April 27, 2010 — There are 13 states in which you register as a foreign corporation doing business, not under a charity solicitation statute. These include Delaware, District of Columbia, Nevada and Texas
Category Archives: Uncategorized
March 4, 2010
March 4, 2010 — Florida officials sued a non-profit for $10,000 for failure to adhere to state Charity Registration requirements. The January lawsuit against a Tampa Bay police charity was for failure to renew registration. The story is Here. Last October, Georgia officials sued a charity for $25,000 for failure to register. Story Here
February 10, 2010
February 10, 2010 — Florida officials sued a non-profit for $10,000 for failure to adhere to state Charity Registration requirements. The January lawsuit against a Tampa Bay police charity was for failure to renew registration. The story is Here. Last October, Georgia officials sued a charity for $25,000 for failure to register. Story Here
February 4, 2010
February 4, 2010 — The revised IRS Form 990 asks direct questions about your compliance with state charity registration laws everywhere your non-profit solicits. Make 2010 the year you get into compliance.
December 21, 2009
December 21, 2009 — Your year-end appeals have probably landed by now. You’re required to register in every state where the mail drops. That applies to email as well as Postal Service mail.