All posts by Tony Martignetti

Unheralded Giving

circa 1962:  Promotional headshot portrait of American comedian and talk show host Johnny Carson, for the talk show 'The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. He is wearing a striped blazer. Carson began his thirty-year run as host of the late-night series in 1962.  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

We learned last week that Johnny Carson directed over $150 million from his estate to his foundation. The transfer was only discovered through research by The Smoking Gun. The gifts of securities and royalties were never announced by Carson or those affiliated with him or his foundation.

In the Jewish tradition, based on Maimonides’ degrees of charity, anonymous giving is among the most admired. A few years subsequent to Maimonides, in 2009, The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported increased anonymous giving.

This reminds me of the high calling of quiet, unheralded giving. How refreshing and admirable it is to see a 9-figure unannounced donation. There are surely others that never get exposed and they are equally worthy of respect. I know there are many much smaller anonymous gifts and I hope you have been privileged to work on a couple of them.

Carson’s giving isn’t strictly anonymous, because the John W. Carson Foundation is (I’m guessing) widely known to be his, and that’s where the grants to charities come from. But his silent funding of his foundation with an enormous gift reminds me how revered the anonymous donor is.

Nonprofit Radio for August 20, 2010: Retirement Planning for Small Nonprofit Employees

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

You can subscribe on iTunes and listen anytime, anyplace on the device of your choice.

Tony’s Guest:

Mary-Jo Knight, Senior Financial Consultant, AXA Advisors talks about retirement planning for small nonprofit employees.

With or without an employer-sponsored retirement plan, Mary-Jo will take your questions and help you chart your retirement course.

Here is a link to the podcast: 006: Your Retirement Plan

This Friday from 1-2pm this week and every week!

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You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

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Durney arika durney hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio on your aptly named host tony martignetti and we’re talking about big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. A pleasure to follow larry broom and bloom and the divorce our if you were listening. There’s big news in new york state about divorce because no fault divorce is now legal, and if you missed larry’s show right before this one, you can always listen to the archive at talking alternative dot com on talking alternative broadcasting. My guest today is going to be mary-jo knight and she’s, a senior financial consultant with access, she’ll be joining me after our first break have a couple of things want teo, proceed with our name, the number contest i had asked you to name the number the calling number, which is eight seven seven for nato forty one twenty and that went bust because there are too many zeros and ones the ones and zeros don’t have letters corresponding to them on the keypad, and that flow mixed everyone and i didn’t realize that when i announced the contest, it was spur of the moment, and i hadn’t looked at the technology or a keypad so we don’t have a winner for the name the number contest. We’ll have another contest, i’ll think of something, and i’ll give away either a free copy of my book to your favorite charity or a complimentary hour of planned e-giving consulting, so we’ll have another contest and that’ll be on the facebook page. Which brings us to the facebook page. I have a facebook page for the show it’s now facebook dot com slash tony martignetti non-profit radio, but you don’t even have to go there to find it. You can find it on the page you’re listening from right now you’re looking at the player where on the at the screen, if you just scroll down a little bit, you’ll see the facebook window you can click on it. Don’t click now because you might cut off the show. We don’t want that, but if you know that your browser will open a new window, then go ahead and click it or click after the show. I would never advocate clicking during commercials that’s not a good idea click there and join like us like us on our facebook page. That’s the way to get to the facebook page. Right below the player that you’re looking at on your screen. You don’t even have to know how to spell my last name. And as i said, my guest today is mary-jo night, and we’re talking about all things retirement were relating to your retirement. You devote so much time to the care and help and lives of others let’s devote this hour to you, your retirement plan, maybe a retirement tuneup. Mary-jo has enormous experience working with people, planning for retirement and in retirement, and after this break, she is going to join us. Stay with me. You couldn’t do anything, including getting dink dink dink. You’re listening to the talking alternate network, get in. Cubine are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. I’m tony martignetti, the aptly named host of the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. You’re non-profit is ignored because you’re smaller medium size. But you still need expertise and help with technology fund-raising compliance, finance and accounting will look at all of these areas on the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent on talking alternative dot com fridays one, too. Talking. Yeah! Back-up. Neo-sage no. Because i’m dahna can i must? I’ve always loved the monkeys. My favorite with peter tour this is tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. We’re talking to small and mid sized non-profits sometimes you feel left out, maybe often, because big non-profits get attention. You have a home here at tony martignetti non-profit radio. My guest today for the whole show is mary-jo night mary-jo is a senior financial consultant and retirement planning specialist with aksa advisers. She began her career in financial services in nineteen seventy two she is one of the top women financial advisors at axa of among many, she serves on the axle women’s leadership council, is president of the arts art resource alliance and is on the oratorio society of new york’s board of directors and with oratorio society. She performs regularly in carnegie hall, a great background to be a guest because she has non-profit experience she’s working with non-profits not only in her practice, but serving on boards you may have seen mary-jo on the today show, maybe bloomberg tv, cnbc power lunch you might have heard mary-jo on bloomberg radio or the wall street journal. Report after having done those smaller media outlets she’s joining talking alternative broadcasting on the twenty martignetti non-profit radio today mary-jo welcome to the show and it’s great to be a tony. Thank you very much a pleasure to have you when we’re thinking about retirement, what are some things that people should think about? First may be with respect to their employer, but what are some awesome first thoughts people should have? I think the first thing that people all around the country are concerned about us outliving their money with medical advances being so great we are going to be living a lot longer and we have a lot less resource is unless we save them. The government is making us more responsible for our retirement. Um, our corporations or our organizations are non for profits are making us more responsible for our retirement, and unless we save that money, we’re going to be very short on dollars when we get to retirement age, i actually looked at a number social security average is about twelve hundred dollars for a working couple that’s, not five hundred dollars a month for a working couple. That’s not a lot to live on so that’s today, right? That’s today that today’s couples i have always lived by and took the word of my parents. If you’ve saved ten percent of everything you make, you’ll never be poor. So i’ve always lived that and putting ten percent away even though it’s, a major struggle today will pay off in spades down the road. Okay, there’s a valuable first very simple lesson strive to save right ten percent of your earnings. That would be my first off advice. You know, corporations, organization not-for-profits typically provide employees with a way to save its either through there for o three b, also known as a psa t d a tax sheltered annuity program. Um, people complete away or you fora one k which is also a new plan that you can put into the not for profit world. Now mary-jo before we get too far, i don’t want to put you in jargon jail, so okay, let’s let’s. First let me tell listeners that we are taking your calls. Today we are live today and the number to call is eight double seven four eight zero, forty one, twenty eight, double seven for eight o. O for one two oh, taking your calls for mary-jo night. Ah, let’s. Define a few of the things that you just mentioned. Ah, for o three b what? What is that? Ok, all of these numbers are simply sections of the irs tax code of four. Oh, one k is typically a corporate retirement plan where people can put money away every paycheck. Four o three b is the same thing on lee it’s for hospitals it’s for universities it’s for not provoc not-for-profits so essentially it’s the same exact thing. And i think people who have accounts with i’m going to name the biggest one that i know of. Tia cref that’s a four o three b is that right? Yes. Could be ok. Yeah, absolutely. Okay. I read your it’s. Just a numbers that the irs puts on a corporal or employer sponsored pension plan or retirement plan. Okay. And then you mentioned t d a. I think tanya is a tax deferred annuity, eh? So we can get into these unusual a little later, right? I just wanted to flush out the acronyms and there was one more. Three b is a psa it’s also what’s. It say tax, sheltered and unsheltered anew. Thanks. Deferred annuity for all three b well, the same thing. Okay, we’ll get to we’ll get tau breaking those out shortly on dh. I was asking you about what some first thoughts are, so we know strive to save ten percent, right? Don’t you have to be concerned about outliving your assets, so that would be the first thing. Another thing is to really take stock of what you’re entitled to. Many corporations. Um, we’re not-for-profits that have been around for a long time offer their employees pensions, actual pension and a pension is something that when you retire your company, your organization is going to provide you with a monthly income for the rest of your life and that’s something that the organization probably contributes to. They are. And this would be something called a find benefit plan where the company on ly contributes to it. And foreign since i spent twenty, is at merrill lynch way back when and they owe me a pension. I know a lot of the lodge in not-for-profits have guaranteed their employees when they turn, it can be fifty five, sixty, sixty five they when they’re retired. They will get a monthly paycheck for the rest of their life and that’s really the difference between a pension on a retirement plan, a pension is typically the fine benefit guaranteed most companies our cutting them out or do not offer them to new employees now on dh, small and midsize non-profits are not likely to have pension that’s, right? Yeah, so i’m sort of going on the assumption, and we will that that we’re talking to people who don’t have non-profit whose employers don’t have a pension plan, but as you know, other things, one of ah recent client of ours found out that she had a huge pension and she actually changed jobs into a smaller not-for-profits because her pension was so big and she was able to collect that pension, roll it over into an ira, and now she’s working for a small enough for-profit so i think it makes some sense for people at least understand what you have and if you left a large not-for-profits make sure you understand whether or not you have a pension coming to you any other things that we should be looking at, maybe maybe with respect. To the employer, seeing what the employer might offer aside from a pension well, typically it’s mostly gonna be retirement plans again. Most not-for-profits can’t really give pensions, so they set up one of the retirement accounts that you can contribute into, okay, and what type of one of those? And that would be those four o three b in the four oh one k. Often, the not for profit will give an employee some kind of match for if you put in four percent, they may match you’re four percent contribution, and you typically have to put in a certain amount what to get the employer match what’s your recommendation. Do you recommend putting in as much as you can to get that match? Well, i wouldn’t at least put in as much as you need to get the match. Don’t give away free money. We do have a caller already. Excellent. Tracy, tracy, you’re on talking alternative broadcasting that tony martignetti non-profit radio welcome. I think we lost tracy tracy, hopefully you will call back let’s, continue with mary-jo what about some of the issues that revolve around beneficiaries naming naming beneficiaries of whatever your plan is? Aren’t there pitfalls there and things that people need to know about? Generally, if we’re married, we under law, we must name our spouse that’s number one um, there is some pitfalls, though you don’t want to name your minor children. Typically, you might want to find a custodian for your minor children, because if they if you pass away and your five year old inherit your retirement account, they can’t use it, and then you have to go. A court has to appoint a guardian, and that child may not be able to get any of the benefit of that money until they become of majority age. I see. So now now we’re talking about naming beneficiary named beneficiaries receive the balance of your a count count, correct, and that could that’s true of ira’s fora one case for three bees or any type of retirement accounts you should name, name a custodian for your children. The other thing is a lot i see a lot. Of clients, but their mom down, you know, you’re a young woman, a young man, and you’re just starting out, you put your mom down. We had one gentleman in our office who, after twenty years of being divorced when he passed away unexpectedly, his ex wife actually got his retirement account. Twenty years worth of savings, which is not what has tended. So whenever you have a life event, you want to change your beneficiaries, we’re going to take a break. Mary-jo night is with us, we’re talking all things retirement, your retirement focusing on you in this hour. Mary-jo will stay with us after the break, and i hope you do, too. You’re listening to talking alternative network at www dot talking alternative dot com, now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. I really need to take better care of myself. If only i had someone to help me with my lifestyle. I feel like giving up. Is this you mind over matter, health and fitness can help. If you’re expecting an epiphany, chances are it’s not happening. Mind over matter, health and fitness could help you get back on track or start a new life and fitness. Join joshua margolis, fitness expert two one two eight sixty five nine to nine xero. Or visit w w w died mind over matter. N y c dot com wolber is your marriage in trouble? Are you considering divorce? Hello, i’m lawrence bloom, a family law attorney in new york and new jersey. No one is happier than the day their divorce is final. My firm can help you. We take the nasty out of the divorce process and make people happy. Police call us ed to one, two, nine, six, four three five zero two for a free consultation. That’s lawrence h bloom two, one, two, nine, six, four, three five zero two. We make people happy. Hyre xero. Hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com. Dahna tony martignetti the host is tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. My guest today is mary-jo night senior financial consultant and retirement planning specialist with access advisers were live, and we would love to be taking your calls on you’ll know that this is a very high tech station because we have technical problems, we can’t seem to keep a call on the phone, so don’t call eight, seven, seven etcetera instead. Email info at talking alternative dot com. So if you have questions for mary-jo, please email info at talking alternative dot com. We’ll get your message and read it on the air, and you and everyone else will benefit from it mary-jo you ah, i mentioned earlier if someone changes jobs, they might roll over and let’s, talk a little about what happens, what you should be thinking about if you are in a job change. Um, it’s really? Never smart to take your money out of your retirement account, as i said, you’re going to really be you need to save a lot of money so that you’re not. I told my clients, i don’t want you flipping hamburgers at eighty years old at mcdonald’s so you really need to put money away today. The life expectancy of a newborn is one hundred twenty years, so even if you retire, say it seventy years old, you still have another fifty years that you have to potentially i have to have your money last four. So when you’re changing a Job the best 1 of the best things thiss tool turn it is that i see one is rolling your money over or transferring directly, transferring your money over to your own ira and that’s, very simply done by getting the paperwork from your employer than having an ira set up at a bank of mutual fund company with your financial advisor. However you do that, so essentially, if you have the money in your retirement account, you fill out the paperwork and the money is sent from that employer sponsored retirement account to your own ira that’s one alternative the other alternative is if if you go to another corporation, another not-for-profits another organization, you can also directly transfer that money from your current employers plan to the next employer’s plan, and there’s benefits to doing both if you combine and this is again what i typically advocate if you combine your retirement accounts as you change jobs into your own ira, then you always have the ability to control how that money is invested, what you’re paying for that investment, but the management of those investments and you don’t lose track. I have one client who has literally moved to india, and she still has a retirement account in new york, one in california and she’s in india and it’s really difficult at this point to combine them until she comes back to the states so you can lose track and it gets really messy. And if you are doing any kind of investment management for yourself, unless you have them in one place, it gets really complicated. Teo try toe manage five or six different iras or five or six different accounts with your employers. So now if you have an i r a, you can also have an employer sponsored, maybe for three, right? Sure, sure, i’m i again at Acts. I have my 40 one k and i have. I also have some self employed in comment. I also have an ira, so i have three. Things, but i am very careful about combining and managing them. They’re all in my control. They’re just not at other companies, one of the benefits of and if you have the thing on the difference on from an ira to a corporate retirement account or your employer sponsored for o three b is that in the four o three b or in the four oh one k, you can typically borrow money while you’re still working at that company. You will have to pay it back before you leave that company, but you can borrow money from your four oh three typical. Yes, and i don’t know about tia specifically, and i won’t go into that because it really worked too much on that. But typically most organizations and the federal government says you can borrow up to fifty percent. Now. If you’re buying a home, you might borrow a piece of the down payment. You may use it for paying taxes. There are, you know, um, emergency comes up, so there are things to use that for. But you must. The trap is if you don’t pay it back by the time you changed jobs, then you have to pay regular income tax on that money plus a ten percent penalty. So you always have to be where the tax ramifications of borrowing you want to get that money back in your account before you change jobs. And the way to find out those implications would be to talk to the plan administrator or yes or your accountant or your own tax advisor, right? Everything that we say here is it should be under the umbrella of talk to your tax advisor. This is not tax advice as muchas general knowledge s o but the other side of it is if you have an ira, even though under most circumstances you cannot borrow from that ira, you can take the money out for sixty days. It must be back in the account by the end of sixty days. So the irs does allow you to use that money for sixty days has to be back in the ira. Well, you’ll pay that income tax again. And the ten percent sort of ah, a bridge loan. It’s a quick. Give yourself it’s. A quick like yourself. A bridge loan. We have a couple of email questions. Excellent. Thank you. For emailing your questions. The first one is from tracy, who were lost on the phone. Sorry about that, tracy on dh, she asks a self employed freelance writer what are my options for retirement? Since i don’t have a company that offers a four oh one k like us, we’re talking about ira’s well do-it-yourself employed, the irs allows you to open something called a sep s p i r a what’s up stand for self employed retirement plan pension there’s also a start but it’s much more complicated there’s a surprise like serpent i don’t wantto dahna let’s start with step so self employed all is that by right now? There’s a catch to this? Some corporations pay you on a ten nineteen r w too, even though you are a freelance that’s, one of the really hard places to save on attacks preferred basis so if you’re freelancing and being paid on a w two, you cannot open a set by array it’s on ly if it’s a ten, ninety nine basis so there’s a distinction there so what you can do or anybody can dio is one of the products that’s out on the market that allows people to save its not tax. You don’t get a tax deduction, but one of the products out there is something called nonqualified or none. I arrest nondeductible variable or fixed rate annuities where you can literally save as much as you want. The money that goes in is an after tax money. The money grows tax deferred when you take that money out what you put in is obviously tax free comes out again tax free. But any profit is taxable as at ordinary income tax rates. Alright, eso profits tax what you put in his tax free. But like a mutual fund, your profit always comes out first. So you’re paying tax on the profit first i’m opening the doors again. Teo jargon jail. I want teo flesh out. You just said qualified plans so let’s before the final unqualified right? We have about a minute or so before the next break. Explain what qualified and nonqualified means qualified plan is something that the irs sanctions and gives you a tax benefit for so a qualified plan would be your employer’s retirement plan would be your a pension plan on ira is qualified on ly in that it gives you a tax deduction. That’s what i mean qualified means hyre e-giving deduction and non qualified is after tax money that is going to be taxed at the back end. And so i’ll stick a roth ira right in the middle of that tax at the back end, meaning when you withdraw, if it is that’s, when that’s, when you attack, correct. Okay, we’re going to take a break after the break. We have an e mail from christine. Email your questions to info at talking alternative dot com, please stay with us. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. I’m tony martignetti, the aptly named host of the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. You’re non-profit is ignored because you’re smaller medium size, but you still need expertise and help with technology fund-raising compliance, finance and accounting will look at all of these areas on the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent on talking alternative dot com fridays. One, too hyre you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll she’s. All mrs back-up he’s called. I can’t officially jumping. My rival will love back-up on talking alternative broadcasting, this is tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your host, tony martignetti my guest today is mary-jo night senior financial consultant and retirement specialist with axe advisers were going to start with a question mary-jo that came in by e mail. By the way. Email your questions, please today to info at talking alternative dot com that’s info at talking alternative dot com this question is from christine, who says, i was also taught the ten percent rule about saving when i started working, my parents wisely told me i look at that, she says, wisely told her she loves her parents. This is wonderful. My parents wisely told me that if i started saving from the beginning of my employment, i would never even notice that decrease in spending money that having been said, what advice do you have for adults who are in the middle of their career and take a decrease in pe or for a period, leave employment altogether to care for children or aging parents? It’s hard to remain focused on retirement and discipline when life gets complicated in the present thank you. For your question, christine mary-jo what do you think? It’s? A great question, christine and it’s, not something unusual today there are so many people out of work, there are so many people struggling, so here, just some of the things that we’re experiencing in our financial planning practice is downsizing and and i empathize sympathize because i know how difficult it is, especially a lot of women are taking care of children wearing about college, and they’re also taking care of their parents, and we call it the sandwich generation it’s really, really difficult. So, um, one of the things i would say starting out is the most important thing is really, and i think this is for everyone when you’re doing retirement planning college planning, we’re just trying to save is sit down and know what you’re spending every month, sit down and really figure out a budget, and you can send an email to tony if you want our budget sheet and i will make sure everybody, anybody that emails him gets a copy of it. Well, actually, the way to reach mary-jo is to goto mary-jo site, it’s mary-jo mary-jo dot biz mary-jo that is that’s. An m a r y joo dot biz that’s our website, but so ah, budget, you hear that by so often, but rarely not about guilty about how you’re spending your money as much as it is about self awareness about what we’re doing without money and where we can make changes. Ah lot of us owe housed were working with, um, some clients who were advising to move into less expensive apartments. You know, credit has dried up in a lot with the bank, so it’s hard to get a home equity lines in a lot of places, so i think the thing is, number one, start out with a budget, see where you can cut expenses and, you know, assuming you’re going back into the workforce and, you know, give yourself a little bit of a break and don’t depends so much on the retirement account on the retirement plan and focus on getting through the next year or two, i think we will get out of this recession i think the world will get better on we will have brighter days ahead, but i would say, you know, the other thing is sit down with a good financial advisor um, who may charge you a fee for the service but may save you and give you some ideas on how to get through this how to use some of the benefits you have, um, or maybe even augment what you’re already doing. So anything financial advisor, i think, understand your budget, look at the possibility of downsizing not only expenses, but also housing and don’t worry immediately about retirement. Maybe maybe that retirement planning and saving needs to be put off for a short period a couple of years, but to get back to it exactly before the break mary-jo we were talking about you mentioned the roth i r a, and why don’t we explore that a little bit as a as an alternative account overtime account, i think it’s great, you know, circling back to a lot of the smaller admit size non-profits not having retirement accounts, formal retirement accounts for their employees, those employees can set up individual iras. Um, which is just simply a vehicle that allows you to save i think it’s six thousand dollars excuse me for not knowing that number, um, a year on attacks preferred basis, let’s see is it five thousand dollars on attacks preferred basis and you could do that either in a deductible ira or a roth ira, and we don’t say i’m sorry wait when you say attacks preferred basis, what does that mean going okay, so a deductible i r a traditional ira, if you put five thousand dollars away, then you’re income taxes will be reduced, or the income that year will be reduced by that five thousand dollars. So if you’re earning one hundred thousand dollars and you put five thousand dollars into an ira, you’re only going to be taxed by the irs at ninety five thousand dollars if you do, and so that money will grow tax free for the rest of your life or until you have to take money out seventeen and a half, but we’ll go there later when you have to take money out, then you’ll pay taxes on that money because you didn’t pay any money up front. You’ve got the taxi to the traditional, traditional or deductible ira. The other type of ira is a roth ira. And this again, i think it’s it’s perfect four self employed people. It’s really excellent if you have a corporate or organization sponsored retirement plan? You can also do a roth ira for up to five thousand dollars a roth ira is an after tax contribution to an ira, so you already paid your income taxes on that money. It will also grow tax free until you decide to take it out, but he is the good part when you decide to take it out, it is also tax free, so essentially you’re pre paying your taxes upfront that five thousand dollars gets to grow until you take it out. There are you can leave that to your grandchildren to your children. The tax benefits for roth iras of fabulous but you don’t want to name a minor is the beneficiary, right? You never wanna name a minor, so you would so let’s just fall that’ll bit. So what suppose you did want the money teo in a roth ira to ultimately get two grandchildren? And you’re not sure what age there’ll be, but you don’t want them to get it when they’re under, say twenty or it doesn’t have to be just eighteen. What what do you do? Everybody with children should really hear this loud. And clear. Don’t name your children as beneficiaries. And do you get a well done? Seventy four percent of the population does not have a will. You should have a custodian, someone you trust, a sister, a brother, a relative. Um, someone that you trust that we’ll take care of your children’s money for you. So you have that in your will. You should have that on your life insurance. And you should have that on your retirement accounts. So what you do is your naming a custodian for the benefit of your children as long as they are minors. Once your children are not miners, then fine. Then you can name them directly, and you’re naming the custodian in your will. Is that right? As as the beneficiary as the custodian is the person that will take care of your children’s money. Yes, but also directly on your retirement. You know, when you, when you altum in an ira, correct on a beneficiary form. When you open an ira, you have to name a beneficiary. Here’s the key. If you name your a state as the beneficiary of your ira, that estate must pay out with the bent. The ira four oh, one k for three be any retirement account must pay out in five years. If you do not name an individual person, if you name your estate the ira must pay out in five years in effect for donors. If you name a charity that ira must pay out in five years a non natural person on on a beneficial as a beneficiary of an ira or any kind of retirement account, non natural people, which is non people, okay, must pay out in five years. So you want to name an individual a person. But if it’s minor children name it as a custodian for those children, as long as they minor, i see. So on the beneficiary form itself, you’re naming the custodian as custodian for the minor child. Correct? That’s what exactly? What you put on the change of beneficiary? Correct. Okay. Is anything more than you wanted to say about the roth ira now, this sounds like something. Let me just say that it could be valuable for the woman tracy three mailed. Doesn’t have an employer. Could be a roth ira oran or a traditional correct. Correct. You khun do either, but again, and and for younger people, where it looks very likely that over the next ten, fifteen years, taxes will probably be hi there. When i started working in nineteen, seventy two, capital gains rates were up around seventy percent. Now, that’s a long time ago, most people don’t remember that long ago, but tak capital gains rates and now fifteen percent. So we’re one of the lowest tax time’s in, you know, decades, our memories are short way. Don’t think back that far. We don’t realize that way weren’t born that far back. So for the younger people, um, a roth ira, if you pre paying your taxes now, by the time you’d use this money, if tax rates are a lot higher and you don’t have any taxes to pay because it’s a roth ira, it is such a bonanza. So that’s, really, i think good advice for people who don’t have an employer plan like tracy, who emailed, by the way, email your questions to info at talking alternative dot com were not able to take calls today through a technical problem, so email mary-jo if you have a question at info at talking alternative dot com, this is tony martignetti non-profit radio mary-jo what about thinking about sort of pre retirement? If you’re maybe five years out from retirement when you think you’re going to be retiring, are there things you should be doing in preparation? Well, i guess one of the most important things, you know, i just talked about it a little bit a few minutes ago is i understand what it cost you to live, um, everything that you do, going forward in retirement is going to be based on what does it cost you to live? And if you have a handle on that, if you know it cost you five thousand dollars, if you know it cost you seven thousand dollars, then you can start to prepare for how much do you need to retire? Five years out? You still have time to make adjustments. Um, you may think it’s five years out, when in fact, if you do a financial plan, it turns out it’s seven years or eight years out. So it’s really helpful to number one. Understand what your cost of living is if you one of the rules of thumb that the industry is looking at right now is if you take your balance as of december thirty first say you have a half a million dollars saved and your offices in all savings, everything, everything that you’re going to spend wants to retard. So the ideas how do you turn that into an income? So if you look at your december thirty first balance and this isn’t even a gauge for younger people cause then you can start to monitor. How close are you to having enough? Or are you saving enough? Or are you way way off? So a half a million dollars if you calculate four percent of that, that four percent well, pretty much withdrawal once a year. Well, pretty much allow youto have your money last twenty five years. So if i have a half a mostly around them, as i have a million dollars four percent withdrawals forty thousand dollars if that’s all my money can i live on forty thousand dollars? It’s a pretty simple way to understand whether or not you have enough now add to the forty thousand dollars your social security, which we will get a reminder from social security three months before our birthday. How much our social security payment is estimated to bay. So if i know i have a million dollars, um, so i know i can take forty thousand out of my assets, plus my social security. If i have any pensions, add that on and now you know, you have an idea of how much or how much income you’ll have during retirement if you don’t have enough to go on vacation with that four percent this year, skip the vacation next year if investments are hyre and your account has gone up on december thirty first of the following year, and you have enough to take the vacation. Great. But you need to know let’s talk about maybe had invested all this money also, and that four percent rule is that that will give you a gauge of how that your money will. Last for twenty years, twenty five years, twenty five years. That so, if you’re so if you expect a latto live longer than twenty five, you need to have more money or that’s produced the four percent two and a half or three percent quick. And as you get, you know, when you when you get to be seventy, you can use five percent when you get to be, you know, eighty, you can use six percent in the minute or so we have left before a break. What else should people in those pre retirement years be thinking of anything else? Well, i think you really again. From our perspective, you really should be sitting down and doing a formal financial plan so that you can identify. How do you allocate your money? How much should be in fixed income? How much income should you have? You know what? You want to equate your fixed expenses with fixed income, your variable expenses, your, you know, luxuries, things that you can change around on and have that invested a little bit more let’s. Say aggressively. So let’s talk about how to allocate on and you really want to be ableto lock that in before you sit down and and retire from your job. This is tony martignetti non-profit radio, your host, tony martignetti. My guest today is mary-jo night, senior financial consultant and retirement planning specialist with access advisors. We’re going to take a break. Mary-jo will stay with us, and i hope you do, too. 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Is your marriage in trouble? Are you considering divorce? Hello, i’m lawrence bloom, a family law attorney in new york and new jersey. No one is happier than the day their divorce is final. My firm can help you. We take the nasty out of the divorce process and make people happy. Police call us ed to one, two, nine, six four three five zero two for a free consultation. That’s lawrence h bloom at to one to nine six four three five zero two. We make people happy. Durney talking. This is about. Teo, wait! Sit around the house, get watching tio here’s. What happened with no. I swear to you, tony martignetti non-profit radio, my guest today is mary-jo night we’re talking about your retirement. I’d like to take a minute to talk about something that i blogged about this week. No, and that is the name of the block post actually is unheralded e-giving we learned last week that johnny carson donated one hundred fifty six million dollars to his foundation at his death through his estate and what really caught my attention about that is nobody knew it. It got discovered by the investigators at the smoking gun because they were filing coming through nine, ninety forms, the annual filing form that the carson foundation it’s actually called the john w carson foundation and the smoking gun went through the nine, ninety form for the tax year and found a significant gift from johnny carson himself and that’s the only way that this became news, nobody at the foundation was disclosing it. Obviously, johnny carson didn’t say anything before his death, and i just that gets me just thinking about, ah sort of revered status of someone who gives quietly, silently. I can’t technically call his gift anonymous because the john w carson foundation is certainly making gifts to charities and those charities know where the money is coming from so it’s not strictly anonymous but still got me thinking about how we just should respect the people who give to your organization’s quietly, silently, you know, there’s a lot of attention being paid to the to the buffet gates, six hundred billion dollars challenge, and that is a very worthy challenge not to minimize that or disparages at all it’s outstanding for the attention that it brings to philanthropy, but there’s another kind of giver, another kind of donor of the secret, quiet donor a person is someone that maybe we should be thinking about and and paying honor to when when we come across them, their their their occasional, they’re rare. I’ve worked on just a few anonymous gif ts on, hopefully you have had the pleasure of working with such donors. You’ll find my block post at on this subject at m p g a d v dot com, which is the home of my blood. My guest is mary-jo night mary-jo, of course, is still with us mary-jo we, we’ve talked about traditional iras, roth iras, we compared and contrasted. Them, but you’ve mentioned something that’s important i think we want to explore, and that is that these get invested. If you’re doing your own investment management, what do you do? You’re not a professional advisor. Financial advisor? How do you determine how you should have your accounts invested? I think this is ah, really critical information for everyone. There’s an awful lot of information available. And so i’m going to just go through a couple of things that i think go from the very, very simple, too. A little bit more complicated. There’s a rule of thumb that i heard from a very, very wise investment manager years ago, and i think it probably still holds a lot of validity a cz faras investing. So if you take your take one hundred, subtract your age. The difference is the percentage that you should have in stocks, and that would be for a very conservative investor. So let’s, take the example of a forty five year old. Okay, i was going to use a forty year old but that’s great. So forty five year old if you take one hundred, subtract forty five that person should have if it’s a conservative investors should have fifty five percent in stocks, so now you’re going to re balance this annually. So it’s a very simple way to manage how you invest stocks to bonds to cash and and you said it twice. I just want to emphasize that’s for someone who’s conservative. So so if you’re if you’re more of a risk taker, then you’d have more than the fifty five percent clolery in-kind in stocks, so go ahead so let’s go into that a little bit, you know, generally the most effective way to investor money in any retirement plan today is using mutual funds. There are so many different mutual funds, and if you find a family of mutual funds that you’re comfortable with or mutual fund investment company, by all means go on their website and create a strategy. Every single mutual fund company has something called a risk tolerance profile where you can literally go in and say, you know, if you’re not comfortable with what happened in your account two years ago and not many people are very comfortable with the value of their account going down forty percent, um then go on, do one of these risked tolerance, profiles and, well, personal risk tolerance and create a strategy. Um, i studied very high math about six years ago, and i was absolutely blown away by the sophistication that goes into the models that people use probabilities, et cetera to understand what, how much stocks, how much bonds, how much should be international, how much should be small cap, large cap, etcetera? So go on to a website and really answer the questions of very simple questions and answer them honestly, if you didn’t change your portfolio when the market went down forty percent, and yet the question says, how often do you change your portfolio when the market goes down and you didn’t change it? Then answer xero you didn’t change it, so i would spend the time to go on there, and that will give you an idea of what the allocation is. And then you can look for the mutual fund that’s going to fit your comfort zone? Is it sixty percent stocks or and forty percent bonds? You don’t want to ever have one hundred percent bonds or one hundred percent stocks either way, it’s too risky? We found that that bonds don’t always work two years ago, and we know that stocks don’t always work because there’s too much volatility and it’s when the market is down the most that people get scared and get out. One other thing is, when you’re putting money away every month, you have to also realize that when the market is down, i think warren buffett he’s buying in on sale when the world goes to hell in a handbasket, he wants to own stuff. So the worst time to get out one of his one of his adage is that i love is it’s time to be fearful when everyone else is greedy and it’s time to be greedy when everyone else is fearful. He sees a lot of fear in the market and that’s, why he’s doing what you just said exactly so there’s ah technique called dollar cost averaging. So you’re putting money in every paycheck or every month when the market’s down you want to stay in there buying those stocks because they’re cheap when the market goes back up a year, two years from now or whatever that cycle is, and typically the seven year cycles you will have bought a lot of stock, very cheap relative to look ahead five years, how much it buy and how cheap was it? So dollar cost averaging is a great thing when you’re buying when you get to be fifty five, sixty, sixty five and looking at retirement again, you want to make sure you’re readjusting that portfolio to your temperature. At that point, my guest today has been mary-jo night, senior financial consultant and retirement specialist with aksa advisers, you could reach mary-jo at mary-jo dot biz, you can reach tony martignetti non-profit radio on the fan page, which it’s going to be safe to click in just a minute because i’ll be done and on that player window, just scroll down and click to the fan page go over there and like us, my guest next week will be stephanie strong she’s, the non-profit beat reporter for the new york times. She’ll be with us here in the studio, and joining us by phone next week will be can cerini of cerini and associates were going to be talking about compliance and auditing, and we’re certainly gonna include a conversation aboutthe possible revocation of tax exempt status for this small and mid sized organizations that didn’t file their form nine, ninety within the past three years. The irs has a procedure for you to save your tax exempt status, and we’ll be covering that with ken cerini also joining me next week. As i said, stephanie strong, i want to think clear meyerhoff, our creative producer, sand liebowitz, line producer, and regina walton, who takes care of our facebook page. I’m tony martignetti, the host of tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Thanks for listening. Join us next week, friday at one p, m eastern at talking alt-right dot com. Oppcoll hyre

Email Solicitations Have Consequences

Recently two friends emailed me about Catalog Choice’s $20,000 Paperless Choice Digital Fundraising Challenge. It’s a contest to encourage nonprofits away from paper solicitations to “successful & replicable digital fundraising campaigns.” Including email. I applaud the idea, co-sponsored by the Overbrook Foundation.

The nonprofits that nominate their email fundraising campaigns need to know that in many states, email appeals are solicitations, and solicitations trigger Charity Registration requirements. If the soliciting nonprofit isn’t registered with state authorities, then its solicitations are illegal. In a lot of states that means criminal or civil fines. Serious consequences.

Email fundraising is a solicitation in states like Arizona, California, Connecticut, D.C. (not a state, but has abundant nonprofit registration requirements), Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York and Virginia.

Open mailbox and keyboard

Like so much of the Charity Registration morass, penalties vary state-by-state. Arizona calls noncompliance a Class 1 misdemeanor, with fine up to $2,500 and jail up to 60 days. (I doubt anyone is going to prison over this.) And Arizona has scant exemptions, only for political committees and parties. That means nearly every fundraising email landing there demands registration with the secretary of state.

California, like D.C., is a tough place to comply in. It seems like the attorney general’s office (registration in most states is with the secretary of state or A.G.) went out of its way to make the process confusing, time consuming and expensive. But, the fines are low in the Golden State: only $25 per month. The District of Columbia has civil fines and fees. Florida, an enormously important fundraising state with its hefty crop of retirees, offers the narrowest of exemption categories. In Florida, scofflaws face a 3rd degree felony for goodness sake, with fines up to $5,000. (The jail time is measured in years.)

If your nonprofit sends email solicitations, you might look at Catalog Choice’s contest. You might also look at the Charity Registration requirements in states where those emails land.

(I signed up with Catalog Choice. It’s free and nonprofit. If they relieve me of the Smith+Noble catalogs that I’ve tried about 8 times over 3 or 4 years to unsubscribe from, I’ll donate $50.)

Nonprofit Radio for August 13, 2010: Exploting Traditional Media: What is your nonprofit story?

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

You can subscribe on iTunes and listen anytime, anyplace on the device of your choice.

Tony’s Guests:

Peter Panepento, web editor, The Chronicle of Philanthropy and Sara Dunaj, account executive, CRT/tanaka PR agency.

Topic: Exploting Traditional Media: What is your nonprofit story? How to get yours told

There will be a link to the podcast posted here after the show.

This Friday from 1-2pm this week and every week!
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Durney durney dahna hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent, i’m your aptly named host tony martignetti last week, we looked at traditional sari last week, we looked at social media using social media, building community networks, online community, using online fund-raising the person to person fund-raising this week, we’re looking at traditional media, my guests are going to be peter panepento, whose web editor for the chronicle of philanthropy, so he’s got on interesting mix of traditional media but doing it in the non traditional sense he’s, their web editor, and we’ll talk about the non-profit story. How that’s been changing what he sees it becoming and what’s interesting to the chronicle how the chronicle is a resource for small and medium non-profits our audience and at the bottom of the hour i’ll be joined by sarah din, eh? Sarah is account executive for tanaka agency and does public relations for non-profits and has a non-profit background herself. So this week, it’s traditional media howthe story is evolving and how you can get involved where pre recorded this week so i won’t be able to take your calls will be live. Next week, though, on the twenty third, but there is a contest name the number i want to find a way to name our calling number, which is, um eight seven seven for eight xero for one to zero again, we can’t take calls this week. We will be taking calls next week, but go to our facebook page, the facebook fan page at tony martignetti non-profit radio and joined the contest name the number to find a way to remember that number. Using the letters that correspond to those numbers, please go to the facebook page. Tony martignetti non-profit radio beacon so search on facebook just search for non-profit radio you don’t have to remember how to spell my name. Start searching for non-profit radio and the fan page will come up. I’d be grateful if you’d like us, join us as a fan on the fan page, click like we’re going to take a break now and after the break, my guest peter panepento, will join us. This is tony martignetti non-profit radio co-branding dick dick tooting getting ding, ding, ding ding you’re listening to the talking alternate network you waiting to get you thinking? Cubine are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam lebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. I’m tony martignetti, the aptly named host of the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. You’re non-profit is ignored because you’re smaller medium size. But you still need expertise and help with technology fund-raising compliance, finance and accounting will look at all of these areas on the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent on talking alternative dot com fridays one, too. Talking. With a little. And something heinous way. Boedecker we’re rather a mess. Well, a little. And some money. I’m tony martignetti you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio on talking alternative broadcasting, talking, alternative, dot com small and medium non-profits have a home here if you feel you’re ignored, perhaps by the media, and we’re going to talk about how the chronicle of philanthropy doesn’t want to ignore you and want you wants to reach out to you, but if you feel you’re ignored by maybe consultants or just the non-profit community, because you’re a smaller organization, small and medium size, you have a home here. Tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent sent i’m going, i’m joined now by peter panepento, web editor for the chronicle of philanthropy. Peter welcome, thanks for having me on tony. My pleasure. Welcome to the show, peter, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about your background in journalism and and you’re interesting non-profits sure i’ve been with the chronicle of philanthropy as a full time staff member for about four years now. I came here as a senior reporter who covered fund-raising and later irs issues, and when we, when we really committed off full board to the web about three years. Ago, i took the title of web editor, where my role has been to really rethink the way we present news online and expand what we dio to prevent to present what we d’oh to the non-profit world in some new and really community oriented ways. So i’ve been working over the last few years, both teo kind of re imagine the website, but also to expand our content. We’ve started a number of podcasts and blog’s and video siri’s and and other features that are aimed at really taking what we’ve been doing for print for more than twenty years and really blowing it out and opening it up and making it more accessible to the non-profit world online, your role then is to bring traditional media online, and i know the chronicle has done that in a lot of ways that you touched on let’s start just what do you see as the non-profit story? What interests you as web editor? What interests the chronicle about the non-profit community? Well, what we’re really trying to do is is the non-profit community is so large and so diverse, we’re really trying to serve much bigger piece of it than we’ve ever, ever been able to do in print before. What what’s happening online is it’s giving us the opportunity, thio more people, a voice and create a lot more conversations online, and by doing that, we’re able to not only report and deliver the news, but we’re also able to get a lot more people having input in in in what we’re talking about, able to ask a lot more questions and able to share a lot more information with each other and what stories specifically or what angles are interest you and the chronicle. Well, we’re interested in a number of things, probably the biggest thing is is we are really interested in trends and and looking at information and what’s happening in the world that that somebody who works in the nonprofit world can then turn around and apply to what they do every day unlike, you know, your local newspaper tv station, which is really aimed at delivering news to the to the to the whole community and the whole consumer. We really we focus on what is of interest to people who work in the nonprofit world. So we tell our stories in that way. Instead of instead of reporting something, too uh, you know, to ah, you know, a wide audience we really try to focus in on information and in a language and in a delivery way that, um, if you’re working for a small, medium or large non-profit group, you know, we’re talking to you and we’re delivering information to you. So really what interests you as a reader as somebody who works in the field and who cares about the field is what interests us and how that interest can be used and benefit and the larger community can benefit from it the larger non-profit community competitive, absolutely so you know it, we’re not necessarily interested in the fund-raising event that you dio on its own in the same way that you would be telling that story, too. Ah, local newspaper editor, for instance, you’re probably trying to get publicity for the event itself. What we’d be interested in is what’s unique about that an event and what could somebody else you know, who works in the field? Learn from it? Are you doing something different with it? Or is there a tactic or a technique that you’re using that? Ah colleague halfway across the country might be ableto read about or or or listen to samen formacion about and then turn around, defy it. What they dio you mentioned accessibility, making the chronicle accessible, and what i think is remarkable is people can follow you, for instance, on twitter. Absolutely, absolutely, um, you know, for many years what we were was a pass around publication, we were a newspaper that have delivered it, delivered to your office every two weeks probably do your executive director, your development director, and then got passed around the office, and by the time i got to you, if you were depending on where you were on the totem pole, you might ah, you might be reading it of, you know, three or four weeks after it came out. Uh, now the level of communication with us is so much more personal and rial time. Like you said, we’re on twitter, we were under the handle at philanthropy, and i’m on there throughout the day, answering people’s questions, posting links to our stories and communicating with people through there we have ah, facebook group actually have to facebook groups one called philanthropy dot com and one called the chronicle of philanthropy, and we were talking to people there where i’m linked in now we’re on youtube. Um, and we’re also on the website really were trying to respond to people were opening up, uh, sections of the site for people to submit their stories and their ideas. Oh, and and really start communications and conversations that way. Um, one example of how that’s changing is is a feature we’re doing right now called fund-raising videos that work and what it really is it’s not us doing the reporting it’s you doing the reporting? If if you work for a nonprofit organization and you’ve done a pretty cool fund-raising video that you think others can learn from, you submit the embed cup code and some backstory on our prospecting block, and we we put it out there so people can can watch it and critique it and learn from it. Peter, we’re going toe dive more into some of the the ways that the conical is is reaching out. You’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. My guest is peter panepento with the chronicle of philanthropy peter is the chronicle’s web editor peter? How is you started talking about video? Let’s talk about some of the ways that methods of getting the chronicles attention of submitting a picture or a story to the chronicle has has changed? Absolutely well, all the all the avenues i’ve talked about in the last few minutes are actually ways that people are pitching us stories. Now i get i get messages from people on twitter almost daily, with ideas and links to things that they’re doing, that they think are of interest to us and and often that leads to stories if somebody is is has something unique and creative, and they reach out to us in any one of these social network it’s getting my attention typically and or, um or, um, passing it on to another reporter editor here tto vetted and see if it’s something that’s of interest. Peter, is this limited to what we’d consider large? Non-profits oh, absolutely not at all on drily what we’re hoping to do is is make a lot of what we do accessible to the smaller and medium group, because those are the groups that really need the information the most. Um and and again, before you know that the newspaper was something that you you had a subscribe to and pay for, and we still hope people do have because that’s what keeps us in business, but ah lot of what we do now is is free online, and hopefully those are things that are that are useful resource is two people and become gateways for us to engage with us in other ways, too, i think there’s a lingering perception about the chronicle and clearly you’re describing ways that you’re trying to defeat that perception. But i think the lingering perception is that the chronicle is just as you said, something that you subscribe to and it’s really only for the largest organisations, right, right? And that and that, i think, is a perception we’ve had for a long time eyes that you know, where the were the pay paper for the large organization or were the paper that your ceo reads. But you know what we’ve always had and what i think we are doing now in more ways than ever before is providing information that really anybody in the field can can benefit from and learn from. And apply to what they do each day. Let’s talk about some of the ways that organizations can sort of get your attention can submit you started to talk about video fund-raising videos that work, why don’t you flush that out for us? Sure, it started out is basically something that sprang out of a feature we did for the paper on some effective fund-raising strategies, and one of them was a college that it self created its own video as junior at a college in pennsylvania had created a video in house that that ended up raising quite a bit of money for the organization. And rather than just putting that example out there, we decided that it would be interesting, too. Um, i put a call for other organizations that have produced videos on, you know, and almost on a shoestring budget, teo, you know, give us an example of the video show us what it looked like and what you were able, tio, what you were able to do to promote it and how much money you raised, and we’ve been getting a number of responses from that. I just i just attach my email address to a basically and said, if you have a great video that you think others can learn from, you know, send me a note, explain what you did and send me the embed code and we’ll you know, we’ll promote some of these on the web site we’ve been doing that on our fund-raising log, which is called prospecting, and we’ve gotten a number of submissions one was from a small charity in new york called youth renewal fund, where their communications person basically used nothing but stock images from, uh, from, uh, from a photo sharing website called i stock photo uh, and she produced this video with music and text for a few thousand dollars, and ultimately, um, the video itself has raised many multiples of that since then, just by showing it to their supporters. And what we’ve been able to do with the blogger is share stories like this talk about how they put the video together, how they marketed the video, who they showed it, teo and what the results were and what they’ve learned from it, and we’ve been able to get some rich conversations going that way we’ve done the same thing with, um with direct mail fund-raising letters. In that case, people are submitting their draft letters to us, and we’re posting them and we’re you know, we’re asking for a critique from the larger non-profit world. So you, khun, uh, submit ah letter that you’re working on or struggling with and get really almost a committee of your peers from around the country, too. Submit ideas for how you can improve it. Peter will talk more about the sort of a peer-to-peer analysis after the break. What strikes me is that the video submission started with juniata college, not columbia university or stanford, and you use as an example on organization called youth renewal, not american cancer or american lung small and medium sized non-profits benefiting from the resource is at the chronicle. This is tony martignetti non-profit radio. Peter panepento, web editor of the chronicle of philanthropy, will stay with us after this break. You’re listening to talking on their network at www dot talking alternative dot com now broadcasting twenty four hours a day. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s two one two, seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com. We look forward to serving you. I really need to take better care of myself. If only i had someone to help me with my lifestyle. I feel like giving up. Is this you mind over matter, health and fitness can help. If you’re expecting an epiphany, chances are it’s not happening. Mind over matter, health and fitness can help you get back on track or start a new life and fitness. Join Joshua margolis, fitness expert at 2 one two eight six five nine two nine. Zero or visit w w w died. Mind over matter. Y si dot com. Cerini duitz is your marriage in trouble? Are you considering divorce? Hello, i’m lawrence bloom, a family law attorney in new york and new jersey. No one is happier than the day their divorce is final. My firm can help you. We take the nasty out of the divorce process and make people happy. Police call a set to one, two, nine six four three five zero two for a free consultation. That’s lawrence h bloom two, one two, nine, six, four, three five zero two. We make people happy. Dahna arika hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com. Duitz you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio i’m your host, tony martignetti. My guest is peter panepento, web editor at the chronicle of philanthropy. You know, it’s important that you not think that this is an infomercial for the chronicle of philanthropy. The reason i invited peter is that all the resources were talking about our free and on the web and accessible to small and medium non-profits and that’s, you that’s our audience. You have a home here. I want you to understand that this is all very accessible to you, as peter has said, and it was my idea to bring peter so that you could get a sense of how the chronicle of philanthropy website can help you at small and medium size non-profits peter, you’ve been covering fund-raising and non-profits for some time. How do you see the substance of stories having changed over the time that you’ve been covering this beat? That’s an interesting question i think we are and and others are really because of the number of people that are out there now writing about these things. I think it’s really raised everybody’s game. The internet has really made it possible for people. Who, uh, work in the fund-raising field to really have their own voice and, you know, have their own blog’s or have their own twitter accounts where they can dispense advice and share ideas. And i think what that’s done is really created a more of ah, sharing culture than that existed before, where is in the past? There were a few voices who are writing about these things, and they were, you know, they were really ritually reported and and put out there now there’s there’s a lot more information available, and i think that’s that’s really pushing everybody to make sure they’re creating much more useful information for people and that’s what they’re putting out there is unique and different. Are you seeing a shift in terms of substance related teo compliance issues for non-profits you know what i think that there are, you know, there aren’t a whole lot of venues out there that really pay that a whole lot of attention of that we are one, and we we have ah, couple of channels on the site that really pay specifically ah, specific attention to, uh what what the irs is doing what state regulators air doing, um, and there are there’ve been a few blog’s out there that have really done a good job with that, too. So i think there’s a lot more information out there, but i don’t necessarily think it’s it’s, you know, mainstream what? Uh, you know, being put out there on the mainstream case in point is the fact that the irs has is still having a hard time reaching out to millions of charities that that now have to fill out the postcard form, you know, there’s, a ninety nine year old, they don’t know about it, and, you know, i wonder i wonder if there are are even better ways to get information out to those who really need it. You know, i i asked because i see ah, shift in terms of treating non-profits mohr like for-profit corporations in terms of compliance, and i i’ve i’ve seen that since sarbanes oxley past, which did not apply in ninety nine percent of it did not apply toe non-profits there were a couple of small provision that did, but but i see that trickling down to non-profits slowly, a cz you mentioned through the irs onda also through state. Regulators either secretaries of state or or attorneys general? Absolutely, absolutely. And the irs certainly, i mean, the mere fact that they are looking to collect information from those charities that that don’t raise a whole lot of money in here or, you know, the local, you know, soccer club and those type of things, it really shows that there is much more attention being paid to compliance, even up for the small groups the nine, ninety so heavily revised about eighteen months or two, years ago, so much more detail required to fill it out. It’s signed under penalty of perjury, and the the non-profits that are required to file it is an expanding population each year the threshold at which a non-profit is required to file that nine ninety is coming down over the next couple of years through two thousand, two thousand eleven or two thousand twelve. So there’s going to be a larger population of non-profits required to file the nine, ninety absolutely and there’s going to be as a result of that there’s going to be a lot more information that’s available to the public about how non-profits operate, of course, uh, that deluge of information has to get sorted through, and people have to put it together. I know we’re really excited to be ableto learn more about the audience we cover and find out some more things about it through these forms. So there’s going to be actually a lot more information available on a lot more to compare yourself to down the line too. Let’s, let’s look back to the chronicles, sort of a peer to peer review of fund-raising letters? How does someone submit? What exactly can they expect? Well, and this is something we’ve been doing on and off for a couple of years now, actually, and basically what they’ve done is they’ve sent me an email, i’ve put my email on the on the prospecting blogged, and maybe we can share that on the website later, people do want to connect with well, and since we’re talking about it, why don’t you give us your email right now? Okay, it’s, peter dot panepento p a kenny p nto at philanthropy dot com um and an easier address and things get get sorted around and kind of given to the appropriate editor is if you send a une male editor. At philanthropy dot com that will get seen by an editor here and given to the appropriate person here, too, and so they can use that email to submit their fund-raising letters let’s talk about how that works. Yeah, what they do is typically what happens if somebody has a letter that they’re working on and then you know, they have a draft of it, but they are not necessarily sure ifit’s it has the right messaging if they’ve taken the right approach, if they’ve done all the right things with their letter, so what they do is they send us, you know, a copy of the letter and a little description of what, what they’re hoping to accomplish with that, what type of campaign is that? Four who are they hoping to reach? And they email it to us and what what i do or another editor here will do is is that the letter? Make sure it’s, you know, it’s something that bye, you know, we’re providing the right level of information about and we’ll post it to our prospecting blawg with a little background on you know what its goals are and how it works? And then we invite readers to post comments teo teo offer critiques of the letter, offer suggestions on things they could do better what’s working what doesn’t work with it and almost universally, the folks who have submitted the letters have have gotten great feedback from, you know, anywhere from ah handful of readers to dozens of readers and, uh, what what’s really amazed me is the amount of respect that people have for each other and the the constructive nous of the critiques they’ve all been really above board, and folks have really done a great job of offering, you know, really constructive advice to each other on this, and i think it’s it’s really provided a great service to the to the non-profit world and what i’m hoping to do very soon as is create a page that collect the letters that we’ve gotten and, uh, and the comments that have come in so that folks can can really see, you know, and pull some information out of those things for their own work in the minute or so we have left. Peter, you mentioned earlier live discussions, how do those were? Where can people want what? Every week we invite on on expert or two on a specific topic to come in and take questions from our readers and that you can find information out about those that philanthropy dot com slash live on well, on that we announce the upcoming discussions, and we also have ah, full archive of all the past one. So the the discussion i’m doing today, which will actually happen, you know, before this goes live is is on corporate giving, and we have the head of the foundation and the walmart foundation on to take reader questions on howto get the attention of corporate philanthropist, and you can now after the, you know, after the event, you can go on and read the transcript of that, you could see all the questions that that we published and what folks answered and again, this is a resource for small and medium non-profits as much as anybody else really get some high level advice from folks on a weekly basis on a a really wide range of topics that relate how they operate. My guest has been peter panepento, web editor for the chronicle of philanthropy. You can follow peter on twitter the handle there. Is at philanthropy. Peter, i want to thank you very much for being on tony martignetti non-profit radio. Tony, thanks for letting me come on and talk about what we dio. I appreciate it. My pleasure. Joining me after this break will be sarah din a and we’re going toe. Continue the discussion about traditional media. How to get yourself in front of traditional media in some of the more traditional ways after this break. Talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. Are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. I’m tony martignetti, the aptly named host of the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. You’re non-profit is ignored because you’re smaller medium size, but you still need expertise and help with technology fund-raising compliance, finance and accounting will look at all of these areas on the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent on talking alternative dot com fridays. One, too hyre you’re listening to the talking alternative network. Oppcoll hyre oppcoll! Duitz! Bilich! Buy-in! Dahna well, in a way, around the world, are you ready? Co-branding this’s tony martignetti i’m the host of tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent in a moment, i’ll be joined by sarah done a who is with a large pr agency, and we’re going to talk about getting your voice heard in the media. I’m thinking about be quests and planned giving this week because my guide star article for about starting a planned giving program using charitable bequests as the foundation of that program came out this week. I’m writing a one year siri’s every other month, and this was the fourth article in the in the six article siri’s siri’s is called make two thousand ten the year you start planned giving and it’s for the guide star newsletter, and i want to spend a moment explaining that planned giving is not something that is only for large organizations, large fund-raising shops that’s, not the case. You can have a very respectable planned giving program at a small and medium size development shop or non-profit, and that would start with bequests encouraging your donors to remember your organization in their will or in their larger estate plan. Typically, we start with the will, because everyone needs one and it’s something that’s very simple for your donors to understand and simple for them to do when they do their first will, or when they revise their existing will, they can think about including you as part of that. So alongside a bequest to there spouse, children, grandchildren, there is a request for your organization. These are very simple to market and promote we use for our clients direct mail a lot. You can’t have a presence on your website, but probably the most valuable method of marketing is talking to people, either at events where it’s appropriate to mention that they can include your organization in their will or in your one to one face to face meetings with donors. If you’re talking about a larger gift plan, you might include a part of that plan to be a charitable bequests in there will not that it would replace other giving that you’re encouraging them to do but be a supplement to whatever it is you’re asking them to do on sort of a more outright basis. You need those current dollars. I recognize that and you never want planned giving to supplant. Those but to be an adjunct, and when it’s explained in that way, people understand. So i encourage you to think about planned giving in your small and medium sized non-profit not to ignore it and think that it’s only for the big guys, you can have a very respectable planned e-giving program and start and maybe even finish with a bequest marketing program, because for all non-profits, irrespective of size, regardless of their mission, charitable bequests are always the most popular type of planned gift. So it makes sense to make that the beginning of your program. And as i said, you might stop there based on your size and the number of donors that you have look a planned e-giving look att charitable bequests, and you might find my guide star siri’s helpful to you. The siri’s again is called make two thousand ten the year you start planned giving and that’s at guidestar dot org’s as part of the guide star newsletter. I’m joined now by sarah din, a sarah is an account executive at c r t tanaka, which is a public relations agency. Her work includes non-profit public relations, which is important for us, and her background includes work in non-profits tanaka is a national public relations agency. Sarah is calling us from los angeles, and prior to joining the agency, she worked for one of the regional offices of the juvenile diabetes research foundation, doing communications and public relations. Sarah, welcome to the show. Hi, tony, thanks for having me on this morning. It’s my pleasure. Why is public relations important for small and medium sized non-profits public relations is a great tool for small and medium sized non-profits because it’s a great alternative advertising that can be done on the small budgets that we had smaller non-profits air just so used to, and what are some of the sort of first thoughts that someone should have about about their goals on objectives for public relations initiative? Well, first, i think someone needs to sit down and think about what they want to see about their non-profit in the media, i think there are two key goals for most non-profits when it comes to media relations, one is awareness and the other is fund-raising so with awareness it’s always great to get the non-profits name out there and their mission out there, regardless of what that mission is so they might be interested in pitching cem human interest stories about the non-profits work, or perhaps pitching their employees as an expert in key stories and when it comes to fund-raising being cognizant of our low budgets and our high fund-raising goals, it’s always important to find new ways to generate revenue and simple things like getting your events posted on a newspaper’s calendar or getting in the society pages for a gala fund-raising event can be a great tool e-giving revenue awareness and fund-raising as your goals, those air really going to be long term goals, right? That’s, you expect to see some measurable difference in in a longer term? Yes, absolutely. When it comes to media relations, i think the effects are definitely long term on the organization and its the long term impact of lots of different media coverage over the years that’s going to really resonate with the non-profit community is there, ah, length of time that we can share with our listeners as a guideline? Or does it really vary based on what they’re doing and who they are? I think it definitely varies based on what the coverage in the media is and also based on which non-profit is involved for some non-profit simply getting a mention in the society pages for a local fund-raising event could be enough to improve attendance and last boost fund-raising for other non-profit they might be looking for longer term awareness, which would require some repeated mentioned in the press. Is there any non-profit profile that you think makes an organization inappropriate for these types of fund-raising and awareness initiatives through public relations? They certainly think public relations is appropriate for any non-profit i i think the scale might be different from non-profits non-profit but it definitely holds universal value and what would be ah, first step if if an organization wants to now now has its goals, wants increased coverage would like to expand awareness and maybe even fund-raising what? What’s really the first thing that they should be thinking about? Well, the first thing they should do is sit back and think about exactly what story they want to read about their non-profit in the practice, so if they’re thinking they want to see maybe a heartwarming story about affecting a local child in the community than they they can then move on and pitch that exact story. The first step is usually writing out a quick email to whatever media contact you’re interested in reaching out to and being clear and concise is most important. They’re journalists are just as busy as non-profit professionals, so it’s important to be respectful of their time. You don’t need flowery hooks, you don’t necessarily need a formal press release just simply state what your story is. Make sure you give plenty of contact information and shoot over an email and then the next day it’s always essential follow-up with a phone call, the journalists that we reach out to often get hundreds of pitches a day, and when you get that many emails it’s easy for some to slip through the cracks so often it’s the folks who go the extra mile and pick up the phone to have a personal conversation with the journalist about their story, who are able to see their story in print. I just want to emphasize something that you said the first thought after your goal setting is really teo sort of define what your ideal story is. What what what’s the ideal exactly. Well, you need to think about what you want before you can get it, so it really depends from non-profits non-profit what that story is going to be if your goal is awareness thie ideal story is going to be different from fund-raising but it’s always important to have a positive message and connected back to the non-profits mission. My guest is sarah din, a account exec with tanaka. You’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio sarah let’s talk about maybe some of the outlet’s what what where should people be looking for placement of their story? And and what outlets should they be looking at? Emailing well, when you’re looking for outlets first, think about what you read and what you watch. Chances are what you and others people in your non-profit reader watch are going to be the right places for you to pitch your story because those air simply the places where the people in your community are looking, it doesn’t necessarily have to be reaching out to something as big as the new york times or fox news. You can think more regional and locally in orderto have a better chance of getting coverage, so a smaller regional non-profit can focus on relationships in their market. If you’re in cincinnati, go for this matty’s, a local paper if you’re in connecticut, go for maybe the connecticut tv news there, and this works just as well for non-profits who are national also because a national non-profit can have their regional staff reach out and make local relationships as well. It’s usually the smaller places, the smaller papers, the smaller tv shows where you’ll have the best chance of seeing you’re non-profit covered. Yes, you don’t want to ignore very local coverage, especially if you’re a smaller organization all your fund-raising maybe very local. All your events are very local. You don’t want to ignore the local coverage, absolutely. If you’re based in a smaller city, the best coverage for you that might have the biggest impact on your organization may just be in a city paper or in a city tv show or city radio show. It might even be better than if you’ve gotten your message on yusa today. You’ve been talking about tv and and newspapers are sort of the i think is the the outlets were focusing on so far. What about blog’s? I think blobs are a great way for organizations to dip their feet into media relations starting with some smaller blog’s can be a great way to get some initial coverage and get some initial messaging out for your organization, in part because the smallest blog’s aren’t often pitched by any organizations or companies, so chances are your odds put good there, so the so the smaller blog’s might actually be grateful to get some pitches from you? Absolutely and that’s always great to have somebody who’s very excited to receive information about your organization and show that enthusiasm when they’re writing. They’re block post and couldn’t an organization find the appropriate blog’s just through a simple google search? Absolutely, when it comes to block it’s, easy to do a quick google search on your non-profit missions and key focuses, and you can also think about what blog’s you read if you’re working for, say, a diabetes non-profit and you read diabetes blog’s, those are the first places where you should pitch when reaching out with a story. So your your suggestion really this’s interesting i’m seeing ah trend to mean, you want to think about your ideal story and you think about placing it in media that you read buy-in blog’s that you read so that’s, where you expect your your constituents to be? Absolutely, i think staff at non-profits tend to be so connected to their missions that even in their personal time, their personal reading tends to focus a lot around the mission of their non-profit i know that when i was working at the juvenile diabetes research foundation and still today, i was so passionate about the work that we did that i would often lead those outlets where it would be great to place a story and different news cycles. I mean, you’d be more likely to get a blog’s attention and coverage within maybe days or a week versus perhaps, ah magazine, definitely we consider media like blog’s and newspapers to be shortly media. Those are places where you could email a member of the media and then a few days later see your messaging and print, whereas it comes to something like a magazine it’s long lead because it takes them so long to go through the press cycle so it might take months before you’re able to see that story in print. So if your story is time sensitive it’s often best to go to the newspaper or to go to online resource is where you can see that story come up very quickly, sarah, in the forty five seconds or so we have before the break, why don’t you tell people how they can contact you? Well, people can contact me through the sierra t tanaka website, which is www dot see artie, hyphen, tanaka, t a n a dot com. My guest is sarah din, a account executive at that agency. C r t, tanaka and sarah will stay with us after this break, you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. I really need to take better care of myself. If only i had someone to help me with my lifestyle. I feel like giving up. Is this you mind over matter, health and fitness can help. If you’re expecting an epiphany, chances are it’s not happening. Mind over matter, health and fitness could help you get back on track or start a new life and fitness. Join joshua margolis, fitness expert two one two eight sixty five nine to nine xero. Or visit w w w died mind over matter, i see dot com. Bilich oppcoll are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Is your marriage in trouble? Are you considering divorce? Hello, i’m lawrence bloom, a family law attorney in new york and new jersey. No one is happier than the day their divorce is final. My firm can help you. We take the nasty out of the divorce process and make people happy. Police call a set two one, two nine six, four, three, five zero two for a free consultation. That’s lawrence h bloom two, one two, nine, six, four, three five zero two. We make people happy. Dahna zoho talking. This is tony martignetti non-profit radio, i’m your host, tony martignetti my guest, this segment is sarah din, a account executive for the agency. C r t tanaka, sarah let’s, talk a little about methodology you started to get into it. The email is best then you said follow-up phone call the next day, what do we do? Make sure i have that right and then what’s the next step, when your phone call message isn’t answered? Well, i think repetition is key when it comes to phone calls, i know that they’re certainly days when i think that the press simply has turned off their phones because i’m getting so few answers. So what happens even if it happens, even to the professional public relations agency account executive? Oh, absolutely, all the time there so many times where i just hear the phone ring and ring, but never get the journalist on the other end of the line and that’s simply part of the game here. When it comes to media relations journalists, they’re so busy and often on deadline that there are many times in the week when they simply aren’t able to pick up the phone and listen to what you have to say about your story and we really have no way to call and call again try calling for a few days try calling at different times to see what works. Chances are you make it through, but if not, you can always leave a message and be sure to be clear, concise a state exactly what the key point of your story is and always leave contact information. Can i also suggest that we would you want to be upbeat so that if you’ve made a dozen of these calls in a row and you’re on number twelve, you don’t wantto make it sound like you’ve called eleven people before the message you’re leaving now? Absolutely attitude is everything, and if you were enthusiastic about your message, then that’s going to carry across to the reporter and if you never get a callback, should you? I hope i’m sure you shouldn’t. You shouldn’t be discouraged. Try again! Absolutely not again. Given that journal lists received so much information each day, sometimes that’s simply not a feasible so it’s a matter of coming back whenever you have another story and if you get in front. Of a journalist’s enough! They’re going to remember you and they’re going to remember your organization’s mission. So even if they can’t place a story about what you have currently going on, they may have something down the line where you would be a great fit. We’ve been talking about you relying on media if you have something newsworthy, you want to get that ideal story out? What if you have experts in your organization that can serve as experts in that field? For a journalist? Do you need to wrap a story around that to propose your your agency experts as experts when it comes to positioning one of your employees as an expert, you don’t actually need tohave a specific story in mind, although sometimes that can be helpful simply reaching out to a journalist and letting them know that you do have an expert in your organization who can speak to a certain topic can be enough to get your name in front of them and also make sure that that journalists puts your name in the role of decks for whenever they have a story coming up on that topic and sarah in the thirty seconds. Or so that we have left. What about trying to develop a relationship on ongoing relationship with maybe one or two key journalists in local media? How how could someone try to do that when in between their story ideas, but they’d like to have a relationship, obviously a professional relationship with the journalist. Repeat communication is key, so making sure that you always send them any story ideas you might have any news that your organization or story ideas that might not necessarily relate to you but might interest the journalists are great ways to keep in touch with them. Long term sort of trends that you’re seeing that the journalist might be very interested in. Absolutely if you’re an asset to the journalist seldman member and they’ll keep going back to you for information time after time. My guest has been sarah din, a account executive for cr t tanaka, a large public relations agency. Nationwide. Sarah called us from los angeles. Sarah, thank you so much for being on tony martignetti non-profit radio. Thanks, tony. We’ve come to the clothes and i want to thank my guests, peter panepento, web editor for the chronicle of philanthropy, and sarah dahna, account executive at c r t tanaka we have a facebook page, go to facebook and search for you don’t have to remember how to spell my name just search for non-profit radio and the facebook fan page will come up like us there, join the contest, their name, the number. I’m trying to get a way of remembering our call in number sorry, we couldn’t take calls this week, but we will be taking calls next week will be live next week on august twenty third let’s name that number. Find a catchy way to remember the calling number eight seven seven for eight xero for one to zero, you’ll find information about that contest on our facebook fan page and please like us over there, click like and become a fan. I want to thank claire meyerhoff she’s, our creative producer oneof thanks, sam liebowitz he’s, our line producer and the owner of talking alternative broadcasting. You’ve been listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent on talking alternative broadcasting at talking alternative dot com. Look forward to having you as a guest as ah, as a listener on august twenty third. Next friday, when we will be taking your calls live. Please join us then. Until then, have a good week. E-giving you’re listening to the talking alternate network. Duitz to get into thinking. Take it. Cubine are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam lebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Is your marriage in trouble? Are you considering divorce? Hello, i’m lawrence bloom, a family law attorney in new york and new jersey. No one is happier than the day their divorce is final. My firm can help you. We take the nasty out of the divorce process and make people happy. Police call a set two one two, nine six, four, three, five zero two for a free consultation. That’s lawrence h bloom at two one two nine six four three five zero two. We make people happy. I really need to take better care of myself if only i had someone to help me with my lifestyle. I feel like giving up eyes thisyou, mind over matter, health and fitness can help. If you’re expecting an epiphany, chances are it’s not happening. Mind over matter, health and fitness could help you get back on track or start a new life and fitness. Join Joshua margolis, fitness expert at 2 one two eight six five nine to nine xero or visit www. Died mind over matter. Y si dot com. Cerini i’m tony martignetti, the aptly named host of the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. You’re non-profit is ignored because you’re smaller medium size. But you still need expertise and help with technology fund-raising compliance, finance and accounting will look at all of these areas on the tony martignetti show. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent on talking alternative dot com fridays one, too. Talking. Hyre

The Elusive “Perfect Fit” Employee

mid section view of a man holding his resume

In the midst of our recession, lots of nonprofit jobs have been shed, which puts lots of qualified people on the street competing for a small number of jobs. That has created a buyers’ market for nonprofit employers, and I’m hearing dismaying stories from job seekers that organizations love their qualifications but are holding out for the holy grail: the “perfect fit” employee.

Just recently I got an email from a nonprofit that concedes they’ve met a number of strong candidates, but is still holding out for the perfect fit. They went on to ask would I now give additional thought to their search, to come up with even stronger candidates I may know, as if I held the very best people in reserve when my suggestions were solicited a month ago. “Yeah, in the last 30 days I’ve met three people who are better than all the people I’ve met in my 13 years working around nonprofits.”

Actually, now that I know how particular you’re being, I regret subjecting my initial referrals to your unwinnable contest, and I certainly will not put anyone else through it. You want a second round of candidates, even better qualified than the strong candidates you’ve already seen? Bite the bullet and hire a recruiter. That referral I’d be happy to make.

Better still, stop. Hire one of the strong candidates.

The job I’m looking at has 15 bulleted qualifications and an equal number of sub-requirements. A few are boilerplate, like “team player”, “highly organized” and “effective communicator.” I can’t imagine there are more than a handful of people who meet all these 30 requirements, and how many of those are in transition? How many of those in transition will see this posting? And accept the salary, benefits and location? Give it up. You won’t find the perfect fit.

Businesspeople in a meeting

To go a bit further, and echo advice I’ve given clients, don’t look for a professional fundraiser who has “established relationships within the philanthropic community.” That’s a euphemism for “has a Rolodex” and is appropriate only to a board member search. A professional fundraiser isn’t going to leverage for your benefit relationships she’s made through employment in other nonprofits. That’s unethical and unseemly. When she leaves your employ, would you like her to do that for her next employer?

To those looking for the perfect fit, I say, “Stop.” Your expectations are unreasonable. Hire the best strong candidate you’ve met and let them grow and mature into the position and learn what they don’t already know. Stop looking for the “perfect fit.” Perfection doesn’t exist.