Video: ALS After Ice Bucket Challenge

Last week on Nonprofit Radio I interviewed Barbara Newhouse, the ALS president and CEO.

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Don’t despair. Here it is. My takeaways are below.


— Ice Bucket Challenge yielded $115 million and 2.4 million new donors

— roughly half the donors expressed interest in remaining engaged

— no spending and allocation plan until November

— there’s so much to tell, you really should watch the video

Next week on Nonprofit Radio:

Maria Semple, our monthly prospect research contributor and The Prospect Finder, returns to talk about finding in-kind gifts.

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Nonprofit Radio for October 3, 2014: ALS After Ice Bucket Challenge

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My Guest:

Barbara Newhouse: ALS After Ice Bucket Challenge

Barbara Newhouse

I’m excited to welcome ALS Association president & CEO Barbara Newhouse! She’ll share the thrills and demands of the Ice Bucket Challenge. How is the organization managing the huge spike in donors and dollars? What comes next? It’s a Google+ Hangout on Air and we’ll take your questions on Twitter – use hashtag #NonprofitRadio.

Watch below: 

Thanks to The Chronicle of Philanthropy for providing their studio and expertise!


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Dahna hello and welcome to a special tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I would suffer the embarrassment of score pubic ginger vitus if i had to say the words you missed today’s show l s after ice bucket challenge a less association president and ceo barbara new houses with me this’s her she’s right now, she’s here, she’s going to share the thrills and demands of the ice bucket challenge how is the organization managing that huge spike in donors and dollars? What comes next? We’re on a google plus hang out on air and we very much want your questions. If you are at tony martignetti dot com, then use twitter and use the hashtag non-profit radio if you’re on the chronicle of philanthropy, side used the comment section and if you’re on google plus usually discussion window my thanks to the chronicle of philanthropy for letting us use their studio in washington, d c also to the chronicle’s web editor cody swain, sir he’s today’s, producer on the other side of the camp but trust me, he’s here. Non-profit radio is sponsored by generosity. Siri’s they host multi charity five k runs and walks general city siri’s dot com. I am very excited to welcome for a new house to the show. She has led the less association since june. You really stepped in it. And it’s incredible. She has held a senior leadership positions at alzheimer’s association, autism society and arthritis foundation a l s is that a l s a dot or ge? And on twitter, they are at a less association. Welcome to the show. Well, thank you for having me time. What is next in your careers? It isn’t bea bea disease. You know? Everybody asks me. I’ll bring my career is grandchildren co-branded she was fired-up grandchildren. I aspired to have have grandchildren, your children a rare of your aspirations. Well, they’re not there, obviously, but they’re aware they’re away and made them well aware. Yes, i do very much aware, because that’s, where i’m actually headed, will be retired. But hopefully okay. The association does research funds. Research also does care for patients and support for families and nations. Uh, so let’s. Make sure everybody understands what having a future. Annual traffic lateral school roses is a muscular euro disease, which actually impacts all of the muscles throughout the body. Sometimes it starts in the limbs, sometimes a little more rare, but it starts in the throat muscles, but eventually the disease will take over the entire body. Ah, person who has a less will live anywhere from to find an average, although some people do live walker. But for the most part, once your diagnosis usually two to five years and it will eventually encompass you, you’re breathing and you’re building teo eat obvious. So it is fatal. It is fatal. The latest numbers from the ice bucket challenge what? What are those in terms of new donors and dollars raised? Well, as we wrapped up on the ice bucket challenge, we’re at one hundred fifteen million and that was that is two point four million donors to your world and your total fund-raising in twenty thirteen wass what? Nineteen twenty thirteen at the national level, we raised around twenty one million. And at the chapter level they raised another tronvig three way. Okay, enormous spike and two point four million donors you difference can’t new donors him from came from a challenge, right? What? What was that like in i would like to i’d like to feel the thrills and the fire and maybe even the fears early july, early august, mid august. What was that feeling? Let’s? Just let’s just put this in perspective to say that as a brand in person, you know, i was out in the field making my rounds to start meeting people and toward the end of july, at the very end of july action first week of august, um, i wass in atlanta and, uh, carrie monk, uh, our chief communications officer had got me on the phone, and she said, well, you know, this thing has taken off a bit from massive that started in massachusetts with the ice bucket challenge, and i sad something to the effect, you know, we’ll probably pick up a couple of million, you know, if that kind of thing, you know, someone well, then i call and that week i actually was in atlanta and i was sick, so then that week, and she said, oh, my gosh, she said, you’re being challenged all over. We’ve got to get you, you’ve got to do with, you know, we’ve got to get your eyesight can’t wait till i come back. Notes we’ve got to get a dime and, you know, so that’s where you’re at that’s, where we’re going to do it and i’m sick and i have my swor through and yes, and then i got sicker, but on by the same at the same time it was just voting and you know you’re you are you are like on your everyday wass are you kidding me? Andi just kept going, and we kept saying to ourselves, be because literally all hands are on deck all across the country and our chapters and at the national office and, you know, we’re like going, alright, you handle this will have, you know, this personal handle, this were kept going on like that, and we also kept thinking, well, after this weekend, we’ll then what we found where that as it started to look like it was going to plateau, you’d get to the weekend, and of course, everybody would be getting together with their friends. And the next thing you know is it started going up you get and so i was like, okay on dh finally, i said, teo said to carry and we were talking about it as a team and we all thought labor day would probably be then about the time that it would probably start to flood show and really that’s when it started to tell us, kids got back to school and there are other things to focus on, it came to a less organically, which i love it was not at all that there is not it wasn’t planned, you know, communications plan, marketing plan, still sufficient a stewardship plan? No, i did not walk in the door and say, today, we’re going to do i spoke a challenge that we’re going teo really up the awareness of a less and we’re going to really have the money. So you’re not leaving any less of you and sure you’re so marketable. Ao anywhere we’re taking a harpy your great look, but you’re not. But there are different stories about how it came to a less, uh, can you consider it so they’re three gentlemen with dallas i people rabies, quinn and tony center jia the three guys had been communicating with one another about how they could raise the level of awareness of a lawless and and your discussions and so forth, they, uh, started in and seeing somebody use an ice bucket on something else. That’s what they said. But you know, what we really need to do is it’s sort of like the ice bucket because you know what? People get up in the morning and they splash water on their face. It gives him sort of a wake up moment, and the guys decided that they needed to be on wake up call of sorts. And so they really started it. But then it was the freddy’s family of massachusetts that then took it real because there really was for any charity. Yeah. Do i think matt lauer did it on television for someone for hospice care. Something originally was for any charity you were close to. Yeah, i mean, and and so these guys just took it to another level. But then it was really p praising his family that they moved it to sort of the level of the viral nature of it, that it could go and it’s went all over the world. Yeah. George bush, derek jeter with his retirement it’s uh, of course, but you’re listening to the talking alternative network. This’s, the cook said, about way we’re hosting part of my french new york city guests come from all over the world, from mali to new caledonia. From paris to keep back. French is a common language. Yes, they all come from different cultures, background or countries, and it common desires to make new york they’re home. Listen to them. Share this story. Join us. Pardon my french new york city every monday from one to two p, m. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna talking. Dahna oppcoll wei asked a bunch of wei asked listeners to give us questions in advance on got someone and again, if you’re viewing, please use twitter hashtag non-profit radio or use the comment section if you’re on the chronicle site or if you’re on google plus using discussion window on because we want it, we want your questions, so please participate with us. One of the questions came from fremery symbol, who is the show’s monthly prospect research contributor? What is a less doing to segment and cultivate the new growth in donorsearch new pool donors so that you can identify? Did you give prospects and cultivated and stuart eventually? So what we have done is, first of all, we are saying we segmented the new donors so that we knew who was out, what e-giving level on those people that have given ten thousand dollars or more, uh, are either receiving a call from me or from bill, though it who is our national board chair, or from larry barnett, who chairs are development committee. So the three of us have split those out there who are actually calling each of those individuals with ten thousand are over. You don’t. Have to thank them for their contributions. The folks that have generously given below ten thousand ofcourse they’ve already see it’s really? Everybody received an acknowledgement the moment they’re give kayman acknowledgement went out, but then from the hour blew the stuff there that was that mechanism didn’t need to be tweaked because of the volume. Well, we did have our site crash one one day but it got back-up ready very quickly, but a cz the whole thing started to kick, i think, because of the way that it went, even though it seems like away very fast, everyone, we had enough time in there that we were able to tweak our messaging and carry monk, our chief marketing officer mentioned character or a couple of teachers here was also running the camp. I can caress here twenty four seven. I swear that woman was talking, but we kept tweaking the messages so that we were ready to go and get those acknowledgements out because we didn’t want anybody to wait to be there. S o that’s happened now, it’s a matter of doing the cultivating of the donors that were ten thousand over then there is another cultivation. Level that involves some personalized letters from myself. Teo, the next level down of donors that would probably between the five and ten thousand are actually it’s the thousand dollars up. And i was ten thousand. Yeah, because with another’s personal letters from me and then below that we’ve got our team of folks along with our chapter network, we’re all working to make sure that all of the donors are, you know, thank those we also offered on online. You have the ability, teo, decide how much information wanted to continue to have from the association. S o we’re honoring those wishes. Some of them wanted to be connected with chapters, someone would want to be handled, you know, just be deal with research and so being at the national level, so all of that’s going on, we have, man, let me ask what, uh, how many people are roughly what proportion didn’t want any more information? Let see, i would say that it’s about about fifty percent. So one time you that’s it on dh, then the other fifty percent are taking a look at exactly what level of the multi levels. Yeah, yeah, that sort of goes. To this school activism question, which you don’t get to, but so roughly fifty percent that’s still one point, two million new right donors interested in some level of engagement, right? Okay, so but then what we’re also doing is we’re meeting with, uh, a couple of different consultants on some of the strategies that they would think would be appropriate in terms of continuing to move these donors along on, and certainly our board is taking a big interest in working on that, too, some involvement as well. So we’re looking at all those strategies and are determining how we best go forth with our new dollars, and we’re working with our chapters to do that as well. Yeah, the chapters were important and support for them and well, on the plus because, well, the reason that that becomes extremely important is because, you know, in a federated environment, you tend to knock heads with your national organization. We don’t want to do that with these new daughters, so what we do, what we want to do is create a strategy that will allow us to collaborate on together with our chapters on the stewardship, the cultivation and even the next task, and what is that strange book like you do? You know we’re still defining that’s still under under wraps in terms of how we’re defining you know, right now t be boldly honest, we’re at the point where i’ve got folks working out strategies for how we’re gonna deal with the new donors, but i have a large part of our team working to prepare for our necks are board meeting in october on taking all the recommendations that we’ve heard from across the country on how to best use these new dollars and that’s what we’re working, we’ll get there was just a press release thiss week yesterday, uh, do you foresee or have your done our wealth screening because of the one point, two million or or some sort of sense there the subset of obviously thousand dollars and up, we’re working on those wells strings just it takes a lot of time to get all this stuff down so coarse, and we’re trying to do it. We’re trying to do it as quickly as we can so that we can take advantage of opportunities while at the same time not hiring a bunch of new staff, because we know that way, you know, that we would be that that would not be viewed well by many if we’re hiring invention used so and the clusters future years that this unprecedented growth is not right. There’s, not anomaly, could be sustained, so that would yeah, that would be things difficult for future years. Um, let’s, talk a little about the any questions could be talking about that always called staff knew of one question from knightley who says there’s been some discussion after the challenge ended about how much of the donation will go to research versus operational expenses. If you dressed a little bit, you share what the breakdown is for them. They don’t have the breakdown yet. I can tell you this a significant percentage of the dollars we’ll go to research, but i can’t give you the breakdown of how much is going to research, how much to care services, how much the public policy and i would say when you look at that piece it’s going to be how much is mission? How much is going to impact mission on? We don’t have that told for city jet we know is significant on the research front, we’re still trying to sort through the other recommendations, but it’s, you know, it’s not our intention to take and turn our organization into a top heavy organization because of these dollars that would not that is not at all where we’re headed. We want to use these dollars, teo, find an effective treatment and ultimately a cure. And there was just the press release yesterday. Yes, that you’re spending over twenty one million dollars twenty one two twenty two million dollars on one and again that is looking at the system of mission impact. So if we start with the patient, the patient or the person with a less living with a less usually has seen by one of the less clinics oh, our centers, and so we announced yesterday, because what they learn in those centers then spends off as to what’s happening with clinical trials and drug therapies as well as other research. So where we announced yesterday that we would be spending on forty three, that each of the forty three centers will be receiving twenty five thousand dollars each, which is on increased from twelve thousand five hundred so then if you look at it in that system and you go from there, then we know that we’ve got several research projects that we’re looking at the city of new york genome center, where they’re looking at a pipeline on a less to study genes there. Secondly, is a project called project mind, which is actually working with global researchers on gene sequencing third is a neural collaborative out eyes just on the west coast involving see your sign, i and some other of the researchers there and that we’ll be looking at the drug therapy pipeline. Andi the fourth one is, um ah, bio therapy study that’s going on at n g h on es o again, what we did is we chose those four research projects because it tied into what we were hearing from the community. Yeah, les community and they were for projects that allowed us to leverage down with some with a couple of donors who wished to remain anonymous but who’s sad if you are all way, will match this so it’s going to make the dollars from the ice like a challenge go further so that’s that he’s, then another thing that its seeds and influences. Everything that we do with research, particularly on the drug therapy pipeline, is certainly fda. And so we are only one drug now, right? Right there’s only one friend for illustrating and it’s not well, anyway, there’s only one drop, but what we know is that even with the drug and the pipeline, it can get caught up in a while in fda processes. So modelling after what we saw with another organization who did something similar way, we’re now creating an fda consortium so that we can do everything we can to help prepare to help move that movement through more quickly through the fda process. And so again, that’s out of the advocacy in public policy arena that we’re doing that. So essentially, what that does is tie our system together. On it comes between twenty one two, twenty two million, and that will take take it from there. When we go meet with our board in october. A question that came from angela. See worth on the facebook page, how much will you reserve to invest in development and marketing over the next five years? Teo nasco i that’s a good question i wish. I had the answer to that today, actually, just before we came over here, we’ve met with our, uh, pr firm that we work with. Wait, we were talking about the strategies first of all, even before we get there, let ilsen move isn’t the one the backdoor, what we’ve gotta dio is we’ve got to define what the doomed or for the a l s association? Yes, you know, if you if you if you’re on a budget nationally of roughly twenty one million and you were spending roughly seven million of that and research now, we’ve got to take a look at what’s our new nor going to be so we’ve got to figure out some of these other parts in terms of looking at our door on dh, then it’s a matter of alright, what investments are we going if our new nor goes from twenty one billion to around forty million a year, what are the investments we need to make of the development side to keep to be able to keep that level and what we need to do on the marketing, the aware decide to continue on concern for a loss and awareness of the ayla’s association so is looking at those kinds of things, and right now we’re studying and we’re taking a look at a lot of different models so that as the decision making process moves forward and we develop with that new nor looks like that, we can then determine what we’re going to need in both development and marketing just sustainers don’t do an advisory panel excuse me that you’ve put together, i have to try to figure out how these different needs khun should be should be a man now, now that that’s not what that advisory panel i have a panel of a less advisors who has been working and talking with me around the recommendations as people with a less have you passed on the sign that i just referring, tio, we have a couple, a couple of different consultants that we’re using toe work with us and also, of course, our board is very much involved in this piece. What is the inn down? Is there a way we don’t have any endowment? And we’re not going to happen now, you know, you don’t that’s what i was gonna ask you, dear, for small start. With what you have in the way, we don’t have an endowment. And i don’t foresee us having an endowment because i believe, and i firmly believe this. That is a voluntary health agency. Our job is to solve the issue we need to solve at be done with it, and endowments have their place. But i don’t happen. It’s. My personal belief that it doesn’t belong in the disease face when you’re working hard to put yourself out of business. Kapin another question came from any sample ward, who is our monthly social media contributor, and she’s, also the ceo of and ten the non-profit technology network and so she’s getting to the chapter chapter support, knowing that donations weren’t made on ly to the national palace knowledge and systems readiness, maybe different. Chapter chapter zoho chapters have different capabilities, but they still need to be able to report and tell stories and cultivate donors. So what what’s in place or what would be in place to help support the local chapter in insurance follow-up with their donors, communications and detaining? Well, actually, you know, actually, i think our chapter networkers more sophisticated than what some people might think, but, you know, they’re doing a good job of following up with the donors that came directly to them out of the ice bucket challenge. Carrie and her team have been great in terms of providing additional support in terms of press releases f ake use things that they could use on the local front, teo answer questions to respond to media needs, but the chapters you know, we’ve we’ve had regular contact with the chapters all the way throughout this, so way sort of looked at it as a family. We’re in this together on dh, so i don’t believe that we’ve left any of our chapters hanging it now being able to respond, teo, even me, it is in their constituents with enormous growth. You feel there? Yeah, you know, we’re all looking at it together. And so right now, why were also in the middle of walk season and we’ve seen tremendous lift in our chapters walks through out the country thiss was the ice bucket challenge? I couldn’t have been a better precursor, teo teo, the walks that have come subsequently on dh so it’s it’s in all of that, they’re working, we’re working with them, they’re working with us on how they will handle the lift that they’ve each scene. Now we do know that some of their donors we’ll also want money to go to research, so they’re trying to determine and work that all out with us or working in tandem with us so that we make sure those dollars go a cz the donor intended that growth in the walks is is important to recognize because it does show that there’s there’s carry over. I’ll absolutely not. You have one point, two million people the half who say they like to be engaged, but now you’ve seen enormous growth in actual activity and their own individual fund-raising around, they’re walking right? I had the pleasure of attending our pittsburgh walk, which was taking place sort of like, right after labor day. I want to cry, you know, while expert to their great awesome anyway wedding suit. Just time for the i forget what wedding soup is them? It’s got the remember it, it’s got mean, remember hearing that rice balls or something? Well, sausage balls, i think it’s a sausage because i’ve got a low quality winning soup i thought was right. Ok, well, maybe it could be i don’t know her and just tasted good eso. Anyway, while i was there to attend the walk there walk a year ago, it was sixteen hundred people. Their work this year was over three thousand people great, so i mean it’s just and that that’s just one example of all across the country the way it’s been gotomeeting many year questions from the web and you are sources way have two questions last nufer ways. And both are about the big money donors. I think most people associate social media with a lot of small donations. They’re both one of you know what percentage of the overall better had fit into that large ten thousand plus group. That was a smaller percentage. You don’t think about it if we can, if we can divide these up to call, uh, you know, i would say we’re probably each making about i’m going to guess that, you know, somewhere around it’s, the average gift was forty five dollars carries holding up a little bit. So if he ever did, was forgive make-a-wish bourelly everybody with a camera change sheets, the cue cards to come up. But i t answer the question about the large donors. We probably had about one hundred very large donors the ten thousand above. Yeah, yeah, the question that was saying that’s for you. Okay, let’s go a little bit to the the critics that this is still activism. Marcis ism. What do you mean? I think the numbers bear out, but i think people interested in hearing your responsible i get asked about this and i’ll just tell you, i think that any other non-profit who was positioned in where we were at the same time that we were would have done the same thing, you know, it’s way sent out exactly scuse me one email to sixty thousand of our dollars, as always sent, and then from there, you know, again, we have no idea what was what this would do on and, you know, i yeah, i think what we’ve done is a good thing to raise the awareness, the concern for ayla’s as a disease raise the awareness level of, you know, not just our organization, there are a lot of ale esports organizations that support ellis and one way or another, eso you know, i just i don’t know that i for anybody who could sit and be very polly anna and say that they would they would have just shunned all the awareness and they were shunned the money, i don’t believe it on then some of the criticism is that there’s too much awareness now, and that will take money away from uther i don’t think that’s a worthy causes, and you know what? I didn’t tell musical causes. Donors are smarter than that people are. Going to support what they want to support. Uh, and if they got into the ice bucket challenge because they kept feeling like somebody kept challenging them, they would have been a small donation the average of forty five dollars, and that would have been it. So, you know, i think that i just think that the donor population is smarter than that. They’re going to give what they want to get to. And i am not objective. Even though we’re in their conical flandez be offices, which is a major journalistic institution. I posted a video on my site that said, you know, congratulations and let’s leave us alone. Conway here off. I called george there back let’s, see how they handle it. Maybe they’ll do very well may be it’ll mess something’s up, you know, but it let’s, let’s give you the chance, so i’m not, you know, but i think we should raise the critics voices. Uh, but i’m not objective. I thinkit’s man is just it’s. Incredible, right? And i you know, my goodness, i think the other thing teo just will say this. I think some of that played in something things are played into. Why did this take off the way that it did not only did it start organically, but i also think that the other thing is if you think about what was going on during the month of oddest in our country and in the world, i honestly believe people were looking for something that they could hang some hold on to remind us, um, there’s the ukraine way had all this stuff going on with the ukraine hey, hold it was starting to come about least, we’re starting to see hostages being beheaded and with the whole isis thing, so i think that there was a lot going on and sometimes people he sometimes just need a break from other things that are happening as well. So, you know, i don’t want to see any of that stuff going on in our world when it was happening. I think that that may have played a bit into, uh, why? Why did the media pay so much attention to it? Why did other people pay so much attention to i think it had to do that we’re looking for something else to report besides just always report such bad news. Then there was the stars to celebrities, didn’t george bush s o that helps that helps feed the momentum, of course. And, you know, so we follow-up we’re following up with we’re following up with high potential donors and, uh, and celebrities to find out what was the reason, i mean, and we have found some connections to a less in front in from some of them, as we have, you know? Sabelo so so, you know, in talking with a few of the celebrities and because they’re not ready to have to make some pretty cool course, right? Exactly, you know, we took your calls and and and actually they wanted to talk about a less because they had a family member, uh, who had a less and people that were close to that e remember, our celebrities actually do have a life outside of being a celebrity and that they have family members, they have friends, and they actually grew up from being little people, just like we did on dh so they have connections to diseases, and the analysis is no different korean here, anywhere, questions. You have one, okay. Um, question is understated. Forbade him here from a diversified fondle. Are there any plans for a lesson? Tate quote. Ownership of the ice bucket challenge. Um, well, as everybody knows, wait, did you mis stop during high spoke a challenge? You thought well, and we did it for the right reasons, even though it wasn’t this definitely pulled back because what was the misstep was as we attempted to trademark ice bucket challenge, we had filled out an application are reason for that, though i had to do with the fact that we were learning from families who were involved with a l s that there were some people out developing websites to scam, why away from the airless community for their own and so way of doing that when they turn out to be well, mister, the backlash from from people indicating that we were greedy and everything else we finally just said, look, we get good at it made a decision we should’ve made now as far as owning the ice bucket challenge, i know it’s gonna be left of people it’s gonna be, i don’t know started organically. Yeah, um, yeah, so we’ll see what happens. I don’t know about trying to replicate a mean like that. I think that i’ve been there’s office phony and not even sure it’s feasible there’s. Discussion and we’ll see where that goes, but, uh, you know, again way, pay tribute to the roots or yeah, i love i love that part of it, too. Any questions, twitter, twitter, if you’re on twitter or if you’re tony martignetti dot com watching, then use twitter. Just submit a question and use the hashtag non-profit radio if you’re on the chronicle site, used the comment section and if you are on the google plus page used the discussion windows coating everything you know we have one more and this is a very practical graft versus from this comes from the crime site, and this comes from emily so she’s, a great writer u c irvine you noticed on the site that the call for research abstracts hasn’t been updated for twenty fifteen yet they have a lot of researchers were curious to know when the call proposals to be up. Do you have to know when you will have a call for abstracts for the upcoming year? You know, i dr bruin’s lucy bruins, who is our chief scientist? She and iron and right now we’re in the throes of the plan that’s being developed to go to the board, i think their details to be worked out. Uh, you remember folks? I started in june one, so i’m not even sure what normal timing is. Carrie, do you know what terrible timing is? I’m not sure what normal tightening is for with those abstracts have been called for, uh, but what i will say is i would be looking for some announcements around the first of november about how the research dollars are planning to be allocated. Andi would come back to that is, i think, that’s important point, how their plan to the allocated. And then i think lucy, doctor, dr bones will be break releasing tight lines after that. Bob, i want to come back to the word allocated way. Yeah, laden water break. We have water and we’re not going to try to sneak it in. There’s no, there’s, no, no secrets here. And there’s, no ice here. We’re not pouring it on another. Yes, i think. Oppcoll thank you, thank you for indulging. So anyway, the word allocated is important as opposed to edward spent, uh, i’ve had some people who, you know, there are a lot of people because of the devastating nature veil less urgent in six who would like us to take all the money and just throw it at the research community? Well, the reality is this is emily knows when you’re applying for a grant, you don’t want to think that you’re funding sources going without money before your research is done. So when we allocate dollars will be allocating dollars so that if how how are we going to look at it is if we have a researcher that presents a grant, okay? And you want to be a grand that’s uh, three million dollars grant it’s likely going to be a three million dollar grant over three years, so we’re allocating dollars so that we will be able to hold a dollar there’s a research grant so that we know that it will be able to be spent over the course of the life of the grant s o that were allocated as opposed to spend is important and the other word. That’s important. His sustainability and it’s. Not about sustainability of my job or carries job, that kind of thing. I’m concerned about sustainability of the funds that are allocated for various research projects or projects that have a lifetime of over one year. And that’s. Why? We are doing the kind of very thoughtful planning that we’re doing so that we don’t find ourselves in a position of being in a new norm, perhaps, of a budget of forty million. And then within two years time having that new norm go back down to twenty one. We issued to the board a little bit bored always there is a hot topic for non-profits of all sizes, you did talk a little about the fact that they’re very involved in the planning process. How do you do you foresee an expansion of the board? Because of this at all? It’s, we’re not gonna be expanding the board, you know, we’ve got, you know, every year we have a certain number of people whose terms role and they were lost the board, i think probably what it’s done is it’s allowing us to look critically at some new key people to assess the level of involvement they want to have with our organization. Also, now that you’ve met some potential, do you remember? Scharpnick so, yeah, we’re looking at all of that, but, uh, you know, we’re not going to go in and take our board of right now twenty three, people interpret into a border fifty, because that doesn’t make any sense e-giving didn’t think the shooting getting dink, dink, dink, dink, you’re listening to the talking alternative network duitz to get you thinking. Dahna cubine have you ever decided to reinvent yourself? Are you navigating a new life’s journey? Are you an aspiring artist that’s looking for direction? This is kevin, barbara, ll and my new show, coffee talk three point, always your new best friend. Tune in live to hear successful professional artists and their inspiring real life adventures. Mondays at two p m eastern, right here at talking alternative dot com stand neo-sage no this’s, the cook said about wear hosting, part of my french new york city guests come from all over the world, from mali to new caledonia, from paris to keep back french is that common language. Yes, they all come from different cultures, background or countries, and it common desires to make new york they’re home. Listen to them. Share this story. Join us. Pardon my french new york city every monday from one to two p m. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Buy-in hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com dahna oppcoll could be anything from the web uh, one question from roger, who has what do you what do you think is the biggest challenge entertaining the one point two million donors who elected teo continue their when i say one point two million using the figure that is sort of what i’m looking as across the board in the country, you know, we know that we know that we have a consistent just so i can say this a consistent five hundred thousand new donors from the online stuff, looking at what we know, what we’re learning from our chapters in terms of donors who want to be engaged and that’s how it gets that one point two million just so clear, thie all right, now, what was the question? What is the what is the biggest challenge to retaining those donors? These challenge to retaining the donors is making sure that we understand their expectations on and they were able to meet their expectations and engagement engagement, but that’s part of expectations if they’re expecting to be engaged of certain level, we’re going to make sure that we’re meeting that, but if they’re expecting really to hear from us. Just a couple times a year, that expectation we need to meet. So it’s, it’s it’s looking at the expectations and then rising to the level of the expectation that they don’t have. How has social media planning changed or social media activity change? Well, social media has been not stop twitter, facebook, all of those that non stop it. So actually, we’ve got meetings on monday to really start taking a look at what our messaging strategy is going to be from this point going forward and what that looks like in the social media world is that stephanie who? Uh, stephanie isn’t tulani work-life to meet you? Yeah, stephanie should be sainted. I agree. She should be saying, saying stephanie yeah, very simple. Your outstanding e-giving getting me in touch with barbara working out the logistics. Thank you, stephanie, but she should be sainted because there’s, another person that worked truly twenty four seven, in fact, show that personal. Well, stephanie doctor, as are our social media princessa cubine person besides carrie. Yes. That’s what? My point? My point as though is carrie carrie was going to relieve stephanie. I’m gonna tell this funny story. She’s gonna relieve stephanie, over what? I want to hear the backstory on her back she says that she was gonna really stephanie one weekend in two hours into it she goes, i get a text or a phone call for carrie’s coz i don’t think i can’t take this anymore because it was just so intense, and stephanie has obviously just the right demeanor on handled it well handled it she’s a carrier, what was going on? What was going on then? Just answering a lot of questions and the volume there was the volume that was crushing your volume just people’s passions, their intensity there intently and are coming through. And i just you’re being responsive and respectful and just keeping up with e i think we learned i will also say this. I think we all learned a lot about human behavior during this period of time. Uh, you know, if you want the backstory, that story is a good stuff took one forty five minutes. All right, now, what did you learn about human behavior? Well, that behavior is to be honest with you, i found that people there were a lot of people the twitter and facebook that just were pretty rude and unkind and, you know, there’s a difference between being a critic and then being downright rude and offensive how style? Because you were doing so well, some of that some of that because we weren’t just getting money in and putting it out the door, and, you know, some of it, you know, because we didn’t couldn’t have immediate answers to questions. You know, when you take an organization that is a small organization at twenty one million and the national budget, and then you add the chapters in it were probably up to fifty million or so you take an organization like that and dump what he coming here, the way that it has. If you’re wise, you want to say that people were going to plan now, that would be the wisdom part of it that you would think is common sense. Well, what i’ve learned, his common sense is not common tio ever went and s o, you know, i stop kerry’s taken her shots, all accepting the shot, but i get, you know, i’ve had the luxury of being called all sorts of really on in-kind names from things that are just vile to things that just were so hurtful. And anybody who knows me knows that i have that i don’t process well and s so i went home and tears a few nights going, i don’t believe this, you know, you people would want to be nice there’s, a double side to social media and unlimited audience engagement, and you suffered something that part, but that was a small part. Yeah, it was a small part, but it was just those people become very vocal, even though their small numbers they’ve become very bold on social media because that’s their platform more questions, cody seven years e-giving you’re asking questions about four minutes left? Okay, do you have questions? Yeah, thiss questions from mike, do you think would have had more access to the potential donors that that the challenge on facebook and twitter if you had managed the engagement on a platform and i sued by that, he means a platform of your own? Ah that’s all that’s all speculation yeah, i’m not sure about that, you know, i’m not sure about that, but, you know, i think we’re engaged a lot with our donors, you know, somehow i feel like i’m losing some of a message here because i don’t want you all to think that we’re not engaged with our donors, the other new donors because we were very much engaged with them now, but if you’re asking for specific strategies on where we’re going to go and how we’re going to get there, i can’t give you that yet. Everything on coming back to take the weekend thank you. We’ll be looking on tuesday. Oh, yeah, you can report back to you. I mean, you know, it’s, what they’re dealing with enormous scale in or it was dumped on you within six weeks or so, right? And i’m brand new. I mean, i barely knew some of that. I didn’t know my boardmember snakes when this all started, barely some of them. I still will meet for the first time. Face-to-face enough. Thanks for doing this before. Not don’t want todo thank you. Anything else from the web now? Okay. Uh, just governments left. What is? Just since june it’s been what is it that you love about the work you’re doing? Oh, well, my favorite thing about the work i’m doing are all the people that i meet, i want them to have a less, but they have enriched my life as i need individuals with a less and i have to admit this, i’m a chapter girl, so i love the work. There are chapters d’oh, and i love getting out and seeing what they’re doing and being up right alongside them. I love going into our centers of excellence, seeing the good work that our research docks are doing there. So it’s, just i enjoy getting out among the people. I’m not very good, but i just have to sit in my office because i want number one it’s, always very busy, but i really like being out with people thirty eight chapters to support and be good to write, and they’re good to me. Metoo we’re wrapping up, uh, thank you for coming again they r a l s a dot or ge, and on twitter, the air the day less ideas at association next week, maria semple returns she’s, our monthly prospect research contributor and the prospect finder we’re gonna talk about in-kind gif ts how do you uncover them in your community? What are they? How did they get treated about in-kind part of today’s show find it at tony martignetti dot com fund-raising fundamentals at the chronicle of philanthropy that is, a monthly ten minute podcast, a burst of savvy information devoted to fund-raising always smart people on i am just a host of fund-raising fundamentals, i bring smart people, they talk about fund-raising basics in photos that philanthropy dot com and also at twenty martignetti dot com and also on high, too duitz thanks again to the chronicle of philanthropy for hosting us miree sweitzer, web editor thank you, non-profit radio is supported by generosity. Siri’s they host those multi-channel ity five runs and walks, they have a charity support team helps each of their charity partners their generosity siri’s dot com user code, jr creative producer is playing hyre off the show’s social media is by julia campbell of jane campbell. So today is the most traditional durney martignetti non-profit you is from spicer haserot stronghold blessing our music. By scott steiner. Roland hoping you will be next week non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Well, that’d be great. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping huntress people be better business people. Buy-in have you ever decided to reinvent yourself? Are you navigating a new life’s journey? Are you an aspiring artist that’s looking for direction? This is kevin, barbara, ll and my new show, coffee talk three point oh, is your new best friend. Tune in live to hear successful professional artist and their inspiring real life adventures. Mondays at two p m eastern, right here at talking alternative dot com stand neo-sage. You’re listening to talking alt-right network at www. Dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. I’m the aptly named host of tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent fund-raising board relations, social media, my guests and i cover everything that small and midsize shops struggle with. If you have big dreams and a small budget, you have a home at tony martignetti non-profit radio friday’s one to two eastern at talking alternative dot com. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Yeah.

Nonprofit Radio for September 26, 2014: Critical Development Committee & Creative Commons 101

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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My Guests:

Greg Cohen: Critical Development Committee

Greg Cohen

Greg Cohen is senior associate at Cause Effective. He wants you to understand how important your development committee is to your board and your organization. What does a high performing committee do and how can you support them? Plus tips on recruiting and mentoring.




Carly Leinheiser: Creative Commons 101

Carly Leinheiser at NTC 2104

Carly Leinheiser explains what Creative Commons is and how valuable it can be if you need video, images or pubs or want to release your own to raise awareness. She’s an attorney at Perlman+Perlman. (Recorded at NTC 2014, the Nonprofit Technology Conference.)



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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. Oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d be hit with red know cora did itis if i saw that you missed today’s show critical development committee greg cohen is senior associate at cause effective. He wants you to understand how important your development committee is to your board and your organisation. What is the high performing committee do? And how do you support them? Plus tips on recruiting and mentoring and creative commons one oh one carly leinheiser explains what creative commons is and how valuable it khun b if you need video images or publications or want to release your own to raise awareness. She’s, an attorney at perlman and pearlman we talked at ntcdinosaur fourteen the non-profit technology conference on tony’s take two, get off a less is back and a very special, a less show next week. Responsive by generosity siri’s you know them. They host multi charity five k runs and walks. I’m very glad that greg cohen is in the studio with me. He is a senior associate at cause effective since two. Thousand six he has provided training and coaching on fund-raising and governance to the boards and staffs of hundreds of non-profits for over thirty years, he’s worked to the wide range of non-profits greg cohen, welcome to studio very glad to be here. We had your colleague susan gabriel on about three weeks ago or so, and i am so in love with what cause defectives work does and how smart you all are on when she introduced me to you, i said, yes, this is definitely an important topic development committee. Please just remind us what cause effective does it’s a non-profits were non-profit ourselves, we’ve been around for over thirty years and where a capacity building group with a focus on helping other non-profits build communities of supporters with a particular emphasis on individual donors. We help them strengthen their boards both for governance and stewardship functions, as well as to make boardmember sze confident and effective fundraisers, aki function and the third area is to advise groups on the strategic use of special events. So not event management, but more the big picture of if we’re going to do something special this year, how do we make? Sure, it aligns with our capacity in our long term organisational objectives, and we don’t steer off the cliff running an event that doesn’t really fit who we are and who our audiences are and that’s related, the third part is related to what susan and i talked about using anniversaries exact effectively, basically when i would say that in a nutshell, it helps you get to the next level for small organizations that are struggling, particularly with fund-raising but also governance? Well, they may not really know that they have governance issues. Um, i think cause effective is a very good place for these organizations again, so it’s, particularly about diversifying funding when we’re talking about fund-raising for groups that have been very dependent on government or foundation, a few sources to diversify into individual donors and don’t know quite what the first steps are in aa strengthening, i think everything every organization feels its board could get to the next level so very much helping boards figure out how to be better planners and stewards of their organization. How does cause effective charge for its work? So about half our clients have a third party like united way. Or a foundation like new york women’s foundation who have funded us to work with them to strengthen them in a particular area. And about half come in having found a source of funding, either unrest, districted or a boardmember someone who feels the topic is important and helps fund our work with them. We also do a lot of work for free through partners like the foundation center and the non-profit coordinating committee, where we offer workshops, i do a lot speaking at the foundation center, i’ve never done non-profit coordinating committee, maybe you can get me in there. I don’t i’m on the board, so you are i’m talking e expected to get me, but i have done a lot of the foundation’s enter through the years on either planned e-giving or charity registration. They have an open house in november foundation center i’m speaking on plant giving a great that open house our development committee? Yes. Why is well, let’s start with why it’s important that we get to whether everybody needs one? Why is your function so important on the board as a committee? So i’m going to get a little high concept for a minute. And talk about the sociology of philanthropy and one of the key principles is that people are motivated to give and respond to their peers people who are like them in a socioeconomic way, perhaps, but i’m sure staff people listening are familiar with the fact that after a while, because they are always speaking to their boards about every possible topic, they’re urging them to fundraise becomes part of the wallpaper just become something that becomes routine. So how do we break through that to encourage and support boardmember sze to fundraise in ways that they can really here and the development committee, which is made up of their peer board members, is a key way for board members to talk to board members as a team about how we’re going to approach fund-raising for this organization, it sounds like even a small board six people should have ah, development committee absolutely so even if it’s a committee of two, although i would work to grow the board and grow that committee that’s important because the other thing is every critical function of a non-profit needs somebody who owns it. So if ah, a lot of organizations think, well the whole board should be fund-raising that’s absolutely true, the function of the development committee is to be the little wheel that turns the big wheel board fund-raising not to be the people who the rest of the board has delegated to go out and raise the money that the port thinks it should be raising, but rather it’s, the people who leave the meeting thinking about how do we move the board forward towards some fund-raising goals in between those meetings, just the way the staff does. A lot of times, i think boards delegate the fund-raising to the staff person, and they see maybe hiring their first director of development as the panacea, the cure all that’s right now, we can relax now we don’t have worry about fund-raising cause we have a director, we hired a director development so it’s his or her job. So this is why that peer-to-peer concept is so important because if we can visualize around every boardmember their facebook and lengthen networks, they’re connected to dozens, if not hundreds of people, but the staff would never have access to those folks were it not for board members willingness to be in front. Of those folk shin’s share their passion for the mission of the organization. So and typically, staff members don’t come in with the multiple of networks that aboard represents. So we say aboard is the vanguard of individual fund-raising and they have to be willing to reach out themselves to connect with other people and that can’t be delegated to staff, even if that the director of development does have networks, they’re not the networks that you, khun that person can bring to the organization their networks of other professional fundraisers, friends and family. But but it’s it’s not appropriate for this staff person to be asking their friends and family just be supporting argast that they work for well, we like staff people teo fund-raising actually, but it’s limited to their network. And if you have six, eight, ten boardmember sze sitting around the table who might offer access to hundreds more people, you’re leaving that resource untapped if you only rely on the staff to do that individual relationship building within their circles. Okay, then what is the relationship between the board development committee and either the director of development or even let’s? Consider a smaller shop that don’t even have a director development where it’s, the executive director. Sure. Well, let me start, actually, with the functions of the development committee, then it’s easier to understand. Taking taking over. All right now, i just think it’s a little. All right, well, okay. You know, i’ll say that it’s in a way the staff leads from behind. So they’re the ones who are the professionals who are thinking of, in a sophisticated way about where the organization could go for fund-raising collecting the information on what’s effective and but what they’re doing is they’re guiding the board leadership into howto have the conversation about fund-raising and supporting their fellow board members, kind of from behind, right? Okay, so so they they may in fact be either masterminding or thinking in conjunction with the head of the development committee or the board chair how we’re going to move this group, but they’re they’re letting the board voices lead the conversation around the table instead of it being their voices thie other thing is there plenty of tools that board members need? They need elevator speeches. They need talking points. They need help thinking out cultivation events to bring their friends in aa lot of different activities and events that are going to need the support of staff, the most valuable thing the boardmember brings is the ability to get someone to respond to their phone call or their appeal. Excellent. Ok, i just wanted to lay out, yeah, i didn’t want to get into detail, okay, don’t upset you, okay, we’re gonna go because right after this break was going to take right now, we’re definitely going to get into what does this committee do? Great. And then we can talk more in detail about the the staff functions to support that in detail. Sure, i just want to lay out the general landscape relationship. Thank you very much for indulging me. All right, we’ll go out for a couple minutes. When you come back, greg and i are going to keep talking about your critical development committee. E-giving didn’t think dick tooting good ending. You’re listening to the talking alternate network, get in. I think. Cubine this’s, the cook said about wear hosting part of my french new york city guests come from all over the world, from mali to new caledonia. From paris to keep back. French is a common language. Yes, they all come from different cultures, background or countries, and it common desires to make new york they’re home. Listen to them, shed their story, join us, part of my french new york city. Every monday from one to two p, m. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Greg let’s, let’s, move right into this. Now, what does this important development committee do? Right? So i said, it’s, the little wheel that turns the big wheel aboard fund-raising so what are the functions of that cock? First thing is, it helps the board have a conversation about what are its goals for fund-raising as a subset of the goals of the overall organization, sometimes an organization says, okay, we want to raise fifty thousand dollars from individual donations this year through a combination of our event staff driven fund-raising inboard fund-raising and that goal sits there. However, the the board itself doesn’t have its own thermometer for its own activities, and commonly there’ll be a board meeting and every will say, you know, we have the big anniversary gala coming up. I know everybody’s going to go out and sell tickets and sponsorships, right? And everybody agrees at that moment, there’s a good feeling in the room, and then they go back to their regular lives and expect, as in the past executive director and the board chair going to pull the rabbit out of the hat so what we want to do is set goals for the board specifics, both for events and overall so of that fifty thousand what’s our board promised to the organization that we’re going to do let’s say we’re going to twenty thousand of it minimum, and we’re going to have a stretch goal a thirty five toward the fifty that way, the exact director knows one they can write that number into the budget and actually spend on it rather than live in suspense until the end of the year to see are the boardmember is actually able to come through and two, it gives a rallying point throughout the year for that board development committee toe work with the other boardmember sze to say, hey, we’re up to fifteen, you know, with this spring reception, we could get toward twenty five of our goal who you thinking of bringing and how much do you think they’d be able to do? So, you know, they say what gets measured gets done and setting goals for board specific fund-raising and having knows that gold monitored, but and supported by members of the board itself is a strong way to actually tow actualize those girls. What happens if the development committee brings these goals to the larger board and there isn’t support for them, so it has to be consensus, right? You can’t the ah, one of the most important characteristics of non-profit is it’s, not a command and control culture, it’s by consensus and, of course, what’s. Most important is that you bring in the board members who have the most ability in terms of your financial goals. But if you have a board with varied economic impact in a diverse board, then you also want goals that have to do with capacity. How many new people worry bringing into the organization? How many new donors without regard to the size of their gifts, how many people are we asking and those air goals that every boardmember can embrace without regard to? Hey, i don’t know anyone of high net worth and your point earlier was that these this is peer-to-peer so its board members in the development committee bringing these goals eggs, activities exactly to their fellow board members versus the staff, and it voids the awkwardness of saying, hey, reach a bigger goal that goes for my salary. Right, you can see where that might not be a most comfortable conversation foran executive director not to set a goal, but to exhort boardmember is that’s kind of hard when it when it’s partly your livelihood that’s at stake, so that’s goal setting the second thing is i mentioned is monitoring toward the goals. The third thing is supporting board members, so checking in and saying, how’s it going? What are you hearing when you’re out talking with your friends about the work or your colleagues at work? Are there additional tools that you need? What kind of events would help you bring in the folks that you think might be most interested in your circle in our work? So they’re they’re getting the chance to ask the board members how’s this process going rather than again? Exhorting people have him leave the room and be on their own teo to meet their individual fund-raising goals there’s the idea that they’re backing them up, and in fact, we advocate a buddy system where each member the development committee takes a few people on the board if you have a board that’s large enough who are not on the development. Committee and works with them over the course of the year in partnership to help them reach their goals. All right, we’re gonna have some more time talking about the buddy system of that. Because it’s ah, it brings back to my boy scout data on ah, we had troops whims. You have a swim in the water front now on the waterfront of been inspected. That’s a part of the truth from you had a buddy system and everybody had to be near their buddy swimming. And these are body checks. So we’re going aboard united now checks and hopefully they’re not drowning in the water. The board members, they’re i’ve taken that foreign so away. Other things that the committee does but let’s sze check in which this support role is this, i guess it’s not on ly at board meetings, but but we can be particularly between the time right took in board meetings is when we’re together. We have ah good feeling of working as a group and being aligned. The hard part is when we go back to the rest of our lives, family and work and our board responsibilities tend to fade in the face of the immediacy of those other things having development committee people checking in with board members in those periods between board meetings is a way to keep that present in their lives. All right, so that’s the monitoring and support role that’s that’s, right of the committee that’s right and listening, you know, there’s such a key thing in all fund-raising but hearing how’s it going for this difficulty thing of asking for money and and and finding out what’s, easy, what’s, hard, and and also because each development committee person is talking to a few people, they start to see what the commonalities are, you know, something’s missing from our pitch, i’m hearing that from several people. What about dealing with the recalcitrant board members so kind of in a version of everybody bring in stories, but sure, if you want to tell me so in a version of the buddy system, one one great system is to take boardmember sze who are experienced and confident and match them up, whether they’re on the development committee or not matched them up with newer boardmember czar or board members who are more reluctant to ask and have them go. Out together, for instance, on and ask so that the lesser experienced person had has a chance to see how it’s done and participate first. So great great example a peer-to-peer support there thie other area that often happens is chaillou i think i’d liketo have host a house party to get some of my friends, but i’m not sure enough people will turn up, and i wouldn’t want the embarrassment of having an empty room. Well, is there another boardmember thatyou could pair up and co host together, for instance? Excellent. Okay, and we’re going to talk about the recruiting, but but just it’s coming to my now the ah fund-raising expectations e-giving of board members at the recruitment stage can we just can we talk about that confession? How explicit should we be? Should it be in writing? Not in writing? How do we have this conversation about fund-raising expectations at recruitment? Great questions so that that’s really the next evolution of board fund-raising goal setting, which is ok overall, is aboard. We’re going to set some goals and then the next step is to say, what does each person think over the course of the year, they khun do toward those various goals. Can they host an event? Will they show up at other events? How many new people do they think they can bring into the fold? How many people do they think they can ask for money and at what levels? And, of course, for their own giving what? What between events and an annual gift? Do they think they’ll give and that’s important? Because that’s really where the rubber meets the road and being able to match the aspirations of a goal with what’s actually likely toe happen over the course of the year, and it let’s board members reflect on what they can, what there actually able to do? Dahna what’s easy and then what becomes a stretch? And if you add up, if you get people to write down on ah pledged pledge form pledge is probably the wrong word, but a projection form of what they can do, and you add that up, you see two people’s own projections of what they do get anywhere close to what we’re projecting as a goal overall, and if it’s too far apart than either you have to lower your goal or ask people. To redouble their efforts. All right, but still sticking with the recruitment stage. Yes, we putting all this, these expectations in writing for the boardmember the the potential boardmember boardmember including yeah, ideally, yes, because particularly if you’re trying to recruit people who are experienced and fund-raising the more organized and clear you are about what’s expected the more comfort that they’re going to feel in joining your board. You know, they say you want something done, ask a busy person. Yes, the worst thing you could do is say you’re so great and experienced wolf will find lots of roles for you. I think busy people run from vagueness. If you say we are looking to recruit five sponsors from fortune five hundred companies, you work for such a company and you have a network. It is our hope that you will help us, particularly the sponsorship area. Then the person can evaluate. Can i step into that role? And can i meet those expectations or not? Versus so often we recruits on because we have unspoken sense of what their connections will bring spoken and and then it turns out either the person’s already committed those connections to another cause or they’re not a confident fundraiser and the last thing they’re going to do is turn around, use their business relationships for the charity. Okay, okay. Let’s, let’s. Go back, tio the functions of the of the development committee beyond the goal setting and monitoring. And so there’s ah, one really critical one, which is to celebrate success. And that doesn’t mean just when the check arrives. But when that person who was a recalcitrant, ask her, ask their first person whether they get a yes or a no, we want to say, i want to acknowledge tony for stepping forward and actually sending out that appeal that we might then want to be the step pick somebody else. Okay, okay. I don’t want the recalcitrant. Okay. Ah, so we’re doing this in public at the board meeting at the board neo-sage celebration is the best way tio provide positive feedback for somebody’s step so that’s another aspect of that pure culture, which is we all have an equivalency of effort. And when we when we step forward to do that and show her on the bus ah, the rest of us acknowledge it and celebrated and in all forms you notice? I wasn’t talking about the amount of money i’m really talking about nufer fund-raising activities, right? And what other one of their activities should we be should be celebrating the first ask the first ask turning out ah, above and beyond kind of number of people to an event taking a leadership role by hosting an event or at the event itself, doing a great job with follow-up and saying thank you to donors on behalf of the organization and the board there’s so many activities that don’t involve asking that any boardmember can undertake, and then we want to say, great job, you know, both to reward that person and also to give the message to the other people around the table, you have the chance to step in the limelight as well. That’s cool the celebration. I haven’t heard that you mentioned the board members thanking i love that. I have heard that suggestion that at a board meeting or a special event, i’m a special evening, a bunch of board members around a table, and they’re just thanking donors for having made recent gift so i love a one to one thank so encouraging board members to make a phone call, maybe to someone that they haven’t met, you don’t know me. My name is greg on the border cause effective and, ah, i’m calling to thank you for your support and ah, and then you wantto what’s that person thinking there’s an ask buried here and then you have the boardmember say, i just have one question for you, and they think here’s, where the shoe drops, why did you choose to support our cause? And then they’re going to hear a bunch of extraordinary reasons that come from the heart of that donor it’s reinforcing to the boardmember oh, you know, we’re not out there with our tin cup. People are giving because of a connection to our mission and when’s the last time you got a thank you call from a board member of a charity you donate to never happens. So even the smallest organization that’s their comparative advantage against channel thirteen. Yes, they can thank every single one of their donors personally, right? Logistically, do you like to do those where? It’s a bunch of board members in a room together, and they’re they’re encouraging each other? They’re making individual falls or you rather have people do it from their home or their office depends on the size of the charity, you know, university’s love those call a thon. Alumni call it on things. Thank you. Call. Thank you. Write well for whatever i think it’s hard enough to get a board together for its general deliberations so i wouldn’t complicate matters. Ah, and let people also let people make those calls on their own schedule. So you’re giving them a list of dahna people little information about them? Ah, script that’s one of the forms of support staff can provide so that until someone gets their sea legs in these calls, they know what to say after a few it’s going to go easy and yeah, and you’re gonna hear terrific, heartwarming stories about why this is it right? So that, yes, your point that reinforces for the boardmember there are people all of us and it says now now now there is a step toward their getting confidence to be askanase themselves. Excellent that’s a great one. Okay, this celebration and the thank you’s. What else is there more this committee can be doing to turn the bigger wheel. Well, do you want to touch on recruitment? Not yet. It felt more that the committee khun do other functions. Those air, those air, the main function. Okay, can we talk about staff support? I have time to go short. The agenda with you. You’re you’re the board meeting with an agenda. I’d rather talk about a staff support for all these activities for yes. And then we’ll come to recruitment and mentoring. Right? Our buddy staff support. So ah, this could be the executive director without who doesn’t have a director of development supporting this a ll this committee work that’s correct. It’s always the exact director who has some involvement. Even with the development director. Just the way you observed the board can’t relax when they hyre their first development director. To manage all this. The staff can’t relax just because the board’s formed the development committee and there’s a good, vital conversation about board fund-raising taking place. They’ve got to be providing those tools. And that support because boardmember don’t have the time toe manage the infrastructure of fundrasing that’s still falls to the staff, including very importantly, if this is working, having a system for tracking all the contacts, all the people and the contacts that are made with those folks over time. So there’s a good record of the relationship that’s important staff function yes entering into r r fund-raising database are exactly our cr m database that’s, right? The contacts that are made calls that i made the right back we get, and then something very basic when so in response to a board appeal, so let the boardmember know that it happened so that they can say thank you and avoid the embarrassment of running into the person who is waiting to be thanked and the boardmember doesn’t realize the person made a gift, right? So keeping the board members up to date on what’s happening in terms of their contacts and overall for that monitoring function is really critical. All right, so the running of these reports, right for right? For the for the board, right? And it’s it’s, partly the staff celebrating with the board to say, hey, your donor came back this year with an even bigger gift when you give me a call and say thanks that’s. Great, yes called. All right, um, i have to talk. Ah, i’d like to talk about ah, an organization sponsors non-profit radio generosity siri’s and i don’t know do doo ahh and your strategic use of events, teo do runs and walks ever ever figure in so some of our groups do do walks, we don’t get involved in any of the you’re not planning on you know, but but we’ll ask the question, you know, do you have a broad enough constituency base to have confidence that you’ll recruit enough people to make a walk or run successful? You know, you need zack, i need a word pretty well established network, and you need people who are willing to be the cheerleaders to bring people together in that, for instance, for organizations that can’t generate hundreds of unity’s hundreds. If you’re gonna have your own stand alone event for organization that can’t do that generosity, siri’s generosity, siri’s dot com their sponsor and they host multi charity five k runs and walks i am seed one of theirs last november, little chilly day. But it’s still great fun. There were about a dozen charities they had about no two hundred or so to fifty runners. Among these dozen charities, one hundred thirty, one hundred forty thousand dollars was raised, and it was great fun. And none of the charities could generate enough support. Enough participants on their own. But collectively through generosity siri’s they had this great event and generosity. Siri’s does all the all the back end work of licensing. We were in what’s the huge park in brooklyn that take part. We’re provoc piece of problem back park. They got the licence to get the port a johns to get the amplification and the big start the starting gate way in the finished gateway. And, um, it’s all done. Very smart, great. And its collective that’s. Quite if you would like tio. See if it makes sense for you to be a charity partner of generosity. Siri’s do what i do. You know, i like to talk to people. Pick up the phone. Devlin is the ceo and he’s at seven. One eight five o six. Nine, triple seven if you prefer generosity siri’s dot com a l s i’m keeping this video on the top of my sight tony martignetti dot com for a third week because i want people to get off a less is back let’s give them a chance to see how they’re going to manage this enormous growth. And next week we’re going to hear directly from the ceo and president of l s she’s going to be my guest. Barbara newhouse, we’ll hear first hand how they plan to manage this enormous spike in donors and dollars. The show next week is going to be a google plus hang out on air. We’re doing it from the chronicle of philanthropy offices in washington that’s where l s is that’s where the chronicle it obviously and that’s where i’ll be, because i’d like to be face to face with with barbara new house so you will join the google plus hang out on air at tony martignetti dot com that’s the place to view. We are definitely taking questions for barbara throughout the hour if you know how hang out on air works, you just type in your questions if you don’t, we’ll explain at the beginning, so very exciting show. Next week and very different format you come here to, well, not don’t come here, come to tony martignetti dot com and that’s, where you’ll watch the hang out on air with a less is president and ceo barbara newhouse, and that is tony take two for friday, twenty sixth of september thirty eighth show of this year thank you, greg, for indulging me little pleasure. Um, let’s, let’s, talk about let’s continue the staff support training. I’m glad you brought it up. Of course that’s one of krauz defectives great loves as something we provide, which is so few people come to a board with either fund-raising experience or a positive fund-raising experience, right? We’re lucky if we can recruit someone who’s been a great fundraiser for their alumni association or another non-profit but most often we’re recruiting people who are willing and interested, but i haven’t had the chance to fund-raising a systematic way before and of course, like everything else that we need to master in our lives, we need some training and information so staff arranging for training to make boardmember more confident is a great idea and cause effective could be the real happy that makes you happy to be a provider of such training latto onboarding persuasive years of experience, i could see you moving and motivating boardmember toe task that they’re not comfortable with at the beginning of your of your so i’d say it’s a little bit like arthur murray’s dance studio, we paint the steps on the floor, we get people toe awkwardly, try those steps and it gets more and more fluid until they discover you know what? I really like this so let’s, move them. Tio recruiting yes, talk some about recruiting to the development committee, so we have our board who were responding specifically for this committee, so i always take the extreme position not often embraced by every board. Every new member of the board should be placed on the development committee, plus one other committee. So i like to give the message right, it’s just a place to start. Absolutely because one people are at their highest point of enthusiasm, usually when they’re joining aboard two they don’t know better, right? If the culture of the board is a few people carry all the weight for fund-raising we don’t want them to sink to the lowest. Common denominator after going to a few meetings, so let’s grab them while they’re hot and put him on that development committee and then if you’re organized enough maybe to serve on one other committee as well, so that would be my preferred position. But i would say, of course, anyone who’s got prior experience ought to be recruited because they can help with the planning function and be creative about how the board can be fund-raising but really, what it really is a question of there’s someone have to desire to give it a try, and if you’re providing the tools and the training than anyone who’s willing ought to be added to that committee and bring in that new energy, can they also be mentors? Now they’re new board members? Can they be mentor? They’ve got what has the Numbers and actually 1 of the great ways to turn around the culture of a board that has gotten a little stagnant on fund-raising or has never stepped up is to bring in some fresh blood who are able to say when i did it over here, this is what worked and really help revitalize that culture i’ve even seen that work with some organizations that have young professional boards or junior boards where the enthusiasm of those young folks actually ah, crosses over and helps the established board embrace some goals with greater energy infecting them. They’re like their youthful energy that’s, right and vigor that’s right? Who do we look forward to lead our development committee? That’s a great question, so good question forty minutes, that’s a pretty good now they’re evolving right chair the development committee. You want someone who’s, a good cheerleader who relates well to other board members can communicate well, they don’t have to be the most generous giver on the board or necessarily the greatest getter. In fact, you probably don’t necessarily want the wealthiest person on your board to behead development committee because other people will look and say, well, they have the resource is of course they do. It seems effortless. You don’t identify with the right, right? So you want someone who’s really out there showing their commitment to the organization, but both by e-giving stretch gift themselves and out there asking widely in their circles durney ideally, that person would have prior experience, but it’s really the effort? They’re willing to put in that counts the most in their willingness to be a role model, because and this is true for all bored fund-raising if you’re not a giver yourself, it’s very hard to ask others to do something you’re not doing beyond that. I think it’s great to get experienced people for that mentoring and butting up, they can help with the training. They can help build the confidence. So you do want a cadre of people who are comfortable around the fund-raising conversation and who are well regarded by other board members so that they can induce them to join that conversation. Let’s, have a body check? Yes, the buddy system could we say more about how the development committee is mentoring and buddying with shirts? Are what’s the idea that you’re providing focus on fund-raising gear around and you have somebody on the development committee who really comes to understand what’s going on in the mind of their fellow boardmember who their networks are can be a thought partner and how to reach them. I can understand where their fears or inhibitions are and helped develop ways of overcoming them also hears what do you need to be successful? Would you like practice in making the elevator speech? Would you like to be paired with someone who’s going out, making an athlete, see how it works? Do you want a staff person to join you? And you’re asking because you’re not confident that you could answer detailed question about the organization’s program so that someone who can check in and ah, that the boardmember can reveal themselves to without exposing the fact that they might feel like to write about a topic and facing the professional staff, that might be an important aspect. We have just a minute left, okay, i really would like to hear what it is that you love about the work that you’re doing with boards. Well, you know, we say that boards are the most important volunteers of any organization, so we work with so many fantastic organizations and missions and boards are the place where you see people who, despite busy lives, step forward to make these organizations successful, make incredible sacrifices are incredibly generous with their time and expertise. So it’s fantastic to be in a room with people who are thes chief cheerleaders as volunteers around the widest range of causes it’s very noble calling great going senior associate at cause effective on twitter, they are at cause effective, and greg on twitter is greg causevox greg cause you want to follow him. Greg, thank you so much. My pleasure. Thanks so much. Now the interview that i did at ntcdinosaur profit technology conference on ah, creative commons one o one with carly leinheiser welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the non-profit technology conference and t c twenty fourteen we’re at the marriott wardman park hotel in washington, d c with me is carly leinheiser she’s, an associate at perlman and pearlman that’s, a law firm in new york city. And her workshop topic is share use remix an introduction to creative commons. Carly welcome. Thank you. It’s. A pleasure to have you. Thanks, it’s. Great to be here. Thanks. And thank you for taking time on a pretty busy conference day. What is creative commons that i think a lot of people have heard of and not so familiar with? Sure. So creative commons is itself a non-profit they were founded in two thousand won with a mission of making the basically making content. On the internet accessible, so they developed a suite of licenses, which are basic copyright licenses that allow creators, artists, authors to distribute work under one of these licenses, and that signals to anyone who might find their work that it’s freely available for use subject to certain different restrictions. So this is quite a service, really it’s a certain unorganised ation serving non-profits and making content available, right? I mean, they’re serving not only non-profits but sort of ah, the larger idea of basically the commons there, they’re making a easier to put more works into not exactly the public domain because they’re still under copyright but making more works freely available for anyone to use. So the idea is that right now, the way copyright works is any time that somebody creates a work it’s automatically subject to copyright, you don’t have to register it. You don’t have to put a notice on it if you’ve created a work it’s copyrighted on dso that’s what is known as the all rights reserved model and that’s what happens automatically so if you are an artist and you get benefit from distributing your photos online and having other people take them and incorporate them into their works. It’s hard to do that because somebody would have to seek you out and get individual written permission from you in order to do that. Otherwise they’d be infringing your copyrights. But most people’s experiences it’s incredibly easy to find content online that you can just, you know, screen. Grab our download and creative commons brings the law in line with that experience that it’s fine it’s easy to find content online, it’s easy to incorporate it into new works. And so by with using these licenses, it makes it easy for people to know they have permission from the artist to do that. Do we need to know a little bit the basics of intellectual property law before we go to into too much detail? Well, i think that that sort of covers it so i could say copyright well, i could talk a little bit about it. Copyright is ah, is basically a bundle of rights that anybody who creates a creative work gets in their in their work. So you have a set of exclusive rights that you’re the only one that you khun the only one who can exercise those rights with respect to your work and um and then you can also assigned those rights or licenses rights out to other people. So you have the right to use the work to distribute it, to make copies, to make derivative works or a new work based on the original work, so that something like a translation or collage would be a derivative work and to license that out to other people. So what you’re doing with the creative commons licenses, you have your bundle of rights and you’re saying anybody can use my work. Anyone has access to my work. Andi anyone can exercise those same rights as long as with all creative commons licenses, you have to give attribution or credit s o you link back to the original work and then there’s certain other restrictions that are in some of the different licenses. Okay, on dh. Some of those different restrictions is get a little too technical. Know that’s that’s, sort of the heart of creative commons there’s. Six basic licenses. So all of them, including attribution requirements. So say i post a photo online and i license it under a creative commons attribution. License that means anybody who came across my photograph could take it, download it, use it, put it into a new work. All they have to do is give me attribution. So that means maybe linking back to my web page just putting my name on it. And i i would normally specify how i want to be attributed. So some of the other restrictions are share alike. Which means that i would license my photo under a creative commons attribution share alike license meaning anyone could take my photo, download it, use it, make a new work with it. But if they did that and distributed that new york new work, they’d have to release it under the same license. On this is a concept called the copy left and the ideas that i’ve created a work that someone else is used. And then now their work is also in the commons for anyone to use s o, for example, wikipedia’s content is licensed under c c it’s, cc by essays are creative commons attribution share alike license so anyone can use the content on wikipedia and incorporated into a new work. But then they have to also license it in the same way, so grows the body of work. Exactly. They’re two other restrictions. One is no derivatives, meaning you can download my work. You can share it or distribute it, but you can’t change it in any way, so i’m not allowed to make a new work based on it. So you’ll see this sometimes with some sort of reports that in the case of non-profits, maybe report that you’ve published on a particular policy issue, and you want that shared as widely as possible. But you don’t want people sort of taking accepts. Reinardy. Or, you know, photos, or maybe personal histories, things that, like you want shared sort of intact on dh. The last restriction is a noncommercial restriction, so that means anybody could use the work as long as what they do with it is for a non commercial purposes. Ok, thank you, little detail. But details, i think, are interesting. I think they are. You think they are. I think they are all right. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? 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Because they think that’s a lot more people have experienced with searching on flicker, for example. So if you’re looking for save photographs to put on your website or incorporate into a brochure and you want to find a photo that’s, all you have to do is give attribution to the person who made it. You can go on. Flicker flicker has a search feature and also the creative commons website itself has a search feature where you can go in and specify what you want to do with the work, whether it’s going to be for commercial or non commercial purposes. O r all you want, you want the least restrictive license and you put in your search terms and it pops up. So when i was putting together my talk, i wanted to find pictures of cute cats because that’s, what people like to look at on a saturday morning esso i search for cute cats license under creative commons license and found a whole bunch as far as really seeing your work under creative commons license if you’re distributing it online, creative comments has a licensed chooser on their website, so you don’t even have to really know the technical restrictions you go in and you say, i want people to give me attribution. I want to allow derivative works or not if i allowed derivative works, i want them to be released center share, like license or not, and i’m ok or not with the commercial uses, and then creative commons tells you which license you’ve picked on degenerates thiss html code that you can embed on your site, which then makes your work searchable by license. Okay, you become part of the search results and and it generates a little button you can put on the work, so you’ll see in a lot of like footers of websites thiss you know this pages published under creative commons license in which one? Okay, now the search function sounds pretty. Easy finding finding going back to finding content. Pretty simple. Yeah, it’s really simple the the only risk is you want to make sure that that thing’s air correctly tagged so but it is really pretty intuitive and you khun search you can search flicker you khun search through google images i think that there are more and more search engines that are supporting a search by license, so it is really easy to use and in terms of releasing your own content, any restrictions on what that content is? Well, i mean, it’s basically anything that’s subject to copyright so you wouldn’t you use a creative commons license with se your trademark or something that was protected by patent law, not copyright law. It also doesn’t deal with model writes in photographs, so if you have a photograph that includes an image of a person, creative commons doesn’t really deal with that person’s right of publicity or protections that they get for being in the photograph. So there was actually a litigation over this issue where a company used a photograph that included an image of a person, and the photographer had released the image under creative commons license. But never secured the model rights s o the person in the image sued the company and ask them to stop using it. Okay, are there other other cases that air don’t necessarily mean litigation case? Maybe client examples? You know that air that interesting, that and somewhat, you know, instructive. Yeah, so, no, i don’t have any specific client examples. They do have some examples i found in researching for my talk. One of my favorites actually is the brooklyn museum, which is i live in brooklyn, so i have a lot of pride for the brooklyn museum. They do really interesting things with their they’ve done two very interesting things. One is that a lot of their collection, they made their collection searchable by license. So much of their collection is very old and in the public domain, so you can now search their collection online and see what’s in the public domain and use those images if you want, and i actually incorporated a few of their images into my presentation and where stuffs not out of copyright but they on the right, innit? They’ve released it under creative commons license so you can use some of the works in their collection, another interesting thing that they did was in connection with the show they did a few years ago, go called who shot rock n roll, which was a series of portrait it’s and photographs relating to rock n roll. They did a remix contest, so they had chris stein and believes his name from blondie put together a bunch of tracks that he released under a creative commons license. And then anybody could download those tracks, remix them, upload them and those tracks would again be really center creative commons license. And they picked a winner, and they’re all available on their website. Um, it’s really interesting. So it was this great way to engage with their community and sort of further their mission of, like, getting culture out to the public on really engaged people while completely avoiding the issue of having to get signed releases and have people wave their their rights or sign rights toe in their tracks that they made to the brooklyn museum. They were just available to use, which i think is a really interesting example of what you could do. So photo contest anything like that video as well, video yeah, absolutely. I think on a new tube, isn’t there? Ah, little pull down window, whether you want to use a have a standard creative commons license to your video yeah, i wouldn’t be surprised i’m not positive, but i think that sounds right. Ok, i think they have a three or maybe four licensing options, and one of them, i think, is standard creative commons license. Yeah, and actually, when i was uploading my slides, teo the ntc, they asked whether i wanted to release my slides under creative commons license or not, so they’re they’re on top of it. Excellent. Well, you know, i don’t know what teo asked specifically, but what more do you want to share that we haven’t talked about? Let’s see, i think i mean, one of the things that i think is most interesting for me is they think a lot of non-profits have have sort of limited experience using creative commons in looking for photos and things like that on flicker, but i think that there are a lot of great examples of non-profits really saying they’re content under creative commons license, so not only so the brooklyn museum is a good one, but and wikipedia is another one. There’s, another organization called teach aids that creative commons features it’s a case study on their site. They big, they make sort of educational health materials that are really sandorkraut of commons license so anybody can download materials from their sight, redistribute them on, and i think for non-profits that have any kind of educational mission thie idea that you could create these materials and then just release them out into the world and they would be freely shared and no one had to worry about, like, violating your copyright if they wanted to download a report or, you know, i know your rights pamphlet or health materials, those kind of things i think are really great uses for creative commons, particularly for non-profits that have a mission based on education, where you’re not worried about so much selling individual copies of your materials, but that the more you get the word out about your organization by distributing materials, you’ll get your name out donordigital here about you, and you don’t have to worry about the transaction costs of negotiating, you know? Oh, okay, that person could buy a copy to do this or that. So i think it’s one of the more interesting things, all right, i hope listeners will pay attention to a creative commons both in terms of their own you’re your own work and and searching for others as well. Sounds like it, sze i’ve learned a lot more about the community then thin. I knew. Thank you very much, carly. Yeah. Thank you for the pleasure. Carly leinheiser is associate perlman and roman. You’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of ntc non-profit technology conference twenty fourteen. Thanks so much for being with us. My thanks to everybody at the non-profit technology network and ten next week. Barbara newhouse ellis is president and ceo for the hour joined the hangout on air at tony martignetti dot com regular time one p m eastern. If you missed any part of today’s show, find it on tony martignetti dot com it’s, the store it’s, the center of universe you’re seeing this so all things emanate from there generosity siri’s and their charity support team that helps you in your fund-raising think about them for multi charity five k runs and walks generosity siri’s dot com seven one eight, five or six. Nine, triple seven our creative producers, claire meyerhoff. Sam liebowitz is our line producer. Shows social media is by julia campbell of jake campbell. Social marketing and the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules. Our music is by scott stein. You with me next week for non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Go out and be great. I didn’t even think that shooting the ending. You’re listening to the talking alternate network. E-giving dahna cubine come. Join us for the thirteenth annual vigil for international peace and ecology on sunday, september twenty one. From nine a, m to six p, m celebration of live music and dance performances spoke a word human-centered line art installations in a world peace flag ceremony that celebrates the united nations international day of peace. That’s sunday, september twenty one from nine a, m to six p, m central park numbered band shell by the bethesda fountain. For more information or volunteer, go to www. Dot vigil number four. International peace dot borg that’s, the number four in the earl, or call to want to chip in to five, four, three two to want to triple. Two, five, four, three two we’ll see you there. Heimans you’re listening to talking alternative network at www dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Talking. Hyre

Nonprofit Radio for September 19, 2014: Buyer Beware & Managing Your Big Spike

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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My Guests:

Don Jean: Buyer Beware

Don Jean
Don Jean

Don Jean is CEO of He’s got tips for buying smarter, from accounting services to zoo animals. How do you start a money-saving buyers club? What belongs in your procurement policy and how do you compare alternative suppliers? Don’s got a good story about horse linament.




Maria Semple: Managing Your Big Spike

Maria Semple
Maria Semple

After a big event, gala, run/walk, open house or ice bucket challenge, you’ve got lots of newly-engaged people. How do you break them down into manageable sets for cultivation? Maria Semple is our prospect research contributor and The Prospect Finder.



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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. Oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d be stricken with pseudo member anus still mastitis if i had to form the words to say you missed today’s show hyre beware don gene is ceo of focusedbuyer dot com he’s got tips for buying smarter from accounting services to zoo animals what belongs in your procurement policies and how do you compare alternative suppliers also managing your big spike after a big event gala run walk open house ice bucket challenge you’ve got lots of newly engaged people how do you break them down into manageable sets for cultivation? Maria simple is our prospect research contributor and the prospect finder on tony’s take two get off! Ellis is back, responsive by generosity siri’s they host multi charity five k runs and walks. I’m very glad that don jean is with me, he’s, a ceo and co founder of focusedbuyer dot com, he has many years of experience with big us and uk businesses routinely buying billions of dollars of goods and services. He’s, a member of the institute of supply management and cornell university’s athletic hall of fame dahna jean welcome to the show. Good morning, tony. Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you and your non-profit radio colleagues. Cool. Thank you very much. My pleasure to have you. We’re talking about buying buyer beware, but you like to call it procurement. What? Why is that? Well, procurement takes in all the aspects of purchasing from the time that you’re thinking about purchasing a product or service for your organization to actually contracting for it, to the performance of the suppliers around the contract, to the payment of the invoice that submitted by the suppliers to the warehousing of the data around the actual transactions. So it’s the whole process, then so buying would be very limited. Part of will be one part of the entire procurement process, i guess. Is that right? Yes. The buying the buying process tony’s is just the actual transaction of saying i want to buy this and a supplier saying i’ll supply it and then that happening. Okay, so there’s a rationale, because on non-profit radio we have jargon, jail and right out i didn’t. I hate to put you in. Jargon jail. So i’m trying to explain why we were going to use the word procurement instead of just buying oh, okay. All right. So you’re not in jargon jail. You could have been, but i i i was i was lenient. But what? Your step? All right, why do we need a procurement policy? Well, first of all, any organization or business needs a policy which is a statement of principles or intent or protocols to run the organization and business and these policies, they include the fundamentals of operating in a foreign organization or business such as who’s in charge. Uh, also includes well established best practices and or guidelines such as who raises money. How is money raised? How is money spent? It includes the procedures than that. I’ll allow you to carry out the policies, and it applies to all the state color’s involved. So this was the leadership board members, employees, customers and suppliers, and it’s, a clearly documented policy and communicated to everyone in some cases, uh, people who received the communication are actually asked to sign and acknowledge that they received it. A purchasing policy is really a subset of an overall policy. And it’s around how employees and volunteers spend money for products and services needed to run the operations and administrative functions of organizations or businesses, and the purchasing folly should include managing the money to be spent accounting for the money that has been spent and ensuring the money is being spent as wisely as possible. All right, don, we’re going, we’re gonna have a chance. We’re gonna get into the details get too far ahead of ourselves. So even a small mid size shop, i mean, if they’re not spending tens of thousands of dollars on on purchases, do they still need to have a procurement policy? Yes, they do, tony and the reason for that is if you look at television or radio, listen to radio and read newspapers, you’re fine, and i’m looking at stuff on the internet. You’re finding that even in small businesses small organization, small non-profits there seems to be a trend where someone is being cheated, either with in the organization itself or a supplier is cheating the organization. Oh, and it all comes to buyer beware and it’s important that everyone have guidelines and rules so that the buyer beware process does not come into play regards to the size of the organization. All right, so organizations need to be thinking strategically, carefully about purchasing, even if we’re talking about just like paper, and, um, i don’t know, maybe some consulting services and, you know, small, small purchases that typically now they’re probably just going online and buying from a source that they’ve been using for a long time, or they go to the store and use their credit card, even even in those cases, they need to be thinking more about this whole process, right? So from from a standpoint of small purchases in my investigations, i’ve found across a broad range of organizations, including non-profits that somebody could be paying anywhere from nine dollars, a ream for a ream of paper, five hundred sheets of paper down to three dollars, and oftentimes it’s, you know, people say, well, nine dollars, i can pay nine dollars, but you maybe should be paying three dollars, and that all is tied up into making sure you have a process in place, the other the other issue is how do you generate economy of scale? So just because you’re a small non-profit doesn’t mean that there aren’t other small non-profits that are not in competition with you in terms of what you do, where you could, uh, collaborates and increase the economy of scale of your purchases in a blanket order process a process where each individual non-profit could buy from it, but get a better price for everyone. Alright, so that would be like buying club you’re saying? Well, it would be it would be a buy-in club, and it could be organized among the non-profits or it can be organized by a third party supplier. Okay, cool. All right, well, i’m going toe to spend some time talking about that. Let’s, let’s, get back to the procurement policy, which we were starting to get into. Why don’t you just take off? What? What? Some what belongs in that policy? Sure. So, uh, purchasing procurement policy should include being in line with the financial controls of the organizations. So for instance, the financial controls may say we want a three way matching process to assure that there’s no fraud or illegalities in the procurement to pay process. And we know that the fraud and evil of gowdy’s they happen on a regular basis. But the three way matching process is something that says a person. Who’s authorized the purchase. Creates the purchase order someone else who’s authorized to receive the product or service. Actually documents that receive receipt and someone else who is involved with finance and the accounts payable process actually transact the payment of the of the envoys. Right. Wait. I have a purchase order in place. And when they have a receipt covered dahna done way too much into the weeds. I just want you to please just take off. Just take off major items like like credit cards. I’m sure belong in there. You know, just just what s the major time from competition belongs in there buying from competent. Okay. Okay. With competitions when i mean it was competent. Okay, conducting negotiations belongs in there buying. How do you buy from supportive stakeholders buying from employees and their affiliates, such as family members. Latto how do you define relationships between suppliers and vendors and the persons who are buying? What are some of the conflicts of interests? For instance, two employees have some type of ownership privately in a supplier or is there they have some public ownership where they own some stock in a public company? Also around the security of information in terms of how information is communicated to suppliers back and forth and whether there needs to be a non disclosure agreement, things such as gratuities and quid pro quo. You know our crew tootie’s accepted by by employees and quid pro quo meaning employee says, hey, i’ll give you this contract if you give me four tires for my jeep, okay, meals and entertainment no, if you’re invited to a ball game or a golf outing, or maybe you’re going out weekly for lunches and dinners and there’s no real business reason for that it’s just become habit trips to places of business, the cross and reimbursement of that when you go visit a supplier and compliance with rules and regulations around safety, health, environmental and governmental types of regulations, and then how do you capture the content, the data in the information around all of your procurement transactions, and last but not least settling disputes and disagreements? How does that process work and unfold between buyers and sellers? All right, we’re not gonna have time to cover all that, and i hope you acknowledge thiss can be kind of boring stuff. Do you realize that you realize you do? Realize that okay, i do realize, ok, we’re going. We’re going to hit just a couple of those that are probably the most popular let’s start with credit cards, which, you know, you don’t even call them credit card, you call them procurement cards? Yeah, this is a credit instrument that is used the organizations and businesses want to cut down on the actual, uh, transactions inside the procurement process. So they used credit cards where stuff happens on the phone call between the buyer and seller, and i’ve been involved in credit card purchases that have reached thirty thousand transactions a year in one hundred twenty million dollars worth of procurement. And in those scenarios, the difficult part is determining that the credit card’s been used appropriately by the holder of the credit card. In one particular case, i recall that a particular employee every month was buying oil, and we couldn’t figure out why there was a need for this much oil. So we said we’d look into it a little bit, and it turns out that the person was actually buying horse liniment forces for their horse farm horse liniment the horse. The horse liniment story. Yeah. Okay, that’s a good one. So what? We have just about a minute or so before first break, so keep that in mind and then we’ll have more time after the break. But what? What can we do to make sure that credit cards, procurement cards if if you prefer, are used appropriately? The details around the transaction are most important and what happens with a credit card? You get a summary statement at the end of of each month, and then employees and sometimes financial people are asked to latto to audit those to make sure it’s correct. But the problem is that summary statements don’t give you a lot of detail, so it would be helpful if you could come up with the process a business process that makes it easy for people to create a ghost purchase order and send it to accounts payable with line item detail so that the accounts payable, people can match it one for one with the accounting summary statement let’s go out for a break, and when we come back, don, you’re not going to keep talking about that. You’re talking about different levels of control and i want to you. Want to talk about how that fits within a small organization that it isn’t gonna have made very well, not have accounts payable, so stay with us. We’re going to keep keep talking about buyer beware. Thank you didn’t think getting dinged. You’re listening to the talking alternative network, waiting to get me to thinking. E-giving cubine this’s. The way we’re hosting part of my french nufer city guests come from all over the world, from mali to new caledonia, from paris to keep back french is that common language. Yes, they all come from different cultures, background or countries, and it comes tires to make new york they’re home. Listen to them, shed their story, join us, pardon my french new york city every monday from one to two p m. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll duitz welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent sorry, i can’t send live listener love were pre recorded today, but i do love our live listeners, and of course, i send pleasantries to those who are listening to the podcast. All right, don let’s, let’s continue with the credit cards. So your concern is that there be oversight of these purchases, but what if we don’t have an accounts payable office? Well, normally the small non-profit will have someone who is responsible for the financial aspects of the business and what it would, what you would do there. In that particular cases, you would put a policy and procedure in place that the person who was using the credit card had to generate the ghost purchase order and do the match and send the documentation to that one person for a final review. All right, so there has to be some review of these procurement card or credit card purchases. Yeah, i mean, like i said before, tony, every day you’re seeing people have stealing thirty thousand dollars or embezzling one hundred thousand dollars or doing something illegal for ten thousand dollars and when you get involved in looking at how that all happened, it happens in the procurement of payment process that’s where the controls breakdown that’s where the opportunity to at least do some cursory auditing is is possible to prevent that. At one particular case, i’m aware of a a small company who i had a system in place, and i suggested that they do something different. And they said, now we’re happy with what we’re doing. And just recently i read in the paper where they were embezzled for about six hundred thousand dollars in their procurement payment process. Oh my did you send an email saying i told you so? I did not know i would have i would have that would have been the subject with capital caps with a exclamation marks. I told you so. Yeah, it’s amazing tony. Just what? What folks are doing these days? I’m not sure whether it’s the economy or or whether it’s the state of you know how we live these days, but everybody’s looking for an angle and everybody’s looking for finding something for free. And unfortunately, in the procurement to pay process, lax controls give you ability to come up with what people say this was found money for myself? Six hundred thousand is about right? I mean, i would i would do it. I would risk my reputation for six hundred thousand it’s the five and ten thousand. You know, the twenty thousand? I just don’t. I don’t think it’s worth it. If you’re gonna do it, do it big. You know, it’s got to be deep deep into six figures before i would risk my reputation. I mean, everyone’s got their price. I’m giving people an idea where mine is. So you know, you know howto get my attention on. Be suspicious of people zoho own horses, right? Right. Right. Let’s move. Teo buyers, this idea of a buyer’s club. What could’ve non-profit do? How would they reach out to affiliated do or what? Not not even affiliate? Just other non-profits too joined their purchases and and have some leverage. Well, it’s an interesting question. So in the world of chambers of commerce, many of them, whether they’re local or state, have sub chapter’s are set up for non-profit. And they meet on a regular basis to discuss various types of opportunities and processes were together they can improve. Their businesses, they go through legal aspects of setting up a non-profit how you, how you go after funding in terms of better ways and to how you can join together for economy, of scale of purchases. So that’s one way another way is from time to time there are expose, which are just for non-profits in fact, i just attended one this weekend here in the lehigh valley of pennsylvania, where there were probably twenty five non-profits who had tables in a large mall right shopping mall, and i visited each one of the tables, and it became clear to me that when i asked the question around the economy of scale, they all had the same answer. We don’t know how to generate economy of scale, and i said, well, we could do it with just twenty five non-profits here in the mall and, you know, we’ll work on that with you, and they said, wow, that’d be great, you know, give me a follow up call so there’s a number of different ways where economy of scale can be grown all right, do you object to me calling this a buyer in a buying club? Is that? Ok for you with you. I find, you know, some people call it cooperative supply. Yeah, that doesn’t sound it’s cold. You guys have a way of making this sound dull. I mean, there’s there’s good information here, but cooperative supply. I don’t think you’re gonna get too much people too many people’s attention, but if you call it a buying club, i think that people that’s something people can grasp a little easier than cooperative supply. So i’m okay with buy-in club. All right, thank you. So, do we have to weigh reach out to non-profits whether they’re in expo with us or that we just know them, they’re in our community, whatever. And we just say, you know, maybe we can collaborate on buying together and save some money, isn’t that easy? It’s that simple, but what it takes is that in a non-profit it takes a decision around, you know, who is going to take that charge? You know, you know, who’s doing the buying currently in some small non-profits you have several people in several different areas making the purchases and doing the procurement for for the non-profit and other non-profits you have one person and all that stuff is filtered through that one person to make the procurement, so a lot depends on the organizational set up. And but once the organization set up is determined, okay, it’s a matter of reaching out to those people cross the non-profits and facilitating a buying club atmosphere, i think that’s great, i mean, there’s there’s considerable money to be saved in day to day purchases if if non-profits collaborate that way. Yeah, there’s there’s no question that there is and i would say hundreds of millions of dollars are left on the table because many non-profits don’t act in that mode. In fact, i know i know non-profits who are organized locally, but they also have st chapters. In some cases they have national chapters and there’s. They’re not currently doing any buying club type of collaboration let’s move to exploring multiple suppliers because that’s something that a buying club could do. But even a non-profit acting on its own should be doing why better tohave multiple suppliers of the same thing? Well, one of the reasons is that many suppliers have different types of products and services that give you the same end result, but in some cases are less costly because they’re more efficient and how they accomplished making the product or providing the service so it’s important to reach out to a number suppliers to make sure you you have a cross section of the suppliers, capabilities, and and the innovations that they have in terms of bringing products and services to you. It’s also a good idea to be planning your purchases so that you don’t end up in a crisis buying situation. Yeah, that’s one of the major miscues of, uh, many folks who are in the world of procuring and who were doing purchasing, whether you’re a small company organization and non-profit social organization, people do not plan their purchases. So what happens is you get to the end of the line when he i really need this tomorrow or needed a few days, and they find out that, you know, in order to get it, they have to pay a premium or they can’t get what they really need, and they have to substitute something that is okay but doesn’t do what they needed to do. It’s it’s the worst aspect of procurement when you do not plan for the purchase and you run out of time. You’re in a negotiation weakness every time with the supplier, vendor or seller who you’re going to and say, i need this. Tomorrow, you’re going to pay more money for it, it’s, just that simple. So you’re either going to spend time planning or you’re going to spend money, but you’re going to spend one or the other exactly that’s, exactly right, tony in. And unfortunately, yeah, waiting to the last minute is easy. Yeah, okay, sitting down and planning something out takes a little bit of time and takes a little bit of moxie in order to say, ok, what do i really want? But don? Yes. Okay, alright, i’m sorry. So so yeah, so you’re like a sari is going to plan ahead of time. And as as you are trying to find alternative suppliers, how would we go about doing that? I mean, we buy all our office products from staples dot com. We’re going to find alternatives. Well, alternatives that alternatives can be found in a number of different places. The’s, air capable and qualified potential suppliers. Of course, whenever you reach out to look for suppliers, not only do you have to find out who they are and where they operate from, but then you have to find out if they’re capable and qualified to be able to supply to but there’s without giving anybody a plug there’s something called thomas register dot net, which has i think that was a plo. Thousands of suppliers, thomas registered dot net. I think that was a plug done and the other the other areas are the chamber of commerce members. When you belong to a chamber of commerce, you can be involved in just buy-in doing work inside the chamber and getting to meet all of the different members who can be the pliers and cellars and it doesn’t mean that you have to buy everything from staples stables that doesn’t necessarily have have the best prices. I can tell you that just from my own research, staples and other large big box stores have good prices, but not necessarily the best prices and not necessarily the best merchandise. Three other place you could go is you can use search engines such as yahoo, google or being which khun khun xero you in on particular suppliers in particular areas, there are a number of small business expose that happened regularly. In fact, i attended one in new york city not too long ago at around peered ninety, which was an excellent place to meet new suppliers uh, with new processes and products on then there’s a number of diversity organizations and expose where people are trying to, uh, improve and increase the amount of spend that’s happening with diversity suppliers such as minority suppliers, women, own suppliers, veteran own suppliers and so forth. So on there’s something called mcrae’s book, which is another listing of suppliers it’s like thomas register and, of course, there’s always the angie’s list for services both local. And statewide. And then there’s something called institute supply management, of which i’m a member of which, which has literally hundreds of thousands of members across many types of products and services. And then there’s the referrals from, you know, friends, and and also from fellow non-profits i have i have a referral for office supplies. I happened like w b mason and so in i like them that their prices are lower. Yeah. W donations a great, uh, great supplier. And there very good competition to the other big box stores. Yeah, for sure. All right. We have just about two minutes left. Done. Once we have all these alternative suppliers in just a couple minutes. How do we decide between them? Well, the first, the first step, tony, is too. You need to create. They clearly defined request for proposal that levels the playing field so that everyone you reach out to knows exactly what you want to buy. That’s, that’s really important and and there’s. Lots of things you need to consider in terms of putting a request for proposal together. You know, for instance, let’s say, you’re putting a roof on your house, you know, you could get single warranties that air. Twenty, twenty five, thirty years. Okay, but in addition to that, you can get warranties that cover mold and mildew. So some singles, you know, we’ll give you a ten year warranty inside the long warranty for moldy mildew damage, and some will give you curling damage against sun damage. So you need to, uh, make sure you have a clearly defined request for proposal. You need to take into account the things that you need, uh, and want okay to get the best value for your money. And then once you do that and you get it out and you get the offer’s back, the next step is to make sure you do a standard kind of an evaluation of those potential suppliers. No, some type of format that allow youto lineup the proposals next to each other and evaluate them. I’ve used something called critical success factors which say, these are the important things that need to happen and does this supply or meet them? And then what are the key performance indicators or how do they meet them? And then i line those up across the different suppliers. It’s a it’s. A formal process. But again, it’s like planning. Okay, if you plan it well, you have the opportunity to save money. And if you evaluate supplier proposals well, you have the opportunity to save money. Don, we have to leave it there. I know you want to leave people with your email address. If they’d like more information. What is that it’s done at focused buyer dot com. Alright. And the site is focusedbuyer dot com. Check that out, don gene. Thank you very, very much. Thanks very much, tony. My pleasure to have you take care, everyone. How thoughtful. Yes do take care. Thank you. Don generosity siri’s they host multi charity five k runs and walks. You know them? They have a charity support team as part of the process when you are one of their charity partners and that support team helps you with your fund-raising the’s are people that you talk to on the phone. You talk to them. You don’t have to email them. You don’t the chat with them. You can talk to them. I like that. They will help you get more runners and help you motivate the runners that you get. So that there’s more donors for your non-profit that’s the whole purpose of this event. Talk to dave lynn he’s the ceo see about becoming one of their charity partners. They have events coming up in new jersey, miami, new york city and philadelphia. You can talk to dave at seven one eight five o six. Nine triple seven or the web generosity siri’s dot com can we get off? Alice’s back second week in a row. I’ve asked that question. I kept the video on top at twenty martignetti dot com for another week. I’m interested in what you think about the way l s has been treated in the media. What do you think? I think we should give them a chance to manage this enormous spike in money and donors let’s see how they do. What do you think i’m interested? Please comment on the video. Tell me what you think. It’s at tony martignetti dot com and that is tony’s. Take two for friday nineteenth of september thirty seventh show of the year. Maria simple. You know her she’s, the prospect finder she’s a trainer and speaker on prospect research. Her website is the prospect finder dot. Com and her book is panning for gold. Find your best donorsearch prospects now she’s our doi end of dirt, cheap and free. You can follow maria on twitter at maria simple glamarys simple. Welcome back. Hello there. How are you? I’m doing very well. How are you? You’ve been sailing. I have been sailing. It’s been a fantastic summer. How is yours? My summer was very nice. You were you were sailing for a couple of weeks and it occurred to me that when you’re sailing your pretty. Um all right, what i want to say you’re at the mercy of the weather. I definitely hear priorities completely change and focus when you’re on the water. We spent about ten days on our sail boats, of course, over the course of time, anything could happen with wind and weather, etcetera. So we got very lucky. For the most part, it was very good. How do you know you’re going to get back home on time? Well, way build in plenty of extra buffer time to have to stay an extra day or two someplace if the weather doesn’t get bad. But we do have a built in gps, so it kind of tells us what’s how long it’ll take us to get from point a to point b do you also have a built in engine? Oh, definitely built in and you do aren’t. So is that considered cheating for sailors? If you if you resort to your engine or now, not if you need to get out of a storm. That’s for sure. It’s not okay, that’s a good thing to have. All right, you have some thoughts generated from the l s ice bucket challenge what’s on your mind. Well, you know, i was thinking about it and thinking about how you know that that happened on such a magnitude and scale that, you know, most non-profits are not going to experience, but i was thinking about how this could sort of applied in non-profits who we’re getting into a season now in the fall, for example, where you might be hosting a run or a walk or your galas are coming up, certainly in the fall and spring there’s a lot of them. So i was thinking about, you know, how do you sort of manage this hopefully new influx of names that are going to be captured by your organization so first and foremost, i hope everybody’s capturing all of that information when people register your collecting those those critical data points that you want to make sure that you have obviously, you know, name, but address a cz well as where they’re employed. So if you can at least collect that piece of information that’s going to fill in another piece of the puzzle for you, should that person kind of moved through your pipeline to be more of, ah major gift prospect or a plan giving prospect at some point? And of course, you’re also going to collect email address kapin absolutely, and i want to stay engaged with them and, you know, people are usually feeling pretty good right after interacting with your organization through a walk or a run or a gala so it’s an opportunity to really capitalize on their good feelings that they have for the organization, so i would recommend that you actually have a smaller, maybe syriza’s two or three cultivation events, at least one cultivation event. But if you’re you’re a larger organization or, like a less for examples national in scope, right? So you’ve gotta have the a regional affiliates getting involved if you are a national organization, but you want to think about what could we be doing to host smaller cultivation events and get these people further engaged with the organization? So certainly people that are going to show up to a subsequent event, you know, as far as i’m concerned, all right? They’re showing additional interest in the organization on dh they are probably worthy of of doing a little bit more in depth research on before coming to that second follow-up say cultivation event that you would be having all right? So events very good for cultivation. What else? What else? How else can we sort of breakdown this file of hundreds, you know, because we’re going to keep it to scale the audience hundreds, maybe even into the thousands? How else can we sort of figure out who did continue to cultivate among this big, big news spiking in donors? We’ve got or or yeah, donors or runners, walkers, whatever. So if you happen to have a relationship already with a ah company that provides elektronik screening of your database, this would be an excellent opportunity to screen some new names very similar to what a college or university does every fall, right? They take the names of all the incoming parents and the students, the parents of students, and they make sure that they’re there screening that to try and figure out, how are we going to start engaging these people from their point of entry with our organization? So you want to kind of have that mindset? So if you have, you know, ah, relationship or maybe this is the time to start one with an electron ic screening company, that would be the ideal right? Just screen all the names and try and let those best prospects filter to the top for you that way, and those would then be the people that we would invite to the cultivation events you’re suggesting i would definitely invite to those top prospects to your follow-up event something you want to extend an invitation to a many people, as you can obviously, um, uh, depending on space and so forth is to where you’re going to be having these follow-up events. But if it’s going to be okay in a in a boardmember home, or maybe a boardmember has ah. Ah, a membership to a local country club and would be willing to host a small cultivation event there you want to think about, you know, managing your audience sizes, but for sure it’s an opportunity to screen them, try and figure out, and and if you don’t have a budget for doing a screening of paid screening service, you know, think about there’s, you know, a few sites that you could go to that are either going to be free or very low cost that are going to at least point you in the right direction and try and help you figure out, you know, where you want to start prioritizing this new pool of names that have been interacting with your organization? Um, you want me to kind of go through your arse, and i would do if i didn’t have a budget at all and screen some of those names on manually? Yeah, you’re are doi end of dirt, cheap and free. So you gotta you gotta live up to it, and then and then now these may very well be sites that we’ve talked about in the past, so if we have, you know, don’t don’t you have to go into a lot of detail, but definitely that’s ah, share a couple of sight, right? So obviously google, right? So you want to definitely google their name, make sure you’re putting parentheses around their name so that you’re researching their name as as an entirety, as opposed to any place that maria or simple would be mentioned on the web. You want to make sure you’re you’re researching the name as an entirety? You don’t mean you want to try and figure out, you know, somebody’s property where they’re living their primary and secondary properties. Certainly their primary property is probably, in most families that’s going to be the largest asset that is owned by by sea, individual or the couple. So you want to try and figure out a little bit more information about the value of of the home that they’re in. So whether you’re looking at a property assessment database to try and figure that out, or if you look at something like zillow dot com again, if you’ve collected that address information at the point of registration, you’ll have that so, you know, it is possible to manually do a lot of what thes elektronik screening services do it’s just going to take manpower so you might want to think about in advance of that event. Well, who’s going to be available, what hands do we have available to us as volunteers? Maybe you’ve got some board members who would be willing to step forward and take a list of, you know, names say, you know, we’re going to be assigning you a list of ten names to research, and we’re going to give you a set of sites that we need you to go to after the event and then start doing some of this research on our behalf, and so certainly property assessments would be one of them, okay, you want to try and figure out something about their property? Um, lincoln would be another good place try and figure out where the person might be employed, and so that would be giving you some information about whether they have their own business, whether they are tied to a larger corporation that might have matching gift opportunities that might have other opportunities to engage that corporation say through, ah, corporate giving program or a formal foundation, and certainly, if that individual happens to come up as a corporate insider. Now you’ve got a pretty good prospect there, because now this is somebody you can tap into for a gift of stock to the organization and gift of appreciated securities, and that benefits them by donating that. And, you know, we’ve we’ve talked about that before in terms of seeking out those types of corporate insiders to engage with your organization. Yeah, a couple of things, maria, you said, putting names in parentheses when you’re searching, you use google is example, but i think you meant quotes, right? Putting them oh, i did mean quotations. Yes, i didn’t mean to say parentheses sametz quote, yeah, sorry also you you read my mind thinking about boardmember xero there a couple of ways that board members could be involved or other volunteers don’t have to be, but but i was thinking of board members, especially for hosting the cultivation events. But then, as you said, also doing some of the from this follow-up research, these could be very good tasks for key volunteers board members? Absolutely, absolutely, because this is something that they could do on their own time from their home and justice if you’ve got that that pool, that manpower pool waiting, post event and knowing that they’re going to be having ten to fifteen names, whatever it is, however many names you’re going to be, kind of, you know, giving each volunteer to manage just pulling together some research on this is a great way to get them involved, you know, especially those board members who say, you know, i’ll do anything for the organization just don’t make me ask for money. Well, this’s a function that totally supports the fund-raising function, however, they don’t have to get involved in making the ass oppcoll now i’m not trying to get boardmember zao out of doing that, of course, but you do have some people who might just be better on that behind the scenes, providing you with that back-up and now you’ve got some board members who are going to be engaged at a different level and might say, well, gee, got, you know, i didn’t know we could so simply find out this this additional information that’s going really leverage and propel our fundraising efforts to a whole different level, so i would imagine that just getting them involved. In a small pool of names like this for them to research that they will then say, you know, what else can i do to help our development efforts with? With regard to research? I’ve had so many guests on saying how beneficial it is to plan your after event activities before the event, and i think that that benefit is emerging, because if you’re thinking about what you want to do to cultivate people who were engaged at this event, if you’re thinking about that in advance, then you’re going to know what data points you’d like to know in advance, and you can include that in your registration. So for instance, you might then asking the registration, where do you work? And some people may refuse to tell you for some reason, but a bunch of people probably won’t refuse. And so if you’re planning in advance to know what you’re going to do, then you know the data you’re going to need. You can put that into the upfront registration and other activities early on, right? Right? I mean, in this day and age, there’s absolutely no reason why any registration process for an event should be. Done manually at all he’s got so many different event registration systems out there, but you know, you’re able to collect every one of these data points, and like you said, you can make something like collecting their company data anon optional field, not a a mandatory required field because don’t forget, they’re there might be a lot of retired people right attending your event so it wouldn’t be appropriate for them to be filling that field in any way. So definitely always provide that optional field of collecting that data point because you just don’t know where, down the line that data points going become crucial for your your development efforts. The very best of the sites that will help you with your events, of course, is generosity siri’s, and you’ll be able to capture all this at the front end and with the help of their support team, you’ll figure all this out in the beginning so you can have valuable cultivation after then. All right, maria was very important. We got to take a break. When we come back. You and i will, of course. Keep talking about managing this big spike in donors. Stay with us. Dafs you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll hyre have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Lively conversation, top trends and sound advice. That’s. Tony martignetti non-profit radio. And i’m lawrence paige, no knee author off the non-profit fund-raising solution. Dahna i still wish lawrence would pronounce his name panjwani be so much nicer than paige nani like martignetti i would never do that, but martignetti panjwani would be beautiful. Maria semple, we can’t do anything to change your name to make your italian, but no, but i am one hundred percent italian. So mei mei my maiden name is mackay. So i’ve seen that right. Maria mattei. Sam simple. I’ve seen that around. Yeah, so i totally agree with you. Yeah, tony, he should definitely be saying it panjwani i have to petition. Lawrence, do you know lawrence panjwani ideo yeah. Wait. Maybe if we just start using his name that way, so he forced into it. He won’t know. We’re talking about him. He’ll think we’re talking about some other larry. Larry panjwani sells salami down the street. All right, what else have we got for managing this big spike in and donors or attendees to our to our event. Well, you know, i was just thinking as we were going to break about, you know, you were talking about, make sure you have that follow-up event sort of planned and so forth beforehand. And i was thinking, well, you know, one of the things that you’ve heard, i’m sure in the past before either from mayor from other guests is that if you ask for money, they’ll give you advice, but if you’re bringing people in to ask him for advice will ultimately want to give you money, right? So you’ve heard that i’m sure a ton of time, so it would be really fun may be at this event tohave, you know, you’re photos and videos you’ve had a guest on in the past that turned me on to something called an emoto that you can pull together photos into these really cool videos afterward, but you bring them together and then just get them into an environment where maybe you’re asking them about what did you think went really well with our gail? Oh, our walk, you know, you’re kind of, you know, playing off of the good feelings that they’ve had engaged them further, but, you know, in terms of additional research, we were talking about corporate stock, for example, you know, try and determine if there are corporate insider and then before i get thrown into jargon jail just to remind everybody if you’re a corporate insider at a at a public company that means that you are considered to be a you know, on the board of directors or the top executives at a company, or you have been owned ten percent or more of the outstanding stock of that company. That means you’ve got to report all your trading activity. So all of this data is available on the seas, database, securities and exchange commission, so that’s sec dot gov or on the corporate website itself, there’s usually a tab called investor relations, and right there they’re going to be listing all of the corporate insiders and so forth. So again, if you’ve collected that data point to find out that a person works for x y z corporation, visit that corporate website, go to the investor relations tab, click into their their their latest proxy statement that they filed usually comes out once a year, very often in the in the late spring or summer is when people are filing the company’s heir filing these proxy statements and look at that last proxy might be known on the website as by its technical number, which is death d f fourteen, eh? So look at the proxy and try and find that person’s name, do a search to a control f on your keyboard, input the person’s name and see if their name shows up on that corporate proxy. All right? And that is all for the potential of generating gifts of stock from that person that’s, right? That’s, right? So and if the person is listed on the corporate proxy, their age is going to be listed there. Toni and so you know what that could mean for planned e-giving purposes? Well, if they’re sixty or over that they could potentially be a plant giving prospect long, longer term. Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. So then you would think about ok. Well, if you’ve got a database that’s allowing you now to do that level of segmentation and tagging and flagging, he’d be able to at least say, okay, well, we you know, because seen that he’s listed on this corporate database that as an insider we’ve got an age listed of, you know, say, fifty eight, fifty nine whatever, you might want to flag them as somebody who could be a potential that you would want to start talking to are cultivating in that direction for for plant giving down the road. Okay, that all sounds very good. We still have ah, a couple of minutes left. Any other ideas that we haven’t talked about for managing this big spike? Well, you know, you’ve got your local newspapers write, um and you’re actually or your previous guest was talking about local chambers as being ah place to look for individuals, so find out, usually through your library website, you can have access to the local newspapers in their entirety for free, so run their names through the through the newspaper database to see if they’ve been profiled by another non-profit or maybe they’ve been given some sort of a citizen of the year award. Those types of biographical articles are great because they’re going to point you to information about those familial relationships, whether they’re married, how many children they have, what communities they live in and so forth and give you a lot of great background information. So, um, i would say, make sure you’re also researching as one of your stopping point if they’re mentioned in any of the local press you’re thinking about this was all generated by the ice bucket challenge for ah amigo, traffic, lateral sclerosis, what’s what’s your thoughts on how the media that the media is just reporting, but how people are critiquing a less what what do you what do you think? How do you and how do you feel they’re managing this enormous spike that got foisted on them? Very, very, very luckily very luckily indeed, yeah, it’ll be so interesting to see, i think that, you know, everybody, as you said, has their opinion about what should be happening with all of this, and and i agree with you totally let’s let’s see what they do because i’m quite certain that they’re going to be very capable of handling this in the appropriate manner and, um, it, you know, certainly, if they weren’t already engaged with using an electron ic screening service, they will be now. But, you know, it’s it’s an opportunity for us as as professionals who work in the fund-raising arena to kind of look at this is anabel lutely wonderful case study going forward, however it’s going to be handled one way or another, and i’m sure it will be handled very well. I’m part of the american marketing association they have a non-profit conference every year. Ah, and next june or actually july, i think when they have there their conference, i’m really hoping that there’ll be somebody there from this organization speaking because this will be so long, it will be a year after the, you know, the challenge really happens that i’m sure there’s going to be so many wonderful lessons learned even from a marketing standpoint of what to do for further engagement. So i’m taking very much a wait and see approach i’m eagerly awaiting to see how this will all come out myself. Maria simple is the prospect finder you’ll find her at the prospect finder dot com on twitter she’s at maria simple maria, thanks so, so much. Thank you, pleasure always next week your development committee is critical. Greg cohen is from cause effective also an interview from the non-profit technology conference. Or maybe fund-raising day start to bring those to you from fund-raising day back in june. If you missed any part of today’s show, find it on tony martignetti dot com remember generosity siri’s, you can have this big spike that marie and i were just talking. About they are at generosity. Siri’s, dot com. Our creative producer is claire meyerhoff. Sam liebowitz is our line producer shows social media is by julia campbell of jake campbell. Social marketing and the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules. Our music is by scott stein. You with me next week for non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Go out and be great. E-giving didn’t think dick tooting getting dink, dink, dink, dink. You’re listening to the talking alternate network, wanting to get me to thinking. I think. Come, join us for the thirteenth annual vigil for international peace and ecology on sunday, september twenty one. From nine a, m to six p, m celebration of live music and dance performances spoke a word human-centered ein art installations in a world peace flag ceremony that celebrates the united nations international day of peace. That’s sunday, september twenty one from nine a, m to six p, m central park numbered band shell by the bethesda fountain. For more information or volunteer, go to www. Dot vigil number four. International peace dot org’s that’s, the number four in the earl, or call to want to chip in to five, four, three two that’s a two one, two, triple two, five, four, three two we’ll see you there. Hyre you’re listening to talking on turn their network at www. Dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. Talking.

Nonprofit Radio for September 12, 2014: Your Online Approach Plan & IRS Helps You Market

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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My Guests:

Tulani Elisa, Dottie Hodges & Amanda Heidtke: Your Online Approach Plan

Tulani Elisa, Dottie Hodges & Amanda Heidtke
With (l to r) Tulani Elisa, Dottie Hodges & Amanda Heidtke at NTC

If you want to reach and engage effectively online, you have to plan. What’s the leadership role? How do you get buy-in on the plan? What about those who stray from agreed goals? Tulani Elisa is social media manager for Threespot, and Amanda Heidtke is director of digital strategy for Hodges Consulting, where Dottie Hodges is president. (Recorded at NTC, the Nonprofit Technology Conference 2014.)



Yigit Uctum: IRS Helps You Market

Yigit Uctum
Yigit Uctum

Yigit Uctum is a CPA with Wegner CPAs. He’s got ideas for using your IRS Form 990 in your marketing. See, it does have a purpose.



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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. We have a listener of the week. John fulwider he’s new to non-profit radio from when dorrie clark was on two weeks ago, he tweeted that he was binge listening to shows, and i love that i had to make him listen er of the week john is in lincoln, nebraska, he did a ted x talk about his own infertility. He’s a coach for non-profit ceos on twitter, you’ll find him at John m fulwider with 1 l congratulations, john listener of the weak and thank you very much for binge listening. The non-profit radio i’m glad you’re with me. I’d suffer retro peritoneal fibrosis if i came to learn that you had missed today’s show you’re online approach plan. If you want reach to reach and engage effectively online, you have to plan what’s leadership role. How do you get by in on the plan? What about those who stray from your agreed goals? Tulani elisa is social media manager for threespot. Amanda heidtke e is director of digital strategy for hodges consulting where daddy hodges is president and that was recorded at ntcdinosaur non-profit technology conference twenty fourteen and irs helps your marketing you eat coach tomb is a c p a with wagner cpas he’s got ideas for using your irs form ninety nine ninety in your marketing, it does have a purpose on tony’s. Take two get off ellis is back for pizza. We’re sponsored by generosity siri’s hosting multi charity five k runs and walks here is my interview on your online approach plan from and t c welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of ntcdinosaur non-profit technology conference two thousand fourteen we’re at the marriott hotel, the marriott wardman hotel in washington, d c and with me now are tulani elisa, daddy hodges and amanda heidtke e tulani is social media manager for threespot daddy hodges is president of hodges consulting and amanda high key is director of digital strategy at hodges consulting. Welcome, ladies have all three of you your your workshop topic? His strategy is not a four letter word. How setting a plan for your online approach reaps rewards tulani let’s still you’re closest to me let’s start what what do you, uh at threespot? What do? You think some of the shortcomings are that not necessarily at threespot, but that that non-profits generally are not strategic enough about what should they be doing? A lot better? You think so at threespot we design websites and make social media strategies analytic strategies in digital strategies for non-profits for ngos, for government organizations. So that’s what we deal with all the time? Ah, a lot of the time what happens is non-profits think, oh, we need to do social and then they don’t think we should happen approach. We should make sure to go about it the right way. We should do some pre planning, they just kind of want to get into the space because it’s so fast moving fast paced on, always changing. So a lot of what kind of we are going to be talking about our panel is really you know how a digital strategy could play out things like social media or website design or any kind of approach that you have online. So a lot of times, it’s the kind of leap without really knowing what snacks in. So we want to talk about what you do before you leave daddy, i imagine you see much the same thing at hodges consulting we do and, you know, i think tulani is reference to what we call shiny object syndrome is one of the the biggest players also kind of the collective sense of, you know, we’re looking at things from a organizations perspective, you know, our program work our mission, how were structured as an organization, the content we produce, but we find increasingly, organizations need a little help in seeing it from sort of an outside perspective in terms of who are we trying to reach you, our target audiences? What are they looking for? And then what do we want them to do? What’s what the engagement components that we want them to accomplish? And so having that sort of step back first really helped productive strategy gain results in the end that shiny object syndrome you mentioned? What are some of those shiny objects that you see clients reaching for you name a twitter blogger? We won’t read it. I mean, it’s, just ask twenty sites. Yeah, we want this amazing he website that does everything from soup to nuts. Um, really, what they want to do is find out what that target audiences that will reach their mission will reach and do that thing, not try to be everybody’s everything not try to be the website that gets thie program directors needs met. The executive directors needs met the needs of the membership services department, but rather figure out what the organization’s mission is and how they can leverage that website or that social media project and used it to get that message out, which is what the audience wants, not necessarily what the organization thinks he s so we should be thinking about what our constituents are on doll in all their different varieties, what their needs are everybody everybody’s nodding? Yeah, definitely really important for organizations to stop thinking like organizations and more like their constituents and and thinking about what they want to hear and the people that are looking at their social media pages or their blogger, their website and what really connect with them. And you can do that easily through doing audience research through, you know, going through and seeing you know what posts and what content is really working, resonating with people, what are they engaging with? And and what’s not working and how do we change that? And you can also really look at the landscape and look at your peers and say, okay, what are they doing that we’re not doing that’s working, you know, and it’s so much of it is really, you know, taking what you see with your own stuff, taking what you see from people that have the, you know, the best in class work and saying, ok, this is working for them, how can we, you know, do that for our own selves actually could even go so far as to be sharing their content that you see doing well, let’s, let’s give a shout out to our our colleagues over at whatever the other organization is that for? For sharing this mean, or, you know, whatever exactly it could be sharing content on dh using, you know, third party content is always a good way, teo, you know, get people to show that you’re a thought leader and to show that you’re someone that really, you know, knows what’s going on because you’re observing other people in the space and it’s also a good way, you know, most people that are in design and articulation, you know, you’re stealing from everywhere, you know? And and then you’re you’re making that into something that works for you and that’s, okay? Because what you’re doing is is kind of making, showing that you understand what’s happening because you’re actually going back, creating your strategy and saying, oh, they did this how can we work that into our goal of, you know, fund-raising how can we work that to our goal of awareness? So really, you know, yes, very party content, but also really using those things up for your own and making that your own as well to fit into your strategy? Okay, daddy, how are we going to get started in being more strategic and invoking the bomb? I’ll tell you what, it’s, not for start there. Uh, it’s not panic. It’s not panic central. And i think a lot of organizations look at the different challenges where the different needs or perceived needs of the organization and have a little bit of that panic moment. How do we start? How do we begin to know what to do first, what tactic to pursue and so are approach essentially is to say, we’re going to take a step back and look across the organization collectively, this is the key word right and agree upon what our goals and objectives are as an organization are our priorities to dr membership, which is ok now, let’s agree that that’s call it what it is and agree that that’s the case, is it advocacy direct actions or some combination and getting everyone collectively to head nod in the same direction about those goals and objectives to then say, ok for that objective, let’s look at our audiences and do the research tulani is talking about to then roll out, and we can talk a little bit more the later stages, but i wantto i actually have a man to talk a little bit about, you know, sort of getting those heads nodding in the right direction and how that happened. Well, now that’s the critical piece, okay? I know you’re president of hodges consulting, but i’m the host of tony martignetti you do what you like way are going to get that because actually i want to deal with the how twos we don’t want only be at the theoretical devil, right? But i do want to ask you a question about leadership if we’re going to get all these people seated around the table and ultimately, which could be a bit of a process like, but ultimately agreeing, we’re going to have to have leadership hyre buy-in to this to this process, absolutely leadership engagement is critical, and that might be at the executive director level. It might even be the board involvement in some cases, depending on how the organization works but making sure that there’s a team assembled, we call it a core team that is generally a smaller group that has the authority and autonomy to drive the process because we want leadership engage, but we also don’t want leadership to get so involved in the granular pieces, let’s say we move forward with a website redesign, and we’re talking about those very particular components we want that core team, they have the authority to move the project forward and then engage others in the organization as appropriate, you know, external audience research, whatever it is, but that engagement of the leadership, the organization is critical to move the project forward and what’s also important with leadership. A lot of times, you’ll see. It’s that non-profit is really getting them to buy into that strategy like you were saying, so having them understand, you know, this strategy is going to help us reach this goal or this is, you know, this is what the r o is going to be. This is the return on investment that we’re going to get out of doing this out of, you know, making our website better or having a blogger doing that kind of thing and then showing them those results after lorts so a really important part is to set metrics and to have analytics and to say, you know, we want to do this, we don’t want to put out this picture just hits a pretty picture of something we want to do this because we know this picture is going to get a decent amount of shares that’s goingto connect to more people, that’s going to get us more donations. So so really, like daddy was saying, not being too granular, but showing them the bigger picture of, you know, here’s what we can get out of this, you know? And i would add it’s not even just getting their buy-in but it’s getting them to stay focused on what the goal of the project is, whether it’s a website redesign or a social media campaign, having served for eight years as the director of online operations, that trout unlimited, which is a large, large non-profit that has chapters and councils all across the country as well as the national office, and they all want to work in concert together and leverage digital media, getting everyone in the room together to pick a few key goals, and then to pursue a project with that premise so that every decision that you make along the way happens with the vision of these are the goals were trying to me, and when you’re making a decision along the way, it has to meet that metric and that goal, because it’s, very easy for non-profits internally, too have shiny object syndrome, but past that, too also change their mind midstream mid project about what the goal of it is about it’s, horrible and it’s rampant. I find that having worked on the other side of the table worked for a nonprofit for so long, it was very hard to keep everybody who needed to be have. That by and focused along the way as to what the end goal really is. E-giving didn’t think shooting. Good ending. You’re listening to the talking alternate network, get in. I think. Cubine this’s, the way we’re hosting part of my french new york city, or guests come from all over the world, from mali to new caledonia, from paris to keep back. French is a common language, yet they all come from different cultures, background or countries, and it common desires to make new york they’re home. Listen to them. Share this story. Join us. Pardon my french new york city every monday from one to two p, m. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Dahna so before we even get to what? What? What daddy was urging that i turned you to turn to you for and we will. We’ll suggesting it was it was an admonition. It was actually morning on admonishing me. I i that’s how i took it. He’s always talking about i am a leo. Okay. See? See, my perception was not unbiased on based. Okay. So before we get to that, but what? What do you do when the cats start to stray and different different or teams within the organization start? Tio buy-in convert the goal. Onda work. You know, i think converting the goal in the work actually is okay. As long as everyone is going to agree at the same time that the kitten, the herd of kittens, is moving in a direction so and it’s all justifiable on organizational basis across all departments, not just from our perspective in our department. Absolutely. What do you do when somebody starts to stray? Well, well, i love having the key mission, and i love having the metric decision. So one of my favorite components of any strategic task is to have the metrics by which you’re going to gauge if it’s being successful and that does help keep the organization on task, because if you’re all looking to get the same piece of data and the same result, what the result is from it, you can kind of keep people focused on heading down that path. The trick comes in when your goals aren’t clear enoughto have a metric to follow it up by, and so making sure that your goals are very your tactics have very specific goals and that the actions you’re going to take to reach those goals are very well defined and that’s the strategy that a lot of non-profits don’t they? Don’ts don’t put their heads around what those tasks and components look like and understanding what those are before you dive down into a any project is critical to the success of that project. Give me an example of what you just said take it from from your own background or ah hodges, consulting client, whichever you like. Sure so from my own background, trying limited recently did a very large website redesign and by large, i mean, they scrapped the old site and started afresh on dh perhaps the best example. I have of that is the decision that was the website school going to be specific to growing the membership? Or was the websites gold going to be specific to growing? Engagement? Peer-to-peer engagement and the gold changed throughout the life of the project. So as a website redesign was commencing, the goals went from are we going to sing? We grow our membership uses to drive increased donations through a membership drive to you know, really, what we actually want to do is create this peer to peer network of of people across the country who are engaged in our mission and offer them a place to do that electronically, digitally, through a website. And so it was a subtle shift in focus. Now, ultimately, i believe the organization was it was right, because the by creating that peer-to-peer network, you will in fact grow the membership it’s a different timeline, the tactics that you would take to grow the membership if that was simply your sole goal are much different than the tactics we would take if your goal is to create a social network on buildup. Peer-to-peer right? And, you know, you kind of also asked a kind of not give credit, but understand that things in the digital, especially social media but all digital space are changing so much and so quickly, and people are doing so many different things that situations where people lose track of what their goal was or what they were going towards can happen so quickly, you know, you see a competitor, you see someone that, you know, your organs, they should admires, and they’re doing something that wasn’t in your strategy and you’re like, well, maybe we should be doing that, or maybe, you know, and everyone gets that not just the pang of envy, but that paying of, like, we’re missing out, we should be doing this, we’re behind where this and that’s, what the digital space kind of makes you feel like and so, as amanda was saying, you know, when you’re able to say, ok, we see this we’re taking account, how do we put that into our strategy? And also, how are we willing to hurt these cats in this direction? So that it saying, okay, we have to acknowledge that maybe this is it isn’t something that we thought about from the beginning, but it’s something that we can do we can work with because we still have that base, that strategy, you know, that the key words, the ideas that were following being being flexible, working within your especially non-profits work within the different programs of the organization to find ways to be tactical through a digital media it’s okay, too get off track a little bit if it meets a specific, even purpose along the way. And i think to you found that a lot of times as we went through this eighteen month provoc project that that subtly shifting it when you work with a program staff who has a very unique need, but it would fit in the metrics of the project or working with developments team so that their their goals were met even though fund-raising wasn’t perhaps the ultimate be all and all but that they still had a very viable program and they needed digital focus. It was fine one more. One more thing on the goals, too. When we talk about getting an organization to decide on priorities, the first thing we say is it’s okay? We’re not saying we’re not going to do these other things. But when we have to make decisions about, you know, the user experience or prioritizing even projects against one another, you know, that we will let those overriding goals lead, that we will still be doing these other things, they’re not going to be scrapped entirely in the same with reaching different audiences when they do the prioritization. All right, so now, in my own good time, i’m going, and i’m going to turn now to a man i’m just giving you shit that don’t nobody listens to this show anyway, so don’t that’s not true, it’s not thank you, but, uh, okay, amanda now maybe maybe it’s, similar to what happens when people stray, but let’s go to how we’re gonna create this process we have the leadership that daddy made clear is essential. How are we going to get all the different program fund-raising finance and business all the interests to agree? What is that process, doctor? What’s. The start of that process at the start of that process is without a doubt having your technology lead on staff talk. Teo the equivalent lead in every program area whether its development, major gifts, administrative human resource is program. Every person needs a voice at the table, and i found the most effective way to do that is get everyone in a room for a full day were or chop and you spend the day going through it’s it’s really and airing of the grievances i really, truly is what it boils down to. Everyone needs a minute to talk about what the websites not doing for them and what it is doing for them and to talk about what they wanted to do. And when you start to do the airing of the grievances, i always imagined what would happen it was it would just be horrifying day, and it actually wasn’t it really put a spotlight on what some very specific areas of problem, where digitally for the organization and with dottie’s focus around how that day was constructed. We ended up with some very clear problem areas that allowed us to turn around and come back and say, ok, these are the areas that seemed to be the problem now let’s talk about how we can effectively fix them and what everyone did was when they got their chance to air their grievances, they felt heard. And then the next step was buy-in getting all of your primary decision makers to share what was wrong, then turns around in your benefit and allows them to feel buy-in in the process, they now think their needs are going to get met because they are. Ultimately what you want to do is meet those needs through your digital strategy. You hear what’s not working for every one you say here’s ways that we can meet them well, let’s, prioritize those and then once you do that, you have your vision. Now you have your strategic vision, our organization says here’s what our web site didn’t do here’s what wasn’t working for you, here’s where we wanted to go now we have a vision, we’re all now working together, everyone now has that collective head nod. We’re all looking the same way we all have the same focus and then it’s just working through a series of tactics to get to the end result and that’s really? What? Dotty’s what daddy’s company brought to tryto limited was this very clear process that we would go through. Everyone was going to agree everyone’s heads were not in the same way. And then we move on from the strategic, the strategic vision to tactical that efforts. So so trout unlimited was a was a hodges consulting clients. And then you must have been such an evangelist, right? Yeah, immediate values. And we’re leaving what daddy was doing that she hired you away. If i had been the director of online operations for eight years, so my time had come, i had run my course that try to limit it. It was it was a great organization, it’s a great organization were doing with us and we still have them. Is a client so it’s all very good. Okay, excellent. All right, now i had mentioned on office that i’m having a hard time seeing how the website impacts then so help me out. I had mentioned bringing to this table finance, finance and the c f o in the business. What does the money? What? How does the website or even relate to them? I think it’s a little bit of how it relates to them in the overall of how the website relates them, and also how the process relates them. So a lot of especially a man who is talking about is also the process of how do we get everyone on the same page? So what we do is threespot is that we do stakeholder interviews and see, you know, what people are looking for, what they’re not getting, what they want, that kind of thing and the way something like finance please in is that if you’re hiring from outside or even if you’re doing it internally, there’s a lot of money and time and energy that goes into additional strategy, a website, hiring people, that kind of stuff, having they’re having their perspective and having, you know, is it worth it? Is not that kind of thing? Also, in the thought of what if one of your goals is raising money or doing something like that and working with, you know, the finance team to say, okay, how much money is going to be worth it? You know, how much is is it going to matter if we do this? And we raised, you know, five thousand dollars like, is that still impactful? Like what? You know, what really matters? So i mean, everyone really has a rule and it’s important to kind of as a man said, not ignore that because you don’t want to come back, as were talking about before you’re coming to the leadership in your coming to people on the board or something like that, and they’re like, well, this is not what we expected but it’s not what we wanted or just not answering any of our questions or, you know, it’s a great website, but why do we have this? You know, you should know better evangelize er for your mission, then your staff, and if every staff doesn’t feel bought into your end product, then you’ve not done your homework. And so making sure that the director of human resources, which needs to post job openings on the website, has a clear and free way to do so is critical for that end product and on lee, you know, let’s, just say your primary goal is to drive membership or to build community, that doesn’t mean that you’re going to do that to the detriment of process or efficiency for other staff in the organization that program director who’s still trying to do a very small, focused niche of your mission, needs as much buy-in and as much voice in the process as the executive director, everyone needs a voice on the tape you go and that’s just the way you mentioned the the power of the process really is part of it as well, not just the outcome. Amanda, you were talking about that earlier where, you know, people collectively begin to see, you know, if i’m a director of development, obviously i have a pretty clear priorities for the site, right? But if i’m suddenly at a table where maybe i haven’t really been conversant or, you know, had the opportunity to work alongside directly finance, hr, whatever, whatever we’re collectively, we start to have the conversation about the good of the whole, it really changes the perspective. Everyone still got what they need to get done right at the end of the day, but it really helps that perspective so that everyone’s kind of starting to look in the same direction. One of the examples i had it that for that it try to limit it was to really sit and listen to membership services that people are are on the frontlines answering the phone calls from people who are giving online or doing any number of tasks to the website and really hearing from their perspective what their feedback is specifically from the members where the sticky points are what they have to put up with when the fund-raising team puts out, you know, one hundred thousand emails or what or the the advocacy team puts out an action alert on an issue what the reciprocal event is for that person and it’s very, i think it’s very common for non-profits for programs and teams to work very siloed. You have your task, you have what you do. You sit down and do it there’s not a lot of opportunity for the hole, for the whole organization to come together around a single project except for digital media eah, thes tend to be the kinds of projects where the entire group the entire non-profit as a whole has a stake in the outcome. That really is where elektronik transcends a lot of what any non-profit does, daddy, i’d like to talk a little about the details of this this strategic day. Are there boardmember is there? Is the board represented in that or no really? Just just senior leadership? No that’s, a good question. And can be historically, we have not seen that not by design. Typically you get, you know, unengaged executive director seo, whatever the role, maybe you get, you know, the sea level in director level heads of departments in that sort of workshop environment, often times at key points with clients, for example. And amanda mentioned the strategic vision deliver herbal. It could go by other names. I think threespot uses a different name, but basically that’s, that touchstone document that says here’s, what we’re gonna accomplish together that’s the kind of document that often gets elevated to the board level. So oftentimes when we create a project timeline, one of the first questions with the core committee is okay. Who are decision makers who needs to be involved at certain touchpoint what are those timelines? We have a quarterly board meeting coming up, whatever it may be so that we can structure the project around that and get that buy-in you, like teo, do these offsite typically it’s on side of the client? Sometimes virtual were a fairly virtual company, actually. So it tends to be a real blend. And it really we look to the client to dictate. What their preferred, you know, method is okay. And and you are the facilitator for the day. Yes, martin. Okay. What say we have, i guess, another couple of minutes or so let’s. See, uh, who wants to must leave? Cem cem parting thoughts let’s see the money? Let me ask you for money. It sounds like it sounds like threespot does more than just build websites. I mean, your sounds like you’re deeply engaged in the analytics that are going to contribute to the to the design of the website. Yes, threespot way started off mostly doing websites, but we also to social media consulting strategy. Sometimes it requires in housework. I’ve gone to work for clients for a while, we do analytics, we do content creation and content strategy, user experience. And so really kind of just range is everything which is again goes back. Teo, you know, you’re not just building a website, you’re creating experience, you’re creating a strategy, and so, you know, if we just build a website and we didn’t have conversations about how social plays into it, how we’re going to launch it on social media once it goes up you know what? The, you know, the analytics that we’re going to put behind it, you know how those gonna play? And we’re going to google analytics? Are we tracking out all the links? You know, that kind of stuff, then you’re kind of just doing part of your digital strategy on dso threespot is an interactive agency, it’s, not just a web design agency, and we really, you know, make sure to touch on all of those things on dh so it could be, you know, going through and going through every ounce of content and saying, ok, how do we have to change this? How do we migrate this over that kind of stuff? And it also could be coming up with the robust way to show analytics to the board, you know? So it really there’s there’s a lot of different things that we do all right on daddy wanted to leave us with some parting thoughts about the importance of the s bomb sure s o the importance of yes, bomb i think in the context we’ve been talking a lot about in the context of web development, which is certainly applicable, we think of it a little more. Broadly and just to echo what tulani saying about looking at the big picture that, you know, the bomb is in a four letter word, it’s not a dirty word, it’s not something. Where, you know, you hear someone say we need a strategy and people go oh, you know, and they just think of many, many months and many, many stacks of papers that may or may never get examined, digitally or otherwise. And we want to create something for the organization that’s very viable, you know, creates and produces a road map, you know, creates buy-in ultimately gets to better product that’s gonna have a better r a y for the organization and and the truth is, we kind of cheat because we like the framework so much we use it. There were lots of stuff, whether it’s, a website, project or an organization says we need to look across the enterprise at what we’re doing with our digital program or we kind of just need any communications plan of attack. We’ll apply the same framework, so we think it works across the board, which to me means it must be at least relatively solid and it also just helps to always say that. It’s a working document. So understanding the digital space is changing all the time, you know, making sure that, you know, you create these documents in this strategy, but, you know, really emphasizing people. This is a working document. You know, another platform might come up for another way to approach fund-raising might happen. And really, you know, having people be open. Teo yes, sir. Strategy. But it could develop. They could change and being willing to evaluate whether that new platform belongs in in our suite or or not exam avoiding that shiny object syndrome. All right, we have to leave it there. Thank you very much, ladies. Thank you for having my pleasure. Tulani. Elisa is social media manager at threespot. Daddy hodges, president of hodges consulting and the newest. It sounds like the newest employee of hodges consulting. Is that correct? Is amanda heidtke. She is a director of digital strategy there. Thank you again very much. Thank you. Thank you. This’s. Tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of ntc two thousand fourteen the non-profit technology conference. Thank you very much for being with us and my thanks to everyone at antenna. Non-profit technology network got some live listener love stafford, virginia, new bern, north carolina and new york new york live listener love to you and new york. Thank you for being with us. There’s more if i didn’t shut you out yet, i i shall generosity siri’s they host multi charity five k runs and walks. And part of what they provide is the charity support team for their charity partners. The charities that are running events with them. You talk to the charity support team and they help you with the fund-raising part ofyour five k event. They help you get more runners and they help you empower the runners and train the runners so that the runners are getting more donors on dh. Naturally, there is on online component to this you have a dashboard in online management, but there’s also the charity support team that you can talk to. And i like that you could talk to the a c o david lind. He is at seven one eight five o six. Nine, triple seven and on the web generosity siri’s dot com can we get off alice’s back? They’ve had an enormous fortunate spike in dollars. And donors from the ice bucket challenge. So they have got incredible issues enviable, incredible issues i would like us to. Ah, give them the benefit of our doubt about what’s going to happen, stop questioning whether they’re capable of managing this and let’s see how they manage it. If they were toyota or macy’s, i think we wouldn’t be questioning whether they can manage this. We’d just be congratulating and we’d be in awe. This came tio a l s totally organically through a patient. So they because it was not originally a nail s strategy your or scheme the ice bucket challenge. So they did not have a plan let’s. See how they manage it. Let’s. Give them the benefit of our doubt. I’ve got a video on this at tony martignetti dot com. And that is tony’s. Take two for friday, twelfth of september thirty sixth show of the year. My goodness. Thirty six holy cow, you touch tomb he’s a senior manager at wagner cps. He has his mba master of accountancy and is a certified public accountant. He’s also a certified fraud examiner. He works exclusively with tax exempt organizations and oversees the firm’s form. Nine ninety nationwide preparation practice eat manages wagner’s, new york city office they’re at wagner, cps dot com he’s here in the studio to talk about the irs and how it helps your marketing. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you for having me here. My pleasure, it’s. Cool. Glad you’re in studio um, the form nine ninety this is i thought this was strictly a burden and something to be not avoid it. We can’t avoid it, but there’s something to be done and kind of put in the closet. You don’t think so well, you’re right. A lot ofthe organization leaders thinks that it’s a burden and actually it’s a great opportunity for organizations to show the world that all the good things that they’ve done in the in the year, and then it’s also a good opportunity for them. Um, tell the world how well they there run and in the past this forest scene justus the farm files it tires and on ly to be shown ah, potential donors or anybody coming to your office and basically asking for it. And now it’s, vitally available on the web especially the most common is the guide. Star and because it’s out there it’s, it gives an opportunity for organization to the marketing tool ok, and not only guide store, but state attorneys general, a lot of them have them. A lot of organizations put the nine ninety on their site themselves. Yes, it’s a sort of transparency, for example, in new york every not-for-profits registered with new york that files annual report with the state off new york they’re nine ninety, along with their financial statements, are on their website. So so your advice is to think of this as a marketing tool it’s an opportunity? Yes, so if you see it as just a bird than and as most organizations currently do and don’t get enough attention, it can potentially hurt you. So thing about is, some organizations for some organ says is true that the nine nineties seen more than they’ll annual report, but they spent all the time and energy on the annual report make it perfect, but they only spent maybe a fraction off the time to get the nine ninety ready for filing, and we’re gonna have some time to talk about this, but you even suggest that people beyond accountants contribute to the nine. Ninety their final way. We’ll have a chance to talk about that. That’s. I love that advice. Okay, let’s. Just make sure that everybody understands what we mean. Nine, ninety, there are there are three nine nineties and you’re the expert. So when were you acquainted with the three? Yeah, the. Depending on the size ofthe organization, the organizations can file three different ninety forms. If they are under fifty thousand dollars in revenue. What they can do is they can file that form called nine ninety and which is also known as the postcard return and it’s, just basic information and a statement saying that the revenues were less than fifty thousand dollars. Okay, and with some states like new york, if you are over twenty five, then you have to file the night. Nineties eve, which is the next step. So organizations that are in revenues under two hundred thousand and in assets under five hundred thousand, they can file this form nine. Ninety easy, which is a shorter form, and the larger organization about the threshold can fire. They have to file the form. Nine. Ninety, which is longer. So just like we have individual ten forties and ten. Forty. Easy. Exactly. Nine. Ninety and nine. Ninety. Easy exit and then also the nine. Ninety n write really small for the under fifty thousand dollars in revenue. Right? But you raise an interesting point. Sometimes. It’s state regulations that govern which nine. Ninety you have to submit is that is that right? Could you mention new york? Yeah, a certain threshold for the easy. Right. So you have to look to your state and also to the i r s exactly. Okay, exactly. We’re not talking about the nine, ninety filing requirements here. Just i digressed a little bit. We have talked about the nine, ninety in the past, especially with jean takagi. So you could find those shows in the past. But we want to focus on the nine, ninety as a marketing tool. And part of your advice is that even if you’re able tio file the shorter form, you might want to do one that’s the next level up. Exactly. It depends on the purpose ofthe how you’re going to use it. For example, if you are a small organization under fifty thousand dollars, you may want to file the nine. Ninety. Easy to get your nine. Ninety on guidestar. So or ah, a lot of foundations. For example, they would like you to submit a nine. Ninety easy or a nine ninety with grant applications. And, um, that’s. Another reason why you may want to file piled the longer form in this case. And if you are a going after donors and even if you are a small organization, if you can show that guarding all these good covenant practices and all these other things is just like, well, run is a large organization, i think it’s also helps it it’s getting funds. But if you do not have a purpose, i think it always cost more time and money to file the longer form. So i think it has to be ah, i violated in for individual circumstances. Fair enough, but something to consider and i just love the different perspective is why wantto have you on the show different perspective of the nine. Ninety that it’s, you know, as we said, it’s not just no longer just buried anymore, but to look at it as a zoo marketing tool and therefore it has to be consistent with all your other, the what is the traditional marketing tools? Right. Exactly. Yeah, for example, you don’t want toe, um, confused the word with sending mixed messages. If your annual report is saying one thing and if you’re ninety saying another thing than it confuses people. So that’s one ofthe reasons why certain parts ofthe the nine ninety should not be done prepared by the countenance. It should be prepared by people who is also preparing other other marketing materials. Excellent. Okay, so let’s, get into some of the different place is in the form nine. Ninety where you see marketing opportunities. What’s the you like the program service. Accomplishments? Yeah. Where? Where is that? Where will people find that? On the night that could be on the second page off the farm i love. I love that you’re a nine. Ninety expert. You he doesn’t. He does not have the nine. Ninety here in front of him. Which is what, like seventeen pages or something leaves twelve. Oh, on that schedule and then this morning anymore he does not have a nine. Ninety here. In studio with me is so when i ask him. Like, what section is it? Andi knows the page, so i okay, you have the expert here, all of that. All right. So you know your your practices nine nineties. I love it. All right, so the program service accomplishments your program serves accomplished. Mons to page two parking three. Beautiful. Basically organisations get the chance here. This is like the free marketing opportunity to tell the world the all the great things that you have accomplished in the in the past year and latto off times despite tires instructions. This is one place iris helps you market, as you mentioned, is in the instructions i response you to be specific. They want you to use non financial data, but a lot of organizations just, um they see there’s a burden. So year after year, they repeat the same thing. And the and the nine, ninety preparation is buried in their finance department or of the outside consultant who’s doing it right. And they just want to know when it’s done exactly what you can’t fill. You need a number for page four, line ninety three. I don’t know. Like, you know, you probably rolling your eyes. Oh, my god. What an amateur question. Ninety. Three’s not on page four, for chrissake, but that is just the thing is just buried until it’s ready for signature. Basically right? It’s? Not so who? So we can have program officers doing the program service accomplishment section or something like that, right? So basic the its funding toe say this take like a food pantry. It’s one thing to say that you have served meals to low income people in the community and it’s another thing toe give some more specific you can say piela, sir, different fifty thousand different people eighty thousand meals during the years, so it gives more, more basically more impact. And people are seeing this on guide star and on your website. And of course, it needs to be consistent with your other marketing material. Exactly. School what? What else? What other opportunities to see in that section? So i’ll give you another example of that because, like, if you’re a membership organization, try to use it to recruit members and you fear with conferences wanting to say you spent hundred thousand dollars in this conference is another thing to say. Our conference was attended by twelve hundred people. We had sixty different sessions, you can name some off the station, including x y z. And we also had to networking opportunities again like this is anything you can tell tow people join you as a member for a membership organization and ah, get anything that you see that would the track donors are whoever you are, thank comedians like. All right, cool. Very good governance. There’s the governance section is this the section on the nine. Ninety relieve the governance? Yeah. There’s a section on ninety nine on the nine. Ninety deaths as out ofthe questions about the government’s reaction number. Part part six off your nine nine. Ah, basically, in that part, it’s asking out ofthe question some of these questions, such as, um, whistle blower policy and document destruction policy. These can be mandated by other other ah, um, crack sarbanes oxley example on the other thirty is that all or state law, right? And new york will start mandating certain certain policies there as well. And, um, some off thes policies are very easy to add up. So their templates out there it’s not a huge burden. And i encourage every every organization, if do they do not have a policy out there? Just go look for a sample adapted and checked the box yes to show that they’re they’re well, fellas run and well covered and thiss foot reduced the potential all the risk and it’s also important to use that section toe basically solicit new board members because one off the users off this maybe perspective. What members? Looking at your nine ninety team to see if this is an organ xero i want to join this organization, are they so they know what they’re thinking? It might be exposed to any risk by joining terms. All right, we gotta go out for a break. You’re gonna do some more live listener love there’s so much i got to squeeze him in tuscaloosa, alabama. Welcome live. Listen love to you. I don’t think you’ve been with us before tuscaloosa. Welcome and jersey city, new jersey it’s, the birthplace of my my dad. He was born in greenville hospital, jersey city, new jersey, and langley malaria, british columbia. You’re back with us. Live listener left all of you. We got some or stay with us. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. If you have big dreams in a small budget tune into tony martignetti non-profit radio, i d’oh. I’m adam braun, founder of pencils of promise. Welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent let’s, go abroad with live listener love belgium, belgium we can’t see your city i thought that was a pretty open society. They’re belgium, but you’re you’re blocked but welcome live listen love to you, let’s, go to china, where i send ni hao to shanghai, chengdu, korea, multiple listeners in korea, as always, including soul, anya, haserot and japan, multiple listeners tokyo, akashi and others konnichi juana and, of course, podcast pleasantries to those of you listening in the time shift wherever you may be, ninety five hundred of you podcast pleasantries to you yeah, let’s, let’s keep talking about the governance section is that this is not a free form narrative section like the program service accomplishments it it certain parts ofthe it are free form, for example, one off the question there is, like what’s. Your policy is to review the night ninety so in there you can explain, like how what process off leaving tonight ninety like does every boardmember sees the nine ninety who who looks at it, who prepares its who reviews it and how it gets wild the other free form. Part is the conflict of interest policy. You can have different types. And who’s who’s monitoring. It goes who’s looking at it. And another part is the determination off the executive compensation. So what’s the policy around that looking at comparables like, do you have independent comity? Looking at it and documenting this decisions? There are some some freeform parts over then within governments. Governance? Of course. Right. And we have talked about, i think, all those subjects that you just mentioned with jean takagi when we’ve spent time on the appropriate governance and oversight. So this is a perfect dovetail. Um, how about you have something about the statement of functional expenses? Where will we find that? If we if we want to go into the nine ninety, um, that would be now little people. Nine off the ninety basically and, um, statement functional expenses i believe you covered over had met in in your previous shows. We have the we had the three signers of the overhead myth. That was on september sixteenth. The ceos of charity navigator, guidestar and better business bureau wise giving alliance. Yeah. So basically, i want to refer to that which is a great point they made and ah, out ofthe not-for-profits are too worried about their program service percentage and that, um, that they want to put like, as they reflect, i guess, everything they can in the program, and they should know that if it’s correct so but sometimes like it gets to a point where they wanna look at things which is more right, grey and, you know, they have the natural incentive to put more into program and not in management, general fund-raising and that doesn’t necessarily reflect the truth and ah, that’s area um, it’s sophisticated donor-centric viewing and i ninety can tell that certain things are not correct there because certain things such as an audit, it has to be a hundred percent management general, accounting and audit is that so? I think it says point important here is that that schedule is ah done correctly. So that’s a potential donor funders looking at it shouldn’t question anything accurate, so get on dh that works is the key. That was the whole message of the overhead myth letter is don’t feel you have to devote everything to to program at the expense of overhead, which can be very, very important. Tis body. So you have sophisticated people looking at your nine ninety, and you’re thinking of it as marketing. Keep that. Keep that in mind. We have to. We have just a couple minutes left. There’s a part of the nine. Ninety that you call a playground? Yes, that is that. That would be schedule. Oh, that’s a place where you can put anything that an organization can beat anything they want in there, so ah, i would use it as a what is it called? What is schedule? Oh, called, huh? I think it’s just called a schedule a it’s, like a supplementary information thinkit’s supplementary in for american. And basically, i would encourage organizations toe explain anything that might look unusual on the on the on the nine. Nineteen. Okay, for example, let’s say if they are starting a capital campaign and in that initial year they wouldn’t necessarily have the revenue yet, but they all these fund-raising expenses, so if they’re fund-raising expense ratio is unusually high and this might be a place to explain that they’re going through the skips campaign and that they they’re also informing the public that they’re doing this. Artist. Another placed to use that for that. So outstanding a really interesting perspective on form nine ninety thank you very much. Thank you for my pleasure. You duitz doom senior manager at wagner cpas, manager of their new york city office. There at wagner cps dot com next week. Buyer beware. You’re purchasing policies and how to do better. Also, maria simple returns on managing a spike whatever that means for you in numbers in potential donors. If you missed any part of today’s show, find it on tony martignetti dot com. Thanks again to our listener of the week, john fulwider. Remember generosity siri’s and their charity support team multi-channel eighty five k runs and walks, generosity siri’s dot com. Our creative producer is clear. Meyerhoff sam labor, which is our line producer, shows social media is by julia campbell of jake campbell. Social marketing. The remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules, this music it’s by scott stein of brooklyn. You with me next week for non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent go out and be great. Duitz they didn’t even think that shooting getting ding, ding, ding, ding. You’re listening to the talking alternative network, waiting to get a drink. E-giving you could. Come, join us for the thirteenth annual visual for international peace and ecology. On sunday, september twenty one, from nine a, m to six p, m celebration of live music and dance performances spoke the word human peace sign. Art installations in a world peace flag ceremony that celebrates the united nations international day of peace. That’s sunday, september twenty one from nine a, m to six p. M central park numbered band cell, by the way, says the fountain. For more information or volunteer, go to www. Dot vigil number four. International peace dot org’s, that’s, the number four in the earl, or call to want to chip in to five, four, three two that’s, a two one, two, triple two, five, four, three two we’ll see you there, buy-in metoo. Key. You’re listening to talking alternative network at www. Dot talking alternative dot com now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Talking.