Kelly Pierce-Bulger posted a comment to my blog post “Separate The Pits From The Juice” in the MojaLink group on LinkedIn.* I love her question because it’s very basic, very simple, and something many, many small and mid-size nonprofit fundraisers struggle with: how should I allocate my time?
MojaLink’s 45,639 members had nothing to say. Not a single comment. Maybe we can help Kelly out, and thousands of others who are similarly frustrated.
Here’s her question from LinkedIn:
It’s definitely true that development people need to use their time as productively as possible, but this is easier said than done! Do you have any advice for someone who is the only development staff member of a small nonprofit and struggling to determine what the best use of her time is? (between connecting with existing donors, prospect research, grant research and writing, corporate sponsorship research (and hopefully one day actual corporate sponsorships), and a growing online fundraising presence, not to mention various admin. and volunteer management tasks).
I’ll start with the first comment. I hope you will help Kelly, too.
(* For the LinkedIn.com links you’ll have to have a LinkedIn account and be logged in to see those links.)