Tag Archives: Robert Sharpe

Nonprofit Radio for Dec. 3, 2010: How To Cripple Your Career & Tax Policy

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Compliance. Board relations. Fundraising. Technology. Volunteer management. Accounting. Finance. Marketing. Social media. Investments.

Every nonprofit faces these issues and big nonprofits have experts in each. Small and medium size nonprofits have Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts throughout the country join Tony to take on the tough issues facing your organization.

Episode 18 of Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio for December 3, 2010

Tony’s Guests:

Robert Sharpe – Robert Sharpe, Jr. is president of The Sharpe Group. He has over 25 years of nonprofit fund development and consulting experience. He has helped hundreds of leading nonprofit organizations and institutions plan, develop, and implement successful major gift planning and endowment development efforts.

Topic: How To Cripple Your Career In 5 Easy Steps.  You’ll learn how Planned Giving fundraisers can shoot their careers in the foot. My interview with Robert from the National Conference on Philanthropic Planning continues with part 2.

Emily Lam & Perry Wasserman – Emily has worked in the Office of Tax Policy at the Treasury Department. Now she is with a prestigious D.C. law firm. Perry is a lobbyist who works exclusively with nonprofits.

Topic: “Tax Policy & The Future Of Philanthropic Planning.  These two also joined me at NCPP to talk about what a new Congress might hold for nonprofits. This was recorded before November’s election, but we were pretty certain the election would turn out as it did.

Here is the link to the podcast: 020: Career Killers and Legislative Update

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Friday, 1-2pm Eastern.

You can subscribe on iTunes and listen anytime, anyplace on the device of your choosing.

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Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio for October 29, 2010

Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%

Compliance. Board relations. Fundraising. Technology. Volunteer management. Accounting. Finance. Marketing. Social media. Investments.

Every nonprofit faces these issues and big nonprofits have experts in each. Small and medium size nonprofits have Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. Trusted experts throughout the country join Tony to take on the tough issues facing your organization.

Episode 15 of Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio for October 29, 2010

Tony’s Guests:

Paula Marks

I’m Looking: Savvy Strategies for Your Search: A nonprofit job-seeker, Leonora Scala, gets advice from our expert recruiter, Paula Marks, Managing Director with Gilbert Tweed International, on spiffing-up the resume; emphasizing strengths; where to look; networking; interviewing; and using social media for search. Paula’s tips will help you in your own search, whether it’s today or in the future.

  • Here’s the current resume for Leonora Scala. It’s all corporate. After she and Paula revise it to appeal to nonprofits, we’ll post the revision so you can compare the two.

Robert Sharpe

How To Cripple Your Career In 5 Easy Steps, Part 1: In partnership with The Chronicle of Philanthropy, I interviewed Robert at the National Conference on Philanthropic Planning. He shares how Planned Giving fundraisers can shoot their career in the foot. Robert has decades of experience witnessing the shooting matches fundraisers have with themselves. Maybe you should forward this to someone you know? (Part 2 will be broadcast on a future show.)

Here is the link to the podcast: 016: Savvy Strategies for Your Search & How To Cripple Your Career In 5 Easy Steps

When and where: Talking Alternative Radio, Friday, 1-2pm Eastern.

You can subscribe on iTunes and listen anytime, anyplace on the device of your choosing.

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“Like” the show’s Facebook page.


Here is the link to the podcast: 011: How to Make-or Ruin-Your Nonprofit Career
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Raymund and I Talk To Robert Sharpe

Raymund Flandez, reporter for The Chronicle of Philanthropy, and I sat down to talk planned giving career busters with Robert Sharpe. Robert’s conference seminar is “How to Cripple Your Career in 5 Easy Steps.” That’s an unusual topic for the man typically devoted to the strategies around planned and major giving.

Robert Sharpe
What a great format for an easy interview and blog post. Here are Robert’s career cripplers:

  • Fail to understand Planned Giving.
  • Fail to understand donor motivations–what drives people to give.
  • Don’t know your market–who makes what types of planned gifts.
  • Don’t work closely with other fundraisers.
  • Ignore the economics of giving.

Sound advice for anyone looking for a pink slip.

We also explored the advantages that small and mid-size fundraising shops enjoy. They’re quick-acting, can build stronger relationships and don’t have to seek approval before picking up the phone to call a donor.

The full, 35-minute interview will be on Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. To find out which show, go the the Facebook page and sign-up for our email alerts.