Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%
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Tony’s Guests:

Recorded at the National Conference on Philanthropic Planning last week in San Antonio, Michael King of the National Christian Foundation shares the processes for closing gifts of unusual assets like collectibles, real estate and intellectual property.
Regular contributor, Maria Semple, The Prospect Finder, follows-up on her last spot by going into greater detail on making your small shop prospect research proactive.
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Dahna welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio for october fourteenth, two thousand eleven your aptly named host. This show is all about and always will be about big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I hope you were with me last week when it was excel in email execution. My first guest was dave pulis, ceo and chief consultant at granite partners, and he shared five elements of effective email marketing and had tips for list hygiene. I hope your list is practicing safely and then claire meyerhoff, editorial director at the plan giving company and principal of the plant e-giving agency, revealed how to write for email fund-raising so that your message gets opened, read and respond to do this week e-giving beyond the czech non-cash e-giving recorded at the national conference on philanthropic planning last week in san antonio, michael king of the national christian foundation shares the process for closing gift of unusual assets like collectibles, real estate and intellectual property. Then i’ll be joined by maria semple are regular prospect research contributor she’s, the prospect finder and she’s going to follow up on her last time on the show last month by going into greater detail on making your small shop prospect research proactive, and that segment is proactive. Prospect research between the segments. Tony’s take two at roughly thirty two minutes after the hour. The national conference on philanthropic planning, where i was in san antonio last week, i’ll say a little about that, and this week’s block post separate the juice from the pits. A juicer at a restaurant got me thinking about fund-raising i’ll talk about that. We’re live tweeting this show as we always do. The hashtag is non-profit radio all one word to join the conversation with us on twitter. Right now, we take a break, and when we return, it’ll be e-giving beyond the czech non-cash e-giving stay with me. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Dahna are you suffering from aches and pains? Has traditional medicine let you down? Are you tired of taking toxic medications, then come to the double diamond wellness center and learn how our natural methods can help you to hell? Call us now at to one to seven to one eight, one eight three that’s to one to seven to one eight one eight three or find us on the web at www dot double diamond wellness dot com way. Look forward to serving you. Is your marriage in trouble? Are you considering divorce? Hello, i’m lawrence bloom, a family law attorney in new york and new jersey. No one is happier than the day their divorce is final. My firm can help you. We take the nasty out of the divorce process and make people happy. Police call a set to one, two, nine six four three five zero two for a free consultation. That’s lawrence h bloom two, one two, nine, six, four, three five zero two. We make people happy. Hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com pompel welcome back, it’s, time now for my pre recorded interview with michael king, taken from the national conference on philanthropic planning, where i was just last week, talking about giving beyond the czech non-cash e-giving and here’s. That interview. Welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the national conference on philanthropic planning in san antonio, texas, were on the river walk in san antonio. And my guest right now is michael king, with the national christian foundation in alphabet of georgia. His seminar topic is giving beyond the check launching generosity with non-cash e-giving michael. Welcome to the show. Thank you, tony. Good to be here. A pleasure to have you. You you point out something interesting in your seminar description that most gif ts are cash but that’s not most of the assets that people hold. Why don’t you describe those numbers? Stores? Yeah. It’s. Very interesting. If you look at all of the charitable giving that is done in our country each year about three hundred billion over eighty percent of that giving is simply done in the form of cash. And of the remaining twenty percent. A lot of that is given in the form of maybe marketable securities war, household goods that are dropped off at the salvation army, your goodwill. And yet if you look at the composition of wealth in the nation, cash represents less than ten percent of what people own go. And so there’s this small pond that everyone is kind of fishing out of when there’s this ocean of additional opportunity that oftentimes just doesn’t come on to the radar screen of most charity he’s or donors or advisors. Now can non-cash gif ts be appropriate for small and midsize charities? It can be absolute, even in some of the, you know, the smallest charities that exist in local communities. It’s not unusual for them, tow have at least some, you know, wealthy, influential folks that might serve on their board or support their organization. A lot of ah gifting in this area that is that that could be a great opportunity is closely held business interests. And so even for some organizations that hold annual events, you know, oftentimes they’ll have businesses that will sponsor those events. And so right, there is a source of potential opportunity or folks that maybe interested for receptive e-giving interest in their business and probably have never even contemplated. And what about those again for the small midsize shop, the complexity? How would we’ll deal with some of the exact, you know, different types of assets, but sure, just generally these do require some expertise. How it’s too small a midsize shop to do about that? Yeah, that’s a good point, and i would even say there’s, no question there’s significant complexity to gifts of these these assets there can be no technical complexities, rial challenges in terms of liability that an organization might be subject to, so not only with small and midsize organizations, but even a lot of large organizations simply lack the manpower, expertise, knowledge to really facilitate these gifts in a meaningful way from my experience, there’s really only a handful of organizations that have a deep expertise in this realm, but a number of them are organized in such a way, often times they use a donor advised funds platform because some of the greatest benefits are able to be secured by that type of a structure. And so they do a lot of work with small, medium sized large organizations basically serving as a middleman so that those organizations don’t have to secure the full breath of that knowledge and expertise. Ok, but if they see opportunities, they can partner with some of these other organisations that will do much of that work while still directing those ultimate proceeds to that particular charity, how does the donor advised funds? Work? Well, the donor advised fundez in the context of charitable entities generally is probably the newest concept. Even though it’s been around since the nineteen twenties, it really wasn’t until the nineties, when the donor advised fund really kind of took off. People became very familiar with it. Much of that was facilitated by fidelity mutual fund company and so as more and more people have experienced this it’s really become one on opportunity for individuals with more modest means tohave, a charitable entity somewhat similar, very similar to a private foundation, without all the headaches and and hassles of dealing with a lot of the rules that apply there. But then, even for wealthy families, we have more and more families that are using the donor advised funds has an enhanced alternatives to a private foundation, michael white. Why is the donor advised funds more suitable for these types of non-cash gifts that we’re talking about yet, particularly when we’re dealing with non-cash assets? The nature of the charitable entity is of critical importance, and the reason for that is the deduction limitations that apply to a private foundation versus a public charity status like a donor advised funds sponsor. And so if you were to give appreciated assets other than marketable securities to a private foundation, the givers deduction would be limited to the lesser of the fair market value or basis. And so, therefore, if you have a business interest or a realist, a piece of real estate that was highly appreciated or depreciated for time. Jack purposes, you would only get a deduction for whatever basis you had on that basis is generally the caught your tax cost. It could be different if you earned it. If you got the asset through. Ah, requesting a will, but it’s, generally your tax cost in the in the asset, right, that’s correct. So you could end up. Your point is you can end up with a deduction that would be much lower then the fair market value. I mean, you’re much, much lower. Exactly. So take the take the situation, tony of a privately owned business. No, probably the common scenario is if a business is successful, it probably started in somebody’s garage or with moderate means and has little to no basis at all. So in those context, a private foundation is wholly ineffective in making gifts of that nature. But a donor advised funds or other public charity status entity will receive a full, fair market value deduction. And i think this distinction between this these these two entities is why so many opportunities in this realm are missed is because typically when somebody’s working charity or in advisors working with a wealthy family on they have a generous heart almost by default. We all think, oh, they need a private foundation. And if we’re working in the context of a private foundation, generally, these types of assets just aren’t appropriate. They won’t really leverage the tax benefits that they can if we’re using a donor advised funds or another five public charity status organization. So then a savvy gift planner at at a charity would recommend the donor advised funds over the private foundation for the reasons you describe it e-giving ending, ending the ending, the ending, you’re listening to the talking, alternate network, things getting thinking. Cubine are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping conscious people. Be better business people. Hi, this is psychic medium. Betsy cohen, host of the show. The power of intuition. Join me at talking alternative dot com mondays at eleven a. M call in for a free psychic reading. Learn how to tune into your intuition to feel better and to create your optimum life. I’m here to guide you and to assist you in creating life that you deserve. Listen every monday at eleven a, m on talking alternative dot com. Are you feeling overwhelmed in the current chaos of our changing times? A deeper understanding of authentic astrology can uncover solutions in every area of life. After all, metaphysics is just quantum physics. Politically expressed buy-in, montgomery, taylor and i offer lectures, seminars and private consultations. For more information, contact me at monte m o nt y at r l j media. Dot com talking alternative radio twenty four hours a day. I’m christine cronin, president of n y charities. Dahna you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Durney are there other vehicles methods of of giving that are not directly to the charity that are that are more suitable for these types of assets? I would say. Generally, the structure of the donor advised funds provides the greatest flexibility. But even in the context of business interest in real estate, they can certainly be combined with split interest arrangements like charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuities, charitable lead trusts, the complexity in that context mounts. But there could be some real advantages to incorporating those split interest arrangements in conjunction with non-cash assets as well. Okay, is a is a small or mid size shop likely tto find maybe expertise that could help with this on their board? Oh, and or let me put it differently, cause that’s obviously gonna vary by board aboard that’s, not that’s. Not well put what types of expertise might be required if if that that the charity would need if if the donor wasn’t interested in a donor, advised funds or for whatever reason, it wasn’t going to pursue that route. What types of expertise are needed? Yeah, the, you know, certainly a competent charitable in a state planning attorney and a very competent now. Is that for the representing the charity or you mean represented donor or one on each side? Yeah, i mean, theoretically, you could have one on each side, but to have somebody with just that the general knowledge to teo be ableto lay out a road map of hay here, the different issues we need to think through here the different structure and planning opportunities. It’s generally going tto be helpful toe have somebody with some fairly deep knowledge. From a technical standpoint, you did mention the board, and certainly the board can be ineffective. Resource, probably more so from the standpoint of identifying opportunities. Ok, ok, other expertise besides the person well steeped in the internal revenue code, who understands the implications of charitable giving? Yeah, not really. I mean on, especially if you if if you’re partnering with one of these organizations that does work in this area donorsearch vise fun platter, they typically have a pretty pretty significant breath of expertise. They’ll have accountants. Attorneys, though, of course, have the administrative folks that manage and maintain the donor advised funds platform. Yeah, i was thinking more of the charity that has a donor that doesn’t want to go, the donor advised funds away can’t go because you can’t afford or is not just doesn’t want to do the private foundation. What sort of what infrastructure does the charity need to have in place in terms of expertise before they can start talking to donors about these non-cash gift? Well, yeah, that’s a good question. Yeah, they certainly would benefit from having on the charity side on attorney your accountant well versed in these issues because the reality is those organizations, if they’re a standard five oh one c three public charity can take these assets in his well, so they don’t have the negative tax implications that the private foundation does, so they could certainly take these assets in themselves. They have the benefits that they be ableto provide to the families that they work with, and then it really would just be a matter of them being educated enough to be able to articulate the opportunities to the families that they’re working with. And then clearly those families are going to need to be represented also correct, these are very complex a cz you’ve mentioned transactions that khun involve the internal revenue code. Very d deeply, the person’s a state plan, et cetera. All right, yeah. So particularly in these in this type of planning, we always highly, highly encourage families to really involve their advisor team because of the complexity of those issues. And, you know, even if you have, ah charity that knows the family very well because of the technical issues that arise here, you know, there may be aspects of their business minute details that you know, they’re just not going to know that their attorney accountant might know, but it could be very important to the overall planning. What’s your advice about bringing in family members, let’s assume it’s, a husband and wife couple, they’re in their seventies. What about bringing in the children in that example, but could be other family members in a different example? Yeah, i think. It’s it’s, it’s i think it’s always great to involve children, grandchildren in charitable planning and endeavours to the greatest extent possible now, interestingly, when particularly when we’re dealing with family owned businesses. There’s a lot of planning that takes place in this charitable context that also involves succession planning within the family, so we will create structures. Where somebody might give interest in their business. Oh, and then ultimately, at some point, those interests are purchased from the children or a trust for their benefit and really serve as a mechanism or a component of the families ofthe overall succession plan, and by doing that, we can leverage not only family wealth transfer but charitable benefits as well. Aren’t we also minimizing the likelihood of any kind of a challenge to the gift if we if we inform and bring in other family members, so this is not a surprise to them, it can be depending on, you know, the the owner’s involved with a particular asset or business, even if they’re not family members. You know, if a charity all of a sudden becomes a shareholder in a business that can have impact and and raise issues for other shareholders, typically they’re not significant issues. I mean, generally speaking, the charity just simply becomes an additional shareholder to the organization. A lot of times, the family business is that we’re working with maybe owned holy in the family, just mom or dad or maybe some of the kids, but particularly when you get outside of that. And you might have nonreligious shareholders. They need to be aware of those implications and don’t always have the same objectives. So sometimes planning that might work well in a family contacts might not be applicable for somebody that has a business and they own it with non family. Were non related members let’s shift focus a little bit to the my voice is cracked sixteen years old to the er with a lot of gray hair to the different types of assets. What? Aside from cash and then appreciated securities or stock? What? What do we see as the the next or the most popular type of gift outside those arenas? Yeah, well, i think if you look at the three largest asset types in terms of the wealth composition in our country, they would be marketable securities, privately owned businesses in real estate, so that’s going to comprise the vast majority of wealth in the country. But there’s also lots of other types of assets. Intellectual property, collectibles, life insurance, oil and gas interests. Individual retirement accounts, there’s a lot of different assets that can provide leverage tax benefits as opposed to giving simply in the form of cash. In fact, a lot of times tony will say that there’s a lot of families that if they give chaired, give charitably in their generous, we suggest to them that it’s possible they should never make another cash gift in their life because these other asset type gifts non-cash asset yes, generally provide leverage, benefits. And so, as opposed to just simply capturing a charitable deduction, we might be able to get not only a charitable deduction, but we might be able to avoid capital gains tax. We might be able to secure income from that asset that will be exempt from tax so there’s typically kind of double or even triple benefits that can be captured with these other non-cash assets. So the families have a lot of those assets we say hey, yousa donor advised funds and use that as a storehouse so that you’re able to use these other assets when they’re converted to cash. Then give the cash out of the donor advised funds because you’re always able to leverage typically the tax benefits in that context. Let’s, look at the intellectual property gift. What are what are concerns there, let’s? Just say hypothetically, a donor comes in. She has authored some textbooks. Let’s say she has some physical books. Maybe she has let’s say a thousand books. She wants to give the books about that. Make it a school. So there’s some use for that and then. But then also she wants to give the intellectual property rights or copyright and whatever flows from that. What? What? What? What is the charity? Start asking? Where does it begin with that? To get that conversation started? Yeah, it’s. Interesting. Because there are numerous types of intellectual property patents, copyrights, trademarks, even things that we might not typically think of as an asset, like a process or a nohow that would fall into this category. So you specifically mentioned copyrights? Copyrights are kind of an interesting thing because there’s a unique rule that says, if you actually created the copyright, you are the author. You’re not going to be able to secure a charitable deduction for that just part of the rules. Now, if i had a copyright that i purchased from somebody else and all of a sudden it’s worth a lot of money, i purr argast you know the song writes of the beatles and then it appreciated in value, and i gave that away. I could secure a full, fair market value deduction so typically in a copyright situation, whether with an author or perhaps a musician, the primary objective or benefit there is once that asset is gifted, the royalty income that is produced from that asset escapes taxation with respect to the charity completely. So think about, you know, a major author, somebody that sold a book and is literally made multiple millions of dollars from that book if they’re in a position where they say, gee, i really don’t need all this income, they could give all or a portion of the copyright to that book, and then the royalty income that is then collected would go pro radha to the charity, and all of that income would escape taxation completely. Okay. And there’s still no deduction for the author who is the creator of the work? Correct for the continuing royalties? Yes. That’s correct. There’s there’s. No additional deduction now, let’s, let’s. Shift to a patent situation. Let’s say there’s something that somebody was able to patton the rules that apply there are that upon initial gift of that. Asset, the deduction that the giver will receive will be the lesser of fair market value or basis. Okay, we hear that again said that before you now there’s a special rule, though, that says for the next ten years you may be able to secure additional charitable deductions based on the royalty income that the charity actually receives. Oh, so different fromthe copyright example, we just had exactly. Yeah, and the reason they did this, tony, was they had i guess there were some people that were giving intellectual property rights that at least theoretically had some value, so they were getting a charitable deduction, but they weren’t really generating any income or usable cash that the charity could use. So they changed the rules and said, we’re not going to give you a big deduction up front. But if it is an asset that does, in fact, produce cash and benefits, charity will allow you charitable deductions for future years based on that, that income stream that the charity receives and the structure is kind of a sliding scale. So for the first two years, whatever the royalty income was that was collected, the giver would get one. Hundred percent deduction for that. Okay, and then it go ninety percent nineteen, seventy until it fades away. Okay. Okay. And the charity? Of course, khun still continue to get the royalty income for decades. It’s just that there won’t be a deduction for the donor. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, and i think in some context, you know, you think about some of the top authors out there. I’m not sure a lot of people completely understand or know how much revenue is generated from some of these books, but like the second best selling book of all time after the bible is rick warren’s a purpose driven life or the purpose driven life that book generated over fifty million dollars in royalty income and, you know, some of the political books barack obama, sarah palin oftentimes those books generated as much as ten million dollars or more in revenue, so you could see that if somebody has somebody someone that says g i don’t i don’t need all of that. I don’t need all that tend this kind of a windfall. I never dreamed that i’d write a book in it have this windfall there’s some phenomenal opportunities to really benefit charitable organizations in an incredible way. I think you said earlier that donor could give a portion of the royalties. Correct. Is that right? Okay. Yeah. There’s an issue there that you have to be very careful about. Because there’s a roller concept referred to as the partial interest rules, which basically says, if you give just a part of an asset that you own, you’re not going to get a charitable deduction, you have to give the entire interest and that can come into play here if somebody were to say, hey, i have this patent i want to retain the patent, but i want to give to charity a royalty stream. You can’t do that and secure charitable deduction. You would have to give a portion of both the patent itself, along with the royalty income that attach is to that. But even that portion is sufficient. Yes. Yeah. Sounds to me like the portion would be partial. Yeah. It’s, it’s, it’s. A bit confusing. Really? Get into some technicalities here, but you’re able to give an undivided interest of the hole. So if you give a twenty percent interest in both the patent and the associate id royalty string that doesn’t run afoul of these partial interest rules, although typically we would think justin regular definitions that, well, that’s a partial interests. But for purposes of the tax code, partial interest is not defined in a way that would include that type of construction. We’re seeing a very good example of what we talked about earlier in terms of the charity being properly advised with someone who has this knowledge and expertise because to the layperson, twenty percent is partial, right? It’s. Exactly. Right. Okay, but it’s not in the internal revenue code. And so when you have that need for expertise, we have just about a minute left. Or so we got into a lot of detail about intellectual property. Uh, if someone is approached about closely held business interest, really, as i said, just about a minute. What? What do they need to do? Tow? Just continue that conversation. What are they thinking about? The threshold? Yeah. There’s. Really? Two context. Big picture context. Where opportunities air created with a closely held business interest one is, if they’re expecting a sail on the near term horizon, they would simply give a portion of that. Business before the sale occurs, and therefore, in addition to getting the charitable deduction, they would also be able to avoid or at least reduced dramatically, the capital gains tax that would otherwise apply upon sale. So that’s one context the other contacts is when there isn’t a sail on the horizon, they want to give a business interest, and it may be held for years. There are opportunities there to give relatively small interests in the business on an annual basis to maximize the annual charitable deductions. So in other words, they capture significant tax benefits but are only e-giving small interest in their business. A lot of families will do this every year. The deduction thresholds under our tax code, our extraordinarily generous all of us could give up the fifty percent of our income in the form of cash and get a deduction. And if we’re dealing with a non-cash asset, we could deduct up to thirty percent of our income, but most people come not even close to capturing those full benefits, so lots of opportunities in that context, we have to leave it there. Michael king is with the national christian foundation in alphabet a georgia michael’s. A pleasure having you as a guest. Thanks, tony. Good to be here, my privilege. We’ve been talking about giving beyond the czech launching generosity with non-cash e-giving, and you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of the national conference on philanthropic planning in san antonio two thousand eleven. That was my pre recorded interview with michael king, my thanks to him and the folks at the national conference on philanthropic planning. Right now, we’re going to take a break, then tony’s, take two and after that proactive prospect research with maria simple, so stay with us. You’re listening to the talking alternative network. Are you feeling overwhelmed in the current chaos of our changing times? A deeper understanding of authentic astrology can uncover solutions in every area of life. After all, metaphysics is just quantum physics. Politically expressed buy-in, montgomery, taylor and i offer lectures, seminars and private consultations. For more information, contact me at monte m o nt y at r l j media. Dot com are you concerned about the future of your business for career? Would you like it all to just be better? Well, the way to do that is to better communication, and the best way to do that is training from the team at improving communications. This is larry sharp, host of the ivory tower radio program and director at improving communications. Does your office needs better leadership, customer service sales, or maybe better writing, are speaking skills. Could they be better at dealing with confrontation conflicts, touchy subjects all are covered here at improving communications. If you’re in the new york city area, stopped by one of our public classes, or get your human resource is in touch with us. Website is improving communications, dot com, that’s, improving communications, dot com, improve your professional environment, be more effective, be happier, and make more money improving communications, that’s the answer. Hey, all you crazy listeners looking to boost your business? Why not advertise on talking alternative with very reasonable rates? Interested simply email at info at talking alternative dot com oh! Dahna hi there. Welcome back. Time for tony’s. Take two. Always at roughly thirty two minutes after the hour. So, as you heard in the first segment, i was in san antonio last week for the national conference on philanthropic planning. Recorded eighteen interviews in the two days that we were on the exhibit hall floor. There was a lot of buzz got a lot of buzz around the show and people would stop and watch the interviews. I was doing them, but i got a lot of great content for the show, and i’ll be playing those over the next coming months. Those eighteen interviews. My thanks to the conference organizers that worked out very well for for us and for the show. I think for them, i mean, and for the show and my block post this week is separate the juice from the pits. I was looking at a juicer in a restaurant here in the city a while ago, and it just got me thinking about, um, separating valuable work and necessary things that we have to do from the distractions that we can either take on ourselves or have foisted on us. And it got me. Thinking about fundraisers doing that so fundraisers, if you are engaged in things that you think are a distraction from your principal job and the things you hopefully enjoyed doing the most, which is meeting people, then take a look at those things that distracting you critically and try to get out from underneath a mme i’m thinking it might be administrative responsibilities that a boy a boss gives you that aren’t directly related to fund-raising could also be professional association, that committee work that you take on. Um, look at these things critically and see if there really supporting you in your primary job and if they’re not. If you feel like they’re keeping you away from that or distraction, try teo extricate yourself from them so that you can spend more time doing the things that you really love and that are your primary responsibility. And that is my block post this week again, the post is separate the juice from the pits, my blog’s that m p g a d v dot com and that is tony’s take two for friday, october fourteenth. Very pleased now tohave back-up maria semple maria is the prospect finder you’ll find her at the prospect finder dot com and she’s, the author of panning for gold hae networth prospects. Now, maria, welcome. Good to have you back. Thanks, county. Thanks for having me, it’s. A pleasure as always. S so we’re talking about proactive prospect research following up on what we talked about last month for small shops. Why is it just remind people why is it better to be proactive than just reactive? Well, if you could set aside some time in your development cycle, maybe some laws or even if you could get a disciplined is putting some time on the calendar at least once a month to do some proactive prospecting. It will continually generate a new pool of people. I guess in a sales world they would call it, you know, filling your funnel with prospects. And so if you could kind of have that mindset is always being in a mode of trying to connect with new people. It was going to help your your non-profit organization tremendously. As with any initiative, that’s knew we look to the board initial t get started. Is that right? I think that would be a good idea if you can harness your boardmember to bring to the table perhaps three new names to start on. We’re talking about people who could be potentially major gift prospects for the organisation, right and that’s, however, they define major e-giving right, exactly, and that does very greatly non-profits provoc some places that maybe a thousand dollars in other places that maybe twenty five thousand, right, exactly. Okay, so we’re asking each boardmember for two to three people is that if they can bring those names to the table and then you can research them a little bit further and then devised some sort of perhaps the cultivation event to start engaging some of these additional people for your non-profit so this is a way to involve board members in the development cycle, even if they’re not directly involved in the ask if they can at least get involved in the identification phase of the development cycle, that would be really helpful for you. Okay, wait delegating this to a specific committee on the board, or we’re asking the board at large well, again here, it depends on the size of the non-profit if you have a separate development committee, that would be great to delegate that taft to them, but if you don’t have the committee, i would involve the entire board having them understand that. You know, the goal here is to increase the major gift pool of prospect, okay? And you suggested that then there then be some kind of a follow-up event to invite new people, i presume we could ask a boardmember tau host that event or we could do something different? Yes, you could definitely have it at a boardmember home, or you could have it at your non-profit organization again here, depending on the type of non-profit you have, if you have something going on at your organization that you really want to showcase, maybe you have a stellar charter school or daycare center, so we might make sense to have more of a breakfast type event prior to the opening of the location. And then once the location is spilling over into the time slot, perhaps when the location is open so that you can then give people some guided tours through the facility and they can get a real sense of what this places like when it’s buzzing with kids, you know, so it really depends on the non-profit but it works really well to have a small, intimate gathering in a boardmember homos well and remember it’s a cultivation event, it’s not an ask event. So the ask does not happen at the event you’re there to inform latto really, you know, come across with the passion for the organization on keep it to the time slot that you have indicated to people that the event will take place when you talk to boards about this, what do you asking them to look for him? And i understand it’s ah, major give prospect. But how did they how did the board members individually try toe identify the right people. Teo, get there there two or three each? Okay, well, if they don’t personally know some people who fall into that category, they maybe only several degrees separated away from some of those people. One way would be for them to kind of be your ambassadors in helping you to continually can the newspapers, for example, of the who’s who in your community who’s getting involved in other large non-profits who is committed to perhaps some similar types of non-profits and whether they’re subscribing to the hard copy of the newspapers, or they’re assisting you by doing some targeted searches, your local libraries will have access to your local papers and a search functionality of art to search the archives and and toe look at daily copies of the newspapers online, so if they’re willing to at least get involved in that, or perhaps be willing to help you by setting up some google alert regarding where your community might be coming up named on specific pages of google websites and so forth, that might be really helpful to you in terms of trying to bring new names a light yes, so you can delegate some of what you might think you have to do you as the executive director or the development director might feel that you have to take on some of this could be delegated teo to some board members? Absolutely, especially if you have a boardmember who is really internet savvy? This would be a great task to delegate to them. This is going to be something that they’re going to be seeing feeling very comfortable about doing it’s going to be something very simple, they’ll understand what it is. You’re looking for and they will, people altum just really simply set up these types of searches for themselves and it’s going to help you in killing your prospect pipeline let’s talk a little about actually approaching the people, so now let’s, take a step back, let’s go to the board members, the people that they know personally, so not yet looking at newspapers or other publications, but the people they know personally, what do you train board members to say to the people that they want to invite to the types of events for talking about? First of all, i think that the passion and commitment for their organization must really come through, so they are ambassadors for the non-profit so their enthusiasm, their reasons for joining your organization and being committed to it and hopefully by the way committed is not only in time that money as well, so they shouldn’t be asking somebody to come to the table and learn more about the organization if they haven’t financially commited at whatever level they’re able to do for that organization so they may approach them by saying, you know what? I have this organization i’m involved with you. May have heard me talk about it. X, y. Z non-profit i’m really committed to this organization. You and i have talked in the past about how important it is to solve this specific problem in our communities. I’d love for you to come out and learn a little bit more about what we’re doing to solve this problem and see if it resonates with you, there won’t be an ass. We will not ask you for money that evening, but we’d like for you to just take some time out of your scheduled to come out and learn more, and you have to recognize to that this is often an exchange, some people we’ll invite their friends to the organizations that there supporting and then the expectation is that those friends air probably going to do the same. So as an executive director of darryl development director, you understand, understand that you’re not asking somebody to do something that isn’t that isn’t all that common, right? It’s probably already being asked of the boardmember, you know, on the other side as you just presented, so yeah, absolutely there these people are probably very accustomed to attending events that their friends have invited them to, um what about so now? Going beyond what you were starting refer to local newspapers, you might look at who other charities are cultivating and working with in those in those newspapers. Yeah, so you might if you are a a local organization. Let’s say, your your mission is health care related, but you see, or perhaps a small local community health center, it might be interesting to take a look at who some of the major donors are supporting the larger regional hospitals in the area and other health, larger health initiatives. If you have any major presence of cancer societies or association heart association, american heart association, so something like that might be useful for you as well. You can do that by prospecting the websites of those organizations or calling them for their annual report. Um, there are some sea bass resource is that do compile thiss type of information. All name two of them off the top of my head nose and see a we’ve talked about that one before knows, and then also i wave dot com has a list of donors that air captain. All this information, though, is really pulled from annual report, so if you are very localized in your mission and your geographic scope, that might be overkill, but if you’re you know, you could just contact the local non-profits directly to try and compiled some of those nameless and in just a minute or so that we have left before a break, how would the organization contact these types of people who we don’t have a relationship with what we found the ways you’re describing, best thing would be to bring those names to the light of the board members again here the ambassador is your organization. So before any direct outreach is made, see if there’s any way to get a warm introduction to any of these individuals, um and lengthen might even be a tool to help you in that regard. To find out how many degrees you may be separated from someone or see, the board is willing to run some of these names through their own lincoln accounts to see how many degrees they may be separated. So that’s a terrific tool for you to use and it’s a free tool. Your suggestion about asking boardmember xyz that’s sounds like literally you give them a list of names of potential prospects that that the organization has found and asking, what do you know them? Do you know anybody who knows them, that kind of thing, right? You’re proactively bringing names to the table that they should be littering as away. You know, how can we gain entree to these individuals? These are people who care about this particular cause in our community. Is there any way we can? What is the path to this individual? Is there any way you can help lead us there? We have to take a break. I’m talking to maria simple, the prospect finder, and after this break, we’ll continue. So stay with us. Talking alternative radio, twenty four hours a day. Are you stuck in your business or career trying to take your business to the next level, and it keeps hitting a wall? This is sam liebowitz, the conscious consultant. I will help you get to the root cause of your abundance issues and help move you forward in your life. Call me now and let’s. Create the future you dream of. Two, one, two, seven, two, one, eight, one, eight, three, that’s to one to seven to one, eight one eight three. The conscious consultant helping huntress people be better business people. This is tony martignetti aptly named host of tony martignetti non-profit radio. They get non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent technology fund-raising compliance, social media, small and medium non-profits have needs in all these areas. My guests are expert in all these areas and mohr. Tony martignetti non-profit radio friday’s one to two eastern on talking alternative broadcast do you want to enhance your company’s web presence with an eye catching and unique website design? Would you like to incorporate professional video marketing mobile marketing into your organization’s marketing campaign? Mission one on one media offers a unique marketing experience that will set you apart from your competitors, magnify your brand exposure and enhance your current marketing effort. Their services include video production and editing, web design, graphic design photography, social media management and now introducing mobile market. Their motto is we do whatever it takes to make our clients happy. Contact them today. Admission one one media dot com talking. If you have big ideas but an average budget, tune into tony martignetti non-profit radio for ideas you can use. I do. I’m dr robert panna, author of the non-profit outcomes toolbox. Welcome back and we’re talking to the prospect finder maria simple, our regular prospect research contributor samaria we’ve identified these people what’s the what’s the best way to start tio reach out to them should it be the people who we don’t have close relationships with by letter or by phone call or yeah, you might want to make sure that you at least add them into your database, so they start getting invitations to upcoming events that you might be hosting. Um, if you have, uh, if you have some way reaching out to them individually again here, you know, if you’re short staffed that’s going to be very difficult to be able to do, but at the very minimum, if you can at least get maybe even an intern to help start, get gathering information and even looking up their addresses on something like a four one one dot com or switchboard dot com free directory. Also, there are directories that you can look up information related to property assessments. So of course, there you’ll be able to get the name and address of individuals who live in your specific towns. So there are some free sites to go to to get that information as well. If you’re having trouble getting address, what are what are a couple of those free from one of the areas and this is probably available in most states here in new jersey, where i’m based use website called my central jersey dot com, which is actually a compilation of several newspapers in the state, and they have a link on their website called data universe and within data universities brought together a bunch of different public records. Database is one of them have to do with property records, so that is a really neat way to get into the property. Record databases it’s really easy to search you. You start with the county and then focus it down by town. And then you can either input the name of the street or in put the name of an individual auntie where their addresses in that specific town so that’s a free resource for you to be able to use it sounds like this prospect review work is something that’s ongoing. We don’t just do it once a year or something, right? I would recommend that they that they do it on going. As well on dh, you know, want one area that i did want to focus on today as well. Tony is not to overlook the successful business owners in the community, and here there are some very easy ways to be able to track what’s going on with successful businesses. And unfortunately, the press these days seems to really focus so much on the negative. How much is not going well in in thie economy to business markets, etcetera. But there are some companies that are doing okay, so if you are able to track and get subscriptions to or at least access daily online, the business publication that covers your state here in new jersey, it’s uh, nj biz new york city has crane’s new york. So whatever that business publication is that covers your state subscribed to it, and i even get daily alert from nj dot com that pushes information out to me on a daily basis of what’s going on. You need to get into a mindset of keeping up with what’s going on in the community. I don’t know how many of your listeners have read the millionaire next store, but a lot of the people that are profiled in that book are successful, self made business owners. So for those of you who have non-profit boards that really want to focus on let’s, just reach out to the big local corporations in the area. I’m not saying don’t do that, but it might be just as easy or easier to focus on where are the overlooked, successful business owners that are in businesses that are not getting a lot of press but yet are very successful. So the millionaire next store is really great for helping you identify what some of those businesses might look like. Um, also, publications such as nj biz will compile annually what they call their book of list and again all the business major business publications do this. This book of lists will profile for you, say, the top fifty accounting firms engineering firms. You know all these different sectors and gives you contact information. Full contact info who’s. Running the company, etcetera. There is very little distinction between who’s running the company. You know, the business owner on these private businesses and the business themselves. So your approach might either be to the business or to the individual. But either way, you’re really getting to the same person you mentioned the alerts that nj biz offers and you’ve mentioned earlier today and another times to the google alerts. I mean, these are all great free resource is that used to be what we would call clipping services, right? Absolutely, absolutely, i have free alert set up through google, so that information is pushed to me on a daily basis. So for example, i’m really interested in keeping up with what is going on in the prospect, a research arena. I’m also very interested in knowing what’s going on in the high network arena, so i actually have google alerts set up on the phrase prospect research on the phrase hi network, google goes out daily minds the internet for where those phrases are mentioned on websites or blog’s or news articles, etcetera magazines pushes the links to me, and then i can peruse them very quickly and determine which ones of those are very interesting for me to take a look at more and more in depth, so again, it it enables you to put something on autopilot whenever you have that chance to do that, please do. It just in the minute or so that we have left before we have to wrap up. There are ways of looking for family foundations that may be local to the community also, right? Right? Absolutely. So there are free resources and fi based resources to be able to do this. You can do it through your local foundation center. Cooperating collection. You’ll have the database available there. Ah, foundation search dot com is a sea bass to resource for you to be able to do this as well. And guide star guidestar dot org’s. So if you have your own non-profit listed with guide star, you could have access to their premium level of searching for free. Actually, if you help to maintain your own non-profits dahna status and presence on guide star so it has a double benefit there. So there are definitely some ways for you to start prospecting for family foundations, the’s air people taking philanthropy to another level on i highly recommend that you consider looking at this pool of individuals. Well, maria semple is our regular prospect research contributor. You will find her at the prospect finder dot com she’s also the author of panning for gold find high net worth prospects now she’ll be with us again next month. Maria, thank you very much. Thank you again for having me, tony. Always upleaf. Thank you. You always a pleasure. Bye. Now. I want to thank maria semple. And also thank michael king and the folks at national conference on philanthropic planning for all their accommodations when we were on the exhibit floor at their conference in san antonio last week. Next week. So you want to be a consultant guest, hank goldstein and i talked about the ins and outs the ups and downs of making a career move to non-profit consultant. And we’ll have jonah helper and ari team in in the studio with me to talk about next year’s or this year’s. Sorry. This year’s next-gen charity conference it’s next month in november. There the conference co founders and this show is a media sponsor for the conference. Keep up with what’s coming up for pete’s sake. Please sign a province. Cider email alerts go to the facebook page. You know where to find facebook, then just searched the name of this show. Sign up for those if you like the show, please click the like button you can listen live or archive, you’ve been listening live, so listen, archive goto, itunes, you’ll find us at non-profit radio dot net that is our itunes paige. You can listen to all the shows archived on your computer, your smartphone or tablet, the device of your choice. I’m on twitter. You can follow me. You could follow the show using the hashtag non-profit radio used that often use it aggressively. Our creative producer is claire meyerhoff, our line producer and the owner of talking alternative broadcasting is sam liebowitz. Our social media is done expertly by regina walton of organic social media. I hope you’ll be with me next friday, one to two p, m eastern at talking alternative broadcasting, always found at talking alternative dot com. I didn’t think getting thinking. You’re listening to the talking alternate network. Duitz get in. Yeah. Nothing. Good. 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