When I got on my subway, an unfortunate man asked me if I have anything he could eat. I looked at my client pastry bag. I gave it to him, recognizing it means a lot more to him than it would to my clients–and me and everyone I know.
He smelled the sweet treats then started eating. This was quite a special breakfast for him, I presume.
It’s hard to remain conscious of the abundance I have and how much a minuscule fraction of it would mean to so many who are in need.
I gave the gentleman a few napkins I carry for when I’m caught short. I wanted him to enjoy his exceptional subway breakfast with the dignity that comes from not having to use his sleeve.
How special the savory almond and bittersweet chocolate croissants must have been for him. When he finished his treats he turned over his shoulder and gave me a thumbs up. I gave him an understanding wink.
Having so much, it’s easy to forget that what I take for granted would mean so, so much to someone with much less. Someone who may well be helped by the charity community I try to help.
It’s very hard to remain conscious of my abundance. I’m working on it.