Tag Archives: YouTube

Nonprofit Radio for May 23, 2014: Into Focus Nonprofit Video Survey & Activating For Fun, Celebrity And Organizing

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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Michael Hoffman: Into Focus Nonprofit Video Survey

Michael Hoffman
Michael Hoffman

Michael Hoffman, CEO of See3 Communications, has takeaways from this survey that YouTube contributed data to: What works in video? What doesn’t? How do you measure so you’ll know? Plus he explains why he’s a big fan of Google+ Hangouts on Air. Recorded at NTC in April. df




Matthew Fisher: Activating for Fun, Celebrity and Organizing

Me with Matthew Fisher at 14NTC
Me with Matthew Fisher at 14NTC

Have fun in your social networks, because fun means viral! Also, identifying the VIPs in your networks and empowering your supporters. Matthew Fisher is chief marketing officer for Fission Strategy. Also from NTC.






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Dahna oppcoll hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host it’s, the memorial day show i hope you enjoy your long memorial day weekend, but while you do perhaps keep in mind that many people through the years through the generations have given they ultimate sacrifice so that we could enjoy the freedom that we have today, so saluting all our active duty and veterans and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice remembering them over memorial day, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d suffer the effects of dendritic carat itis if i had to see that you had missed today’s show into focus non-profit video survey michael hoffman, ceo of c three communications, has takeaways from this survey that youtube contributed data, too. We’ll talk about what works in video, what doesn’t and how do you know how do you measure? Plus, he explains why he’s, a big fan of google plus hangouts on air that was recorded at the non-profit technology conference in april, also activating for fun, celebrity and organizing have funding your social networks because fun means viral also identifying the vips in your networks and empowering your supporters matthew fisher is chief marketing officer for vision strategy. That interview is also from the non-profit technology conference on tony’s take two, you know, festival del fund-raising that was last week. Here is my interview with michael hoffman talking about thie into focus non-profit video survey welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the non-profit technology conference and t c the hashtag is fourteen ntc we are at the marriott wardman park hotel in washington, d c with me is michael hoffman. He is ceo of c three communications and see three is s e and the numeral three michael hoffman, welcome to the show. Thank you. Good to be here. It’s a pleasure to have you. Thanks for taking time in a busy conference day. Your topic is very interesting and the survey says with e into focus non-profit video report could do for your orc. Tell me about the into focus non-profit video survey. Well, we’ve been working with organizations for many years now around video and non-profits and we always get asked the same questions. What can we do with video? What works with video? How do you do it on? A budget who’s doing the best work with video, all of those kinds of questions, and we realized that there is data about almost everything in the nonprofit world there’s data about e mail and there’s data about social media and there’s data about fund-raising and there was no data about video, and so we went to our partners at youtube. If you’re going to do something with video it’s a good idea to do it with you two is a good it’s, a good name in video, and we went to edelman, which is a a big p r agency, and that works a lot with data and doing reports like this on we got together and we said let’s, find out let’s, find out what people are doing. We did a survey of organizations in north america, we had about five hundred organisations respond. We also got from youtube something they had never released before, which was actual platform data about what non-profits air doing on youtube. So what? Successful there in terms of views and which channels are doing well and all of those things, so we got all of that data. We also did qualitative interviews. We we interviewed lots of folks who are from the executive director position down to the person making videos to the digital managers all about. How are they using video? What did they see working? And we put it all together in this report called into focus, which you can download fromthe sea three website at sea three dot com slash into focus. Okay? And, uh, i presume a lot of what you’re goingto share his lessons fromthe survey, right? What? How should we as we break this down through the categories with survey house, we best approaches for listeners? Well, i think that the, you know, the big question is, you know, do organizations think videos you useful tactic? And, you know, what are they doing with it? And i think overwhelmingly organizations, they’re saying videos important, we need to be doing more but then some interesting gaps because when you ask them, are you budgeting maur? The answer was not know pretty much, you know, that they’re not, and then i think one of the really interesting findings was when you asked them, how do you measure success of video? Seventy three percent on ly measure success anecdotally. Or through views of videos, which is what you see on youtube and, you know what i always tell organizations is views never solved your problem. You’re working to solve views, don’t keep the lights on youse don’t create donation very much a vanity metric, like, like facebook fans, right? Exactly. It’s, it’s, it’s fine to have that kind of metric if it is connected to something that really matters for you. And you understand how it’s connected to that, you know, i think more important than views is whose views you know, are you getting and they lead to other kinds of engagement. So those are the things that the survey revealed when we looked at who’s doing well, we saw that it starts with planning, you know, there’s. So many organizations that say we need to make a video and the question is why? What do you expect to happen? What’s your goals? How is this going to do something for you and the organizations that reported thinking about that and asking those questions? Are the organizations that reported success with video? So the idea that you know why you’re you’re working on it and what your goals? Are is the first step that remarkably many organizations are not you are not taking. Yeah, i think the thinking about the the strategy and the goals that are going to get us there is often i mean, this is not a problem limited tio our shortcoming limited to video, i had guests talked about in terms of campaigns dahna engagement, whether to dio whether to engage in a new social channel or not. All right, i’m seeing this right? We’ve always about not planning shiny object syndrome. You know, it’s, you see, you hear about the newest channel or you think you need something or boardmember tells you that you should be doing something, but it’s not grounded in a strategy, and i think that’s, really what we encourage organizations do is think, what can you do? What should you do, what’s the best way to do that? And to really understand that moving forward to ask the hard questions up front. What advice do you have around the budgeting issue since so few non-profits are aligning budget with their desires around expanding video, right? I like in it too. I feel like we’re in the phase with video. That we were with the web in the mid to late nineties. If you asked organizations you know, in nineteen, ninety six or seven do they need a website? Some would say they have one already. Others would say, oh, yeah, we’ve got to get one because we see this web thing is really taken off but if you told them at the time that they would have a whole department that worked on the web, they would tell you you were crazy. They would say, where in the world could the budget come from to do that that’s impossible that’s a pipe dream and i feel like that’s where we are with video video is eating the web in terms of the amount of content the where people’s attention are the cisco estimates that ninety percent of all internet bandwidth will be video within four years. Oh, my good, really? Yes, on you know, we’re darling, we’re seeing you know the web turn into a interactive tv platform and dahna organisations have to become publishers in the same way, and broadcasters, you know, in the same way that everybody else does on videos a big piece of that and there’s a biggest barrier is a paradigm shifting cultural barrier, which is organizations didn’t grow up needing to do video, so they have no capacity and they’re not. They don’t think that way, and so when they think about video, they think about hiring a firm like ours to make that one big, you know, gala event video or something like that and that’s, not the world we live in, right? The world we live in demands a regular content and so that’s a huge paradigm shift for gin is ations. Oh, you have a bunch of things in mind. What about mobile? As as people are going more mobile? Is that increasing their their affinity for video are decreasing, so they’d rather not see it on a little screen. Oh, actually, the opposite video is the fastest growing mobile service that there is we’re seeing as for g has rolled out across the united states were seeing video. Um, grow incredibly and the other piece about mobile and video is everyone has a high quality video camera in their pocket. That’s remarkable. I mean the quality you see iphone video incorporated into feature films so the quality that you can get from these devices that are in our pockets is amazing and it totally the gates this argument that, you know, we can’t afford to do it it’s really about mind share in time more than it is about we need, you know, big investment dollars to do some video things in addition to having a video production studio in your pocket, you also have a distribution channel in your pocket, right? Exactly. I mean, the revolution of peer-to-peer communications, you know, through social media and the ability to reach people through their social channels and, you know, to be online all the time that way is incredible, it really is. So i’m not saying and, you know, we make great video, so i’m not saying there’s, no need for outside support ever, you know, in videos, but i think of it more like a pyramid, you know, there’s that one great video that’s on your website that explains what you do that you khun keep for five years, it probably makes sense to spend some money and make that really good the day to day content that describes, you know, where you are in a fundraising campaign or trying to get people to be advocates or giving an update about a storm that just happened that you’re working on all of that can happen from your phone from other kinds of equipment that you can have in the office and really should be internal capacity. And so we’re spending more and more time training people about how do you do this and not just camera skills, but really the the strategy piece, which is what should our video strategy be? And how does that make sense? I’ve seen such moving campaigns where the organization asked donors or or even better than donors, people benefiting from the service of the work of the organization. Tell us how you make your own, make your own video turned the turn their cameras to yourself and tell us how our work has improved your life saved your life impacted you enormously. Yeah, i think if you haven’t engaged community video’s a great way to do that, it’s still, for a lot of people, high bar, ask, you know, to produce video, so makoto sharing, for example, is much more popular and easier for people to do than video, but we’re seeing now. With services like vine that allow you to make a six second video or instagram now has a fifteen second video, it becomes much easier toe to do that bond. We’re seeing, you know, cem, entrusting things that general electric. I did a thing about science. They wanted to promote science, which is just connected to their brand. But it’s really kind of a social good thing, and they did something called six second science, and they said, how much science can you do in six seconds? And they invited a community of people you know, publically to do six second videos about science, and then they aggregated those they curated and aggregated those into a youtube video with all these different six second science video and it’s terrific it’s a great way to mobilize your community. I think lots of organizations are are doing that, and many more could be doing that e-giving anything tooting getting thinking. You’re listening to the talking alternative network get in. E-giving cubine do you need a business plan that can guide your company’s growth seven and seven will help bring the changes you need. Wear small business consultants, and we pay attention to the details. You may miss our culture and consultant services, a guaranteed to lead toe, right, groat. For your business, call us at nine one seven eight three, three, four, eight six. Zero foreign, no obligation. Free consultation. Check out our website of ww dot covenant seven dot com. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Dahna duitz is email us a growing frontier for for video? Well, we are seeing some new technologies that will allow email video to be played inside email so without clicking a link but emails a great driver for your community in general, i think if you ask organizational people often, how often do you think your your donors or supporters come to your website? They’re usually wildly inflated numbers from the reality because we don’t normal people don’t go backto organizational web sites, you know, unless you’re drawn there for some reason and the most of the time what’s drawing you there is something that was in an email and email is still the number one digital way to connect with people, and we know that when you say there’s, a video to watch the open rates of email goes up and when you say there’s a video to click on, we know that the click through rates go up so video is the content of the type of content delivery that many people want to have and so thinking about how are we using video? And where is it in our stream of communications? Overall is a n’importe n’t strategic. Question that organizations need to ask compelling moving video doesn’t have tohave high production values are being particularly expensive. Teo in production, right? No, i mean, there are a lot of the videos that get shared that are wonderful and moving our high production value video eliminated, you know, no question, but no, i mean, i think story trumps production that’s what i always say so, you know, if you have that moving story and, you know, you can tell it straight to camera and it’s going to be moving, and we saw that, you know, we see that all the time, really, where there’s things that are just telling the story and organizations have that, and i think one of the demands of being able to do that is for the communicators and organizations to be more connected to those stories within their own organizations, because it’s often not the communicators who are on the ground doing the work that connects them to those stories so they need toe open up the idea that everyone in our organization needs to be a storyteller. So that becomes, again part of this cultural shift that’s going to create, you know, and have an organization thinking of themselves like their media company. They’re they’re a broadcast of publisher where our stories. How are we finding them? How did they float up to our communications folks? How do we decide what make videos about? That path is not articulated very often in organisations, particularly smaller ones. So i think, you know, it starts with just having that conversation and that’s goingto do a lot. But google plus hangouts on air to me that seems like google is giving you the tools to create a a network you, khun broadcast on dh, put your message and and but but not follow the tv model because it’s enormously interactive, you see, promise, i think that’s. Absolutely, absolutely. I think that’s a great point. So when we look at youtube channels, for example, most organizations in ninety nine percent actually one hundred percent of organism growing because i haven’t seen one that’s doing anything different yet they treat their youtube channel like a repository for everything that every video they make, right. So you make a video for a campaign. You make a video for the web site, you stick it on youtube. So you two just a dumping ground for a lot of videos, every channel on youtube that’s really successful, the ones with millions of subscribers and millions of views, and they don’t treat you tube like that as a dumping ground. They treat you too, as ah broadcast channel that needs to have regular content toe build audience, just like your radio show needs to have a schedule and a regular way for people to find it for audience to grow for people to share it. Same thing with non-profit video hangouts on air give you an easy way to create regular content. So the idea that you could do, for example, a show using a hangout where you interview people from the field or experts or donors or whatever it could be ten minutes long. But if you post that every thursday at five o’clock, you’re gonna have an opportunity to build engagement and build audience if you’re putting a video once in a while, whenever you happen to have one on youtube, you have no opportunity to build audience. So i think the hangouts to me is connected to that question of how do we create mohr and regular content you know among the content we created and how, how can a non-profit use youtube in that way to the extent that it allows it’s not as robust is hangouts on here, but you alluded to the most successful youtube channels doing regular distribution have done well, you know, the most successful youtube channels are often individuals who are making videos themselves. I mean, with no crew, no, nothing, they’re they’re shooting themselves with video, they’re editing it themselves and their, you know, and what is it about them? They’re engaging people within? You know, they’re funny or they’re engaging or they’re doing something, and i think organizations need to think about, well, who in our world has that personality? People with personality is exactly the workers on our side. I mean, it’s like into the cooking show people don’t watch cooking shows about because it’s about cooking, they watch it because about personalities or competition or other things. So where is where those people who were those people in your organization? Among your donor’s among your supporters among your clients. Hoo, you go, that guy should have his own show, or that woman should have her own show, those are the people you want to figure out, okay, how do we get them? And hangouts on air is a great free way to start you khun do alive thing and it’s recorded and you don’t have to edit anything, and it goes right on your youtube channel. So that’s an easy way to start, but it takes a commitment, teo, you know, begin doing that, and i think that this there’s so many other benefits to doing that for an organization, right, they’re going to hear more stories that they can use in other places they’re going toe, you know, they’re going to create a certain kinds of internal communications is going to be helpful for them to do an initiative like that and empowering people who don’t think of themselves bad enough that the organization doesn’t think of itself as content creation and producers, but empowering people within the organization, individuals who don’t think of themselves as frontline communicators, teo to, in fact be such exactly. And i think this is connected to the bigger trends that we see around social media. You know, the old model of communications is corporate brand voice, you know, the voice of god. Talking in a hub hub and spoke model, right? So this corporate voice produces content and pushes it out and tries to interrupt people with it. You know, a new model is individuals communicating with each other and it’s a two it’s more than a two way conversation. And so that means that you have to have these channels where people can talk back to you and you engage with them, whether it’s video or whether it’s, facebook or whether it’s any other channel and then also people don’t want to hear from corporate brands. I don’t want to hear from your logo, i want to hear from people. So who are those people? So you need toe pig peek behind the curtain is what i say. I don’t want to see oz, the great and powerful wizard, i want to see the guy behind the curtain, and so we’re seeing he was a hell of a lot more charming and and fund then then the video projection of his of his image. So exactly, and we’re starting to see it. I mean, i saw something recently with a big ngo hyre, you know, had a of some videos at dealing with a storm and instead of saying, you know, we big organization need you to do x, you know, they said here’s, we want to take you inside our war room, about what’s going on and how our planning and so you see all these people who have been up all night, you know, working on maps and all kinds of things happening and and you, as the viewer feel like, wow, they’re people behind this and they’re giving of themselves for it, and i can be part of that and that’s very different kind of communication and, you know, it’s related to ah reduction of trust in brands and maura peer-to-peer communications in general and organisations need to be there or they’re not going to succeed this morning at the opening session of ntcdinosaur wasn’t there, but i know you were there you have the do gooder awards wanted to share with listeners with what that was about? Sure, about eight years ago we started to do gooder awards because we knew with broadband that video revolution was coming, it was definitely coming, and we wanted to take the few organizations that we’re really doing it and jumping. In and doing it well and hold them up as examples to try to encourage everybody else to do it on dh. So we created the doolittle awards a few years ago, youtube came to us and said, can we adopt these awards to become the official wards of the non-profits on youtube? And we said, yeah, you could do that on dso ever since we partner with them, we’ve had wonderful sponsors and partners and ten eyes, one of them and cisco is another and dot sub this year, and nickelodeon and and and other terrific sponsors. And, um, every year at the ntc, we announced the winners. And so any organization that’s on youtube in the non-profit program, i can submit their videos. We have different categories, the four categories that we have our youth media categories. So we’re having young people who are making videos, we have an impact ex category durney that’s sponsored by cisco and that’s. Really about what did that video do so it’s? Not just about is it a good video, but it’s about did it have impact and that those groups have to submit a statement of what the impact wass then? We have a funny for good category because we’ve seen time and time again, the videos that move people to action that move people to share are funny, and we wanted to call those out and they’re fun to watch, and then we have best overall video on dh we can put the links up to these videos, i think we’re on dh point people, but buy-in, you know, they were terrific and, you know, literally the audience today they laughed and they cried and you confined the video’s, all of it, it youtube dot com slash do gooder easy enough, share one of the really poignant moving out, you know, i’m sorry, one of those sort of heart string videos that it sounds like there were a couple of, well, the winning overall video was partners and mental health from canada and a video about teen suicide, and it was the thirty second piece, and the video shows teens very angry at their parents and then slamming the door like running into their room and slamming the door and slamming the door and slamming the door. And then the last time the doors slam it’s actually the mom on. The other side of the door in the room and it says it’s, hard to live with a with a team, you know, with depression, it’s, harder to live without one it’s, a very intense and, you know, packed a tremendous amount of emotion into a very small, you know, time frame. And the funny for good video was also canadian. Remarkably, the canadians have been doing doing great and that’s, actually from the canadian cancer society, and it was about testicular cancer, and it was about checking your nuts. It’s hilarious. And so i definitely recommend you. You go to see it because it’s just it’s funny and it’s taking something that is a serious issue and it’s educating people through humor and i think that’s great. And so, you know, there’s, no issue, really, that you can’t find some humor, and i think it was that a longer one. I would need more than thirty seconds. I was, ah, a minute and a half that would be about my speech all right night. I need a little more than thirty seconds. Let’s leave with listeners with a couple of tips that come from the survey, but how they can be mohr i’ll just say generally effective, and you can choose whether that’s in production or distribution, right? Go ahead. What can we leave? Well, i think that, you know, the one takeaway i would i would want to leave people with is the idea of mohr you need mohr content, you know, we’re in theirs, you have many more channels to put content in. You have social media, you have your website, you can’t rely on a single video anymore, you have to be thinking about more now, more can come from occasionally using professionals to produce videos, but more should also come from being able to grow your capabilities around production as well. And this is important, especially for small organizations. Mork uncomfortable curating videos made by other people. So for example, if somebody was working on the storm in the philippines and they said, we’ve got to go shoot the destruction footage there and it’s gonna cost, you know, all kinds of money, i’d say, well, why would you do that on youtube? There’s a thousand videos that show that really, really well and guess what? All of them allow you to embed those videos on your website and so you can take a video that somebody else made, and you can wrap it in your own wrapper on your website with your own calls, action and utilize something that costs could have cost hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars in particular with documentary film trailers, for example, really high quality stuff on almost any issue is there for the taking, and i would say two organizations make playlists on youtube, which fills out your channel with other people’s video use this video on your website shared in your social media with your calls to action and be wrapped in the halo of somebody else’s great work, excellent! Thank you very much, michael. Thank you. Michael hoffman is ceo of c three communications and how come people follow you on twitter? I met michael underscore hoffman on twitter. All right, tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of ntcdinosaur profit technology conference. Thanks so much for being with us. Thank you very much again. Michael hoffman. Generosity. Siri’s supports non-profit radio. You’ve heard me talk about them. Sponsor’s like them. Help me to travel to conferences like ntcdinosaur last april, and obviously that helps me bring interviews to share with you generosity. Siri’s hosts multi charity peer-to-peer runs and walks, they do all the back end work that you’ve heard me talk about also. And of course, they have the charity support team that helps you to get participants for your five k run or walk, and then also helps you with the fund-raising you mean that’s the whole purpose? So that’s why they have the charity support team. The whole purpose of these things is to get money for your charity. The statistic that they share is that first year generosity siri’s fund-raising exceeds average thirty year fund-raising for charities that do their own events, do all this work and host the thing all on their own so you can skip years wanting to jump right to third year fund-raising they have events coming up in new jersey, miami, atlanta, new york city, philadelphia, toronto, those air all this year, you can talk to them by picking up the phone. David linn, l i n n is the ceo at generosity siri’s and he’s at seven one eight five o six. Nine triple seven and of course they are on the web at generosity. Siri’s dot com very grateful for their sponsorship. Last week i was at festival del fund-raising in italy. It was amazing. It was terrific. Great fun to be with about seven hundred italian fundraisers from throughout the country. My session was on planned e-giving which they call legacy e-giving in italy. Very grateful to the festival. President valerio manda rally for inviting me and just everybody’s there was you know what? What italy has as its reputation. Warm, friendly, delicious food and the closing night was a terrific party. There is a video on my on my site. I got some video from the opening night and also from that closing night party that is at tony martignetti dot com many thanks to festival del fund-raising and that’s tony’s take two for friday twenty third of may the twenty first show of the year here’s my interview with matthew fisher of vision strategy from the non-profit technology conference. Welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of ntc non-profit technology conference twenty fourteen we’re at the marriott wardman park hotel in washington d c i guess. Now is matthew fisher. He is chief marketing officer for vision strategy. The workshop topic is activating your organization’s social network for fun, celebrity and self organizing. Matthew fisher, welcome to the show. Thank you, tony it’s a pleasure. I’m glad you’re here. Thank you. Invite your welcome. Thank you for taking time. Um, okay, we’re ah, we’re going. We’re going to activate our our constituents are social network for fun, celebrity and self organizing. What? What? What is the need around? What do you see that non-profits could be doing better that they’re not doing so so well? Yeah, it’s a big topic in it, you know, fun and celebrity, you’re certainly very different from thie organizing piece that i think most non-profits air, you know, on a daily basis engaged in and, you know, we sort of look at it is taking a new approach to engaging with those advocates and supporters. You know, we’re very versed in sort of the organizing concepts, but we also want to push towards making things fun because ultimately fund means viral and with viral, then we start to see things that you get a halo effect, for instance, when you start engaging celebrities ah lot of folks don’t believe celebrities, you know will engage on social media and there’s numerous examples where that’s not true, but, you know, for us we look at it is, you know, fun is more likely to be shared. It certainly is when when you get into the technicalities of facebook, you know, a drink goes up and certainly your clout creds scores as an influence or go up as things become fun because those are ultimately what we share online. So for the non-profits we really want them, and this is the lesson we want to resonate. We want to think about fun and celebrity in terms ofthe activating these guys to help your cause. Okay, well, let’s, let’s, let’s not get out, celebrity, we’ll come to it. We’ll spend a little time, but thie audience is small and midsize non-profits and and i think the likelihood of getting celebrity is kind of small. Sure. So let’s. Focus on fun and we’ll have a little time on maybe recruiting a celebrity for your cause but on the fun side how do we, uh i mean, how do we identify? What do we know? What’s going? To be fun for our, for our constituents to play with. Well, i think here we have to look at examples that air, you know, have been out in the marketplace and certainly there’s no definition of fun. Yeah, you know, but i think memorable and unexpected are to sort of elements of that recipe. I’m sure a number of people i’ve seen talks by youtube and they talk about what actually makes ah, video fun or viral on they have sort of three core principles there one is thiss unexpectedness and an example they uses, gentlemen, is riding his bike down in new york city and the bike lanes and he’s actually calling attention to a very serious issue, which is construction and hazards and so it’s it’s ah, sort of a monty python play where he’s running into construction trucks and taxis. And so this is something they show is, you know, something that touched in a core issue in new york city and ultimate lead to twenty million plus views of that video? Sort of. The next piece is something they call tastemakers i’ll use the word influences because i think that’s more relevant for us, but you know, touching and getting into something that will allow those influences and tastemakers to call attention to your your cause. And in this case, with videos, they used the example of somebody has shot a double rainbow in the backyard and sort of sat there and and yelled and screamed and couldn’t believe it. Oh, and it had been on youtube for six months and really had less than five hundred thousand views, probably extended family and friends. Yeah, and so but what happened was jimmy kimmel showed it on one of his late night shows, and almost immediately, of course it went viral. And so the key there was not the dennis lee pushed it towards jimmy kimmel, but it caught his eye, and so it really had nothing in it of it, other than sort of a fun, emotional response that we typically see and then the third is ultimately is the copycats that is ultimately what we see with buy-in viral and fun, um example, that is there’s a square cat that an animated story they’ve been going through on youtube on and really only had a couple hundred thousand views. But then as people started copying and reproducing this animated cat with different clothes on different nationalities, different holidays. And so we saw a replication of that. And so we think, sort of that unexpectedness the tastemakers. Oh, and ultimately copycats tragic can work in social media of all types, for fun. Because ultimately, you know, we believe once it gets fun, we have a balance of messaging betweens a serious issue on something that’s. More lighthearted. Yeah, wand. Your examples are well, certainly the bicycle you’re bringing you bring something that’s, light hearted. Teo, as you said, you know, a serious issue in new york city is hazards for for bike riders. So it’s got to relate back to what your charitable mission is all about. Exactly. It’s it’s gotta be it’s. Gotta be somewhat tangential to your issue. You know, the sort of the technicality behind fun or pulling it off actually, obviously is a little bit more difficult, creative. But, you know, the first part of it is, you know, we had vision and attentively are our email based platform. So we we love e mail and we see email is sort of the third leg of that social strategy and the reason is because certainly over the first two legs, certainly the first two legs are, you know, the social media platforms of facebook and twitter, they’re the big beasts, they’re the ones that have the most online time, the most phone usage time on they’ve dominated, obviously, but email has been in, you know, for the last decade has been a major source for online organizing and fund-raising still very important still very, very importantly, open rates. Well, you know, that’s that’s, the challenges that those those open rates in this click rates and those donate rates are dropping because we just have more, more email coming in and are they dropping overall? Absolutely okay, absolutely all right. And so, you know, as part of that third leg, you know, we believe that you know, you’ve gotta activate your full supporter base and there’s a number of people on your email database who our supporters, but not necessarily liking you or tweeting you. And so we really encourage people to look at that because generally speaking, you’ll have fifty times your audience in that email database. Then you will on your social media platforms now, if you get a celebrity a celebrity typically might be someone that we define as a clout score forty and hyre they might have an audience a total audience of three point two million on the reason is because they might have fifty or hundred thousand followers to start, and then they have a high enough credit score that it actually propagates through to their friends and family. But if you take your email database and you actually segmented out and look through there generally three to five percent of your email database actually can outperform one celebrity and the reason you know let’s say more about that, and the reason is because when you take your database, you generally have people who care about your cause and there’ll be a number of people in there who don’t necessarily have the huge following is saying and curry and on what she was able to do in two thousand ten with their her haiti tweet was tweeted the year, but what they are able to do is these are people who have already your message is resonating with them. They may have already donated, and what you see is a sort of one hundred twenty times. Effect and the idea being that if only if you have let’s, say, fifty thousand e mail addresses, you might actually still have an audience of roughly four million because of that effect. But how do you find these three to five percent to are the key influencers or the motivators? So, you know, certainly for smaller email list, you might just be able to visually go through and sort of figure it out manually by looking at their pages or another another way is to use platform’s like attentively, and certainly i’m sure there are others, but the idea being that it actually will match up those e mail addresses to all their social profiles and then scan those posts and pulling all those scores and the idea being that you can actually identify who those folks are and they may not be household names they made, you know, they’re not i mean, we’re down. We’re not talking about celebrity. Yeah, you know, i guarantee you that down at the washington post, there’s, probably forty or fifty journalists who have clouds scores over forty on who we would, we would certainly locally believe a sort of local celebrities, but have that reach because of obviously who they work for, who they are. Okay on, once you’ve identified these, these the top key influencers, what is it you’re asking them to do? How do you do, then approach them? Once you’ve identified, we think approaches that ultimately you’re going to, and this goes back to the engagement issue and challenge with the supporters and donors, when you start to find those people, they’re generally your vips are influencers. And so what you want to do obviously, is, you know, as the title here suggests, you need activate and the way we recognize that is we say that i’m looking at those vips, we actually want to start a segment them down into different groups based on the topics they’re talking about. And so you might have some of your supporters talking about climate change, and they may not follow you, but you might care about climate change and so weak suggests maybe take a baby step and start to follow them or reach out to them via email and say, you know, we’re talking about the same causes here. You want to join our effort, you could like us, you can also retweet some of our issues there and it’s very powerful, because when you’re looking at three to five percent it’s, not a huge number might be only thirty or forty people depending on the size that email list. But again, they still have that reach to get to three or four million people. So it’s it’s quite effective and it’s also something that it’s sort of buried inside your your database or your email platform or your syrian platform. We haven’t mentioned the blogging. I mean, they might maybe they don’t have a huge twitter following, for instance, but but their site gets a lot of hits, absolutely blogging is just as important, and, you know the challenge with blogging of courses, you know, it’s, even maurin structured content just like sort of the posts on facebook and twitter, but you, khun, obviously segment them down based on topics or terms and start to put them in a group. Let me give an example so that you know it, it makes a little bit more sense, but, you know, we typically look and work with non-profits and, you know, their databases aren’t necessarily large, you know, varies we have some customers that have very large databases, but let’s, certainly with the small ones that we want to focus on our listeners. Yes, mom, but so they might only have five, ten, fifty thousand emails, and it might be past donors. Or it might be people who showed up at rallies or somebody just signed up for the newsletter, but fifty thousands of good number, because it’s actually not that hard to get to, you know, in terms of what let’s, let’s, let’s, divide that by ten. Ok, for our for our listeners, i want to deal with something that’s manageable by most ultra z even just use five thousand as our example. Okay, so in the five thousand example, they might have five thousand, but there may be only three hundred there that are actually very active on social media and have that cloud score we talked about. And so they’re sort of your influence or group. Obviously, for three hundred, you can send very easily consent individualized message to them, you know, sort of expressing your your want for them to retweet some of their stuff and on their platforms you can also then put them into segments. And so this is one of our non-profit clients did is they started looking at who’s, mentioning some of the key words that they follow. I used the example of climate change, it might be elections. It might be a variety of terms, and so they put them in a segment called supporter no, and they actually sent him a bumper sticker. And so they’re actually trying to actually build some sort of relationship. They’re more than just sort of this mass mutual, like, yeah, especially before you’re asking for some kind of called action, you know, get to know the people start having a conversation about the fact that you know you’re sympathetic to our cause, and we notice, you know, we know you’re spending a lot of time on climate change in your example, and we’d like to get to know you better. I mean, you’re trying to build a relationship before you start asking you and we’re going to follow you and you’re gonna follow us. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you, too? He’ll call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight, three that’s two one two, seven to one eight, one eight, three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Lively conversation, top trends and sound advice. That’s. Tony martignetti non-profit radio. And i’m lawrence paige nani, author off the non-profit fund-raising solution. And so then you can start scanning their posts as you go forward. Oh, and ultimately, if they retweet you or retweet something that you think is on message with one of your issues, then they become an ambassador. They’re literally in a new segment inside the database on then that will shoot off. An email is you brought a called action, you know, for a little donation, and the idea is that, you know, we think it resonates better when you’ve built that relationship, however small it might be, and you take it off line and the example here, you know, we start to see engagement really jump because most most organizations non-profits don’t have time to do anything other than sort of a monthly blast here we start to see opens increased to two hundred forty four percent of what they normally see, which is twenty, thirty percent open rates are generally what we see because it’s personalized it’s, individualized and it’s triggered on a behavior that just happened it’s right there, the recall is immediate because they’re getting it immediately, and we also see one hundred sixty one percent increase generally in the cliques. So you’re getting that called action and you’re starting to see ultimately revenue lift or donation left here generally of three to six times of what you’d see on a regular email blast. And so, you know, it’s it’s something that no matter how small your list is, you can get a lot more effective using that third leg of sort of activating now the facebook, twitter and ultimately email to really make it a lot more powerful. Um, and we’ve got obviously hundreds of clients that are doing this in a variety different areas, but i thought that example was most apra poto what we’re doing here because of i’m sort of building that relationship, okay, part of the workshop title is for ah, activating for self organizing. So what do you mean by self organizing? So i think with self organizing, i think it’s similar to the example and that, you know, you’re calling on people that maybe are sort of like minded to you and you have to identify them. They may not know about your organization, but you you’ve been able to scan through either their posts or their tweets and understand that maybe there aligned with your organisation. And so you can do things like not just call for donations, but ultimately call for action. Real action, there’s. A number of clients that i work with capitol hill, and, obviously, their causes, and not a sign a full lobbying effort. But a call to action. It might be something that triggers a kn e mail or fax to senator based on certain votes that are coming up. And so, you know, those those air sort of the more traditional cause actions that we see in the self organizing, you know, and we think that, you know, platforms that involved. Obviously, social media, as well as email, can be more effective, similar to what we saw in terms of engagement and ultimately converting them to that call of action called action in self organizing. Okay. Let’s ah, spend a little time on celebrity a couple minutes left. What? How do we identify the celebrities that that may be appropriate for us to reach out to on? Do keep in mind our listeners are small and midsize shop, so we’re not a list that there’s not a list non-profits oh, and maybe not not even pursuing a list. Celebrities necessarily mean there are lesser known celebrities who could still bring a considerable following. Uh, so but how do we how do we identify? And every celebrity is not not open about the causes? Andi, you know what? A lot of times if they are open, they may already be allied with a charity. So prods of them coming to us, it seemed kind of small. How are we going to find the right people with knowing all that? Well, you highlighted a couple of issues. One is obviously identifying, but the other is sort of weighing the risk. And so, you know, once you take on a celebrity, take on the full persona from yesterday and tomorrow, right, way unknown tomorrow we can’t predict tomorrow, but what we do see with celebrities is that they do. Have ultimately that immediate reach. You know, in one of the earliest examples we talked about, they have the halo effect in the immediate reach and they tend to have, you know, even celebrities with relatively low cloud scores, they can still reach a million plus in a roughly about eighteen minutes that’s generally the life span of the tweets and celebrity world. Okay, so you don’t have a lot of long term promotional effect there, but what we do see is that it does activate people who maybe weren’t even close to your cause, and it also is something that we see cross platform, so it might be a tweet that ends up on a variety of different social networks because of who that person is particularly it’s funny, you know? And the other thing is, celebrities really help with the search engine optimization, and we won’t go into the reasons why, but identifying the celebrity is actually not that difficult part of where i’d like to start on part of it is this where the process starts? That’s right is picking the right one’s a part of it is sort of looking off line. Which one do you? Think you identify with your organization does do they care about the issues that you care about? Are they on the right or the left? Those are things that you certainly you care about in terms of aligning your message because you don’t want to have a celebrity activate and help you, and then all of a sudden be off message two weeks later it’s part of that risk one way you can do it certainly is toe look at what’s in the popular press and gather a lot of what some of the comments are in the popular press you can use platforms that scan similar to what we do with the donor databases and supporters. You can put a celebrity’s email address in there, most of them know one or two and identify some of the social networks they’re on and see what the types of things that they care about. You can also approach them privately, and we’ve found certainly an example. Tomorrow on the panel will be the will be goldberg example, it’ll be the pluses and minuses of this strategy, but, you know, they literally just tweeted out to them on the site on her. Her profile and we’ll be then retweeted it, and it was something that there was there was no deal backroom deal. There was no phone calls, there was no rep agents, but it was actually something that they thought she she actually cared about, and they were right, and you’ll see that an example tomorrow well, in more detail, but our listeners won’t be there so what’s right? What was the cause on? So for her, the cause was it related to her love for for animals, and i won’t go into specifically because it’s something that’s being presented, but i will give you another one that that we’re talking about two more. Another was ann curry tweet from two thousand ten it was actually the twit of the year, and she had actually been contacted by doctors out borders to help them get into haiti after that disaster, the air force is blocking the planes that were allowing some of these crucial supporters in there, and and curry saw an opportunity there to retweet to get them to help planned those doctors. Obviously, and this is an example of someone who really only had fifty thousand supporters, but our followers, but it immediately got retweeted to the point where it reached over four, point three million people in that eighteen minute span. And so, you know, there are timely causes, too. You have to take advantage of events in the news and again, if you’re scanning posts of what your supporters we’re talking about, you’ll catch a lot of those things that are in the news, locally and regionally, that may not be in the national news, and you could take advantage of that. And so, you know, we we certainly believe, you know, a celebrity can help, but we also think that the influences that are already in your database can help you just as much because they really care about what you have to say. They’ve already proven it by their interaction or their donation or their activism, and they can’t have that same reach and that’s what generally we say is take baby steps, okay? They also you know, so i don’t have that dance. You minimize your potential downside risk, that’s, right? And what the celebrities gonna be doing or saying as you, you know, tomorrow and the day after, yeah, it’s, it’s similar to putting all your money into one stock, yeah, way don’t know what the future may hold, and we certainly don’t know if that type of celebrity will, you know, have the staying power. But certainly your supporter bases it’s a much broader base, and certainly they have the same influence with their followers on their social media networks and and they can certainly broadcast to their audience with the same type of general volume that you would see. All right, we’re gonna leave it there. Thank you very much. Matthew fisher, chief marketing officer for fishing strategy. Thanks so much, matthew. Thank you. I appreciate it, tony. And my pleasure. I look forward to speaking again sometime in the future. All right, all right. Thank you very much for joining us. Tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of non-profit technology conference two thousand fourteen. I’m grateful to everybody at the non-profit technology conference and at and ten, the ones who hosted the non-profit technology network. Always great fun, tio have be to be with that crowd. And next week, the ceo of inten will be returning that’s, amy sample ward, our social media contributor and also alison fine returns next week. To continue our discussion on matter-ness had to show people that they matter to your organization. If you missed any part of today’s show, you can find it at tony martignetti dot com. Our creative producer is claire meyerhoff. Sam liebowitz is the line producer. Sure, social media is by julia campbell of jake campbell. Social marketing and the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules will be with me next month to do fund-raising day. Our music is by scott stein. You with me next week for non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent go out and be great. E-giving didn’t think dick tooting getting ding, ding, ding ding. You’re listening to the talking alternative network to get you thinking. Things. Cubine are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Hi, i’m ostomel role, and i’m sloan wainwright, where the host of the new thursday morning show the music power hour. Eleven a m. We’re gonna have fun, shine the light on all aspects of music and its limitless healing possibilities. We’re going invite artists to share their songs and play live will be listening and talking about great music from yesterday to today, so you’re invited to share in our musical conversation. Your ears will be delighted with the sound of music and our voices. Join austin and sloan live thursdays at eleven a. M on talking alternative dot com, you’re listening to talking alternative network at www dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Have you ever considered consulting a road map when you feel you need help getting to your destination when the normal path seems blocked? A little help can come in handy when choosing an alternate route. Your natal chart is a map of your potentials. It addresses relationships, finance, business, health and, above all, creativity. Current planetary cycles can either support or challenge your objectives. I’m montgomery taylor. If you would like to explore the help of a private astrological reading, please contact me at monte at monty taylor dot. Com let’s monte m o nt y at monty taylor dot com. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you, too? He’ll call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight, three that’s two one two, seven to one eight, one eight, three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. Talking. Come on.

Nonprofit Radio, March 30, 2012: Planned Gift Prospects By Phone, Tanya Says Farewell to PPP & Kony Complexities

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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My Guests:

Mindy Aleman: Planned Gift Prospects By Phone
Mindy Aleman from Kent State University takes the role of professor to teach you how to identify Planned Giving prospects from your phone-based fundraising. She’s been doing it for years with great success. (Pre-recorded at the National Conference on Philanthropic Planning last year.)


Tanya Howe Johnson: Tanya Says Farewell to PPP
Tanya Howe Johnson sat with me at last year’s Partnership for Philanthropic Planning conference to say goodbye to the organization she has led for 20 years. She retires in April.


Gene Takagi & Emily Chan
Gene Takagi & Emily Chan: Kony Complexities

Our regular legal contributors, Gene Takagi and Emily Chan of the Nonprofit & Exempt Organizations Law Group, look at issues around the viral “Kony 2012” video.



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Metoo hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio march thirty, two thousand twelve big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent i’m your aptly named host i sincerely hope you’re with me. Last week, it would hurt me deeply if you had missed to twitter chat hosts on twitter talk we had pamela grow of small non-profit chat and brendan kinney of fundchat both on twitter tell us how these one hundred forty character conversations i can help you non-profit and build your professional network and push it. Maria simple, our prospect research contributor and the prospect finder, explained how push technology much of it free khun support your fund-raising this week planned gift prospects by phone. Mindy allen of kent state university takes the role of professor to teach you how to identify planned e-giving prospects from your phone based fund-raising very unusual, but she’s been doing it for years with great success and that’s pre recorded at the national conference on philanthropic planning this year, tanya says farewell to p p pee that’s tanya how johnson she sat with me at that same conference last year, the partnership for philanthropic planning conference to say goodbye to that. Organization that she has lead for twenty years, she retires this next month. April and finally today, cockney complexities our legal contributors jean takagi and emily chan from the non-profit and exempt organizations law group look at legal issues around the viral kony twenty twelve video it’s gotten eighty six million views and we’re going to look at it from an angle that you have not yet seen. I hope you will stay with me right now. Oh, and i’ve forget about it. I’m all screwed up. I also have course tony’s take two this week on tony’s take to my blogged one fact about planned e-giving i’ll tell you what it is and why that fact should be reassuring to you use hashtag non-profit radio if you want to join the conversation through twitter, i’m very grateful that the show is supported by g grace corporate real estate services. Now is the time to say that we’re going to take a break, and when we return, i’ll have the pre recorded interview planned gift prospects by phone with mindy element from kent state university, so stay with me. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. Is your marriage in trouble? Are you considering divorce? Hello, i’m lawrence bloom, a family law attorney in new york and new jersey. No one is happier than the day their divorce is final. My firm can help you. We take the nasty out of the divorce process and make people happy. Police call a set to one, two, nine six four three five zero two for a free consultation. That’s a lawrence h bloom two, one, two, nine, six, four, three, five zero two. We make people happy. Hey, are you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com. Welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the national conference on philanthropic planning. We’re on the river walk in san antonio, texas, and my guest right now is mindy element. She is executive director of the center for gift and a state planning at kent state university in kent, ohio. She is a c f ar e and an a p r i’m going to ask her what those mean very shortly. Mindy, welcome to the show. Thank you, tony. Nice to be here. A pleasure to have you see fr ee i know is certified fund-raising executive. But what is the a p r after your name designation? I’m also accredited in public relations by the national public relations society. Okay, how do you feel? You used your public relations credential in your gift planning work all the time. Thanks. Oh, yeah, absolutely. How is that? Tell me you’re building a story. You’re building a case for your institution. You’re crafting the proper message. And you’re thinking about the audience and that’s all about public relations as well as planned. Nothing. All right. Excellent. Thank you. Mindy, your your topic is harnessed. Phone center. Power to increase plant. Gif ts now, i don’t think that most of our audience and the audience is small and mid sized non-profits think of their phone center as a place to prospect planned e-giving donors. So why are you recommending that? Well, tony it’s really a gold mine? Four future plan gifts and for requests that are undocumented there, unbeknownst to the organisation and for many reasons may not be known until after the donorsearch passes away. Okay, and we can uncover these gif ts through our phone work. Absolutely. Okay, most of the time and we use students in our phone center. But any well trained, personable rapport building phone center caller could do that. Okay, well, that’s kind of a mouthful now, so it sounds like, do you? Ah, you do you stay away from or recommend against? I guess the hired tell of a telephone tell us solicitors for for annual fund. I don’t recommend against it. I think it takes a little bit different training. The reason student callers or callers who are involved in the organization’s mission are very efficient and effective is because they bring a sense of doing it now to their phone conversations and particularly with universities, a student is best at developing a nice report with an alumnus who may have gotten a degree in business, and the student is majoring in business and khun se gi, do you have any advice for me? I’m having a tough time with the international business ethics class, okay, so they can develop that report that profession schnoll consultant solicitor is not going is not going to do it’s it’s a unique relationship between the student and the donor on the other end of the line that if your phone centers very successful getting gifts, it’s, because they’re developing report, that same report is very successful and into girl in terms of identifying those who might also put your institution in there will all right? And we’re going to get to those to those details. Let’s set the stage at kent state now as executive director of the center for gift in a state planning you probably don’t oversee the annual fund telemarketing function, right? You’re you’re working with another office in this, okay, you have a good working relationship, i guess. Absolutely. And this truly is a nice example of a collaborative effort. And buy-in between the plan giving area and the annual fund program, how did you discover the potential in the annual fund telemarketing work for your gift planning work? Well, we had been very successful at our annual fund. We were raising a lot of money and the annual fund was breaking all kinds of records. So we knew at the time that we had a very great program in place. During the same time, we had a screening, and the screening had uncovered about twenty seven thousand prospects who had a high proclivity for making a plan gift to our organisation. This was a screening by an outside company, one of the one of well screening cos yes, and i could mention the company if you don’t, if you like your blackbaud and they did a wonderful job for strip. And the dilemma that we found ourselves in was well, how the heck are we going to get to talk to twenty seven thousand? Likely plan giving prospects? How many people are in the center for gift in the state planning at the university? Well, there’s, only a couple of us plus our administrative support. However, we have another fifteen to twenty full time gift officers representing different constituencies. However, they are mostly major gift officers. So we had what we call in this area. Lack of legs. Okay, twenty seven thousand people. What? What did you decide to do? Well, we thought maybe we could piggyback onto the successes of our phone center who were talking to thousands of alumni every week. And maybe we could take the best of those callers, give them a specific pool comprised of the ones with the highest blackbaud ratings in the plan giving area and ask them to discuss whether the the donor ever had any intention or thought of remembering their in their alma mater in their estate plan. Your colleague who oversees the annual fund wasn’t concerned that this would buddy the message and that the annual fund solicitation might get lost in there for the annual fund income suffer well, no, because we we decided up front that this pg ask, as we called it pgs, peachy ass, actually, what? It was really mostly a plan giving conversation, segway. But that would only occur number one if they were in the plan. Good e-giving phone calling. Pool number one and number two, if the person called, had made a gift or a pledge so it didn’t interfere it all. It came afterwards, okay? And had made a gift or a pledge in that in that call. That’s? Correct. Okay. And what do you call this program, ken state? We call it, request a request. All right, but you’re not really soliciting a bequest. You’re you’re asking if there’s ah, an interest in it is that is that right? Yes. But, you know that’s where there it’ll starts and it’s a nice segue way. If somebody has been donating for years and they’re in the right demographics for plan giving it’s very natural and easy for the student caller to say, you know, mr jones, you’ve been so wonderful all these years. And i certainly appreciate your gift tonight to the school of music. Have you ever considered including us in your state plan? All right. And what was the initial response to that? How many years have you been doing this request? A bequest. This has been going on since two thousand five. So it’s in its about six and a half years, i guess. Right? I guess we’ll clearly the answer is, the initial reaction was not negative, and i guess positive. So you continued for the for several years after it’s been wonderful, tony, it really has not only have we identified hundreds of people who would consider a bequest, but we’ve also uncovered many people with with requests or other plan gives already in there a state plan and the most the fat, most fabulous part of all of this is that many of these donors we’re not on our radar screen. Well, they were in the twenty seven thousand because but they were not on your plan to give prospect radar screens that right, right? And they were yes, they they were unbeknownst to us in terms of whether they would really do something or not. So it really pushed the meter in terms of identifying really good plan giving prospects. And as we all know in the world, the plan giving many current gifts can come from plan giving donors as well. So is the language that the students are using. Is that is that what you gave us earlier? Would you consider or have you ever considered share, including okay, and and there are. Other options as well, let’s, say there was somebody that said, well, i can only make a small gift this year. Tony too. The department of physics. I wish i could do more, but i could only give you a small gift. The collar then was empowered and trained to say, well, i hear your passion in your voice. Maybe you could just put us in your will. And you would be surprised and pleased. I would think, to find out that many people said, you know what? I’m going to go ahead and do them that’s really something you’ve uncovered something really very, very interesting. Thank you. Yeah. Great. Now, your program description says that this is an award winning program requested request. What? What award or awards? Everyone. This particular program has been the recipient of four different case awards. Three golds in terms of best overall program. Best plan giving can cases the council for advancement in support of education. Yes, yes. And it also meant a lot because we we received an award for collaboration. And it truly was a nice effort between our phone center manager, the annual fund director, my my department in a range of other folks, including the major gift officers, because for many of them, they ended up receiving nice leads. If somebody was assigned and indicated they might consider putting tens in their will, then the particular advancement officer was encouraged to go to follow-up so we’ve raised millions of dollars duitz and gifts and pledges through this program over the years, clearly a collaboration between three different three different areas of fund-raising so how did you select the callers who were who would receive the enhanced training? Teo teo participate in request of a quest i depended on the phone center coordinators in the end, the managers to provide me with their very best callers, those that had a great track record in securing gifts, those that had a really passion and joy for the institution and those who were just great on the phone, particularly for older adults who may not want to talk at certain times during the day, or who have hearing issues and so on. So just in terms of the person’s volume on the phone, absolutely right, okay, volume being able to enunciate properly, our collars went through all kinds of training, including gerontology. Expert who came in and talked about issues that older adults face and things like sundown ing, which means that we wanted some of these calls to go out earlier than six p m okay, so training by jared atallah gist yes, what other training did the these specialized colors get? They had a range of basic plan giving options so that they understood the difference between a simple will bequest and let’s say of retained income gift. Okay, but nothing so technical that they were inhibited or overwhelmed or felt like they didn’t want any part of this, and they knew to be able to refer those to me and oftentimes i was there during the calling, listening in, okay? No, they’re helping out of being around that’s a part of call center training is listening surreptitiously. Yeah, um, so they were just opening the conversation. And isn’t that what we trained? A lot of major gift officers to do? I i spoke with someone earlier talking about breaking down the silos mean, so this is just an extension of what what i think is that conversation breaking down the seller’s between plan giving in major e-giving you’re just including students from the annual fund call center. The important thing about having conversations with people and getting to the core issues is being able to elicit trust for yourself from that person and whether it’s, a student caller or a major gift officer, the person on the other end of the phone could be made to feel so comfortable that they want to talk more and believe it or not, if we’re not asking for will’s, we’re not doing our job because every other charities out there doing the same, and in all these years of calling and in the thousands of people who have been called and followed up on, we have never gotten one case of somebody saying, how dare you ask me that? That is so inappropriate? And most people were thrilled to know you know what? What a great idea! I ought to include my alma mater in my will. Never not one complaint, not one complaint. Okay, well, you’ve screened the people who would be part of this, the in terms of the the prospects, and also highly trained, the caller’s it’s all done very sensitively and appropriately to the right, poole and never a single complaint. Excellent. Um, follow-up is critical to any solicitation or conversation of this type would what’s the follow-up this is really, i think, the key factor of this program you can’t do or launch some kind of program without proper follow-up because nothing is worse than a student coming back to your office ing wow, somebody just told us they’re they’re leading fifty thousand dollars in their will for us, and then we don’t call them for a year. I mean, that’s, that’s critical. So the follow-up has to be done with as much enthusiasm and passion, and what i decided to do was work with our data base folks and code these different calls. If somebody was just considering including us in their will, they were coded as a cb, considering a bequest. They got a letter from their student caller thanking them for considering and telling them it was nice to speak with them, and it was actually signed by that student. They also got a letter from me thanking them for considering and if they requested, information included information and so on. So there was there were a number of follow-up procedures and protocol that we were very, very religious on, he should say in terms of following of the the way to what the person wanted to receive all the way to giving them a call maybe six months to a year later, saying, you know, you know, mrs jones, you had one time thought about including us in your will would it be helpful to you of somebody from our office took you to coffee to discuss or would you like some more information? Okay, so that is a part of the follow-up six months or a year later. Yes. Yeah. What’s your preference for follow-up to someone who has said in one of these calls, you know, i’ve already included you in my will, which certainly has happened. Do you then request documentation or request that they fill out a simple form? Or is their word sufficient for you to include them in your recognition society? Well, after we send out the balloons and all the party favors to their house, yeah, we’ve really simplified it over the years. We do not request a copy of their documentation. However we do ask that they give us something in writing to specify their instructions, and it could be in using our simple form that we that we offer that helps them, or it could be in the form of an email or a note saying, dear can state, i’d i’d like my funds to go to the kent state university museum, for instance, so with that latto we, we include them as a member of our legacy society, and they get all kinds of acknowledgment there after it’s also the beginning of another conversation where we can say, you know, depending on how much is it comes to fruition at you could create a permanent endowment, and we can we can help you with that as well. And what what are you thinking there in terms of permanent damage? What type of gift are you tryingto encourage them to? This is simply where, if there’s sufficient funds through there, a st gift right now, endowments on the ken campus or twenty five thousand? Ok, so in other words, if they’re going to leave us at a minimum of twenty five thousand, we would like them to know that they have an opportunity to have a permanent impact at the institution with there area of interest could go. On teo in perpetuity, the program is requested. Request it’s at kent state university, and i’ve been talking to mindy ah lemon, who is the executive director of the center for gift and estate planning at the university, talking about harnessing your phone center power to increase plant gifts. Many element, thank you very much for being a guest. Thank you, tony. Been a real pleasure. You’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the national conference on philanthropic planning in san antonio, texas two thousand eleven. The attendant think dick tooting getting stinking thing. You’re listening to the talking, alternate network, get anything. E-giving you could are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Hi, this is psychic medium. Betsy cohen, host of the show. The power of intuition. Join me at talking alternative dot com mondays at eleven a. M call in for a free psychic reading. Learn how to tune into your intuition to feel better and to create your optimum life. I’m here to guide you and to assist you in creating life that you deserve. Listen every monday at eleven a, m on talking alternative dot com. Are you feeling overwhelmed in the current chaos of our changing times? A deeper understanding of authentic astrology can uncover solutions in every area of life. After all, metaphysics is just quantum physics, politically expressed, i and montgomery taylor and i offer lectures, seminars and private consultations. For more information, contact me at monte m o nt y at r l j media. Dot com talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Lively conversation. Top trends. Sound advice, that’s, tony martignetti non-profit radio. And i’m samantha cohen from the american civil liberties union. Welcome back now i have my interview from that same conference last year, last october with tanya how johnson and hears that. Welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the national conference on philanthropic planning, hosted by the partnership for philanthropic planning. We’re in san antonio, texas, and i’m very pleased to have with me the president and ceo of the partnership for philanthropic planning. Tanya. How johnson she’s going to be retiring in april of next year, two thousand twelve, after twenty years as president and ceo tanya welcome. Thank you. And thanks for having me, it’s. A pleasure to be here. A pleasure to be a sponsor and partner with the with the conference and with the partnership. No, this must be a pretty emotional time for you. It’s. The last conference. What would you say that of your presidency? Not certainly not of the of the organization of your presidency and chief executive officer ship. What are you feeling, it’s? A very bittersweet time. I have to admit, i’ve had twenty great years. I love this organization. I love all of the people that i’ve worked with, its bin a wonderful opportunity for me to give. Back to philanthropy and give back in some way to those people who have been important to me all my life from charitable organizations, so i’m very sad to leave. I’m excited about having one more career before i really retire, and i’m looking forward to exploring what those options are and hopefully staying in touch with everyone here. Of course, what do you have in mind for that next career? Well, what i’m telling everybody is that i’m going to write a tell all book that’ll scare them nobody’s gonna keep in touch with you then, but it’s too late. You already know it all all these years, i keep saying, i’m going to remember this, so no, actually, i haven’t made a definite decision yet. I’m exploring a number of options, okay? And leaving the window open and i hope by january i’ll have an announcement to make, okay? Okay, we’ll look forward to that, and i’m sure that will be on the website because people do want to get in touch with yes, absolutely so this is probably going to be on the partnerships website. Do you want to say a farewell something that is fitting for? Your imminent retirement well, i don’t know if i could say anything that was really fitting for my retirement, but i will be making some remarks later this afternoon here at the conference and will be video taping those, and so hopefully we’ll have a chance to get those out to members. It would be nice to be able to say a personal goodbye to everyone and and that’s, not really possible, but i hope through the magic of technology that we can do that, so i thank you for this opportunity as well. It’s been a pleasure on dh, thank you and congratulations. Thank you, tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the national conference on philanthropic planning. Right now, we take a break when we return. Tony’s, take two, one fact about planned e-giving and then after that, i’ll be joined by our legal contributors, jean takagi and emily chan, with kony complexities. Stay with me. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Are you feeling overwhelmed and the current chaos of our changing times? A deeper understanding of authentic astrology can uncover solutions in every area of life. After all, metaphysics is just quantum physics, politically expressed, i and montgomery taylor and i offer lectures, seminars and private consultations. For more information, contact me at monte m o nt y at r l j media. Dot com are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Dahna hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com welcome back, it’s, time for tony’s, take two at roughly thirty two minutes into the hour. My block this week is one fact about planned e-giving that fact is it’s a relationship business? People often get bogged down and i think even discouraged ged from starting a plan giving program because they think about technical concerns and needs for expertise, or sometimes people who already have programs get bogged down in administrative work. If you’re starting a program, you don’t need technical fancy advanced gift offerings to have a very solid and very respectable planned giving program, and that is, should be reassuring too small and midsize charities it’s just not necessary. You start with requests, which is a gift in someone’s will those air very simple for you to promote and for your prospects to understand, and you don’t need to go any further in a lot of cases. That’s, a very respectable program for small and midsize shop, just marketing and promoting charitable bequests and on my block this week in that post called one fact about planned e-giving there are links on how to get started because i did a series of articles for guide star they’re links to those articles explaining how you start a program just around charitable bequests. So the one fact about planned giving is that it’s a relationship business you don’t need fancy technical administrative stuff and it’s easy to get started just with requests, that is all at tony martignetti dot com and that’s tony’s take two for friday, march thirtieth, the thirteenth show of two thousand twelve now i have with me jean takagi and emily chan are you guys out there? Way are hi tony money. Hello, how are you joining me from san francisco and the non-profit and exempt organizations law group is jean takagi he’s, the principal of neo, and he edits the popular blogger at non-profit law block dot com on twitter he is at gi tak g ta ke emily chan is an attorney at the non-profit exempt organizations law group and principal contributor to the non-profit law blawg, and she is at emily chan on twitter. And emily chan just recently wanted a big, prestigious national fancy award. Won’t you tell us? Emily thanks, honey. M it is an award from the business law section non-profit organizations committee with the american bar association for us outstanding young lawyer i’m really honored and thankful to gene for making the nomination. All right. And that’s not just a san francisco or california award right attracted the national. Alright, congratulations. Thank you, jean takagi. If you don’t win an award within the next month, next time you supposed to be on the show, you’re you’re out! I think i’m already reporting family, so all right, so but that includes bowling trophies. If you can come home and come in with a bowling trophy between now and the next show, you’re still you’ll still be on. We’re going to talk about kony complexities, let’s see jean, why don’t you remind us what the cockney video is? Because there may be people who haven’t heard of it yet although eighty six million have, we may have listeners who are not among those eighty six million what’s the what’s, this cockney video and what is invisible children kony two thousand twelve, with a short thirty minutes video created by invisible children, was released earlier this month on as you said, tony, eighty six million views on you two, not including all of the views on coney or invisible children’s own. Website and other websites that have picked up the video. So it’s, a huge movement to promote invisible children’s mission to stop ugandan warm and war criminal, uh, who’s, draconian the kony two thousand twelve. It refers to joseph kony who’s brutal guerrilla warfare tactics with the lord’s resistance army or l r a in regions of central africa, particularly northern uganda. Uh includes the strategy of kidnapping children and using them soldiers for his efforts often, uh, using them to kill their own parents. So it’s, just a really, uh, atrocious were criminal out there that invisible children has targeted the video because it was so popular has caused sort of all about what caused a lot of conversation on both sides people in favor of and opposed teo the work of invisible children. And i think a good amount of envy that that that video got so widely distributed. Gene, there are some legal issues that that you and emily see what? Why don’t you get us started with this is thought about this us charity and its international work? Sure, i think that’s a good place to start first, there is the question about whether an american charity can get involved in international programming on having activities overseas. Well, there’s nothing in federal law that would prohibit a u s organisation five, twenty three public charity from engaging in international operations. But of course the organization would have to comply with the laws of that foreign jurisdiction. And in this case, invisible children has an affiliated organization. Invisible children ngo that was formed in central africa on is kind of a partner in their programming over there. So invisible children, public charity, the us public charity engages in grantmaking to the ugandan ngo that’s related on de emily that that foreign grantmaking that’s that could be a concern. Yes, absolutely similar to the same kind of concerns that we have domestically about the use of five to one say, three assets. This concerns certainly becomes more complicated and maybe more severe when we’re talking about money going abroad. Um and so the level of control and oversight on the due diligence that an organization is doing to make sure that money is used properly, something that any organization with foreign grantmaking should be aware of and take care of, okay, and and what are those? What are? The concerns i mean, what are the tests that we’re looking at for whether the grantmaking is is appropriate abroad? Well, they’re quite a handful of tests, so to start on a basic level, any of the five o one c three rules still applied to foreign operations, so concerns about inappropriate benefit to insiders to private individuals for being used for purposes outside of the exempt purpose of the organization, which again must still be consistent with our domestic five twenty three regulations, but also so so so so the so the irs is arm extends beyond just us borders. If you’re a u s five twenty three, your international work is governed by the same constraints as you’re us grantmaking yeah, parts of it work, and i will have, you know, two bodies essentially or more than it may be reporting to you because it is a us non-profit so it does have to comply with u s laws but speaks touch now, it’s getting involved in a foreign country now, you also have to look at the foreign country and figure out what rules would apply as well. So another concern with this grantmaking assad for individual teo donate teo a public charity while that money can be used abroad, it cannot be earmarked to go abroad. I can’t not be earmarked to go to a specific individual, and this is consistent with the same kind of rules you see domestically were again, it can’t be earmarked. Go to specific individuals to get that charitable deduction on. And it goes back to that level of control and discretion that domestic non-profit should have to make sure that it’s actually using the money and further and it’s exempt purposes, and following through with that money to make sure that it’s being used properly by the recipients do we know how much money, um, invisible children was devoting. Teo er non us grantmaking. Yeah, i believe gene has the statistic on hand. Sure. It’s it’s about two point three million dollars in their two thousand ten form nine. Ninety that was reported going towards there. Foreign ngo. Okay, i wanted teo just sort of ad tio empoli comments about not earmarking donations to foreign individuals, but that would also include foreign ngos. If you as a donor, earmark your donation to us charity and say it must go to a specific foreign ngo you will not get a deductible contribution, and the charity will not really be operating consistent with it. Uh, legal requirements toe exercise oversight over that if they’re just merely acting as a conduit. So those things for donors and cherries to be careful of. So in other words, gene, invisible children can’t say up front that it’s going to make grants to i don’t know, you know, some you ugandan grassroots organization, they can’t do that. They say that the donations that they receive are specifically going there. They say that one of the recipients is that ngo okay, okay, um was there i’m sorry i interrupted you. Was there another point you wanted to make about this international grantmaking sure, i just wanted to make sure that everyone was aware that they’re anti terrorism laws that also may apply on us what policy? So you’ve got to be careful of making sure that you’re not acting against us public policy in your porn grantmaking okay, now, that’s just in the grantmaking so that wouldn’t apply to the video that they had done, right, that it wouldn’t matter whether that position against joseph kony was against us policy, right? It actually could matter-ness just okay. All right, how’s that well, if you’re using a charitable funds for which organ donors got deductions for and for which you are not paying taxes can’t use those funds to promote, for example, racial discrimination because that’s against us public policy and that’s true, whether you do it domestically or abroad. Ok. All right, so so, eh? So if the u s had a policy of supporting joseph kony just hypothetically, then they then then invisible children would have trouble with the video that they just produced. Is that right? If they used if they use charitable funds for it that’s that’s, right. Okay. Okay. Just a hypothetical. I don’t know. It’s a law school, hypothetical man, i know you guys were rolling your eyes in san francisco, but i’m amusing myself. So actually something else. Do i wantedto arika with grantmaking that gene and i were discussing recently about the relationship that’s happening here with invisible children of domestic non-profit and grantmaking teo ngo. So, emily, you and jean sit around the office and talk about these things. Do let’s expect that’s? Incredible that’s. I love that. Okay. Well, i mean, that’s what that’s, what lawyers working for non-profits ought to be doing is just yeah, it’s good to hear good years, not just with me. You guys share share information offline. Outstanding. Okay? Whenever a story like this comes out, we do think there’s always lessons to be learned and takeaways, especially when it gets so much attention on. So one interesting fact that jean notice what grantmaking is to an ngo by the same name, invisible children abroad. So this is the organization that was set up essentially in another country. And we’re just thinking from the perspective of an organization that if there is let’s, say hi overlap between the individuals running the domestic non-profit and then the recipient ngo abroad, that maybe the level of discretion that you used on the due diligence on the information you put out let’s, say with your annual reports or your filings, or even on your website, you may want to pursue a higher level of that two again show that there is a step in between the two and it’s not just becoming a conduit, essentially, or collapsing into the same group of people and you discovered this we have just about a minute before break you discovered this or jean discovered it on the nine, ninety. Yeah, essentially that that’s. Right. So, on the nine, ninety, they report they’re grantmaking teo, invisible children, the ngo, but we don’t know very much about invisible children, the ngos. So wait three million went that way. How did they spend their money? And you know what type of due diligence is there that’s not really available to us or the irs, unless they decide to audit the organization. But you are saying that that invisible children has an office in uganda and not invisible children, the us public charity. They formed a ugandan ngo, central african ngo teo teo, okay, and it’s also called invisible children correct. I understand, okay, we’re gonna take a break. When we come back. We’ll keep talking about kony complexities, so stay with me in this crack legal award winning team. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Hi, i’m carol ward from the body mind wellness program. Listen to my show for ideas and information to help you live a healthier life in body, mind and spirit, you’ll hear from terrific guests who are experts in the areas of health, wellness and creativity. So join me every thursday at eleven a, m eastern standard time on talking alternative dot com professionals serving community. Oh, this is tony martignetti aptly named host of tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent technology fund-raising compliance, social media, small and medium non-profits have needs in all these areas. My guests are expert in all these areas and mohr. Tony martignetti non-profit radio fridays one to two eastern on talking alternative broadcasting. Are you concerned about the future of your business for career? Would you like it all to just be better? Well, the way to do that is to better communication. And the best way to do that is training from the team at improving communications. This is larry sharp, host of the ivory tower radio program and director at improving communications. Does your office need better leadership? Customer service sales or maybe better writing are speaking skills? Could they be better at dealing with confrontation conflicts, touchy subjects all are covered here at improving communications. If you’re in the new york city area, stop by one of our public classes or get your human resource is in touch with us. The website is improving communications, dot com that’s improving communications, dot com improve your professional environment, be more effective be happier and make more money. Improving communications. That’s. The answer. Told you. Welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent on tony martignetti non-profit radio gene. Before the break, we were talking about the international of the ugandan ngo invisible children and the us invisible children. It sounds like your advice is is just really that there has to be separation between the two, similar to a charity that is in the us and maybe its foundation fund-raising arm. Also here in the u s is there a parallel there? Well, most most charities have their fund-raising arms within the legal entity of the charity itself. There are some organizations that separate out there fund-raising units like an endowment is a separate corporation for risk management purposes and asset protection. So the separation that you’re talking about for those reasons, is similar to what a u s charity and a foreign related nto would need to do with. Well, yeah. Okay. This is this is really some crack forensic work that you guys did finding this in the nine. Ninety. Very interesting. And then, of course, nine nineties all publicly available. Right? That emily, is there another topic you want to? You want to talk about with respect? To the invisible children that we also in looking at the nine, ninety found some interesting information about the progression or, i guess, evolution of the organization’s mission. And again, this is all coming from this publicly available annual information return on, we see that this is all from guidestar, which gives you about the three most current years. In two thousand eight, we see a pretty broad description of the organization’s mission in part three of the nine, ninety, which focuses on program i’m activities, which basically says it’s media based awareness and advocacy provoc grams in the us, we see that in two thousand nine that it now becomes more specific, stating that it’s about raising awareness and education in the us about atrocities, exploitation and abuse is invisible children throughout the world here, now we see a focus on invisible children, and then in the most recent filing available from two thousand ten, we actually see it become even more specific where it says that invisible children uses film, creativity and social action toe and the use of children, soldiers and joseph tony’s rebel war and restore l r et affected communities in central africa to peace and prosperity. So again, even more focused, yeah, so what’s the impact of these changes over three years, there’s quite there could be many impact from this. The first is that one question someone would have is whether this is consistent with their governing documents, because, again, this is an information return. So even if the mission has one thing, you really have to look to your articles of incorporation and those documents to see what actually what purpose you’re supposed to be furthering. So with those documents, the articles of incorporation and the mission statement within them have to have been updated and become more specific from year to year, the way the nine, ninety reports that did they absolutely should, for a couple of reasons, one is, you know, the articles of incorporation are not really accessible to the public. I mean, you’d have to request them. You’d have to be a certain person in the organization, possibly get that information. So for one, communication with donors is very important. Um, and you’re funders into the public, and you would want that to mirror your governing documents in any kind of public information. You have another issue more. Legal issue has to do with the use of your charitable assets that you received so there’s a concept called charitable trust doctrine, which essentially says that the assets you received azzan organization are locked into the mission that you have at the time that you get those so if, for example, in two thousand eight, it has very actually no let’s focus on the two thousand ten right, the most specific two thousand ten, the most specific year, right? And then let’s say in the next year they’re going toe they’re going change it again just in their own internal understanding of how they want their mission to be on, and they’re going to focus on the new region unless they’ve amended their governing documents, even if internally they believe now they’re focusing on a new area under their state shirt will trust doctor, and they were not probably cannot use those assets that are being received. After internally, they decided to make a change to this new focus. What saying another country it’s still going to be locked into this joseph kony rubble war, right? Because because that money was raised in two thousand ten, which was their charitable purpose at that at the time it was raised, right? Interesting god. And so this is just important for organizations to know we seen this, you know, in other cases where an organization has decided internally, it evolved it’s starting to change its focus, but it hasn’t changed its governing documents. And so all the assets that’s receiving are locked into that mission that is still stated in their governing documents. So this is very important for organizations tio check their governing documents also because they’re there for a reason that really helps guide the organization. And why don’t you just remind us, emily, what are those governing documents? Articles of incorporation general will be the most important and then there’s also your by-laws which could be more specific than your articles that this all would play into germany. What your mission, wass i’m and then also just looking at your information return. So the nine, ninety things that you put on your website that can go to misrepresentation with donors on other issues like that, if it’s not consistent and people are donating under a belief of where it’s going, that is actually something that the organization can do yes. Okay. All right. This was a really interesting forensic work. Really? Are you guys going tobe log about this? Yeah, i think so. You know, i’ve been thinking about this week’s show and having this discussion. I think a lot of interesting topics have come out from it that we absolutely would want teo make available to everyone. Okay, well, if you block it, then let us know, and we’ll put the link, of course, on the show’s facebook page. All right, wey have to leave it there. Emily chan and jian takagi, prince attorney and principal respectively, of neo. The non-profit and exempt organizations law group in san francisco. Thanks both for your time. Always a pleasure. Next week, campaign feasibility studies. If we can have fun with this topic, then there’s no stopping twenty martignetti non-profit radio eugenia cologne, a consultant in that area of campaign feasibility studies. Makes sense of what their value is and what the best practices are. And if you know something that rhymes with feasibility, please put that on the facebook page. I want to thank you. Mindy holloman, tanya how johnson and the folks at the partnership for philanthropic planning. For all their work and helping me to be a media sponsor for their conference last year and get those interviews to you that we played today and special thanks to gloria cur mean, at the partnership for those of you who are listening to the podcast, i’m speaking to both of you. Now i would love for you each of you, each of both of you to have to give a rating to the show, because right now on the itunes paige there’s so few ratings that that itunes won’t give a rating. So and actually, there are more than two of you that listen, i would beseech you to please go to itunes, are page in itunes and just click one through five stars. One means you hate it. Five means it’s great and we would love. I would be very grateful to have enough reviews that itunes feels comfortable giving us a of one through five star reading, and you can go directly to our itunes paige in itunes. Or you can go through non-profit radio dot net. The show is sponsored by g grace and company. Are you worried about the rising cost of rent for your organization, do you need a plan for real estate that you’re non-profit owns? George grace has been advising non-profits on their real estate decisions for over twenty five years. He offers listeners a complimentary thirty minute consultation. They are at g grace dot com or eight eight eight seven four seven two two three, seven. I hope you’ll be with us for the next live show on talking alternative, which is betsy cohen’s power of intuition. You don’t have to listen through the weekend, although you certainly can, because we’re streaming all time, but the next live show is monday at eleven betsey’s show. Power of intuition. Our creative producer was claire meyerhoff. Janice taylor is our line producer. The show’s social media is by regina walton of organic social media and the remote producer of tony martignetti non-profit radio is john federico of the new rules. 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A Conversation With Naomi Levine

She’s the free-spoken executive director of the Heyman Center for Philanthropy and Fundraising at New York University. We sat down for a lively chat last year at the Helmsley Park Lane Hotel, where I hosted a reception for my radio show. (We were in the Leona Helmsley suite. Woo hoo!)

Mrs. Levine shared her thoughts about professionalizing fundraising and enhancing its stature; the role of trustees; government oversight; motivation for small charities; and the future of the charity community. The video is below.

I’ll also play the interview on my show this week (along with Marc Ecko and Craig Newmark interviews).

My YouTube channel has over 70 high def videos with the likes of Seth Godin; Majora Carter; Rachel Sklar; Charles Best; and my stand-up comedy. Check it out!