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Alison Dorsey: LinkedIn Volunteer Marketplace
Alison Dorsey is the social impact manager at LinkedIn. She wants you to understand the value of their Volunteer Marketplace and how to use it.
Vikki Jones & Christine Hughes: Stop Talking At Me!

Vikki Jones and Christine Hughes will help you avoid common problems and improve your internal communications between people and departments. Christine is director of individual giving and external relations at Westchester Medical Center Foundation and Vikki is planned giving officer at Weill Cornell Medical College. (Recorded at Fundraising Day 2014)
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Hello and welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. I’m your aptly named host. Oh, i’m glad you’re with me. I’d be stricken with calla boma if i saw that you missed today’s show linked in volunteermatch it place. Allison dorsey is the social impact manager at linked in she wants you to understand the value of their volunteermatch it place and how to use it and stop talking at me. Vicky jones and christine hughes will help you avoid common problems and improve your internal communications between people and departments. Christine is director of individual giving and external relations at westchester medical center foundation, and vicky is planned giving officer at weill cornell medical college that was recorded at fund-raising day twenty fourteen and both segments today are from the november seventh twenty fourteen show. And for that reason, you’re going to hear some live listener love that is spurious and erroneous because i didn’t quite give sam the show information about which one we’re going to use in time and it just it gets all complicated. You you really you don’t want to know how the sausage gets made just suffice to say today’s sausage has a little bit of trichinosis, so just a couple of cells, so make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after. After touching the rock show on tony’s, take two my charity registration webinar we’re sponsored by pursuant full service fund-raising data driven and technology enabled, you’ll raise more money pursuant dot com, and by we be spelling supercool spelling bee fundraisers. We be spelling dot com here is alison dorsey from that november seven twenty fourteen show i’m very pleased to welcome from california. Allison dorsey she’s, the social impact manager at lincoln, helping linked in members connect with non-profit opportunities. She also works with non-profits to build their brands and identify talent, and she leads lengthens veterans initiative on twitter follow-up at linkedin for good that’s the number four and, of course, the arabic number four don’t use the roman ivy linked in arabic number four good ilsen dorsey, welcome to the show. Thanks so much for having me, tony. I’m glad you’re in from california san matteo, is that right? Yeah, we’re in mount view it’s great to be in new york, a mountain view we’ll get sent matteo from i’m from near sama. Tasks okay. Are you one of the got to know? Are you one of the aipo billionaire? If only now i’m not going after that? We don’t have a billionaire on the show now. Not today. Unfortunately, both of us. Yeah. Okay. Um, what’s it like working there. I mean, that’s a pretty high energy place. Yeah. World famous world known. I don’t know how many members there are, but ten lines. Yeah, over three hundred twenty million. Two hundred twenty million. Okay, hundreds of millions what’s it like working in a place like that. It’s exciting, i think it’s a lot like you see about silicon valley fun culture. You know, we have the ping pong tables and all the people running around having a good time and it’s also a lot of people working really hard and we get, you know, there’s always the profiles of the super genius engineers who are creating the tools. And we definitely have that. Yeah, okay, they barefoot in the winter time. California that’s. It doesn’t matter that sometimes they are, but doesn’t get that. I went to carnegie mellon. Where were computer science majors? And they were they’d be barefoot or they’d be flip flops or even barefoot in the winter? Not in the snow, but that’s. Pittsburgh personally had to stay inside. Yeah, i guess they yeah. There’s. Just shuttling between their dorm and the computer. Science, but still barefoot in the winter. Yeah, but yeah. That’s. The stereotype exists for a reason. One of my very favorite co workers, this guy matthew shop, is our hacker and residents and he’s very famous for wearing flip flops all year round. Yes. Does he wear the holiday parties like family events? Everything okay? Um, what’s going on there anything before we talk about the volunteer marketplace? Anything like insider and he anything coming up exciting you can share. I think the biggest excitement right now is the content platform. You know, we have this influence or platform that you’ve probably seen where? It’s, about three hundred incredibly famous people who do their writing on lengthen now. And we opened that upto all members, and so i can now write blog’s on lengthen. You can write logs on lengthen, and they get much more attention than they probably. What if we were doing it on a stand alone website? So content on linked it. Has been a big new thing for us. Okay, cool. Now you mention the influence of some people. Our designate? Yeah, i’ve seen that on some some profiles, i think designated influence. So you’re talking about used to be on ly there were three hundred or so. Right. Right. Good block. Okay, okay. Um now when it goes over five always wondered about this when it when it goes over five hundred, you have more than five hundred connections. Right? Then it just has five hundred plus. But there are people who have tens of thousands, but they only still say five hundred plus why is that? I think it’s because we don’t want to create a competition for having the most connections that your lincoln connection should be people you really know. And if we show on your profile exactly how many you have, we might have people just trying to compete to have the most, which would be a really valuable use of lincoln’s, which conan o’brien did it want famously in the nonprofit sector? Because he shouted out beth cantor! Yeah, i remember that because that was a great red hat. That’s, right and profile he had her hurry at her profile picture on the on his show, saying that he would he was lamenting that he didn’t have as many followers as beth, who had three hundred thousand or something like that. Yeah, i think it was in the three hundred thousands, and he made fun of her saying if he wore a red hat more and she came back saying instead of focusing on my red hat, how about you shout out? I think it was giving tuesday last year, right? But he didn’t he didn’t invite i think i’ve still got a lot of attention, though, for bath and giving tuesday, so you know, he still helped in his way. Yeah, beth beth was more informed. Beth was was more valuable, though, but he brought attention certainly linked in yeah, yeah e-giving tuesday’s doing very well later in december, going henry tim’s on he’s the founder is the executive director of ninety second street y here, our city, but also credited for being the founder of e-giving tuesday, yeah, i’m a big fan of henry’s and what they’re doing e-giving tio okay, so he’ll do a recap for us in in december, great, but we have you here to talk about the volunteer marketplace. What is this, and why is it valuable for non-profits so the volunteer marketplace is how non-profits can recruit skilled volunteers and board members on lengthen and it’s valuable because linked into the largest global network of professionals in the world, and eighty two percent of them want to volunteer their skills, which is really remarkable if you think about that. Yeah, so the vast majority of people globally are saying we want a volunteer, we just need to find a place to do it, and so we’re working with non-profits now to post volunteer opportunities and their board positions on lengthen and connect those with members so it’s the same system as we use for jobs, they are essentially job postings on lengthen. We just offer them to non-profits at either an extremely heavy discount or for free. Okay, where will non-profits find volunteermatch kit place? So at non-profit dot lengthen dot com all of the resources for non-profits air there, as well as links to post opportunities on the marketplace. Okay, and we’re going to talk about some of the resources i was clicking through. There’s some good. Stuff in there. Um, why? Why are we still called? Cos provoc way get that thing, i think it’s really just about having one tool that everyone uses. I get this question all the time, people saying, hey, why do i have to have a company page on dh? But we’re going non-profit dot lengthen dot com, right, right, but it’s so much we can provide so much more value as a company by using the tools we already have than building new tools for non-profits so we give non-profits company pages, we give them job postings instead of re creating tools that are just non-profit pages and have it be the same thing? Yeah, i mean, but like, just on the screens, couldn’t we just say non-profit name instead of company name? Could we could we do that? Yeah, yeah, i understand that. I mean, we we definitely know it’s. Ah, something that non-profits would prefer we’re working on the clerks. Um, yeah. It’s like, you know, we’re trying to be we are different. Yeah, non-profits are different. Andi. I know i’m not the first person to mention it, but okay, so you go to non-profit that linked in dot com and then you click volunteer opportunities. Is that right? So on non-profit darlington dot com there are a few different pages. One of them is fine volunteers, and that talks a lot about posting and searching there’s another tab for finding board members, and that really focuses first on searching because we also offer non-profits of free premium subscription that enables greater search visibility specifically to find board members. That’s the board connect you’re talking about okay, okay? And we have talked about that on the show, and you and i may have a chance to talk more about that bmc argast got boardmember connect, okay, but for posting the volunteer opportunities you click, click post volunteer opportunities, right? Right. So when you’re on non-profit, darling, do not come and you click any of those post links they send you right into the job posting flow just with a discount code there so that you get the discount. Oppcoll yeah, ninety percent discount is that right? Yeah, but actually i really want to offer all of the listeners to the show free volunteer postings, and so we will have a new option available where if you email volunteermatch murcott place at lincoln dot com and you say that you are listening to tony’s show today, we will send you a free posting code to be able to try out the volunteer marketplace. Okay, we have to say this again. You email volunteermatch kit place at linkedin dot com. Is that right? Yes. That’s. Right. Ok. And just and mentioned non-profit radio. Exactly. Okay, and this will be a test to see. Ah, you know what kind of ligeti this show’s got? Um that’ll be interesting because sometimes podcast listeners it’s a little tough to get feedback from them. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but i know they’re out there because i see the download statistics, but to try to survey them, get them to feedback. Um, it’s it’s difficult, you know, i’m not trying make apologies, but i’m just letting you know now i can understand that i think they kind of do their podcast listening all in one stream of things like that, right? Or they’re driving while podcast is on, and so they’re not in front of their computer to e mail me write for them the third out of five that they listen to we got to take a break, alison and i’ll keep talking about the volunteer marketplace. Stay with us, you’re tuned to non-profit radio. Tony martignetti also hosts a podcast for the chronicle of philanthropy. Fund-raising fundamentals is a quick ten minute burst of fund-raising insights published once a month. Tony’s guests are expert in crowdfunding, mobile giving event fund-raising direct mail and donor cultivation. Really, all the fund-raising issues that make you wonder, am i doing this right? Is there a better way there is? Find the fund-raising fundamentals archive it. Tony martignetti dot com that’s marketmesuite n e t t i remember there’s, a g before the end, thousands of listeners have subscribed on itunes. You can also learn maura, the chronicle website, philanthropy dot com fund-raising fundamentals, the better way. Welcome back to big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent let’s do live listener love in the us? We’ve got multiple live listeners, but they’re yours. They’re masked. I don’t know, we don’t know even what state it is, i don’t and i don’t know why they’re mask that’s unusual but live listener love to our unidentified us listeners, and in japan we’ve got listeners tokyo, chiba and yokohama. Konnichi juana is more live listener love coming. Allison dorsey, thank you again for that generous offer, you’re welcome for non-profit radio listeners were so thrilled offering, but we’re looking for more people to try out the volunteer marketplace and get to connect with lengthened members looking to serve okay, three hundred twenty million and eighty six percent one of volunteers they are, yeah, metoo doesn’t wanna volunteer, and seventy eight percent want to be on a non-profit board it’s also pretty remarkable that is that’s outstanding and board connect. I hope we have time to talk about that. But we have covered that on another show before. Um okay, what are i mean, that’s? Another little thing? Yeah. It’s called it’s called job not volunteer opportunity. Right, so look for jobs don’t look for the window don’t look for the place to enter the volunteer opportunity will be called job well when you’re on non-profit darlington dot com it’ll say volunteer opportunity when you click over yet puts you into the job posting flow, and then when we send it to members that comes through in two ways. One lift your aa member who’s looking to volunteer, and you see all of your job recommendations from lengthen your right, they’re listed as jobs. The volunteer positions are mixed in with those based on your skills and interesting experience where we think you’d like to volunteer. And then if you are one of the members, think around six million now, something like that. Members who have added the volunteering causes field to your profile. We know that you have an extra interest in social causes, so we send you separate emails of just volunteer opportunities. Ok? We’re going to talk about that because i know you want you want non-profits to encourage their volunteers toe add that time were going absolutely. Get that. Okay. Um, what is cem cem common volunteer opportunities that you see, i think our most successful campaign so far has been around social impact managers. Sorry, social media managers. We see this all the time, especially on linked in, you know, a non-profit joints linked in, they set up a new company page, and now they need someone to help them manage that company page and post the right content and get more followers. And so that’s, our most common is people saying, okay, i need a volunteer to be my social media manager and also managed those those lesser twitter a secondary second responsibilities from social media yeah, way focus a fair amount on this show. Amy sample ward is the ceo of intend the non-profit technology and i heard her show with you last week. Yeah, she’s on every month talking she’s, our social media contributor is i know that that is a big difficulty. Big challenge for non-profits first deciding where to be you have to consider your resource is time and especially time and my right where to be and then how to keep that active what’s your advice around keeping the company page for a non-profit active what should we be doing? Yeah, i think the best thing to do is to distribute that responsibility so it’s good to have a social media manager who keeps track of everything and make sure that there’s enough content and that its content that’s engaging the followers. But it’s also really helpful tohave multiple people in the organization keeping this top of mind and either posting information themselves or funneling that information to that social media manager for them to post then the other thing is to post different types of content, you know, maybe a graph speaks to me, and i like to see data in that way, and maybe a video speaks to you, so having that variety of content forms so that different types of people can stay engaged with paige, we have to remember to there are lot of non-profits small and midsize that don’t have a social media manager, right? Maybe they have a volunteer if they’re lucky, but a lot of times it’s falling to the earth, person in charge of fundraising, director, development a lot of times, even smaller organizations, it could be falling on the executive director, right? So empowering others, including at those smaller organizations, the volunteers absolutely you encouraging an empowering feeding content? Right? Yeah. And i also think that it’s a great role for a volunteer tohave who’s. Not looking for a big commitment. If you say please post into my group around my company page every monday. You know, giving a really small role, teo, someone who wants to be involved with your organisation but doesn’t necessarily want to commit to being your overall social media manager. You mentioned opening up blogging now is that is that possible on the company pages so it’s on your individual account. So you posted and it links to your profile. And then what we see a lot of non-profits do is then post links to those on their company page. So if their executive director rhoda blogged, then they would link to it on the company page and is video a possibility there, too? Yes. Okay. In the volunteer opportunity section, i mentioned there’s a lot of resources. You got something from some advice from catching fire? Yeah. How to do the best. Ah, profile. Best volunteer opportunities. Profile. Yeah. There’s other resource is there? Yeah, absolutely. So catching fire provided a lot of those sample descriptions of skilled volunteer opportunities and they’ve been a really great partner of ours on the volunteer side and then bored source created sample postings on the board side because non-profits air frequently posting both board openings and volunteer partings. So those templates around there, and then we also have just kind of advice there, so separate from here is the template description is here’s how to make sure you’re representing yourself well on linked in, you want to have a strong company page so that when you write your volunteered job description, you’re linking over to that company page, and you’re keeping one centralized brand on lengthen. So a lot of those recommendations are on that site. The catch a fire ceo has been on the show. I know that, you know that too fantastic and following the show. Oh, yeah, cool. Not just saying that i don’t know what you really did. Look. Okay, let’s, talk about the this is interesting. The those profiles company profile pages for non-profits advice about keeping those up to date. I mean, aside from what you already mentioned and advice about maybe creating one if you don’t have one. Yeah, so that actually we got a lot of questions around. Should i have a profile for my organization? And yes, you absolutely should, but it should be a company page, so you don’t set up a separate account like a person instead, within your individual must take a lot of people make the page, they make a personal page because maybe company confuses them or you just don’t know, ok, but it should be, and i think it feels a little different to do it within your personal account, and so sometimes that throws people off. So once you’re within your personal account on the top of langton, there is a tab that says interests within that tab is the option for cos you follow, and when you’re looking at your list of companies you follow for other company pages, there’s also the option to create your own company page so that’s where you would do it, and then you would be the administrator of that company page. Okay, and how about advice on setting those up? Yes, so the setup process actually only takes about five minutes. You’re going to probably paste in information that you already have on your website about your mission and your values and your programs. And then i think images air really important. So usually i recommend tohave your logo be thie image that’s associated with that page whenever anyone links to it. And then you’ll also have the opportunity for a background image. So there i think it makes sense. Tohave, you know, smiling faces of the people you serve have it be really programmatic image and then post updates. That’s the best thing you could do is post updates there all the time. And i think a little known fact about most social networks is that the majority of actions taken on linked in our one member copying another member. So tony posts on update about non-profit who he follows, and then i go follow that company paid, too, because i trust tony and his instincts on which non-profits have content i’d want to see. So if you are just getting your company page going and you want more followers ah, great thing to do is to send the link to your company page out to your board, your volunteers, your other supporters and ask all of them to follow it. And then when they take that action and follow it, it will be shared with their network so everyone they know we’ll find out about your organization, okay? And that’s how your stream gets propagated out. Exactly. Okay, your page gets gets noticed. Okay, um, let’s see? Well, uh, you were encouraging. We also want to encourage hyre employees and our volunteers to take actions around our company page right kapin okay, we’ll start with the employees. What should they be doing? So your employees should to start with have strong linked in profile, so that that means is they have a photo. They have a summary. They have their experiences listed, and within their experiences they’ve listed you as their employer, and they’ve linked to your company page when they do that, so they’re selecting your name exactly as you have it on the company paid and then on your company page, it will show who all of your employees are. So those brands are linked, and they could also put the name of your organization within the list of organizations they support which just shows that they believe in your mission is organizations who support. Is that something you have to add or that’s by default on a profile? So that is within the volunteering causes field so you can choose to add that field, and when you’re setting up that field, you’ll be asked about thie organizations you support the cause you care about the ways in which you volunteer and how you’d like to volunteer in the future, and that one is really interesting to us or how you’d like to give of your time and talent. It’s actually, the first time we’ve asked a question on the profile so it’s, the first ford looking party, your profile where you get to eighty two percent so that’s from survey. So this new check box that says, how would you like to give your time and talent? You can check skilled volunteering or board service that has, i think around three million people who have checked that and it’s growing really rapidly every week, and so that’s part of why we’re so focused on getting mohr volunteer opportunities up on lengthen is to feed the demand from those professionals who are saying, hey, linked in, i’d like to serve you asked me if i would, and so now we’re we want to be ableto answer them and give them the right opportunities for them to fill in let’s, go to volunteers. What wish? What should be encouraged should we be encouraging our volunteers to do teo show their allegiance to the organization? So within that same section, they should be putting you on organizations they support, and they should be listing their volunteer experience within that field and again, linking over to your company paid so everyone knows that they’re volunteermatch your organization, and then they should be the most active proponents of your company page. They should be sharing your updates out with their network so their network knows that they care about this, and they’re keeping your mission and programs top of mind for all of the people that they know. And how does that how do they share? So when you post an update it they’ll see that on your company page. Yeah, and there’s just a share button on the update so they’ll share it out with their network. Any any unusual, weird volunteer opportunities that you’ve seen way see so many great ones. I don’t know if this is weird, but we our favorite story lately has been one warm our love story. They’re amazing. So one warm coat, i think, goes to that point of what you’re saying, you know, some small organizations don’t have a social media manager and might think that they don’t have time to do these things. And one warm coat is an all volunteer run organization where their board share sherry would has been so forward leading on all new tools. So when we launch boardmember connect, she joined it right away to use premium search to find boardmember sze. Then when we started testing out two years ago, what would it look like if we were to have volunteered board postings on lengthen? She volunteered to test those out, and then she found two new board members through these postings, and one was in seattle and was in texas. And this is ah, nationwide organization. So people aren’t in touch all the time, and she realized, you know, i really want to be able teo build community among my board members have a brain trust so that we can really set the strategic plan the next three, five years. And so let’s have a retreat and let’s get some volunteers who could be strategic planning consultants. Teo, facilitate those discussions managed the retreat really get us tto plan by the end. So she posted on linked in again. And she found this strategic planning consultant who said she would love teo volunteer her time during that weekend, and that she also want to bring in a friend of hers because he thought it needed to planner’s so they were amazing. They facilitated this whole retrieve they actually filmed themselves saying thank you for the opportunity and senate and dust, which was pretty cute. And, you know, sherry would the director of one warm coat, the chairwoman, one warm coat, one warm coat they collected and distributed four million coach last year. And it’s all volunteers. So i feel like if sheri and her volunteers have enough time to find a volunteer to manage their social media, really everyone khun take that opportunity because it doesn’t have to be you. It could be someone else who wants to volunteer their time. We have a couple of minutes let’s talk about the boardmember connect is the way of finding boardmember sze let’s, let’s remind listeners because its been many months or maybe even over a year since i’ve we’ve talked about this, and actually we have some updates since then. So one very exciting change on lengthen is that there’s a non-profit interest search fassett, this is a free search fast it available in everyone. Search experience on lengthen, and it allows you to identify those specific members that i was talking about who have checked the box, saying that they want to do skilled volunteering or serve on a non-profit board. So if you wanted to find someone in new york who has finance expertise and who is passionate about education and who wants to be on a board, you could select all of those facets within lincoln, search and find the hundred or two hundred or three hundred people that meet that criteria outstanding. Yeah, it allows you to tape a powerful, sir. Absolutely. You know, you could go from the three hundred and twenty six million lengthened members to drop down there going. Oh, yeah, all the time. But you could go from this huge pool where the huge pool is not really useful in and of itself. It’s. Only useful when we can take that pool down, teo the hundred or so that are exact members are going to talk to you. Okay, um, what do you love about the work? You do it, lincoln. I love the non-profits they’re using the tools we feel so lucky to get individual stories sent in all the time i managed our email aliases. So, like, i was saying, you can email volunteer marketplace that lengthen dot com that inbox gets so many great inbounds from non-profits saying, you know, i needed a logo and i knew i didn’t have money to pay for a logo, and then i found this volunteer on linkedin and here, check out the logo he designed for me. It’s so rewarding to hear how it’s actually working outstanding and the offer again is for ah, for free posting of volunteer opportunity, you email volunteermatch marketplace at lincoln dot com ilsen dorsey, it sounds like you’re going to be the one who sees the emails. I will, and then i’ll send you your free posting codes, okay? And mentioned non-profit radio, of course, in that important email. Thank you very much for being against. Yeah, thank you so much for having me. And i’m glad it worked. My pleasure. I’m glad it. Worked out that you’d come in the studio and you can find them again on twitter, follow at linked in four arabic number for good that linked in for good allison dorsey, thank you again. Yeah, thanks, tony. My pleasure, tony steak too, and stop talking at me are coming up first. Pursuant they’ve got another free resource for you it’s the donor pipeline report card it’ll help you evaluate the health of your pipeline spot possible weaknesses and you’re donorsearch i plein and help you spot areas of greatest opportunity it’s an infographic you’ll find it at pursuant dot com under resource is check that one out. We’ll be spelling spelling bees for non-profit fund-raising they’re not like the spelling bees that you are accustomed to through your years. They have live music and dancing and stand up comedy, and of course they’re raising money for your charity, and they weave spelling in there. Also take a look at the video ideal events for millennials the video is that we be ea spelling dot com now tony steak too! I’ve got a webinar coming up it is charity registration demystified it’s hosted by rally up, which isn’t all in one fund-raising platform rally up dot com i’m going to explain in plain language what this charity registration morass is all about so that you can get your organization properly registered in each state where you are soliciting donations like, why do you need to comply? What’s, what happens if you don’t? And how do you register and how to exemptions, work and one of the forms? And i’ll be taking questions, of course. Get those questions answered from you, it’s on october twenty fifth, it’s at one thirty eastern it’s free free webinar my video with a link to register for the webinar is at tony martignetti dot com. And that is tony’s take two now for quick, non spurious real time live listen, love podcast pleasantries and affiliate affections you know that all three of those go out last week i felt bad gave it a little short shrift. We ran out of time. I hate that it cost me nausea and wolber rig mus last week after that happened. So the live listener love the podcast pleasantries and the affiliate affections are going out to you. Here are vicky jones and christine use stop talking at me. Welcome to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of fund-raising day two thousand fourteen or in times square. New york city at the marriott marquis hotel. And with me now, are you, christine use and vicky jones. Christine is director of individual giving and external relations at the westchester medical center foundation. And vicky jones is planned giving officer weill cornell medical college. Ladies welcome. Thank you. Thank you, tony. Thank you for inviting your welcome. Glad to have you. Thank you very much. Your seminar topic is it’s all about communication. Vicki. Let’s, let’s. Start with you. Why? Let’s make it explicit? Why is communication so important? Well, it’s, especially important in the world of flynn of playing e-giving for many reasons, your donor may no longer be able to help you realize how the gift is to be allocated when the gift actually comes in. So communications and understanding that donor’s intent documenting that gift is very, very important. And, christine, what do we see non-profits not doing so well around communication? Well, i think communication is the key to relationship building. And i think that is really the basis for our line of work. Weigh have tio you. Know, build, strong, concise and really just heartfelt relationships and without good communication skills, you can’t do that. So and, you know, we’re we’re focusing on internal communication is that you’re focusing on the but in the office, correct. So in order to i think to have a strong outreach, you need a very strong to build a very strong infrastructure within the organization and that’s all based on communication and relationships. Okay, where do we get started with this? So take it. So so for me, i know we don’t we don’t do like volleyball. You talk for a few minutes, a few minutes, he took great. So i know for me a lot of times the challenge has been to build internal communications, internal relationships, and one of the i think i think the best way to start is just getting off your chair in your office and going around visiting the other departments that you need to work closely with developing strong relationships, inviting them out to lunch, making sure that you’re all on the same page, figuring out how you can help each other, how you can work together and i think it’s a lot of fun and one of the results i’ve had and i’m sure vicky would agree is, you know, when you leave in an organization you leave with all of those wonderful network, you know, that wonderful network and all those those contacts. Zoho so it’s, uh, not always necessary to just send an email to a colleague who maybe in the office next door cubicle down the hall we can actually get up on go talk to them? Absolutely yeah, email, email is so misrepresented or miss spread in many cases, people will read a tone into something that may not even be there. So i think that when you have communicated face-to-face is a good idea, and then just really saying it was great talking with you, i think this is a great plan and just reiterating what you decided to do based on those communications closer, very important and yeah, email texting i mean, haven’t we sort of lost the the art of face-to-face on dh, the joy of face-to-face i mean, isn’t it for me? I’m so much more pleasurable to have a conversation where i can see the person now a lot of times, it’s not feasible. But when it is when it’s just a walk down the hall, vicky, i mean, shouldn’t we take the walk? Oh, yeah, i think the walk. We have a lovely deep bass voice. Have you a radio trained or opera singer? I think i’m just coming back from either bronchitis or pneumonia, so i just got me on a good day. I got it perfectly. Uh, okay. Let’s, let’s, let’s, let’s. Go back. Christine, what are some strategies were beyond? You know what we talked about so far? And we have a good amount of time together. What else should be paying attention to internally? Well, i’ll just give you some examples of what i’ve done. And it’s been it’s been fairly successful so far. But, you know, basically again identifying the key department that you need to work with, figuring out how you can work together and making it attractive for them. So for instance, you know, just skip over. I know i’m in the world of health care, but in the world of education, admissions and advancement, if they can team up together, they can work together to pair alumni and incoming students and prospective parents and it’s. The most magical thing in the world and it’s so easy to dio but it’s just again, it’s just forming that relationship and we all know here that when relationships, they’re going arrive of the reason usually is because of communication, communication, breakdowns, miscommunication. So if we can really work on those skills and be very proactive, which i think is what we’re talking about, i think we can really change the landscape again building that internal network building the internal structure really speaks volume when you step outside of that institution and go out into the community and start spreading the good word about that institution. If you’ve got a strong network inside, it is amazing what you can do. You know, tony, one of the wonderful things about working at weill cornell medical college for thirteen years is that i’ve built a lot of relationships, not only with my donors, several physicians and faculty of the universe with the medical college, and we also because in dealing with playing, giving, you have to work with your director of operations. You have to also, in my particular case, work with cornell university’s, department of gift in trust, administration and when you work with somebody and in that function in so many different ways, you’re able to identify this, this is a problem, how are we going to be able to stop this from happening or re occurring in cannes? Come on, what are the steps that we can ensure that this one market and you have that relationship history so that you’re not only going to your colleagues when there’s a problem, but you have a long history of working together around problems, and i didn’t very smooth times that when a problem does develop, you’ve got that history behind treyz next-gen one of my favorite things to do, too. And now speaking more towards the medical side of it is just taking doctor’s out to coffee and identifying identifying what it is. They’re funding opportunities are what their hopes and dreams are. And then when you sit down and talk to donors and their expression, a certain wish to be apart, you know, have a philanthropic foot print at yours institution it’s really wonderful because you have all this knowledge in your head about the doctors and the researchers and what it is they want. Teo moved forward. With so i think a lot of what we’re talking about is just consciousness. You have to be conscious of deepening relationship, getting up from your chair, going to talk to colleagues, going to lunch with colleagues, it seems, you know so basic, but we’ve lost we’ve lost consciousness, i think about a lot of these things, tony, one of the things i’ve been working on in the past year is to try and break down the silos in playing e-giving there are many gift officers that i worked closely with that we’ll work together in meeting with a donor and discussing dinner situation with the donor on the telephone and meet with them together, and what i tried to do is i try to make sure that my colleague gets a shout out when any kind of playing gift happens, even if it comes through the annual phone let’s they perhaps somebody passed way. All right, this i always look at the donors giving history, and then i’ll say so and so passed away just received two hundred fifty thousand dollars through there, a state plan towards cancer research they gave for years to doctor and morris breast cancer. Research and i help the people that have been working in building the program know that they’ve been successful in a way they’re not maybe realizing so it’s, you know, it’s, it helps them build their understanding of playing, giving and make them a little more secure with concern. Among a lot of fundraisers is that if i give credit elsewhere, then i i’ve diminished my contribution to the to the to the gift you’re a plan to give the officer and you’re giving credit to the annual fund. A lot of people would think that, well, you know, now now my my vice president or directed development may not appreciate my role in that in that gift. How do we overcome that thinking what i try to do is they try and save this is, you know, i laugh and i told people i don’t get paid commission, so it really doesn’t matter, but what i want to do is to show a serious building relationships of working with gift officers, working in collaboration, you know, we’re trying to say that as gift officers, major gift officers working with our donors, we want to be able to tell them. Yes, i have thought about maybe, including will. I want my gift officers to work with me on a one to one level so that they can hear me saying to the donor, oh, i’m sorry. I have to ask to stay a couple of questions. I hope they’re not too sensitive, and that reassures the gift officers and understanding and feeling a little more comfortable themselves in approaching this questions. So as far as getting credit are, we’re working towards making metrics for our major gift officers and principal gift officers that they work her assist on a plank after two or three within a quarter. But where is beginning to incorporating that by incorporating that, we’re encouraging people to work together. More clap, christine is there. Is there another thought that you might have around? Measuring employees methods of collaboration so that it sort of becomes part of their their formal evaluation process. Well, one of my experiences just recently, too, has been that when you collaborate, it really inspires you to think outside of the box so normally funding sources that everyone thinks about, you know, again, we’re all sort of going after those individual donors, you know, corpse and found things like that. And recently, just sitting in a meeting and i heard a doctor give a presentation, and it reminded me of the research that was going on at a pharmaceutical company, not too far away from where we’re located. So it’s sort of opened up my creative juices, teo, maybe start talking, having talks with that pharmaceutical company to underwrite some of the research that we were doing. That really was a great match. And so i was able to work with the doctor, other team members. So we have team members on our development staff at our corpse and founds the, you know, corporate relations. So we were able to really pull in my individual giving experience with corpse and found with the doctor in the researcher and then the senior staff. And it was it was. It was an incredible collaboration, and it’s been very successful. So i love the way that vicky talks to collaboration and how important it is and how it’s being measured. But what i think the part that really astounds me is the amount of just ingenuity that is a result of, you know, innovativeness, that’s, a result of that collaboration. Like what you’re hearing a non-profit radio tony’s got more on youtube, you’ll find clips from stand up comedy tv spots and exclusive interviews catch guests like seth gordon. Craig newmark, the founder of craigslist marquis of eco enterprises, charles best from donors choose dot org’s aria finger, do something that worked. And naomi levine from new york universities heimans center on philantech tony tweets to, he finds the best content from the most knowledgeable, interesting people in and around non-profits to share on his stream. If you have valuable info, he wants to re tweet you during the show. You can join the conversation on twitter using hashtag non-profit radio twitter is an easy way to reach tony he’s at tony martignetti narasimhan t i g e n e t t i remember there’s a g before the end he hosts a podcast for the chronicle of philanthropy fund-raising fundamentals is a short monthly show devoted to getting over your fund-raising hartals just like non-profit radio, toni talks to leading thinkers, experts and cool people with great ideas. As one fan said, tony picks their brains and i don’t have to leave my office fund-raising fundamentals was recently dubbed the most helpful non-profit podcast you have ever heard. You can also join the conversation on facebook, where you can ask questions before or after the show. The guests were there, too. Get insider show alerts by email, tony tells you who’s on each week and always includes link so that you can contact guests directly. To sign up, visit the facebook page for tony martignetti dot com. I’m dana ostomel, ceo of deposit, a gift. And you’re listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio. Big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Yeah. I think you’re doing a lot of nodding. Oh, yeah, yeah. That’s what i love about playing giving its i used to joke around with one of my former directors and i said, it’s kind of like mcdonalds too. You want deal number one don’t number to remember three it’s like once you get together with your donor and you’re talking about what are they interested in? Then you start thinking there’s a project and you know, how much money do they think they could do? Do they realize they could stretch it out over five years? Do they realize that they might be able to create a chair? Believe trust that could provide a income for their child and at the same time provide a societal gift to the medical college? You know, those air, the exciting things, and i think that when everybody starts talking about possibilities that’s, what’s amazing that deal one, two and three also reminds me of monty hall let’s make a deal. I was i was on let’s make a deal in my early twenties, like a deal. What was your costume? I’ve had a green cut out a piece of carpet and my sign said, monty, don’t be a jerk. Let’s. Make a deal. Don’t be a girl. There’s a there’s a deal and let’s make a deal. You don’t say let’s. Make a deal. Did you let’s make a deal? Oh, you did, d i don’t know don’t know. Don’t be a girl, let’s make a deal. Correct. Did monty pick you? I did get picked by you. Did you? Did you indeed a rubber band or a paper clip or something? That he was? I’ll give five dollars for the next rumor mill. I was offered door number one, two and three. And how did you do? I did. Well, i walked away with twenty five thousand dollars. Oh, my goodness. No kidding. That’s well and yeah, that’s. Outstanding. Yeah, about it in a box in new york candy bars. Go figure it’s better than a case of canned squid behind door number three. You got the song? So that was the big deal. You want the big deal? You know, it was more the first deal of the day. Oh, it wasn’t even the deal. Did he ask you if you wanted to trade your oh, yeah, traded every door. But you didn’t. You didn’t trade, you know, i think that’s where i got my first experience. And looking at playing, giving, like, do i really want to do this? Or how about that, eh? So you held on. You held on to your twenty five thousand dollar deal, has spent it quickly. How cool! Glad i mentioned it, by the way. You know, the lights overhead lights went out martignetti non-profit radio with casey crown, the lights are our lights never damn way. Go right through. That doesn’t matter here, uh, bring on the earthquake. No earthquake coming now don’t don’t. Okay, what else? Communications your seminar description. It’s all about communication. You mentioned events. Things can go wrong. Miscommunications around events. Somebody have a story about that or something admonition or something like a bout of each one of us are doing as a certain topic. I’m sure that both christine and i could talk about snappers and events, a lot of them, but we’re actually today i’m the one i’m going to be talking with. The workshop i’m goingto be leading is called dahna a donor disease in a doctor on what we’re going to be doing this. We’re gonna be talking about how a donor came and decided he wanted to support huntington’s research and he wanted to be with one of our top physicians that was doing research in that department. And then we’re going to talk about communications that happened involving that deal of you know what? He wanted to find and this makes the snafu who’s with this started with the fact that he was talking with the director of playing giving at new york presbyterian hospital. Many of you and our donors also were confused as to what’s new york presbyterian hospital while cornell medical center. Well, talk about communications mean, now, that’s not your department is branding and marketing, but that is that is there absolutely right? That is critical. There’s a lot of misunderstanding just in the general population of new york city. Where the heck newyork presbyterian, weill cornell and begin well, it’s a wonderful partnership, but what happens is when we’re working with their donors, we really have to listen to what they’re talking about supporting in this particular case, the the donor met with the director of playing, giving and the head of the department, and they did a little walk through, and the doctor discussed the kind of research he was doing on the donor was in love with everything that was going on and said, this is great, i want include something in my estate plan. I want to find an assistant professorship or maybe a full professorship. And at that point, the director of playing e-giving for new york presbyterian hospital went, i’m gonna have to give you to the medical college because the professorships air with college, because so so we have a collaborative work. Exactly. So he introduced me to the diner, and we put together a suggested request language for the the donor to help achieve his goal. Okay, in a collaboration, well, you know, actually, we could he handed it off to me because you can’t after that point wants to realize with gift is really going to benefit another organization, you know, you know, it’s professional e-giving professionals, we all have unethical standard. We have toe here too. And so, you know, knowing that professorship was, you know, through the medical college, he knew he couldn’t facilitate the gift any kindly directed the donor in the right direction. Christine, what is what are you sharing? So basically, i’m talking about something that mickey mentioned earlier about the silo ing and give you a quick example in the educational arena that i used to work in. And just, you know, just this morning i had a a meeting with a donor i had been trying to get a meeting with for nine months, and the key to the meeting was the chaplaincy at the hospital chaplain, one of the chaplains of the hospital, she this particular dahna was very connected to him personally, and it was because of that relationship, and i was able to get the meaning and working with him in collaboration. So here i am fundraiser working with chaplin, teo teo, just educate the donor, thank the donor for their gift and then to educate the donor on the programs that are coming up to see if there was anything she’d be interested in funding in the future and, you know, it’s like magic, i think you know, vicky would agree. It’s it’s, amazing when you have those internal relationships and those collaborations, the strength of your meeting is phenomenal, and i think that really shines through to the donor. So you’re really presenting a well unified well, educate, you know, you’re you’re well educated, your unified and i think it just presents a great picture to the donor and you feel the key to those relationships is communication. Absolutely so i’m one teo always get up from my chair. And, you know, walk to somebody’s office or walk around the hospital or, you know, go and visit a physician, i think the best place to have those informal meetings in the cafeteria and the coffee shop and those air sometimes some of my best meetings internally just catching up with people, finding out how they’re doing, you know, finding out what they did on the weekend and and all that time you’re building those great, trusting relationships internally, look, you’ll be doing a lot of nodding, yeah, because it’s that’s a wonderful thing i love is that love building relations it’s just it’s always i’ve always been a people person, you know? In addition to being fine getting officer welcomed a medical college, i’m also the president of the philanthropic planning group of greater new york, and what i really like about that organization is the closeness of the relationship between playing, giving people throughout the entire community. Um, you know, it’s, it’s, great tohave relationships that build over the years, one of the things that we know by staffing donors and since i’ve been there for thirteen years, it’s really quite unusual in the non for-profit world is that unfortunately, i’ve seen some of my gifts become realized, but i’ve developed relationships with my donors who at one time wanted to make a gift for cancer research because they knew somebody who had cancer. And then what happened is they learned about stem cell or the geo gnome, and they’re so excited about the science that’s happening today they’re like, oh, thank you. Tell me more about this what’s going on with that, and they wanted that, you know, our donors really want to know more about basic science and about what are we doing and how you’re curing diseases? And what do you mean some forms of lin former now curable? They’re very excited they have this huge, you know, diversion of interest. Now what’s the lesson in communications, you have to keep fluid, because usually what happens in the medical institution? Our gift officers work in either neural cancer. They work in pods, surgery, breaking down those silos right your earlier in christine’s. Exactly, because even though you’re you have a cancer donor-centric might change, but it’s building the relationship with a donor that you’re able to really truly understand, you got to get outside your own world. Exactly. Ladies, we have to leave it there. Thank you very much. Thanks, danny. My pleasure. Christine hughes, director of individual giving, an external relations at westchester medical center foundation and vicky jones, planned e-giving officer for weill cornell medical college. Thanks again. Thanks. Thanks much pleasure listening to tony martignetti non-profit radio coverage of fund-raising day two thousand fourteen. Next week. Have i ever let you down? I won’t. Again. Professor eugene fram returns with his new book going for impact the non-profit director’s essential guide book. If you missed any part of today’s show, find it on tony martignetti dot com, i beseech you, responsive by pursuant online tools for small and midsize non-profits data driven and technology enabled, and by we be spelling supercool spelling bee fundraisers. We be spelling dot com. Our creative producers. Claire miree half sam liebowitz is a line producer. Gavin dollars are am and fm outreach director shows social media is by susan chavez. And this great music is by scott stein be with me next week for non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent. Go out and be great. What’s not to love about non-profit radio tony gets the best guests check this out from seth godin this’s the first revolution since tv nineteen fifty and henry ford nineteen twenty it’s the revolution of our lifetime here’s a smart, simple idea from craigslist founder craig newmark insights orn presentation or anything? People don’t really need the fancy stuff they need something which is simple and fast. When’s the best time to post on facebook facebook’s andrew noise nose at traffic is at an all time hyre on nine a m or eight pm so that’s when you should be posting your most meaningful post here’s aria finger ceo of do something dot or ge young people are not going to be involved in social change if it’s boring and they don’t see the impact of what they’re doing so you got to make it fun and applicable to these young people look so otherwise a fifteen and sixteen year old they have better things to dio they have xbox, they have tv, they have their cell phones. Me dar is the founder of idealist took two or three years for foundation staff to sort of dane toe add an email address card. It was like it was phone. This email thing is fired-up that’s why should i give it away? Charles best founded donors choose dot or ge somehow they’ve gotten in touch kind of offline as it were on dh and no two exchanges of brownies and visits and physical gift. Mark echo is the founder and ceo of eco enterprises. You may be wearing his hoodies and shirts. Tony talked to him. Yeah, you know, i just i’m a big believer that’s not what you make in life. It sze, you know, tell you make people feel this is public radio host majora carter. Innovation is in the power of understanding that you don’t just do it. You put money on a situation expected to hell. You put money in a situation and invested and expected to grow and savvy advice for success from eric sacristan. What separates those who achieve from those who do not is in direct proportion to one’s ability to ask others for help. The smartest experts and leading thinkers air on tony martignetti non-profit radio big non-profit ideas for the other ninety five percent.