Raymund Flandez, reporter for The Chronicle of Philanthropy, and I sat down to talk planned giving career busters with Robert Sharpe. Robert’s conference seminar is “How to Cripple Your Career in 5 Easy Steps.” That’s an unusual topic for the man typically devoted to the strategies around planned and major giving.

- Fail to understand Planned Giving.
- Fail to understand donor motivations–what drives people to give.
- Don’t know your market–who makes what types of planned gifts.
- Don’t work closely with other fundraisers.
- Ignore the economics of giving.
Sound advice for anyone looking for a pink slip.
We also explored the advantages that small and mid-size fundraising shops enjoy. They’re quick-acting, can build stronger relationships and don’t have to seek approval before picking up the phone to call a donor.
The full, 35-minute interview will be on Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio. To find out which show, go the the Facebook page and sign-up for our email alerts.