All posts by Tony Martignetti

NextGen:Charity Interview With Peter Panepento

Backstage at the NextGen:Charity Conference on November 18th, I was busy interviewing. One of my guests is a guy who spends a lot of time interviewing others, and supervising those who interview others.

Peter Panepento is Assistant Managing Editor of The Chronicle of Philanthropy and he sat down to tell me about the Deficit Reduction Commission’s proposal to replace the charitable deduction with a subsidy to charities. That’ll cause a stir.

Click the video to watch.

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You have my best wishes for your Thanksgiving.

Yours in gratitude,


Get Promotion Value From Your Charity Registrations

Girl Dropping Coin into Piggy Bank

Your nonprofit has to register in each state where it solicits. That’s the law in every state and D.C. Why not get extra mileage out of the work you put into your compliance?

Standard mileage

  • keeps your officers and board from paying fines
  • gets your IRS Form 990 filled out accurately (it’s signed by an officer under penalty of perjury)
  • protects your organization’s reputation
  • avoids civil or criminal penalties
  • minimizes the likelihood of a gift challenge
  • puts you on the right side of the law

These are important reasons for following state laws, but they’re in the background–which is where you want them. If one of those is all of a sudden front-and-center and capturing your attention, you’ve got a crisis.

To gain extra mileage from your registration work, put it out front on a “We’re Compliant!” web page. List all the states you’re registered in so you get some promotion value out of being on the right side of the laws, operating legally and ethically. Compliance shows you’re protecting your donors from fraud and insuring charitable donations go to charitable purposes. Those are the stated rationales for the web of regulations. So boast about it.

You can’t claim endorsement by states or their officials, that’s crossing the line. But you can certainly brag about your compliance, especially when so few charities are on the right side of the registration laws. You can use the page your organization creates (or one linked to it) to make the mandatory disclosures required by some states.

So shake your tail feathers, flap your wings and crow: “We’re Compliant!”

NextGen:Charity Interview With Seth Godin

Seth Godin and Regina Walton at NexGenCharity 2010

Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio sat down with Seth Godin after he came off stage at today’s NextGen:Charity Conference. But Tony Martignetti didn’t. I had a commitment speaking (proudly) at Bernstein Global Wealth Management at the time Seth was available.

Regina Walton, principal of Organic Social Media, stepped in and talked to Seth so the opportunity was not lost.

He’s a bright guy, so take a look at his advice for the nonprofit conversation.

Nonprofit Radio for Nov. 19, 2010: Bountiful Bequests & Thrift Shops Ops

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Compliance. Board relations. Fundraising. Technology. Volunteer management. Accounting. Finance. Marketing. Social media. Investments.

Every nonprofit faces these issues and big nonprofits have experts in each. Small and medium size nonprofits have Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts throughout the country join Tony to take on the tough issues facing your organization.

Episode 17 of Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio for November 19, 2010

Tony’s Guests:

Susan DameGreene, President of BIPS. BIPS is an easy-to-use program that proactively manages the entire process of planned giving from stewarding and projecting future Planned Gifts to collecting realized Planned Gifts.

Topic: Bountiful Bequests: Why you should start a Planned Giving program with bequests–and how to do it.

Shevawn Weber, Manager, of Aspire.

Topic: Thrift Shops Ops: Should your nonprofit have a thrift shop as a source of revenue? How do you get started?

Here is the link to the podcast: 019: Bountiful Bequests & Thrift Shop Ops

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Friday, 1-2pm Eastern.

You can subscribe on iTunes and listen anytime, anyplace on the device of your choosing.

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