Nonprofit Radio for September 13, 2013: Cause Marketing 101 & Internal Social Networks

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

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My Guests:

Tricia Napor and Muneer Panjwani: Cause Marketing 101

L-R: Muneer Panjwani and Tricia Napor at Fundraising Day 2013
Muneer Panjwani and Tricia Napor at Fundraising Day 2013

Tricia Napor, principal manager at Alcoa Foundation, and Muneer Panjwani, business development manager for, share tips for getting started in cause marketing: what it is; what small- and mid-size shops have to offer companies; goal setting; transparency; and aligning missions and needs. Recorded at Fundraising Day 2013.




Scott Koegler: Internal Social Networks

scottkoegler2009-150Scott Koegler, our technology contributor and editor of Nonprofit Technology News, explains how internal social networks complement the external networks like Twitter and Facebook. How to get started, who to invite, and how to promote them. Plus, his one-minute wonderful wine recommendation.



Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Fridays, 1-2PM Eastern

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There Is No Shortcut To Getting Planned Gifts

Photo courtesy of Jeremy Lim, Creative Commons license
Photo courtesy of Jeremy Lim, Creative Commons license


Planned Giving is soliciting gifts from estate and retirement plans, and there’s no way to close them quickly. I’ve seen suggestions to the contrary lately and I sternly disagree.

There are plenty of quick (and cheap!) ways to promote Planned Giving. Here are a dozen:

  • Put a sidebar in your next newsletter to promote giving by will
  • Drop a buck slip in your next mailing about giving by will—or IRAs for those over 70 1/2
  • As you promote IRA giving, use the December 31 deadline to create urgency
  • Send an email blast to your board about the IRA deadline
  • Drop in a buck slip that tells the short story of someone who gave by will or IRA
  • Planning your annual report? Put in a sidebar to encourage planned gifts
  • Keep these sidebars short! No more than 125 words
  • At your next event, put in two (literally) sentences about giving by IRA by 12/31
  • The second sentence is, “Give us a call if you’d like to know more.” As the calls come in, refer to my IRA article linked above.
  • Planning your year-end mailings? Squeeze this check-off onto the reply card: “I’d like to know more about including you in my will.”
  • Make space for this check-off too: “I’ve included you in my will or other estate plan.” Remember to thank your new donor!
  • For the flap on all your reply envelopes, a new check box: “Send me info about including you in my will.”

My fast promotion ideas will not get you gifts fast.

Nothing will.

Planned gifts are part of your prospects’ large plans for the future. You don’t get into those plans from an email blast. You might get into them from six email blasts, spaced appropriately.

Want more ideas for Planned Giving promotion?

Get Going On Planned Giving from GuideStar
6 article, year-long Planned Giving series from GuideStar (just as relevant now as it was in 2010)
7 Tips For Small Shop Planned Giving from Claire Meyerhoff
8 Tips To Get Your Planned Giving Going from Karen Signoracci Suero

Planned gifts take a lot of time to close because lots of personal factors are in play. What would it take for you to put a charity in your will—alongside your spouse, children and grandchildren?

Don’t confuse—or let others confuse you about—quick promotion and quick gifts. The former is eminently doable in Planned Giving.

Quick gifts? Ignore the hype. They’re impossible in Planned Giving.

An image of the promotional postcard for Nonprofit Radio showing Tony Martignetti in the studio.

Nonprofit Radio for September 6, 2013: The Overhead Myth Letter Signers & Good Overhead, Bad Overhead

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Listen live or archive:

My Guests:

Art Taylor, Jacob Harold, and Ken Berger: The Overhead Myth Letter Signers

Art Taylor
Art Taylor
Jacob Harold
Jacob Harold
Ken Berger
Ken Berger







Written “To the Donors of America,”  The Overhead Myth letter created a lot of buzz in the nonprofit community this summer. My guests are the three co-signers, the CEOs of Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance, GuideStar, and Charity Navigator. Art Taylor, Jacob Harold and Ken Berger will explain what led up to the letter, why it was necessary and why they feel “many charities should spend more on overhead.”
Gene Takagi: Good Overhead, Bad Overhead

picture of Gene TakagiGene Takagi, our legal contributor, helps you understand what may be sensible and appropriate non-program expenses for your nonprofit, and what you should avoid. How do you protect your board, officers and employees, but not go overboard on overhead? Gene is principal of the Nonprofit & Exempt Organizations law group (NEO).


Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Fridays, 1-2PM Eastern

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Nonprofit Radio for August 30, 2013: Trim Tab Marketing & More Social, Now What?

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Listen live or archive:

My Guests:

James Heaton: Trim Tab Marketing

James HeatonJames Heaton is president and creative director of Tronvig Group. The metaphor of “trim tab” as one person who can move an entire society has professional and personal meaning for him. He explains how something small and seemingly insignificant can make a big difference in your marketing. And how to figure out what that small thing is. (Originally aired on July 20, 2012.)




Amy Sample Ward: More Social, So What?

Picture of Amy Sample WardAmy Sample Ward, our social media contributor, co-author of “Social Change Anytime Everywhere” and CEO of NTEN, has thoughts about how to manage the internal changes when you make social media a part of your office culture.





Top Trends. Sound Advice. Lively Conversation.

You’re on the air and on target as I delve into the big issues facing your nonprofit—and your career.

If you have big dreams but an average budget, tune in to Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio.

I interview the best in the business on every topic from board relations, fundraising, social media and compliance, to technology, accounting, volunteer management, finance, marketing and beyond. Always with you in mind.

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Fridays, 1-2PM Eastern

Sign-up for show alerts!

You can also subscribe on iTunes to get the podcast automatically.

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Gone Swimmin’

Large Gone Swimming photo
Image courtesy of JotoLo02, creative commons license

I’m on the beach this week, Bethany Beach in Delaware.

I’m offline, unplugged and out of touch. No calls. No emails. No texts.

There’s Nonprofit Radio this week (pre-recorded), but not the usual promotion on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

You won’t see me around.

I’m bodysurfing and napping on the beach. And pleasure reading, what a joy!

I hope you’re getting time this summer to disconnect from the online social networks. It’s important to take time for yourself.

This is my time.