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Nonprofit Radio for March 17, 2025: Google Ad Grants & Your Digital Marketing

Sean LittmanGoogle Ad Grants & Your Digital Marketing

Sean Littman has advice for leveraging Google’s generosity and pairing it with your own marketing to grow your email list; encourage giving; revive and cultivate your lists to expand sustainer giving; and, put the right systems in place. He also shares his favorite apps to help you along. Sean is the founder of Catch22 Nonprofit Digital.


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And welcome to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the podfather of your favorite hebdominal podcast. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day and happy Saint Patrick’s week. And I’m very glad that uh it didn’t take me until next week to remember this, so that I’d be wishing it a week late. Not the case, not the case on time. Hope you did something special for Saint Patrick’s Day. I’m glad you’re with us. I’d bear the pain of kiloscasis if I had to stomach the idea that you missed this week’s show. Here’s our associate producer Kate to tell us what’s coming. Hey Tony, I’ll be happy to. Google ad grants and your digital marketing. Sean Lippman has advice for leveraging Google’s generosity and pairing it with your own marketing to grow your email list, encourage giving, revive and cultivate your list to expand sustainer giving, and put the right systems in place. He also shares his favorite apps to help you along. Sean is the founder of Catch 22 non-profit digital. On Tony’s take two. Tales from the gym revisiting Missus blood and soil. We’re sponsored by DonorBox. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters’ generosity. Donor box, fast, flexible, and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit, DonorBox.org. Here is Google Ad grants and your digital marketing. What a pleasure to welcome Shawn Littman to nonprofit Radio. He is the founder of Catch 22 nonprofit digital, a leader in digital impact within the nonprofit sector. He has over a decade of experience in digital marketing, focusing on Google grants, email marketing and retention marketing tactics. Sean’s company is at catch22 nonprofit.com. And he’s on LinkedIn. Sean Lipman, welcome to nonprofit Radio. Tony, thank you for having me. I mean, it’s an absolute pleasure and I enjoyed having you on my show, and it’s always fun to be on the other side of the the microphone for a change and and having the conversations and everything like that. So really it’s an absolute pleasure to be here and I just loved how you your intro, where you’re just like so enthusiastic about it. I couldn’t get myself smiling. Listeners don’t get to see the part where I throw my arms up, but I, I do that. Yes, hello and welcome. um, yeah, I’m glad. Well, thank you, create some energy. And that’s it, that’s the key is you start off, you start off with a bang and you and you roll with it from there. You’re a big advocate of the, the Google ad grants. I know that’s a big part of your, the strategy that we’re gonna talk about. Why don’t you just acquaint folks with what that program is so everybody has a common understanding before we. Get to your advice around around using it. Sure, so Google ad grants is part of the larger program of Google for nonprofits, and Google what Google does is they offer $10,000 a month in search ad credits to nonprofits, and it’s really easy to apply and you just have to um make sure you have a website that’s verified by Google and you have, you have to have all your documentation. And you get, you can apply, it takes about 2 to 14 business days, and you get this grant that enables you to do search ads and better marketing. And we kind of stumbled upon this um by default. I’ve been in the digital space for nearly 10 years. I’ve done everything from lead generation to e-commerce and, you know, we and we kind of stumbled into this by default because we saw a hole in the nonprofit space and with Google grants. And as I mentioned, and I preface, and people always mess this up, it’s search ads. It’s not anything else within Google’s ad networks, you’re only dealing with search ads. And so search ads. are are great because the way you went at Google is being the answer to the problem that people are searching for on the internet. And when you’re creating search campaigns, people are actually in actively searching for stuff on the internet and they’re searching. Well, we’re gonna get to the details. We’re gonna get, I wanna, I wanna have a conversation with you, um. So in in terms of the documentation, I mean just applying for the program, is it, is it just essentially that you need to prove that you’re a bona fide basically, is that, is that what the application is? Yeah, basically, and it’s in any country really, um, you, you just have to show your proof of documentation. OK, OK, so in the US it would be your just your IRS, yeah, your determination letter, OK, but whatever country you’re in needs to prove that you’re a bona fide. Nonprofit and then you qualify for the $10,000 per month. But but it doesn’t stop there also because you also get Google Workspace for free for your organization so you can you can get free branded emails, so you can have your organization at your organization.org free so you’re not paying for workspace and and it’s not limited to however many people in your organization. You can have a as many people as you want on those branded emails. You also get you get a terabyte of Google Drive storage for free per user. You get Google, you get Google Maps, you get enhanced Google Maps and Google My Business, YouTube, um, YouTube, uh, Creator studio, and YouTube fundraising as well. All right. So, so we go a little deeper. Excellent. Well, Google Workspace, what is that? Is that, is that just uh your, your domain or uh emails with your domain or what, what, what, what’s the suite of Google Workspace? It’s Gmail, it’s, it’s Google Drive, it’s Google Sheets, Google, you know, Google, you know, everything within your Google that you currently are paying for, whether it’s 12 $13 a month, you also get Gemini, so you get their AI attached to that as well. Um, so pretty much anything that you’re actively using and paying for within your Gmail, within your Google, you don’t have to pay for it anymore. OK, OK, and this is all part of the, the, the, the, the program that so Google, the ad grants is just is one part of it. I didn’t realize that. I didn’t realize it was different than that. OK, yeah, but, um, right, there’s a lot there. Uh, so the, the, the Google grant, the ad grant is $10,000 per month, is that right? OK. Can we, can we use that much? Uh, I mean, when we’re getting started. Are we just kind of ramping up, you know, getting to that point because that, it sounds like that’s a lot to, that’s a lot to manage. It’s really not if you break it down and if you do it the smart way, and I, I let’s let’s go, let’s go into the smart way for because we’re we’re gonna be using this to grow our email list. So I I I’ll kind of preface a little bit um that we, you know, like I said, we got into this by default because we noticed people were doing this the wrong way. And a lot of people were getting the Google grants and they were just using it to throw throw ads at the wall and see what sticks, and they’re trying to use it for direct donation campaigns. But as I always like to tell people, nobody on the internet is looking for your organization on Google to give you money. It’s just not happening, not in a million years. So how do you use the Google grant effectively, and how do you get to that 10 spend out $10,000 a month? Very simple, you have to have a good funnel, a good offer, the right audience, and a strong follow up. And in order to what I call elevate and accelerate, elevate your communities and accelerate your your monthly giving in your lists. And so the way it works is you set your you set your Google, you set your budget, your daily budget at about $360 to $365 a day, and you create campaigns with within Google Ads based on key search terms that people are looking for. And so, for example, I like to use an example when I deal with a lot of Jewish organizations, right? Um, so it’s when is Rosh Hashanah 2025? When is Hanukkah 2025? When is Passover 2025? Because people are searching for these things. And what we do is we create a couple different adsets based around these with a download that’s connected to that key keyword that keyword and to what they’re searching for. So for example, like for Rosh Hashanah, we give like a Rosh Hashanah cart or something like a down like something like that. But the the landing page that they get to is answering the question. So it says at the top of the header it says Rosh Hashanah 2025 is X day this day falls out on this day, with a little explanation about what Rosh Hashanah is, when it is, etc. Download our free X. And people come and they download the e-guide, and then they get put into an email sequence to continue the conversation, introducing people to the organization. OK, OK, I want to take a step, step at a time. How do we figure out what are our, our best keywords to be. We’re, we’re essentially, we’re bidding on these words. Is that, is that, isn’t that the process? All right, before we get to the bidding process, what, how do we figure out what, what are the keywords that are best for our small and mid-size nonprofit? So there’s several different tools out there that we like to use. Google actually has their own proprietary tool called, you know, Google Keyword Planner. Um, I don’t recommend using it, um, because it’s very, it’s, it’s not always the greatest. So we like to use tools like SpyFoo, SEMrush, ask the people, different keyword planners that go more in depth and really see what the, you know, what the what people are bidding, what the cost is, but also when we’re talking about costs and bids, the Google Grant operates on a different, like on a different playing field than paid ads, because Google doesn’t, your your your grant ads, this is one of the negatives about the Google grant program. Is that you’re not at the same level as someone who’s bidding paying for one is Rosh Hashanah 2025. You’re, you’re kind of like third rung on the on on Google because they’re not here because you’re bidding. No, because you’re you’re the free, you’re the free account. You’re not gonna put, you know, if, if, if it’s, it’s either, you know, put you on the same playing level on the same playing field as as as the people are paying them or not, they kind of quash you down. So you have to be more creative with your keywords and more creative with your with your adsets. And so, and you can’t just bid on single key phrase keywords like you would with paid ads because here Google is giving you money and just like any other grant, you have, you’re subject to their stipulations and rules. So there are not many rules, but you know, single keywords and and and different and and similar things around that are very prohibited. So part of what we do when we do this keyword research on these tools, is look for these strings of keywords that are relevant and as I said, kind of reverse engineer how people do this, create the campaigns based on what people are looking for, versus what a lot of other people do is they do what’s called brand campaigns where they’re just throwing out building on The organization’s name and things related to the organization, which doesn’t always do so well because people aren’t, again, people aren’t going on the internet to look for you. Well, they’re not, your point is they’re not going to look to you to to give necessarily. They’re, they’re looking, they’re looking for information where and you want to start the relationship with them, so eventually they will become a donor, volunteer or a petition signer, you know, whatever, whatever you may be in a lobbying day, etc. but you wanna. OK, OK, um, do me a favor, shout out the three, platforms, uh, apps that you just named for, do that again for uh identifying keywords. Spy Foo was one, Spy Foo, SCM Rush and Ask the people. OK, those are the ones. Ask the people is actually my favorite. Um, because it, it has like a whole web of, like, it shows you like an entire web of things related to and associated with what you’re searching for and it shows you the rankings, and it shows you, it’s very, very in depth. Spy food is, I’m sorry, Ask the people is your favorite of the three. The other two, deserve mention. It’s time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money, but also supports you in retaining your donors. A partner that helps you raise funds both online and on location so you can grow your impact faster. That’s Donor Box, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers just like you, a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges. Helping you achieve the growth and sustainability your organization needs. Helping you help others. Visit donorbox.org to learn more. Now back to Google ad grants and your digital marketing. You also advocate having something. You want to be answering the question that the person that the, the people are looking for. Yes, a landing page that go ahead. The whole, the whole, the whole goal is to be the, as I said before, be the answer to the problem people are searching for, then you win. So. When when it comes to ads, you have to have that the continuity. So it has to go from the ad that they clicked on, you know, which was the ques, which was the, you know, you, they start by asking Google a question, they got the answer. The landing page has to continue to con have that continuity where it’s giving them that answer more in depth. Now a lot of people mess this up too is they send them to a landing page that has all sorts of information on it, and you end up losing, you you end up losing the optic. And so I like to say less distraction, more action. This is why when we create our landing pages, we kind of quasi make them like SEO based articles. They’re more article-based, more informative, very straightforward, no images, no like maybe one or two images, but like nothing crazy because the whole goal is to get you to sign up. And and it works really, really well versus going the other route where you have these pretty fancy pages and everyone and and there’s a million different things like flashing you and distracting you, and then you lose. OK, um, getting you to sign up, sign up is what you want just to be low lift, right? Like is it just email and first name or name, name and email. That’s it, right? And do you require last name or? Usually first name, last name, and email. OK, because I’ve seen pages where they start asking for your phone number, you know, distraction, more in the US I’ve seen zip code, you know, it becomes too invasive and, and less distraction, more action, I understand. So low lift, right? Like, could you get away with just first name and email? because we’re just trying to get this is the introductory phase, right? We’re just trying to be able to address you. Hello Sean. That’s, that’s all you need. Sean and Sean’s email. Exactly. This is somebody who has no connection to you whatsoever, um, is, is stumbling upon you by chance, and if you start getting more invasive with them, then you’re gonna lose them. And you know, the whole goal is to put them through your your flow, to put them into your database to then ultimately add more information, build out that profile of them, and then turn them into a donor constituent petition sign or whatever the heck you. want to do with them. OK, right, so incremental, you may end up getting their cell and their address and their or their zip code, you know, whatever it is you want. But you, you don’t ask for that at the landing page when they, they’re, they’re only 2 minutes into the relationship with you. Correct. And I, and I actually, I want to tell you, I actually do something that nobody does, and we’ve actually started doing this cause we saw we were doing this in the ecom space. It, it’s retention marketing is that you’re driving all this traffic to your site and there’s there’s. There’s tools out there that you can grab people’s information, what’s called anonymous lead scraping. It’s all ethical, it’s all legal, completely kosher. And, and what we do is when people go to these sites, and they, because you have a high percentage of people not opting in, because, you know, from this, that and the other, this grabs their information, their first name, their last name, their phone number, and their email and puts them into your, into your CRM. And in what we do is we send them that ebook because they’re anyways or that offer because anyways they’re browsing for that offer because they landed to your page. We send it to them and say, hey, we saw you were looking at looking at our ebook, here you go. And then it’s then we put them through that initial email sequence continuing to introduce them to the organization. And right, right, right, hold on, anonymous lead scraping. Yes, OK. First of all, it sounds uh dark webbish, but you’re saying it’s not, OK, it’s it’s legal. It’s super. OK. It’s even higher than legal. It’s kosher. All right, there you go. Sean, Sean lives with his wife and 5 children in Israel, so it’s. If it’s kosher, it’s even beyond just the mere legality. All right. What, what can you, uh, you wanna, you wanna give us a couple of what you said there are apps that will help you with anonymous lead scraping. So, so now, so someone comes to your site and you’re getting. You’re getting the information like you’re getting an email from them even if they don’t provide it in the in the simple form. Yeah, and I’ll explain to you how it works is you know when you go to a website and it says I consent to this site, this site tracks cookies and I consent to this. So when you click on that, that’s basically giving the the these these programs the OK, this is how your data gets moved around the internet. You know, everybody shares everybody’s data and you’re you’re consenting to it. So you’re this is how these programs are able to do it. And so we’re actually using a program called Lead Post. Um, there are several other companies out there, one of them is retention.com. Um, and most of these platforms are built for e-commerce companies to do for abandoned carts and for, you know, for, you know, abandoned cart emails and newsletter growth, and I saw, I noticed that we’re when we’re doing this with ecom, I said, what’s the difference between e-commerce and donations? What’s the difference between newsletter signups for ecom and for nonprofits? Nothing, because at the end of the day we’re all about getting money, we’re all about cultivation and getting money. So we started testing this, and it’s been, it’s been seeing insane results both on the direct donation campaigns and pages to recoup donations that were lost and for the for the list growth. And we had this, yeah, so, so, so these are, so these are folks who they, they’ve gone to your landing page. But they don’t want the, they, they’re not giving their first name and their email for the offer, or they haven’t or they or something happened, they want to, but you know, life happens and they well maybe they didn’t like it but but you’re capturing but as long as they’re consenting to the To the cookies, you’re we’ll, we’ll be able to capture their email anyway. Is that, is that what is that that’s the case? Basically, so even if they don’t provide it, we can get it correct? OK, through these apps that you named, uh, do anonymous lead scraping. OK, lead retention is one, and what’s the other one? Le Post is one of them and retention.com is another very popular one. Great, I conflated the two of them into one. OK, you just clarified it. Thank you. All right, so we, and uh, interesting, so I think we’re all accustomed to the, uh, the abandoned shopping cart emails. Yeah, you know, I leave something cause I, I, I just, I changed my mind or as you said, you know, life moved on, I got distracted, kids were crying, you know, whatever it was, my OK, so we’re applying the, the e-commerce. To the nonprofit side, which I love because there I think there are a lot of lessons we can learn, uh, well, I think there are lessons both ways, uh, but we’re, we’re, we’re OK, so we’re applying some e-commerce lessons here. Alright, so now we can, we can open the relationship even with the people who haven’t provided us their name and email. Yeah, here’s the thing. Here’s the, here’s the, here’s the Rosh Hashanah card. Here’s the, here’s the, the download that talks more about the what you originally queried on in Google. Here because we saw you were browsing and we, you left, so here it is. We want you to have it, right? Yeah, basically. OK. All right, so now we’ve opened the door. Um, assuming they don’t unsubscribe because we’ve, we’ve done them a favor. I mean, some folks will unsubscribe, right? That, that’s the nature of the game. Yeah, yeah, right. I’m not, I’m not being negative. I’m just saying, you know, realistic. Some people won’t, don’t want that free. They, they left maybe intentionally. They didn’t want it. But for the other, I don’t know what, what’s our, what’s our retention rate? Like from these, from this anonymous lead scraping, what kind of, what kind of retention rate could we expect after the 1st, 1st message to them? We see a pretty high retention rate because people, like I said, people, they, they were coming anyways from Google search, so they’re already high intent. When they’re when they’re already high intent, but something happens, this is why I love Google versus meta in a lot of different places when it comes to running ads, because Google, you have much more high intent um buyers, much more high intent opt-ins, much more high intent everything, because like I said, people go to Google to to get an answer to the problem, to learn something. People go to meta to space out. OK. OK. Uh, like, take us, take us down the path. Are we, so now we’re just opening an, a standard email relationship with them. Yeah, I mean, I, in my, in my format system, I like to I like to put them on a 10 part email drip, and the first half of these emails is genuine genuine and general like conversation talking introducing the organization, who we are, what we’re all about with Mild call to actions to check out our social channels, check out our website, learn more about what we do. And then each email is another story with a testimonial or with a, you know, with a, a, you know, some sort of like social proof um message. And then as we go down the funnel, as we go down the drip. I start to push them to make a donation, you know, would partner with us, you know, you tell more even more compelling stories, because if you’re an organization doesn’t have compelling stories and content, then you’re doing something completely wrong. Certainly, right, right, 10 part. Yes, 1010, 10 emails over what period? Over the course of of of like two weeks or so. OK. And it’s, it’s all about consistency and people always blocking me. They’re like, why are you sending out so many emails? I said, because if you’re not sending out so many emails and you’re not top of mind, then. And you’re, you’re, you’re lost in the dust. And you’re not concerned that 1010 messages in a two week period is too much. No, I’ve seen, I’ve seen great successes, but again, the whole goal is to be top of mind, because how many emails do you get from people? How many emails do you get, especially like you, for example, how many emails do you get from organizations all the time? Oh yeah, dozens, uh, and, and, and e-commerce also, you know, the, the places I buy from, I hear from, I do hear from several times a week. I’m thinking of like container stores, uh, you know, you say top of mind. Yeah, container store in Lands End are probably top of mind for me most most recently. That’s funny. So when, when you’re when you’re when you’re top of mind. I’m I’m don’t be too surprised, you know, not at all. That’s right, that’s why I left. Alright, so 10, so 10 steps. And when, when are you starting to like roughly what, what, what, what drip of number 1 through 10 are you starting to ask for? A serious ass like a volunteer or or donate. I, I usually do that. I usually do that towards the end, like 89 and 10, 89, 10. OK, because, because again, you’re still in, and part of what we do while we’re with this email sequence, it we also gauge the how how people are how people are interacting with it. So what we’ll do is we’ll we’ll the people who are not opening and clicking we segment those people out into. Infrequent um email list that will send more infrequent content to, and the people that are engaging and opening in every single one and clicking and we can track this. Um, we we put them on a higher frequency like drip after this initial intro sequence. Because these are the people who are going to be your, your doers. These are the people who are going to be your your donors and your partners and your whatever you want them to be, because you see the the level of engagement they’re giving and interaction. OK, so the metrics are important during this introductory 10 drip series, yes. This is why I selected at 10, because it gives you a nice healthy gauge of what type of how people are interacting and what they’re interacting with, because it’s all about communication. Marketing is all everything in life is all about communication, and if you don’t, if you’re not watching the numbers and you’re not watching the the interactions, engagement, how people are commun like engaging with the communicate the the messaging. Then you’re just wasting your time because everybody interacts and and engages with something different. Every message hits somebody different. This is what I love about the nonprofit world, is this is also why I’m taking the ecom stuff over into nonprofit space because you can’t like donations, you can’t, you, you don’t really know what’s in somebody’s, what somebody wants to give, how much they’re they’re gonna pull out the credit card, they can give anywhere between $1 and a million dollars, you know, you never know, you can’t predict owner habits. But you can create messaging that’s going to increase their likelihood of giving you more money, or turning them into a monthly giver for more money. So this is why in this initial 10 part sequence, we like to showcase what you guys are doing, who you’re all who you’re all about, what you’re doing, how you’re doing it, pushing them to the different channels to give them a bigger picture of what the the organization is doing. So that way we can see who’s engaging with what, how they want to be communicated to, and how you speak to them on their level, because this way with smart marketing and communication and copy and storytelling, you’re gonna be enable these you’re gonna be able to turn these people into good money and big money and monthly money cause the goal is monthly money. I like to do monthly giving. I, I’m a big proponent of recurring giving and monthly donations because that’s your cash flow. That’s your cash flow, and if you build that up, you you’re golden. You might be interested in a book uh written by someone who either was just a guest or is soon to be a guest, because I don’t know what sequence the two of you are gonna come in, but his book is. The rise of sustainable giving, and his name is Dave Raley, R A L E Y. Um, all right, let me, uh, let me ask something that, uh, I just came to my attention absolutely yesterday, very timely. Uh, about is involved in this sequence in the, in the early part of this, the, the, um, the Google search results, that Google search AI summaries that we’re all now seeing. are hurting the, the click throughs from search results because I, I, I, I believe it was something like 60% of now recent Google searches don’t result in a click through because people are getting the answer from the, the, the Google AI search, you know, summary. And so that’s it, you know, they, they found the answer to their question and they bail out. There’s no, there’s no click through. Are you concerned about this? Can we overcome it? You’re shaking your head. No, very confidently. I’m not, I’m not concerned about it at all because if, if, if Google wants to do away with search ads on both the page and the grant. Side of things and replace it with with Gemini, they would. But clearly there’s a reason why Google has not replaced search ads because search ads play a huge role in Google in and and a in a major chunk of Google’s revenue because people are still doing search ads and it’s all about creating smart search campaigns. And smart and smart funnels built around the search campaigns that take you further than just answering your question because you and, and so part of what we do, as I said, we, we create smarter campaigns that are really solving the problem and driving them to the page with the offer connected to it. And so, but Google, Google likes to try to push this stuff on people, um, but at the same time, if they were to completely get rid of certain things within their ad networks, they’d be losing a massive chunk of revenue, and search ads make up a massive chunk of Google’s revenue. OK, so they’re not gonna replace that revenue with, uh, with their, their bunch of things. Gemini search summaries. OK, OK, right, I just, I’d like to hear from the experts on this. Um, all right, so is there anything else before we move on to your advice about reviving lists that, uh, may have become dormant or, you know, a little sleepy. Anything else on the, on this, on this search side building the list? Um, it’s really just about again, creating the right campaigns that are going to get people to opt in and then keeping up with the engagement. Once you, once they finish that main sequence, then you put them on a, on a general sequence, continuing the conversation, talking about what’s going on in the organization, whether it’s a weekly newsletter or whether it’s, you know, a couple two email, you know, another like I, I like to do weekly newsletters. Um, and also, you know, anything new that’s going on just to keep up the conversation, because again, it’s all about continuous, you know, engagement. One of the things that we also do with these email sequences, and I’ll talk about this, it kind of overlaps with your next question, but one of the things that we do is we like to create engaging content pieces that turn into email sequences, and one of my favorite ones that we did was called Meet the Heroes. Um, and we, we, we go through and we interview people within the organization cause I always like to say everybody from the janitor all the way to the CEO and and the executive director has a reason why they’re working in the organization, and they like it. And you get everybody’s stories and everybody’s perspectives, and you turn this into email marketing, meeting everybody in the organization, sharing that to to the list, and we rip these out, you know, once a week, you know, to people, and they get a new hero in their inbox, and it turns into a lot of money. It’s time for Tony’s Take-Two. Thank you, Kate. We’re revisiting Mrs. Blood and soil. You’ll remember her, uh, in my very first aerobics class that I went to, probably 18 months now. It’s been, uh, that I go to these Tuesday classes. I wanted to position myself next to her and I didn’t know that, you know, she had her set spot because it was my first time in the, in the room. And uh she was uh a little difficult, a little difficult, you may recall, so uh I dubbed her Mrs. Blood and Soil. Well, I had occasion. a couple of weeks ago to uh be next to Mrs. Blood and Soil again. I got there a little late, there was a space. So I went up, went over, it’s the last row. She likes to be this is her last, she’s in the last row against the wall of mirrors there. 2nd, 2nd from the left, that’s her spot, as we, as we all know. So I tried to be 3rd from the left in the back row against the mirrors. So I said, uh, you know, uh, I, I think I can uh fit in here. What do you, what do you think? Well, as long as you’re not too active. OK, uh, Mrs. Mutton soil, this is an aerobics class. I’m not gonna be able to confine myself to a 12 square inch little piece of ground over here next to you in an aerobics class. We’re jumping, we’re moving up, we’re moving back, we’re doing jumping jacks, we’re gonna do steps sometimes. We do weights, so lighten up, this is blood and soil, but I didn’t say any of that. I didn’t say any of that. I said, I think we’ll be OK. And then I introduced myself. I’m Tony, she said, so now she’s no longer needs to be Mrs. Blood and soil. She’s Val, Val. Which I, uh, which I realized could be either a man or a woman, Val, but she’s, she’s a woman, and she’s in very good shape. I think I’ve said that before. I have to give her, she’s very fit and does very well in the class. So, all right, so she gives me a little trouble with, well, as long as you’re not too active. Through the class I’m thinking like it’s as if she has a deed to this second from the left spot in the back against the mirror walls. You know, I’m applying to the board of adjustment for an easement, a right of way through her deeded land. Well, as long as you don’t use it too often, we can let you walk on it, but don’t ever bring a bicycle on your easement, no. So, that’s Mrs. Buttonsoy, Val, Val, uh, at the end of the class, I said, uh, nice to meet you, Val. She said, nice to meet you. OK, clearly, she forgot my name. That’s right. I guess I’m, I’m very forgettable, but Val is not. Val will, my memories of Val, I see her every Tuesday morning. She is not at all forgettable. This is Blood and soil, thou. That is Tony’s take too. OK. Look at you for being the better person and introducing yourself. I took the high road. It’s very, very good of you. And what did I get? As long as you’re not too active in an aerobics class aerobics don’t move around too much in this aerobics class, and, and if you don’t, then, then you could be next to me. The entitlement exactly. We’ve got Bou but loads more time. Here’s the rest of Google Ad grants and your digital marketing with Shawn Lipman. So this is going into your advice about reviving. Correct uh uh sort of a lackluster list. These are your, your lapsed folks who, who are these, who are these folks that we’re trying to revive? What’s this population look like? So these are all people that, you know, you deal with enough organizations to know that everyone has don donor lists and email and databases of people that they’ve engaged with at some point and these people have had something to do with the organization at some point or another. And most organizations because for lack of better, you know, terms, they just suck at marketing. And they don’t have the bandwidth to have people dealing with their email coms. And so when you don’t have people can keeping up the conversation with your with your list, you know, you could grow a ton of people, but you gotta stay, you gotta stay top of mind. So a part of it and so they, they just kind of neglect the email list because they’re like, you know what, we’ll just deal with them when we need money, but then when you do, when they, when they come in for money like who the hell are you? Like, why should I talk to you? It’s just, you know. It it’s relationship building, communication relationship building. And so what we do is we go in, this is actually the first thing we do before we launch any Google campaigns. I call, I like to get these as quick wins, you know, we go in and we create, we create a wake up email sequence, just talking, saying, hey, what’s going on? It’s, it’s, um, you know, save the whales. We’ve been out here in the beachfront saving the whales for a while. It’s our it’s our bad, we haven’t talked to you in a bit, but check out what we’ve been doing. Look at that. Shamu is all clean. You know, just like quick little like punchy emails that started off the conversation, so you can see who’s actually engaging, who’s actually a wake up, wake up, you got it. And then, and then you slowly drip them into um more in-depth stuff, and then you, you segment out the people who didn’t, because then you can see who’s actually engaging and who’s actually not even a valid email anymore. So that you can clean up your list and then you start dripping out content like Meet the Heroes and other content series, um, emails, um, that can be that people can engage with. And let me ask you uh what kind of parameters are we looking at? Like how long lapsed would you, would you go back? I suppose, suppose we haven’t had any communication with the person for a year. Is that, is that in your opinion, is that too long to try to wake them up a year too long? No, you can do anything because again, what I’ve noticed and I’ve studied this is just by doing this a million times, is that all people want is just to feel like, feel like you care about them. So it doesn’t, you know, sometimes, you know, you, you stopped caring about me. Like I, I’ve heard from you for a year now. Where you been? Well, that, well, that, that’s, that’s why, that’s why a little like, hey, what’s going on? Just wanted to show you that we’re alive kind of type of thing. We didn’t, we didn’t really forget about you. We’ve just been so busy saving the whales and the planet that we forgot to talk to you, and most people are very receptive about it. that’s what they want, you’ll get, you’ll get some folks back. You’re saying lots of folks. You’ll get, you’ll get some folks back and then of course you’re gonna segment. Some folks are not gonna respond. They’re not, they’re not gonna wake up, uh, of course, of course you’ve got your, your bad emails, you know, that’s a different category, but some folks, they’re getting the message they’re not gonna, all right, they’re not gonna reply, but for the ones who do, you’re trying to reinvigorate now. Exactly. Exactly. OK. Um, any other advice about, uh, reviving? What else are you doing? You don’t hold back on nonprofit radio listeners now. You have, uh, you know, you, you do this, you said a million times, but what else, what else around the? What’s, it’s really all about just sitting down and understanding what your organization does and how we can create engaging content stories to to share with them. And email marketing is a lot like a serial, you know, you, you always want to, you gotta, you people, you wanna keep up the engagement. It’s not, you know, you wanna build like a series. Of of content that’s going to engage with people. That’s why the Meet the Heroes is something that we found replicates really well amongst organizations, um, you know, we have, you know, all all sorts of other different things again, it’s really organization specific, but like highlighting different different things within the organization that they’re doing. And really showing people, making the the whole goal with emails with these email campaigns, and then you can transpose this into social media too, is getting making people feel and getting them to feel live vicariously through the organization without having to be on the ground scrubbing the oil off the the fish, you know. Of Shamu. All right. OK. When you said er, you said it’s like cereal, I was expecting you were saying like a sugar rush or so, but I had the wrong side on the serial uh metaphor in mind. OK, S E R I A L. Yeah, it’s, it’s continuous conversation and then that’s also part of like the whole strategy to when you get to that big campaign, cause everybody, you know, and when you know, people are already ready to jump. You tell them because you’ve been in contact with them, they see that you’re engaging with them, they see that you care about them, you know, you’ve showcased what’s going on, you’ve engaged, you’ve you’ve invited them in. So now when it comes to the campaign, you say jump, they they say how high. OK, that’s the ideal. Um, what’s your advice around storytelling? Sounds like you, you write a lot of, you write a lot of emails for clients, you write a lot of newsletters, weekly, what, what, what tips do you have around storytelling digitally? Storytelling, digital storytelling, you know, everybody’s got, everybody, everybody’s got a story. Everyone’s got something to share and you gotta, you gotta you gotta sit down and understand. Um, who your audience is and how you talk to them and understand, you know, how to communicate that with them, your message to them, because just, you know, not everybody is gonna relate to one specific thing, and you have to be able to um extract the information out of the like the founder’s head or somebody who’s, you know, one of the volunteers’ heads, you have to be able to take that and and really put it into compelling marketing. And it’s all about showing when you’re doing when you’re doing a storytelling, it’s not tell no one no one cares what you’re telling them. You have to show them like saying I I learned this actually a long time ago when I was creating a resume, which I’d never use anymore, thank God, but someone was telling me you don’t say, you know, you, you know, it’s about showing people what you’re doing in numbers, not telling them I do this, this and this, cause no one cares what you do. So give an example. I wanna pick your brain here, give an example of what showing instead of telling. So, like, I’ll go back to, to meet the heroes, right? You, you know, let’s say I, I work for an EMS, a volunteer EMS organization, and I got 10 kids and I’m volunteer, but I still go out there and take EMS calls. And so you’re asking me how, why, why do I love doing this? So I’m gonna, I, so we asking the right questions to get the right answers out of people’s like being a podcast host. So I’m gonna show you through my answers. Like, you know, I love being, you know, a mass volunteer because it gives me such uh uh the ability to go out there and help people and and and take care of them and transport them to the hospital, and being able to make sure that they’re they’re OK, and I just genuinely like helping people. And I got into this because I do I love doing X, Y and Z and painting that picture and that story around. The person and showing people how, you know, this person is impacting so many lives, and he’s just one guy, you know, just going out there doing volunteer shifts. You know, it’s about painting that bigger picture, the broader strokes of what’s going on within these people’s stories and this or the the organization. You know, another another organization, you know, let’s say for example, they, you know, I’m trying to think off the top of my head, something I did recently. Um, I can’t think off the top of my head on the spot. I apologize. That’s all right, um. Let’s pick, uh, let’s pick an arts organization, hypothetical, I don’t have any particular one in mind, but let’s say it’s a theater group. So would you, what would go through, uh, like I’m gonna, I’m gonna follow the processes of, of Sean’s brain. What do you think? All this theater group, look, it’s a nonprofit now, $2 million annual revenue. They’ve got 5 or 6 full-time employees. They put on 2 shows a year. So, so let’s sit down, let’s sit down and meet with the, the company director. You know, we’re dealing with theater, right? I, I, I, I know these words. Let’s, let’s sit down and meet with the company director and why she, why she decided to open this organization? What was her passion? What inspired her to be, what, how is she a hero to the millions of people who are coming to watch her shows, and what’s the, what’s the, what’s the outcome that she wants to bring about with this, with the with this with this organization? Who’s she trying to inspire? And let’s sit down and craft a story about, you know, Who she is, what she’s all about, and the organization to show people how taking the act of of of dance and music in a play and bringing it to the bigger stage is going to empower people to do X, Y, and Z. It’s about taking that story and painting the bigger picture with it. So for example, a theater organization, so I, let’s say I run a theater company. I started this. Why let’s meet the hero. Why did I start this? I started this organization because I have a strong passion for music and dance and art, and I wanted to be able to empower people who are not who don’t have the means to go to Juilliard, who don’t have the means to go to the New York Academy of Dance or whatever, and I want to give them the same abilities that I that I did and show them that the Through the through arts and music, it can be very empowering. It can also be life changing. And so my, my whole aim of the organization is to give people the tools they need to succeed by doing through the outlet. I put you on the spot. That was very excellent. I’ll let you off the hook, but I can also I can also see some fun like telling. Backstage stories. Exactly, exactly. Backstage stuff that nobody sees. This is also why I used to produce podcasts for nonprofits because I used to, I found I I I would, I would show them how creating a podcast create gets you multiple forms of content for the organization, but also creates a narrative, and people can go out, you can have people on your show talking to them about different things. Like I said, I created a podcast that was so popular it was for a volunteer EMS organization. Um, a Jewish one where we interviewed all these different directors from all the different branches all over the world, getting to understand their stories, who they are, what they’re all about, why they got involved in this, and hearing their perspective, you know, one guy from Baltimore, one guy from New York, one guy from Chicago, Detroit, you know, getting their perspective on it, and, you know, you have questions that can remain constant questions, but everybody is gonna have a different answer. When I lived in New York City, I used to see uh Hao Ambulances. Is that the organization? Yep, we created a podcast for them called the Hatzola Cast. Oh, that’s that’s a worldwide. It’s worldwide. I didn’t I created it for the local one here in my city in Israel. And the whole goal was, was a branding campaign because they’re all connected in some way, but was interviewing all the different executive directors of each different branch and hearing their stories and these guys had crazy stories because, you know, they’re all, you know, they’re all in the back of the bus, you know, doing, you know, you know, taking saving lives. Yeah, and people loved it because it was real people talking about real things and it worked as a as a as a tool for donations and and growth and, you know, branding. And storytelling pod what’s a podcast? It is a storyteller, yeah, yeah. All right, Hatzola. I, I always thought, you know, being a, a geocentric uh New Yorker at the time, and I just figured New York City was the, it was the only site of Hatzola, but uh it was, it was, it’s worldwide, it’s worldwide, right, all right. OK, awesome, um. Let’s move to uh a third topic, you have advice around. The right technology, uh, sort of your tech stack around this, this process that we’ve, we’ve been talking about these first two steps, you gotta have technology supporting you, you know, we’re not, well, we all know the value of technology. So what are we, what are we looking for? What kind of considerations, how do we know we’ve got the right stuff? What’s your order in the spot here. So I’ll tell you, you know, not to, not to toot my own horn, but I do actually have a software company called GivSuite, and it was an answer to a problem that we were experiencing, and this is, and I also, and I put on a webinar called Not All Systems are Created Equal because software is all about strategy. It’s not about people like to look at SAS software. A solution. I look at SASSA software as a strategy, because at the end of the day, the right tools for your organization are going to be the right tools for your organization to enable you to grow and scale, because nobody wants to sit around working with technology that’s going to send them back a couple of years instead of propelling them. So you want to have the right software and the right tools for the job. And so when it comes to looking at software as a strategy, you have to understand what how big is my organization? What am I looking to do? What are my what problems am I currently having with what I’m currently using? Is it costing me too much money? Are, are, are we, are we being charged every time we’re trying to grow? Are we being, are, are there limitations to certain functionalities within our system? Do we, is, is our data a mess? Like, you know, there’s all different types of questions and answers that you have to sit down and really understand before you make the right to choose a product that’s gonna be for you. Like there’s a lot of in the nonprofit world, there’s a range of products, there’s free there’s free platforms, there’s freemium platforms, there’s super expensive platforms that nobody knows how to use, but for some reason, everybody loves them, but they don’t know how to use them. And then there’s there’s there’s diff there’s, you know, us, we’re we’re we’re an all inclusive platform that, you know, doesn’t charge you an arm and a leg. And but again, it’s all what’s ideal for you. And so you have to you have to know, you have to sit down and understand what your what what your wants are versus your needs. That’s really the key, because everybody always wants, you know, it’s it’s the wants versus needs, you know, everybody always wants everything under the sun, but do you know how do you use everything under? do you know how to use everything? What do you, you have to understand what your needs are in order to scale. What, what about, uh, say for instance, integration with your CR right? So shouldn’t all these, all these contacts that these uh are, are 10 or 10 drip series, these shouldn’t these be? Ideally noted in each person’s record who gets one as a as a as an outbound contact. So talk about uh integration with your, your CRM database. So integration is a really big thing and a lot of the, you know, a lot of these platforms do have integrations with your CRMs, but it’s also very frustrating because you still have to download the data and you have to upload the data or you have to set up the automation, like the connecting tools that work with it, and those tend to get pricey. Because, you know, it’s going based on on what, you know, using Zapier. It’s a connecting app that goes based on Zap. So the more the more records you’re bringing over, the more the more expensive your plan is. But when you have, for example, again, using my system as an example, not a plug for it at all, I promise you, is that when you have something, everything all encompassing all in one, you’re not relying on outside data and third party tools to push everything because everything is already in the system. And so you have to figure out way out the cost too. Some of these other platforms are gonna charge you um for for integrations. Some of them are gonna charge you, you know, different fees based on the integrations, and some of them are also gonna charge you different fees based on how many people are using the system. So you also, you have to weigh out all these different, these different things in order to figure out what the best tool is gonna be for you. For you. All right. All right, Sean, why don’t you leave us with uh some inspiring words to uh to close around. Around all of us, around the digital marketing, digital relationships. Well, OK, I, I mean, I always like to say there’s nothing new under the sun, and it’s all a matter of how you take it, package it, and, and repurpose it, and how you and how you make it your own. In the marketing space, especially in nonprofit space, the whole goal is you want everyone’s doing the same thing. Everyone’s going after the same thing. Everyone wants everybody’s money. There’s not that much money, you know, you, you know, floating around. You know, there’s not that many big big checks floating around so much anymore. You know, you have to focus on the micro donation. So the goal is how do you raise your hand higher than everybody else? And in the nonprofit space, you have to really sit down and understand who you are, what you’re all about, what makes you so special, why should I care about you? Because you’re competing with everybody else who wants those same donations. So in order, so you gotta take a step back before you start any marketing campaign, before you start anything with your organization, say. What makes me so special, and how do I raise my hand higher than everybody else? And once you figure that out, then you’re gonna win. And, and once you once that that’s how you’re gonna win. So I hope that I hope that was a solid piece of advice. Um, I, I tell it to a lot of people and the ones who take me seriously are actually successful, and the ones who don’t take me seriously, then they call me complaining and I say tough nuggies. Let’s not leave you with tough. Let’s not have too many of the tough noogies. All right, Sean. Catch-22 nonprofit digital. The company is at catch 22 nonprofit.com. You can connect with Sean on LinkedIn. Thank you very much, Sean. Appreciate you sharing all this. You know, thank you very much, Tony, for having me on the show. It’s been a pleasure. Next week, great value in sustainable giving. That was supposed to be this week, but the host messed up. If you missed any part of this week’s show. Actually, I did not mess up. This is not a mess up. Uh, this is a more logical flow to have Sean this week and then expand on sustainable giving next week. And by the way, I beseech you. Find it at Tony Martignetti.com. We’re sponsored by DonorBox. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters’ generosity. DonorBox, fast, flexible, and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit, DonorBox.org. Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I’m your associate producer Kate Martignetti. The show’s social media is by Susan Chavez. Mark Silverman is our web guy and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation, Scotty. Be with us next week for nonprofit Radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. Go out and be great.

Nonprofit Radio for January 27, 2025: Storytelling

Sarah Wood: Storytelling

Sarah Wood reminds us of the value in telling good stories to your stakeholders. Also, how do you tell them? Where do you tell them? Which ones are worth telling? What’s ethical storytelling? And, what’s the right engagement or call to action? We pull some lessons from her children’s favorite stories, the “Narwhal and Jelly” series and “Dandelion Magic.” She graciously shares her own story of solo motherhood by choice. Sarah’s company is Sarah Wood Communication.


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Every nonprofit struggles with these issues. Big nonprofits hire experts. The other 95% listen to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts and leading thinkers join me each week to tackle the tough issues. If you have big dreams but a small budget, you have a home at Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.
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Welcome to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the podfather of your favorite hebdominal podcast. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d be thrown into dextrogastria if you upset my stomach with the idea that you missed this week’s show. Here’s our associate producer, Kate, to tell us what’s going on this week. Hey, Tony, I’ll be happy to. Storytelling. Sarah Wood reminds us of the value in telling good stories to your stakeholders. Also, how do you tell them? Where do you tell them? Which ones are worth telling, and what’s the right engagement or call to action? We pull some lessons from her children’s favorite stories, the Narwhal and Jelly series and dandelion magic. She graciously shares her own story of solo motherhood by choice. Sarah’s company is Sarah Wood Communication. On Tony’s take 2. Thank the folks who nobody thanks. We’re sponsored by Donor Box. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters’ generosity. Donor box, fast, flexible, and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit, DonorBox.org. Here is storytelling. It’s a pleasure to welcome Sarah Wood. She is the founder and chief communication consultant at Sara Wood Communication LLC. A lifelong voracious reader, Sarah has been helping individuals and organizations identify and effectively share the stories of their good work for her entire professional career, and she still loves a good story. We’re gonna talk all about stories and storytelling. You’ll find Sarah on LinkedIn and her company is at Sarah with an H Wood communication. Dot com. Sara Woodcommunication.com. Sarah Wood, welcome to nonprofit Radio. Thank you for having me. I’m excited to be here today. Oh, I’m glad, pleasure. Storytelling. You’ve been doing this for a long time. Why, uh, why are, why are we still talking about storytelling? We’ve been talking about storytelling for years now. What, what brings this, what makes this so timely for us? Well, storytelling has become the the term, right, that we’re using now, uh, and people are very into, you know, they talk about storytelling, they talk about narrative, they talk about all that. In reality we’ve been doing this. The entire human existence, right? Uh, I mean, you can go back to caveman days, um, before we even had a written language. People were telling stories, sitting around the campfire, telling stories, uh, and that was how they were teaching people. It was how they were remembering things. It was how they were communicating with each other. Um, and so in some ways, nothing has changed, right? Uh, we still know that there’s a lot of research out there that shows that’s one of the best ways for humans to pass on information. It’s what we do with small children, right? We read to them, we tell them stories. If they’re getting ready to do something new, we talk about like, oh, here’s a children’s book for it, that’s gonna help them kind of like understand and process and go through it. And the same is true for adults, and we still love a story, even those of us who don’t get to read that often. I used to be a voracious reader. I still have that in my bio, but I’ve got two small kids and, you know, a business and everything else, and so I don’t read as much as I would like to anymore. You’re reading. I am. I’ve read so many of them. You’re a voracious reader of children’s stories. What age are your children? Um, they’re 2 and 6. Oh, the 22 year old, do you? I don’t have children. Do you read the 2 year olds or is that too early? You you when they’re like newborns. It’s a it’s a good thing I don’t grow up illiterate because I wouldn’t know I wouldn’t know. Hopefully somebody would have told me. Uh, OK, so you start at, uh, at birth or, you know, we’re hearing our whole lives, right? Whether they’re books, whether it’s radio, whether it’s television, whether it’s, you know, just some story that your parent made up to help you go to sleep at night, you know, we’re telling stories the entire time and we’re listening and we’re learning and that’s how. We learn about humans and we feel connected to each other. So we’ve been, we’ve been doing it the entire time, but there’s a rise of interest in it as far as nonprofits go recently. All right, but before we get to nonprofits, so give a shout out to your six year old’s favorite book. That’s a tough one. You know, he really likes the, um, trying to think of the name of it, Narwhal and Jelly series. It’s a kind of comic graphic novel type thing, and the main characters are a narwhal and a jellyfish. Um, and so there’s all these different titles in the series, and, and he really loves those. OK. So there are, so they may they may be sympathetic or maybe they’re in need of a title or. To, to, to broaden their own voracious reading children’s books. Yeah, and I mean the good thing, good thing they’re they’re kind of out of the, I want to read the exact same thing like over and over and over again. My 2 year old, you know, we’re definitely like, we can read the same book like 10 times in a row and she’s still fascinated. have a favorite? Uh, she likes it. It’s right here next to me. It’s called Dandelion Magic, and she likes it because it instructs you to like blow on the magic dandelion. So, you know, she gets to like, and, and blow, um, and make magic things happens. It’s an engaging. There’s some, there’s some engagement that we may talk about, uh, hopefully we’ll be talking about donor engagement with their stories. So she likes the act of blowing on blowing on the dandelion. Yes, she does, she does. She’s a big fan of that. All right, so we can pivot back to the less interesting but maybe more relevant nonprofit storytelling. All right. Well, some of the same things apply, right? You still want to make it interesting and ideally you’re making it interactive in some sort of way. Um, you know, a son and daughter, you know. Uh, what about feedback or or volunteer feedback or just whoever readers reader feedback on our stories? How do we get feedback? How do we know which is the favorite stories? Well, it depends on how you’re presenting the stories, what stats you have available, right? Different platforms are gonna have different ways for you to measure kind of what’s happening, who, who’s interacting with it and, and who’s not. Um, I mean, you also have kind of Behind the scenes ways of doing that, you know, you can kind of set up some separate URLs or landing pages, you know, so that you can kind of track specific interests of like, you know, who’s coming from this place and who’s coming from that place. Um, so it really kind of depends on what your setup is and kind of how you’re presenting your story. OK, if you’re, if you’re presenting it to a list and if you’re, I guess if your list is big enough, uh, you could test, you could test different stories, right? If you, if you have a large enough list to have a valid test or a simple AB test of different stories, OK. All right, I’m making you jump around, but, uh, I, I know, I wanted to launch off the uh the children’s children’s reading because that’s what you’re a voracious reader of children’s stories. So, yes. Well, and you know, I mean, some, some storytelling does happen in person, right? So if you’re at an in-person event, if you’re at an event for your donors or an event with uh potential donors, right, you can kind of catch up on all the cues, right, of are they interested or not, you know, you’ve got the nonverbals then. Um, but you know, it really depends on kind of how you’re presenting it. That’s, that’s a very interesting ones on that thread a little bit. The in storytelling, like having your cache of, uh, I don’t know, one program or, you know, whatever, you know, you’ve got some stories in mind that when people say, you know, oh I love your Uh, the hospice work you do really moves me, you know, then maybe you’ve got a hospice story or it’s the, uh, you know, it’s the fact that you’re a no-kill shelter. Oh, that really, now I’ve pivoted now. Now that’s not a human no-kill shelter. That’s an animal I’ve pivoted from human to human uh hospice, although you get a pet hospice too, but I wasn’t thinking of that. So we’re not talking about animal urine you’re a no kill shelter. I love that, you know, that aspect because you’re the only one in our state that’s a no-kill shelter or something like that, so. You know, so yeah, I mean I I never thought of in storytelling. Yeah, I always encourage anyone. I mean this is any organization doesn’t have to do with what industry you’re in, but you have to have your elevator speech down first, right? What is your organization? What’s the main thing that you do? Why should people care? You know, you need that kind of one minute spiel, right? Um, that you can give to anyone. And I always tell people, listen, don’t just get your executive director who’s able to do that. Every single. Employee in your organization should be able to give a one minute elevator speech about your organization, what it is, what it does, and why it’s important. Uh, if not, you’re just missing so many potential opportunities because think about how many more people every single staff person of yours interacts with on a daily basis than just, you know, your executive or your C-suite or or what have you. You know, you really wanna make sure that everyone’s on the same page. Um, so that’s one. But also, yes, absolutely, you should have like your back pocket full of like. Pack full stories. I mean, people want to do business with people. We know that there are companies, we know there’s organizations, but the more we can humanize and personalize those and we can put a face to what we’re doing and why it’s important, the more successful a nonprofit’s gonna be. I mean, it’s, it really lays the foundation for anything that you might want to ask those people later, right? Because if you just come up to someone and you say, hey, give me some money to do X, they’re gonna be like. Why? You know, like, what, what impact is this gonna have? Like, and people love other people, right? So, I mean, and it is not, even if your nonprofit doesn’t work with people, like you were just saying, like, the, the dogs, right? Or the no-kill shelter, you know, the dogs or the cats. We wanna like personalize and humanize the dogs and the cats, so that people feel close to them. They feel connected. The more connected someone feels, the more likely they are to. Invest in your organization and in your mission. Right. Now, how about uh disseminating these stories to, let’s say board members or volunteers it could be, could be non board member volunteers, you know, they’re, they’re great spokespeople because they, they devote time. They give several hours a week or whatever, you know, time, time is great value, especially now, time and attention. So. So volunteers could be great storytellers and as well as your board, but how would you, how do you pass these stories on to them? Like, so let’s take, um, let’s take the harder case first, like volunteers. So these folks are spending maybe 45, I don’t know, 10 hours a week or something. How would you arm them with stories about your work? I think volunteers are going to have their own stories, so it’s more about helping them share them in a way that is helpful to the organization they’re gonna share what their work is right, they’re gonna talk about their personal experiences, um, and, and their personal interactions or or and you know what they get out of it and what they feel like they’re doing. Um, so like I said, it’s more about helping them learn how to share that in a way that is effective, um, and that helps the organization overall. So how do you, how do you help them effectively? I think you have to arm them with the facts, right? You want them not just to have their personal experience, but to give them the the bigger picture, right? of how does their personal experience fit in with the bigger picture. I think if they have a particular thing that they want to talk about and they let you know that, I think that you can provide them with the background. Yeah, I mean, if you’re a big enough organization, you can even do media training for your volunteers, um. And you can pitch them as speakers as kind of ambassadors and out into the community, uh, that does take, you know, some, uh, staff effort on the, on, on the inside, but I think take advantage of the opportunities, you know, if you have a volunteer, particularly if you have a volunteer that is very well connected in the community, make sure that they have the information that you want them to have. And if they want to take that opportunity to kind of like practice what it is they want to say, give them that opportunity. OK. All right. And uh board members, that’s a little easier. I mean you could, you could write some story, you could write some anecdotes, you could share, have people come and tell their own personal story at board meetings, right? How important your work is not to the community, but to me, me, my family, my child, me personally, my spouse, whatever, right? And board members and the same thing with volunteers like that are already there if they’re already there. They’re already kind of committed, right? They already know about your organization. They are, they’ve already drank the Kool-Aid to, you know, throw an adage in there, um, you know, they’re, they’re already on board with what you’re doing. You don’t have to convince them. It’s not a hard sell, right? It’s just about showcasing the impact that you are having and nonprofits do so many good things and if they don’t talk about them. They’re just kind of lost, right? I mean you might impact a few people, a handful of people that directly know what happened, right? But if you can’t share those stories and amplify them and put them out into the world, you’re gonna hit a plateau for your organization where you’re not able to get the volunteers or to get the donations or to expand the programming or bring people in that that you could help, right? Because they don’t know about you, they don’t know about what’s happening so the more you can tell your stories, the more you can put it out into the. World, the better off your organization is gonna be because you’re gonna be able to have this foundation of support you’re gonna have this relationship with your audiences because you’ve been consistently telling them what you’re doing so that way when you ask them for money or you come out with big news, they’re already primed to listen to what you have to say because they’ve already decided, OK, this is a valid source and this is a source that is doing important things and so I’m gonna pay attention when they are saying something to me. Right, get good folks out. Um, let’s get folks out storytelling and finish, finish my thought. Um. Yeah, don’t overlook your ambassadors. Any, you know, anyone who is willing to be an ambassador for you and to talk you up, you know, give them the tools to do that. It’s time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money, but also supports you in retaining your donors. A partner that helps you raise funds both online and on location so you can grow your impact faster. That’s Donor Box, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers just like you a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges, helping you achieve the growth and sustainability your organization needs, helping you help others. Visit donorbox.org to learn more. Now back to storytelling. How about engagement? We, we, we, we talked about uh your daughter’s engagement with the dandelion, dandelion story. She loves to blow on the little on the dandelion pages, I guess you can blow on the pages. Yes, OK. Like they can’t still be dandelion seeds. There’s nothing really blowing. It’s not a dandelion, it sounds like she’s so many times. I mean she does really blow and of course, you know, like you know it is not a slot like dandelions in the book. OK. What’s the name of the book. And magic magic, OK. So let’s let’s continue there. So what about engagement with your stories? Is there, is there a parallel for for nonprofits, folks engaging not so much, yeah, not so much the metrics, but the engagement. The old mode of communication was much more one way communication, right? It was kind of we say it. You hear it, and there wasn’t really an an ability to interact, certainly not in real time, right? I mean, you could conceivably like write a letter and mail it, you know, and, and all those kind of things. Um, but there wasn’t really the ability to interact in real time that we have now, right? And so now we have much more ability to get instant responses or instant reactions, and we can do, we can even do live things, right? Um, and we can get them like right away. Um, so I think. Things that your audience is interested in and that they want to interact with are very important because you don’t want it, you don’t want people to feel like they’re being lectured to, right? You want them to feel like part of the community, part of the conversation. And part of the way you do that is just having interest interesting content, right? But and humanizing it and personalizing it and all the other things that we’ve talked about, um, because that makes people feel more involved. But other ways you do it is, you know, you ask them questions, you give them ways to get involved. You don’t just kind of like put it there. And then drop off the face of the earth, like, um, what do they want to see? You know, what does this make them feel like? Are they going to take action? Here’s the actions we’d like you to take. Would you do any of these things? Like, I think all that kind of engagement is, is important, and It depends on where your audience is, how you’re going to interact with them the most, you know, maybe, maybe your main audience is on email, maybe it’s on social media, maybe it is these in-person events, maybe you do a lot of local in-person meet and greet type things. I mean, it, it really is gonna depend on. The organization and the specific people that they are trying to reach. Um, but yeah, you, I mean, you have to be engaging. I mean, I think we’ve, there are so many people trying to catch your attention. That you have to be engaging or. You’re you’re forgetful, right? I’m not forgetful, you’re forgotten, um. And it’s, it’s hard to catch people’s attention. I, you’re forgotten or you’re forgettable. Yes, yes. And you know, I feel like there was that old adage that You know, you have to hear things 3 times before you would take an action. And I was like, well, that’s very outdated, right? You have to hear things way more than 3 times now. I was on a webinar the other day and someone dropped it, it’s now 25 times. And I was like, well, they didn’t actually cite that. So I don’t know if that’s research based, but it kind of feels true, right? It feels like it, it passes the smell test, right? Because there is just so much information out there and we’re bombarded with it, like all the time. So it’s an and everyone can sell their story now, right? That’s the main thing that’s different about storytelling in the past versus storytelling today. The storytelling in the past was, you know, you kind of had a few people who were able to tell the stories and able to get that out and it was like your major national television networks, you know, your radio channels, that kind of thing, and now everybody has a platform, right? authors, journalists, yes, yes, there was kind of like gatekeepers, right? There were people you had to go through and now everybody can tell their story. It’s really been democratized, you know, we can all tell our story. It’s a what’s important now is being able to choose the stories and determine how to present them in the ways that best reach and resonate with your audience. And another thing that’s come to light is not a lot of, I won’t say just nonprofits, a lot of organizations in general. I feel like back in the 90s we’re doing this a lot and it was kind of the um poverty porn, um for lack of a better term, stories, right? Where you were putting these kind of sob stories of these people that were in this terrible situation and you know, the organization came in and they really like changed their lives, right? And, and up and did it. And, and that may very well have been true. um. But I think there’s more of a recognition today of the importance of telling stories ethically, right? And part of that ethical storytelling is really making sure that telling the story benefits everyone involved, you know, and that we’re not taking advantage of someone who we were able to help in order to kind of. You know, make ourselves look better or to to get more for that, right? We have to be very careful about how we tell these stories, particularly, you know, when people are involved, um, not exploiting a situation or, you know, a tragedy. Exactly and making them aware kind of of the the potential repercussions of sharing their story that maybe they haven’t thought through um because particularly, you know, you might have someone, you know, maybe they’re maybe they’re young and you know they haven’t necessarily thought through that they can tell the story and they can literally follow them their entire lives, right? Um, because of the internet, because of social media, because of the ability to like find information now in, in ways that were not present, you know, in past, in past areas. Um, so I think just making sure that you’re telling the story in a way that benefits everyone, and that might involve, you know, being anonymous, it might involve, you know, changing the way that you’re doing it. It certainly involves making sure that you have The appropriate releases, you know, to, to tell the story and making sure that you’re kind of educating people who may be, who are doing you a solid, right? We’re doing you a solid by sharing the story of how your organization impacted them, that, that they’re actually getting something out of it as well, and that they’re not gonna get negative repercussions from doing so. Let’s talk about what makes a good story, uh, a good ethical story, of course, and uh I wanna use the uh the Norwhal and jellyfish example. What, what do you think makes that a good story? For your, for your son, is that why is that you said it’s a, yeah, what is it what is it about the uh the Norfish that we can, we can extrapolate for good storytelling nonprofits? Well, one, it’s very visual, right? It, it is a graphic novels. I don’t even know. I don’t know if there’s a length to be called a graphic novel because they’re not super long, but I’m going to say they’re graphic novels. OK. Children’s graphic children’s novel. Right. And like most children’s books, right? Most children’s books are super visual. So I think, um, you know, you have to catch people’s attention, you know, and it’s not always visual, but you have to think about what is it that’s gonna catch and keep people’s attention. So that’s not only the story itself, right? So it’s the actual storyline and that being interesting and these particular books have a lot of comedy, right? They’re, they’re funny and they’re cute, um, and there’s a lot of puns. He’s very into word puns, um. So, you know, there’s the things that make the content itself engaging, so the words themselves are engaging. Also the visuals, right? It it’s very visually engaging, there’s lots of pictures for him to look at, um. In his case, there’s not a huge amount of words per page, that’s important when you’re 6, right? Because you’re you’re kind of done with it and you’re ready to move on. But aren’t we supposed to do we supposed to do like we’re like grass grade or something? I, ideally, yes, I mean. You don’t know everyone’s education level, right? And particularly depending on your audience, you know, or if it English as their first language or anything along those lines, right? So, um, you need to keep it easy for that, but also people don’t want to work that hard, right? Um, don’t make people work for it. Make it easy for them to do what it is that you want them to do, you know, and if that’s be invested in your organization in whichever way, if it’s volunteering, if it’s donating, if it’s doing whatever. Make it easy for them to do it, and don’t make them work hard to understand the story and what you’re saying. There’s a lot of industries that jargon is very common, and they tend to throw around acronyms or terms that make a lot of sense to the people involved, you know, like inside baseball, if you will, right? Um, but don’t mean anything to the general audience, and I think that’s one thing we have to try to catch. It’s like, you know, you aren’t speaking to yourself, you aren’t speaking to someone who has the same background and the same details and the same information that you do, uh, and you need to recognize that and you need to use a conversational manner and you need to use language that people are familiar with and that doesn’t mean. You know, you don’t co-opt, you know, you don’t need to kind of co-opt something and be someone who you are not. Still be who your organization is and have that consistent voice. But, you know, you don’t need to speak at like PhD level. I’m writing a dissertation style way to, you know, Joe from down the block, right? Uh, you need to speak in a way that your audience reacts well to and that they understand. You reminded me of, uh, when I was in law school, first year of law school. I hate, I, I, I, I hated practicing law, by the way. I don’t do it anymore, but I was very glad that I went to law school. I still am very glad I went, but your first year of law school, uh, now I went in, uh, 1989, so you, you’d be reading cases and I had literally my dictionary. My Black’s Law Dictionary by my side because every, you know, every paragraph there’s a word I don’t understand. There’s, you know, Latin phrase or something, you know, you don’t, you don’t want need people to be going, going to an online dictionary to get, you know, you don’t need to show off your extraordinarily literate vocabulary in your professional. Storytelling. Keep that to your friends. Because we, we kind of train people to do one thing in school and then you need another thing in real life, right? So in school, we kind of train people over time. You write longer, you use bigger words, you, you know, you do this, this, this, and so you start off, you know, I mean, my kid is in kindergarten, right? He’s writing like I saw. Sue run, you know, like that’s what he’s working on writing, you know, and then by the time you know you’re in college or you’re in grad school or law school or whatever it is, you know, you’re writing these long papers, right? You’re writing a dissertation, you know, and you use the, the big words and use the academic language and you use the insider terms because you have to do, you have to, that’s what you’re trained to do. That’s right. And then once you get out into like the real world. And I was like, I haven’t written anything that’s more than like 4 pages and I don’t even know how long, right? Because nobody wants to read all that. Like people want it short, succinct, like get to the point, what’s the summary, you know, if, if we do write something along, we always have that one page executive summary in the front, right? Because a lot of people are just like they don’t have the time for it and they don’t have the interest and their capability they don’t, you know, they’re not that invested in it that they’re gonna spend all this time. Digging through to find the gem that they need, right? They really need, they need some bullet points. They needed an executive summary. They need a story that they can remember and that sticks with them and makes sense, you know. And I mean, sure, you could do, I mean, when we talk about storytelling, there’s so many formats, right? I mean, you could really do a really long term, you could write, you could write a book, you could do a long term. Documentary, you know, those type of things. But most of the time when we’re talking about storytelling in this context, we’re talking about, you know, short hits, right? We’re talking about things that are, you know, like under 3 minute video, you know, that you can read in less than 10 minutes, a podcast, right, that you can listen to in a half hour. I mean, we’re really talking about shorter, more succinct, getting to the point. Stories. So you have to kind of like capture someone’s interest from the beginning, and keep it. I mean, the good thing is, I feel like that that is easier to do in a shorter time frame, right? But you have to get to the point faster. You don’t have a lot of runway to kind of meander around the point. I hope there’s still a place for longer form podcasting because we run like 45 minutes to an hour. But uh the good thing about podcasts to podcasts, people are frequently multitasking, you know, so I feel like you get a little more leeway for. Yeah, I hope. You know, I hope they’re not, I hope they’re not doing crossword puzzles or sudoku while they’re listening to Tony Martin and nonprofit radio because then you’re not gonna get the, you’re not gonna get the, the genius of Sarah Wood and other guests if you’re, if you’re too engaged in you’re multitask. So, you know, let’s dumb down the other, the, uh, the, the other part of the, the other tasks while you’re listening to. Nonprofit, you know, if you digest of the impressive. I bet there’s somebody out there who’s done it. I hope so. Oh, if there is, I’d love to know. Well listens to it. That’s what we should do a picture of your nonprofit and you can be a star. I’ll I’ll listener of the pages. Um, let’s talk, you know, the narwhal and the jellyfish. What’s the relationship between those two? Let’s talk about relationships. They are. OK. OK, BFF. It’s time for Tony’s Take 2. Thank you, Kate. The people who nobody thanks, you know, they kind of. silently breathe by us, and they are ignored by most people. I am encouraging you to give a simple thank you, a simple, have a good day. You know, it costs nothing, it’s, it’s, it’s a second. Um, and I’ve been trying to be conscious of this in my own. Mostly, mostly in traveling, uh, so, you know, I’m thinking about. Airport bathroom attendants. They’re keeping these bathrooms clean and like I said, they just come silently in and out, nobody gives them any mind. Say a quick thank you. That’s it. Just, thanks. They’ll get it, they’ll get it. Um, in hotels where you, when you get the, the free breakfasts, now this is not the breakfast that’s served to you, but, you know, I’m thinking of like the, uh, I use Marriott a lot. So like Fairfield, Resident Inn, Spring Hill Suites, you know, they have the free breakfasts, uh little tiny buffets. The folks that put that food out for you, thank you for breakfast. I, I, they’re so grateful to be thanked. Um, flight attendants, you know, flight, I, I, flight attendants, um, they come around and they offer you something and Lots of people don’t even remove their headsets or their AirPods, whatever, earbud, whatever, you know, whatever you got in your ear. And then, and then, and then you, you gotta ask the person, what did you say again, you know, you see them coming like remove the device from your ears so they don’t have to repeat themselves and then, and even some people don’t even give them the courtesy of that, they just They just kind of guess what’s being said, you know, you can usually tell if the court is there with, with the beverages, obviously, you know, it’s time for beverages and snacks, so they, they don’t really even hear and give the person the courtesy of Being listened to. Because they won’t, you know, the passengers won’t remove their devices. So you have a little courtesy, like pause your music or your movie and and actually listen to the person, hear them. Another one, restaurant, um, in restaurants now I think servers are, you know, waitresses, waiters, they’re, they’re generally thanked, I think. What about the people who fill your water in your coffee? They come around sometimes, it’s not the server that you’re, that you’re tipping. And we ignore them, you know, I see this when I see it with friends, I see it with donor lunches, but nobody says thank you for the, for the coffee refill or the water refill. A simple thank you, you know, like the arm is extended in, you know, and it’s just, it’s like it’s not even a person, it’s just an arm reaching in with a pitcher of water. These are people, say thanks and then carry on your conversation. It’s, it’s just that simple. Um, and also in restaurants, uh, the bus staff, people take your plates away. You know, again, it’s an arm, a couple of arms reach in and and and disappearing. They’re not disembodied. These are people. Thank you. Thanks for taking my plate. So, I’m being more conscious of this. Uh, I’m encouraging you to be. Maybe there are folks in your lives who come in and out and, you know, we’re treating them almost like they’re not human, like they don’t even exist, but they do. But you know, so it’s, it’s it’s uh, it’s not very thoughtful, it’s not at all generous to. They giving to to people who. You don’t have to say anything to, but I, I, I think we should. That’s Tony’s take too. Kate, I’m just gonna add a few to the list from my own life, um, Boston guards, we live near a school and you know they’re out there. Uh, making sure our kids are safe. Now, give them a very good one, right, and especially now, freezing out there for an hour or so. Crossing guards, excellent. Wait, you got others. And then also I was thinking shuttle staff, whether that’s like your buses, your trains, that also kind of has to do with your flight attendants, but the people transporting you to and from, give them a little wave. Yeah, yeah. My shuttle driver was actually really nice yesterday because I got off at the wrong stop, or I was going to get off at the wrong stop, but then I stayed on with her. She was like, you got off at the wrong stop, but you can stay with me and I’ll recircle. So she was really nice. See, they, they were people, yes, people are generally thoughtful and helpful and Uh, see, there, there was a very generous thing she did. So there you go, yeah, those are excellent, thank you. Excellent additions. Well, we’ve got Bou butt loads more time. Here’s the rest of Storytelling with Sarah Wood. Relationships, so, you know, how do we? How do we make sure these stories aren’t, you know, so complex? Like you’re, you’re, you were just talking about the length, you know, but. How do we make sure that we’re not including so much detail that the important things get buried? I mean, they’re in there, but they’re not coming out because we’ve got detail about the make another human story, you know, the person’s background or something we need to, we need to edit down, right? Absolutely, yeah, uh, I mean, I am a I always start with more than what I need, right? Um, because I’m like, I’m gonna have everything that I could possibly need when I’m, when I’m kind of crafting this and when I’m thinking about this. And also because I tend to be, even when I tell, even when I tell my stories, right? I, my personal stories, you know, I’m always putting too much information in too many details, and then sidetracking and be like, well, let me explain this part, you know, um, and so it really is, it really is the editing process, and you really do have to have a A standard process, I think for doing that. Um, and you can set that up in lots of different ways depending on your organization, but I think, you know, you can’t necessarily just have your first cut be a final product. Now, sometimes you can, sometimes you can catch some candid, you know, I mean, that’s become very popular now, right? Candid kind of just like impromptu, put your, put your phone up and, and grab a, a quick snippet of something. Um, so I’m not saying that you can’t do that, but I’m saying when you come to your more formal stories and the things you’re gonna be using for a longer period of time. That you’re gonna want us to kind of think that through, right? You might want to storyboard it out, um, you know, think about what your goals are going in, what are, what are the goals, what are the key topics that you want to hit, and then, you know, think further about how are you gonna do that, you know, what’s what best exemplifies what you were trying to share. You know, I mean, you also can, you can start from the story. You can have a great story, and then you can figure out how to use it. But I personally feel like it’s easier if you kind of start with your goals and then think through, OK, what kind of story best fits this? Who would be the best spokesperson, what is it that we want them to talk about? What are the key points that we want to get across. I think if you know that going in, it’s, it’s easier than kind of going back after the facts, um, and kind of shaping it, but it is possible to do it after the fact as well. All right, I’m gonna take a chance here because you said you, you, you tend to wander in your own storytelling, but you have something in your bio that’s very interesting that uh that you’re a single parent. So I’ve never seen that. chose to have children on their own. Um, so both of my children were conceived using donor sperm. Um, and they, they do not have a, a father in their life. Um, I have other family members, obviously, who kind of step up and friends and whoever and lots of loving people in their life. But, um, you know, I was a person who, I mean, this has something to do with communication, but I was a person who always I felt like my life would be unfulfilled without having children, and I did not feel that way about a relationship and or marriage or, or anything along those lines. Um, and so I opted to have them, you know, on my own and and raise them on my own. Um, and they are amazing little humans, and it was the best decision of my life because like they are the best thing I have, I have done, you know, I’ve created these amazing humans to kind of go out and make the world a better place. Um, and so that’s an, that’s an awesome experience. I mean, I was gonna say, I was gonna say, you know, I don’t try to talk people into doing things, right? But I will say if you are interested in in potentially doing it, I would advise you to explore it, right? And to look into your options because science is great. I, I work with a lot of health. Science nonprofits. And 11 of the reasons is I just like really think that there’s so many neat things that are happening now, right? That you couldn’t even potentially do years ago. I mean, I think the first, I think the first IVF baby was born around the time I was born. Um, so that’s give or take 40 years ago. Um, so it’s only potentially, I mean, my kids were not born through IVF. I used IUI, um, which is insider term, right? But because we have jargon jail on nonprofit, yes, but it doesn’t matter we’ll just say it’s less medically invasive. IUI IUI is interuterine insemination, um, and so it’s not as, uh, it’s not as technical. I didn’t have to have eggs frozen and retrieved and, and, and all of that. It just, you know, it’s kind of. They put some sperm on up there and right, right, yeah, yeah. And you double down on this now, so you have two children, 2 and 6. I do, I do. Yes. So one was one was not fulfilling your first, your son was not fulfilling enough. Well, I wouldn’t say it that way, right? I mean, if I had been unable to have another child, then yes, I would have been fulfilled with my son. But, uh, I had always wanted two children, and, um, I was at a spot where I could do that or try to do that. And Was able to be successful with that and so yeah, they. They’re awesome and I’m I’m like traditional spouse or partner is not a, I mean, I hope they would say I’m successful. I feel like I’m doing all right. I’m sure, yeah, we can’t yeah yeah yeah you know it’s interesting. I’ve never seen anyone that way as a Yeah, there’s a growing, there’s a growing community of us. There’s a growing community, you know, I think times are changing, right? And, and you can do things now that you couldn’t do in the past both with technology but also kind of being more socially accepted and you know, being a more tolerant society and. To, to families that are shaped differently and created differently. Um, and I think that’s an amazing thing. Um, I mean, you know, um, my sister is, um, married to a woman, and, uh, they obviously had to use sperm to, to have their child as well, use donor sperm, and, um, you know, they actually had to use a surrogate as well, uh, for health reasons. And so, you know, the. It’s just amazing that we get to have these children in our lives in these in these ways that, like I said, would not have been possible. You know, a couple decades ago, so in the adoption process, did, did you see any bias against a single parent? Well, I didn’t do adoption. I am saying? Oh no, no, I’m sorry. So in the, uh, yes, of course, of course. I’m sorry, that’s embarrassing. Um, but in so in the, in the, in the the process of being approved as a As a parent, whatever that requires, was, did you see any bias against being a single parent or we are in the fertility industry are are kind of well aware of, um, you know, kind of the single mom by choice, you know, it’s not, it’s not new to them. Uh, uh, they’re like they’re probably the in in the in group. I, you know, I will say, you know, it. You have to kind of be clear at like medical appointments and things like that, that you’re the only legal parent, you know, um, and all those kind of things, but I, I don’t think that’s really any different than Anyone who say had had, you know, a spouse pass away or, um, you know, otherwise was like not available in their life, um. But yeah, I mean, I don’t know. I don’t know what people are thinking in their head, but I will say that, you know, I haven’t felt bad about it and I haven’t had anyone like try actively try to make me feel bad about it. So I think that’s a plus, right? I mean, people might have their own thoughts, but if so, you know, if you don’t have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself, right? Yes, I was. I was wondering about like institutional bias or something, but it sounds like we’re past that. We’re we’re we’re past that. Well, I wouldn’t say that we are past that. I would say I have not personally experienced it or knowingly experienced it. Um, I think that, you know, it, I would not go so far to say that it does not exist. I mean, I think it certainly still exists and, uh, you know, probably maybe more dependent on, you know, the areas that you were in and your, and your localities and kind of, uh, their perspectives there, um. May play in a bigger part yeah. Um, so let’s let’s go back. Thank you for sharing the story. I thought that was a poignant part of your, right? Right. Well, you might say, well, I only third party, not my own, but it’s harder to tell, right? I mean, I think, you know, People tell stories all the time and I, it’s easy for me to look at someone else and think, OK, here’s the angle, here’s what makes you different, unique, here’s what we can kind of, you know, talk about, here’s what we can, you know, get some leverage, here’s, you know, all of that kind of thing. And when you try to apply it like to my own business, right? It’s, it’s much more complicated to do it with your own business and yourself, right? Because you, you kind of overthink it and. And impostor syndrome kind of pops up and, and also you kind of think like, oh, well, I can’t do it unless I’m really good at it, because, you know, I am in the field, like I feel like there, you know, there’s a benchmark that you kind of have to get over, right? You have to be like at least X is good about and really it’s not. Like you can try things out the same as anybody else and and do things in a different way, but it’s really getting out of your own way and getting out of your own head, um, and having enough mental energy left after you serve your clients to kind of apply the same principles to your own business. And you even you devolved into jargon in your own story. I did you spotted it. You did, you did self-identify too, but I, I would, I would have called you out because we do have jargon jail, but I didn’t, I didn’t need to. Um, so you, something you mentioned, uh. We we were earlier, uh, consistency, messaging consistency, like I think like tone of your stories, you, you know, you said the, uh, the narwhal and the jellyfish, like they have, there’s clearly a pattern. You, you expect the puns, etc. Let’s talk about the value and, and, and how you ensure consistency in, in nonprofit messaging. Yeah, I always tell people, you need to know who you are first, right? And you need to decide as an organization, this is who we are, this is what we do, and this is how we talk about it, um, because it’s gonna be confusing for your audience if your emails are written in one way in one tone, and then your website is a copy is in a completely different tone and your social media is in, in, in, you know, a third one, and just, you need to pick one which is realistic, which feels like it. Works for you, which feels honest, um, and also want a voice that resonates with your audiences, and then you need to stick with it, um, because you don’t want to have mismatch between what you’re saying in one place versus another. And also you need to. When we talk about consistency, it’s not just being the same but it’s consistency and kind of the cadence, right? It’s I we’re consistently telling our stories we’re consistently talking about what we’re doing we’re consistently, you know, emphasizing what are the most important parts for us. So it’s both how often you’re doing it, and it’s making sure that it’s kind of similar, that there’s a similar vein, right? Of course you’re gonna alter things depending on like what format you’re doing it in. If you’re writing a case study, it’s gonna be different than, you know, if you’re doing. And Instagram reel, right? Uh, you’re not gonna do those the same way. They’re not gonna exactly have the same vibe and the same language and and all of that because they’re very different styles for different audiences, but you want overall your voice to be consistent. Your key messages across the board should be consistent. Your values should be evident and consistent across wherever you happen to be. And then like I said, you know, telling people. You have to tell people over and over and over again what you do. It is really hard to overcommunicate with people as a nonprofit organization. I mean, you’re inside, you’re embedded in it, you’re you may be tired of talking about it, right? You may be like, oh, we’ve done this so many times or, or we’ve told this story and so many times in so many ways and and all of that, but the reality is, you know, you see every message your audience does not. They’re gonna miss a lot of the messages that you’re putting out. Yes, that’s a very good point. They’re not seeing every message that you send. Exactly. And they’re not seeing it kind of the way you are, right, where, you know, it shows up like, you know, back to back to back to back, right? All the message you might send, like, here’s, here’s all your emails in a row of what you’ve sent or here’s all your, like, you know, when you’re looking at the back end of it, they don’t see it like that, right? It’s, it’s all this other stuff in between, you know, that they’re seeing. So I, I try to tell people I I feel like. Nonprofit organizations in particular, they’re worried about like annoying people, right? They’re worried about, um, kind of irritating them and then, oh, they’re just gonna like, you know, unsubscribe or unfollow us or they’re not gonna wanna do this, that and whatever. And I was like, it is really hard to annoy someone so much that they’re gonna opt out unless you are really just spamming, right? And like you’re, but if you’re providing content that is of value, and you, I mean, they might. See 1 in 10 of the things you do, right? I mean, I, I don’t have the actual data on that, right? Like, you know, but they, they are certainly not gonna see every single message that you send out. And then if they do, great. I mean, and if they are seeing every single message and they come to you and they say, you’re sending too many. I’ve seen all of these or whatever, like, let’s figure out a way so that that that particular individual, you know, doesn’t maybe doesn’t get quite so much of it. But I mean, I think that’s, it’s hard to do and. That’s something that nonprofits kind of have to get out of their own way on, is they’re worried, like, oh, we’re gonna annoy them, they’re gonna unsubscribe. If, if they’re gonna unsubscribe because, you know, they got Or end of year email like fundraising ask, then they weren’t someone who should have been on your list in the first place, right? Because they aren’t someone who’s like regularly invested in your organization. If they’re gonna be, you know, I mean how many emails does Target send me? Like how much like I haven’t unsubscribed from them yet, you know, like, I mean, now, do I delete most of them without opening them? Yes. But I mean, I, most nonprofits are not saying anywhere near the volume, right? That, you know, a target or or someone along those lines is sending. That’s consistent with uh advice around boards and utilizing your board, being afraid that you’re asking your board to do too much. If, if that happens, they’ll they’ll let you know. But odds are you’re not asking them to do enough and they’re feeling like they’re, you know, kind of a lackluster board member because they’re, they’re not engaged enough with. hopefully the right kinds of tasks you know they don’t know what to do, right? I mean, I think, I think that’s common, right, is that, you know, when someone joins a board and they’re very, or a volunteer or or or however they’re joining, however they’re, you know, being involved with the organization, they want to help, but they don’t necessarily like know how to go about that or they don’t want to step on someone’s toes, you know. And, or kind of take over what someone else is doing. And so I think the more information that you can provide internally as well, right? Not just externally, um, about what is most helpful, like, you know, don’t just leave people hanging. Like, ask them for what you need. And I know it feels awkward. We all hate, like, you know, we all hate asking for things and, um, That’s why some people who are like, you know, major fundraisers who really are OK with it, get, get paid more, right? Um, but it can feel awkward until you get used to it, right? And once you do it, and you see like, OK, you see the reaction, you see that it is a positive reaction. You know, you’re not getting the negativity that you thought you were gonna get. Um, I think that it’s easier to do it the next time, right? And, and it becomes, it becomes routine, and it’s no longer hard for you to do. Don’t be afraid of your board members. Don’t be afraid of your, your volunteers, your donors, whether they’re your major donors or your audience in general, right? Don’t, don’t be afraid of them and don’t be afraid to talk to them and to ask them things and you know, you might get crickets, they might not respond back, but, um, give them the opportunity, you know, give them the opportunity to engage and and to connect with you and to communicate and to let you know what it is they’re most interested in. Um, and, and not hearing back doesn’t mean that they don’t like you, means that they, they’re time constrained and, you know, they didn’t, they didn’t read that particular ask or they didn’t, they didn’t have the time to respond to it or they just chose not to. You know, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like you when, when they start unsubscribing, that’s when they don’t like you. Yeah, so they don’t, don’t default to thinking negatively, right? You know, um, if no one responded, then it’s just as just as likely that they responded positively as they did negatively, right? Probably more likely because I think people are more likely to actually let you know if they have a negative reaction to something than if they have a positive reaction to something. Um, I mean, we see that in online reviews all the time, right? Uh, the people who leave the review a lot of times are the people who have like a really bad experience for whatever reason, um, because most people who have like an OK or positive, you know, experience are just kind of like going about with their day. What else do you want to talk about around storytelling that uh either I haven’t asked you or we didn’t go deep enough. What else is out there? What’s on your mind? What’s on your mind? We’ve covered a lot of, um. I think maybe talking a little bit about kind of like how you pick the stories. I mean, we touched on this a little bit about how You know, how it’s important to kind of go in knowing what you want to get out of it. Um, but you may, if you aren’t used to storytelling, you may kind of be looking at your organization. I’m like, well, I don’t have any stories to tell, and that is like. Oh, that’s, that’s definitely wrong. You shouldn’t be, you shouldn’t be in business if you don’t, if you can’t come up with half a dozen stories, like sort of off the top of your head. Well, I mean, let’s not say it like that because for some people, you know, they just haven’t learned how to see it in that way yet, right? It’s the, the stories are there. You have, maybe I was being harsh, but you have. You just have to identify them. All right, so help us, help us, help us do that. All right. So I think you, I think you’re gonna, like I said, you can start with your kind of the goals of like, you know, this is what I really would like to have a story talking about or this is what I would like to have a story that there’s an example of. Um, and having that in mind can kind of help you when you’re looking at it can kind of like frame it and kind of shape how you’re looking at what you’re doing. Um, so that’s one way to go about it. I think another way to go about it is, um, to kind of train yourself and your staff to think about things through the lens of a story, right? So, so many times we’ll have, uh, you know, people they’re like, Oh, I don’t have enough, I don’t have enough content for social media, or I don’t have this. And I was like, OK, well, What does your staff say? You know, what is your staff doing like day to day, you know, are you asking them like, OK, what is there we could take a picture of? What is there we could take a video of? Could we do a behind the scenes of like what their day is like, you know, um, when someone comes in, have you asked them like what to give a testimonial of some sort? Have you asked them for their feedback, you know, those are always That you can kind of gather things that can kind of turn into stories. Uh, I think, uh, I worked for an organization for a while and they had been around like 90 years, right? And they’ve been running these programs for like 90 years. And, you know, so in all that time, there’s so many people that had been involved with it, right? And we really had to kind of create a program where they were like reaching out to like alumni of this program, right? Um, and kind of talking to them and doing blogs, a blog series and, you know, using that to then spin off and repurpose into like other, other storytelling content, right? But they just hadn’t thought about it, right? Like no one had just sat and thought like, OK, well, we should reach out to, you know, it’s been this amount of time, like they’ve done all these like different things. Like, it’s not like they’re still in high school. This was particular program was aimed at like middle and high school kids, um, you know, and, and some of them were like famous. So, you know, it was a matter of just like letting people know to think about it in that way, you know, because the stories are there. That’s one of the reasons I really like working with nonprofit organizations is because there are so many good stories that are just like right there for the bank, right? It’s not like you’re having to like create it. Anything else that you want to share? I don’t want you to give uh give nonprofit radio listeners, you know, like short shrift, I would want to just encourage everyone that everyone can be a storyteller and that the and that everyone has a story, right? So when you’re looking at your organization, think about what stories would be most effective for you, um, and how you can share them in a way that will resonate with your audience the most. And that’s the way I think you can best approach it, because otherwise it can feel overwhelming, and you want it to feel approachable, and you want it to feel like something that you can accomplish. Sarah Wood Founder and chief communication consultant Sarah Wood Communication, you’ll find Sarah on LinkedIn. You’ll find her practice at Sarah with an H, Sara Woodcommunication.com. Thank you very much, Sarah. Thanks for sharing your own personal story as well as all the uh valuable advice on. Nonprofit storytelling. Thank you very much. I hope somebody goes out and tells a story because of this. Many folks will, I’m sure. Next week, your grant maker relationships. If you missed any part of this week’s show, I beseech you. Find it at Tony Martignetti.com. We’re sponsored by DonorBox, outdated donation forms blocking your supporters’ generosity. Donor box, fast, flexible, and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit, Donorbox.org. Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I’m your associate producer Kate Martignetti. The show’s social media is by Susan Chavez. Mark Silverman is our web guy, and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation, Scotty. Be with us next week for nonprofit Radio, big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. Come out and be great.

Nonprofit Radio for December 9, 2024: The Art & Science Of Fundraising

James MisnerThe Art & Science Of Fundraising

James Misner explains what he sees as the right and left brain activities of your nonprofit’s fundraising. There are relationships and data; stories and metrics; motivations and outcomes; emotions and systems; and, more brain interactions. Your objective is to balance the art and the science. James is CEO of The Kipos Group.

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Every nonprofit struggles with these issues. Big nonprofits hire experts. The other 95% listen to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts and leading thinkers join me each week to tackle the tough issues. If you have big dreams but a small budget, you have a home at Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.
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Welcome to Tony Martignetti nonprofit radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the pod father of your favorite abdominal podcast. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d suffer from neuromyelitis optica if I saw that you missed this week’s show. Here’s our associate producer, Kate with what’s up? Hey, Tony, this week it’s the Art and science of fundraising. James Meisner explains what he sees as the right and left brain activities of your nonprofits. Fundraising. There are relationships and data, stories and metrics, motivations and outcomes, emotions and systems and more brain interactions. Your objective is to balance the art and the science. James is CEO of the Kebos group. On Tony’s Take Two Tales from the train were sponsored by donor box, outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity. Donor box, fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor box.org. Here is the art and science of fundraising. It’s a pleasure to welcome to nonprofit radio, James Meisner. He is the founder and CEO of the Kos Group over his career. He has facilitated the raising of hundreds of millions of dollars to support nonprofits. He’s a trusted expert in fundraising strategy, staff, culture and implementation. James focuses on small and mid size nonprofits engaged in direct service. That’s our target audience right here, small and mid size listeners. His company is at the Kos group.com. Kos is K IP OS. So they’re at the keep Posts group.com. And you’ll find James on linkedin, James Meisner. Welcome to nonprofit radio, Tony. Thanks so much for having me. I am excited about this conversation and hopefully we get to share some uh good value and wisdom to the other 95% the small and mid size nonprofit executives out there. Thank you for picking up on that. Absolutely. Yes, that’s uh that’s those are our listeners in the small and mid size orgs. So we are talking about the uh the art and science of fundraising. Uh I know you want these two to work together, not be exclusive of each other. Let’s just give a high level overview. What, what do you see as the art and the s versus the science, which they’re not working. Of course, when I say verses, they’re not working against each other. I know that’s key to, to uh what we want to talk about, but just define them for us, the art and the science. Absolutely. Most nonprofits think of this as a problem to solve. We either have to be completely data oriented, scientific buttoned up and rigid. It’s on one side and the other is we have to be free flowing. We have to be passionate, we have to be uh innovative and in tune. Uh and most people think of this as a problem to solve. And instead it’s really just a tension to manage. And I think the magic happens in nonprofits, especially in marketing and fundraising. When you blend both of these things seamlessly together, bring the left side of the brain, the right side of the brain together. uh allow your teams to bring their whole self to work and uh and dive into both. That’s, that’s what I get excited about seeing. Uh people of both sides of this come together to bring their best to their organizations and to their givers. So you want this to be a symbiotic relationship. It has to be not parasitic, not one feeding off the other symbiotic, they’re living together in harmony. It, it 100% has to be OK. Let’s think of the the science side for a second. OK. Science is linear think of the scientific method, right? We all learned that what in first or second grade, my, my my kids are doing it right now. Science starts with questions and observations. So what questions you know, could a small and mid size nonprofit leader be asking, why are my donors lapsing? Why aren’t we raising more money right now? OK. That’s the first step in a scientific process. And then you observe and then you develop a hypothesis and then you set up an experiment to measure that hypothesis. And at the end of that measurement period, you then say, hey, was my hypothesis right wrong. Was it directionally? Right? Directionally wrong? And, and you hone it as you go, I see a lot of nonprofits skipping that entire thing, especially in the small and mid size space where there’s not a lot of capacity, there’s not a lot of staff and maybe the attention span for risk is two weeks and that’s not enough time to develop an actual experiment and to measure. Um And we can dive more into this on the art side. OK. Um The artistic process is messy if anybody tries to linearly create an artistic process, chances are they’re not an actual artist. Um And when you think of art and you think of let’s just use Renaissance art for a second. Most of it comes out of deep seeded pain and struggle. There’s this story. Uh I think Malcolm Gladwell did on a podcast one time that the Swiss created clots which are precise and they created chocolate which is scientific. Uh No great art came out of Switzerland during the Renaissance because was neutral, they were wealthy, there was no pain or struggle but the surrounding countries were full of artists. Most nonprofits, especially those who are doing direct implementation, they are dealing with something that is painful. They see kids that are not living until the age of five, they see refugees on the move from persecution and war, they see kids in the US be it in rural, you know, Appalachia or in urban centers who are just not thriving uh you know, into their high school years and into their adult years, you can’t with science and linear processes, describe that story to another human being without being deeply in touch with emotion. And that’s the art side of this. All right. So let’s dive in a little uh a little deeper on, on how these two work together. Uh I, I think we should, you know, we should probably talk in more detail about each of them and then, and then put them together in this symbiotic uh relationship. You started with the, the science side. So let, let’s approach that, let’s uh let’s drill into some detail. What, what are, what are the elements of the scientific side of fundraising that we’re later gonna put together in this symbiotic relationship with the, with the art side? And we’re gonna, we, we’re gonna see, we’re gonna see fundraising, we, we’re, we’re pushing fundraising nirvana, right? Is that right? Is that where we’re, is that where we’re, is that our objective when we put these two together, let’s just follow it up into the right growth and uh let’s, let’s dive into it. So the first thing you have to have an observation, most people would observe, especially right now in our climate that they are not growing like they would wanna grow. So then let’s ask some questions and develop a hypothesis. I think a reasonable hypothesis for most small and mid size groups would be we need to do better major donor cultivation. OK. Uh So then let’s set up our experiment. What do we believe would lead to better major donor cultivation? It’s not just measuring the number of meetings, it’s not just blasting out emails. We’ve tried that all before. Uh So let’s say it’s a really great donor development process that we then measure. So let’s figure out that process first. You need leads. OK. Uh So how do we find them? Probably three or four main ways we get referrals from our existing major donors or we look in our small and mid size portfolio and do a well screen and say, hey, we think these people could become major donors. So we measure that. How many do we actually have? Well, then what do you need to do after that? You actually need to meet with them and qualify them. So let’s do that, set up those meetings, qualify them. The goal there is to figure out, hey, could they become a major donor or no? If the answer is no, it’s fine, you know, move on. Don’t waste your time. You don’t have that much time. Uh If you’re small and mid size nonprofit. Uh so ask some questions about what they’re passionate about. Don’t just tell your story uh to them uh ask them questions, see how they respond. And at the end of that conversation where they probably talk 80% of the time and you talk 20% of the time. If they’re still in great, they qualify, then let’s journey with them, send them great content, bring them to the site, engage them with other major donors in community. If they’re still there, eventually you earn the right to ask a question. Does it seem good and right to you that I could bring next time we meet together a proposal for how you could deepen and expand this work that you seem to care so much about. You’ve done all that right? Chances are they’re gonna say yes, you bring the proposal and you get to measure each step of that. Uh And this isn’t short, this isn’t a two week experiment. This is a 69, 12 month experiment to see, hey, does measuring this hypothesis actually work. Uh And the end result is dollars go up into the right. They stay flat or they decline. But by measuring it, you get to see each step along the way. Is it the process that’s broken? Is it how we communicate in each step of the process? And you get to dissect it? Uh But if you follow a process like that 89 times out of 10, it’s gonna work. That’s the scientific side of doing it. And you hear a lot of people that say, hey, you can’t measure meetings anymore. That doesn’t work. I say that’s, that’s crazy. You have to measure something instead of just the end result, but you can’t end there. You need to add the art side uh into this uh for the true magic to happen. Let’s do that actually, you know, let, let’s, let’s deal with a couple of different points. Uh Science, art, science, art, instead of what I had proposed a few minutes ago, let’s talk all about the science and then let’s talk all about the art and then put them together. So I think, I think it’s, it’s more, it’s easier to follow. So we, we’re uh, I mean, I, I’ve been doing plans giving fundraising for 27 years, but I want you to explain what you see as the, the art of the, the relationship side. Where, where, where, how do you, we, we talked about the art, the science, some of the science side. How do you, how does that contrast with the, the relation, the, the art side of the, the relationship? Let’s talk about the art side when you’re in that qualifying, meeting with the giver. If you’re only thinking about your numbers and your metrics and you’re not attuned to what that person is feeling and thinking, it doesn’t matter what your numbers show, you’re not gonna make progress with it, you’re gonna have to attune yourself to what painful thing are they dealing with in their life. Did their kid just leave for college and they became an empty nester and their emotions, you know, are all over the place right now. Did a parent uh just pass away? Uh That’s the art side. No amount of numbers and metrics are gonna tell you how to engage with that when you ask them, hey, what do you long to see change in our world? No numbers or metrics are gonna tell you uh how to respond to that. You’re gonna have to be empathetic. You’re gonna have to experience a little bit of that longing of that pain, of that desire to see something changed in the world uh with them uh to be able to engage appropriately in your space. Tony. You’re talking about plan giving. Some people don’t like to have conversations about the end of their life. Not that plan giving is just that, but that’s a big component of it. If you’re not using art, using emotion attuned to, hey, this person is really uncomfortable talking about end of life uh decisions right now, you’re just gonna offend them. Who cares if your numbers are, are in the right space. Uh Another part of this is uh storytelling is so important. People give to a story, uh broad, big narrative stories and storytelling is an art. I don’t care how many meetings you have and how many um you know, conversations you track in your metrics. If you can’t tell a story human to human, either across the zoom call or across the coffee table. Uh You’re never gonna build the, the real human connections that cause people to make big giving decisions. It’s time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money but also supports you in retaining your donors, a partner that helps you raise funds, both online and on location, so you can grow your impact faster. That’s Donor box, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers, just like you a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges, helping you achieve the growth and sustainability, your organization needs, helping you help others visit donor box.org to learn more. Now, back to the art and science of fundraising. I agree. Uh II I think uh my, my flaw is probably uh I’m, I’m more of the, the art and the, the uh the human side of fundraising and not enough of the metric scientific side. Uh So I, I hear you, we, we do have to measure uh we, we have and you know, with different clients, I have KPIS and things like that that I’m responsible for. Uh But I, I still probably it, it’s just, it’s, it’s the reason I entered nonprofit fundraising and plan giving specifically is because I love the relationship work. So I, I tend to default to, to the more of the art. So this is valuable, this is, this is valuable for me. Um, all right, let’s, let’s talk a little more le let’s go back to the science side now again. Uh, another, you know, um, you, you talk about, uh sustainable revenue engines but, but you know, what, what are we, what are we talking about there? What are we measuring there back on the science side? Yeah. Uh, let’s just talk about the, the most horrible number. I think that exists in the nonprofit fundraising space right now. And that’s retention rates, you know, on average right now, every year, between 40 45% of donors stay year to year with their nonprofit, which means that more than half actually stop giving to a nonprofit. Ok. That on the science side, that should blow people’s mind. That’s like a showstopper right there. We’ve had guests talk, talk about even as high as 75%. We’ve had some clients that have come in to only keep 20% of their donors every year. Ok. What in the world? We need to analyze that and figure out what the heck is going wrong. Ok. So we need to measure that and then figure out how do we fix this. Um And, and see if we can’t get that, if it is, you know, 20% 25%. Let’s get that to 30 let’s get that to 50 let’s get that to 70 because if you’re churning through your donors over and over and over again, uh that is not, that is not helpful, that is not sustainable. So, the science side of that is OK. Well, why are they leaving? What’s the hypothesis? And for most organizations, your hypothesis should come down to. We’re actually not letting these people know where their money is going and what good it’s doing in the world. But I’m engaging with a client right now and I actually got them as a client because my family gave to them. Uh We have an adopted kid. This is a foster care organization, uh foster care adoption organization we gave to them and it wasn’t a small gift. It was a, a good mid size, you know, mid-level gift. I got one letter letting me know where the money was going. Just one and they’re literally two miles down the street from my house. So I, I called them up and said, hey, I would like to keep giving to you, but I need to know what you’re doing with the money. Uh They had other donors hundreds that weren’t professional fundraisers and didn’t have 2025 years in this space. Uh I went in and I analyzed their, their data. They were sending four communication pieces a year or you know how many times my kids, school texts me when they have a half day. So I don’t forget to pick them up. It’s something like 11 or 12. If I can’t remember to pick my kid up after two text messages. How the heck am I gonna remember your nonprofit from four communication pieces a year? Talking about a size major gift too. Yeah, a good for them. It was a, it was a high level mid-level gift, you know, for that organization. And sadly, that is more the norm uh that I think any of us in this space would like. Um So we need to go in and fix that. That’s the science of OK, what’s our communication cadence? How are we uh how are we building this out? What content do people actually desire? Um And you do that through interviews, you do that through asking uh them. Uh And on the art side, some of these people are probably pretty ticked off that they took your 10 grand and didn’t do anything with it. Wait, go back a sec asking them asking them what, what, what, what are, what are we surveying? What are we asking them in conversations? Yeah. So if 80% of your donors or 50% of your donors are leaving, you need to go back and actually have a serious conversation with your high net worth givers. It needs to be face to face if they’re willing uh with your small and mid size donors, probably a survey and saying, hey, we think we goofed, we think we messed up here. We need to, you know, understand how to get better. Can you help us get better because we all care about this thing and ask specific questions. Uh Why did you stop giving? Did we communicate with you enough when we did communicate? Was it the right type of communication? You know, we need to ask that kind of stuff to our donors and own. We don’t always do things right. You’re, you’re even suggesting surveying folks who, who are no longer donors who left a absolutely. How, how scientifically would you figure out what caused them to laugh? Leave unless you ask them and for a person to leave? I do think, and this is the art side that probably an apology is needed. Uh I think we did something wrong here. That’s where you get into the art and the empathy and the pain because people don’t give just because they have spare money lying around. People give because they want to see something changed in the world and they’re deeply passionate about the areas that they give to. So if as a nonprofit, you’ve done something wrong, uh you need to, you need to own that. Uh And that’s art not science in terms of how you own that mistake. You also can uh uh on the science side can be surveying your, your existing donors. You know, how do you wanna be contacted? Uh What, what, what do you want to hear from us from uh about, do you, are you interested in our events or you’re not? Uh can we send you solicitations and how should we do that? Do you prefer postal mail, texting, you know, uh, email, um, or do you just want to do it on your own calendar? You know, or do you want reminders? You know, these are the, these are the things that can also be surveyed and then of course, the all important, uh, not, not just follow up but the, the honoring of the, of the preferences when you ask somebody something and they tell you what they prefer and you don’t do it, you don’t follow through on it. Um You know, talk to your partner or your spouse. Hey, what would you like to do this weekend? And they tell you and then you completely ignore it and go do something else. It’s not a great weekend. Say with your givers, if they say, hey, I wanna be contacted this time, I want one meeting a year, remind me via text message. My email inbox is too crazy. You have to follow through and do it, which means you need to have your systems uh built efficiently in the back end, which is more of a scientific, you know, thing than an artistic thing. And, and then honor what people have told you. I always think of, uh, related to that, uh asking what someone’s birthday is, you know, if they’re gonna share their birthday or you might just ask birth month, you know, but if, if they, if you’re asking for any kind of birthday info, then the presumption is that you’re gonna remember their birthday or their birthday month. So you need to do that. You need to have a system in place that sends you a reminder a week before everybody’s birthday that you’re gonna send a card or the day of that, you’re gonna, you’re gonna call them if, if they’re, if they’re well enough known that you, you can place a happy birthday call. Uh, You know, if you’re gonna, if you’re gonna survey those things that you’re saying, you, you need, you know, you need to, uh you need to, you need to follow through on what you’re asking about. Um It just, it feels empty to ask someone’s birthday and then ignore it, they never do anything with it. That’s right. What was the point? Yeah. All right. Um Let’s, let’s, uh this is, uh I’m enjoying this now, this uh compare and contrast the uh the science with the art. What else to tell us some more about the science side, the, the, as I as, as I, the uh relationship, you know, default guy, the art, default guy would say uh the cold, hard, the cold, hard, scientific uh side, share some more of that side. Let’s talk about um teams. OK? And how teams can, can uh bring the art, art, art and the science together. One of the most important functions that I think as a, you know, chief revenue officer that I’ve ever hired for is, you know, the development coordinator. Ok. Um, people call it different things, but this is kind of the grease at the elbow position that makes sure everybody is putting their information into the CRM that’s giving you your weekly and your monthly reports as a leader, these hires are deeply scientific people. Um, the best one that I ever hired people called him. Uh, I won’t share his name but they, they had a nickname for him that was close to robots. Uh Just because the guy was so, you know, is very robotic in terms of how he, he does stuff. It was the most valuable position that I’ve ever hired for. Uh because like you, Tony, I also, I, I gravitate towards the art side, the relational side, the engagement side with people. Um I needed a development coordinator to show me what true North was scientifically. Um I am horrible in CRM. Si need someone to sit down and, you know, tell me to input my information. Most major gift officers are, uh I needed someone to do the calculations of year, over year fundraising. This is before, you know, every CRM had that automated, you know, into it. Um He needed to be that true North for the rest of the team and to have the, the hard conversations sometimes about, hey, we’re not doing so well. Right now, we’re not actually meeting our metrics every month. We need to figure out how to solve this on the other side because I am more art. Uh like you are, if you, if you leave every donor meeting and you are an artist and you feel, oh my goodness, they’re judging me. I didn’t do that right. And because artists are sometimes you know that way uh you need the data people, the science people to say actually your numbers were trending in the right direction. You’re getting your meetings, you’re asking the right questions, the the gifts are coming in. Uh Hey, it’s not all about you and how you feel right now. Uh On the flip side, the, the art people sometimes need to tell the data people. Hey, I’m with the person. I know we want a big gift right now. Uh But someone passed away in their family or their kids going through an addiction crisis. I need you to lay off me right now on the numbers because I’m dealing with a real human right now and I’m helping them and adding value and guiding them through the situation. Hey, number one, it’s the right thing to do. Number two, it’s gonna pay off but not for a year or two. So I need you to calm down, you know, science guy. Uh when you bring those two things together on the team and there’s mutual respect and the leader facilitates that mutual respect. Uh Really wonderful things start to happen and people begin to appreciate uh different giftings and abilities on a team that are usually kind of, you know, uh, butting heads with each other. I wanna pull on a thread that you, you said it sounds like it was transformational for you that, that you, uh, the development coordinator you hired, helped you find true North. What, what were you looking for in a, in a development coordinator? You when you were making this hire? Oh, this is a great question. Finally, finally, we’re half an hour in finally, a great question. All right. This is great because I was unprepared for it. Numbers when they’re not interpreted by people who are numbers, people can tell you any story you want to tell. We’ve all been there, right? When you’re doing the development meeting, you’re with your staff and all the numbers got pulled the wrong way and uh no one’s entering stuff in the right way and, oh, I didn’t know. So your numbers get messy. Uh I needed someone to cut through all that noise. I could manage the relationships, uh with the team. It was a, you know, 4050 person team at the time, but I needed someone to actually do that back end work so that we sat down to have the real meetings, uh the individual one on one performance meetings, the team debrief meetings that we didn’t spend 90% of the time complaining that the numbers and the data wasn’t right. So I needed a person to come in and, and, and operationalize all of that for me and I often encounter uh heads of fundraising that are, are one or the other. They are the systems people, let’s build the machine or they’re the one that’s out there and they’re managing the top 50 donors. It’s very hard to find a senior leader that has both of those things together. So if you’re the science, data, build a system, build a machine person, you need some really strong high eq people around you who are gonna go out there and deal with the uh the other humans that make the magic happen. If you’re like me and you, Tony and you’re, you like to be out there, you like to be engaging with individuals, you need someone behind the scenes to be building the machines and making sure all the cogs are turning. But at the same time, it’s very hard to find people who can live in both spaces. Usually you can bungee to both spaces for a few hours, but you’re, you’re in one space just because of how you are and how you are created and designed in your upbringing. And you really need to get support uh for yourself. I know that’s hard for our audience, small and mid size people, but it works when you get that right. The introspection is important. You, you need to know where you fall, what your skills are. You know, as you said, how you’re wired and either hire an employee or, or employees or, or get help as a, uh, on a consulting basis with, with the other side that, you know, the, the, the, the scientific, the, the numerical, the analysis, if you are more the relationship side, that’s, that’s 100%. Right. One of my, uh, bosses at one point in time, gosh, I was probably in my twenties, pulled me aside and said, here’s your Achilles heel and you’re gonna have this for the rest of your career. You run really fast and it’s good because we were in the humanitarian space and you need to run fast when things are happening. You need to hire a world class process person to help everybody else catch up with where you’re running as a leader. He was absolutely right. And even in our company, I need that today because I’m still running fast. Uh It’s just who I am and I need a process person, you know, to come behind me. It’s time for Tony’s take two. Thank you, Kate. This week it’s tales from the train because I’ve done some Amtrak travel lately and it reminds me that Amtrak is so much more comfortable uh uh more pleasant travel experience. So if you have the option, I would urge you to look at Amtrak as, as a possibility for travel instead of flying. Now, I know in a lot of parts of the country you can’t, I’m, I’m, I’m near the northeast Corridor. And when I was up in New York and I was traveling from there. So, you know, between Boston and Washington DC, I think that’s 80% of the trips and the revenue that Amtrak gets because it’s the most populated part of the country that they serve. So I know it doesn’t make sense in, in a lot of other parts of the country, but just consider it because when you’re on Amtrak, you always get wide seats like first class, the first class with seats, um, they’re comfortable big. There’s leg room, there’s never a middle seat. Amtrak doesn’t have three seats. Uh on one side, it’s always two and two, there is never a middle seat that you get stuck with. Um, every Amtrak seat has a, a plug power. You don’t have to worry about seatbelts. You don’t have to put a bag under the seat in front of you. All the luggage goes overhead, but you, there is room. If you want to have a bag at your feet, there’s a lot more room than airplanes. Um Some of them, even some cars even have foot rests. That seems to be kind of a on and off. Uh I’m not sure how, you know, but occasionally there’s foot rests that, that fold down. Um The, the aisles on trains are wider than the aisles on planes. You have a cafe car that you can walk to anytime you don’t have to worry about uh, seatbelt signs coming on and you know the pilot saying we’re in turbulence. So now you can’t get up, you can get up any time you like use the bathroom, go to the cafe car. Um, you don’t have to check luggage unless you have really like four or five pieces or something that more than you can carry. But pretty much I, I really don’t even know what the luggage policy is on Amtrak. It seems to me if you can carry it on, you can bring it with you and put it in the overhead. Uh and, and a lot of cars have storage space at the, at the end of uh the car also for extra, but I think it’s pretty much whatever you can carry. You’re welcome to bring it on. So you don’t have to worry about like two bags only. And um and then also arrival when you take Amtrak, you arrive downtown. Think of, think of where the Moynihan train hall is in New York City uh where Union Station is in Washington, 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. Uh the Wilmington station, the Joe Biden station in Wilmington, Delaware. These are the ones I know best. Oh, but also Boston, I’ve been up to Boston. Um not the back bay but Boston Maine, these stations are downtown. So you don’t have to a, a long Lyft or Uber or shuttle to get to where you wanna go. If you’re going downtown, it’s not like you’re 30 miles away because that’s where the airport is. You arrive downtown. So consider it. Ok. That’s a, that’s a long thing on Amtrak, but think about it because especially arriving downtown, you might save time even though trains go slower than planes. But the time you’re gonna, you spend in traffic getting to the airport and then you have time, you wait in the airport because you gotta be there early for security, obviously. And then the travel time back from the airport to where you’re, you might need to go. If it’s in the ci city center of a city, you might actually save time or it be equivalent, uh, on Amtrak and you’ll have a much more comfortable ride. Ok? That’s enough on Amtrak. And that is Tony’s take two. Ok. Frequent Amtrak rider used to take Amtrak all the time from New York City to, uh, down to Wilmington to get home right to get home for Thanksgiving Christmas. And then I think right before our, our spring break. So I took it a good maybe borderline 20 times. Yeah, and that was like a span of two years. So I thought it was awesome. I mean, everyone was really quite too because it was kind of night time when I would ride. Um, and everyone was respectful. It might have been a little bit crowded at some points. Um, when I would take coach, it would be kind of hard to find a spot. But that’s also because I went during the holidays. Um, we talked about that once you have to be, you have to just be a little assertive and ask people, may I sit here when they have their luggage or their pet, you know, sitting on, uh, another, uh, uh, on a seat. But, you know, planes can be crowded. Planes can be crowded too. But, yes, I, I like Amtrak and I like that. My feet. It’s on the ground. I’m not up in the air. Yeah. Ok. You made me think of one other thing. The quiet car, every Amtrak train, at least in the northeast corridor has a quiet car. It’s usually the second to last car from the rear and there you’re not allowed to have cell phone conversations. You, if you’re, if you’re talking to your seat mate, you need to whisper and they’re pretty good about enforcing it too quiet car. But it’s just one car. The whole train, it’s like eight cars or 10 cars in a train. One is the quiet car. So sometimes I opt for the quiet car. If I know I don’t have to make any calls or anything like that. I haven’t been in one yet but I like the concept of it. Well, we gotta get you back on the train. But, yeah. All right, we’ve got Buku but loads more time. Here’s the rest of the art and science of fundraising with James Meisner. Is there more, uh, is there more, uh, science and art that we can, we can compare and contrast? I, I think we can, but let’s talk about how these can come together. Um, would that be ok, Tony? Yeah. Yeah. One of the things I’m always struck by is, uh, in Jim Collins book. Good to Great. Uh, I just listened to an episode of your podcast from November and you guys were talking about Jim Collins in, in Good to great. Uh One of the greatest things he talks about is the power of knee hand and that organizations and companies uh are often saying, hey, we have to choose A or we have to choose B and that is often a false dichotomy. And I think we’re, we’re talking about this in the, in the, in the, in the fundraising space. You get CEO S and heads of fundraising who say we have to be this, we have to be scientific, we have to be buttoned up, it has to be metric driven or do you have people on the other side? Just uh hey, wind me up and let me go tell stories. Those are false choices. And Jim Collins says that leaders who bring out the best of a and leaders who bring out the best in b are the ones who actually uh thrive and they’re the ones that actually grow uh their organizations. And I think in the nonprofit space, uh you see this happen all the time. You have a uh a CEO who comes up to the program side and they bring all the science and the monitoring evaluation and just want to slap that on to, you know, fundraising without bringing out the emotional storytelling, art side. Or you have a CEO come up through, you know, fundraising and marketing, who forgets all the monitoring evaluation and auditing and accounting. Um especially in small and mid size nonprofits. We need to say, let’s get the best of A and the best of B and bring these together. Uh So we’re not making a false choice. We’re managing the tension instead of choosing between two things that are uh uh falsely dichotomies against each other. OK? The, the power of the and the power of the end. All right. Um So let’s, let’s uh this is, this is our, this is our up into the right fundraising objective. This is where this is where we want to be, where the, the two, the two are coming together. Um Le let’s say more about, you know, systems um maybe have some examples of teams that, that are excellent at both. Yeah, there, there’s a team that I’ve gotten to work with for the past uh 1015 years or so on or off. They have mastered this, they’ve mastered it. Um They spent years becoming world class storytellers. How did they do that? You don’t become a world class storyteller by accident. You become a world class storyteller uh by deeply figuring out the emotional hooks in a story that are gonna cause people to respond to it. That was the art side. Well, how did a team of 50 people get really good at it? They brought the science site in, they practiced their storytelling and they still do to this day every single week. No one goes to a major giving meeting without practicing their story and having it evaluated by at least three other people inside the organization. Oh, really? Oh They do this like a role, well, not role playing, but you’re rehearsing, you’re rehearsing, they rehearse, they rehearse and they get that feedback. Um The, the leader of the current leader of that team jokes. I don’t care if you figured out the best wine or the best croissants to bring to that meeting. Uh You can show up with the sunny water for all I care, but you will practice your story before you go in. Um And there’s beauty in that because other people can critique it in a safe environment and say, hey, you forgot to ask AAA powerful question. At the end, you’re gonna have a hard time transitioning from this story into a conversation afterwards. Oh my goodness. You forgot this hook. I heard that story the other day in another meeting and you, you forgot this detail. Uh That’s really gonna um make it, make it s what this team noticed is as they implemented a process to get better at storytelling. Donors started responding, more zeros got added to gifts as they went. Um The art and the science uh coming together. Uh Another great example of this is uh I love mid-level fundraising programs. People forget, you know, they’re mid-level donors. Uh But I think mid-level donors are really fun in the future. Uh of most uh nonprofit uh fundraising programs, the science can tell you what your zone of opportunity is. Hey, we have this many people who we think can give between 1000 and $10,000 normal, you know, mid-level range. Um And there’s nothing there. The art side comes in and figures out what kind of community do these people want uh to come together. There’s another team that I’ve worked with for the past two years. They built a wonderful mid-level program. Um And the interesting thing that happened was their mid-level program has actually stayed flat. It hasn’t increased in revenue, it hasn’t decreased in revenue, but you know what’s happened? Their major gift program is off to the races. Uh They through great art through great questions and conversations figured out exactly what their mid-level audience wanted. And then they built the science side. How do we get our high uh higher annual funds, small donors to be into mid-level? And how do we bump up our mid-level people into major the science? What is some of the, what they did for the mid-level community that they created. They were the most transparent organization I’ve ever seen in their mid-level communication. They told their mid-level donors exactly what they were gonna get. Hey, we built this community for people like you. Here’s what people like us are. You know, you get between 1000 and $10,000 a year. There are this number of you. There’s, I forget the number 792 of us together. We’re gonna report to you more. We’re gonna ask you less. They literally said that we’re gonna tell you where your money’s going. And we’re gonna ask you for money fewer times a year. Within six months, they were off to the races. People just ate it up, they love the transparency. Um And uh we, they did a President’s weekend as part of a capital campaign a while ago and half the room was from their mid-level program. Now graduating from giving 10,000 to, you know, high five figures, low six figure gifts because somebody just said, I’m gonna tell you what’s happening here. I’m gonna tell you exactly what we need. I’m gonna stop bugging you with, you know, annual fund type appeals. And I’m gonna ask you when it really matters and people ate it up, Tony, they ate it up. What was the work of that organization? They were in the humanitarian space. So they were doing, uh you know, global poverty alleviation, conflict zones and refugees All right. So sort of build up that program. They sounds like they asked a lot of questions about, you know, what you would want from the community and what, what do you want as a mid-level donor? How can you know, how can we make this experience more valuable for you more meaningful, make your giving uh not make you giving more impactful for you and, and it sounds like folks came back with, you know, we’d like to know more about where our dollars are going. Yeah, they sent out a very simple, you know, almost um envelope size survey. It was a postcard, it was very low tech um and it was check boxes, mail this back to us. Uh They had something like a 40% response rate to that. It was really wonderful. Um And, and people told them exactly what they wanted to hear about, you know, when you’re working in disaster zones and with refugees in the US, you start to wonder what the people you know, really want to hear about. The donors just told them and they tagged it for him. So these people got refugee stories, these people got, you know, disaster response, conflict zone stories and something like 80%. We’re just like we like all of it, just keep telling us all the stories. Um The other great thing that happened and this is so important for small and mid size organizations is by telling that broad story. People stop designating their gifts. They started giving more money and they started giving it unrestricted or semi restricted, which gave that organization degrees of freedom that they had never imagined before all because they asked and 80% said we like it all. Um ok, so when you give these, you know, three or four things happened, their unrestricted revenue went through the roof. Mm What uh what else, what else can, can we uh can we talk about um AAA about around bringing these two together? Um You know, you mentioned uh the systems using, again, putting the science together with the art, using, using systems to uh move, move donors along in relation, you know, in a, throughout their spectrum of giving. Yeah, let’s, let’s talk about how they got annual fund givers to become mid-level givers and then mid-level givers to become major givers chronicles. The philanthropy actually wrote up a case study two or three years ago on this organization because they were so good at the, at the science side of it. So what chronicle what then, what’s the name of the organization? Shout them out. Oh, yeah. So it’s World Relief uh Global Humanitarian Organization based in the Baltimore, Washington uh region. Uh Karen Bryant at the time was their mid level uh director, she’s moved on and now is at a um climate change organization uh but great, great, great leader. Um what they did was they set up a system, a quarterly system where anybody that gave a single gift of $500 or more uh would be flagged in the system for the mid-level team to actually reach out. And thank because they had a hypothesis that if you’re given a $500 1st time single gift, you probably have more money to give, which, you know, nine times out of 10 is usually true. Um And then what they did every quarter is they actually invited those people to explore and join the mid-level program. They did a direct mail and phone call. A very simple campaign. Um Hey, we have something for people like you, uh that we think that would actually really increase uh your experience with us. And they told him exactly what it was, they invited them to it. But it was the simplest thing in the world and you know what people were like, yes, there were a few things here that made it sing quote unquote. Uh First was it happened quick. The systems in the back end flagged it quickly and you weren’t waiting 69, 10 months till somebody forgot about you to invite them into something. They were thanked really quickly and within 90 days they were invited to the next thing. Ok. Uh That’s really important. If somebody gives you a gift in December of 2024 and you don’t do anything to try to engage them until September of 2025 you’ve already lost them, they’ve moved on to the next thing, uh you need to be quick with this. Um And it worked dramatically. The next thing that they did is they would continually research using donor search and other, you know, well, screen engines, uh their mid-level portfolio and the mid-level team identified the top third of people that they thought had significant future potential for the organization. And they would start to treat them like major donors. They wouldn’t just throw them over to the major donor team, but they would do the birthday calls, the handwrit notes, they would invite them to some special events. Uh So they got used to having one on one attention because many mid-level donors if you go from, hey, uh we’re getting emails, we’re getting newsletters, we love this community and the quarterly, you know, online events and hey, do you wanna have coffee that jump is so hard for them because they don’t think of themselves often of being people of, of, of means of wealth. Uh So they started to condition or train their mid-level daughters to expect that and then what they did and this is the brilliance of this art and science coming together is four times a year. They would identify the people that they were, they thought most likely to become major givers. And they asked them if they wanted to become major givers, they would say, hey, we’re actually looking for 10 or 15 people from this mid-level community to come up and do more with us so that we could do XY and Z in our program space and they let them raise their hands and every time they did it, they had more hands raised than they needed at the time. Wow. What, what else were they enticing them with? What, what was there more of an enticement or was it all just program related? You know, if, if 15 people join us at the, at the major donor level, you know, we can do this with humanitarian. Uh That was the main hook because the, the message for mid level was, hey, uh we’re gonna ask fewer times and tell you more. So these people started really to get uh deeply engaged uh with the organization, but there was also uh a communal enticement. You know, we need 15 you to do this. And hey, when our staff come from overseas, we’re actually gonna get you together either in person or on zoom. So you can meet these people. Hey, when we are in your city, we’re gonna show up and we’re gonna, you know, have lunch and coffee and dinner. This is gonna become a big part of your life. Uh What we do together. So there was that communal aspect, I’ve never been a big fan of some of the um the T chay, you know, type incentives for, for givers a, get a book, join this club, you know, those types of things, uh, get, you know, elbow time with the CEO um, givers like community with other givers is what I found. People like to be with people that care about the same things, uh, that they do and the other things just naturally happen, but you don’t have to sell them on it. You saw them on the impact because people give through your organization to make a difference in the world, they don’t give to your organization. Yeah, through to make the difference that you, you, that they want to see. Absolutely. All right, this is excellent. Um Wrap it all up, you know, leave us with uh inspiration for putting together the uh the art and the science so we can have that, that uh the growth that we’re all looking for. Yeah, I want to end by talking about leadership. OK? I think the nonprofit space has a crisis of leadership. We’ve all talked about the, the great resignation after the pandemic. We’ve talked about burnout a ton. There’s new studies out, you know, even, you know, Q four of 2024 about just the next wave of nonprofit leader resignations. But in the fundraising space, this does not happen by accident. OK? It takes a leader to bring these things together and to create the conditions for team members to bring their best, whether it’s on the art side or the science side, this just won’t happen by accident. A, a leader needs to know, um that they have the responsibility to create the conditions for success for every team method, whether it’s a database and analysts were a front line fundraiser to bring their best every single day. And I see people abdicating that responsibility more and more as the world gets more and more stressful. So in ending teams that grow teams that move up into the right, the, the 2% of nonprofits that eventually break a million dollars in revenue, it doesn’t happen by accident, it happens because a leader says I’m actually gonna do something different. Uh Now, um I’m gonna ask the harder questions. I’m gonna uh invest in my team. I’m gonna create the art side of this organization and storytelling and questions and EQ and I’m gonna create the science side of this organization and invest in data and systems. And I’m gonna make sure through my leadership through how I model this, that these people start working together more. Uh Every year we talk about not enough nonprofits are breaking that million dollar barrier or that $10 million barrier. And I don’t think that bigger is better, Tony. OK? I think that bigger just means that you’re better funded, that you figured the funding side of things out. Uh I see so much innovation happening in the small and mid size space uh that I want this community of people uh to develop those leadership skills to bring the best of art and science together so they can move the needle and change some of these problems that have been plaguing our country and our world. Uh, for decades, if not generations, James Meisner, founder and CEO of the Kos group, tell us what Kos is K IP OS. What, what’s the, what’s the, what’s the? Yeah. What’s the Kos group about? Where’s that from? Yeah. Kebos group is the Greek word for garden during the pandemic. My kids and I planted over 1000 plants in our backyard because we were bored. Uh and we got into, into gardening and within six months, people were stopping by to take pictures uh in our yard, you know. Um And so when I started this company, I wanted to create something that helped uh people grow something beautiful. Uh and gardens are beautiful and they provide, you know, food for you if you, you know, grow vegetables and fruit and stuff. So, uh we want to help people grow beautiful things in their nonprofit. So, um that’s where the key plus group came from, James Meisner. You’ll find the company at the Kos group.com. You’ll find James on linkedin James. Thank you very much. Thanks for sharing your thinking. Thanks, Tony. It was great to be here with you today. Next week, Amy and Gene return to share what they’re looking at for 2025 on our last show of 2024. Can you believe this last show? It’s the next two weeks or after that, uh we have next week and then next two weeks after that, we’re off. If you missed any part of this week’s show, I beseech you to find it at Tony martignetti.com were sponsored by donor box. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity. Donor box. Fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor box dot org. Oh, that alliteration, fast, flexible, friendly fundraising forms. Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I’m your associate producer, Kate Marinetti. The show social media is by Susan Chavez. Mark Silverman is our web guy and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation. Scotty be with us next week for nonprofit radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95% go out and be great.

Nonprofit Radio for August 19 2024: “The Responsive Nonprofit”


Gabe Cooper: “The Responsive Nonprofit”

That’s Gabe Cooper’s new book. He walks us through the 8 core practices that will disrupt the status quo and make your nonprofit responsive. Like dismantling silos, adopting agile methods, managing change, building a durable team culture, and more. Gabe is CEO of Virtuous.


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Welcome to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I’m your aptly named host and the pod father of your favorite abdominal podcast. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d be hit with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. If you scarred me with the idea that you missed this week’s show, here’s our associate producer, Kate to introduce the show. Hey, Tony, I’m on it. The responsive nonprofit. That’s Gabe Cooper’s new book. He walks us through the eight core practices that will disrupt the status quo and make your nonprofit responsive like dismantling silos, adopting agile methods, managing change, building a durable team culture and more. Gabe is ceo of virtuous on Tonys. Take two hail from the gym who talks like this were sponsored by donor box, outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor box.org and buy pork bun. Looking to grow your nonprofit. You need a.org domain name from pork bun, instant recognition, trust and visibility. Pork bun.com. Here is the responsive nonprofit. It’s a pleasure to welcome Gabe Cooper to nonprofit radio. He is the founder and CEO of virtuous the responsive nonprofit CRM and marketing platform, helping nonprofits build lasting relationships with their donors. He’s the author of the book, the Responsive Nonprofit Eight Practices that drive nonprofit innovation and impact. It’s his book that brings him to nonprofit radio. You’ll find the company at virtuous.org and Gabe is on linkedin, Gabe Cooper. Welcome to nonprofit radio. Yeah. Thanks so much for having me, Tony. It’s a pleasure to be here. I’m glad you are. Oh, congratulations on your book, which came out just a couple of months ago. Congratulations. Yeah, I appreciate it. It was, uh, it was a fun one to write. For sure. Well, we’re gonna talk about the, uh, responsive nonprofit and, uh, the eight, those eight practices that will, uh, help you be responsive. Can you just give us an overview of what, what it means uh, for you, for virtuous, for a nonprofit to be responsive? Yeah, it’s a great question. So, excuse me, I’d written a book a few years ago called Responsive Fundraising. And the purpose of that book was to help nonprofits connect more personally with donors. So, what we, what we were seeing is many of the nonprofits we were working with would send out the same email newsletter to everybody. The same direct mail appeal to everybody, all of their donors would get exactly the same thing. And it felt, uh, pretty impersonal honestly, donors were giving for very personal reasons, what they felt like they were getting back from their nonprofit was kind of this spray pre marketing like, does this organization really know who I am? And so we were really pushing into, hey, I in the world we live in nonprofit should be able to build more personal relationships with donors at scale. Like that’s possible using some of the modern technology. I think what we found over the last couple of years is most nonprofits really want that. They hear me say that and they’re like, yeah, we want, we, you know, we just don’t have the staff, we don’t have the time to really do that. And, but the other thing we found is is just changing. Innovation is really hard. A lot of the things that prevented nonprofits from really building more personal relationships with donors is like, innovation is hard. We’ve done things the same way for the last 20 years. Moving to this new paradigm, we just don’t know where to start, right. So this new book response of nonprofit is really eight practices of innovation all designed around as a nonprofit. How do I move toward innovating more quickly, changing more effectively? How do I build a culture that can actually pivot quickly with the times so that we can provide better relationships with donors and drive generosity. You talk about disrupting the status quo early on, early on in the book. Uh your introduction, I believe is where so uh but these things are, these things are scary I mean, people, people don’t like change. Organizations are a collection of people that, you know, if the people don’t like change and fear change and innovation, then the organization is going to yet. You wanna, you, you want us to disrupt the status quo? Yeah. And I, I think it’s, it’s necessary. I mean, there’s this uh a concept called Martex Law which says, um technology uh increases exponentially. So if you think the internet came out when at the very end of high school for me, right? But if you think there was like the internet and then quickly after there’s like myspace and social media and then there’s a smartphone and then you have social media on smartphones and you have Uber and airbnb and then you have A I and, and each of these technologies stacks on the one before and it moves faster and faster and faster. The problem is organizations evolve linearly, right? So most nonprofits like way we got to get like 3% better every year. Well, the problem is now you have technology that’s increasing at an exponential rate, nonprofit that’s growing at 3% a year. And you have this widening gap and all of a sudden nonprofits look around, they’re like, man, I don’t, we’re not rel relevant for the world we now live in, right? The changes out pa outpaced us and so disrupting the status quo is more than just, you know, we could potentially do something different here. It’s almost like our lives, depend on us being able to adapt more quickly. I think we saw that a lot during COVID. Right. For the first time, I think, you know, nonprofits, you hear the word pivot more than any other word during COVID. And I think some of that is fortunately continue to echo after COVID where nonprofits realize, man, we’re gonna have to be able to change and adapt more quickly to the world around us and, and part of that’s dismantling what we’ve done in the past, killing the status quo, right? And, and being willing to try new stuff. Yeah, you quote someone in the book, uh a woman who says, I, I’ve never heard the word pivot so often as I did throughout the, throughout the pandemic. Uh you have a quote that, uh I, I really think captures what you’re talking about. Uh uh after every chapter title, there’s a quote and uh after the, um the chapter on managing change, which we will get to one of the, one of the practices uh in times of change, learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists from Eric Hoffer. I don’t know who Eric Hoffer is, but I think that’s a brilliant quote. Yeah, brilliant quote. I think like the, the, the winners in our current environment, the ones who flourish are the ones that acknowledge. They don’t know anything or they, they don’t know, you know what’s next and it’s the area that’ll survive. Right. It’s the learners and the ones, there’s a similar quote in the book about, um, you know, for the next stage of growth in the next stage that they’re going to be successful. It’s a, it’s more about unlearning what, what, what you thought was true in the past in order to learn the great stuff that’s ahead and curiosity. That’s a, that I, I admire curiosity, curiosity about people, curiosity about the future. Uh curiosity about the present even, I mean, even just managing ma understanding what uh what’s, what’s right in front of us today. Uh I think requires a AAA curiosity. Um II, I admire that, that trait. Um So let’s talk about the, the eight core practices, please. And uh your, your first one is uh dismantling team silos and increasing transparency. But I really would like to start with your story of your wife to be pushing your Mustang and uh how that relates to dismantling team silos, please. Yeah. Oh, it’s so funny. So you guys have probably experienced this. Our listeners have probably experienced this is where um you’re in a nonprofit. Uh you know, if it’s super small, just a couple of people, this probably doesn’t apply. But once you start getting bigger, you start having kind of silos that develop, you know, your fundraising team doesn’t talk to your program team as much as they used to and my wife’s organization. The problem was the, the fundraising team and executive team set on the other side of the parking lot from the program team and nobody ever, like walked across the parking lot to see what program people were doing. And it’s just these silos begin to form. You have like data silos where uh our finance data doesn’t talk to our fundraising data, doesn’t talk to our, our program data and they just harden and Little Kingdoms begin to form. And so the car example is there because at most organizations, what ends up happening is, is one or two team members will take it upon themselves to become superheroes and put on capes. Right? Well, you gotta, you gotta share the story of Farrah pushing the car. Come on. Don’t, don’t hold out, don’t hold out on uh nonprofit radio listeners. Well, the story of what your wife to be was doing, it’s an embarrassing story, but it’s in the book, you got it in the book. It’s not like I found it in some dark corner. You wrote it in the book. So please tell the story. So I had this four cylinder mustang, this horrible car, it looked like a mustang on the side, but on the inside it was not a mustang. And the thing, the only way to get it started was to push it and, you know, sort of throw it into gear as it’s moving and first gear is a manual, a manual shift. You had to put it into first gear whilst, so my, my sweet now wife, I was dating her at the time. She wouldn’t rain or shine. She’d have to get out of the car, pushing the car. I would pop it into gear, get it going. And she’d run along the side of the car. Dukes of Hazard style, jump in the door and off. We’d go right. So that was, that was the early stage of our dating relationship. But it seemed like just such a great metaphor for what I see. So many nonprofit professionals doing, which is, you know, pushing the car running alongside the car, jumping in just being heroes when they don’t need to be heroes to compensate for the disconnects within the organization, doing everything that needs to be done when it’s not the most efficient. But, you know, the, the lights have to be kept on and, and the people have to be served. So I put on my cape. You use the, you talk about in the book, the, the superhero wearing the cape. That’s right. That’s exactly right. Um And, but also, you know, she was willing to uh break down the silos. I mean, a girlfriend that’s not, that’s not a typical responsibility for uh uh e especially in just a dating relationship. You know, getting your car started after the dinner that hopefully you paid for. At least you bought her. I would hope that you at least bought dinner before the, before these car pushing in the rain episodes, at least pay for the dinner. I should hope. All right. Uh, but, yeah, but she, you know, that’s outside, that was outside the, uh, the girlfriend’s silo. That’s right. Yeah, that’s exactly right. There’s, and that, that’s what we see. Like, you know, the most effective nonprofits that we work with. Realize, like, you can’t have one or two staff members be the heroes that close the gap that do all the unnatural things that shouldn’t be done. That’s outside of the role just to make the thing keep running right. And so, so much of that is, is about and can, can we just have better systems? So our fundraising, our comms team, our program team are working together in lockstep. Do they have shared goals are going after together? Is, do they have shared data across the organization? Can everybody see what’s going on? Are you holding your entire team accountable? So everybody’s pulling their weight. Are, are there any efficiencies in your system that you need to be able to correct for? So you’re not, you know, risking staff burnout because you have one or two heroes that are running beside the car and pushing. Right. So, and it’s critical, especially as your organization starts scale or starts getting older, like these things just inevitably happen, you, you talk about the it silos and, and fundraising silos. Give one of the examples of the uh of fundraising silos and what we can do to break these down. Yeah. One of the bummers that I experienced early in my career and, and I’m sure you’ve seen this too, Tony is that sometimes fundraisers are seen as a necessary evil within the organization. They’re kind of like the sleazy c side of the house that, you know, I guess they, they have to go get money so we can do the real work of the organization and the cause and, and I hated that stereotype, I think, you know, I’m on boards and I do fundraising all the time. But I think generosity is part and parcel to the mission of the organization. It’s not, you know, it’s not we fundraise because we have to, to get the real work of the mission done. It’s like actually building generosity in the world is good in and of itself, it’s good and it’s part of the organization. And so I saw a lot of silos were just like we put the fundraising team in a corner. They don’t really interact with everybody else because they’re kind of doing the dirty work of the mission. And so you begin to have this silo built up, you know what I, I think I mentioned the book, but one of the things that I’ve seen several organizations do I think is just amazing is they have people on the program team calling think donors and they have people in the fundraising team participating in program, right? It’s just that actually putting on the shoes of the other person and doing these simple things that can begin breaking down these walls is, is amazing. The best organizations I know fundraising program, communications all start to get blurred in this really beautiful way when you’re doing it. Well, its time for a break. Imagine a fundraising partner that not only helps you raise more money but also supports you in retaining your donors, a partner that helps you raise funds both online and on location. So you can grow your impact faster. That’s donor box, a comprehensive suite of tools, services and resources that gives fundraisers just like you a custom solution to tackle your unique challenges, helping you achieve the growth and sustainability, your organization needs, helping you help others visit donor box.org to learn more. Now, back to the responsive nonprofit. You, you cite one nonprofit where even where everyone has to be in the the customer support uh role for two weeks, even, even the lawyers, the new corporate lawyers for the organization, they spend the first two weeks, they spend two weeks uh on boarding in the customer support role. Zappos is the shoe company Amazon. In the early days, you could, if you were hired as an attorney at Zappos, they would make you do customer support calls your first two weeks. It’s just amazing, right? It creates so much empathy across the organization. In the case of a nonprofit, it really brings your donors to the front. So now your program team is getting to talk with these people that are, are giving their hard earned money and time every month to support your cause. And the pro program team gets to see that firsthand. It just, it’s magical and this could be done, you know, in uh like a, a ride along for a day or, you know, shadow for a day or a couple of days so that you would build the, the empathy that, that you mentioned. That’s exactly right. That’s exactly right. The, the, it one is a little bit different that the, it, unfortunately, it, and some nonprofits has just become, they’re, they’re seen as like the bottleneck or the killjoy, right. We wanna kill all, do all this stuff and it has a backlog and we can’t get it done, which is for as a, I’m a computer programmer by trade. So that’s a frustrating stereotype for me. Right. But um there’s several ways, one of the, the things that we’ve seen the best organizations do is actually empower the individual teams to make their own technology decisions rather than having to run everything through it. We were even talking with the folks at Microsoft last week and they’re seeing Microsoft is seeing the most innovation in A I right now from non technical people, right. So with the Microsoft nonprofit team when they go into nonprofits say who’s, who’s doing really cool things with a I it’s never coming out of it. It’s coming from the fundraising team or the program team, right? And that’s like, and the more we can think about sort of empowering the entire team as technology decision makers rather than like keeping that entire burden on the it professionals, the better we’re gonna be, you mentioned, uh goal setting, uh you know, shared, having shared goals and that leads to the, your, your second practice, which is metrics and quarterly goal setting. And you tell us what’s your thinking here? Yeah, I, you know, one of the things is that you’re never going to be successful as an organization and you’re never gonna be able to pivot unless everybody at the organization is very clear on the target that we’re aiming at together, right? And so which requires two things. It requires really good reporting, you know. So if you say as an organization a to be successful, we need to increase donor retention by 20% this year. Like we’re not gonna be able to hit our number and accomplish our mission unless we do that. But if you don’t, if you can’t report on that number in a meaningful way and allow everybody in your organization to see it unless they know that it’s important, you’re just never gonna get there. It’s way too opaque. I’ve been a part of way too many nonprofits that don’t, they just don’t know their number. They don’t, they can’t see the data, they don’t know what they’re chasing after. So decisions end up being made by leadership or whoever has the loudest voice at the table. They’re not data informed their decisions, they’re just whoever has the strongest opinion. Right. And that it, it is a recipe for disaster because you end up wasting a lot of time on the wrong things that don’t actually move the needle. So a lot of what we talk about in the book is, is frameworks for setting clear goals quarterly. A lot of nonprofits have started to adopt E OS the entrepreneurial operating system as a way to set quarterly goals and sort of operationalized goal setting in the organization. Um or there’s a framework as well called OKRS objectives and key results that does the same thing. But basically both of them say like, hey, every quarter, we need to know the 3 to 5 numbers we’re shooting for, you know, whether it’s program outcomes, it could be donor retention, it could be new donor acquisition, it could be starting that plan giving program that we’ve always wanted to do. You set clear goals quarterly, right? And everybody knows what success looks like, they know the number and those goals should actually filter down. It’s not just that an exercise for the executive team in the board. I I feel like I should be able to walk to any employee of a nonprofit, any individual contributor and say, what’s your number? And they should know, hey, the reason I’m getting receipts out within 10 days is because when I do that, I know I increase donor satisfaction, I increase likelihood of second gift in this number. We want to increase second gift retention by 25%. So I’m playing a big part in us hitting that number, right? Like everybody at the org should know how they’re contributing to that, that quarterly goal. And I just find it’s, it’s just too rare in nonprofits, especially small to mid size nonprofits having that sort of discipline around. This is where we’re going and we’re all in lockstep getting there together. Quarterly. Feels just right. It feels like a month is, is not enough time to achieve anything. Semi annual. We could be slipping and not and not know it and it could end up being too late. I don’t know, quarterly just feels, feels perfect. 90 days is enough time to get something done. Right. And it’s, and, and you can now look back and make adjustments for the next quarter as needed. Right. A lot of this too is, is, takes executive leadership in bringing your board along because a lot of times boards are calibrated to sort of annual plans and as nonprofits, we all know that we get like halfway into the year and everything goes to hell in a hand basket or things change. Right. So it’s even calibrating board and leadership to understand, you know, this is what we’re going after this quarter and the next quarter and the next quarter and it gives us permission to pivot and sometimes even stretch further than we thought we could halfway through the year. Let’s move to uh agility, the agile, your practice three, the agile nonprofit. What, what is the uh agile methodology comes out of software development, doesn’t it? It does. And it’s been applied. There’s this great TED talk on, on a guy that started using agile for his family, like his parenting and, and, and doing stuff at home. And so it’s, it’s used broadly. It’s used a lot in marketing right now. Actually, um Agile is just the concept that, hey, we’re, we’re gonna work in small teams and on projects and we’re gonna work in two weeks, spreads, right? And so this is especially powerful in marketing and fundraising teams and nonprofits where uh you want to test new ideas or launch a new program. So rather than saying, hey, we’re gonna lock ourselves in the room for the next six months and hopefully, what we come out on the other side will work instead of doing that, we’re gonna work in, in two weeks, sprints where we’re going to see how much we can accomplish in two weeks that we could test at the end of two weeks. And so, you know, maybe as a nonprofit, you have this hypothesis. Hey, I think our donors care way more about video stories than they do all about all the stats we’re shoving down their throat. It’s like, well, we don’t have to wait six months to figure that out. In the next two weeks, we could create a video. How could we test? So what we could run, run on social media side by side, split test to see what works and what doesn’t work. It allows you to break up work into two week chunks plan that work, execute on it. Everybody comes back at the end of two weeks and shares what they’ve done and what they’ve learned, which is incredibly important because you have this like continuous learning loop that allows you to make pivots on the fly rather than just wasting time working on stuff that will never bear fruit. And the uh agility also not surprising. It starts with, with goals with shared goals and the goals toward the, to I guess toward the two week sprints, I guess not, I guess towards the two week sprints. Right? I, I know, I know, I know, I like to, I like your time period, the quarterly goal setting, the two week sprint. I don’t know. I just like the idea of a sprint. You know, even if, even if, even if it crashes and burns and you didn’t meet the goal you still have learned and you’ve only, and it’s only taken 22 weeks to learn a lesson. Well, now it turns out they do like the statistics better than what we thought would be the engaging video. But our, you know, it turns out that our intuition was incorrect. Our audience more prefers uh what we think is bland over what we think is engaging. But now we know, so let’s focus more on numbers and we don’t need, you don’t need to produce so much video, you know, that’s counterintuitive. But, but you, you, it’s valuable to learn that, you know, all your assumptions, whatever they may be, however, you know, how strongly we hold them could very well be wrong. And you can, you so many of those you could test in just in two weeks, a little sprint. That’s right. That’s right. I always encourage organizations to use the word hypothesis. It sounds like a goofy scientific word. But you’re h uh hh zero H one. That’s right. Yeah. So it’s what our reach not. That’s right. So you have a board member, hey, direct mail doesn’t work, right? It’s like, well, we have a hypothesis. Direct mail doesn’t work. Could we test that? Hypo? Let’s not assume even best practices here. All these best practices, nonprofit space, well, sometimes best practices are best practice because they are our best practices. Sometimes somebody just said it a long time ago and nobody bothered to test it at this organization. And so let’s hold those loosely as a hypothesis. Let’s see how quickly we can test, learn from them and then pivot to what actually works. Anything else you want to say about, uh, agility? It’s, there’s, there’s a ton more in the book. I mean, the bumper practices is it just, you can’t deep dive into any of them too much. But if you’ve never tried sort of that like an agile approach of two week sprints, like, find, don’t, you don’t have to roll at all. Just find one team at your nonprofit, two or three people with a project you’re working on, they can test it out. I promise you, you’re gonna be thrilled with the results and, and want to adopt it. But just start with a project with a small group of folks and give it a shot and see how it goes. And there are hundreds of books on uh the agile methodology. Um OK. Human centered design practice for being human centered. You talk about uh as an example here, water.org the, the way they uh did empathy gathering brought, brought constituent opinions in te tell us that little water.org story. Yeah. Water orgs this great org. Um Matt Damon is one of the founders. So they have all this kind of, you know, big star appeal and that kind of thing, what they found was uh just funding water projects like wells. The kind of thing that typical orgs do was good, but really fixing this problem required big systemic change, large capital investments working with governments, all of the kind of big buzzwords that are really hard to pitch to donors, you know, because the donor wants to feed a child or dig a well, they don’t want to invest in systemic, you know, 10 year initiatives. And so uh what water.org does did to solve this problem is to rather than assume they knew all the right answers. They actually spent a ton of time doing what’s called empathy gathering in Human Centered Design, which is effectively just going out and, and interviewing their stakeholders, their donors, their other constituents and saying like, you know, like, why would you give to water.org? Like what makes you tick like? And, and they use this Toyota Practice. There’s a ID O is the big company that does Human Centered Design, but a lot of them use Toyotas ask why five times. And so it’s uh I give an example of my 10 year old daughter in the book where I say, you know, she says, you know, why is this guy blue? Well, because this, well, why? Well, because this, why and she’ll just keep asking why to get to the heart of the thing, right? That’s what empathy gathering is. Don’t assume that you know why your donors give, why your volunteers volunteer even on the program side, don’t assume that you’re making the biggest impact in your community just because you’ve always done it a certain way, like take time to really be empathetic to ask open ended questions. Don’t assume you know the answers and ask why. So that’s exactly what water.org did and found some have found multiple really creative approaches to connecting with donors around some of these initiatives. But it just in human centered design, generally, it’s like starting from the ground up being empathetic to the communities that you’re serving in your donors. Like actually asking them questions. One of the things that I’ll recommend a lot to nonprofits is I know it sounds crazy, but I call 100 donors and don’t, you’re not calling them to ask them for money to get anything out of them, just have a conversation and ask great questions. What made you give, give? Like what, what did you find appealing about our organization? Like, you know, what was the thing? And just that simple little thing can be transformative in how you think about fundraising or your organization in general. Again, the assumptions that we hold so dear. I just know it. I just know it’s true. Well, you, you believe it, you believe it to be true. It’s time for a break or b.com named the number one domain registrar by USA today for 2023 and 2024. Pork bun helps you share your organization’s mission with a.org domain name dot org. And the entire.org family of domains are at the heart of change makers and philanthropies worldwide. Join an international community of individuals and organizations sharing a common goal to make the world a better place. Your.org domain name gives your website credibility is easy to remember and helps bring better awareness to your goals. Every domain at Pork Bun comes with free features like who is privacy ssl certificates, web and email hosting trials and more. You can manage everything about your domain from one place backed by five star support. 365 days a year, Get your.org domain name for a low price at pork bun.com. It’s time for Tony’s take two. Thank you, Kate. I’ve got more tails from the gym. II, I don’t know if this is a Southern thing or, you know, the way folks talk, uh adults, we’re talking about adults older than me. I mean, these, these uh these are guys uh 7070 plus it could be 75. Um And you know, of course I’m overhearing because I just like to do my work at the gym. I’ll say, you know, polite hellos, but I like to get my work done and depart because I have things to do the rest of the day because I go to the gym in the morning. Uh So it’s not like I’m conversing with these guys at all. I’m just overhearing because they have loud voices. And so one of the things, uh he was uh a guy was saying that uh he was talking about dancing, they were out for, you know, I got to hear the whole story, right? He and he and his wife were out dancing and uh they were, they had met somebody or they were, they were with somebody younger. It wasn’t clear whether they had met them or come with them. But, and he was dancing with the, the younger woman and, and he said, I maybe could have kept up with her if I was 20 years younger, I maybe could have. I, I don’t know, I, I could have, I think what the English that he’s trying to express is I could have, I could have kept up with her if I was 20 years younger, but I maybe could have, it’s just not proper English. And then the other one, same guy different day, you know, I’m, I’m, I’m putting a couple of different uh gym days together. He um had a neighbor wanted to cut, trim some trees, but I gather the trees were growing on this guy’s property. My, my uh loud gym person property. But, you know, there were the branches were over on the neighbor’s property. So, uh the neighbor had asked, you know, could I cut them? And he said, uh to the neighbor that uh it don’t make me know. Never mind. I was what? Uh it don’t make me know, never mind who talks like this. II, I don’t hear these, these idioms. I don’t know. Uh again, you know, it’s one person but maybe I’m overreacting. I don’t know, it don’t make me know. Never mind how they talk. That is Tonys take two date. He kind of sounds like he would make a very good brisket at a barbecue. He sounds like a very, that is, that is the southern, that is a southern skill. We’re actually a couple of towns over there’s an annual barbecue competition and festival. Um, uh, what town is that? I can’t remember the town but barbecue is very big down here. Yeah. Uh good, very good observation. Yeah. Uh He, he might very well. I’ll, I’ll be listening out for his barbecue recipe. Well, we’ve got VU but loads more time. Here’s the rest of the responsive nonprofit with Gabe Cooper. Your fifth practice is managing change. This is where you have the, uh the quote in the, on the opening page of the chapter about uh finding yourself beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. Uh The learned versus the learners who are uh inheriting the earth. Um In, in this, in this practice, you’re talking about AAA shared vision, shared skills incentives, share your, share your thinking about the best, you know, best work around managing change, which is a cha uh which is a constant, uh you know, it’s a, it’s a cliche now to say it. And I won’t, I won’t get into all the sort of the techniques and, and tricks of this practice. But the big people have to buy the book, you gotta, you gotta leave something to buy the book, you gotta buy the book. I mean, we can, we can scratch the surface here in an hour and wet, uh, appetites. But, you know, if you want to, if you want the, the detail, we, you know, we just don’t have that kind of time, you’re gonna have to buy the book and it’s, it’s worth buying. That’s right. That’s right. Yeah. But this is a big one, right? Because nonprofits, you, you get to the point where you see where you need to go. Everybody sees that aspirational reality out ahead. And everybody’s clear on this is where we need to go as an organization where it gets stuck is ch the change required within the organization. Everybody’s gonna have to do their job slightly different than they did a year ago. And that’s hard, right? Because everybody’s cheese is being moved and everybody gets a little bit uncomfortable, um, with what’s going to be required of them in whatever the new normal looks like. And so a lot of this just revolves around, you know, how do you get team alignment early on and cast a clear vision for where we’re going? So everybody knows where we’re going. How are you asking the right questions along the or around the organization to make sure that you’re not inadvertently gonna create a real problem that you don’t anticipate? Like, how do you set a culture where people are adaptable and curious and they want to change and they want to get better. Right. And then how do you assign the right ownership and accountability through change where you’re not all of a sudden just asking somebody to work 80 hours a week, you know, to get there? But how do you create realistic deadlines with accountability? And so everybody’s moving in the same direction in a predictable way. It sounds, you know, a little bit, you know, maybe uh boring or mechanical. But this really is the thing for many nonprofits, they know where they want to go. It’s just really hard to pivot. It’s hard to change. Virtuous has uh an audacious vision as a company. Well, why don’t you share what that is? So, um we want to create $10 billion in that new generosity in the world, right? We, we think that if we can help nonprofits level up how they communicate with donors, um how personal they can be. We think that, you know, people, there’s this famous quote that says donors aren’t ungenerous, they’re just distracted. Right? And right now, giving is roughly 2.7% of GDP in the US. We think it could be way bigger and we think nonprofits can, you know, can contribute and more and more uh interesting and um sort of um complex ways than they are today and we want to be a part of that story, right? So we look at all the data for the organizations on our platform. Um And we see how they’re able to tilt up after they adopt responsive fundraising and they adopt our platform and we measure how much they’ve grown generosity. So to this point, we’ve generated about a billion dollars in that new generosity in the world that’s measurable across all of our customers. We don’t think that’s enough, we want to get to 10 billion just because we have such a passion for generosity in general. Now you said earlier that anybody in the organization should know their number. So what as, as ceo at virtuous, what, what is your number? Yes. Well, my number is that $10 billion. It’s, it’s interesting that you said that I talk a little bit about this in the culture chapter of practice in the book. But um when a new employee starts at virtuous, I don’t start with like the pithy values that, you know, sound kind of trite and fun and sound like they should be printed on a copy mug actually start with the Economic Engine of our business. And I explained to every new employee, this is how all the numbers work like this is how I if you’re in customer success, I want this much retention. I want this score and customer satisfaction. I want in our quarterly business reviews with our customers. I want them to give us this grade and if you can hit these numbers, it’s going to create happy customers that stick around. It’s going to create more successful customers that can increase, giving 5% a year. You know, they spread that out across x thousands of customers. It gets us to 10 billion in generosity. So before I have one single conversation about values, you should know how my job is gonna contribute. My number is gonna contribute to our number. And then I talk about our values in the context of that. It’s a, it’s a backwards way of thinking about culture, I think for some orgs. But that context I think is so powerful if you can provide it. Well, that’s, that’s your next practice building a durable team culture. What, what do you mean by durable? Um Well, uh one of the biggest issues in nonprofits that I’ve seen is uh people either burn out or check out, right? Nonprofit work is really hard. And so you either put on a cape, you put in too many hours, you burn out the turnover of fundraisers, especially in this country is far too high, you know, or you check out, you just, you know, you start just taking up a seat and mailing it in and you don’t want to change anymore. And so you have to develop a culture that is um adaptable where people want to be a part where you’re able to attract the best and the brightest talent, not just whatever you can get, but people that care deeply about your cause and they’re in it for the long haul, right? And you have to, you have to create this, you say uh great culture doesn’t just build itself. This has to be intentional. II, I assume you’re beginning with leadership and, and, and then eventually it becomes bottom up. But I would think that initially, it’s, it, it starts at the top a 100% a virtuous. I’ll give you an example. We have a cultural road map just like we have a product road map, right? Because we know that we will lose our soul if we don’t uh have a very intentional plan for culture. And so what that means is as we scale, we want the cadences and rhythms of our company to remind everybody why we’re here. So when you go into a meeting at virtuous, when you do your performance review at virtuous, we want our values so embedded in all those cadences, it almost becomes like, you know, to use a religious term like a liturgy that reminds you of why we’re here, why we show up every day and what we’re all about. And, and when you do that, then what the magic that starts happening is now, culture isn’t like a tops down like the executives telling us how we should behave. It’s, it’s bottoms up where you see people that have been here, six months that are individual contributors that are enforcing our culture and they’ll be in a meeting and they’ll call somebody out. Hey, that’s not our culture here, right? Like, and, and that’s really when you start seeing a durable culture, when it’s so sort of ingrained at the ground up, which means as, as leaders you have to be. And, and this happens at nonprofits where we become so focused on the mission that we sort of, it’s at the expense of our team. Like, you know, we’re riding our team, like the people ride a mule through the Grand Canyon and just like, you know, this is gonna get everything we can out of this until it’s done, right? And as opposed to, I wanna be shoulder to shoulder with my team asking them what they need, seeing how they feel, asking them how their weekend was making sure they understand the job that we’re doing here together and they fully embraced our, our culture because without a great team, without the ability to attract and retain great talent, we’re never gonna accomplish our mission. It’s time for a story with uh it doesn’t really belong in this uh this practice area, but I like the story about Cure International. Oh Yeah, you talk about them with related, related to the metrics. But we, we, I felt like I wanted, I wanted to spread out the stories and you were just told the good uh good Mustang story. So uh tell, tell us about Cure. Cure has AAA great CEO um buddy of mine and he uh when he came in and, and took the job, um realized cure was number one, an amazing organization. They’re doing like children’s hospitals globally. They do amazing work, have this great reputation. But also realize that if they really wanted to have the impact, they wanted, they were going to have to tighten up the ship and get way more focused. And so one of the things he uses the E OS framework that I mentioned before of like sort of operational goal setting in the organizations. But the other thing he did is that I loved as, as a, as a new leader, he didn’t assume he had all the answers. So he kind of went on a listening tour around the organization and talked to almost everybody, like, you know, what do you care about? How do you do your job? What are the problems you’re facing? A lot of what we talked about in human centered design. So as a leader, just really empathy. That’s right. And, and then use that empathy to a line up to their overall strategy where they’re going as an organization. One of the even the hard decisions he had to make was he realized the organization was doing a lot of stuff that was off mission. It, you know, stuff that seemed like a good idea at the time. And now they have 20 little like side projects that are just hanging off of the, the core mission. What, what they want to create. And as long as they’re dragging around the baggage of like 20 things that they’re doing that are good but not great. Right. And, and they’re like kind of aligned to the mission but not really, they’re just gonna never get to where they want to be. And so a big part of what he did after he kind of did his empathy gathering was he went through and began to cut projects and programs or fold those in to the mission in a way that lined everybody up. So everybody’s marching in lockstep together which at an organization, the size of c is no joke, right? As this is a year, a multiyear initiative, but was just so impressed by his thoughtfulness, not just being a leader that comes in and says, this is where we’re going, we’re quitting all this dumb stuff, you know, but instead taking the time to truly listen and get to know everyone across the organization and align everybody together. I like that concept of alignment. You know, it just to me, it, it embodies the shared goals, the shared vision, everyone walking together, helping each other. There’s a, there’s a lot of that in your book too. The team support, you know, that’s uh uh that, that, you know, in, in stand up meetings, you know, how can I help you? Uh uh uh a, a big part of the stand up meeting you talk about is you know, what, what, what obstacle have I gotten and who can help me do it, who can help me overcome it and we can take care of it probably in the next 30 minutes versus a bunch of emails back and forth. And nobody really understands the, the issue as well is if we just talk about it right now in our meeting 100 yeah, 100%. You know, and that it’s, it’s not all like, you know, rainbows and roses and all the time. You got as a leader, you have to make really hard decisions. You just, you do. But if you’ve taken the time to actually collaborate with people and, and build trust and they understand why, like why are we going into direction or what goal are we trying to accomplish? Those hard decisions? Get way easier and they make way more sense as opposed to just dictating from the top. This is where we’re going. You’ve, you’ve earned the right to make the hard decision if that makes sense. Mhm Community and storytelling. Yeah. As uh as the drivers of change. But uh what, what struck me here is that the long haul? And you’ve, we’ve started around this. But uh I like to focus on that explicitly that this so much of what we’re talking about is the long game. Even, even if it’s a two week sprint, there’s a lot of two week sprints long game, you know, that, that commitment. That’s right. Yeah. And in community is definitely a long game kind of thing. But, you know, at a, at a ton of the works that we work with the issue becomes, hey, we just don’t have enough resources to pull this off. We don’t have enough staff to pull this off. You know, maybe you have 10 people on your team, 20 people on your team. I’m like, yeah, but you have 10,000 raving fans in the world that love your mission and want to make a difference. Like you have all of the resources at your fingertips. You just have to work to catalyze. And so, you know, I, I tell the story in the book of the Kony 2012 video and uh uh a lot of you that have been around nonprofits for a long time, like I have probably remember Kony 2012. You probably remember that video. Um But it was this moment where it was youtube’s highest ever viewed video and people that saw it thought this came out of nowhere. This is crazy. How did this get popular so fast? What they don’t see is the years and years before that video came out of people on that team, they were driving, you know, vans around the high schools all over the country, like telling the stories of, of the atrocities of Joseph Kony to kids that just didn’t know anything about it and they were building a community. They were like doing the really hard work of creating a massive movement of people that care deeply about their call. And yeah, it’s the long game. It’s hard work. But if you look at some of the best organizations and even the best campaigns that nonprofits have done, it’s because people have done the hard work to really care about building a community. And so now it’s not just you and your 10 staff members, it’s you and this 10,000 person army behind you that’s willing to do anything for the cause. And the power of that is just amazing. But it takes work and intentionality. You, you have to get out into the community and you have to do the hard work of getting to know people and building that movement. Another example you use is uh food link the way, the way they built community around getting food from, from farms to uh to shelters or kitchens. Yeah. Yeah. The farm lake is amazing because they uh they were started by a couple of kids in college that just solved this problem where farmers had a ton of excess food. And then there was all of these, they’re throwing it away and there’s all these food banks that were short of food, right? And so the amazing thing there is recognizing that your community isn’t just powerful because they have money. I if we see our donors, it’s just checkbooks like it’s, it’s an incredibly like short sighted way to see the world. The magic of what they did is they had, you know, college kids driving around in vans picking up onions. Right. They started with picking up 50,000 eggs that a farmer was going to throw away. So they go rent a van and a truck and go pick it up. That was their first, I think that was their first episode and they were just, you know, uh, young enough and, and hadn’t been sort of part of the institution long enough to not know any better, right? It’s like, well, what do we need, we need somebody to drive a van and pick up some eggs. Well, I can find some people to pick up some eggs, right? They, they saw their community um as not checkbooks. They, they said all of these people have different superpowers. How can we bring together all of these amazing superpowers to accomplish more in the world? Right? And it’s, and, and it’s amazing. I think so many nonprofits can learn from that is like, how do I look at my community? See their unique superpowers and figure out how to plug those in in a meaningful way and it’s, it’s helpful to your org but man, for your donors or volunteers, you, you no longer feel like an outsider who’s giving to this cause like this cause is kind of my proxy for doing good in the world. But I’m not really a part of it all of a sudden you feel like you’re part of it. It’s like, it’s, I don’t have to be a staff member. Like I’m shoulder to shoulder participating in this, in a meaningful way. It completely changes the nature of how you accomplish your mission. Yeah. Yeah. You have a lot of touching stories, uh, that they, they illustrate points but I, I found a bunch of them also moving and that, that food link one especially. Um All right, your last one, I’m sorry. I wish they were. I wish you had 12 because then we’d have, we’d have five more to talk about. But uh we only have one, we only have one more uh generosity gen ops, you get generosity operations, structuring your team for shared insights, what you’re advocating for a new position or in a bigger organization, a new team. What is this? Well, let’s let our, our audience is small and mid-sized nonprofit. So it might be uh it might be a, might be a halftime responsibility or something. But what, what, what’s the idea behind generosity operations and, and the person leading that? Yeah. And it, it probably is more applicable to uh more mid-sized teams honestly. But the, the idea here is that um your constituents interact with your organization in all kinds of different ways. Like you have people who have volunteered, who have also given, who have also uh taken part in your program or, or been a part of your services offering, right? They’re interacting with your org in all sorts of different ways. The problem is if you, if your departments or teams are siloed, you don’t have really any visibility into this. And so this is a team and sometimes you’re right, it can be just call it a committee of a few people working together a few hours every month that are stewarding the entire constituent journey. So they understand some people, hey, are you, do you guys realize 20% of our volunteers give money? It’s like, oh, I had, I had no idea like we should, we should see if we can report on that and figure out why that is right? Or did you realize that um our program team, the the most powerful stories or this kind of story? But our program team doesn’t know that and they’re giving us the wrong kind of stories and we could easily fix that problem. It’s somebody who understands how your stakeholders and constituents interact with your cause. They’re looking at that from a bird’s eye view and they’re connecting the data and dots between departments. And so that people have one single coherent experience with your organization, not a bunch of dis disparate experiences. And so that within your team, data and insights are shared. Yeah, there’s this uh Brian Regan, he’s this goofy stand up comic. He tells a story about, he saw two logging trucks passing one another, both carrying logs on the freeway one going one direction and the other going the other one. And like the guy in the one truck says, hey, you had logs over there. And so the point of the story is, you know, as nonprofits, I think we do that all the time where we realize somebody and some other team is doing something massively similar to us, man. If we just would have shared and communicated better, we get to s save so much time and effort. And so generosity ops is that team that helps optimize data and communication across the org and optimizes a single constituent journey outside of the org. It’s a holistic view. That’s right. You’re right. You’re, you’re taking data. But first of all, you have to have the right, you have to have the right data. There’s a, there’s a key part of being able to enhance generosity uh but taking data from, from across the organization and like you said, you know, sort of connecting dots and discovering learnings or even things worth testing. That’s right. Yeah, that’s exactly right. These are kind of your, the, the team that really drives innovation and insights across because they’re the ones that are seeing data that’s disconnected. They’re seeing real huge opportunities for growth. They’re able to bubble up those insights to the rest of the team and find sort of unnatural opportunities for growth that if you’re just heads down in fundraising every day or heads down in finance or heads down in it, you’re never going to see it without somebody connecting the dots. All right, Gabe. So, I, uh, dictatorially, uh, you know, chatted us through the, ran us through the, uh, the eight practices. What, what, what, what didn’t we talk about? What, what, what do you want folks to know beyond what we’ve, we’ve said about being a responsive nonprofit and these practices. Yeah, I think one of the things is there’s a lot covered that we just covered and it can sometimes feel really overwhelming like boiling the ocean. Right? And so I’ve, I’ve been into quoting Frozen Two lately, which is, you know, your daughter. It’s a favorite of your nine year old daughter. Yeah, that’s exactly right. Yeah. So it in there, the, the sort of punch line is just do the next right thing, right? And so don’t get overwhelmed by all everything. It just feels like so much I would say just pick a practice. Like the one we talked about with agile. Could we do? Could we try out working in two week sprints to see how fast we could learn? Right? Like, or could or be picked goal setting, man. I don’t think we have clear goals. Can we for, for one team for one quarter? See if we can set some clear goals and go after them, just pick one, do the next right thing. Don’t get overwhelmed with all of it. If you, if you can continually get better in any one of these practices. I can promise you you’re gonna get better as an organization. All right. Thank you. The book is the responsive nonprofit eight practices that drive nonprofit innovation and impact Gabe Cooper, the author. You’ll find the company at virtuous.org. You find Gabe on linkedin Gabe. Thank you very much for sharing so much. Fun. I’m glad. Thank you and congratulations again on the book. Yeah, thanks. Next week, empowering women with Jenny Mitchell. If you missed any part of this weeks show, I beseech you find it at Tony martignetti.com were sponsored by donor box. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity, donor box, fast, flexible and friendly fundraising forms for your nonprofit donor box.org and buy pork bun looking to grow your nonprofit. You need a.org domain name from pork bun, instant recognition, trust and visibility. Pork bun.com. Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I’m your associate producer, Kate Martignetti. The show social media is by Susan Chavez. Mark Silverman is our web guy and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation. Scotty be with us next week for nonprofit radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95% go out and be great.

Nonprofit Radio for November 20, 2023: Your Case For Support


Febe VothYour Case For Support

Whether you call it a case statement or case for support, it’s a critical part of your next fundraising campaign. Febe Voth has devoted decades to the art of crafting these fine documents. She shares lots of savvy advice from her 2023 book, “the case for your cause.”


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And welcome to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95%. I am your aptly named host and the pod father of your favorite Hebdomadal podcast. Oh, I’m glad you’re with us. I’d be forced to endure the pain of hypertropia if I saw that you missed this week’s show. Here’s our associate producer, Kate with what’s on the menu? Hey, Tony, I hope our listeners are hungry because this week we have your case for support, whether you call it a case statement or case for support. It’s a critical part of your next fundraising campaign. Phoebe Voff has devoted decades to the art of crafting these fine documents. She shares a lot of savvy advice from her 2023 book, The Case For Your Cause. An Tony’s take two. The right person were sponsored by donor box, outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity. This giving season donor box, the fast flexible and friendly fundraising platform for nonprofits donor box.org here is your case for support. It’s a genuine pleasure to welcome Phoebe VTH to nonprofit radio. She is the author of the book, The Case For Your Cause, a guide to writing a case for support that hits all the right notes, Phoebe has spent more than 20 years working in the realm of the case for support. Her work has helped achieve fundraising goals of up to $100 million. The thesis for her master’s degree was on the case for support. The first master’s thesis to be written on this topic in Canada. She studied storytelling under the tutelage of Canadian novelist, Sandra Birds. Phoebe is on linkedin and her book is at Phoebe vth.com. Phoebe. Welcome to nonprofit radio. Well, thank you. It’s really fun to be here. I’m glad you are. Congratulations on the book. The Case. Your case for support. The case for support. Congratulations. Thank you. And I just uh misstated the uh book is not your case for support. The book is The Case For Your Cause. The Case for your Cause. And I’m wondering why you chose uh all lower case letters for the title, The Case For Your Cause. Hm. Well, the person who designed the cover chose that basically. Um but I think maybe it’s a bit of a reflection of me. I’m not a loud person. I’m a person who lives quietly in my head. And so when I saw the lower case treatment, I liked it. It’s about as complicated or as simple as the answer is simple answers are terrific. Um Interesting. You, you feel you’re, you’re a person who lives mostly in your head with your with your thoughts? Is that, is that helpful to a writer? I think most writers live there? Yeah. Uh, that’s my experience anyway. We, we go away and get our assignments, whether it’s fiction or whatever kind of writing. But in my case I go away and do my interviews, spend a couple of days out in the world with people and then I’d come back to my office, close the door and write where it’s quiet and I’d play with words. And, um, so that, that muscle really gets strengthened as you do more and more of the writing work that um you become, um, yeah, you live in your head. Uh And interestingly, I’ve picked up a hobby now as I’ve slid into retirement and I’m, I’ve picked up pottery and that’s also a very cerebral kind of thing. It’s a thing. You go down, I go down to my basement where I have a lot of set up and I’m quiet and there with my thoughts, maybe some quiet music and there’s lots of activity up in the head but not so much through the mouth. So good luck with the interview today. Interesting. No. Well, you, you wrote a book so you’re willing to share your, uh your introspection about writing. And the book came about in part because people were encouraging me to do workshops and maybe do, do some videos and things like that. And I said, I, I think I’d be a dreadfully boring presenter, but I can write. So maybe I should write about the case instead and share what I’ve learned over the years. So you had, you had some encouragement to do that. Uh Especially from one of your students that you mentioned in your Acknowledgments. Yes, I started tutoring people a little bit or coaching and, and she started looking, she said, you know, there’s so very little out there on the case and it’s such an important document, you should write something. So that’s how this ball got rolling. Plus Tom Barraco who wrote the foreword for me, he is uh he’s now the past chair of CFRE CFO International. He two for a number of years has said you really should write something about the case. So there it is, all right, perfect segue to a 129 pages. So I kept it slim and that’s a perfect segue to uh why the the case for support you, you say it’s the our most important document. Absolutely. I think it is because it gives, it gives uh um everyone in an organization, the language uh with which to speak about their work. Um Otherwise you, I use the music analogy in the book. Otherwise an organization can easily sound like an orchestra tuning up. Everybody’s saying their own different thing about the work that the organization is doing. Um they’re telling stories differently, they’re choosing their stories differently. Um They’re framing their arguments differently and it’s just a mess. Um Whereas a case for support, um gathers information figures out what needs to be said or the writer does this figures out what is the strategic way to present the mission and the vision of this organization in a way that it’s relevant to the donor uh or achieves the, the the goal of the document and then disseminate, disseminate this information, this document amongst all the people involved in moving it forward. And so everyone speaks with 11 voice. Um It’s so it’s, it’s like a music score and you, you uh make the case that uh forgive that, but that this isn’t a neutral document. It’s a, it’s a persuasive document. It is a persuasive document. I think I say that if there’s one thing you take with you when you read the book, if you remember only one thing it is that your job is to persuade if you’re making a case. Um And you know, some people who I read, one fellow asked me what, what portion of a case should be persuasion on what should be information. It should all be persuasion. Some people will be persuaded with information and some people will be persuaded with more. Um maybe with stories or something that’s a little bit more emotional, but the whole thing needs to persuade, that’s the job of the case writer to persuade, to take the bits and pieces of information, what they hear from donors. The work that the organization does, where it wants to go the strength of leadership, the importance of the organization’s history and weave it together so that it becomes this beautiful whole that at the end people will say, sign me up, I wanna be part of this. This makes sense. We need to do this or we need to be part of this. Another analogy that you use is uh that the, and we’ll, we’ll talk about this, uh, in, in your writing, you’re, you’re starting with what an attorney would call the closing argument that you’re, you’re making the case upfront that let the evidence prove that, you know, but in this case, it’s let, let us show you that our cause is worthy. Let us make the arguments, persuade you, uh move you to, to support our cause. Exactly. And be that direct about it. Um IA a case a little while ago and you kind of had to dig around to see what is it that you’re asking the donor to? Yeah, you don’t like that at the end. Tell us up front what you want us to do, what you’re excited about, um, what the big deal is. Um And just like a lawyer would argue in front of a judge and jury. I’m going to convince you that. And sometimes when you write a piece, if you begin with that line in your draft and then you remove it, maybe you need to soften it in final, in the final analysis, but it gets you a focus, right? That this is my job to convince you that this organization is worthy of support, that the work we do here is um worthy of support. That’s actually a better way of phrasing it the second way because people don’t give to, they give through an organization not to an organization, I think more so. And um you know, so avoid putting too much emphasis on the organization itself. It’s on the work that the organization does. That, that’s where the emphasis should be giving to the work through the organization. There you are, you’re, you’re, you’re editing me, you’re editing yourself, you just decided you like the second way better. Yeah, see that’s what writers do. We’re used to playing with words and changing things up. So that’s what you get me. All right, I’m up to the challenge. I know you, you challenged me at the outset. Um And so you lay out, you lay out some essential things that, that need to be in the, in the case, leadership, mission and vision um stories, history, very clear about the giving goals and, and timeline as you had just said, um urgency to, to get things moving and, and the significance of the cause. Um All this is to uh to acquaint us uh to persuade us to give to the cause through the organization. Um I, I found it was interesting that you uh you find stories essential. I’ve read a lot of cases that, that don’t include stories. Most people are, well, let’s, let’s say at the near the beginning, most people are not nearly as thoughtful about the case for support as you are. I think a lot of people write these, as you say, you should not do between meetings. I think a lot of these get written over a weekend. Uh They may get written by committee. You do this part. Uh The, these three will write that part and then the two of us will do this other part. Uh You’re much, much, much more thoughtful about the case for support. Thank you. That, that means a lot to me to hear that because I, I my hope with this book is that we can move the dial a little bit on the case, case development away from what you described there where it’s uh kind of a fill in the blank document or let’s just get it done, kind of a document to really, for it to become a really strategic document that, that moves the organization forward. Um If we can go back to that argument about, you know, thinking like a lawyer and the courtroom, if, if we had a reason to hire a defense lawyer, we would hope that that defense lawyer would defend us thoughtfully. I would think if something has happened in our lives, um to do some research to, to think about the arguments not to carve bits and pieces off and say, OK, you write the opening arguments, you write the closing arguments and you go out and do a little bit, you know, talk to a few experts and then we’ll all just throw it together and see what the, what happens, what sticks with the judge. So one could argue that, that what we do in the not for profit sector, social sector is probably on a scale more important than what happens in the courtroom. For a single individual who needs a defense. You know, we have a lot of, we have big jobs to do. You know if it’s a food bank, we have families to feed, we have um education to deliver health care, to strengthen um feeding the hungry. We’re big, we have climate, that’s a big one. We have lots of challenges, difficult, big things to uh to uh address. And so we need, I think we need to really pay attention to the case. Be super strategic. Take the time it requires to, to develop one test it. Um because a lot writes on it. You say that uh this is advice you would have given your younger self. Yes. So why don’t you share how you came to this work and, and have evolved in it? OK. Um I started my career in corporate communications. I work for government, worked for a post-secondary and then I ended up working in the oil and gas sector for a short stint. And I went out on uh on my own. I had a young daughter at the time, didn’t feel it was right for her to be in so much before and after school care. So I thought I can write. Um I will go out on my own and see what I can muster up for contract. And a friend of mine had um uh communications agency and she got a contract that was just one too many for her and her staff and asked if I wanted to, to take it. And it was a case for support for the University of Calgary Faculty of Law. And um that was my first, that was my introduction to the case and I just loved the document. It’s super strategic motivational, it gives you, it’s almost like speech writing. It, it, it allows you to take license to put kind of put words in people’s mouths. Um And yeah, I, I just really fell in love with this, the strategic element of the document and also the, the creativity that it uh afforded the writer. Um you could take some creative license with it. And, and uh a thing that I keep coming back to is this notion that words make worlds. And if we can get the right words out there, then we can create the world. Maybe that, that we want not, maybe that we want to see, think about really su super motivational speeches. Um The big ones, right? I have a dream, how, how words can build up and um create a response in people. And so it’s very challenging and very uh rewarding work. When you think about the impact of how your words can land and in our sector, this hard, you know, might make you’re hard pressed to find um sectors or, or language that is more, needs to be more motivational and can bring about more change than the language of fundraising. We’re asking people to part with, with money, uh whether it’s large or small, it’s still at a, like the, whether the amount is large or small, it’s a significant decision for people, money and, and money and time to, uh you have a quote, you have a quote that I think is right on point to what you’re, what you’re uh revealing for us. Uh what we say, how we say it and how we hear people affects more than the moment. And I, I think that uh bears uh again, on what you’re saying about the case for support, but also on, on fundraising relationships that, you know, uh um how we hear people, those are, those are and what we say, how we say it and how we hear people, you know, those are fundamental to individual fundraising, which is the work that I do in, in planned giving fundraising, but across all, across all relationships, not even just fundraising relationships. But what we say, how we say it and how we hear people I think are, are fundamental to building relationships with each other. Absolutely. I, I totally agree. Um, listening, really active listening can be absolutely revolutionary as opposed to this, listening to get to the next thing I’m listening. But I know what I’m going to say next, but you’re not really listening. And part of the, a beautiful thing I think with the case is that it begins to work in its making you, if you’re building a case for support, you will want to sit down with stakeholders. So probably some major donors, some longtime donors, um some volunteers, leadership, volunteers and other volunteers as well. Maybe you want to. It’s been a wonderful opportunity to sit down with the mayor or uh some, some, someone of a political stripe um whose influence and leverage might um help the organization down the road at some point. It’s, it’s an opportunity to make friends in the community. Um And to listen to them, you’re asking questions about why they think the organization is of value, um What its mission and vision um contribute, what would happen if that organization closed its doors? What would the impact be? You really have an opportunity to let people think about and dig into why the organization and its work exists and listen and reflect that in your case, it’s time for a break. Are you looking to maximize your fundraising efforts and impact this giving season. Donor box’s online donation platform is designed to help you reach your fundraising goals from customizable donation forms to far-reaching easy share, crowd funding and peer to peer options. Plus seamless in person giving with donor box like kiosk. Donor box makes giving simple and fast for your donors and moves the needle on your mission. Visit donor box.org and let donor box help you help others. Now, back to your case for support, that’s all reflected in your uh in your part two, the uh the A AAA trusted, a trusted process where you and you talk a good deal about the interviews that uh should precede the writing and that are part of your own research along with what the, what the uh organization has may give you as a consultant or already has and it’s, you know, sort of its communications library. Uh So the interviews and the pre-existing materials and all. Um So we, we, we can’t talk through the entire book because people need to buy it because we only have an hour together. So you need, you need to get the book uh the case for your cause. Uh I’d like to spend a good amount of time on your, on your part three, which is your advice. You have, you have advice on messaging, advice on storytelling and advice on writing since I think the, the process gets short shrift or if, if not, maybe not, that bad, but it is not done as thoughtfully as you recommend. I thought le let’s spend some time on, uh, on, on the, on the writing process. Um So you have advice on, on messaging and even the importance of the opening paragraphs. Share, share, share your thinking on the, the, the messaging advice. Well, there’s a quote that I used to have up on my office wall. Um, and it reads, it’s by John Steinbeck and it says if the story is not about the Hearer, he will not listen. That kind of wraps it up. Um, it’s easy to write about your programs and services and be dreadfully boring to the Hearer. Um, I tell a story in the book about going to a, a barbecue in our community. Oh, yes, Sarah and Andy. Sarah and Andy and his real name. But it’s not, it’s too, it’s too embarrassing to, to whoever the real Andy is. Yes. Go ahead. Story about Sarah and Andy at the barbecue. So we ran into twos at the bar. Um, Andy kind of just came up to us, kind of accosted us in a way my husband and myself and he just drawn on and on and on about his lovely life and his hospital visits and his Children and how successful they are and vacations and like we just wanted to run away from him and then we turn around and a little while later we see Sarah, I haven’t seen Sarah in a long time and she’s there with her daughter and granddaughter and we just can’t stop talking. We just, I could have had another hour with Sarah and I thought some, some fundraisers are like this. Some cases are like this. How do you become the Sarah and not the Andy. And for one, I think I had much deeper relationship with Sarah than I ever did with Andy. And she was interested in me in my life, um, in our lives and everything had sort of connected a lot more. So, you know, that, that goes to your advice about knowing your reader because you knew Sarah much better than you knew Andy. Yeah. And I was interested in her life and, and she was interested in mine. It was a two way street. Right. So don’t be the boring guy at the barbecue. No. Know your reader, know your audience. I mean, that, so it’s one truth to take away from this. If your job is to persuade, if you’re writing a case and able to persuade me, you have to know me, know your audience. That’s the basic philosophy and crux of any writing to be successful. You have to know who you’re writing to. Otherwise your, your ch your chance of being meaningful to that person if you don’t know what, what they care about. Um It’s pretty slim and, and much of that will come from your interviews that you, that you will have done thoughtfully because, uh because Phoebe explains them in part two of her book that, that we’re gonna get. Um So this notion of knowing your audience is not a new one for a communicator. It goes way back all the way back. Well, probably before even, but it’s recorded with by Aristotle 300 year specie. Um And he says that it is in accordance to the character of the audience that one can examine the passions and emotions that the orator may excite. So, no, you know what, know what they care about. And in, in our work, people give to advance the things that they value. So understand what people value. Um Let me give you one example here. Um My elderly mother um lived in a condominium in a nice little community and there was a community center down the hall, sorry down the street. And she was approached by a fundraiser to um support uh a program for troubled youth that was supported at the community center and they talked about the programs and services and blah, blah, blah. And it did not move my mother. She probably felt a little badly about uh about the young people, but you know, she gave to her church and she had her or getting established. But I think if they had approached her and said maybe through a story here that, that um the outcome of the giving might result in less crime in the neighborhood Uh, right. Sometimes you have to be very, uh, diplomatic in how you say things and that ST, that’s also a time when story comes in and story can be very helpful to shed light on, um, a, a topic that it’s maybe a little bit dicey to speak directly to. Um, do you know what I mean? But if they had told her a story of a young person who, whose life had been straightened out through this counseling and had turned away from a life of petty crime. Um that I think maybe there would have been a different response from my mom because the one appealed to her values, right? And the other just spoke about the organization’s good work and, and maybe the benefit to the young, the young person. But we all approach life with a degree of self interest. So, you know, consider um consider your audience self interest as you’re writing, you’re very thoughtful about words. Um Sometimes I, I think that um uh expletives uh swearing is, is uh can give us a nice uh Everybody understands what everybody understands what we’re talking about. This is sort of a common reference, I suppose, you know that. So you um so I, I heard a comedian once say that there are so few words that mean anything anymore that we, we need to rely on the, on the swear words to, to convey, to convey what we want to say sometimes. So you you, uh you have advice about a shitty first draft of your, your case for support. Talk, talk about the uh the shitty first draft. Very easy to have writer’s block. It’s writing a case. Even for someone who’s done it for many years, it’s intimidating to stare at the empty screen and know that uh an organization’s to some degree, an organization’s ability to move their mission and vision forward and for the people who would benefit from that kind of hinges a bit on, on what you’re going to produce, that’s super intimidating. Um It becomes less intimidating if you give yourself some breathing room some license. Um Anne Lamont, I don’t know if you’re familiar with her as a writer. She’s a wonderful writer. She wrote a book on writing called Bird by Bird. And this is the advice that she gives in there just to label your first draft, a shitty first draft and who cares how it turns out, who cares how it reads, just sort of puke the words onto the page, then play with them a little bit and you just, you just relax on the screen a little until you and then you find your voice and then you get going. But I have to say even with that shitty first draft label, um I rewrite the lead over and over and over for most cases because if I lose the reader in the beginning, if I don’t frame up an argument that’s meaningful to the reader or donor. It’s all over. Yeah, I can, I can have terrific text on page three and four and five and six. But if I’ve lost them, if I’m not meaningful, if I don’t approach them from an angle that’s relevant to them, it doesn’t matter what falls, you also suggest coming full circle from, from the beginning and sort of closing the circle at the, at the end. Yeah. Um That is um that is something somebody taught me that you and it’s, it’s really good, good advice. I think um you, you want to end the way you start, it just provides a nice satisfactory kind of wrap up at the end. So if you begin by talking about Xy and Z, you allude to Xy and Z at the end, um it, it creates a nice package. Yeah, it’s, it’s a good way to write and if you begin to pay attention to, to speeches and how people write, like people who know how to write, how they write, that’s, you’ll see that pattern. I, I see a lot in journalism. So another thing that’s uh been very useful to me is to write into your headlines. If you know, if you’re getting a little bit stuck, figure out what are the main points you want to talk about. So let’s say you’ve got really excellent leadership, create a headline that speaks to the strength of the leadership and maybe weave in to that, why it’s important like strong leaders in a time of something or other. And then you take the paragraph below and you unpack that headline, explain that maybe you need two or three paragraphs below to explain the headline. And what’s really nice about writing that way is that people are just skimming your text then um then they get, they get the high points by reading your headlines. You don’t have to read all the supporting texts. Do you outline? Do you outline before you start writing? Uh not really, but I create a document plan. So when I worked in corporate communications, I wrote communication plans all the time. Um and I took the format of a communications plan and made it a document plan. So what is my goal? What are the object like goal overarching big things that I want to achieve with this? What are the objectives? Do I want to tell, you know, 10 stories through this document or am I good with just two? Do I think, what do I think it means um to, you know, to want it to be friendly to? So, yeah, so cool, objective audience identify the audience in quite some details. What are my key messages? What do I want the takeaways to be when someone’s finished reading the document or had had it delivered to them verbally, however they come across the case. Um and then some timelines and a few other details there and I use that as my guide. OK? That uh I don’t know. That sounds to me, that sounds to me like an outline, but I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna force you to call it an outline. You, you call it a document plan. I’m not, I’m not forcing you to call it an outline. Your, you have your methods. T 2020 25 years in the making. We’re not, I’m not, I’m not trying to remake your method. It sounds like it sounds to me what I envision as an outline to me, an outline would be more one paragraph about this and one paragraph about that. And then I moved to this topic and then that topic, I give myself the freedom not to be boxed in by go from one paragraph to the next to the next. Like not one topic I found being um uh having clients, if I presented an outline when the draft was delivered, they would want the draft to match the outline. Well, sometimes it flows better if I move things around a little bit and that through that, through some of them. So I moved away from that. Yeah. Right. As you’re, as you’re writing, right? You’re gonna reorganize. And uh you also suggest having uh like AAA copy and paste section, I forget what you call it over on the like another a second document or that where you, you, you never delete that. That’s that your advice really is never delete. Just copy. Well, if you have, if you have reasonably good text and you just find, oh, it doesn’t belong here. This isn’t working. Don’t throw it away. Start a second document and put all your scraps like a cutting the cutting room floor. Maybe I overstated to say never delete. But, but if you like something you just don’t know, it just doesn’t fit where it is. It might fit somewhere else. Don’t delete it. Save it, save it elsewhere. Exactly. Because it might fit somewhere else or move it around. If it doesn’t belong where you have it, maybe it belongs somewhere else in the document. So before you get rid of something, make sure you can’t use it somewhere else. But on that note, um be prepared to cut out, edit out your darlings. You might have the section that you think is just beautiful. It just sounds almost like a poem or it just, you’re just proud of it and it doesn’t fit. You gotta, you gotta remember what the goal is and stay goal focused and if your darling sentence or paragraph doesn’t belong, it doesn’t belong. Yeah. II I appreciated that one. Sacrifice your darlings or something you say something like that. Um But I, I really appreciate the uh the license that uh shitty first draft gives. I I’ve Yeah, just, just titling it that it’s very simple advice from uh Anne Anne Lamott. Uh It’s very simple but you know, if you’re thinking that way then, uh, it does, it frees you up, just start getting thoughts out, like you said, puke them out, you know. Yeah. Yeah. The other thing for me that’s super helpful, um, is the time of day that I write. I want the house quiet. Um, I don’t want distractions and I, I think that’s probably pretty common so often. I will, maybe I’ll wake up at night and I’ll have a thought. I will either have a notepad beside me where I can write it down, but more often than not, I will get up in the middle of the night and write. It’s when I do my best work. So someone listening out there maybe just try it and see, maybe, maybe your best work is that early in the morning or mid afternoon. Um, a very cool thing that I find with that kind of approach is, wow. I wonder how the document would have turned out if I wrote it yesterday in the middle of the night, it would have been a different document. That’s the cool thing about a creative process. It’s what it’s what’s in you, what, what is percolating and, and what happens to come out just at that moment and if it’s usable and good, that’s wonderful. You just confirmed that you are much, much, much more thoughtful about your case for support than uh than the average nonprofit writer is because they’re, they’re not this would sound like advice if for someone who was writing a work of fiction, uh you know, to have a note notepad by your, by your bed stand. Um So, you know, you’re, uh you’re taking this a much more thoughtful approach, but you know, the note stand, the, the notepad by the bed is not a bad one even for um someone who’s not a, a full time sort of case writer, but someone who needs to write a case for their, for their, their work because our night brain works differently. I think our night brain is more creative than our day brain and it’s problem solving that happens in the night. So if you’ve given your brain kind of an assignment to think about something and solve the problem, like what, what is my best lead? What is it that people are going to respond to? And you wake up at three in the morning and you have a thought, write it down because it might be gone at six o’clock when they, it’s definitely gone. Yeah, you, you swear, you won’t forget it, but you always do. At least, at least I, I always swear I won’t forget something in a dream and then I always do. Yeah. So it’s a simple, simple thing to do in case that the thought comes. No, this is savvy writing advice. It’s time for Tony’s take two. Thank you, Kate. When you get the right person who knows exactly what you need and how to do it. It makes all the difference. The guest this week, Phoebe Voff is perfect example. She’s been working with case statements for over 20 years or a case for support, whichever you call it. But it just reminds me that the right person for the right task, but it may not even be a job. It might just be some task that you need some project when you find the right person. I had another example myself talking to a financial guy for something this week. He knew exactly what the problem was and exactly how to fix it. So I’m encouraging you to, I guess that means hire the expertise you need when you don’t know how to do something, find somebody who knows it. They, they’ve, they’ve, they’re expert in it and there’s no point in your trying it out as a novice when you can get somebody who’s expert, they’ll do it quicker. Yeah, you, you have to pay them but your time has value the time that you’re gonna learn. Getting up to speed and you’re not gonna get as far as they already are because you’re gonna get the person for the task that’s been doing this for years, maybe decades. Like Phoebe vs, I encourage you. It’s worth the money. Get the right person for whatever project, whatever task, whatever it is that you need done that you don’t have the expertise yourself or you don’t have it in house. It’s worth going out finding the person. The outcome is so much more likely to be so much more successful. Then if you did it yourself or if you did it in house done by folks who are not really sure how to proceed. That is Tonys take two Kate. Well, thank you to all of our guests and the right people who helped make this nonprofit podcast, what it is, you know, all the names that we share at the end. They are the right people for our show. They absolutely are. You’re included, associate producer, Kate. Um Absolutely. And I’m, I’m very glad I, I’m very glad I brought you into the show several months ago. I really am. Well, we’ve got Buku but loads more time now, back to your case for support with Phoebe Vos. Let’s talk about storytelling. Uh The second part of your, your part three is advice on storytelling and you talk about dressing truth in story and I think you were alluding to that earlier, but I didn’t wanna, I didn’t want to amplify it. Then I, I wanted to talk about it as part of your, the, the strict advice conversation. Uh, dressing truth in story. Yes. Did you read the Parable? The Jewish teaching story? I did. Yes. Dressing that they, uh they, they invited the truth in. Will you tell the tell the parable? So here goes truth naked and cold had been turned away. From every door in the village, her nakedness frightened the people. When Parable found her, she was huddled in a corner, shivering and hungry, taking pity on her. Parable gathered up her up and took her home there. She dressed Truth in story warmed her and sent her out again, clothed in story. Truth knocked again at the villager’s door dose. This time, she was welcomed into the people’s homes. They invited her to eat at their table and she warmed herself by their fire. That’s a Jewish teaching story. I think as humans, we are wired for story, there’s something that, that grabs onto a story. Whereas cold facts and information doesn’t stick quite as, as well. I remember taking my daughter to um some kind of presentation. She would maybe have been, she was elementary school age and there was a speaker and she sat nicely the whole through the whole thing. And on the way home, I said, what do you remember about what he talked about? And she remembered the stories he told these are things we remember. These are things that we remember. Um because somehow they touch us human to human. Um statistics and numbers are they support things but, but it’s the, the, the people reason that’s why we do things. Um and, and the stories illustrate um how our sisters and brothers in the world fair and how we can help them. I think I have my own anecdote of that. I I used to open my conference uh training sessions about planned giving, telling the story of my very first ask, which was in seventh grade when I had a terrific crush on Lisa Maggio and I asked her to go steady at our seventh grade dance. And the story continues. And years later, people remember that story. They, you had that, you had that story, you had that story about Lisa or some. Sometimes I didn’t even remember her name. It’s remarkable or they didn’t remember the name that you told that story about, about uh your first ask in, in elementary school. You know, uh it’s the same as your daughter, but it’s just years later, literally, people remember that. Remember the story. Yeah, it’s our operating system as humans, I think, look, look at Netflix, look at the storytelling that happens on the streaming systems now and how the Yeah. Yeah. Um Movies uh a series. Uh People sit night after night, after night to hear stories being told. So are I think nonprofit stories are maybe more like parables. They are stories with some kind of meaning. Um Where there’s, there is a goal for a storytelling. I want you to flush that out. Yes. You want each story to have a purpose. Yeah. So it’s, it’s really helpful um As you’re writing your case to sit down and say, what do I need my stories to do? Do I need them to show impact? Do I not need them to maybe put a donor, tell a donor story. Why people, why not? Some, some someone else is giving to this cause? Um Is it about vision, what the future, what, what world we want to create or how we want to change things for people or is it about the mission? Um I had a, a case that I worked on many years ago and pretty well, it was a new organization in Canada. They existed elsewhere in the world, but it had just come to Canada. So we didn’t have that much to talk about. That was of interest uh in terms of um what it was, was actually doing, it was more about the impact that it wanted to achieve. So kind of a blend of mission and vision. Um And we, we took the whole thing and we just w one story and after the next with a little bit of information about where they were going and what they were about and it was this beautiful warm case at the end and um this organization is doing very well today. So it did help them get off to some kind of start. Yeah, you also ask us to consider opening with a story. Wh why, why you might, why pardon me, why you might or might not do that? The reason you would really want to open with a story about a story might just uh get people’s attention whether you need to open with the story or not, it’s a nice way to open. But if people don’t really buy into what you’re doing, um If there’s, if there are people questioning what your organization’s mission and vision is about, like, for example, if the, if the hearers um belief is that um all homeless people are lazy, uh If you begin to tell them a bunch of stats and information about your programs and it’s going to fall on deaf ears. So a story can help tell. Uh maybe a story can help change their belief. If you can show that all homeless people are not lazy, but they fell on hard times and you know, put some flesh on the bones of that story so that the ground that the facts and figures will fall out, uh The thieves will fall into fertile ground, right? When, when they hear the facts and figures and information about the programs, then they’re not going to dismiss them so quickly. Or if at all, let’s, let’s say a little bit about plot. You, uh you, you lay out the elements of a, of a story characters and setting point of view. Um say a little say about share your thinking about the plot. Well, a story, even a short nonprofit story and they are super short, usually compared to uh fiction, um just a few paragraphs, but you have to have an arc, an arc of a story. You have to have a beginning, middle end. Um But consider playing around with the sequence a little bit, uh is a good place to begin. The story is right toward the height of the action, not necessarily a sequential. Um You know, I, I think I tell a story in the book or I do tell a story in the book of a mom who comes into the emergency with her teenage daughter who has a headache. Um, They’re afraid there’s something terrible and she gets sent. The young girl gets sent for an MRI and we find out everything’s ok. There’s something was causing the headache, but it wasn’t a brain tumor or meningitis or something terrible. So I’m supposed to write a donor story about this, but I’m really happy for the family that it was nothing terrible. But it’s easier for me. It’s an, it’s an MRI center that you’re writing about. That’s right. Uh It would have been a lot easier for me if I’d had a little more drama in the store, maybe they covered, uncovered a brain tumor and the girl’s life was saved because of this machine. But instead, uh this is what I had to work with. So I started the, the telling of the story at the point where the mother was watching her daughter’s brain on the screen and how terrifying it was for the mother and then went back and filled in what, what brought them to the emergency and then how things turned out. So you can look for the point of highest drama, highest emotion and try to try to begin your story there or just play around with sequence. A story doesn’t have to be told. Um uh As in, in time sequence, it can be told that, you know, begin at the end or in the middle or wherever it makes sense to begin just again. Like I said, with the shitty first draft, give yourself freedom to, to try on a few different approaches. A lot of Quentin Tarantino films are an example of that. Yeah, shifted, shifted, shifted times point of view is another important one. If I can jump in here, I know our time is running short. No, we’re OK. Yeah. No, a little anarchy is OK. Please point of view is a really important one who tells the story. Um Is it the executive director of an organization? There are benefits to having the executive director build, tell the story. You’re building a relationship with your donors, you trusted voice. Um So there are benefits but the executive director can resign tomorrow. And then there’s the, the risk of that voice. Um the closer to the heart of the action you are. If it’s um you know, a, a home for unwed mothers or um uh abused, abused women, let’s say a home for abused women. If you can tell the woman’s story that might have more impact in hearing it directly from her and then told through somebody else’s uh uh perspective. Yeah, there isn’t a right or a wrong. But the thing to do is to, to be thoughtful about the perspective you choose. If you sit down to write the story, think about which perspective will be most meaningful and most powerful um and pursue that and each voice comes with different uh benefits. Right? There are pros and cons for each voice, whether it’s first person or uh you know, if it’s a doctor telling a story about a new piece of equipment, he can speak with an authority that a patient can’t and he can explain the technology in a way the patient can’t. But there are pros and cons to each. You just need to consider whose perspective, whose point of view you use. What about taking license uh with a story you, you had uh writing for the MRI Center, you said it would, it would have been in easier writing task if there had been something more dramatic, not that, not that you are wishing that on the young girl naturally. But what about uh taking some liberties with the, with the story, maybe maybe mashing uh uh several characters together to, to make a, to make a more complete story. How, how do you feel about that sort of create a composite character composite? Yeah, I think if you do that. Uh And I think it’s legitimate to do it, but you have to you have to reveal that. Then at the bottom of the story, I think you have to say that this is, this represents, this is a composite character. This represents uh what we see in the clinic every day. Um I think, I think the reader here needs to be respected and told that that is me. That’s my, would be my, my response to that. Another way you could approach that is maybe sit down with a doctor or uh somebody who, who sees all these different characters. Uh, people come in and, and have a chat with that person and tell the story, like reflect the conversation you’re having with, let’s say the doctor, the radiologist or whoever. All right, but be, be intellectually honest. Absolutely. Yeah. Alright. Yeah, that’s how I would want to be treated so right. That’s how you have to treat others. I think your, your third advice portion of the, of the, uh, of the advice. Uh, in part three is advice on writing and we, we, we talked about some of some of your advice there, sacrifice your darlings and don’t be so quick to delete. But uh save and, and move. Um, what else, what else could you say about the writing task? Um, know what you want to say. That makes, makes it a bit easier to write and you know what you want to say. But often, not often you can, you can get to the screen and you can sit down and you need to, you know, you need to build up the section but you don’t know what you’re saying and you’re just spinning your wheels. So then that’s a good time to pause and say, OK, what is it that I want to say in this next section and be clear with yourself, what the next section needs to cover and then it’s a lot easier to get going. It sounds, it sounds silly to say it, but a lot of times writers block happens because people don’t know what, what they they need to cover in the next section. You also suggest the active voice, which that, that, that stood out to me. II I uh I actively try to avoid the passive voice. Uh explain that one for us, the active voice is just stronger and more engaged. The action happens in the voice. It didn’t happen yesterday. It’s not happening tomorrow. It’s happening now. Um And it’s stronger and more colorful. Uh So that’s the voice to strive for. Um Yeah. Um What else? Um Well, you have not uh not over qualifying. Yes. Don’t want to overqualify. You want, you want to be authentic like um a lot of times writing is stronger if you, if you remove the qualifiers, like what, like what are some examples? OK. Just uh you know, it was a very sunny day, it was a sunny day, that’s strong, much stronger than a very sunny day. Um So all the little adjectives, try removing the adjectives and you’ll probably have more confident writing. The other thing to do is to look at verbs. Once you’ve written a document, go back underline all your verbs and see if you can make them a little puncher, more active or stronger or more reflective or so if you can find a better verb because they add color and life to a piece of writing. Do you use a thesaurus? Very much? Not really. No, I don’t, I do use it but not very much. Um What I do often do if I, how do you find the punchier one? Uh I just think of a different way of saying you’re walking, you’re walking thesaurus then. All right. I, I rely on a, I rely on a thesaurus to help me. Yeah. The other thing to do is to take whatever it is that you’re not quite happy with. If it, if it’s more than just a verb, put it in your second document just for 10 minutes, try to rewrite that paragraph for that sentence, see what you come up with and then contrast the 21, see which one you like better. Maybe it’s a blend that’s often how it happens for me. Go ahead. You have, you have one you like yes, outward focus. Um It’s not about you, it’s about the reader. So whenever you’re writing, stop and say is this is this inward focus or is it, is it looking out the way it should um in fundraising, sometimes it’s easy to state the negative we need this or that because of this or that there. The need is so great. You can try to flip the negative state, write the negative statement. But then see if you can flip it into a positive affirmative statement. You want your case for support to be a hopeful, joyful documented solutions oriented. It’s not presenting a bunch of problems, it’s presenting solution and hope so. If it’s easier for you to write the problem down, go ahead and write it down and then go back and edit it into a positive sentence or paragraph. Can you give an example of that? Oh What could it be? Um OK, I’ve done a lot of work for, for health care organizations. So um the wait lists are too long for uh for people to access an MRI for example, this is a truth in Canada. Yes, you have, you have this one, you have this one in this example in the book. OK. Right there. That’s not cheating. No, that’s OK. That’s fair. That’s not cheating. Instead of saying um the wait lists are too long. You can say that with your help, we can, we can reduce wait times, we can um we can make sure that people get, get access within whatever time is reasonable that that what would happen within days rather than months. Yeah. Yeah, and in your own community. So, you know, once you begin to, once you flip it into the positive, then you can also build on it. Sometimes you had some advice, uh more, more savvy advice uh that think about your community without your work. What if, what if your work was to cease, what would that mean for your community? A lot of times you can get, um you can see the significance of something if you imagine it gone. So if, if you, if your organization sure closed its doors and didn’t reopen, nobody stepped in to fill the gap, what would be the consequence of the organ on the community? The people who rely on you and think of it as ripples in the water. So yes, the people who rely on you day to day, they would be impacted. But what about the next ripple out? What about the neighborhood? What about, you know, whatever or whatever sector you are in within the sector? How will it be affected? If, if you went away, the food bank went away, people who rely on it to put food on the table would be affected for sure. But would there, what would happen to the community? How would those people fare? Uh would there be more homelessness? Would there be would, would kids not do as well in school? For example, the kids of those families who relied on food bank and maybe they don’t go off to university because they’re hungry and you, you can, you can build on things like that and then go looking, go looking for uh supporting evidence. As a case writer, you have to be a bit of an investigator. So if you think that food bank is closing and it’s going to affect Children, think long term, what would that happen? How many kids who go to university have been, maybe at some point in their life, been been supported by the food bank? Can you find that out? Maybe go talk to? I don’t know, find some, somebody who might have done some research into that and see if you can use that and as you build your argument. Well, this whole conversation has been uh inspirational around doing a more thoughtful case for support. So, uh but I, I’m gonna, I’m gonna ask you to just kind of coalesce and, and leave us with, with even more, more inspiration, more promise. What, what, what can our cases do if we’re just more deliberate and thoughtful about our writing? Well, I go back to, to the courtroom analogy that we sort of started with if you have a case that has been um kind of thrown together, written on the back of a napkin and pieced together and maybe a little bit more like a paint by numbers kind of a case. And you, you create a case that is more strategic, more thoughtful. I I’d be surprised if you don’t see a difference in, in, in everything you do, how you recruit, uh the, the volunteers, you’re able to recruit the consistency that you’re able to speak with. Uh When you put together your um grant proposals, you’ve got a well to draw from. You have your information, your statistics, your stories, your descriptors, you have an argument that’s um compelling and stirs hearts and minds. Um And so it’s like the lawyer who stands up in front of the judge and jury and he’s prepared. He’s thought about how his words are going to land on the judge and the jury. He’s going to have a better outcome than the one who just rushes in and hopes to wing it. So I think, I think, um, especially small nonprofits who have not had the luxury of investing in a, um strategic case. I think it could really make a significant difference. Having one, she takes her own advice, ends, ends where she started. There you go. Phoebe Voff, her book is the Case For Your Cause. A guide to writing a case for support that hits all the right notes. You’ll find the book at Phoebe vth.com and Phoebe is spelled Febe Phoebe. Thank you very much for sharing all your, uh your wisdom. Thank you so much. Thank you for inviting me here. I enjoyed this. You’re a very thoughtful guest and I, I don’t, I don’t mean kind. You’re, you’re thoughtful and, and deliberate all all, all, I don’t know you, you speak the way you write, I think. Thank you. You know, there’s a section in the book about asking good questions and that was your job today. You asked fantastic questions. Oh, you probably said that to all your, all your podcast hosts. All right. Thank you. All. So, so some you don’t. All right. Thank you, Phoebe. Thank you very much. Next week, Tony will pick a winner from the archive. You trust him, don’t you? If you missed any part of this week’s show, you better. Trust me. I beseech you find it at Tony martignetti.com. We’re sponsored by donor box. Outdated donation forms blocking your supporters, generosity. This giving season Donor box, the fast flexible and friendly fundraising platform for nonprofits donor box.org. Our creative producer is Claire Meyerhoff. I am your associate producer, Kate Martinetti. The show’s social media is by Susan Chavez, Mark Silverman is our web guy and this music is by Scott Stein. Thank you for that affirmation, Scotty. You with us next week for nonprofit radio. Big nonprofit ideas for the other 95% go out there and be great.