At the end of the year I’m thinking about my favorite doings in 2013, from my blog and Nonprofit Radio.
Number 1 Podcast and 2 in the Top 5
Are You Having Fun?
Women’s Touching Relationship Stories
Thank You for Helping a Listener
GivingTuesday Round-up of Round-ups
Nonprofit Radio
The Overhead Myth Letter Signers with Art Taylor, Jacob Harold & Ken Berger
Measuring the Networked Nonprofit 150th show! with Beth Kanter
Cool Crowdfunding with Dana Ostomel
I Had a Great Interview But I Didn’t Get the Job with Susanne Felder
Grant Writing Revealed with Jana Jane Hexter
It’s fun to look back over the year’s work!
Do you know the movie that “I gotta have me my posts & shows” is a reference from? Private message me. If you get it right you can pick a book from the 30 I have been given by Nonprofit Radio guests. First to message me privately gets the biggest selection to choose from, and so on. Postage is on me!
You have my best wishes for a Happy New Year!