Tag Archives: Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio

Nonprofit Radio for April 8, 2016: Pay Attention To NTEN & NTC & Volunteer Training Long Distance

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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My Guests:

Amy Sample Ward: Pay Attention To NTEN & NTC

With Amy Sample Ward at 16NTC

The Nonprofit Technology Network & their annual Nonprofit Technology Conference are outstanding resources for everyone who uses technology for social change. Who doesn’t use technology? You need to check out their excellent online and real time programs; affordable membership; smart conferences; and great value—including for non-members. Amy Sample Ward is our social media contributor and NTEN’s CEO. (Recorded at NTC 2 weeks ago).


Chad Leaman & Ashleigh Turner: Volunteer Training Long Distance

Chad Leaman and Ashleigh Turner at 16NTC

Do you have volunteers who can’t always make it to your office? Bring your training to them! We’ll talk about learning styles; pros & cons of tools like Moodle, Collaborate and TeamViewer; and the value of open source resources. Chad Leaman is director of development at Neil Squire Society and Ashleigh Turner is communications manager at Options for Sexual Health. (Also from NTC).


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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. Oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d come down with mette hemoglobin e mia if our conversation bled into why you missed today’s show, pay attention to n ten and auntie si the non-profit technology network and their annual non-profit technology conference are outstanding resource is for everyone who uses technology for social change and who doesn’t? You need to check out their excellent online and real time programs, affordable membership, smart conferences and great value, including for non members. Amy sample ward is our social media contributor and intends ceo of course i was just at and t c two weeks ago and that’s where amy and i talked also volunteer training long distance do you have volunteers who can’t always make it to your office? Bring your training to them. We’ll talk about learning styles on dh pros and cons of tools like mu tal, collaborate and teamviewer and the value of open source resource is that is also from ntcdinosaur on tony’s, take two blue pedicure challenge reduction we’re sponsored by pursuant full service fund-raising data driven and technology enabled you’ll raise more money pursuant dot com and by crowdster online and mobile fund-raising software for non-profits now with apple pay crowdster dot com here are amy sample ward and i from and t c just two weeks ago. Welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of sixteen and t c that’s the twenty six steen non-profit technology conference hosted by n ten, the non-profit technology network at the convention center in san jose, california, and with me now is amy sample ward, ceo of non-profit technology network. Welcome amy. Thank you for having me. Thanks for coming all the way to the show. Absolutely from from new york and north carolina. It’s ah, it’s. Always a pleasure to meet you in person. Yeah, do so we don’t get. Yeah, we don’t get to see each other in person very often. No, your voice is the same. Thank you. You sound like yourself. You think we’re highlighting one and ten swag item? Oh, and one ntcdinosaur ag item each interview, and right now, of course i’ve got my ten headband. You probably didn’t notice that i was wearing a amy suggested exercise video, so i could be doing i could be doing yoga or squat thrust, but we have a small lead us in some jazzercise. So i’m going to take this off now and added to the swag pile. We’re all the all the swag for the show goes okay, sixteen ntcdinosaur yeah, here we are. How we doing? Way we got it. We got two thousand people. Yeah, way exactly. It’s. I am surprising how many people two thousand is when it’s in one room. You know, i think in my mind, two thousand seems like kind of, you know, it’s a big conference, but it’s not a huge conference, you know, you hear about conference like dreamforce with, you know, sell by self. What, like an entire town is coming to this conference? So our seems so small and then, you know, and like in the morning planter everybody’s in there and you look at you like there’s, a lot of people here this is actually a pretty big conference. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Turns out there are a whole lot of people that want to talk about technology for use in their non-profit at a growing number every year. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, let’s. See? So, what are some highlights for people who are here? But of course they’re listening and tc conversation tonight there will be available starting tonight, and we want to even tease twenty seventeen. Yeah, we got twenty, five hundred people e like my overreaching twenty twenty. I don’t, i don’t think twenty five hundred. I mean, sure, you’re welcome to come, but i just think we’ll get there. No, i mean, our goal isn’t necessarily to try and grow in every year. We want to make sure we’re still serving everybody. So you’ll be ambitious and we’ll be conservative. Okay? Okay, yeah, i liked so, soldier were so highlights of this year. Well of you are on site. A couple highlights. You definitely need to make sure you go to selfie town selfie town and take some photos with the big t rex. Yeah, well, good. We can do a selfie and sell freetown unite, okay? And we’ve got i mean, all the session, all the folks that you’re interviewing there are over a hundred twenty sessions in three days. So whether you’re here or not, you don’t have to go for like, ten minutes into every single session every break out, teo, get all that content there’s what we call collaborative notes so they’re google docks for every single session where attendees in real time in the session take notes about what’s being presented so that everybody else can benefit from that knowledge even if you’re not in that room that we call them collaborative notes. But the links are just in the agenda online. So you khun browse through, see what people are writing down? Does that do this year? No, it’s not we’ve done it. We’ve done it every year for a number of years now because people like it so much, you know? They know, even if i don’t go to that session, i could just look up the collaborative notes and see what people wrote down. Yeah, exactly. And then it helps for folks who aren’t here to, they can see that, but i think even though you know, there are lots of different tools every year that people use people consistently use twitter the most of the conference, even if they’re not a big twitter user the rest of the year. So following the sixteen inches hashtag or every session has its own hashtag like sixteen auntie sees something, so if you see on the online agenda, even if you’re not here that you really want to follow that session, you know, just put that into a twitter search even if you’re not a twitter user and follow along. What what folks are saying? Because people post so you can’t read all of them all of the treats you have tio, you know, filter it out, but because i think that’s what’s different about the ntc people want to be sharing what they’re learning, you know or share what they know it’s not like, oh, i’m here to learn everything and write it down in my secret notebook, you know? Yeah, but intent is not like that either. Exactly. Well, look, by the way, let’s put a little shout out for another hashtag non-profit radio yes, i can’t say that we suffer from too much you can’t follow-up it’s not however i mean it does well it’s respectable hashtag yeah tech non-profit radio no intend intent is definitely a very collaborative sharing. I mean, even for non members. Yeah, you have a ton of content available, you know about the year. Exactly. Yeah. This morning at the plenary, i was highlighting one aspect of intense content. And today was the research that we do so five to eight reports every year some of those we do by ourselves because we just need them to happen on others we do with partners or sponsors. So them, the most recent report is the state of the cloud, which we’ve only done one previous time, and that was four years ago. And the difference between that report and this report is that now one hundred percent of people responding said they use at least one cloud tool, whereas that was not true four years ago. So looking now, okay, if we do that report again in a couple of years, what’s the difference, then everyone says they use at least to everyone, you know, clearly that’s the trend. So but all of that, i mean, that report and all of the rest of our research you can download even if you’re not remember. So go use that knowledge, especially if you’re trying to make the case to your board or to your staff that you want to change something the research is there to support better decision making and ten dot org’s because you don’t know now intent. This’s. Eventually i’ve been to your nine nine because i’m a member yet that i’m a donor. Yeah, in a nosey where’s, the you’re underpaid should be lobbying for double double n t e end. But it’s non-profit technology enterprise network that is the original name when we were incorporated by what happened to them. Well, i’m pretty sure that, like on day two, after having that name, enterprise didn’t make any sense. I don’t even know really what enterprise was meant. Teo really symbolize a lot of people, actually think, you know, just cause they haven’t looked up. R r incorporated name. Ah lot of people think the e stands for education, so we’ll get we’ll get people writing to us. Say, non-profit technology education network, which sounds great. It’s, not us. Maybe that is an organization out there, but yeah, do not donate to the non-profit technology. Education work, right? Yes. You want to give to end exactly the legitimate riel and ten? Yes. Okay. Just a little novelist thing about. Yeah, in the ensign history. Yeah. If antennas ever a category on jeopardy. That what does the e stand for? Could be one of the topics. Yeah, and you will get it right. Enterprise. A village, it times. You’re tuned to non-profit radio. Tony martignetti also hosts a podcast for the chronicle of philanthropy fund-raising fundamentals is a quick ten minute burst of fund-raising insights, published once a month. Tony’s guests are expert in crowdfunding, mobile giving event fund-raising direct mail and donor cultivation. Really, all the fund-raising issues that make you wonder, am i doing this right? Is there a better way there is? Find the fund-raising fundamentals archive durney martignetti dot com that’s marketmesuite n e t t i remember there’s, a g before the end, thousands of listeners have subscribed on itunes. You can also learn maura, the chronicle website philanthropy dot com fund-raising fundamentals the better way. Dahna okay, but no it’s very collaborative. Now, even, you know, if you’re not a member, you’re welcome tow to the to the club’s. Yep. Throughout all the way. Yeah, yeah, we have tech clubs that air in the u s in canada, in poland. Yeah, and if you want to start one wherever you are, happy to help you start one, even if you don’t intend member, even if you’re not in in ten member that’s. Wonderful. Yeah. Ok, so that so you’re fostering that kind of exactly hearing and this is no surprise. I mean, there’s, you see, you know, we’re not an association. We are a c three and we have a membership because for us, membership helps us know that we’re either on track or we’re not. If nobody wants to join anymore, then we’re clearly not delivering value. And if people want to join and they want to renew, okay, then we’re on the right path. You know, it’s an indicator for us, it’s, not our business. We’re not an association, and we’re never going to achieve our mission by saying everyone has to be a member, right? If if our mission is really that all non-profits are able to use technology to really do their work to really meet their mission. Well, we can’t say they all have to be members because then it’s gonna be even harder to reach an already impossible mission, right? We’re creating way too many barriers for ourselves. Yeah, actually, that’s what i admire about the organization i do embody that also where you share on non-profit radio month after month after month for three years. Now you kayman after that. You came after the hundredth show? Yeah. Hundred schnoll was your first. Yes, it was my very first. We’re coming up on three hundred this july. Yes. So that b two hundred sho? Yeah. Four yearsworth. Exactly. Yeah, and thank you. Thank you for giving me access to your stage. Yeah, very welcome. Anytime. Yeah. You’re going to stick it out through july, right? I think so. Yeah. Three hundred? Yeah. Six years. Okay. Back-up let’s say, you know, this is our opportunity, our annual opportunity. Tio recap. Inten yeah. Uh, right now we know the mission. Of what way do you want to become a member? He’s? Very like me to say affordable, yes. Very reasonably accessible, accessible. Yeah, like, yeah, it’s. Not cheap. Okay, yeah, we’re accessible. Yeah. Run that down. So if you are for the most common situation, is that a non-profit has less than five hundred thousand a year? Is your annual operating budget that the majority of non-profits non-profit radio listeners? Yeah, exactly. Yet. So it’s seventy dollars for a year for all of your staff to be that members all your staff, the whole organisation, as many people as you want to have joined. Exactly that. If you’re at that budget level that annual revenue with an annual budget of a half million dollars yellow as many people, you can stuff into a membership welcome for seventy bucks. Exactly. And you save three hundred dollars on all of those people coming to the ndc. Um plus, of course, there’s all the benefits he around, you know that aren’t just here at the ntc, you have access to webinars either at a reduced rate or for free. So for example, you were just on one of our ask the expert webinars and noser those air free. But they’re only open to members. So you get to talk to smart people like tony every month and ask question about all different topics on dh those have really spanned, you know, sometimes like yours was on podcasting, so much more niche, but then there’s others where they’ve been about, you know, finance or hr, what are the tools for that? What are the things i haven’t even been thinking i’m supposed to be doing? You know, all kinds of topics on dh, then outside of education discounts and auntie si discounts, members are promoted through all of our content channel, so you should be submitting a guest article for one of our topics each month. There’s a different topic on the website participating and research participating in tech clubs. You know, we want to make sure that if you are remember, we’re promoting you up and you’re getting access to leadership, you’re getting to be a volunteer and have you no access to new skillsets through that mean, really, we want to make sure if there’s something that we d’oh or something that we can do that helps you in your career were providing that avenue throughout town about thie over half a million dollars a year budget what’s the what’s the cost there for membership. Then the costs go up by your operating budget kind of level. So under five hundred above above that up to a million and there’s tears from there. But even the highest here, i believe, is three. Thirty five. Oh, my god. So even if you have millions and millions of position, right, three hundred thirty five dollars, right? So we’re talking. Yes. Accessible? Yes, exactly. All right. Well, should we? You know, we should, uh, a little more a little more about the ntc because we wait. We kind of glossed over where we’re sitting right now. Yeah, what’s coming up days two and three. So, yeah, so tomorrow we have at the plenary at least three different folks who are going to talk, you know, this morning we had ignites. So those air five minute kind of short conversations tomorrow are three key notes are going to have a really luxurious fifteen minutes to talk, and then we’re going to have a conversation together. And they’re all talking about different perspectives around digital equity. So looking at myths that we all may be ah participating in or believing when it comes to who is online, who has access to our beautiful emails were crafting every day, you know? And what does that mean as faras our own digital strategy for not thinking about who’s really trying to access our content? But we’re jumping all over, okay? And ten last year, this was an issue you and i talked about on the show was was encouraging. Uh, non-profits to do speak to the fcc to make comments about the deal was a digital inclusion actors so that’s that’s that actor’s past. We’ve passed that yet? Yeah, and we also last year had a report similar on a similar topic around digital adoption and whether organizations even saw themselves as part of that work, you know? So i think tomorrow will be a good kind of next next section of that conversation. Yeah, sensibility, but equity, exactly. Yeah. Accessibility, let’s make it right. Just because a library exists doesn’t mean we all have access to that library either, right or the times it’s open or the limited number of computers there, maybe. Or the bus fare to even go on our on the bus to get to. But, you know, all of these pieces contribute to us thinking, oh, everybody, you know, because this is san jose or because i live in portland and it’s a city everyone’s online, they’re not still write. So are different presenters were going to talk about some of those misperceptions both urban settings, suburban, rural settings, a cz well as larger systemic, you know? So who is making the tools we’re using that’s? Not necessarily all of us a right. So does that mean that they’re going to somehow make a tool? That’s really great for me if if someone like me isn’t part of that process, so just kind of raising a lot of questions, i think i don’t know that there’ll be a lot of answers tomorrow, but there’ll be a lot of questions on and then we’ll have a bit of a conversation. So i think that’ll be a good day, too. You know, the first day we got to feel things out, meet some new people. Tomorrow we can go a little heavy, and then on the final day on friday, we’ll have more of those ignite presentations. And the theme for friday’s ignite is it is oh, makers n p tech makers today was my blank career. Yeah. Yeah, makers. Friday, what’s makers, makers. So these are people who have made a tool there, people who have made a community there, people who have made something inspirational in their life. They ve made a physical space, you know, they’ve they i think folks are taking a pretty diverse definition. Turn on friday. Yeah, yeah, but i’ve had the opportunity to hear all of their talks ahead of time as they submitted their slides and came to rehearsal. And they’re kind of all over the place. It’s going to be great. Okay. Yeah. It’s ignite sessions, your slides move automatically. Your whether you’re ready for them to move or not. Right. Exactly. Every every how many seconds? Every fifteen seconds. Yes. All right. Yeah. You got to keep pace with your slides. Exactly. Your husband max, is stage managing. Yes. Oh, he’s there with a stopwatch, i presume. You know, wave automated that power but it’s every fifteen seconds. Yeah, exactly. And you know it’s surprising how much you can say in fifteen seconds if you planned for it. If you are someone who you know is going toe into it your way through your presentation you’re waiting for to slide, to pop up and then you kind of react to it. You will never stay out of it, you know? You have to have thought ok, i could only make one point per slide, right cause fifteen seconds. Just going to fly by. Yeah, ignite. Yes, yes, i think they’re a spectator sport. You know, that’s why? They’re great. That’s. Why? They’re great for the ndc. So what was the reaction today at the my blank career ignites? They were really great. They similarly, we’re kind of taking a few different paths. There were a couple folks whose ignite story personal story was more about, you know, reflecting back and thinking, oh, i actually have had a career, you know, first is all these different jobs that at the time felt like a totally different path every time i took the, you know, took a new job. Now, looking back, i can see there is a through line, right? And there was some sort of purpose to all of this on dh then and then a few folks talked about kind of challenges that they’ve had. So, you know, in my career have i made the right decision. Or was i really kind of living the values i said? I wass or was i kind of leaving people in the dust as i went through there? So i think there were some good contemplated sessions and some some funny ones, as people realised, you know, for example, molly. Her title was my cheese castle career, because in wisconsin, she worked at the mars she’s castle, and, you know, she learned some valuable career lessons while working in a cheese factory. So, yeah, we’re learning every day, exactly, exactly, technology. Wait, we should teo little more shout out about about intend, okay, the features of of what you’ve got going on, whether or not a member, you know what else is happening there. So i think some of the biggest stuff that’s goingto go on this year twenty sixteen wise for antennas where, where? Changing a bit of what we consider our educational programs and, you know, it’s twenty sixteen it’s pretty easy to come across a webinar on the internet, you know, and we’ve always held very high standards for content that was in a, you know, an online program like a webinar for ourselves, but that doesn’t mean anyone else knows that our standards air different than anyone else’s on dh. So what we’re going to do this year is change that focus and have it be really explicitly on training. So if you want to participate in a program with us, even if it’s a one time program there will be learning objectives, there’s, homework, there’s, riel, riel training that outcomes that, you know you’re getting on dh, that you can actually do a number of those and have them add up to a non-profit technology perfect. Professional certificate so if you complete enough programs in, you know, a year will be able to give you a certificate creating a sort of exactly and ten certification yet exactly. Oh, yeah, and that way, folks, you know, that we’ve heard from for years have who come to intend for training because a there’s nowhere else maybe that they thought they could go or was directly on the content that we had, you know, four non-profits on technology versus just maybe technology for anyone or more business focused, but also that there’s some sort of validation, they know these things, right? I mean, i think a very common story you’ll hear even at the anti sees that people say, you know, i was hired to do x i was hired to be the communications manager, but actually, i’m now in charge of our website, you know, i’m working with our advocacy team on all of our data management, and i want to prove that i have technical skills, even though maybe that hadn’t been written into the job description when i was hired esso i could i’ve either get a raise or maybe go to a different team or go to another organization, but i can’t i can’t prove i have those skills, you know, cause i don’t have my college degree in this topic, you know, tc conferences, right? Exactly. I yes, i have my own learning, but i don’t have a way of proving exactly what this is all led to exactly. Yeah, yeah. So that, you know, we’re not trying to say this is like your master’s program or anything exactly it’s professional certificate to help you have that proof that someone else can stand behind you and say yes, you know, tony really does know these things. Okay, you know, what is this certification called the non-profit technology professional certificate. Okay. Very aptly, yes. You know, i believe in naming things for what they are. No, you’re non-profit radio, you know, that’s what it is. Okay, so you haven’t rolled this out officially technically yet? No, we’ll be announcing it at tomorrow’s plenary. But, you know, the kind of shift in training away from more one time webinars that feel, you know, like you showed up. And then you left into webinars that have those riel learning outcomes. That’s that’s already kind of a shift. That we’re making in our scheduling and planning for all of our program’s going forward. So we’re going to see, like, two credits, this this will be we probably won’t call them credits no, because it’ll just be a class a program, okay, how do you how do you lead to you? How do you know what you need to do to get the certification? Ah, well, first it’s all on the website, but there’s a corps. So, you know, no matter what, you’ll take this kind of ten week, make sure you have skills across an organization, and then you just have to take five more more courses during the rest of the year. So you just pick oh, this one really interest me or i want to only do one on fund-raising because that’s, where i’m trying to prove i have these skills or, you know, so you kind of choose or they’re kind of like electives, you know, the rest of the time, okay? Yeah. Yeah, just one certification, not different tracks. So i know now is this ash, shepherds, department abilities and he’s education? Yeah. He’s, the education director. S o he’s. Certainly deeply involved, but like anything it in ten. This is every all hands on deck. You know, everybody controlled contributes yet exactly because at the end of the day, it’s going to take communities and take membership. It’s going take marketing. You know, everybody is gonna have to be a part of it being successful. Okay? Yeah, we have another couple of minutes to get. Okay, what else you want to shout out about and ten for twenty sixteen or maybe even ntcdinosaur nt s o the twenty seventeen ntc will be the same dates is this year, so you can go ahead and reserve on your calendar now, march twenty to twenty five. Just the you know, the full four days for however, everything that plan’s out so same dates and we’ll be in washington d c back at the gay lord where we were that we were we’ve never been at the gaylord. Where at the wardman park marriott wardman park. Oh, that’s. What? We were looking for something else. I’m sorry. No it’s. Okay. It wasn’t a competitor to intend. No worries on wardman park that’s where we were two years ago. Right it three years ago, however many years ago, it was yeah, for the fort fourteen. Auntie si for the fourteen. Because there’s. Sixteen and then we’ve got every three years. Yeah, back. Yes, yes, it was marriott wardman park. Cause i was shout out the beginning of the buy-in beginning of every interview. Sure, mary-jo? Yes, just okay. Okay. So that’s twenty seventeen, same dates. More? Yep. So, anybody just i mean, same processes every other year so anybody can submit a anti seizure shin idea. It could be a session that you want to present. It could be a session that you want to attend and you know, you’re basically saying, please, someone delivered this session for me because it’s what i want to learn on and that will open at the end of may, and that will be open for six weeks. So all the way through june and then in july and maybe a little bit and august, i think mostly in july is when everybody convert on sessions help filter down that list we normally have between four and six hundred submissions and there’s only going to be one hundred twenty, two hundred thirty on the agenda. So the voting really helps us. Yeah, and that that way by the fall we can say here’s the lineup and registration opens november first. Okay? Yeah. Twenty seventeen will there be? You think they’ll be anti seek conversation again next year was too hard to tell whether we’ll be. Yeah, i dont evening or converse is yeah, we don’t have a lot of knowledge as faras those services will be something they’ll be. Something goes you can’t go. Yes, exactly. There’s always something. Even if it’s collaborative notes there’s always something for folks who can’t come. Okay, yeah, i’m proud to be the host of ntc conversation. Yeah, everyone of the sessions at the end of the day is going to be uploaded yet on dh available on soundcloud on the ten sandorkraut account. Yep, exactly yet. And we’ll post them all on the ntc website on the ntc conversations page so you can just click right through the agenda. Okay, yeah, in the coming months, we’re all going to be out non-profit radio exactly as well. Every sample work it’s true. Yeah. I’m awesome. Thanks for having me. My pleasure always. Hey, twenty martignetti non-profit radio coverage of twenty sixteen non-profit technology conference the hashtag sixteen ntc thank you so much for being with us. Volunteered training long distance is coming up first. Pursuant their tools are made for small and midsize non-profits that’s why their sponsors? It fits perfectly. You choose what he works for you and leave the rest behind it’s like ala carte fund-raising management. Very simple. Check out the tools pursuant. Dot com crowdster continues their deal for non-profit radio listeners get thirty days free or fifty percent off. You could try a crowdster peer-to-peer fund-raising sight completely free for a month. Or take the half ofthe deal that means pay for a month and get a month free. Sign up for two months. Get two months free it’s for for two or six for three or ate for four. You see the pattern developing its its doubles. Or you could take the three months. Claim your deal at crowdster dot com in the chat window. Tell them you’re from non-profit radio and choose which deal you want now. It’s. Time for tony’s take two it’s blue pedicure challenge reduction. Just like where in the world else would you go? The blue pedicure challenge returns. This is part two of me in the salon after my friends from high school challenged me to get a blue pedicure if they got metoo three hundred facebook likes back in twenty thirteen i do the powerful treatment, of course you gotta have the callous removal, the color application and of course the drying follows immediately. I know, i know, i know a lot of you know that men may not, but you gotta have the drying. If you’re gonna have the color, you gotta have the drawing. You can’t have that you can’t have the color without the drawing gotta have the drawing and it’s there the redux video is up you know where to go tony martignetti dot com and that is tony’s take two live listener love! I can’t shout you out by sitting state because we’re pre recorded today. However, you know that the love goes out the love always goes the love is going it’s just not pinpointed love but the live lesser love it’s coming it’s coming right to you it’s going and it’s coming going from here it’s coming to you goes and it comes you have it, it’s it’s in your lap! Live listener! Lap live! Listen, love podcast pleasantries, whatever device whatever activity wherever, whenever pleasantries to the over ten thousand podcast listeners and our am an affiliate am and fm affiliate stations affections to each of our affiliate listeners, i know you’re out there, and i’m grateful affiliate affections to the affiliate listeners here are chadband hman and ashley turner with volunteer training. Long distance also from ntcdinosaur welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of sixteen ntc non-profit technology conference in san jose, california, at the convention center with me now our chad limon and ashley turner. Chad is director of development for the kneel squire society and ashley turner is communications manager at options for sexual health. Chad actually welcome. Thanks. Tulani. Pleasure. Pleasure to have you with unison. We’re in sync. So coordinated. Yes. Your session topic is here, there and everywhere. Distance volunteer training. Ashley, do we need to get our mind set first? Just being willing tto recognize that there’s value in doing training for volunteers? That is not face-to-face we just have to get our minds right first. Is that it? Yeah, i think we do have teo to adjust to it a little bit. It’s? Definitely not. Picking up emmanuel and reading it anymore. It’s definitely much more involved, but it also gives us the ability to do a lot of different things and made a lot of different learning styles. Yes, learning styles. Chad let’s. Say something about how do we know what different styles are out there among our volunteers? Yeah, so there’s in general, four types of learning styles, visual learners, auditory learners reading and writing and kinesthetic. The truth is, we all learn a variety of ways, but some people have preferences in town. They prefer to learn are they learned bath so providing things through mobile multiple modalities can help people learn retain better and so doing that to be a distance. Actually, some benefits because you had to newsome technology to, like, show video or play audio or have pictures a supposed to sometimes like face-to-face someone standing in front of you in the room. Okay, how dispersed are your volunteers at the kneel squire society? Their throat canada throw canada latto ours in our burnaby area, but our model provide has volunteers and clients. I can’t make it to her office, able to connect through ah live on one on one computer training, so it allows us to reach people that otherwise we won’t be able to reach in actually grows our impact with instead of having just people that come in her all this month. Monday to friday nine to five volunteers khun do their tutoring or training afternoons, evenings, weekends, whatever works best actually allows us they reach people that otherwise you wouldn’t okay actually options for sexual health. Are you canadian? Also? We are yes. Okay, are you equally dispersed or we’re not all across canada, we’re just in british columbia. We have sixty clinics that operate through a british columbia, and we have volunteers at about forty nine of those clinics. So we definitely do have a lot of geographic reach. Okay? And in terms of our volunteer training is this we’re doing this virtually ongoing is not just initial training, but is there a need for continue training as the person goes through the life cycle of a being a volunteer? Yeah, actually, yeah, absolutely. So right now what we’ve done is we have the online training that kind of sets are level one, volunteers up to b level two volunteers and after they’ve done the level to volunteer training than what they can do to continue their own education is participate in our webinars and our clinical webinars, as well as repeat the training in the future if they want to continue their education. Okay, what? What distinguishes that duvette levels? Yeah. What kind of question? So for us in our clinical setting level one volunteers to a lot of good men work. So they’re the backbone of the clinic there’s supporting the clinic. They’re providing any attention and support that our staff need our level. Two volunteers are providing contraceptive education training, so they are herbs. So i volunteered around the contraception with the clients that come in. So they’re providing the education for our clients. And with that, the training that we give them allows them to sit with the clients, provide the information, educate them. Okay. How about kneel, squire? What volunteers doing there? Yeah. It’s a very different from ashley’s works where they have people working in clinics. Love. Our volunteers are basic computer trainers, computer tutors. So the mount training we have is definitely not as long. Or his deepest ashley’s eyes more just helping people like use of the technology that used to set up and give them some teaching best practices, toe health um, being, in fact, impactful tutor. Okay, all around it. A technical learning. Yeah, yeah. So it’s and it’s really driven by what the person the disability wishes to learn. So perhaps i want to learn to how to use, like office or word or excel and that’s. Great. Maybe they want to learn how to use facebook to see what the kids are up to, our snapchat or whatever, right, so it’s really driven by like what their needs and their goals are, and then the tutor because it is one on one they work with, um ah, i’ve thrown pacing and see the screen from their screen. Um, connected them, and we’ll help, um, meet and work on their goals. Okay, all right. So let’s, talk about some of the strategies xero we all can benefit from and for virtual volunteer training. Who wants to start with some strategy ideas? Yeah, we talked a little bit about this in our session. Where there’s different tools, i can allow you to kind of help do others online. This is training. A lot of ours has done synchronously like through a webinar. So the volunteers that we’ve recruited come in. And we do an online training session with, um and it’s the same platform that they will then use when they connect two their participants there tutoring along the way. So there’s synchronised sort of learning that kind allows us to connect in real time to do some skilled developments of technical testing with the person. Make sure the computer is writing, enable and helping them the skills they need. Ashley has ah, different model that they do their volunteer to anyone. Go ahead. Yeah, so we use model, which is an asynchronous model. And basically, what we do with our volunteers is there’s eight weeks of training where they participate around two to four hours per week. And they are longing into this middle course so that they can read and view different videos and discussion forums and quizzes and journal post so they are very much involved in as charges, saying earlier we use different methods to kind of get the learning happening. Now i let chad slide on durney martignetti non-profit radio have jargon jail, let it slide on the secretive so you can you can get him out. Everyone may not know what on a secret his toys, i have to pass it back to chat. Sure you’re on top. Well, chad, get himself out. There we go. There we go. I document grieving climb out of it. Yeah. So synchronous would be, like, live real time learning. So like, for example, in education, that would be like you’re in a classroom together. So today we’re all doing this. So synchronous is like a live, real time sort of thing. So technology tools enable that might be like, ah, twitter chat might be ah, weapon are those would be like synchronous examples where asynchronous is sort of at your own pace or your own time. So if the synchronised is your classroom, asynchronous would be like your textbook but someone could work for. So the model platform that we both use but actually uses for volunteer training. It’s like a website. But bill specifically with learning places, pieces in place, right? So you can have a form or quiz, and that all comes as part of it. You just kind of literally click a button to add a new quays, and they start taking your questions for people along the way. So the best method really is a bit bland. Tohave, you know, some live face-to-face time to build some report, but also have some asynchronous things to support people to ganga with their own pace. The latto research shows that a blend of the both is really the magic sauce. Okay? And your session is going to be spent. Or you did send your special did it already. Pros and cons of different tools. Right. So, yeah, we talked that’s, let’s dive into boodle. Yeah, yeah. We talked a little bit about, like, volunteers and engaging volunteers that’s on the benefits of having a distance model and how it could grow your impact. And then we did talk about some of the different tools that we both use along the way. Model is an open source tool. I was free to download free to use our i pay for some of the host because i don’t want to worry about administrating a server along the way, but and it’s ah totally open. So we’ve done like a lot of customization at our work to try to make it more accessible to people, the variety, different abilities or disabilities we’ve built, like a scream leader for our site, we built a custom youtube player to allow it to be easy for someone as low vision doctor control the playback of the video, so we’ve done a lot of work try to customize it, to make it a simple and easy as possible for people to use and that’s the beautiful thing with open source is you kind of have you can tinker and play and adapt to meet your own personal needs. Ok, actually, what would you like to add about boodle? Yeah, one of the cons that we’ve been experiencing lately is we’re using an old version of mood or one of the cons. You’re one of the concerts that we’re using the old version, so we’re having some things that are starting to not work the way we want them to. So i mean that the pros of open source is that they’re amazing and you can customize them and you can make him do the things you want them to dio. But unless you have someone who is an expert on site upgrading them to the new version when the new version comes out could be a real challenge now, is that a cost? Reason is that why? Why you? Using an older version cost and time i would say the to kind of go hand in hand non-profit a lot of the time but absolutely it’s it’s a cost issue. It would cost time and money to get up to where we wanted to be so okay, yeah, okay. Anything more about boodle that we should share with listeners i want to get yeah, just like it. No one’s looking at building a learning platform i would say give it a shot. It’s used by over, like eight hundred thousand universities worldwide. The open university in the uk uses it and it supports over a million people connected to it on a daily basis. So it’s super robot! Some people have this misconception that always open source software is going to be flaky. This is this. Like rock star, six, super well supported by the community, their head office there in australia. But there’s. A number of, um, oodle connection, sort of communities around there that you support the australia. I don’t know about birth and the world. I love australia. One other thing i love. Australia doesn’t, but i do look now. Okay, so we have exhausted boodle anything more you want to share? My little quick thing to add is that our volunteers, regardless of kind of how tech savvy they are, they do, for the most part find model quite easy to navigate and quite easy to understand. We do have to give them a little bit of set up and support and getting used to it, but once they’re logged on the majority of them, do you find it quite easy? Deals for the interface is is good even for low, low tech sophistication. Absolutely. All right, another one you were goingto we’re going talk. Teo gotomeeting both using goto or no, i’m using another tool called blackboard collaborate on it’s a webinar tool very similar. I mean, i want to talk about gotomeeting oh, you’re taking over the show. I’m sorry i had to yours. Us what again? Blacks missed it so quickly. Yeah, very carefully. And latto the tool that i’m using is called blackboard collaborate. One of the reasons why we went with that tool is because its primary markets education, the united states education i states is like super well regulated around accessibility. So law of accessibility features that some of our users would need are there in that platform comparatives on the others that are on the market at the time when we chose that other tool, i’m sure things have evolved in the last few years. Um, and the other thing that with the r black or collaborate licenses, i can kind of set up infinite webinar rooms they haven’t synchronously. So i have, you know, an online career program that people in bc might be doing, and then that could have four five different webinar rooms where people are doing one on one volunteer training and then a wellness program we’re going on in the eastern side of the country allows me to kind of have one interface where can manage all these different rooms and tools, and and it works, you know, when it works, it works really well on this job of bass. So it works across platform. Is that is that open source also know is not open source? No, no, no, the open source of equivalent that is, uh, we’re going take a serious look at coming up is called big blue button. So is again a weapon. Our tool, but it is open source on dh. We’re starting to investigate that and attempt to kind of drive down costs. Actually, you are not using the blackboard collaborative. No, we’re not. We’re actually not using anything for our volunteers. Currently we are using go to webinar as something that our clinical department is utilizing for education purposes are volunteers do get to access those weapons, as i mentioned. But we’re not using it as a part of our training, training, training or? No, not yet. Okay. What other weather tools were you? Did you did you evaluate? Ah, when we looked at blackmore cola and going black were collaborate. We looked at about five or six other ones along the way. A lot of the weapon our tools are or were flash based use flash which for people with disabilities, especially the vision and disabilities. A screenwriter flash could be a real problem. Some flash is accessible, but a lot of them they just get like this. You know, there is an apple it here and have nobility that control. Click the buttons. No was going on at all. So for us, that really narrowed the scope quite. Quickly, um, when that is something, the tools are really not accessible toe portion of our users. Okay, why don’t you just name name you name a couple of them that you’ve got because others, you know, others may not have the disability population that you have. Yeah, yeah, one the ones we looked at was ah, adobe connect, um course, adobe flash based like, not not a big surprise there. Um, we did look at the goto webinar meeting, but i didn’t kind of have that like that back in ability to manage a bunch of different rooms and set it up. Um, i think what else we did look a big blue button when we chose black work elaborate, but it was very it was very new at the time, like it wasn’t polished, they know there’s a missing certain features at that time that have come along since then. Um, i’m not i i did try to use likes on google, plus hangouts that can i duck tape some skype sessions together sort of thing, but that i didn’t have this sort of a mean in the back and that, though one of the kind of quality control things that we have with the black work collaborate is all the weapon our sessions. We have set for one, one tutoring to record. So if ever there is a complaint like, hey, you know, he was offensive to me, or he wrecks something, our blob of law, we can actually look at the recording and for the investment to is great cause they could go back. They could wash it archives. So they showed him, like, oh, how’d they get my pictures off my phone? And what did i do when i’m missing? They can actually watch that recording of class of that learning material stays with them before. Like what you’re hearing a non-profit radio tony’s got more on youtube, you’ll find clips from stand up comedy tv spots and exclusive interviews catch guests like seth gordon, craig newmark, the founder of craigslist marquis of eco enterprises, charles best from donors choose dot org’s aria finger do something that worked and they are levine from new york universities heimans center on philanthropy tony tweets to he finds the best content from the most knowledgeable, interesting people in and around non-profits to share on his stream. If you have valuable info, he wants to re tweet you during the show. You can join the conversation on twitter using hashtag non-profit radio twitter is an easy way to reach tony he’s at tony martignetti narasimhan t i g e n e t t i remember there’s a g before the end, he hosts a podcast for the chronicle philantech thirty fund-raising fundamentals is a short monthly show devoted to getting over your fund-raising hartals just like non-profit radio, toni talks to leading thinkers, experts and cool people with great ideas. As one fan said, tony picks their brains and i don’t have to leave my office fund-raising fundamentals was recently dubbed the most helpful non-profit podcast you have ever heard, you can also join the conversation on facebook, where you can ask questions before or after the show. The guests were there, too. Get insider show alerts by email, tony tells you who’s on each week and always includes link so that you can contact guess directly. To sign up, visit the facebook page for tony martignetti dot com. Dahna actually, you’re nodding a lot. That recording is important. We don’t actually do that. I’m just nodding because i think chad system is awesome. I think it’s, a really great opportunity for learning, so i’m jealous, just sitting over here, being jealous of that system, okay. Ah, what else you had, like, a ninety minute session? What else have i not ask you about? Actually any more tools that we haven’t talked about? No. Okay, if you were going to do like aa one toe one sort of tutoring again, the reason i chose weber thinks i fifth of multiple different learning programs. We haven’t organization. If you’re just going to a one to one tutoring, i think you could go with this guy sort of thing that another great tool is teamviewer it’s. Super low cost. It works like on your phone to connect or whatever. So, you khun connect on sloane’s computer pretty easily through that. So that that’s another to live sometimes uses back back and support in-kind of game thing. Set up a second cents on a length or they can kill, like click instantly. I can see their desktop of screen allows me to, like, fix their audio settings or, you know, once the spyware tools or whatever, like, try to get the computer. So it’s healthy enoughto tulani teamviewer teamviewer teamviewer. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Wait a couple more minutes together. What else? What else have i not ask you about that? You want to share around this whole idea of volunteer training? A virtual volunteer training? What else? We got it covered. I think i might have. Mentioned this a little bit, but just to expand on it. One of the riel awareness is i had when i was preparing our presentation was i was thinking about are we did a program evaluation in two thousand fifteen, and one of the things that came out of that is that a lot of our volunteers have said it would be really great to have a level one training similar to the level to training and there’s no specific training for level ones, and i went well, no, they’re actually is it’s just a emmanuelle that you’re not using, and it really spoke to the fact that when we have such a distance between us and when we have different sites in different locations and different staff members that are working with the volunteers in order to have consistency, having the online training is a really key piece of the puzzle for us, like having the ability to have everything connected, everybody connected to the same piece of the same time really gives the opportunity for the volunteers to be on the same page no matter where they’re located. Yeah, chad, this idea of connectedness totally, yeah, i couldn’t. Agree more, and it really allows, like to grow the impact of, like you’re working your organization, right? Not everyone that you want to serve or that could help you, and further your mission lives in a five minute drive or short bus ride away, right? So really allowed us to go from ah very successful award winning program was delivered at our office to something where doesn’t matter something disability isn’t able to get out of bed or that they live in a rural town and have difficulties. Transportation like we can really meet the person where they are through using these tools, right? And so it really grows are impacting allows us to in-kind scale at a really small cock, i felt like i was going to open a new classroom somewhere, you know, rent light internet like you knows tons of the cost of that right or for me to, like, deliver connected sametz computer home is, you know, just the price, my weapon or to one, it doesn’t cost me more to add another weapon, our room, right? So it really allows us to scale or impact at minimal to no additional cost kottler let’s talk. A little more about something you mentioned earlier. If you’re around open source that it’s not gonna be reliable, whatever it is sabotaged, you know, wherever deep fears run, where can we lay some of these concerns? Yeah, i’ma hoping that that that’s been put to rest those promotion, every web server runs on a limb it’s background, a tip ashy, both open source tools. You know, it’s an allows things to grow beyond the control of one sort of corporation. Anything along the way, right? The world is big and beautiful, there’s lots of smart people that contribute add things along the way. So i personally feel that when you close your walls, you’re closing yourself to innovation and and to the community. Right? So it doesn’t dahna it’s a model that i prefer to support, the open sources, can i connect people to grow and there’s created huge culture like around model. There are tons of different plug ins that people have built along the way is with learning management piece is like solid and totally works. You could build things for it. We built and releases shared les screenwriter so, like, if you get anyone can add it to the site and it just allows you got texas page there’s a play but beside it so you can listen to it. So that means different learning styles, different disability needs and sometimes, like, you don’t really want to read like the twenty pages again, like, just play any kind of listened through it, right? So that’s, just like one examples on that we’ve built it was a huge community that built like different sort of layers for the pages are different toolbars, so it really allows things kind of grow abandoned and meet more people’s needs as well. So actually open source, you’re you’re a fan so far. Yes, i have to admit i’m very new to kind of a lot of the tech things and i’m not very tight check knowledgeable, but what our experience with open source has been has been fantastic and as somebody who is relatively new to the to the tech side of things, i look at it as something that is easy to customize and therefore easy for us to learn and adapt and get what we need out of the open source dahna it’s actually valuable, you know that you’re not you don’t have a tech the tech background yet. It’s. Not anxiety producing for you, you know you’re not. You’re not afraid of it. No. Like a minute left. What do you want to leave people with around this idea of virtual volunteer training? Actually, what do you want to wrap up? Our volunteers in our organization are the most valuable asset that we have their amazing, and they deserve to have the best opportunity to get the training in the knowledge and the education, and we feel that providing it through technology has really benefited our volunteers. Yeah, i would say in doing some things online, you can actually do things that you totally couldn’t do, like in a classroom like having ah, pulling on there are having that sort of recording and playback having options to kind of share screens are too around websites the chat box, right? Like, you know, when you’re in your typical class was like i don’t pass notes that’s totally flipped in a webinar like there’s a chatterbox, and i encourage people like to share our comment and how they feel comfortable, right? Maybe someone doesn’t feel comfortable like having their voice heard, but the type of messages feels safer for them, for whatever reason, our love like a lower buried entry, so a lot of people think. That all you know, when you start introducing technology on going at a greater distance that you, you’re losing something, but i think you’re also gaining a lot along the way and opens a lot of possibilities. Just tell me, what do you love about the work that you’re doing? Um, i will well, i’ll give you the short version, but when i was going to university for computer science, it came apparently pretty quick that was never going to be the smartest nerd in the room at all, so i had the opportunity to do like a summer internship at the kneel squire society, and and that really resonates me. We’ll have the opportunity used technology to kind of help people along the way, and i’ve had loss of amazing opportunity to kind of do that in other settings. I’m on a couple different boards now that how technology helping education helped run a local group of vancouver that helps non-profits use technology so falik technology can help people and change lives is like a really sweet spot for me to kind of use that nerdy part of my brain. I don’t want to be a coder and a cubicle for the rest of my life but helping people and helping the allies to technologies, presidents latto actually, what do you love about your work? I started as a volunteer with the organization. I fell in love with the organization and with our mission in her vision and just want to keep working towards making a sexual health accessible to everybody. Nbc and our volunteers. They’re such a crucial part of that that i’m glad to support them in any way that i can. All right, you’re both making a big difference. I think you’re part of it, right? You’re in it every day. Thanks. Thanks for your time, tony. Thank you. Chad. Chad lehman, director of development of kneel squire society and ashley turner, communications manager at options for sexual health. Thank you so very much. Thank you. Tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of twenty sixteen non-profit technology conference. Thank you so much for being with us next week. Eight areas of non-profit excellence from the non-profit coordinating committee. If you missed any part of today’s show, i rebuke you. Find it on tony martignetti dot com. I think once per show is quite sufficient for ah, for the singing, i’m still very conflicted. We’re sponsored by pursuant online tools for small and midsize non-profits data driven and technology enabled pursuant dot com, and by crowdster online and mobile fund-raising software for non-profits. Now with apple pay crowdster dot com, our creative producer is clear. Myer half sam lever, which is the line producer gavin dollars, are am and fm outreach director shows social media is by susan chavez. Our music is by scott stein. Be with me next week for non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Go out and be great. What’s not to love about non-profit radio tony gets the best guests check this out from seth godin this’s the first revolution since tv nineteen fifty and henry ford nineteen twenty it’s the revolution of our lifetime here’s a smart, simple idea from craigslist founder craig newmark insights orn presentation or anything? People don’t really need the fancy stuff they need something which is simple and fast. When’s the best time to post on facebook facebook’s andrew noise nose at traffic is at an all time hyre on nine a m or eight pm so that’s when you should be posting your most meaningful posts here’s aria finger, ceo of do something dot or ge young people are not going to be involved in social change if it’s boring and they don’t see the impact of what they’re doing so you got to make it fun and applicable to these young people look so otherwise a fifteen and sixteen year old they have better things to dio they have xbox, they have tv, they have their cell phones me dar is the founder of idealist took two or three years for foundation staff to sort of dane toe add an email address card. It was like it was phone. This email thing is right and that’s why should i give it away? Charles best founded donors choose dot or ge somehow they’ve gotten in touch kind of off line as it were on dh and no two exchanges of brownies and visits and physical gift. Mark echo is the founder and ceo of eco enterprises. You may be wearing his hoodies and shirts. Tony talked to him. Yeah, you know, i just i’m a big believer that’s not what you make in life. It sze you know, tell you make people feel this is public radio host majora carter. Innovation is in the power of understanding that you don’t just put money on a situation expected to hell. You put money in a situation and invested and expected to grow and savvy advice for success from eric sabiston. What separates those who achieve from those who do not is in direct proportion to one’s ability to ask others for help. The smartest experts and leading thinkers air on tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent.

Nonprofit Radio for April 1, 2016: Digital Metrics & 1Q16 Fundraising Metrics

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Meico Whitlock & Rebecca Reyes: Digital Metrics

Meico Whitlock & Rebecca Reyes at 16NTC

There’s so much you can measure, where do you start? Meico Whitlock and Rebecca Reyes answer that, and: What data does almost every nonprofit need to capture? Which deserves weekly attention versus monthly or annual? Plus, they have lots of resources! Meico is digital communications consultant and associate director of communications at NASTAD. Rebecca is digital marketing consultant at Spring Media Strategies. We talked at the 2016 Nonprofit Technology Conference last week, hosted by NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network. This is the first of 32 smart interviews from NTC.


Rob Mitchell: 1Q16 Fundraising Metrics

Rob MitchellHow did 1st quarter fundraising go and what’s changed in the full-year forecast since January? Atlas of Giving has the data and CEO Rob Mitchell shares all. Rob will be with me at the end of each quarter for analysis.



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Oppcoll hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host it’s friday, april first. Oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d bear the embarrassment of galata phobia if i heard you laughing as you told me you missed today’s show digital matrix there’s so much you can measure where do you start? Mika whitlock and rebecca reyes answer that and what data does almost every non-profit need to capture, which deserves weekly attention versus monthly or annual. Plus they have lots of resource is miko is digital communications consultant and associate director of communications at nass. Dad rebecca is digital marketing consultant at spring bdo strategies. We talked at the twenty sixteen non-profit technology conference last week, hosted by n ten non-profit technology network, and this will be the first of thirty two smart interviews that i got from also one q sixteen metrics world about metrics today. How did first quarter fund-raising go and what’s changed in the full year forecast since january? Atlas of giving has the data and ceo rob mitchell shares at all. Rob will be with me each quarter at the end for that quarterly analysis on tony’s take two. My blue pedicure challenge we’re sponsored by pursuant full service fund-raising data driven and technology enabled. You’ll raise more money pursuant dot com and by crowdster online and mobile fund-raising software for non-profits now with apple pay crowdster dot com here are miko whitlock and rebecca reyes, and this is actually the very last interview that i did at ntc, but we’re kicking it off with them. Welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of sixteen ntc, of course that’s, the non-profit technology conference in san jose, california, where in the convention center and this is also port of sixteen. Sorry of port of ntc conversations. My guests are miko whitlock and rebecca reyes, and their session topic is digital metrics. What to measure how and why we’re going to get to that very shortly. First after high like the and, oh, auntie si swag item for this interview, which is a t shirt from service analytics. Design there, you could see that there’s uh, some artistry to this sametz analytics swag final swag altum for the conference, this joins our swag pile unceremoniously thrown into the pile, and we are wrapping up our coverage of sixteen ntcdinosaur last of thirty two interviews, which will be playing over the next many months on non-profit radio with me rico whitlock he’s, digital communications consultant and associate director for communications at nass, ted and s t a t we’ll get to that masek and rebecca reyes she’s, digital marketing consultant at spring media strategies become rebecca. Welcome. Thank you. Thank you. Have you want non-profit radio? We call what is nasty? Nasco is the national alliance of state in territories, directors and that’s. Just a fancy way. Territorial aids directors, directors and that’s. Just a fancy way of saying that we are a national association that represents public health officials focused on ending hiv and hepatitis. Okay, so we work in all fifty states and the u s territories. All right, rebecca, how about spring dea strategies? Were they about? We do digital marketing strategy and campaigns for non-profits. Okay, focus on an environmental organizations. All right, all right. Digital matrix how do we know we’re back-up let’s start with you. How do we know what we should be measuring for? Our organization’s obviously varies across. It definitely varies. There are a couple of metrics that just every organization should mention measure in your website, email, social media. But it really comes down to what kinds of things are you looking for? What matters for your particular organization. Okay, what are your goals? Who are your audience? All right. And we’ll get to the ones that apply toe on what you say in this description. Almost every organization. But how do we know? How do we decide? What’s what’s? Best for us. It comes down to your goals. So we’re looking for gold. What were you trying to achieve with your website? All those channels you mentioned exactly. Okay. And i would extend that doesn’t so it’s essentially a formula, right? So you understand who your audience is? Our and a hint here is that the general public is not your audience, so you won’t be as specific as possible. And then the other part of his what rebecca said, which is? You want to understand what your goals. With the audience, what do you actually want them to do once you’ve identified them? And in the last part is what does success actually looked like? So when you bring the audience in the girls together, what a success look like when you’re able to figure those things out, then you know, roughly what are you looking for? Based on the platform that you’re using it as a metrix? Okay, so some of our outcomes might be more volunteers five thousand signatures on the petition exactly ten thousand calls to senators throughout the country exactly more dollars raised. What? Whatever whatever outcome is for our organisation. Maybe for a particular campaign and all those things i mentioned could be in our individual campaigns. Yes. Alright. What are we trying to achieve? And i guess in how long? Yes, maybe a timeframe. Ok? Yeah. So exactly. So you’re smart objectives, right? So you want to you want to make sure that you have focused goals, but that they are also time bound time. Marriageable, right? Was that sports chant for hyre? Measurable, right s measurable, achievable r i forget he is a time. Yes, yes, i remember. We’ll talk about smart, smart stand for i’m using smart lower case e putting on this clock. All right, i don’t know, but they have smart goal. Yeah, it z z o way to go. All right. Okay. What are the ones that every organization or to be measuring nico let’s go nufer this or nearly every organization should know something. Something yeah, so let’s, start with the basics. So if you’re an organization, you should have a website. The and the very basic right. And if you have a website, a couple of things you won’t be looking for, you want to know how many people are coming to your website. So that looks that you sort of unique page views. You want to know how long roughly people are staying on your pages? You know, are they digest in your content and you want to know where traffic is coming from? Is it coming from google? Is it coming from facebook? Do you have a partner organization that’s using a news owner that’s that’s promoting your materials and your partner’s got a really good job driving puts you a website. You want to understand those basic measures so that over time you can begin to understand how you make adjustments, so if you want to extend your reach and you have this party organizations really good job of pushing your things out, well, can you partner with a similar organizations that are doing as good a job of helping you drive people to your website? And again, you want to be very clear about making sure that the numbers don’t exist in a vacuum as well. So you want to go to compare them to a previous time here. So it’s not enough to say that we had five thousand web site visitors this month because we’re right previous month, right? So exactly so you want to compare to the previous point in time, okay? And if you’re just starting out it’s okay, if you don’t have those benchmarks, you’re gonna build that overtime. Yeah, all right, let me point out that there’s noise behind us because and t c sixteen is coming to a close as it is for cliffs pulling apart dahna boots and there’s there’s traffic back-up for that as banners get stored but non-profit radio persevere, we’re here, we’re here for the duration. We’re not back-up early. Like like are we are co located booth across the way i won’t. I won’t say which video, organization and site that is, but they’re huge on dh. They’re close to wrapping it up, not us, not radio. Go on, bek are staying with me. Thank you, hyre rebecca, are these things that it was my voice again, cracks like, i’m twelve these things that we could just describe, referring traffic and how long people staying on the site, etcetera, is this stuff we can all we could get all from google analytics, or, or or elsewhere. Absolutely. Google analytics is kind of industry standard. I’m there are a lot of tools out there, there’s, you know, you can get into really deep, you can get into reporting, you can, um, combined it with google sheets and put on adam for google analytics, so, you know, create those nice reports for yourself, but there also some third party tools that can really, you know, send them all of their great information to your emails. You don’t even have to go into google analytics to see that kind of information, but one thing is there are there’s a difference between the kind of data that you just monitor on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. And then there are some more advanced kinds of things that you want to take a look at it just kind of everyone started maybe quarterly or yearly whenever you get a chance so you can really dig a little bit deeper and take action on those things. Help us understand what, what we should be looking at weekly or monthly versus quarterly. Which one? So you want to kind of, you know, take a look at your bounce rate or your time on sight? How many visitors are you getting those air. Kind of some of the very basic things you just want to keep an eye on. And if you see a spike or you see a dip in the numbers that’s gonna be red flag, but you can go a little bit geever and look at those some of those basic analytics alongside some of the other kinds of metrics, like landing pages or exit pages. So you know what? Air you top landing pages. Two people spend a lot of time on those pages. What are your say? You have some really important sections in your website? Um, i’ve found websites, you know, have an average of, um, some the websites that i look at having average of, say, a minute and a half for overall time. But some very specific sections have maybe an average of five minutes, which is really great. And that tells you okay, there really? Digging into the information and really taking the time to learn about your organization. Okay. Okay. Now you mention the bounce, right? That is how many? Not how many people leave after viewing only one page. Is that the bounce? Right, right. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I know a little something not trying to take over fighting. Okay, you’re tuned to non-profit radio. Tony martignetti also hosts a podcast for the chronicle of philanthropy. Fund-raising fundamentals is a quick ten minute burst of fund-raising insights, published once a month. Tony’s guests are expert in crowdfunding, mobile giving event fund-raising direct mail and donor cultivation. Really, all the fund-raising issues that make you wonder, am i doing this right? Is there a better way there is? Find the fund-raising fundamentals archive it. Tony martignetti dot com that’s marketmesuite n e t t i remember there’s, a g before the end, thousands of listeners have subscribed on itunes. You can also learn maura, the chronicle website, philanthropy dot com fund-raising fundamentals, the better way. Now. Okay, wait. Record. You mentioned? You know how long people stay on the safe? That you know, a minute and a half? Two minutes might not be bad if the site has first of all, it’s not marketing anything. Maybe there isn’t. A donation function means an education type site. And the poster short or the videos are short. Maybe a minute and a half to two minutes. Maybe that’s not so bad that it definitely. You know, this is the time on sight. The average has slowly gone down, you know, because people spend more time just going jumping around two from site to site. Especially if your traffic, a lot of it is coming from, you know, paid ads or organic search there going to be really cold leads. And so you’re gonna have a lot of people that, you know, it might not be quite the right fit and they are going to leave. But so that’s, why? It’s important to dig a little bit deeper and to see. Okay, maybe a minute and a half. That’s not, you know, super awesome. But if you have really high time on sight for some of the internal pages that really matter. If you are able to convert a lot of those people, you know, it doesn’t matter if they only spend thirty seconds. Okay, okay. Go, go. Yes, toe after that, i think it’s two things important to keep in mind. The first is what? Your goals. So people come to the website. What do you actually want them to do? R are they filling out a form? Teo, sign up for the email list. Are they watching a video? And that has to be aligned with your analysis of the time on page. The other part of it is his relative, right? So you need to be able to compare it to something else, get it having the time unpaid in isolation doesn’t really mean anything. Well, your point earlier that compared tto what’s. The trend over over a year, six months, exactly. Doing yeah, you may have different. May have different goals for your sight in a different periods over exactly pains. Yes. So two minutes might not be bad if donations are on the run. If the donation pages seymour or traffic? Yes. Okay. What about it? Yeah. Okay. Think about this. Okay. Anything? More and want to say about the metrics that nearly every organization should be following wait, so we just talked about the website, but there’s also social media there’s there’s snusz fund-raising there’s video on dso in the session that we that we covered, we sort of walk through each of these types of platforms of sort of want people through here the basic metrics that you need and hear the advanced metrics so people check out the session, notes they’ll find the slides where we sort of breakdown all of this information, ok, where the session notes i’m so that if you go to the intern website and you start for our session of digital metrics, there is a link to it they’re so intend out orders where you want to go and search for our session, okay, and the title again digital metrics what to measure, how and why, and the session hashtag is sixteen dig metrics d i g metrics with dejan metrics yes, and lost a great information on twitter if you’re following the conversation using that hashtag oh really? Yes, did you get a lot of session? A lot of live tweeting during the session? Lot allowed treating a lot of a lot of feedback and actually will be sending out the slides and alerting people to that through using that hashtag okay, okay, excellent xero forgot. What did you promise people? Tools and processes for collecting, reporting let’s not talk about some tools, rebecca, you start to touch the surface a little bit scratched. Serviceable what other tools do you? You both recommend well, very basic tools like i’m either google sheets or excel spreadsheets. That’s a really great place to just start, you know, identify the top five or ten things that you want to monitor over time that really matter to your organization and your organization’s goals just keep it, keep trucking there and then you know, whatever email tool you use. You know, facebook hasn’t really great analytics, twitter, youtube, they all have really great analytics built into the system. So whatever social media tool you use, you know, check that out. Also scheduling tools like who’d sweet buffers about social. They all have some really great analytics built into them. So that’s a good place to start. Just it, you know, see all of your social media information in one. Place. Okay. Are there any analytics tools that you like beyond what’s what’s imbedded in each of the sites that that go go even deeper? Yep. There’s some reporting tools that i really like if you check out springing a strategies dot com i have an under the block in the tool section. Um, some free tools for facebook, twitter, youtube, um, and interest. So you can see it’s, um, there’s a lot of tools out there. So i tried together some of the really best ones. Um, a lot of them are either free or very affordable because non-profits obviously on a tight budget. Another tool that i recommend checking out is k p i dashboards. So that’s key performance indicators. So this will really help you track, you know, from beginning to end. What? Uh, truck conversion. So if you really care about donations you’ll be able to see, you know, across your platforms, what’s working and that’s gonna be really great tool to bring everything all in one place. Okay, how about you make you got tools so you could recommend? Sure. So i would just echo what were rebecca mentioned? So we do use koegler analytics. For our website way, love it way also use about social in terms of the management, and i’m a really big thing of keeping it simple. And so we use google drive and the google sheets a za way to track metrics. And so those are some of the favorite tools that we use and in terms of the just basic principles, i would encourage folks to keep it simple. I think sometimes we spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect tool to get the job done. And the truth is that there isn’t a perfect tool because the audience and the goals are different for each organization is sometimes even within the organism nation that’s going to vary from campaign to campaign. And so there is no one tool that tells all of that. And so, my my recommendations for folks to find a few good tools that work and you souls ok, ok, but ntcdinosaur coming down around us. Matt hall, there’s trucks, there’s forklift, there’s there’s a manhole. That man lifting up the ceiling! Take him down. That was hanging from another boot. But we’re persevering. Wait another five or six minutes ago, okay? But very good advice, teo. You recognize that each organization going to different and and really you know what i mean? Don’t be afraid to try something. Yes. I mean, this is analytics. Yes. So try try a tool if it doesn’t. It’s not yielding what you need, then scrap it. Try something else, right? Yeah, and hard to fail it. Exactly. So and don’t remit the will. Right? So there you are in a community of organizations that are doing work similar to you. Ask someone that’s what intimacy is all about. Have someone. And if you have something that you can share with someone, share it. We grow stronger together and intent is very good about that. Yes. Over communities of practice. There’s got to be community back-up around analytics. There is one for digital communications. Okay, so okay. Are you in there? I am apart. Okay. Rebecca, you in there to get alright. And ten. Very sharing. Okay, even if you’re not a member. You khun? Yeah. There’s so much you could get from intense. Exactly. Then the membership was so during inexpensive anyway. Yeah. Amy sample ward he’s gonna say it’s cheap it’s, affordable, accessible that’s. Accessible? Like seventy dollars for a whole organs for everybody in the organization, you’ve got to be a member. All right, that’s sufficient and ten shot out. Um, okay. We still have a few more minutes together. What else have we talked about from your session that we should. So we spent a lot of time talking about strategy and process. So we we talked at the very beginning of our time together today about understanding people goals in your missions of success. That’s going to be very important because today or tomorrow, you know, there might be another equivalent to facebook. Everyone is sort of jumping on the bandwagon for yeah, if you understand your people, your goals and what you want to achieve, you can understand why they’re not that flat from actually makes sense for you. The other part of the session that we talked about was process in terms of how do you actually make this work day today before we go. Teo. Rebecca. Anything else you want to add about? Sure. We got time. Thank you. I just wanted to give a few examples of how people can go a little bit deeper. Eso you know we talked a lot about ok, these are the basics for monitoring, right? But you really want to make sure you find data that you can take action on. So that’s where, you know, combining the time on site with the top lining pages, for example, also really good easy practice to do is to take a look at your top. Paige is most visited pages or pages with a highest time on sight or whatever kind of metric you want to compare it to that particular day and look at your top ten and your bottom ten and put them side by side because you’ll likely see some differences. You you might spot cem patterns between the most popular and the least popular in that particular category. So then you can really, you know, once you spot those differences, definitely take a look at all of the rest of your articles and see if that trend holds true throughout your sight. And then you can stop doing things that don’t work and start doing things that really do work. Okay, i love the idea of comparing top to bottom. You’ve seen this and you found correlations? Yes, so things like headlines, for example, you know, obviously headlines like numbers or how to do really well versus things like questions or things that are really long and not very descriptive don’t do very well, and the difference can be huge, you know, from just five or ten klicks to an article versus hundreds, yes, okay, so buy-in top five ways to increase your facebook ad revenue versus social media strategies exactly, and of course, you want to have a variety of headlines you don’t wantto have Numbers and every single 1 but at least, but i’m just, you know, stop my head, mention numbers, okay, so no interesting. All right? Topic. Comparing kapin bottom. Excellent. Anything you want, teo. So you had some you said you have a couple of examples of another. Another strategy example. Um, let’s. See? Well, for one of the organizations that i worked with issues, they have a lot of different issue areas that they work with. So it’s really important to track, um, you know, just kind of keep the pulse on the issue. Areas that are most popular, so could be education or health care or youth was kind of a unique non-profit in that sense, and so for us, since issues are so important, that’s one thing that we really track in those, you know, nice spreadsheets. And over time, you can see in the grafts, you know, sometimes issues creep up, and sometimes they kind of drop off and that’s a really great indicator of okay. Maybe we should, you know, step back from the issue, this particular issue for a little while and focus on this other one because you’re really listening to. Then what is your audience want? And you, khun, sometimes see some trends happening before theirs. A national event that occurs, dahna okay, become anything you want, teo. No. I mean, if we were ready to sum up, i can sort of give cem really quick sort of high points that people should start focusing. Not quite. Okay. You said you were a strategy and process. Yeah, probably. I cut you off. You wanted to go to rebecca because you have a strategy. Okay. What do you say about process? No. So it’s about keeping it simple. And so we we work in a space where many of us where many different hats and we’re doing many things. And so rebecca touched on something earlier about, like, how often you should be doing things weinger you know how often should be looking at. So how certain metrics exactly versus exactly so you’re once you sort of built up practice of doing this. You have what? I have some general benchmarks in your in your mind. So you’re able to do what i call a spot checking where you are, maybe on the on a weekly basis sort of looking at your website numbers you’re looking at what’s happening on social media, and then you were able to dahna really quickly say, oh, well, that looks a little off. From where we were last week, where we were last month, i wonder what this is and you can sort of determine how you invest your time. And i think the something else to keep in keep in mind is there are lots of resources that are out there, you know? So buffer has a really great block on they talk, i think, in a very nuanced than assessable way for folks about metrics, and although they’re one of the capital tools that help people manage social media platforms, they’re also really good about sort of talking about where they have sort of fall short and where other tools might be. Ableto pick up it’s over yeah, buffer. Okay, about for dot com they have a really wonderful block where they talk about metrics. Beth cancer has a wonderful blawg and john john death camp has been on this show many times, including from yesterday, yesterday and here it ntcdinosaur before through and john hayden is also he’s. A wonderful resource is well, so they both have resource is specific to this particular topic. Um, it had been on the show also including this year at ntc. Been on before yeah. Okay, now we can wrap it up. Okay? Let’s. See, rebecca, you want to get the final word, but, uh, what’s a measure of how and why digital metrics i just want to echo what mika had said earlier of you really want to look at your particular organization schools and contextualized your data there’s lots of tools out there that well, come and go. So that’s, why i don’t. I’m a little bit hesitant to recommend very specific tools because they’re here today gone tomorrow and tomorrow. There’s gonna be lots of other great tools out there. So as long as you know what you were looking for, you know, what do you want people to do? And, um, take that time every once in a while to dig a little bit deeper? Have those come couple basic stats, you know, five, ten metrics that you just keep an eye on, make sure things are going well throughout the year and then, you know, maybe quarterly spent some time looking a little bit deeper. Like i gave some those examples about landing pages and headlines just so you can find out what works for your organization, okay, we’re gonna leave it there. That was rebecca raya’s, she’s, digital consult. Digital marketing consultant at spring media strategies. And also miko whitlock, digital communications consultant and associate director for communications. At nasty on what, again is nasty at the national line. So state in territorial aids directors. Thank you very much, vic. Oh, thanks so much. Thank you. Thank you for being with us. Tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of sixteen ntc wrapping it up with the, uh, the four cliffs and the people movers and the union guys are all here. Tto back-up sixteen ntc, thanks so much for being with us. Rob mitchell and one q sixteen metrics coming up first. Pursuant, one of their tools is prospector. It uses your existing data to find your highest priority. Potential donors. You know who to focus on it identifies which of your donors are most likely to upgrade their giving, which is cool. Because then, knowing that you can prioritize your cultivation, you got limited time. And you need to raise more money. Prospector shows you who to focus on that’s already in your database. Not bringing in new names already in your database. Check out prospector at pursuing dot com what’s going on at crowdster dot com they have a deal for non-profit radio listeners get thirty days free or fifty percent off, you can try a crowdster peer-to-peer fund-raising sight completely free for a month or get fifty percent off. That means pay for a month and get another month free or sign up for two months and get two months added on free. You can claim your deal at crowdster dot com in the chat window, tell them you’re from non-profit radio and choose your deal it’s that simple. Now tony’s, take two my blue pedicure challenge back in two twenty thirteen my dark age of social media when i thought facebook likes were the most important measure of success. Um, the non-profit radio page then had about one hundred fifty, likes, and since i was stuck on this vanity metric and it’s very suitable, but we’re just talking. We’re talking about metrics all day today, this silly metric i wanted more one hundred fifty seems it was embarrassing, i thought so. Two friends from high school, barbara massey and lisa martin, challenged that they would double the number of lights on the page, so they would get me to three hundred, and we agreed that if they did that, then i would get a blue pedicure. I don’t remember how we settled on that as the bet, but that’s what it became and they had to do it within. I think it was pretty short campaign was like two weeks or two or three weeks, and they did it, and so i kept up my side. I went across the street from the studio on west seventy second street in new york city, and i got a blue pedicure, and you can witness that because i shot video naturally, this is not something that you want to let go. I want to preserve this forever because it’s so important family memories. So the video is up at twenty martignetti dotcom my blue pedicure challenge that’s tony’s take two. I’m not really, you know, live listener, love podcast, pleasantries, affiliate affections. I don’t really feel it today. I don’t, uh i just, uh i’m sure they’re out there, you know, the live listeners, but no, no, i’m not. I’m not feeling up to it for on dh same thing with the podcast listeners your you know i know you’re there. Um, i’m not, and the affiliate affections, yeah, am and fm. I know you’re there, okay? You know, there’s, there’s, some gratitude. Rob mitchell, rob mitchell, you with us, right? I am with you, tony, i’m always with you. Thank you. You’re the ceo of atlas, of giving it atlas of giving dot com and of course, you’re also on twitter at philanthropy. Man, how you doing? Welcome back to non-profit radio. Hey, thanks, it’s. Always good to be with you, tony. Thank you. Always good. I think this is this the first time that you’re not in the studio. But on the show i said, i think this might be the second time i’m not in the second. Allright, i love coming to the studio for the whole new york experience in the upper west side experience. It’s, it’s, uh, it’s irreplaceable. But, tony, today, after the show, i’m leaving immediately to drive to houston to go to the final four. So that’s, that is my excuse today for not being in the studio with you. Final four is that is that is that one baseball? No, that that would be a collegiate. Basketball. Basketball. Ok, is that the one with the free throws and the field goals? Basketball is that grows field goals and lots of yelling, screaming and bands. Playing in-kind people being interested because they want to find out if they’re going to make money on there on their march madness brackets march madness. All right, that sounds like more like illness than ah then, uh, then something you better okay? You’re a sports guy. I, uh i’ve heard of sports. Okay? S so you’re going to come on every quarter now, the end of the quarter, and you’re gonna tell us what has happened in that quarter and then how that has affected your forecast? The atlas of giving forecast for twenty sixteen. So i’m very excited about this. Good. We’re going to use every quarter. That’s cool? Yeah, i’m excited about it, too. I think i think it’s a good way for listeners and listeners, whether they’re live podcast or or affiliate, i think it’s a great way to peak to keep up, keep their finger on the pulse of american philanthropy and that’s what we like to say we’re doing at the alice of giving we have an atlas of giving twitter page at atlas of giving as you mentioned my twitter pages at full answer, man and we have analysis of giving facebook page and google plus page. So there are a number of ways for people to keep their finger on the pulse of what’s happening in american philanthropy. Okay. That’s ah, that’s. More self promotion than i generally allow. So that’s it. We cut that off. Now that we’ve cut off. All right, let’s, talk about some data. The number is not good for january. Through where we had january through march. Right? I assume january through february. Okay, just just finished march yesterday. Were quick, but we’re not that quick. Okay. Okay. So january february. The number is not good. No it’s, not it’s. Ah it’s. A disappointing number. The the through february e-giving as down nationally. One point, four percent, which some people would argue it’s flat some people may argue is yeah, but it’s not since since the atlas of giving has been around, um, since the depression, this is the first time we wait. Have we have seen two months of consecutive, um, downs down data? Altum and it’s there’s. Some explanations for it. Okay, it’s worrisome. Alright, first first time you’re saying the first time in how long? That way. So the first two months of the year have been down. When did this last happened? Two thousand nine. Okay. Depth of the recession. Okay. All right. So it’s gets down sector while yeah, nationwide. One point four percent. And what does that mean for the forecast for twenty sixteen? Well, the forecast has also taken a dip um, off of our original forecast and our forecast from last last month. The forecast today. And you have to understand that we we keeping our finger on the pulse of american philanthropy and the factors that are involved in charitable giving, including economic, demographic and event factors. We’re looking at a broad spectrum, and our forecast for calendar year two thousand sixteen is that two thousand sixteen, at least today is forecast to finish down to percent. Yeah. Okay. All right. And the point is, you know, this gets revised every single month. I mean, you’re you’re going to be coming on each quarter, but each month you revise the forecast. So, you know, this is the most the most recent data that you can analyze, which is up to one month old. Exactly. All right. And then next month, maybe maybe it’ll continue to decline. Who knows? But all right, now, what way? Not now. What was the forecast? Have to refresh? My recollection is you were on talking about it. What was the twenty sixteen forecast back in january? When when you were on the show? Well, it was a modest too. It was a modest two percent growth, two percent growth. Okay, so we’ve lost four percent from from then. Yes, because now we’re showing an annual decline of two. So okay, all right, well, you know, we keep our tracking the i mean, the news can always be good. And who knows what will happen at the end by the end of the year. But, you know, this is what this is, what data analysis is so people should be aware that the first two months were we’re tour. Okay? You have some suggestion as to why this maybe yeah, there there are several signal we’ve we’ve looked at the data, and we suspect that, um, the reason the forecasts has changed so well, i don’t want to say dramatically because that to me, four percent plus or minus i mean, if you think about political polls, they’re off four percent plus or minus so i don’t want to say dramatically that’s that’s that would be no being just keeping that stoploss that four percent of the reason that the forecast has changed from up to down is that, um, the the guy, the really smart guys who are looking at us gdp, gross sametz really gross domestic product have lowered their forecast for two thousand sixteen, and as every as most people know, gross domestic riel gross domestic product has a major is a major contributor, two charitable giving so that’s one reason. Okay, the expectations in the forecast for the united states stock market has been lowered. Also, not if you think about this time last year we were waiting for a correction, but instead of a correction occurring, the stock market was soaring at this time last year. And so instead of instead of revising numbers down, we were revised your number’s up. And so the the expectation and forecast of the stock market has been lowered so that that is that’s a contributing factor. Recent oil price increases now depends on where you live if you like that or you don’t like that. But for most americans, it’s being reflected at the gas pump, and what that means is that they’re paying more for their gasoline when they go to fill up and they have less disposable income. And since individuals account for seventy three percent of all giving, when when individuals have less disposable income, they have less to give. Yeah, so also get rob rob the objective gases such a a common commodity. I mean it’s like food. I mean, you know, in our car culture, you’re filling up, you know, once a week or something, you’re seeing this increase every week or maybe even more often, and it influences your your opinion of how much disposable income you have, it does absolutely, it does. The same thing is true for other things, like taxes when taxes go up, there’s less disposable income and i don’t care if it’s local taxes or national state taxes or national taxes. It’s, it’s all for individual givers, it’s all about disposable income, okay? And i’m just saying i’m pointing out gas because it’s such a a commodity that people buy so frequently that you know, people jog around and monitor oh, it’s one eighty seven there was one eighty nine over. At the place where i usually go to send mean people compare these pennies and if you see the penny’s going up week after week you ah, i guess you are less wealthy and you feel less well. Okay. Yes. Then then there is then there is the presidential political campaign and i have seen at least two reports from what i would consider to be reliable sources that say campaign e-giving does not affect charitable giving. I am. I am not in a position to say to you today that it does, though we are studying it and and are preparing a report to be released in june about the implications of political fund-raising on charitable giving. But what i would say to you is that campaign interest and uncertainty about future leadership is leaving potential donors on the sideline. Okay, all right, now, let me ask a question about that. How does the atlas of giving study this? How do you do that? Well, way. Have. As you know, tony, we have sixty five algorithms, and those algorithms are based on economic, demographic and event factors. And so, as as we look at each of those sixty five algorithms, whether they’re for a particular source of particular state or a particular sector durney we’re able to get a read on what is what is causing charitable giving to do what it is doing and that’s why we say, we’re keeping our pulse on american philanthropy, and right now, you know, if you look at if you look a campaign giving in terms of it’s out geever its volume in comparison with charitable giving, it’s it’s not very it’s, not very large, but when people are wondering what the leadership of the country is going to do, what taxes are going to do when there’s uncertainty, which there is a great amount of uncertainty today. Um, in both in both the democratic and republican parties, there’s talk of brokered conventions and so forth, people are more cautious, and they tend to stay on the sideline and and that’s what we’re seeing, yeah, so amazing in our algorithms. So it may not be so much the money that people spend on the presidential campaign. E-giving but the attitude of the feeling of uncertainty that’s what you’re suggesting absolutely ok, we’ll get a i think we’ll get where we’re going to. Is we’ll have you back in july because then that’ll be the end of the second quarter, and then you’ll be able to, um, talk about your june paper on on the impact of the presidential campaign on giving. How does that sound? Sounds great. Ok, we’ll take a break now we’re not wrapping up. I don’t want you think, tien, you got more to go, but we’re gonna take our break, and you and i are going to continue our convo, stay with us. Like what you’re hearing a non-profit radio tony’s got more on youtube, you’ll find clips from a standup comedy, tv spots and exclusive interviews catch guests like seth gordon, craig newmark, the founder of craigslist marquis of eco enterprises, charles best from donors choose dot org’s aria finger do something that worked and they only levine from new york universities heimans center on philantech tony tweets to, he finds the best content from the most knowledgeable, interesting people in and around non-profits to share on his stream. If you have valuable info, he wants to re tweet you during the show. You can join the conversation on twitter using hashtag non-profit radio twitter is an easy way to reach tony he’s at tony martignetti narasimhan t i g e n e t t i remember there’s a g before the end he hosts a podcast for the chronicle of philanthropy fund-raising fundamentals is a short monthly show devoted to getting over your fund-raising hartals just like non-profit radio, toni talks to leading thinkers, experts and cool people with great ideas. As one fan said, tony picks their brains and i don’t have to leave my office fund-raising fundamentals was recently dubbed the most helpful non-profit podcast you have ever heard, you can also join the conversation on facebook, where you can ask questions before or after the show. The guests were there, too. Get insider show alerts by email, tony tells you who’s on each week and always includes link so that you can contact guest directly. To sign up, visit the facebook page for tony martignetti dot com. Lively conversation. Top trans sounded life that’s, tony martignetti non-profit radio. And i am his knees. Carmela and i am his nephew, gino. Oppcoll no fools. My sweet niece and nephew. They listen to non-profit radio that they have no choice. But so that right, that that was really cool. Okay, rob mitchell, you want to share some other? Ah, some of the reasons so well is the oil and the gdp and the stock market forecast down the campaigning. What? You got other other other potential reasons or way exhausted our okay, what else? Give us one. Okay? So church e-giving, which is the largest sector accounts for the largest sector of giving in the u s that’s. Like was declining at a faster rate than the national e-giving right raid. The religion is what about a third? Right? Thirty two. Thirty three percent. Something okay now. It’s. Always it’s. It’s, i think. Now remember, tony, that about ten years ago it was about fifty percent. Yeah, well, that’s, sort of the point. I was going to make that you after year when you and i have been talking. I’m not sure it happened in twenty fifteen, but i know twenty, thirteen and fourteen. It was losing aa percent. It was it was losing market share one percent a year. I forget whether that happened in twenty fifteen i can’t remember, but i don’t expect you to remember, but but it’s been declining? Yeah, and now you’re saying it used to be fifty that was before me, but or before i used to pay attention to the stuff. So all right. And then so now, in the first two months, it declined. You think it declined faster than the one point four percent nationwide, right? I mean, sector across the how much? How much did church giving decline? Church e-giving declined. Hang on one second here, jesus was not church e-giving declined look at that rate of three point four percent three point four that’s more than double the one point four across all sectors, yes, wow! And since it’s the largest sector that we measure its impact on total national e-giving is bigger. So it is a very it’s, very significant to look a church e-giving look att gifts to religion and and really study what the trend is on trend has been that fewer and fewer americans for associating with congregations of any kind. They’re going to the they’re going to the church of trump. Well, they’re worshipping a new yorkers. So i’ll leave that worshipping at the feet of donald trump. I don’t know how relieved that you know, but what what what do you think you know this is this is because three new yorkers that are putting aside cruise it’s three new yorkers, but we don’t do politics. I’m sorry, let’s see, oh, the church giving. Why do you think church giving his declining thie elderly or dying and what the measurements have been very consistent over the last two decades, and that is that fewer and fewer people are so our affiliating with churches are attending. Church is are joining churches and altum if you’d like an analogy, look it look at western europe because i think we’re headed to the to the same. We’re sort of headed in the same places western europe. Religion is becoming less and less a significant part of american life, especially for younger americans. Millennials particularly, are not affiliating with churches at the same rate as their parents. Yeah, okay, okay. Let’s, see? All right. There’s. Some other things. Tony two interesting. Okay, but we also have to spend time with sametz commendations for what non-profits should do with this. So let me ask you all right? So let’s, move on me when we need to do that. Okay. Let’s, meet teo. I want to go now. Tio what’s happening across other sectors aside from religion, are things constant or or things changing there too? In the first two months that things are, every sector is down and giving dafs laid for two. Ok. One is the environmental sector which is up and the human service. And by the way, the environmental sector has, um, for the last five years been growing at a faster rate than any other sector. It’s call it. Call it awareness. Call it what you want. But the environmental sector, though it is the smallest giving sector is growing at the fastest rate. Um, the human needs sector are the human services sector is also growing off. All the rest all seven other sectors are in are in decline this year. Okay. Okay. Environment is that now that they have the smallest share i have your your pie chart here, environment is that two percent? Right? So so even a big increase how much is ah, how much is the environment up by how much? The environment is by two points up two point, two percent two point two and human services is up one percent. Okay, human services has about thirteen percent of total giving across all the different sectors. And that what we call an allocated, which also includes donor advised funds, is that zero percent growth. Okay, all right, let’s move to some recommendations for non-profits what? What do you suggesting? In light of what we know from the first two months of the year, it’s it’s time to use extreme caution and planning fiscal year budgets. Heimans as you well know, tony from the non-profits that you’ve worked with that you’re associated with or worked for, um, chances are the but the income budget is set by somebody sticking a wet finger in the air and saying, we’re going to do better than last year by x percent. Now, this is not the time to do that kind of planning. Uh, non-profits need to be especially careful in planning their fiscal year. Budgets it’s also time to consider delaying the launch of new capital campaigns until conditions improve. Lastly, i would say if you’re in, if you’re in mid year in your fiscal year, it’s time for you to modify you’re fiscal year budget in order to prepare for reality. So if your fiscal year, if you’re fiscal year budget was calling for an inn was with based on an increase in charitable giving of eight or ten percent now’s the time to welcome to reality it’s not gonna happen, mom now’s the time to adjust your budget to reality and to really situations. And so it means that you should cut back on your on expenses. How you cut back on expenses is a bonem organization by organization decision. But i would never recommend cutting back on fund-raising cost, because now more than ever you need your fund-raising staff out there trying to raise money for you. Yeah. Alright now, rob, we have just about a minute and a half left. So you need to keep that in mind. Now. What happens though if in the next quarter things rise and you know the forecast is now for, like a three. Percent increased for twenty sixteen. I mean hyre we can’t keep adjusting budgets down and then up, and we can’t work like that, either. Well, tony, i would disagree. I would say that the i s i would say that these organizations that are going to do the best in the future are those that are nimble enough to adjust their budgets toe what is really happening in the charitable giving economy. And so if i come back to you next quarter and say, we’re projecting that giving will be up three percent for the for the calendar year, i’m going to have a different message for you. But i do think that the the organizations that are nimble enough to to follow what is going on in the charitable giving economy are those that are going to have the best result. Okay, all right, we’re gonna leave it there. Rob mitchell that’s excellent. You’re going to back that’s a planet for july when we’ll talk about the second quarter and your paper on the political campaign and and and how it affects charitable giving, you’ll find rob mitchell at atlas of giving dot com and although also at atlas of giving, and he personally is at philanthropy, man, or is that like to point out at philantech roman? Either way, thank you very much, rob mitchell. Thanks, tony, my pleasure and watch for me on tv at the final four. Okay, i’ll, uh, i’ll be rooting for the mets next week. Next week, more from the non-profit technology conference amy sample ward on why non-profit technology network deserves your attention and volunteer training long distance what if all your volunteers can’t always come to your office? If you missed any part of today’s show, i don’t care what you do do whatever the hell you want, it’s april fool’s day and i know you didn’t buy that nonsense about live listen love podcast pleasantries and affiliate affections, apathy i know you didn’t my feeble attempt tio good, thank you. If you missed any part of today’s show, i endure you find it on tony martignetti dot com where in the world else would you go? I am still groping for the way forward. I don’t know. Maybe i need religion, but religions giving his down that’s a bad sign for me, perhaps responsive by pursuant online tools for small and midsize non-profits data driven and technology enabled pursuing dot com and by crowdster online and mobile fund-raising software for non-profits now with apple pay crowdster dot com. Our creative producer is claire meyerhoff. Sam liebowitz is the line producer. Gavin dollars are am and fm outreach director shows social media is by susan chavez. And our music is by scott stein. Be with me next week for non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Go out and be great. What’s not to love about non-profit radio tony gets the best guests check this out from seth godin this’s the first revolution since tv nineteen fifty and henry ford nineteen twenty it’s the revolution of our lifetime here’s a smart, simple idea from craigslist founder craig newmark yeah insights, orn presentation or anything? People don’t really need the fancy stuff they need something which is simple and fast. When’s the best time to post on facebook facebook’s andrew noise nose at traffic is at an all time hyre on nine a m or eight pm so that’s when you should be posting your most meaningful post here’s aria finger ceo of do something dot or ge young people are not going to be involved in social change if it’s boring and they don’t see the impact of what they’re doing so you got to make it fun and applicable to these young people look so otherwise a fifteen and sixteen year old they have better things to dio they have xbox, they have tv, they have their cell phones. Me dar is the founder of idealist took two or three years for foundation staff, sort of dane toe add an email address card. It was like it was phone. This email thing is right and that’s why should i give it away? Charles best founded donors choose dot or ge somehow they’ve gotten in touch kind of off line as it were on dno, two exchanges of brownies and visits and physical gifts. Mark echo is the founder and ceo of eco enterprises. You may be wearing his hoodies and shirts. Tony, talk to him. Yeah, you know, i just i’m a big believer that’s not what you make in life. It sze, you know, tell you make people feel this is public radio host majora carter. Innovation is in the power of understanding that you don’t just do it. You put money on a situation expected to hell. You put money in a situation and invested and expect it to grow and savvy advice for success from eric sacristan. What separates those who achieve from those who do not is in direct proportion to one’s ability to ask others for help. The smartest experts and leading thinkers air on tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent.