All posts by Tony Martignetti

Nonprofit Radio for January 7, 2011: Enviable eNewsletters & Bank of America High Net Worth Study


There were technical problems on Friday, Dec. 17th and Dec. 31st, which kept the show from streaming. We recorded it on the 17th, but it hasn’t aired yet, despite attempts.

It’s a good show for Pete’s sake, so tune in this Friday.

By the way, iTunes is coming REALLY soon.  This month.

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Compliance. Board relations. Fundraising. Technology. Volunteer management. Accounting. Finance. Marketing. Social media. Investments.

Every nonprofit faces these issues and big nonprofits have experts in each. Small and medium size nonprofits have Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts throughout the country join Tony to take on the tough issues facing your organization.

Episode 20 of Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio for December 17, 2010

Tony’s Guests:
Scott Koegler, editor, Nonprofit Technology News.

Scott is our regular tech contributor.

Enviable eNewsletters: How to create the strongest eNewsletters that move your donors & volunteers to action.  Scott shares his “7 Tips for Success.”

Claire Costello, the National Foundation Executive for Philanthropic Management at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Bank of America High Net Worth Study: What’s in the numbers and what do they mean for you?

You can download the study here: 2010 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy and on the show’s media page.

Here is the link to the podcast: 022: High Net Worth Study & 7 Principles for a Successful Newsletter

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Friday, 1-2pm Eastern.

You can subscribe on iTunes and listen anytime, anyplace on the device of your choosing.

Sign-up for show alerts!

“Like” the show’s Facebook page.

Sexism Confirmed

Office sexual harassmentWhat a way to start off a New Year!

I feel naive.

I posed a question last November: “Do Professional Women Still Face Sexism?” I should have skipped the interrogatory and gone straight to the declarative, “Professional Women Still Face Sexism.” Every comment confirms what I feared, but wasn’t certain about.

I have no uncertainty now.

It seems the best we can conclude is that women are better off than they were 40 years ago, but sexism–overt and subtle–remains. “Better off than 40 years ago” doesn’t give me great comfort.

This disturbs me because nonprofit fundraising is predominantly female. Something like two-thirds of fundraisers are women. I don’t like my colleagues suffering. I’m sure the stories run much deeper, more hurtful and more dangerous than the disrespect reflected in your comments to my first post. I wonder if every woman recalls a serious incident while reading this. I’m sorry.

For a week, I’m disabling the requirement to provide an email address to post a comment. If you have a story you want to share in total anonymity, use a bogus name (so I and others have something to refer to) and tell your story.

Male sexism doesn’t stop with professional colleagues; it runs to donors. (It obviously runs into personal lives, too.) A comment from LinkedIn describes how a fundraiser has been ignored after expressing interest in making planned gifts to nonprofits where she is a donor. Her friends have suffered the same disregard. She says they have, “dropped hints, left messages, sent emails or boldly said” they want to include gifts in their estates. They’re ignored. I’m astounded.

I apologize for my viridity.

I’m not going to preach to men. If you’re over 12 and haven’t learned equality, nothing I say will teach you.

It’s all very sad.

Nonprofit Radio for Dec. 31, 2010: Enviable eNewsletters & Bank of America High Net Worth Study


There were big technical problems on Friday, Dec. 17th, which kept the show from streaming. We recorded it, but it didn’t go out. So, the High Net Worth Study and Enviable Newsletters show will be streamed on New Year’s Eve, 12/31, during the regular show time.

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Compliance. Board relations. Fundraising. Technology. Volunteer management. Accounting. Finance. Marketing. Social media. Investments.

Every nonprofit faces these issues and big nonprofits have experts in each. Small and medium size nonprofits have Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts throughout the country join Tony to take on the tough issues facing your organization.

Episode 20 of Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio for December 17, 2010

Tony’s Guests:
Scott Koegler, editor, Nonprofit Technology News.

Scott is our regular tech contributor.

Enviable eNewsletters: How to create the strongest eNewsletters that move your donors & volunteers to action.

Claire Costello, the National Foundation Executive for Philanthropic Management at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Bank of America High Net Worth Study: What’s in the numbers and what do they mean for you?

You can download the study here: 2010 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy and on the show’s media page.

Here is the link to the podcast: 022: High Net Worth Study & 7 Principles for a Successful Newsletter

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Friday, 1-2pm Eastern.

You can subscribe on iTunes and listen anytime, anyplace on the device of your choosing.

Sign-up for show alerts!

“Like” the show’s Facebook page.

I Admire A Man I’ve Never Heard Of: Judge Samuel King

Samuel P. King, Federal Judge, interviewed by Leslie Wilcox on PBS' Long Story Short (click the image for the YouTube video promo.)

Judge Samuel King challenged prominent leadership for the good of a charity. Before his death I had never heard of him. His New York Times obituary popped up on a recent Google alert.

Recognizing malfeasance among the leaders of the richest U.S. charity in 1995, he co-authored a 1997 critical essay that led to investigations by Hawaii’s attorney general and the IRS. Ultimately the trustees were removed. The New York Times tells the story.

In 2010, that would be akin to charging Gates Foundation leadership with fraud and self-dealing.

Judge King stood up for the rights of the charitable trust and those it served by blowing the whistle on wrongdoing at the top of the nation’s charitable community. I admire the man for that.

Plus I like his sense of humor (see the obit’s last paragraph).

My Advice: Register for NextGen:Charity 2011

The gents who co-founded the inaugural NextGen:Charity conference this year are offering a deep, deep discount on registration for next year’s NextGen.

Jonah Halper and Ari Teman priced early registration at $150 for the 2-day conference.  Standard registration is $650.

You save $500, or 77%.  No brainer.

Early registration has been available for about a month and it ends on December 25th.  Next year’s dates are November 17-18 in New York City.  Register at the NextGen website.

The conference mission is “to help you run your organization more effectively and efficiently, and connect with donors and your community more powerfully.”  You can see the marquee name presenters they had this year.  If you scroll down from that august array–you’ll see me.

Aside from delivering a workshop on day two, on the first day I interviewed 10 of the superstars for my radio show. You sit with these people face-to-face for 15 or 20 minutes and you have to walk away impressed.  I’m certain next year’s lineup will be equally inspiring and influential.  Jonah and Ari know they have to deliver.

Whatever your faith or nationality, buy yourself a valuable and right-priced Christmas gift–before Boxing Day.