Tag Archives: creative donor thank you

Podcast: Creative Thank You’s For Year-End Giving

One Justice Thank You 2

Your year-end giving plan is well under way. I’ve got simple and cheap–yet thoughtful–ways to say “thanks” so your stewardship gets off on the right foot when gifts come in.

Actually, I hosted Fundraising Fundamentals, my monthly podcast for The Chronicle of PhilanthropyMy guests had the savvy thank-you ideas.

They were
Claire Axelrad, the fundraising consultant behind clairification.com, and
Julia Wilson, executive director of OneJustice

Get ready to take notes. Their ideas ranged from cookies to videos. We talked about at least a dozen ideas in the 12-minute interview. That’s incredible ROI!

Listen here.

Want to check the archive? Or subscribe and get new shows each month? Check out Fundraising Fundamentals on iTunes.

I’m always interested in what you think after you listen. Drop a comment here or get me on Twitter.