To the officers and boards of Atlas of Giving and Giving USA:
Things have gotten heated between you.
Forbes.com dubs it a philanthropy food fight. (I wish I had thought of that.) I am extending an invitation for you to talk to each other, instead of at each other through the media.
Rather than having journalists and editors reduce your explanations to 10-word quotes, let the community hear you directly.
You each are invited to have a representative appear on Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio for a civil discussion and Q & A about your respective products.
The date is Friday, February 7, 1 to 2pm eastern. You are welcome in the NYC studio on West 72nd Street, or by phone.
You may ask each other questions and we’ll crowdsource questions from listeners also. I’m certain we can do this politely. If not, I’ll keep order, with liberal sentences in Jargon Jail.
You each have had guests on the show before, so you know how I work.
RSVP by Thursday, January 30. You know how to reach me because I’ve worked with each of you. Or, put your reply in the comments and let the public dialogue begin!
Terrific, Gregg! Glad to have you!
Thank you. Giving USA be happy to join you and Atlas of Giving.
We’re always glad for any opportunity that advances the conversation about research and information for the sector. Check out our recent letter to The Chronicle of Philanthropy about that at http://philanthropy.com/article/TransparencyCareful/144135/. Please contact me offline to find a date that works for everyone.
Gregg Carlson,
Chair, Giving USA Foundation
Still waiting to hear from Giving USA.
This would be a great show! Let’s hope it happens.
You’re welcome, Rob. If we get Giving USA, it’s a date.
Thanks for this invitation. I am in!
I welcome the opportunity to discuss the differences between the Atlas of Giving and Giving USA in real time in front of a national audience.
Rob Mitchell
CEO, Atlas of giving