You know, i’m the only one that knows how to send a mass email from our system s o making sure people can connect with each other and other organizations to find that one person in the other organization we can complain together, but we can also, you know, help each other a lot, and a lot of this is also live meet ups. Yeah, they’re local clubs throughout the world, but you have international club. Yeah, yeah. So there’s a club in new york and you’ve even been all right? Yeah. So there’s club in new york for trial, and in portland, i tested google glass. Oh, how was that? Loved it. It was a while ago. Chris tuttle, you know, was was one of the beta testers selected by google, and i had fun with it. You know, i talked to it. You move your eyes and it did things. I don’t remember that part talking to it. I like the verbal commands, but yes, so i’ve been i’ve been a couple of times i’ve been another couple, yeah, yeah, so there’s there’s, tech clubs all across the u s, canada, poland, etcetera, okay, yeah, excellent. So that’s the online live ok, so now membership s so very open your worship, his membership is really cheap. Share share its membership. I try to avoid the word cheap because it it is valuable, jordan, it is affordable, affordable very because we want it. We don’t want the membership to be the barrier to this information. And like i said before, membership tow us isn’t the only way that we’re going to be a sustainable organization. Revenue wise. You know, membership tow us is really a way to say these were the people that get it. And these are the people that are committed to using technology. So if we have to make a decision between something we’ve randomly thought up on staff, you know, to do for our next report or something that group of members wants, we noted default to what the membership want, um, and it helps us plan and understand what we’re doing. Of course, there’s not just a couple members. There’s about ten thousand, so it’s not a small group of people to talk to. But it’s it’s, you know, smaller. Then i guess the rest of the world, if we were trying to listen to everyone and meghan in the session, she was in on community building made the point that there’s often surveying your equally survey. Okay, but all right, well, you won’t say cheap, but it’s really it’s really cheap. The low price. Okay, what is it for people who might like to be members? Yes. Oh, well, so the price is based on your operating budget. So it’s starts really low on dh goes up, but i don’t think the highest that it goes is about three. Fifty and that’s for organised for huge organization. Exactly, exactly. And it’s for unlimited staff. Fifty or seventy five dollars? Yeah, i know. You have to tell you a little. Hasn’t oh, it’s seventy five. You do know. Okay, your small organization, five hundred thousand volts boardmember yet every staff person could be a member of our organization. Not per person. Exactly. I won’t say that again. It’s per organization doesn’t matter how big or small you are. It’s, not per person. Yeah, very. Welcoming. Yeah, welcome. Okay. All right. And what? What can what can members expect beyond accessing resources in the membership category? So, of course you’re going to get discounted registration to conferences like the auntie si on and then our other conference, the leading change summit in the fall that is going to an annual now. Yet last year was the first. Last year was the first, and it did well, this leading change yet. And this year, we will be in washington dc in september, the thirteenth through the sixteenth. Okay, yeah. Leading changes. Cool, it’s. Like a little digression. Toby okay. What’s leading change summit about well, you know, we already talked about how the ntc has been going. Basically since sanson ten has been going and it’s exactly. And it’s space. Where really? I mean, every every kind of organization, every size of organization, all of the different technology providers, all the service roads. I mean, this is the conference for everybody and there’s currently, we looked at it this morning, seventeen sessions per times lot. You know, there’s, just so much that happens here and it’s really a place where people come because they want to. Meet people, they want to meet up with people they already know they want to find that person that can help them on, and they want to go to los lots of sessions. But that doesn’t mean that there’s a lot of time where you’re not talking to people going to different sessions, going around to all the different parties we wanted to create another space that let people who maybe didn’t necessarily need thio learn things in a session. They already had the ideas they just needed people to poke holes in those ideas or people tto give them the push they needed to really try it out. So the leading change seven unlike the ntc, with two thousand people leading change, summit has about a couple hundred three hundred people it’s purposely small because there are no sessions, it is ah facilitated process. So you come in with your ideas or your challenges or this thing that you’ve been driving you crazy and you don’t know how to get over it at your organization on through those three days have the opportunity to work with trained experts, facilitators and everyone else that’s there to say this is what? I want to do help me tear it apart. So i make it better. And the leading change summit ends with an idea accelerator, so people can formally throw out an idea. Have people joined their team and help make it better throughout the day? And at the end of the day, you can pitch for riel prices. So organizations, air receiving software, other technology they’re receiving. Probono branding probono strategic advice. All of those pieces come to projects that are voted on at the end of the day by everyone in the room, so that they can really become riel. Okay, leading change, some it’s going to washington, dc. When, when is it? September thirteen through sixteen okay. Like what you’re hearing a non-profit radio tony’s got more on youtube, you’ll find clips from stand up comedy tv spots and exclusive interviews catch guests like seth gordon. Craig newmark, the founder of craigslist marquis of eco enterprises, charles best from donors choose dot org’s aria finger, do something that worked neo-sage levine from new york universities heimans center on philantech tony tweets to he finds the best content from the most knowledgeable, interesting people in and around non-profits to share on his stream. If you have valuable info, he wants to re tweet you during the show. You can join the conversation on twitter using hashtag non-profit radio twitter is an easy way to reach tony he’s at tony martignetti narasimhan t i g e n e t t i remember there’s a g before the end he hosts a podcast for the chronicle of philanthropy fund-raising fundamentals is a short monthly show devoted to getting over your fund-raising hartals just like non-profit radio, toni talks to leading thinkers, experts and cool people with great ideas. As one fan said, tony picks their brains and i don’t have to leave my office fund-raising fundamentals was recently dubbed the most helpful non-profit podcast you have ever heard. You can also join the conversation on facebook, where you can ask questions before or after the show. The guests were there, too. Get insider show alerts by email, tony tells you who’s on each week and always includes link so that you can contact guests directly. To sign up, visit the facebook page for tony martignetti dot com. Duitz now back to back to what we’re talking about, teo members have lower rates on both of the conferences and of course, on the way we do online educational programs, webinars and community calls all year and for members, those air either free or fifty percent off every time, and then members also always have free access to our research little known fact or or rarely used member benefit is that in ten members for research that’s done in house it entin so not necessarily our partner reports, but reports that we collect and analyze all the data members can have access to the raw data to run their own analysis if they want to do their own, you know report or they want to compare their organisations data against the report data, alright, yeah and then of course, there’s online community groups we call him community practice, we have the tech clubs we talked about, they’re just you know, any any idea that community has for away that will bring people together or create more resources for others? We’re all ears were happy to create those things that’s outstanding us a little more about the communities of practice? Sure. Very diverse subset of communities. Oh, yeah, and they’re their community lead, so we don’t necessarily say there should be a community of practice on this topic and we just create it instead, we wait for a community member to say they want to have that community, and we encourage them to have at least one other co leader so that you don’t feel like you know you’re on you. Yeah, they have two people do it myself exactly, and so there’s normally too. I think one of the communes of practice of it has five organizer’s and they have an online group. Some of them have a weekly twitter chat that’s public, some of them have monthly community calls, phone calls where people call in, others do full webinars really self directed. I’m totally self directed, we we provide those platforms so you’re using and tens webinar platform so you don’t have to pay for it is a community group where our phone line, whatever, and we of course help with promotion or making sure people know about the community of practice and like you said, super wide range there’s community of practice for women and technology there’s a community of practice for people who use droop a ll as a web platform. So you know, everything in between there was some conversation about starting one in podcasting. Yes, there was on the show that yeah. And you have been hearing? Yeah, that was from a listener. But then you had been getting some interest. Independent? Yeah. Did. Did a podcasting community practice get started? I what i remember is that i think they were going to start after the ntc s. I think so, folks, we’re going to try and meet up here in person. Yeah, but there’s definitely. Maybe maybe people are taking your lead. They like this on ly audio thing on. They want to meet up. They want to start making them from them. Certainly do. Well, podcasting xero latto getting a lot of popular press now. Yeah, i’ve been doing it for a half year. Exactly. I feel like an early adopter. Finally, somebody right. Finally sides. Great hair early, which i have sixteen. I had a past you patch of gray here, right? Right here on my left temple. Really? Sixteen years old. Yeah, i got but so aside from that now i’ve actually, early adopted something by choice. Write what i know. Yes, i love the audio format. Although we brought video to ntc. Yes, of course. Way i found a great local videographer. Okay, i’ll shut him out. West shepherd, he’s our videographer and and you know multi-channel yeah, because i’m always i’m most thing to you advice exam often encouraging multi-channel engagement. Exactly what’s your own what’s your own history and end ten going back before membership director when i first knew you when you first joined this show. Yeah, membership director what’s your own history. I’ve been and ten member for many years i was part of the community i actually used to be based before new york, and before london, i was back in portland and started the portland tech club that actually still exist today. However, many years later, oh yeah, i was still been organized, so i started that grew back in two thousand seven in portland, and then a year later moved to london, started the tech club, they’re moved to new york, helped with the tech club it was already going, and then when i moved back to portland in summer twenty thirteen, helped again with the portland tech club, even though i’ve been all these years and whole, you know, cycles of organizer’s had gone through and yeah, it was pretty cool to see there was still going, and the communities can use your baby. Yeah, what year was that? Portland you started two thousand seven. I started the club. Okay, that was really your beginning of ah, of having a membership did you know i was already a member, but that’s when i had my, you know, kind of formal active role because i was an organizer tell me more about, um, what are the types of events are there you? Uh, yeah, we have lots of different i mean, we we gravitate towards online things just because they’re more accessible, he doesn’t you don’t to fly anywhere you want to pay for a hotel, you know? So we do a lot that’s online or we try and make things accessible online. So, you know, the ntc has thirty sessions recorded and uploaded for people who aren’t here, but we also have what we call labs, and they’re you know, they’re not a full conference or just one day, and they normally have a capacity of only forty or fifty people, but they’re on all day we or shop hands on doing doing in a really strategy or planning work. So we’ll walk you through how to create your evaluation plan. How do you go from knowing what your mission is to what happens to be in your database to what should be in your database and what you want to be measuring? Or how do you create a campaign plan? You know, those kinds of things will do those in labs on we have to think we have about eight of them this year. We’ve already had one that was on technical project management. That sounds a little nerdy, but it was saying, you know, even if you’re not, even if you’re not techie, if you’re going to do a website redesign, how do you how long does that handle? What? How much does it cost? I mean, how do you how do you know how? T exactly? Yeah, eso we do labs, we have the conferences, but i i’m always really impressed just to go back to community practice again by the diversity of those events, you know? I kind of mentioned it, but we have a group that organizes twitter chats every week. It takes a lot of work to organize a twitter channel, you know, and they’re doing that as volunteers every week, and then we have community calls or people call in there’s one for, um forget what they’re called. They changed their name technology managers is basically anyone in organization who you know feels like they’re managing all the systems on bail, they haven’t open calm. People call in and just ask, you know, i need a new ticketing help desk what it was everybody used, you know, and they just kind of crowd source answers for each other every month on dh the droop a ll group i mentioned they have webinars because they take turns literally sharing their screen and showing each other how to fix code, how to install modules. I mean, it’s, just so sharing, you know, it’s such a great spirit that then when we think we’re going to put on a workshop, yeah, we here take everything because you’re probably going to go do this workshop tomorrow better than we did it today, you know, just take it run with it you’re coming up on your two year anniversary, you know june’s jones, your two year anniversary? Yeah. Any aah! No, no lessons learned or something. You you’re willing to share about being good moving from staff position membership director tio the ceo. I don’t know. I kind of can’t believe that it will be two years in j remember what it was? I know, you know, i feel like it’s time flies, right? But i think it’s i think it’s really great. I mean, i am so proud of how much this small number of staff have done in, you know, now, whatever eleven, eleven counting me. So tio have, you know, put on two conferences. You know, this one that we’re at now in last year with over two thousand people and everything else that way around, like it just feels so cool to be a part of that team where magic is happening. That’s an example of the smart use of technology, you use a lot of shared documents. Unconference sisto conferencing, right? Exactly. Docks? Yes, because we also have two staff who are remote, so they’re not in the office we can’t just rely on is there, some way we remote, so we we’ve kind of changed our processes that we just don’t you know, you don’t have a meeting unless you have a hangout video or skype video, something going that khun lupin, who else is not in the room on dh? You know, everything we do were taking notes in live documents so that they can be shared with people. Andi just made that kind of daily practice of howto work with staff has made events like this really easy because you don’t have things sk world away on just one computer, you know, everything’s living in the cloud staff are used to having to use collaborative apse on their phone to post an update to everybody, you know, things like that where it just makes live events so seamless because we know how to communicate with everybody. We know where the resource is live, all of that you’re not standing example of the use of technology on and nonprofit organizations. I mean, we feel like we have to be right. You are, should you and you are in fact walking the walk. Awesome that’s great to hear we have. We have high expectations. For ourselves. Amy sample ward she’s the ceo of intend the non-profit technology network, monthly contributor in social media to non-profit radio and a good friend. You know i love are you come on the two hundred fiftieth show. Yeah. Way okay. Yes. Is july, july two hundred fifty? Yeah. Coming up. I don’t know the day i got okay. Okay. You started with joe number one hundred first when you were on. Yes, i like to start on. You know, remember herbal? Yeah, exactly. This is tony martignetti non-cash non-profit radio coverage of the non-profit technology conference. Thanks so much for being with me and amy. Yes, and thanks to everybody at intend, the non-profit technology network, i got to meet some people. Ah, teo, toward the office, the inten office in in portland, but one part of my terrific several days i spent in portland, oregon, next week. Rich deets from abila with their engagement study, are you engaging with donors in the right places with the right frequency? If you missed any part of today’s show, find it on tony martignetti dot com. Where else would you go? Opportunity. Collaboration. The world convenes for poverty alleviation. It’s. An outstanding unconference that will ruin you for every other conference opportunity. Collaboration. Dot net. Our creative producers, claire meyerhoff. Sam liebowitz is the line producer. Shows social media is by susan chavez, susan chavez, dot com and this music you’re listening to is by scott stein. Love it be with me next week for non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Go out and be great. What’s not to love about non-profit radio tony gets the best guests check this out from seth godin this’s the first revolution since tv nineteen fifty and henry ford nineteen twenty it’s the revolution of our lifetime here’s a smart, simple idea from craigslist founder craig newmark yeah insights, orn presentation or anything? People don’t really need the fancy stuff they need something which is simple and fast. When’s the best time to post on facebook facebook’s andrew noise nose at traffic is at an all time hyre on nine a m or eight pm so that’s, when you should be posting your most meaningful post here’s aria finger ceo of do something dot or ge young people are not going to be involved in social change if it’s boring and they don’t see the impact of what they’re doing. So you got to make it fun and applicable to these young people look so otherwise a fifteen and sixteen year old they have better things to do if they have xbox, they have tv, they have their cell phones. Me dar is the founder of idealist. It took two or three years for foundation staff, sort of dane toe. Add an email address card. It was like it was phone. This email thing is fired-up that’s why should i give it away? Charles best founded donors choose dot or ge somehow they’ve gotten in touch kind of off line as it were on dno. Two exchanges of brownies and visits and physical gift mark echo is the founder and ceo of eco enterprises. You may be wearing his hoodies and shirts. Tony, talk to him. Yeah, you know, i just i’m a big believer that’s not what you make in life. It sze, you know, tell you make people feel this is public radio host majora carter. Innovation is in the power of understanding that you don’t just do it. You put money on a situation expected to hell. You put money in a situation and invested and expect it to grow and savvy advice for success from eric sabiston. What separates those who achieve from those who do not is in direct proportion to one’s ability to ask others for help. The smartest experts and leading thinkers air on tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five per se.