Last week I read this NPR science blog by Robert Krulwich about your mind’s capacity to imagine the impossible. It’s based on triangles that can be drawn easily enough, but cannot exist in physical space. Yet we see them as plausible.
Quoting Krulwich:
“Our brains, it turns out, are not prisoners of the world we live in; we can fly free! We can, any time we like, create the impossible.”
Create the impossible. I love that!
You can imagine what doesn’t exist. So do it! It’s the first step to fulfillment.
A nation without hunger? A world without hunger? Thank goodness for those who have beaten the rest of us there.
A corruption-free New York capital? A harmonious U.S. Congress? I’m getting carried away.
I’m creating an impossibility. A cheap, easy, fully-automated site for Charity Registration. It’ll blow the lid off this regulatory morass and it’s under development. I’ll have lots to share as we progress.
What’s the impossible you want to create?
Slowly, with setbacks, but it remains in progress.
I was curious as to how your project was progressing.