Three tips for simple Planned Giving marketing that won’t take you more than five minutes. Get in touch if you’d like me to present my 5-Minute Marketing program at your office or conference.
Tag Archives: non-profits
How Sincerity Trumps Production Value
Delivering a sincere message—for fundraising, impact reporting, storytelling, whatever—is more important than worrying about production value.
15 NTC Videos: Technology
This set of Nonprofit Radio videos from the 2015 Nonprofit Technology Conference is focused on NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network’s, primary work: tech for nonprofits.
- Wearable & Mobile Technology, with Avi Kaplan
- Reach the Rural & Marginalized, with Osvaldo Gomez
- Your Disaster Recovery Plan, with Dar Veverka
- Emerging Tech Trends, with Steve MacLaughlin (audio only)
Take The Survey & Win An iPad Air
Help Nonprofit Radio to help its sponsor Pursuant. Take their survey and be entered to win an iPad Air. It closes on October 18.
Here’s the survey. It closes on October 18.
Buon Giorno From Venice! How To Keep Your Planned Giving Above Water
Cultivation and solicitation of the right prospects and potential donors for your Planned Giving program will maximize your gift revenue.